Flower beds balls. How to make an original flowerbed from construction mesh. Do-it-yourself flower beds from improvised means

Not all gardeners and summer residents can boast of a large plot; most of our fellow citizens are owners of six acres, which can barely fit a small garden house and some outbuildings. There is a catastrophic lack of space for flowers.

And sometimes the owner of the property is a big fan of lawn landscaping, but he does not have time to create large flower beds and devote a lot of time to caring for them. In these cases, it is entirely justified to create vertical structures, which are considered one of the most effective elements of landscape design of a personal plot. If you look at the photos of vertical flower beds, the reason for their popularity becomes clear: they delight with their originality and diversity.

There are several types of such structures. Their choice depends primarily on the preferences of the owner of the site, the availability necessary materials. We must not forget that vertical flower beds must support general style plot. The flowerbed should not be allowed to turn into an independent structure that does not fit into the surrounding design at all.

Types of flower beds

Depending on the method of fastening the structure and its type, vertical flower beds are divided into several types:

  • wall;
  • ground;
  • hanging;
  • wall-mounted

The general appearance and shape of vertical flower beds may vary. After all, each of their authors, as a rule, is guided by his own imagination.

How to make a vertical flowerbed with your own hands?

Such structures are made practically according to the same scheme:

  • the base is prepared;
  • an irrigation system is created;
  • soil is laid, which is most often secured with a mesh;
  • plants are planted.

To prevent soil from spilling out, you can use anti-erosion geomats, hydroponics, or conventional plastic mesh or trellises that provide fixation of soil, root systems and plant seeds. According to the principle of lateral gardening, when plants are planted in a pot not only from above, but also from the side, you can turn an ordinary fence into a real work of art. Screens, walls of gazebos, and arches are also decorated, the main thing is that your flower garden at the base has a vertically oriented structure.


A self-made vertical flower bed can be used not only in landscape design, but also to decorate an apartment or house. Select boxes of suitable size and shape and fill them with soil. Secure the mesh lattice on top using metal corners and plant climbing plants or succulents, creating a simple pattern.


How to make a vertical flowerbed-umbrella with your own hands? There is nothing simpler: you will need a wire frame, in the upper part of which a flower pot is fixed. In this case, fast-growing and ampelous plants are suitable: long-climbing nasturtium or lobelia, for example. You can use a rigid frame or a basket on a stand into which the pot is placed.

Flowerbed made of PVC pipes

Making such a vertical flower bed with your own hands is quite simple and quick. You will need PVC pipes large diameter, small diameter pipes for irrigation, tools for making holes and, of course, your skillful hands. Such designs look great not only on a stand, but also attached to the wall.

Flower cascade

Most often, such vertical flower beds are built with your own hands from flower pots different colors and different sizes, fastening them together with pegs for stability. Original flower beds can be done using a regular hose. Install a pole or other support of any shape. An incompletely trimmed trunk of a dried tree is quite suitable for this purpose.

Take a large diameter hose and pass a thin tube with holes inside. After this, fill the hose with soil and twist it around the base. Make holes in the upper part where you can plant the plants.

Wall flower beds

This is a very spectacular type of flower beds. Do-it-yourself flower beds (you can see photos of them in the review) can easily become an original element of landscaping, and a true work floristry. Phyto-pictures and phytowalls are rightfully considered the most in original ways garden plot decorations. Such flower beds will help cover up any unsightly structure and can be used to decorate the interior of rooms.

Petunia flower beds

Now let’s take a closer look at vertical flower beds for petunias. It’s not difficult to make them with your own hands, but the result of such work is almost always amazing. Before talking about the design, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the result of your work will largely depend on the correctly selected seedlings. When purchasing it, you need to pay attention to such characteristics of the plant as abundance of flowering, resistance to diseases, and resistance to the negative effects of the external environment.

