Tsukanov Nikolai Nikolaevich biography. Tsukanov Nikolai Nikolaevich. Nikolay Tsukanov at the investment forum in Sochi


The hardest economic situation"Oboronservis", according to the Deputy Minister of Defense, required a deep economic analysis his condition in order to develop the most effective measures to resolve accumulated problems

Deputy Minister of Defense Ruslan Tsalikov spoke about how the reform of Oboronservis, whose name has recently been most associated with theft and criminal cases, will be carried out. Significant debts of the holding's enterprises did not allow the new leadership of the military department to immediately upon arrival carry out a set of radical actions to reform the holding, Tsalikov said in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper.

“The total amount of receivables and payables of Oboronservice's subsidiaries and dependent companies as of January 1, 2013 exceeded 400 billion rubles. Now it has decreased by almost 60 billion, this is without data for the first quarter of this year. In general, the debt today has decreased by 30-40% ", Tsalikov said.

At the same time, he explained that half of the debts of these 400 billion were of an internal nature, “when one subsidiary of Oboronservis owed another.”

The difficult economic situation of Oboronservis, according to the Deputy Minister of Defense, required a deep economic analysis of its condition in order to develop the most effective measures to resolve the accumulated problems.

Earlier, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced the upcoming reform of Oboronservis. The press found out that the military plans to reduce the number of its subholdings to three. At the same time, “Oboronservis” will cease to be the only vertically integrated structure in the Ministry of Defense - in parallel with it, the creative association “Red Star” will exist. The reform will save at least 20 billion rubles.

As the deputy head of the Ministry of Defense noted in an interview with Izvestia, as part of the transformation of Oboronservis, all enterprises of the Agroprom subholding will be transferred to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. “About a dozen have already been transferred. But in order to transfer, the land must first be demarcated and cadastrated - no one has done this before, maybe there was no need. Now this work has been organized and will soon be completed,” he emphasized.

Commenting on the situation with Aviaremont, Spetsremont and Repair Arms, Tsalikov noted that in this moment About 50 repair enterprises, almost all of which carry out state orders, are transferred by the Ministry of Defense to industry. “At the same time, we are returning some of the repair and service functions to the troops,” he emphasized. “We didn’t even have to create anything to restore repair bodies in the troops - the remaining under-reduced repair battalions were simply returned to their functions,” the deputy minister added.

Oboronservis companies belonging to the housing and communal services sector are also expected to undergo reform, the deputy head of the Ministry of Defense said. “As a result of the reform of this block, of course, the number of subsidiaries will decrease. At the same time, we take into account the geographical factor - after all, Moscow and Anadyr are not only different weather, but also various opportunities for organizing an outsourcing business,” Tsalikov said.

He noted that all issues of construction, operation, energy supply and maintenance of public utilities of the Armed Forces will now be resolved not by four subholdings, but by one. “Where there is real business, we will interact with it directly,” the deputy minister explained.

According to the deputy head of the Ministry of Defense, the relatively normal situation among all Oboronservis enterprises was at Voentorg. “We managed without any shocks there. It turned out that it was enough to make personnel changes,” he said.

According to the Deputy Minister of Defense, a “careful optimization” of the “bloated” staff of Oboronservis is also expected. “Why, for example, does the organization employ 40 engineers when there is no one to come out to fix a broken water supply pipe, since there are only three mechanics on staff?” - Tsalikov asked a rhetorical question.

To the statements of critics of the Oboronservis reform, who believe that as a result its soldiers, instead of improving in military affairs, will be engaged in farming, Tsalikov replied: “The soldier will not have new problems - for sure! It’s just that now no one will write off free soldier labor budget resources".

Concord may take part in reforming the holding

Fontanka.ru became aware of other details of the Oboronservis reform. According to the publication, in the near future the functions of OJSC Slavyanka, LLC Oboronstroy and OJSC REU, which are part of the holding, in terms of reconstruction and maintenance of military camps may be taken over by a private structure - LLC Megaline, the founder of which is Concord Management and consulting" by the famous restaurateur Yevgeny Prigozhin.

