Cast iron cookware is harmful. How to choose cast iron cookware? Review of the best manufacturers of cast iron cookware and rules for caring for it? What can you buy from us?

Cast iron cookware has always been popular. There was a certain period in the history of kitchen farming when, on the wave of popularity, non-stick coating grandma's frying pans have faded into the background, but now it is difficult not to appreciate the quality of cast iron cookware, because it has been tested for many decades. Today we will tell you which cast iron cookware is better.

Features of cast iron cookware

There are many opinions about cast iron cookware, but they all boil down to the fact that it is one of the best for preparing tasty and healthy food.

Cast iron cookware meets almost all the needs of housewives. She has long term service, easy to use, food does not stick to it.

An important fact is that products prepared in such dishes have good taste and can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time if there is an internal enamel coating. It is not recommended to leave prepared food in cast iron cookware without some kind of factory protective layer; food can cause corrosion on the surface of the cookware.

What types of cookware are made of cast iron?

Cast iron cookware is in good demand in the kitchen utensils market, because it has proven itself to be durable and convenient. The range of such cookware is expanding, many varieties are appearing, adding additional properties to cast iron. Let's look at what it is like and which cast iron cookware is better.

Cast iron cookware for induction cookers

Many owners of induction cookers may be concerned about whether cast iron cookware is suitable for use on such cookers.

The peculiarity of the dishes should be that they are susceptible to magnetic attraction. This is the main indicator. Cast iron alloy has the property of attracting magnets, so it is excellent for induction cookers.

Another criterion is the evenness of the bottom, but, as a rule, cast iron cookware does not have problems with this.

Enameled cast iron cookware is also suitable for use on induction cooker, since the enamel layer is not so thick as to block the magnetizing properties.

Enameled cast iron cookware

Enameled cast iron cookware has a number of undeniable advantages over uncoated cookware.

Let's start with the fact that the dishes are enameled both inside and outside. On outside enamel gives cast iron cookware a beautiful, aesthetic appearance; it can be matched to the style of the kitchen interior.

The inside of cast iron cookware can be coated with glass enamel. This substance is approved for use in kitchen utensils because it is inert: it does not affect the products it comes into contact with, and food cooked in enamel cookware does not interact with the protective layer of enamel.

The food in such dishes does not spoil for a long time, and it itself does not need to be prepared for use for a long time; it is enough to heat it once and cool under natural conditions, lubricated with oil.

The enamel coating lasts a long time, but not forever. To preserve it as long as possible, do not cool the dishes under cold water, let it cool naturally.

The situation is the same with dishes from the refrigerator: do not heat the food right away, either transfer it to another dish and heat it in it, or leave it for a while at room temperature to prevent damage to the enamel due to strong temperature changes.

It is better to put abrasives, hard sponges, metal spatulas, spoons and other utensils that can harm enamel away if you do not want good cast iron cookware to become unusable. After all, chips and scratches on the enamel lead to the development of rust at the damage site. In this case, it is best to stop using this utensil for preparing and storing food.

Cast iron cookware with Teflon coating

Teflon coating is a cheaper and less durable analogue of enamel.

Firstly, it is applied only from the inside, and on the outside you still have a black, uniform surface.

Secondly, after the service life, as a rule, no more than 3-4 years of active use, or even less, the Teflon coating begins to peel away from the walls of cast iron, and not only, cookware, which makes it impossible to use it for cooking.

This protective layer is also quite easy to damage, so you need to take special care when caring for cast iron cookware with a Teflon coating.

However, the Teflon coating has 100% non-stick properties, so you don’t have to worry about the quality of your culinary dishes.

Cast iron cookware comes with enamel and Teflon coating

Caring for cast iron cookware

If the cast iron cookware you purchased does not have any coating, then before using it for the first time you need to take a number of measures to ensure that it lasts a long time, and that the food in it does not burn and has excellent taste.

Don't treat preparing dishes for use as a chore. This is rather a ritual from which your cooking creativity begins, together with the purchased kitchen utensils.

After you have thoroughly washed your brand new cast iron cookware with detergent, you need to heat it several times over a fire. The first time - just ignite and cool. Then heat it again by pouring salt into it. You will need a lot of salt, about a kilogram or a little less, depending on the type of container. Cool again. Last time You need to ignite the empty container, and immediately after that, generously grease it with oil and leave it. And you should leave it in a preheated oven for several hours. And only after this the new dishes are ready for use.