  • Supertunia Silver - soft lavender flowers.
  • Blue Spark Cascadia - purple flowers.
  • Lavender Storm - very large soft pink flowers.
  • Prism Sunshine - lemon.
  • Pretty Much Picasso is an unusual and not yet very common variety that combines pink, purple and green color, as well as silvery leaves.

Making a flower bed

Let's consider what vertical flower beds for petunia anyone can make with their own hands. If you have noticed, containers for such structures have long been available for sale in specialized stores. If you follow this on your own the simple way, then you only need to choose containers that are suitable in size and color.

Make a frame from a metal mesh and insert a cylindrical pot of the required diameter into it. The inside of the frame is covered with agrofilm and carefully secured. Before you pour the substrate, a hose with holes for watering from the inside is inserted into the frame. Then sprinkle the structure with soil. Water the soil, let it settle completely and fill almost to the top of the pot. After this, you can plant the plants.

Flowerbeds from scrap materials

As is known, in our country and in neighboring countries car tires are used for different purposes. In our case, they will help create original vertical flower beds. This eliminates the need to construct a frame.

Tires of different sizes are covered with soil, installed in random order and plants are planted. If you want to make this design more decorative, you can paint the tires.

From flowerpots

The pots are placed on a well-reinforced base in a checkerboard pattern. To do this, use a drainage hole. Everything is quite simple.

From plastic bottles

All you need to do is collect the required number of bottles, cut them lengthwise or cut holes in them, attach them to a wall or fence, fill them with soil and plant the petunia.

Out of the bag

Sew handles to a regular bag and fill it with soil. Make cuts on one side where the plants should be planted. First, the bottom of the bag is covered with film so that water does not spill when watering. Please note that the structure is quite heavy, so the base for it must be strong.

Flowerbed ball for petunia

Hanging flower beds usually require reliable support, capable of supporting the weight of the structure, soil, as well as plants growing in it. There is an opinion that making them is quite difficult. In fact, such a vertical flower bed only looks complicated, but in reality it can be made independently from available materials.

You will need thin and thick wire, universal soil or soil for petunias, flower seedlings (Petunia surfinia) and sphagnum moss. Having made a frame in the shape of a ball, cover it from the inside with sphagnum moss, cover it with film so that water does not immediately spill, and then fill your flowerbed with soil. Plant the seedlings in a ball at a distance of about seven centimeters from each other. After filling the ball with plants, hang it in a well-lit place and water it generously.

Don't be afraid to combine flowers by tone. For example, purple flowers look great with yellow, blue with pink.

Caring for petunias

For vertical flower beds to be truly beautiful, it is not enough to just make them and plant flowers; it is important to care for them properly.

  • Pamper these seemingly unpretentious flowers with long-lasting fertilizers that are rich in minerals and trace elements.
  • At the beginning of summer, plants will need complex fertilizers in liquid form, which are diluted in water for irrigation, according to the instructions on the package.
  • Do-it-yourself vertical flower beds (we posted the photo in this article) need abundant watering.
  • To prevent chlorosis and other petunia diseases, hard water is softened with fertilizers containing iron.
  • Remove all faded flowers and leaves to encourage new buds to appear more quickly.
  • Pinch long shoots up to the fourth bud.
  • If possible, move the flowerbed under a canopy during rainstorms.

Plant selection

Unpretentious, strong plant species are suitable for decorating vertical flower beds. It is possible to use popular vines, for example, morning glory, with its bright gramophones and kobea with bell flowers, flaming nasturtium and echinocystis, of course, petunias and decorative bindweeds.

Advantages and disadvantages of vertical flower beds

We can talk about them endlessly, but the main advantages should be highlighted:

  • variety of design options, decorativeness;
  • saving space;
  • mobile options allow for movement;
  • Soil cultivation is reduced to a minimum: there is no need to dig up or weed anything, all that remains is to water and, if necessary, trim overgrown specimens.

The disadvantages include:

  1. A very limited volume of soil is not suitable for all plants, and for those that are satisfied with this, additional feeding will be needed.
  2. In winter, the soil can freeze, so this is not the most suitable option for perennial plants.
  3. More required frequent watering than traditional flower beds: in containers the soil dries out much faster, and the plants have a harder time withstanding the heat.

