Sofa color - the best color combinations in a beautiful interior in the photo! How to choose the color of the sofa and armchairs for the living room? Color plans Photo of a blue sofa in the living room interior

The central place in the living room is occupied by a sofa, because the room is primarily intended for family gatherings and receiving guests who need to be seated somewhere, while creating a cozy atmosphere for everyone.

And here the question arises, what color sofa will harmoniously fit into your interior?

Color solution

Of course, first of all you should start from the background color of the wall surfaces, and if the walls in the hall are pale in color, then you should also take into account the colors of other interior elements. Ideally, take it with you to furniture salon color samples of all elements of the living room.

However, you can consider the most popular color solutions that most manufacturers use upholstered furniture.

Classic – black, white, gray

These colors of sofas are universal, because they will organically fit into any interior and will go well with any decor.

In addition, colors such as black, gray and white are classic, that is, they never go out of style. fashion trend and any manufacturer of upholstered furniture always has models of these colors.

The sofa is black. Having chosen a black sofa, you must take into account that against its background romantic frills, flowers and other cute trinkets are unacceptable.

The living room in which the black sofa will stand should be discreet and elegant. A black leather sofa will make the living room respectable.

Sofa white. White sofa it looks luxurious in the living room, with its help you can create a graceful, luxurious interior. However, for this you need to choose the right colors.

If you want to make an accent on a white sofa, then its whiteness will be emphasized by bright red textiles.

Sofa gray. Due to the complexity of combining gray color, a gray sofa is less often used in living rooms. However, with a skillful approach, an interior with a gray sofa can sparkle with new colors.

Designers advise diluting the interior with a gray sofa with accessories in purple, sunny, pink or light green colors, using textiles and sofa cushions.

Moreover, the brighter the decor colors, the more interesting and bright the living room interior will look.

Sofas in pastel colors

Sofa Pink colour. A pale pink sofa will decorate a living room in the Provence style, and a bright pink glossy sofa will harmoniously fit into a studio apartment, the design of which is created in an avant-garde style.

Also, when choosing a pink sofa, you need to take into account the color of the wall surfaces. So, pink sofa looks good on white, noble gray, lavender and yellow backgrounds. A pink sofa will fit organically into a living room with striped or floral wallpaper.

Beige sofa. The beige color itself is universal, so a beige sofa goes well with any textile colors and wall surface colors.

Peach colored sofa. A juicy peach-colored sofa looks interesting, fresh and bright in the living room interior.

Sofas in bright colors

Without a doubt, a brightly colored sofa will add a new touch to the living room, and perhaps radically change its design.

The sofa is blue. A deep blue sofa is an interior classic, because the brightness of the color not only accentuates attention, but also makes the living room design more elegant and aristocratic.

If you want to make your living room luxurious, you can add golden decor.

The traditional version of the living room interior is a blue sofa against a background of white walls. However, the blue color also goes well with warm shades, for example, a blue sofa looks elegant against the background of pink or beige walls.

The sofa is green. The living room will look fresh if you put a green sofa in it. Moreover, green has a lot of shades.

A sofa in olive or marsh color will look elegant in the living room. A living room with a sofa in grass or emerald color will look bright.

In addition, choosing decor for the interior of a living room with a green sofa is not difficult. Green goes well with white, pink, yellow and blue.

The sofa is red. Red color in the interior always looks bright, bold and expressive. So, if you are a fan of red, then you can safely purchase a set of upholstered furniture in bright red color.

If you do not dare to make such serious changes, then you can limit yourself to only a red sofa, and pair it with armchairs of a neutral color.

Photo examples of choosing the color of a sofa for the interior

When choosing the color of a sofa, the main thing to remember is that the color of the sofa is part of the overall color scheme of the interior of the room. Therefore, he should not be dissonant with general idea interior Since the sofa is against the background of the walls, first of all you need to create color harmony in a pair of sofa-walls. It is advisable to pay attention to the colors in the room to create complete color harmony throughout the entire interior.