This way, cast iron cookware will acquire the non-stick qualities you need, will be less prone to oxidation and will serve you well. long years. And you can rightfully call it yours, because you contributed to its creation, invested work, strength and soul.

Subsequently, after each use of cast iron cookware, you must follow certain simple rules care After washing with detergent, pour hot boiling water over the dishes and grease with oil. There is no need to wash off the oil; it creates a protective barrier against corrosion.

Damage to cast iron cookware

Damage to cast iron cookware this moment not proven and not noticed.

The only thing that may cause concern to the buyer is the oil coating from the factory, which must be removed before first use, as described above.

Cast iron cookware with an enamel coating can also be harmful if chips appear there and the rusting process begins.

During normal use, cast iron cookware is quite environmentally friendly, and even long-term use does not pose a health hazard.

What to cook in cast iron cookware?

Cast iron cookware has such remarkable properties as thick walls and relatively low thermal conductivity. Due to this, the entire cookware is heated evenly and acts on the products placed in it during the cooking process from all sides.

This feature, coupled with the non-stick properties of cast iron cookware, makes long-term simmering and stewing possible without compromising the taste and without the fear of burning the dish.

It turns out that cast iron cookware is ideal for people who adhere to healthy eating for any reason. If you have a desire to lose weight, cast iron cookware will help you. It will provide you with healthy, vegetable-based meals without a drop of oil.

If you are forced to comply special regime nutrition for health reasons, then stewed food is just what the doctor ordered.

From the above it follows that in cast iron cookware all kinds of stews, stewed vegetables with meat, fish with stewed side dishes, julienne, pilaf and other dishes that require a long cooking time are excellent.

Cast iron skillets can be used to cook pie or other baked goods that are baked in the oven, because many models have cast oven-safe handles.

Pancakes in a cast-iron frying pan turn out especially thin and “lacey,” but if you wish, you can make thick pancakes with the same success; they will also fry evenly and have a ruddy, appetizing appearance.

Cast iron cookware is non-stick and durable

The best manufacturers of cast iron cookware

When choosing cast iron cookware, the manufacturer plays an important role. What is its reputation, production and supply conditions, product range, focus on which market - all these and many other questions need to be addressed for yourself.

We will present to you brief description the best manufacturers cast iron cookware both in Russia and abroad.


The Ukrainian company Siton has a wide range of cast iron cookware and occupies a stable position in the market.

The Seaton product range includes both uncoated and enameled cookware. Please note that the enameled coating of Siton cast iron cookware has several colors, which is quite an interesting style solution and diversifies the market offer.


Another Ukrainian company producing cast iron cookware is Biol. Here, cast dishes are produced, the so-called “workhorse”, which will serve you faithfully for many years.

At the factory, each unit of product is treated with oil, which prevents corrosion and has a non-stick effect.


The Lodge company has been originating from America for over 100 years. Cast iron cookware is produced here without special coating.

When choosing tableware from this brand, you can rely on their many years of experience and desire to meet modern realities. Lodge are constantly modernizing their production, adjusting it to the modern wave.

Their main trump card in the market is adherence to traditions.

Kama dishes

Several years ago, Kamskaya Posuda LLC entered the Russian market. This company, one might say, is still on the threshold of development and is focused on the Russian consumer.

Products made from uncoated cast iron are produced here; the assortment fully meets the needs of customers.

Kamskaya Posuda LLC follows the principle that demand creates supply and does not deviate from it, especially since affordable price we get quite good quality.

Le creuset

If you're looking for something stylish and functional for your kitchen, consider Le Creuset cast iron cookware.

This company has its own large production in France and focuses on design and the durability of the enamel.

Le creuset juggles with all sorts of colors and external decoration of products, so that there is a stylish solution for every kitchen.

Internal glass enamel does not create restrictions in the use of abrasive surfaces and detergents; it is resistant to temperature changes and wear.


A very young company, Ecolit, has Ukrainian roots and entered the market only in 2016.

Despite such a young production, Ecolit already has an impressive range. According to them, all products undergo mandatory quality control and meet all standards accepted for cast iron cookware.