The Ministry of Defense reacted favorably to his proposal to use several trillions of budgetary funds and are ready to lobby for changes in the law, which has not yet allowed the concession of military facilities, the publication notes.

The estimated budget of the created public-private militarized monopoly can be determined based on the amounts allocated annually by the government for the maintenance of military camps - tens of billions.

According to hackers from the Anonymous International group, the costs of major renovation, the construction and maintenance of military camps amount to 243.45 billion rubles per year. They had previously posted documents from which it became known for the first time about Megaline’s claims.

As follows from the documents, Prigozhin allegedly turned to Sergei Shoigu with a proposal to restructure the work on providing military camps. The main mechanism should be the conclusion of concession agreements, first as several pilot projects, then for all military camps. Since the current “Law on Concession Agreements” does not provide for military camps as objects of such legal relations, amendments have been prepared to it.

Meanwhile, the company itself does not confirm the information. General Director of Megaline Maxim Mashkantsev, having heard a question about the concession project regarding military camps, asked to call back in 10 minutes, after which he did not pick up the phone again. On the phone, Prigozhin answered Fontanka, “apparently, an assistant,” who stated that “we don’t deal with military camps.”

The head of the Department of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense, Dmitry Kurakin, explained to reporters that plans for the development of military camps on the basis of concession agreements exist, and the need for public-private partnership lies in the long-term oblivion of the problem. "We are analyzing various ways investment," he noted.

The military camp, which should appear in Valuyki, Belgorod region, by May 2016, will be built by the Megaline company, associated with the St. Petersburg restaurateur and acquaintance of the president, Yevgeny Prigozhin.

The contract is worth 3.3 billion rubles. to begin construction of a military camp in the city of Valuiki, Belgorod Region, bordering Ukraine, will be concluded with the company Megaline LLC, as follows from documents published on the government procurement website. Earlier, RBC wrote that this company is connected with St. Petersburg restaurateur Evgeny Prigozhin: according to SPARK, Megaline has two co-owners - Concord Management and Consulting LLC (50%) and Lakhta LLC (50%). Until mid-2011, the owner of a 14% stake in the first company was Yevgeny Prigozhin, and until September 2013 he controlled 80% of the second. Now “Concord Management and Consulting” belongs to Violetta Prigozhina (the same name, according to Novaya Gazeta, as the mother of restaurateur Evgeny Prigozhin), and “Lakhta” belongs to Svetlana Sobirova.​

Large object

About what Russia began to build military base on the border with Ukraine, a Reuters correspondent was the first to report from the scene. A military camp could be located in the village of Soloti, not far from Valuyki, 25 km from the border with the Lugansk region, several told him local residents. The reporter saw workers installing metal fence and are building a road to the construction site in a large corn field near the village.

The construction of a military camp commissioned by the Ministry of Defense on an area of ​​300 hectares involves the construction of a headquarters with a communications center for 328 military personnel, five three-story and four five-story barracks for 3,500 soldiers, an educational building, a medical center with an infirmary for 50 beds, a canteen, warehouses for storing automobile and military equipment and other buildings.


State customer: Ministry of Defense

Customer: FKP “Customer Department for Capital Construction of the Ministry of Defense”

Basis for design and construction: decision of the Minister of Defense

In addition to Megaline, the company OlympCityStroy LLC submitted an application for participation in the competition (it was ready to build the facility for 3.34 billion rubles), but it did not provide security in the amount of 300 million rubles, and therefore the contractor’s commission was FSUE “ GUSST No. 1 under Spetsstroy of Russia - decided to enter into a subcontract agreement with Megaline.

Project documentation must be developed before September 30, 2015, and all work on the design of the town and initial construction and installation work must be completed before April 29, 2016. One of the builders told Reuters the estimated construction period was four years.