Despite some disadvantages, vertical flower beds can be considered an ideal solution for any site. They are able to fit harmoniously into any landscape. This, without exaggeration, is a real miracle that every gardener can create with his own hands. This doesn't require much from you. financial costs and purchasing some special materials. Everything you need can be found on your site. And things that seem completely unnecessary will help decorate the garden in an original way. Don't be afraid to experiment, get creative, and your garden will change beyond recognition.

If you have leftovers from the construction mesh, do not rush to throw them away. Using your imagination, you can make a huge number of interesting flower beds.

Single-level and multi-level flower beds

A single-level flower bed is a frame in which plants are located at the same level. But you can make planting much more interesting if you use multi-level flower beds.

They are a cascading variety of flower garden. It uses a mesh to create steps of different heights. Unlike the raised one, it is characterized by a clear separation of the landing zones and the space underground thanks to the steps. So in a flower garden you can plant completely different plants, which differ in their requirements for soil moisture and acidity.

Production technology

  • First, it is given the required shape. It could be a circle, star, square, triangle, etc.
  • In this case, it is important to bend the mesh correctly so that two walls are formed - just bend the product in half width-wise.
  • Gravel is poured into the resulting opening - any color, shape and size. Then the upper part of the mesh is sewn together using wire.
  • As a result, you will have a frame for the flowerbed of the shape you have chosen. There will be a void inside, which is filled with soil - this is where plants are planted.
  • Since the grid is quite flexible material, it will be easy to give any shape. Among other things, you can make both single-level and multi-level flower beds.

Interesting options

Vertical flower bed

To make the product you will need:

  • pot;
  • net;
  • seedling;
  • textile.

First, a cylinder-shaped frame is made from mesh. There will be fabric inside it. A pot that fits the shape is placed down. Then soil is added. The soil should be watered to settle. If necessary, add more soil to compact it. The fabric is then cut in several places for planting - at the top of the structure. That's all, the resulting tower will only need watering after maintenance.

Vertical stand

You will need a mesh and several sheets of polyethylene. First select a grid shape. Then install it. Next, the polyethylene sheets are mounted inside the mesh so that soil can be scattered between them. You can only grow flowers on such a stand.

Original ideas

  1. Welded mesh will help you create real works of art. This way you can create a flowerbed-picture. The living landscape on the grid is simply framed by a wooden frame.
  2. From the mesh you can make various original frames. Doesn't have to be done simple products- may appear on your site beautiful butterfly with spread wings.
  3. Using mesh you can make excellent topiaries. Creating shapes from vegetation will become much easier. All you need is a net, support, imagination and plants with flexible stems.

Special attention on gabion

From French, “gabion” translates as “stones in nets.” Structures of this type have been used for a long time to strengthen slopes, roads and embankments. But recently they have been actively used in parks and gardens.

You can use the presented type of mesh to create borders for flower beds, supports for walls, fences, garden benches and tables. Gray pebbles, dark granite, light sandstone, and colored stones are used as fillers.

Important! The diameter of the filler should be larger diameter grids In this case, he will not get enough sleep. The design of flower beds can be absolutely anything - from simple to intricate in the form of spirals. The flower bed furniture looks original. Of course, it is not suitable for home. But in the garden it looks impressive. In addition to the flowerbed, you can make a fence or place a castle made of gabion on the site.

There are 3 main geometric shapes gabions: cylindrical, box-shaped, flat. Moreover, they can be mesh or welded.

Box containers can have the following dimensions - length from 2 to 6 meters. Width - 1-2 meters. The height should be 0.5-1 meter. If you decide to make a flower bed bigger size, you will have to install special partitions - diaphragms. The boxes are made using mesh or welded methods.