Let's look at it now simple rules choosing the color of the sofa.

First you need to choose the color type of the sofa

Sofas can be divided into two main groups based on color type.

  • First group- plain sofas, which in turn come in neutral (black, white, gray, beige, gray-beige, light brown) and bright colors (red, orange, blue, green, yellow, purple)
  • Second group- sofas with patterns.

Plain sofas are more versatile and easier to match to the style and color of the interior. Plain sofas are suitable for any type of room. Whether it's a living room, bedroom, kitchen or children's room.

But sofas with a pattern, especially a pronounced one, require more serious work. In addition to color, the drawing also has a certain form and rhythm. And you need to strike a balance not only by color, but also take into account other parameters.

Don't forget that appearance the sofa will depend on. Upholstery fabrics have different textures. Fabrics of different textures, even those of the same color, may look different in the lighting conditions of your room. This is due to the fact that the fabrics are different texture reflect light differently.

You can choose the color of the sofa depending on the type of room

Choice color option depends on the purpose of the room and on your psychotype. After all, in a relaxation room you don’t need a color explosion, but you need calm tones, and vice versa, in a room for active activities you need a bright stimulating color. Take this into account when choosing the color of the sofa, choosing a sofa for a specific type of room.

For the bedroom it is better to use calm, neutral colors - beige, gray, blue, pink, blue. If the sofa has a pattern, then the pattern is better not bright and with a smooth shape - flowers, clouds, etc.

Because the living room is a place active rest, then the color of the sofa can be bolder than in the bedroom. Bright colors and pronounced patterns on the sofa upholstery are also suitable.

To increase tone and appetite, designers recommend using bright colors in the kitchen. Red, orange, bright yellow. Although you can use neutral colors, and make bright accents on the walls or other furniture in the kitchen.

It is generally accepted that everything in a nursery should be bright and elegant. Indeed, the option of bright colors of a sofa and a sofa with bright, pronounced patterns are good for the rooms of calm children. Bright colors will stimulate them to be more active.

Another little tip regarding choosing the color of sofas for any room

When choosing the color of your sofa, always consider. The volume-shape-color combination must also be combined. The color of the sofa should be such that it does not visually overload your interior.. Imagine a huge U-shaped black sofa in a nursery or bedroom. It will simply outshine the entire environment with its color mass.

To choose the color of the sofa, you can use the color scheme

The color of the sofa should match the objects around it and the colors of the walls and floor.

Monochrome option

In this case, the color of the sofa is selected the same as the color of the walls. Or it differs in shade from the color of the walls. This option is usually used in minimalist interiors. Good for a rest room.

Option with neutral colors

In this case, the color of the walls in the room is painted in a neutral color - beige, gray, white, gray-beige, etc. We also choose a sofa in a neutral color, but different from the color of the walls. Quiet option. Well suited for creating cozy, “enveloping” interiors.

Option bright walls neutral sofa

In the case of brightly colored walls in a room, a sofa in a neutral color will well balance the overall perception of the interior. Which armchair will give balance to a bright, dynamic interior.

Option color spot

At neutral and calm colors walls can be made color accent on some interior detail.

For example, if you want to visually highlight some area in the room or dilute the color calm of the room with a splash of color. A bright sofa is quite suitable for this solution. Other details chosen to match the color of the bright sofa will also help to enhance the impression. For example, curtains or picture frames on the wall.

Option bright in bright

In this case, the color of the sofa and walls are bright. To enhance the effect, they can be in contrasting colors. Yellow and blue, green and red. This scheme is suitable for rooms that involve active actions. Read how to choose contrasting colors at the end of the article.

Another approach to choosing the color of a sofa is to select harmonious color combinations of the sofa and the surroundings

Now let’s figure out which colors of the sofa and its surroundings will be the most harmonious. And what visual effect can be achieved with this or that color of the sofa.