Valuyki — administrative center Valuysky district, Belgorod region. Population: 34 thousand people. In Valuiki there is a large railway junction, which includes the Valuiki-Passenger and Valuiki-Sortirovochnye stations. The distance to Belgorod is 152 km, to Kharkov – 169 km, to Lugansk – 257 km.

Large contractor

As RBC previously wrote, St. Petersburg restaurateur Yevgeny Prigozhin, who is familiar with top Russian officials, not only feeds the army, but since the end of last year, companies probably associated with his Concord group have been receiving government contracts for the sanitary maintenance of Ministry of Defense facilities.

Now, apparently, he is also building military facilities. This is not the first construction project carried out by Megaline for the Ministry of Defense, a source close to the department told RBC, their company has everything necessary equipment and sufficient provision for construction. The press service of Spetsstroy did not respond to RBC's request by the time the material was published.

Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov advised to contact the Ministry of Defense about the military camp being built near the border with Ukraine. “It [the ministry] deals with defense issues and national security on the territory of the Russian Federation the way it wants,” Peskov told reporters. The press service of the Ministry of Defense declined to comment.

Meanwhile, neither Megaline nor other well-known RBC companies associated with the Concord group construction projects were not noticed. Numerous contracts of Megaline with government agencies (this year alone the company won more than a hundred competitions and entered into contracts worth 4.8 billion rubles) related to sanitary and Maintenance and removal of solid municipal and liquid household waste. Main customer"Megaline" - the Ministry of Defense and its subordinate organizations: they account for more than 95% of all contracts concluded. But in addition to the department of Sergei Shoigu, a company associated with Concord serves, for example, military unit No. 66631 FSO and Federal Administration for safe storage and destruction chemical weapons under the Ministry of Industry and Trade ( Military Unit №70855).

The secretary at the Concord office told RBC that the employee in charge of public relations had been fired and no one else in the company was able to answer the correspondent’s questions. An employee of Megaline, who was contacted by an RBC correspondent, said that she was doing cleaning and could not answer questions about construction, promising to pass on the request for comment to management.

“There is no revival happening either in the city or in the vicinity of the village,” an eyewitness to the start of construction told RBC. “If a year ago there were many tents, military detachments, and helicopters flying not far from here, now there are no tents, no military personnel, no helicopters.” Even in the village itself, the construction site is not visible - the territory is fenced off the last houses, and the location can be reached via a separate dirt road, he adds.

The revival in the Valuyki area is not visible in government procurement either. In addition to the 3 billion contract between FSUE GUSST No. 1 under Spetsstroy of Russia and Megaline, significant sums are being spent this year in the Russian Railways region, which has started the reconstruction of a temporary storage warehouse at the Valuiki station (the state company will spend about 460 million rubles on the supply of equipment and a range of works .) and the State Public Institution "Department of Road Facilities and Transport of the Belgorod Region", which entered into a contract with LLC "Beldorstoy" for part of the work on the reconstruction of the road Stary Oskol- Valuyki with access to the border of the Kharkov region with a length of 7.4 km (contract amount - 455 million rubles). The Russian Railways press service declined to comment. RBC was unable to contact the regional road management department.

What will happen in the military town

A park, warehouses for ammunition and food, a headquarters building, five three-story barracks for conscripts, four five-story barracks for contract soldiers, a soldiers’ canteen with an officers’ hall for 50 people (approximate area 5,000 sq. m.), a three-story building for a soldiers’ café with a computer room and a store, a cultural and leisure center with an ice skating rink for 600 seats, a medical center with an infirmary for 50 beds and an outpatient clinic for 200 visits per day, educational and sports training complexes "Start" and "Atlant", a stadium with an open air complex sports grounds, an obstacle course, a gymnastics town, a checkpoint with a visitor’s room for eight people, a guard town with a theoretical training class, a military bathhouse with 80-90 showers, a hairdresser with three workplaces, etc.

Since 2010, Slavyanka began holding tenders for the right to provide the army with “cleaning services” - cleaning premises and territories, sanitization, waste removal, etc. In 2010 and 2011, the company, according to data from the Oborontorg system (which conducts procurement for the needs of the Ministry of Defense), put up for auction 12 contracts for such services for total amount about 3.5 billion rubles.