  1. The welding method involves welding rods that are located at the intersection points perpendicular to each other. In this case, the grid cells will be rectangular. The walls are connected using wire.
  2. The mesh method involves attaching a mesh to a frame. The cells will have a hexagonal shape.

Box-shaped gabions are used to fence flower beds. Among other things, they are actively used for the production of furniture in the recreation areas of the site.

Advantages of using mesh for flower beds

  • The mesh can take absolutely any shape.
  • Seasonal soil movement does not pose a threat.
  • Due to the filling with stones, the product has excellent water resistance.
  • During installation, resources and time are saved.
  • The strength of the flowerbed only increases over time.
  • No special equipment is required.
  • The natural landscape does not deteriorate.
  • Properly executed flower beds do not require maintenance or repair.

Gabions in landscape design (video)

Making a flower bed from construction mesh is quite simple, but very effective method flower garden design. You can do all the work yourself. The shape of the frame for flowers can be absolutely any! The flowerbed will last for several years; no additional care is required.

A vertically standing flower bed is optimal solution in a situation where it is necessary to cover some not very presentable wall (structure), it also saves excellent space in a summer cottage. It looks beautiful and original.

Depending on the place where the flower bed is attached, they can be located:

  • on the ground;
  • on or near a wall;
  • are suspended.

The variety of shapes and appearance depend solely on the imagination of the one who decided to make such a flower bed.

The advantage of such structures:

  • their compactness and large number of shapes;
  • ease of creation;
  • easy care of planted plants;
  • isolation from the main soil, which prevents access to pests.

The choice of plants is carried out taking into account the limited volume of soil and substances necessary for the growth and development of plants. Ideal option there will be petunias, lipsticks or marigolds.

Preparation period

Before you start making vertical flower bed, need to do:

  • preparation of the base: so that the soil does not have the opportunity to spill out and to fix the root system of plants, nets or plastic gratings are most often used;
  • provide for the installation of an irrigation system: a pipe with holes is inserted into the space of the planting container, the upper edge should be above the ground and a funnel for irrigation is placed in it;
  • laying soil, which, if necessary, needs to be secured with a net;
  • selection and planting of plants: it is important to choose flowers so that the flowerbed fits well into the style the desired area cottage or private house.

Varieties of vertical flower beds

The choice of flowerbed type depends on the space that the flowerbed will occupy and the plants chosen.

  1. recommended when you need to combine flowers and non-flowering plants. To build a slide you will need stones and earth. When selecting and installing, it is important to maintain the shape of a pyramid, but plants can be placed completely randomly (low with high). Often, parts of bricks or wood are used to build a slide.
  2. A flowerbed in the form of a screen (wall-mounted) usually consists of climbing plants and is installed on a fence, gazebo or porch.
  3. Several ways using plastic pipes:
    • from plastic sewer pipes;
    • Planting plants in double pipes (the inner smaller pipe is used for watering);
    • Hanging beds made from half pipes (hanged on tree branches, parts of a gazebo, or a house canopy).
  4. Decorative beds from old furniture(For example, old table With drawers, into which soil is filled and flowers are planted).

Arranging a wall flower bed

The first option is to plant plants in boxes over which a mesh is stretched, then the entire structure is attached to the wall.

Another option is a modular flower bed, consisting of individual elements of different configurations:

  • you need to prepare wooden frames (photo frames are possible);
  • a mesh is attached to the back side;
  • the soil is filled in and covered with polyethylene on top of everything;
  • the frames are secured with plywood;
  • On the front side, recesses are made for planting plants;
  • The structure is placed in a horizontal position for 2-3 weeks so that the plants take root;
  • then the flowerbed is installed vertically or slightly inclined.

Interesting! As ornamental plant Many summer residents plant strawberry seedlings (ampeloid varieties) in vertical beds. When the strawberries begin to ripen, the bright berries will not only decorate the entire flowerbed, but also give it originality.

From improvised means

It’s easy to make a vertical flowerbed with your own hands at your summer cottage, using available materials and applying your creative imagination.