The French manufacturer of cast iron cookware, Staub, is known throughout the world for its excellent quality and wide range of products. Staub cast iron cookware is prepared at the factory, so there are no special rituals that need to be performed before you start cooking with it.

The durable enamel coating is resistant to chipping - this is also one of the “pluses” for which Staub is so valued by both ordinary consumers and owners of expensive restaurants.

Staub has a large production base, strict quality control, and a development center that consistently develops various innovations for cast iron cookware.

Where to buy cast iron cookware?

It will be difficult for you to find cast iron cookware in hypermarkets. If you suddenly come across it, carefully study the manufacturer and reviews, since not all products from the “massmarket” series can be trusted. You should also not buy cast iron cookware from hypermarkets under the hypermarket’s own brand; it is better to spend money and buy a quality product with a good reputation.

Good cast iron cookware can be purchased in specialized cookware stores that stock the main brands, and a sales assistant will help you with your choice if you find it difficult to decide.

Also, one of the options to have high-quality cast iron cookware in your kitchen is to order directly from the manufacturer. Now in the Internet era, almost every consumer-oriented manufacturing company has its own online store where you can purchase branded products with a guarantee of quality.

If a defective batch is delivered to you, for example, with chips, you can exchange it by sending it back, because every manufacturer cares about its image. Although it would be a good idea to clarify the terms of return and delivery.

A good housewife knows what the most delicious dishes are obtained in cast iron cookware, what is its secret, why has cast iron cookware not lost its popularity for thousands of years?

Historical information: The first cast iron cookware appeared in the 6th century BC in China. In Russia, the first cast iron pots began to be cast in the 11th century AD; cast iron cookware was used for cooking over a fire and in a Russian oven.

What foods are cooked in cast iron cookware?

Cast iron cookware is best suited for cooking dishes over low heat: porridge, soups, stews, pancakes. Professional chefs they say that real pilaf can only be cooked in cast iron cauldron.

Advantages of cast iron cookware:

– The heat is distributed evenly over the surface of the cookware, so the dishes turn out tastier and do not burn. This property is very useful for meat dishes, there is no need to stir them often.
– Cast iron cookware is environmentally friendly; there is no cookware that is safer for health.
– Cast iron is resistant to high temperatures. At proper care products made from it are almost eternal. Today in museums there are cast iron utensils from centuries ago, which are as usable as modern ones.
– Cast iron cookware is universally suitable for cooking on the stove, over a fire, or in the oven.


– The main disadvantage of cast iron cookware is its heavy weight;
– Cast iron quickly absorbs odors, so it is better not to store food in cast iron dishes;
– Despite its heavy weight, cast iron is a brittle metal and if the product is dropped from a great height onto a concrete floor, it can break. But how often do you throw cast iron pans from a great height onto a concrete floor?


Many people believe that cast iron cookware is not beautiful and that products made from it are damaged. appearance kitchens. This is not at all true; today many manufacturers make designer models of cast iron cookware that will decorate your kitchen.

Important: When choosing cast iron cookware, check whether it is made of pure cast iron or not. It happens that aluminum is mixed into the metal to make the product lighter, which causes the dishes to lose their quality. The heavier the product, the better it is.

How to apply non-stick coating to cast iron cookware?

Before first use, cookware must be prepared for use by applying a non-stick coating:

1. Wash thoroughly under hot water with detergent;
2. Heat on fire, the color should change to gray;
3. Wash in cold water;
4. Dry over the fire and pour a thick layer of table salt;
5. Fry until the salt begins to shoot, usually the process takes 10 minutes;
6. Pour out salt, rinse with cold water;
7. Dry on fire and coat warmly vegetable oil(oil will fill the pores);
8. Heat in the oven at 180 degrees so that the oil is absorbed and covers the dishes with a natural non-stick coating.

How to care for cast iron cookware?

Since the cookware is coated with a natural non-stick coating, it is not recommended to wash it in dishwasher, use detergent and metal rods - this can ruin the coating, and again it will be necessary to carry out a long-term procedure for its application. It is best to wash with a sponge under warm water, preferably immediately after cooking.
To prevent cast iron cookware from rusting, it must be wiped dry with a towel after washing.

For thousands of years, humanity has been using cast iron cookware: frying pans, cast iron pots, cauldrons, cauldrons, woks, teapots and much more. Products are passed down from generation to generation and so far it has not been possible to come up with dishes in which dishes would turn out tastier than in cast iron dishes.