The first contracts in 2010 were concluded by Slavyanka for several months with the possibility of extension, then for one and a half to two years, recalls Yuri Ryabichev, president of the Association of Russian Cleaning Companies, director of the Primex group (it received several contracts in 2010-2011). In the first months, he recalls, it was not even clear exactly what area the contractors needed to clean. “Nothing was calculated, since before this the Ministry of Defense had never carried out accurate measurements of the areas being harvested, and this amounts to millions of square meters,” he says.

In 2011-2012, the Ministry of Defense became the country’s largest customer in the cleaning market, says Ryabichev. “Initially, everything looked quite profitable,” he recalls. But soon prices dropped from 20-30 rubles. behind square meter up to 15-20, and in some cases up to 12 rubles, that is, below the break-even level, he continues. “But the main thing is that Slavyanka gradually began to pay with long delays. People were sitting without wages,” says Ryabichev. “It’s a very bad situation: it is impossible to suspend work under these government contracts, while government customers remain in debt to contractors for years of work, some of them have not received payment for more than a year,” adds Eduard Apsit, owner of Fasilikom Management Company (engaged in cleaning services under the Clean Svet brand ").

“We are not working [with Slavyanka] under new contracts and have not even tried to participate in them,” says RBC’s interlocutor at another company that also won the contract in 2010-2011. “We are not interested in this customer […] The relationship has broken down.” When asked to explain the reasons, RBC’s interlocutor replies: look at the situation with the old contracts.

Judging by the database of arbitration cases, the number of claims from contractors against Slavyanka in last years has grown significantly: if in 2012 the company was a defendant in 165 cases, then in 2013 it was already 1030, and in 2014 - 1757 (for more details, see the chart).

RUB 97.6 billion — Minister Shoigu estimated Oboronservis’ debts to contractors at this amount in the summer of 2014.

In addition to all the problems, Oboronservis, and with it Slavyanka, in 2012 found themselves at the center of an apparatus-corruption scandal, which later led to Serdyukov’s resignation from the post of Minister of Defense. In October, a criminal case was opened regarding fraud with the property of Oboronservis. A month later, investigators opened a criminal case based on violations at Slavyanka: allegedly, budget money was stolen during the implementation of government contracts (including for cleaning). Nine people were charged in this case, including the then general director of Slavyanka, Alexander Elkin.

Having checked the old contracts, we found signs of a “pyramid with a clear smell of corruption,” said Oleg Belaventsev, appointed director of Slavyanka after Elkin, in 2013 in an interview with Moskovsky Komsomolets.

Who replaced the contractors of the Serdyukov era?

New cleaner

After 2011, there is no data on new tenders for the right to engage in cleaning in the army.

Information about new cleaning competitions in the army became public again in November 2014, according to data from Spark Marketing (between 2012 and 2014 there were no cleaning competitions in the Oborontorg system). The contracts based on the results of all these tenders were concluded already in 2015.

By March 25 of this year, Slavyanka had concluded 131 contracts for seven types of services for a total amount of 3.14 billion rubles. For comparison: for the entire 2014, the company concluded 155 contracts worth 758 million rubles. The vast majority of contracts this year fall into just two cleaning categories: “sanitation services and similar services” (25 contracts total cost 2.4 billion rubles, or 77% of the total volume of contracts concluded this year in monetary terms) and “waste disposal services” (92 contracts with a total value of 453 million rubles; all calculations are based on Spark Marketing data) . With the advent of these categories, the average cost of the competition at Slavyanka increased almost fivefold.

This year, 49 companies won the Slavyanka auction. In 20 out of 131 contracts, the winner is Megaline. True, in 12 cases the system contains all the company data, including TIN and address, and in 8 - only the name. If we assume that we're talking about about the same company, then from the beginning of the year to March 25, it received 58% of all Slavyanka contracts in monetary terms: by 1.83 billion rubles out of 3.14 billion rubles.