Such suitable bases could be: plastic bottles or pipes, waste car tires, bricks, geotextiles, wooden boxes and etc.

Use of tires

The most common way is to plant plants in car tires. However, they can be located in different ways:

  1. The tires are placed in several layers on top of the previous one, while the entire volume of the tire is completely filled with earth (it is better if the tires are of different diameters to form a pyramid).
  2. The tires are placed in a checkerboard pattern, then only the sections of the tires filled with soil are suitable for plants.
  3. To decorate, tires can be coated with acrylic paint.
  4. You can add decorative elements, which will help you create a garden sculpture.
  5. Another method: tires are cut lengthwise into strips, which are then rolled into rings and secured with wire. The entire structure resembles a tower with a gradual decrease in the radius of the rings upward.

Original solution! To create vertical hanging beds, you can use old bags, briefcases, and sacks. The only problem is that you need to choose plants for planting in them that are not moisture-loving, otherwise such a “flowerbed” will not last until the end of the season.

Flowerbed sculptures

Flowerbeds in the form of sculptures (balls, cubes or animals) always make a strong impression and will be remembered for a long time by all guests summer cottage. It's really easy to do this:

  • pegs are fixed in the ground required length(optimally 4 pieces);
  • around them you need to wrap a mesh with geotextiles and give it the desired shape;
  • 2 pipes (with holes) are placed on top in the center through which the flowerbed will be watered;
  • the entire structure is filled with earth;
  • you need to make holes in the geotextile and plant seedlings in them;

What flower beds can you buy?

The simplest solution is to purchase ready-made forms for arranging a vertical flower bed. There are standard containers on sale, consisting of several modules that can be connected to each other to form a pyramid. Soil is poured into each and plants are randomly planted.

Another option offered garden shops, - a metal stand on which flower pots are hung. Planter modules are usually sold in different colors.

Such vertical flower beds are used not only in landscaping city streets and courtyards, but will also look beautiful on a suburban or summer cottage site.

Photos of finished containers:

From plastic bottles

To make such a flower bed you will need clean plastic bottles (the labels are removed).


  1. The bottle is cut in half, and a rope or wire is attached to the top.
  2. Soil is poured into the bottle to plant a flower.
  3. Hang it horizontally to the ground on the surface of a wall or any other.

To create a continuous screen of bottles, they need to be fixed at a short distance on a fence or wall. But it must be taken into account that the volume of earth in the bottle is small.

Flowers with a small root system are suitable for 2 liter bottles: mathiolla, minitunia, lobelia, etc.

Photos of various flower beds or beds made from plastic bottles.

For petunia

Petunia is the most suitable option when planting vertical flower beds, because caring for it is quite simple, the plant is drought-resistant, not afraid of heat, but does not like stagnant water. The most important thing is that it begins to bloom at the beginning of summer and continues until the onset of the colder months.

A wide variety of colors and hybrid varieties of petunias will allow you to create very beautiful and multi-colored flower beds. Petunia has good root system, which allows it to be grown in small volumes of soil.

There are many options for planting petunias in vertical flower beds:

From plastic pipes

To build a vertical flower bed using a plastic pipe you will need: sewage pipe made of plastic, plastic container, wire mesh, expanded clay for drainage, construction tape, garden film, knife or scissors, petunia seedlings and soil.


  1. Place a piece of wire mesh vertically in a container or plastic bucket. Place a 2 cm thick layer of expanded clay on the bottom.
  2. Taken plastic pipe of the required size, small holes are made in it along the entire length and diameter, one end is sealed with tape so that water does not pass down.
  3. The pipe is installed in the center of the structure from a mesh and a bucket; it will serve to supply water for irrigation.
  4. A film is placed along the entire outer edge of the mesh, and then the entire space is filled with soil.
  5. WITH outside flower beds in film, petunia seedlings are planted in the holes made.
  6. To water, simply pour water from above into a pipe located in the center of the flowerbed, after which the water will be absorbed into the soil evenly and reach the roots of the plants.
  7. After a few weeks, the vertical flowerbed will delight the eye of the owner of the dacha and his guests.