Now the time has come when people are trying to forget everything that happened literally 20-25 years ago. We try our best to keep up with the times, and we don’t notice how we attribute even good things that have been tested over the years to relics of time. This particularly applies to cast iron cookware. In pursuit of fashion and new technologies, we almost lost such kitchen utensils forever.

Of course, it is not as beautiful as, for example, new Teflon frying pans or cauldrons, but Cast-iron pan much stronger and more durable. Our grandmothers would never trade a cast-iron cauldron for a Teflon “it’s not clear what” for anything in the world.

Once you try to cook something with such a wonderful invention, you will never want to cook at all again. Of course, Teflon has several advantages - it is “non-stick” and lightweight, but that’s all positive traits continuous cons end and begin...

As for cast iron cookware, it is made from an alloy of iron and carbon. There are no more additives in such dishes, and there cannot be. This means that food prepared in such dishes will be much less harmful. Cast iron has simply fantastic properties of high heat capacity and low thermal conductivity, i.e. It heats up slowly and cools just as slowly, thanks to this the food has time to steam a little more after being removed from the stove.

It is also important to note that cast iron does not react with food, is very resistant to acids and does not rust. Cast iron cookware has another excellent quality - uniform heating. Not only the bottom, but also the sides are heated evenly. Such dishes require almost no maintenance; it is not even recommended to wash them; simply wipe them with a napkin or rag after use. Of course, this presupposes the presence in the house large quantity cast iron cookware, so that there is a separate “pancake” frying pan, “fish” frying pan and for meat.

The only disadvantage of cast iron utensils is their weight. Cast iron cookware is always cast from a thick layer and, therefore, heavy. But this can also be a plus. For example, you can replace one fitness class with baking pancakes in two pans for a large family.

In order for cast iron cookware to serve its owner faithfully, it must be properly prepared for use. New frying pan it is necessary to wash it from the factory lubricant, this will be its only “bath” during its entire service life. Then pour about 5-7 millimeters of olive or corn oil, if you don’t have it in your kitchen, then you can use sunflower oil and heat it over the fire for about twenty minutes. After this, pour out the oil and wipe the pan thoroughly. Your new cast iron skillet is ready to go.

Cast iron scares many people with its weight and vagaries; there are already many myths about it that do not always correspond to reality.

1. The best cast iron frying pan is the one left over from your grandmother. They don't make things like that these days.

It is not true. Modern cast iron's reputation has been somewhat spoiled by manufacturers who are fond of high technology“non-stick coating”, which in the case of cast iron is simply redundant. But there are also those manufacturers who make cast iron cookware “the old fashioned way” - without enamel and other frills.

2. Cast iron cookware requires preparation for use.

This is true. First, before use, the dishes must be thoroughly washed, heated on the stove to a temperature above 100°C and a thin layer of vegetable oil applied. This contributes the fastest increase the thickness of the required oil film on the surface of cast iron, which is the “natural non-stick coating”.

3. Cast iron cookware can be washed with any detergent.

Not true. You should not use modern soap products, which will destroy the necessary oil film. It is better to use abrasives, cast iron is a porous material, small scratches(even if they arise) will cause less damage to it than caustic alkalis, which immediately kill everything fat and living. For the same reason, you should not wash cast iron in dishwashers.

4. Cast iron is an eternal material; nothing can spoil it.

Looks like it's true. Indeed, cast iron cookware has no shelf life, and the more often you use it, the better it serves you. However, cast iron can also be “killed”. If you store food in it, or soak it for a long time before washing, or do not wipe it dry, cast iron may not only rust (which is not a drawback and can be easily eliminated), but it may pick up some kind of fungus. Cast iron does not like moisture. He loves the heat.

5. Enameled cast iron is easier to handle.

There's probably something in it after all. In any case, enamel coating There are definitely three undeniable advantages:

– it does not absorb odors,
– allows you to preserve food without damaging it,
- does not require preliminary preparation for operation.

6. Cast iron is only suitable for slow simmering.

This is completely untrue. Cast iron is the record holder for homemade “fast food”. Yes, it takes a long time to heat up, but it can withstand very high temperatures And better than any other utensils keep warm. There is no other material that is ideal for frying steaks for a minute, when the flame walks through the pan. You just need to wait a little while for this frying pan to heat up, and then start the process. In a large cast-iron cauldron, ordinary potatoes are fried in a couple of minutes, even if they are not cut into small strips, but placed in halves.