On March 23, Slavyanka published information about 12 more tenders for “sanitary maintenance.” On the government procurement website, Megaline is also listed as the winner of 10 out of 12 tenders. The total volume of contracts published under these procedures is about 1.14 billion rubles. At the time of submission of the material, information about the winners of the tenders appeared in the Spark Marketing system, but the contracts had not yet been formally concluded.

Thus, if we are talking about the same company, Megaline this year could receive Slavyanka cleaning contracts worth 2.97 billion rubles.

What is "Megaline"

“We have been on the market for more than 20 years. I can’t say that they didn’t work, but among the major players there is no such company as Megaline,” recalls Yuri Ryabichev. RBC’s interlocutor at another cleaning company says that he has known about Megaline for “some time.”

Megaline LLC, registered in St. Petersburg, according to Spark, has two co-owners - Concord Management and Consulting LLC (50%) and Lakhta LLC (50%). Until mid-2011, the owner of 14% of the shares of the first company was Yevgeny Prigozhin, and until September 2013 he controlled 80% of the second. Now “Concord Management and Consulting” belongs to Violetta Prigozhina (the same name, according to Novaya Gazeta, as the mother of restaurateur Evgeniy Prigozhin), and “Lakhta” belongs to Svetlana Sobirova (RBC did not find information about her).

The general director of Megaline, according to Spark, is Maxim Mashkantsev. It was not possible to find him using the Megaline phones. In addition to Megaline, Mashkantsev, according to Spark, heads several other St. Petersburg companies, including Sky CJSC. An employee of the Russian Empire restaurant answered one of the phone numbers of this company. This restaurant is listed among the projects of Prigozhin's Concord Catering company on its website. Finally, the general director of Sky CJSC was formerly Samuil Zharkoy (that, according to Forbes, is the name of Prigozhin’s stepfather), who now, according to Spark, heads Concord Management and Consulting.

Until recently, it was difficult to call Megaline large company: revenue for 2013 amounted to about 36.8 million rubles, for 2012 - only 13.4 million rubles. (Spark data).

Megaline’s first contracts appeared precisely in December 2014, when the army again began purchasing cleaning services. In addition to Slavyanka, Megaline became a contractor for two more military-related organizations by the end of February: a branch of the Central Military Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Defense (one contract for 12.9 million rubles) and CSKA (54 contracts for 65.5 million rubles). But in monetary terms, Megaline’s largest client is Slavyanka.

Old breadwinner

“Influential Russian politicians, successful businessmen, famous figures culture and art trusted Concord Catering to host the most significant events in their lives and careers, as the company itself writes about itself on its website.

Concord Catering is part of the restaurant empire of Yevgeny Prigozhin. Since 1996, this company, according to its own data, has held more than 15 thousand events and served more than 1.5 million guests. Among these events there are many of the most prestigious ones, in which high-ranking officials and the richest people participate. Russian businessmen: reception at the Davos Forum, prize of the Russian Geographical Society (his board of trustees headed by Vladimir Putin), wedding at the Konstantinovsky Palace in Strelna, St. Petersburg International economic forum, “Forum Russia” of Sberbank, follows from photo reports on its website.

Yevgeny Prigozhin’s companies feed not only the most important Russian politicians and businessmen, but also schoolchildren and soldiers. (Photo: TASS)

According to Forbes, Prigozhin began building a gastronomic empire with the “Old Customs House” establishment in St. Petersburg: it opened in 1996 and among its guests were governors Anatoly Sobchak and Vladimir Yakovlev. Guests of Prigozhin's restaurants, according to Forbes, were the presidents of the United States and France George W. Bush and Jacques Chirac, and in the fall of 2003, Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, celebrated his birthday at Prigozhin's New Island establishment (Forbes' interlocutors say that Putin visited almost all St. Petersburg restaurants Prigogine). In the fall of 2010, the businessman gave the president a tour of his Concord - Culinary Line plant in the suburbs of St. Petersburg. Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov did not answer RBC’s question about the acquaintance of Prigozhin and Putin.