Red sofa will go well with beige, light green and gray colors. Red color will create a romantic atmosphere in the room.

Yellow sofa harmonizes with gray, blue, green, purple and pearl shades. Yellow color creates a joyful, sunny atmosphere.

Orange sofa will be combined with blue, gray, green and blue flowers. An orange sofa is good to use to create a splash of color or accent.

Green sofa good when surrounded by red, yellow, brown and blue colors. Green color creates a pronounced accent on the sofa - the sofa becomes the center of attention in the room.

Blue sofa will look good in combination with yellow, red and lilac flowers. Blue color has a calming effect. That's why it's good in break rooms

Purple sofa Suitable for lilac, beige, lavender, gray surroundings. Purple associated with luxury and pomp.

Gray sofa goes well with lilac, red and yellow. A gray sofa adds rigor and clarity to the interior.

Brown sofa color goes well with beige, cream, yellow, orange, green, pink, lilac and blue. A brown sofa creates a cozy and warm atmosphere in the room.

Black sofa can be used in combination with red, yellow, turquoise and lilac colors. A black sofa looks good in a spacious, bright room. In small rooms, black can cause harm by creating a gloomy environment.

The color wheel is your assistant when choosing a harmonious color combination of the sofa and the surroundings

Designers use color wheels to select harmonious color combinations. With their help, using simple rules, you can choose the right colors yourself.

Color wheels come with varying amounts segments-parts. The segments are painted according to certain rules. I won’t go into details.

The picture shows harmonious color combinations. If you rotate the figures marked on the circle clockwise or counterclockwise, you will get different variants color combinations.

Now closer to the sofas. Choose the color of the sofa depending on the existing furnishings. Find on the circle the color that the walls and floor in your room have and select the combination on the circle that will be relevant for your case.

For a more complete picture, I’ll give you one more circle with a larger number of color solutions. The picture also shows the correct color combinations.

Now you are armed the right tool to choose the color of the sofa.

By the way, color circles are useful in other cases. They can also be used when choosing other furnishings, clothing, and even makeup and manicure. That's all. I hope that now it will be easier for you to choose a color.

The sofa has become an integral attribute interior The soft, comfortable seat is comfortable to spend time in, and its color creates a spectacular accent in any room.

Therefore, it is so important to choose the right sofa in color and shape for the living room or other room.


A sofa can be called a decoration of a furniture set intended for a living room, bedroom or dining room. Upholstered furniture creates comfortable conditions and a harmonious environment that guests in the house can appreciate. For a king sofa with multiple table seating, round and corner products is intended to be central and place of honor in the hall.

Experts call the main qualities that the best samples possess are comfortable design, high quality of all elements, and a pleasant upholstery tone that is pleasing to the eye.

It is also important how this large piece of furniture will fit into the interior in terms of style and color scheme.

Colored sofas are available in many shades:

  • This season, designers have pleased connoisseurs with the presentation of huge, soft, with bright lacquered yellow and blue armrests, unusual and cozy sofas. Textiles, burlap upholstery and leather are trending in home fashion this year.

  • Among the bright colors, multi-colored orange, lemon and red, fuchsia, eggplant purple and turquoise, and lime color dominate. The green line is represented by products in light green, mint and pistachio shades, olive and muted sea ​​wave. Blue sofas with a geometric pattern are classified as classic, while beige, mustard, café au lait and khaki belong to the neutral range.

  • Marsala is a tone of Italian wine that combines burgundy, purple and brownish red. For a sofa, the fashionable shade has become one of the most popular because it is quite rich and catchy. Living room in soft and light gray and white colors fashionable sofa Marsala color adds sophistication and creates an unusual style.

  • A sofa in the Baroque style, decorated with gold, strict ornaments, and floral prints, looks elegant and festive. Warm colors of furniture upholstery - peach and cream tones, classic white with flowers - can decorate any bright interior.