Photo of stage-by-stage collection of flower beds:

What other flowers are good in a vertical flower bed?

It is best to use hanging plants that have a flexible long stem that usually hangs down. Such plants are most often fast-growing annuals that bloom throughout the summer.

Note! Many gardeners grow not only flowers in such flower beds, but also vegetables, berries and herbs.

These colors include:

  • begonia - a plant with scarlet flowers on long hanging stems (does not like heat and needs to be watered often) - it is better to plant it in shaded places;
  • geranium (pelargonium), loves the sun and warmth, will not disappear even with a short absence of watering;
  • lobelia - loves both the sun and a little shade, prefers moist soil rich in fertilizers;
  • bacopa - perennial with white flowers, blooms all summer;
  • forget-me-nots, marigolds, violets, lipsticks and many other plants.
  • Video instructions

    A step-by-step master class on arranging a vertical flower bed for petunias - in the video from the MasterOk channel.

Every garden plot should have a flower bed. Even a small bright spot will dilute the color monotony of garden greenery and become a source of positive emotions. Flower beds play a role in landscape design important role. In one case, they can be a link between the house and green spaces. In another - to become the central element around which the remaining components will be grouped landscape design garden plot.

Often the choice falls on round flower beds; their design can be very diverse and depends both on the decision of the landscape style of the garden and on the space allocated to them.

A round flowerbed is a classic of garden design. Along with flower beds of other forms, it has been present in garden design for more than one century. Over such a long period of existence, it has undergone some changes, and new plants introduced into garden culture, their various varieties and forms make it possible to make the color content of a round flower bed unique.

The choice of location for a flower garden depends on existing buildings and plantings. It should not destroy the existing composition, but serve as its continuation, perhaps the final touch, giving the entire appearance of the garden a finished look.

The traditional purpose of a round flower bed is for ceremonial purposes. Often it serves as a decoration for the recreation area in front of the house. Such a flower garden especially benefits from its proximity to a lawn. Against a green background, a contrasting color spot attracts the eye.

The photo shows how much more attractive the front area near the house has become due to the presence of a bright flower garden.

If there is not enough free space, and you really want to make round flower beds with your own hands, you can make several small ones, arranging them in a row or in any other order.

Scheme for creating several small round flower beds

Unusual and interesting option- enclose a round flowerbed inside a square flower bed, separating it with a gravel backfill path. Feng Shui uses this form to increase energy. And the circle in this eastern practice is a symbol of perfection. This flower garden looks very good at the intersection of paths.

Options for different layouts of round flower beds enclosed in a square

An important point is the size of the future garden design element. It must be correlated with the area of ​​the site on which it will be located. In a large space, a small flower garden will be lost, and in a small space, a huge flower bed will look ridiculous. The ease of caring for plants must also be taken into account. Regular weeding and fertilizing have not been canceled, but reaching the center of a large flower bed will be problematic.

When choosing a location for round flower beds, you should be guided by time-tested recommendations.

Without flowers, the area looks boring and uninteresting. Properly decorated flower beds lift your spirits, because...

Patterns of landscape design

In order to successfully make a round flowerbed in the garden of a private house or in a country house with your own hands, you need to take into account the following rules of landscape design.

  • Integrity of the composition.

The decorative design of any garden plot should be carried out according to a clearly thought-out plan. It is best to draw it on paper, noting on a scale all existing plantings and buildings, not forgetting about the uniform design style of the site and color harmony both existing plants and those about to be planted. Only in this case created flower garden round shape will organically fit into the surrounding landscape.

  • Plants should be placed taking into account their growth.

The tallest ones are placed in the background. Medium-sized ones in front of them - they attract the most attention, so their selection must be taken responsibly. The beauty of the flower garden is emphasized by the low-growing border plants that border it along the edge. The placement of flowers in a round flower bed is determined by its shape. The most tall plant planted in the center, and each next tier will be lower than the previous one.