Now the list on the Concord website includes 10 restaurants in St. Petersburg, seven in Moscow and two in Sochi, as well as the Eliseev Merchants Store in St. Petersburg and the Chocolate Museum chain of stores.

Since 2012, structures controlled by Prigozhin began to receive significant state and near-state contracts. For example, the company Concord M LLC, owned by a businessman (see infographic), has become one of the main suppliers of food for managing the affairs of the president: 22 contracts worth about 128 million rubles. over the past three years.

And LLC “Concord Food Plant” became the main “cook” of Moscow schools: since 2012, the directorate of the Moscow Department of Education has provided Prigozhin with food contracts for 2013-2015 for a total amount of more than 10.6 billion rubles, according to Spark data.

At the end of 2012, two-year contracts worth 92 billion rubles were signed with Concorde subsidiaries. to provide food Russian army Voentorg concluded, Forbes points out.

Military cleaning

The terms of reference for the provision of services for the sanitary maintenance of Ministry of Defense facilities in the Chitinsky branch have been published on the government procurement website. The document lists 118 facilities, the sanitary maintenance of which must be ensured by the winner: for example, 28 of them are located in Chita itself, the same number in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), and one in Buryatia. In total, the winner needs to ensure sanitary maintenance of more than 310,000 square meters. m interior spaces and 33.2 million sq. m of adjacent territory.

Indoors, for example, five times a week requires washing hard floors and vacuuming textile floors, taking out trash and cleaning wet cleaning sanitary areas of office premises.

In the summer, sidewalks, garages, boxes, warehouses, arsenals, etc. should be swept outside. five times a week, whitewashing borders and trees - twice a year as needed, twice a month - grass cutting, cleaning and removal of cut grass. In winter, five times a week you need to sweep snow up to 2 cm thick from the sidewalks, clear the area of ​​ice and ice and treat the sidewalks with de-icing agents, twice a week - carry out mechanized snow removal from sidewalks, roadways, parking lots, etc. Twice a year, the winner must carry out sanitary maintenance of fountains and pools in sports complexes.

All work must comply with GOST “Cleaning services for buildings and premises” and SanPiNam. The contract does not provide for advance payments, as stated in the terms of reference.

Information on contracts for providing food to the army at Oborontorg and others trading systems RBC did not find it. Technically this is possible. The fact is that Voentorg followed the letter of the law and switched to open system procurement only in January 2013, so there is no data on the company’s earlier contracts in the system, explains Ekaterina Smirnova, lawyer at the Yakovlev and Partners legal group.

For 2012-2014, Voentorg entered into contracts with 63 contractors (the terms of the contracts were different), a company representative responded to RBC’s request. “Based on the documents required for concluding contracts, it is not possible to establish the affiliation of these companies with each other or with any group of companies,” says the letter received by RBC. The company representative did not disclose the amount of the government contract between the Ministry of Defense and Voentorg, citing confidentiality.

From January 1, 2015, Voentorg will organize meals for the army under a new government contract with the Ministry of Defense, the company’s response says. Food service in the armed forces has been “outsourced in full” (services are provided both by Voentorg itself and by contractors).

Almost 100 billion rubles could be spent on feeding the army. in year. (Photo: TASS)

Contact Prigozhin at mobile phone For several days it was not possible; questions sent to him through his assistant remained unanswered. A representative of Concord Catering was unable to answer RBC's questions.

Four more Slavyanka sanitary contracts totaling 430 million rubles. received this year by AGAT LLC. It also received two “direct” contracts from the Ministry of Defense (the minimum amount for two lots is 192.1 million rubles, and those available in open access contracts have a total amount of 469.9 million rubles).

According to Spark-Interfax, AGAT LLC with the TIN indicated in the documents is registered in Lyubertsy, 66.67% belongs to itself, and 33.33% belongs to Kirill Kulebakin (at the same time he is the general director of Gazstroymetall LLC).