A cast iron pot is a pot from a fairy tale that cooks itself, as if by magic. It requires minimal care, but it saves you time and effort in the cooking process itself. Cast iron is used for frying, baking, simmering, steaming and deep-frying.

Today, in any specialized store you can purchase a variety of non-stick, aluminum and enamel pots, kettles and frying pans. However, despite such diversity, many housewives still use cast iron cookware. This durable but heavy utensil was until recently considered a relic Soviet era, but today it has regained its former popularity. After reading this article, you will learn what kind of care cast iron cookware requires and how to choose the right products.

Advantages of this material

Products made from this heavy metal are characterized by increased heat resistance. They are able to withstand high temperatures and retain heat for a long time. Cookware made of cast iron is ideal for roasting meat. You can absolutely safely place it in a preheated oven without worrying that it will burst.

This material is chemically inert. It is resistant to aggressive acid and alkaline environments. Therefore, it will not react with food cooked in cast iron cookware.

Such utensils are considered universal. It can be used with equal success both over an open fire and in the oven. The dishes prepared in it have a special taste. Strong and durable, cast iron cookware can be passed down from generation to generation.

Does it have any disadvantages?

Like any other material, cast iron has several disadvantages. The most significant of them is the relatively large weight of the products. In addition, dishes made from it are susceptible to corrosion. Therefore, it requires special care. Due to improper use, rust may appear on the surface of pots and pans. Moreover, even best dishes made of cast iron is capable of absorbing certain food aromas and transferring them to other products cooked in it.

What to look for when purchasing?

On the shelves modern stores There is a huge range of pots and pans. In order to choose truly high-quality products among all the presented variety, you need to pay attention to several the most important criteria. First of all, you need to check how heavy the cast iron cookware you like is. Manufacturers have begun to produce lightweight versions similar products, but it is still advisable to give preference to heavy pans. The more massive they are, the longer they will last.

You also need to consider the purposes for which the product is purchased. So, a small frying pan with low sides is ideal for making pancakes. If you plan to cook food for a large family in it, then it is better to opt for the option with high sides.

It is advisable that cast iron cookware be equipped with a lid, under which it is convenient to cook all kinds of dishes. Otherwise, the greasy juice will splatter all over the kitchen, and you will have to clean the stove frequently. The handle of the product requires no less attention. It would be good if it was removable. But it’s even better to get dishes with handles that don’t deform when exposed to high temperatures.

How to prepare the product for use?

Before first use, cast iron cookware must be pre-treated. This is necessary to clean it from traces of machine oil. First of all, wash in hot water using detergent. After this, you need to pour it into the frying pan. regular salt and ignite it for 40-60 minutes. This can be done both on the stove and in the oven, preheated to 175-200 degrees. These simple manipulations will eliminate unpleasant odors.

Then the surface of the frying pan needs to be greased with vegetable oil and heated again, this time for half an hour. As a result simple action a kind of protective layer is formed, which has a slight non-stick effect and prevents corrosion.

How to care for cast iron cookware?

Kitchen utensils made from this material are susceptible to corrosion. To extend its service life, you must follow several simple rules. We must not forget that such dishes are not suitable for long-term storage food. Food prepared in it should be transferred to other containers or containers.

It is forbidden to wash cast iron cookware using abrasives that destroy the product. Do not store wet pans. After each wash they need to be dried thoroughly. To do this, it is recommended to put the dishes on the fire until the moisture completely evaporates.

It is advisable to store cast iron cauldrons and frying pans in a dry, well-ventilated place. If for some reason the dishes begin to rust, they can be restored. This is a fairly simple procedure that does not require special skills or funds. An abrasive can be used to remove any rust that has formed. In simple cases, to restore cast iron, an ordinary sponge intended for washing dishes is sufficient, in more cases difficult situations will do sandpaper. After this, the product must be thoroughly washed under running water. hot water and ignite for half an hour.

Cast iron cookware: reviews

Housewives who use such products note that food cooked in them acquires special taste qualities. In addition, cauldrons are highly durable and can last for decades. In some families they are passed down from grandmothers to granddaughters.