  • Consider the architecture of the flower garden.

It can be either flat or domed, have decorative fencing or do without it. Inside the flower garden there is its own geometry. It is related to the location of plants. The simplest option is concentric circles, for which flowers are selected according to height and color. At correct selection such a flower bed looks quite impressive. A more complex geometric solution is also possible, for example, a Viennese flower or a repeating geometric pattern. You can divide the flowerbed into sectors. The color scheme of this layout option can be either contrasting or consistent in one color, but different shades. An asymmetrical arrangement of colors is possible. How to make such a flower bed beautiful? Color spots from several flowers of the same species should be adjacent to decorative greenery, while none of the plants should shade the others.

Viennese flower bed diagram

An approximate version of a set of annual flowers for its contrasting design

  1. Marigolds are erect, orange in color, “Beach Season” variety. Height 80 cm.
  2. Ageratum high grade"Blue Bouquet" Height 60 cm.
  3. Snapdragon variety "Eldorado" with yellow flowers. Height 45 cm.
  4. Drummond phlox is white. Height 25 cm.
  5. Marigold thin-leaved 'Ursula' with yellow-brown flowers. Height 25 cm. It is enough to plant one bush at a time, which has the shape of a ball, completely covered with small flowers.
  6. Alyssum violet variety "Purple Queen". Height 15 cm.
  7. Ageratum variety "Blue Mink". Height 25 cm.
  8. Alyssum is white. Height 15 cm.

All of these annuals love similar growing conditions: they are not afraid of the sun, do not require daily watering and grow well in medium-fertile soils, taking root well after transplanting. Their seeds are easy to find on sale, but the seedlings will have to be grown first, otherwise they will bloom only in the second half of summer.

With the help of planted flowers, you can “draw” various pictures or ornaments - whatever the gardener’s imagination suggests.

When creating round flower beds in a country house or in the garden of a private house, you should not skip the planning stage, so as not to replant the plants later. Most of them do not like transplants, and some may simply not take root.

Flower garden planning

First, the plan is drawn on paper. The scale must be preserved. Therefore, it is necessary to know the exact dimensions of the future masterpiece. When creating a plan, it is good to use colored pencils. This way you can achieve optimal color scheme. Each plant must be marked on the plan. You should not plant too rarely - the effect of a carpet of plants will not work. When planting perennials, you must remember that the bushes grow over time.

Plant selection

It is important to immediately decide on the range of future plantings. There can be many options. In order not to get confused, they decide whether the set of plants will be perennial or will have to be updated annually. What flowers to plant, each owner of a summer cottage decides independently based on his preferences and capabilities. But it can be difficult for a novice gardener to make a choice, since the name of the flowers may not mean anything to them. In this case, it is better to opt for annuals, since most of them are unpretentious and easy to grow. They have one more undeniable advantage: Grown from seedlings, they begin flowering early, which usually continues throughout the season. With perennials continuous flowering much more difficult to achieve.

How to do it right? It is necessary to draw up a flowering schedule for the future inhabitants of the flower garden.

  • Early bloomers: Bulbs and other primroses are the first to greet the season. They will be replaced by subulate phlox, daisies, pansies, dicentra.
  • At the end of spring - beginning of summer, milk-flowering peonies, bearded irises, Matrona's noctule, oriental poppy, doronicum, brunnera, aquilegia, astilbe, swimsuit.
  • Most of the summer is pleasing to the eye different kinds bluebells, lilies, daisies, daylilies, delphiniums, aconites, perennial carnations, centranthus, yarrows.
  • In the second half of summer, phloxes, dahlias, gladioli, catnips, monarda, some types of anemones, and eustoma join the floral ensemble; you can learn more about growing them.
  • At the end of summer and autumn, sedums, perennial asters, rudbeckias, and chrysanthemums will delight you with their flowering.

It is good if the flower garden contains various decorative cereals throughout the season.