Among the companies associated with Prigozhin there is an LLC with the same name - “AGAT”, but it is registered in St. Petersburg. 90% of St. Petersburg “AGAT” belongs to Samuil Zharkoy, who has been the general director of the company since November 2014. Previously, since 2008, this LLC was owned by Lyubov Prigozhina.

The most interesting thing about the cleaning competitions held by Slavyanka is that all work must be completed by June 30, 2015. This means that potential contractors can expect new contracts from July.

At the end of 2014, the Ministry of Defense began to announce cleaning competitions directly, bypassing Slavyanka. At the time of preparation of the text, the total amount of tenders announced in a new way exceeded 14 billion rubles, with the lion’s share announced in March 2015. Contractors will have to carry out the work in 2015-2017.

At first, the ministry was going to close the acceptance of applications for participation in these auctions on March 30 - April 1. But then a notice appeared in the RTS Tender that the deadline for most contracts was being postponed to mid-April.

As a result, by April 1, the Ministry of Defense independently awarded 12 contracts for the provision of sanitary services totaling more than 5.7 billion rubles, according to Spark data.

Five of them, worth 3.7 billion rubles, were received by the company Flagman Klin CJSC, owned by Elena Gruzova. This company - a dark horse. Until now, she has not received any other government contracts, and at her registered address in Spark there are 139 more legal entities. The company could not be contacted.

Three contracts - for property maintenance, cleaning, etc. — by 1.9 billion rubles. received by Aktiv-Reserve CJSC. Its only owner is Tatiana Pyslaru, as follows from Spark data. The legal address of "Active-Reserve" coincides with the legal address of a major player in the cleaning market - the Fasilikom group of companies, only the office numbers differ. Addresses are indicated as contacts Email"Fasilicoma". “The Aktiv-Reserve company is in no way connected with us,” Eduard Apsit, the owner of Fasilikom Management Company, told RBC through a representative.

Official requests to Slavyanka and the Ministry of Defense also remained unanswered at the time of publication of the material.

With the participation of Anastasia Napalkova

In the village of Lipovo, Gusevsky district, Kaliningrad region.

He graduated from secondary vocational school No. 17 in the city of Gusev with a degree in gas-electric welder. In 1999 he graduated from the Higher School of Privatization and Entrepreneurship (Moscow) with a degree in jurisprudence. Candidate psychological sciences (2002).

He started working at the age of 14. While still a schoolboy, he worked as an assistant combine operator. Before the army, he worked as an electric welder at the Microdvigatel plant (city of Gusev).

In 1983-1985 he served in the Soviet army.

After service, he worked as a pioneer leader at the All-Russian Pioneer Camp "Orlyonok".

Then he was released deputy secretary of the Komsomol committee of the Romanovo state farm in the Zelenograd district of the Kaliningrad region, and an instructor of the Gusevsky city committee of the Komsomol.

Since 1988, he studied at the Kaliningrad branch of the Leningrad Agricultural Institute (Polessk) at the Faculty of Agronomy, but was expelled.

In subsequent years he created construction company"Lava", a Russian-Polish woodworking enterprise.

In 1996 he left the Kaliningrad region for Moscow. After graduating from the Higher School of Privatization and Entrepreneurship, he worked as a lawyer at the CJSC Scientific and Technical Center "Techinvestmed" (Moscow), engaged in supplies medical equipment, was the founder of this company for some time.

In the mid-2000s, he returned to the city of Gusev, created and headed the Amatel group of companies.

In May 2005, he was elected head of the city district (mayor) municipality"Gusevsky urban district".

Since January 2009 - head of the municipal formation "Gusevsky Municipal District".

In 2010-2011 he was secretary of the regional political council of the party " United Russia", member of the presidium of the regional political council of the United Russia.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev submitted to the Kaliningrad Regional Duma the candidacy of Nikolai Tsukanov to vest him with the powers of governor of the Kaliningrad region.

The Kaliningrad Regional Duma vested Tsukanov with the powers of regional governor. On September 28, 2010, Nikolai Tsukanov took office as head of the region.