How to choose the right shade?

The designers have identified five main color plans, according to which they combine the tone of upholstered furniture and other interior items. Color schemes for decorating rooms in the room they are conditionally divided into the following:

  1. Plain. It is characterized by a combination of upholstered furniture with walls of similar colors. For example, in a cold or warm interior, both the sofa and armchairs are chosen as similar. Only the color is a little brighter or paler. For blue walls good option You can consider a set of furniture in all shades of blue, for beige – reddish-brown. You need to use your imagination when decorating your home so that all the shades and nuances sparkle and look advantageous.
  2. Neutral. The concept of neutral colors includes a wide range, starting with classic black and white. The line also includes all intermediate restrained tones - brownish-beige and gray. Connecting various colors from the proposed list, we get a noble contrast. For white walls, a black or brown sofa would be a statement piece. You need a white or beige sofa against a gray wall.
  3. From bright to neutral, from neutral to saturated. The proposed scheme involves combining bright panels with neutral-colored furniture. For example, orange wallpaper suitable for a brown or gray, black sofa. In the case of light and muted tones on the walls, you can choose a product of any degree of brightness and not lose in entertainment. The combination of white with yellow or red looks fresh and joyful. Elite interior V modern style It’s hard to imagine without a bright and impressive accent, which can be either a sofa or the entire set together with armchairs. The color used as an accent can be supported by a chandelier and lamps, a carpet on the floor, elegant decoration on the ceiling and frames on paintings and photos. The main thing when decorating is not to oversaturate the interior with accents, achieving the optimal number of colors and shades in it.
  4. Harmonious combination. It is most difficult to achieve a harmonious combination if the sofa and other parts of your interior are in different color groups. It is important to use contrasting pairs of shades, such as yellow-blue, orange-lilac, red-green. For each of them, deviations are possible - for example, for a purple sofa, a combination not only with yellow and gold, but also with beige, lemon and khaki, as well as light green, would be appropriate.

Designers give useful tips on the choice of furniture, which will help to significantly simplify the task harmonious design your interior. First of all, a large sofa is considered as an object; certain colors of other objects in the room match it:

  • Sofas can be plain or with a pattern. It’s easier to choose the first ones for an apartment or house by thinking through color combinations. If we're talking about For furniture with an ornamental or floral print, you will need time and serious work in choosing a palette. Each drawing has its own rhythm, shape and plasticity, so they must also be taken into account.

  • If you like red, the sofa will become an exceptional dominant feature in the room. In this case, it would be best for you to choose the plan that will soften the impression and make the presence of things in the room natural. It is proposed to combine red with gold, similar in tone to orange. For those who love bold experiments, you can try using the contrast between green and all shades of red.

  • Orange color is friendly with all gray and greenish shades; it is also good with yellow, blue and blue. A monochrome plan will also work. You just need to choose a darker or lighter shade of orange or gold for the walls. For the living room and children's room this is great option, orange will do sofa and for the kitchen-dining room.

  • You can combine yellow with purple, bluish and gray-green. Against a background of gray and white, this color literally “lights up” like a flashlight. A fluorescent yellow sofa is a great option for any neutral interior with beige and black elements.

  • Green and olive are universal undertones in any interior. This means that when purchasing such a sofa, you will certainly be able to appreciate the impact of a calm and peaceful color. If the furniture is a bright green shade, the walls should be lighter - yellowish or greenish. Olive goes harmoniously with dark purple and lilac. Pink and peach will create a subtle and interesting contrast with the dark green upholstery of the sofa. Calm and soothing tones are used in the bedroom and office.

  • Blue and light blue can be called universal for large living rooms and offices, a sofa in these colors is used in cold interiors. White walls and gray patterned wallpaper will complement a beautiful dark blue and cornflower blue sofa. Orange, green and white details and yellow objects will help to dilute the tone and make it joyful.