A huge selection of plants will allow you to make a round flower bed always blooming. The main criterion when selecting plants is similar requirements for light, water regime, acidity and soil fertility. And the place where the plants will be planted must meet these requirements.

Work on creating a round flower garden

When the plants have been selected and the plan is ready, they begin to implement it on the ground. To make a round flowerbed, you need to place a peg in its center and tie a rope to it, the length of which is equal to the radius of the future flower bed. A full turn of the rope around the axis will mark its perimeter.

Before planting plants, it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil.

Soil preparation

After removing the debris, the layer of turf is removed, the ground is dug up, completely removing all, even the smallest, roots of weeds. This operation is especially important if the flower garden is planned to be planted with perennials. Even a small wheatgrass root can sprout very quickly and choke out cultivated plants. It is very difficult to clear it from an already planted flower garden without damaging the roots of the flowers. If the level groundwater high, a drainage layer of small pebbles is required.

It is necessary to determine the acidity of the soil. Most gardeners like neutral or slightly acidic soil. Exceptions, loving soil more acidic are conifers, hydrangeas, azaleas and rhododendrons, but they are infrequent guests in flower beds.

The easiest way is to analyze it in an agrochemical laboratory. But this is not available to everyone. There is an easier way: you need to take a closer look at the composition of the weed. If most of it is wheatgrass, then the soil is neutral; the predominance of woodlice, horsetail, small sorrel, plantain, and field violet indicates its increased acidity. When digging up the earth, you will have to add ash, which not only serves as a deoxidizer, but also good fertilizer, containing potassium and many trace elements.

It will also require complete mineral fertilizer. But it is better not to bring in fresh manure - most of the inhabitants of the flower garden cannot tolerate it. The best organic matter is humus and garden compost. Sometimes it is necessary to improve the soil structure. Sand is added to clayey, and clay to sandy. By adding soil, the flowerbed is given a convex shape.

Filling the flower bed

Plants can be planted when the ground settles, after about two weeks. It's better to do this starting from the center. There are standards for boarding one square meter for plants of different heights, which are convenient to guide.

  • Tall plants - 4 pcs.
  • Medium height - 6 pcs.
  • Low - 8 pcs.
  • Ground cover - 9 pcs.

Plants of the same species are planted in groups of at least five (for large ones, at least three) to create a spot of color and eliminate excessive variegation.

A special case is conifers and small shrubs: most often, one specimen is enough. But there is an exception. It is very interesting to use begonias, combining them with or without conifers. In the first case, you can choose, for example, bright begonias of the same color, but in different shades, as in the photo. If conifers not provided, roses or begonias of calmer colors are appropriate, preferably pastel shades.

The final touch is the fencing

It will give the flower beds a finished look and allow the beauty of the planted plants to shine through even more. The fence has another important function - it will not allow weeds to penetrate from the lawn into the flower garden. There are many different plastic fences on sale. But a stone border looks much more organic and beautiful. He might be from natural stone, and consist of bricks, stone blocks small size or paving slabs. This type of fencing is also the most durable.

Creating a border from stones with your own hands is quite a labor-intensive, but completely doable task. Stones and bricks can be laid either with or without cement mortar. In the latter case, the support will be supported by its own gravity. The main disadvantage of such a fence is the possibility of overgrowing with weeds due to the earth getting into the cracks between the stones. But you can easily change the geometry of the curb.

How to make a border from stones with your own hands

  1. Dig a trench around the perimeter of the flowerbed with a width equal to the size of the flowerbed itself. big stone, and 20 cm deep.
  2. Geotextiles are laid and sand is poured in a layer of 5 cm. The sand is wetted and compacted.
  3. If the curb is made of concrete, then you will need formwork into which the solution is poured. The stones are simply laid out beautifully. If necessary, they are fastened cement mortar. A fence is also made from bricks or small concrete blocks.

In order to create a round flowerbed with your own hands, you need to put in a lot of effort. But the resulting result will warm the author’s heart for a long time with its beauty and uniqueness.