President Vladimir Putin accepted the resignation of Nikolai Tsukanov from the post of governor of the Kaliningrad region. at will, appointing him as acting head of the region.

Elected governor of the Kaliningrad region for a five-year term.

Officially took office.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the early termination of the powers of the governor of the Kaliningrad region Nikolai Tsukanov.

Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the Ural Federal District.
Secretary of the Russian Presidential Council for the Development of Local Self-Government.
Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, first class.
Member of the Russian Presidential Council for Strategic Development and Priority Projects.

Nikolai Tsukanov was born on March 22, 1965 in the village of Lipovo, Kaliningrad region. Studied at secondary school secondary school No. 4 of the city of Gusev. In his youth, he was fond of boxing. After school, from 1980 to 1983 he studied at secondary vocational school No. 17, specializing in gas-electric welder.

Tsukanov’s career began in 1983 at the Microdvigatel plant in the city of Gusev, Kaliningrad region. He worked there before being drafted into the army. Urgent military service took place from 1983 to 1985. After demobilization, he worked as a pioneer leader in the All-Russian children's center"Eaglet". Then he connected his activities with the Komsomol: having become released, he became the deputy secretary of the Komsomol committee of the Romanovo state farm.

Since 1988, he studied at the Kaliningrad branch of the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University in the city of Polessk at the Faculty of Agronomy, but did not complete his studies. Later he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Moscow Higher School of Privatization and Entrepreneurship. After graduating from university, he created the construction company “Lava”, a Russian-Polish woodworking enterprise.

From the Kaliningrad region in 1996 he moved to Moscow. He worked as a lawyer for the Techinvestmed scientific and technical center, which supplies medical equipment, and for some time was the founder of this company.

Nikolai Tsukanov successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of psychological sciences in 2002 at the Kazan State University technical university named after Andrey Tupolev on the topic: “The goals and motives of a manager’s activities as factors influencing his emotional burnout.”

After returning to the city, Gusev created and headed the Amatel group of companies. Since May 2005, Nikolai Nikolaevich has been the Head of the Municipal Entity “Gusevsky Municipal District”. He was re-elected to a second term in 2009.

From March 2009 to October 2010, he headed the association “Council of Municipal Formations of the Kaliningrad Region”. In July next year he was approved as secretary of the regional political council of the All-Russian political party"United Russia".

On August 23, 2010, the candidacy of Nikolai Tsukanov was submitted to the Kaliningrad regional Duma to empower the Governor of the region. Officially took office on September 28, 2010. In the same year I visited Chechen Republic in order to establish cultural and economic ties.

On June 10, 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin terminated Tsukanov’s gubernatorial powers at his own request. By the same decree, he was appointed acting Governor of the Kaliningrad Region. He won the elections for regional governor on September 13, 2015. A year later he resigned.

In July 2016, Nikolai Nikolaevich was appointed to the post of Plenipotentiary Representative of the President Russian Federation in Northwestern federal district. He also became a member of the Russian Security Council.

Became a member on July 17, 2017 State Commission on Arctic development issues. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on December 25, 2017, he took the position of Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation on issues local government.

At the end of June 2018, by decree of the President of Russia, Nikolai Tsukanov took the position authorized representative President in the Ural Federal District.

On July 4, 2019, Assistant Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District Alexander Vorobyov was detained by investigative authorities on suspicion of high treason.

Awards of Nikolai Tsukanov

Order of Honor
Honorary citizen of the municipal formation "Gusevsky Municipal District" (2009)
Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree
Breastplate of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs “For contribution to the international cooperation" (2011)
Order "For Merit to the Kaliningrad Region"
Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, II degree
Medal "For Services to the Kaliningrad Region"
Medal of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia “For assistance to drug control authorities” (2012)
Medal "For the Commonwealth in the Name of Salvation" (2013)
Medal of Honor “For Merit in the Protection of Children in Russia” (2015)
Commemorative medal of the organizing committee "Victory" "70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" (2015)
Awarded with personalized firearms