If you like rooms in style Snow Queen, add white and silver, as well as blue and lilac to design decoration rooms.

Any apartment reflects a person’s taste and his qualities, so it is important to furnish it correctly.

The most important part of the house by which guests judge us is the living room. And the most important part of any living room is, of course, a good sofa.

This piece of furniture represents calm, comfort and relaxation. A blue sofa adds an element of luxury and nobility to the interior.

Mysterious palette of blue

Blue is the color of a dark sky or deep ocean. It looks elegant if you find the right one for the room. color scheme. This can be done after studying the color blue: its light and warm tones, as well as cold and dark shades.

If the living room windows face north side, you should give preference to warm colors, and if in the south - colder ones.

But good design depends not only on color. You shouldn't make a room in blue interior, if there is poor lighting. This color requires a space with a lot of light.

How does blue color affect a room?

The human eye focuses on three-dimensional and colorful objects, so a blue sofa attracts attention.

This makes the small room with the blue piece of furniture feel larger and spacious room with such a sofa it visually decreases.

How to decorate a room with a blue sofa?

A blue sofa should be comfortable and match the rest of the living room interior. Let's consider several room design options.

Monochrome interior. Such strict design it looks very impressive, especially if you add blue walls to the blue sofa and choose matching curtains.

Neutral interior with a bright accent. Let the main color be bright hues, for example, white or gray. A blue sofa will stand out in an original and bright way from the rest of the room.

The main thing is that there are no more details in blue shades.

Bright colors. The blue sofa looks dynamic and beautiful with warm colors, for example, orange or red.

What colors go with blue tones?

The color blue represents calm, but at the same time energizes and helps to concentrate. When adding this color to the interior, it is necessary to correctly combine it with other tones.

How does blue combine with other colors?

With white. This color is universal, so any shade will suit it. However, the combination of a white room and a blue sofa may be too cold.

The situation can be corrected by adding modular paintings With bright colors or floor lamps with yellow lampshades. Such details will add warmth and comfort to the room.

With yellow. A rich blue sofa and a lemon or vanilla colored background will create the feeling of a real holiday on a sultry beach. And to enhance the effect, add bright pillows.

With red. Some may think that two contrasting colors cannot be combined, but this is not the case.

A bright blue sofa with red details in the form of pillows, vases or curtains will create a modern, dynamic design for active people.

With black. Although both colors are cool, they can create a sophisticated and elegant living room.

You can add gray details to the sofa, such as pillows or ottomans.

With brown. It is important to choose here the right combination shades of these colors. Just one mistake can make the interior too pretentious.

If you decide to make your guest room beautiful and unique, be sure to add a blue sofa to it.

You choose whether to make this piece of furniture the main focus or use it as an additional interior detail. And our photographs will help you make your choice.

Photo of a blue sofa in the living room interior

Do you want to arrange a living room in english style? – Choose a sofa with a floral print! You can't go wrong.

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On the picture:

An Englishman's home is his fortress and most cozy place in the world. Which, by the way, reads well in the setting of a typical English living room. Among the obvious features of the English style are the warm shades in which the interiors are kept, an abundance of wood, ethnic accessories - evidence of the colonial past, and massive upholstered furniture.

An indispensable attribute of the living room in classic style is a sofa. English home sofas are always as if whipped, cloud-like, soft models, strewn with a lot of. They look very cozy and are perfect for drinking tea on long rainy evenings...

The frame of English-style sofas is usually hidden, the bottom is trimmed with fringe, and the legs can be hidden under the skirt. The British are especially fond of floral print, which is often used to decorate the upholstery of sofas. Depending on the whims of fashion, the colors may vary (from variegated to neutral) or even the flower itself may change (today small wildflowers are in fashion, tomorrow - large roses). However, the theme of floral print itself is always relevant.

Want to bring the English spirit into your living room? Choose sofas with floral prints - you won't go wrong.

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