Common mock orange - secrets of beauty and abundant color. The subtleties of growing mock orange on your site

Mock orange or garden jasmine begins to delight in the spring with its magnificent beauty and indescribable aroma. Abundantly blooming snow-white or cream flowers exude a wonderful aroma perennial plant. The flowers of the bush can have a diameter of 2-5 cm. Their forms are simple, double and semi-double. Collected in clusters, they grow at the ends of young shoots.

The leaves of "garden jasmine" are 2-7 cm long, depending on the variety they can be various forms: simple, broadly ovate, elongated ovate. Whole leaves of bright green color are placed oppositely on the bush. In autumn the leaves turn yellow, but there are species of evergreen bushes.

"Garden jasmine" is a deciduous shrub. Its straight trunks are covered with thin gray bark. Plant height dwarf varieties only 70 cm. Tall varieties grow up to 6m. The jasmine flower pleases with its beauty and aroma for about two to three weeks. So that white clouds of flowers envelop garden For a longer period of time, you can select varieties of mock orange with different flowering periods.

Varieties and types of mock orange

Thanks to the fruitful work of breeders, many new varieties of this plant have been developed. Let's talk about the most common types.

Common mock orange (pale). This species develops well and blooms well in fertile and well-moistened soils. Its creamy white flowers are very fragrant. The shrub can have a height of 3 m. Its leaves are slightly pubescent, bright on top. green, below – pale green.

Mock orange crown. This shrub can reach a height of 3 meters. Its flowers have shades of cream and white. Flowers with a diameter of 2.5-3.5 cm are collected in inflorescences of 7-9 pieces. Large leaves 8 cm long are located on strong shoots. This type blooms in mid-June, has several forms, for example:

  • terry, this is a very beautiful shrub with extraordinary decoration in the form of multi-row flowers;
  • yellow-leaved or golden-leaved, this amazing leaf color for the summer period looks very impressive against the general background of the garden until mid-July.

Mock orange Lemoine . The deciduous shrub has a height of 3 m. Its spreading branches are strewn with white, large, very fragrant flowers and ovate-lanceolate leaves.

Ermine robe. This species is the record holder for the longest flowering time (up to 50 days). The height of the bush is up to 1 meter. This variety is interesting for its semi-double white flowers located on hanging stems. It is like a mantle of ermine skins. The shrub has an amazing strawberry aroma.

Mock orange "Avalanche". A low, stately shrub has light green leaves and arched shoots. This species is characterized by abundant flowering, which lasts three weeks.

Chubushnik "Airborne". A tall (up to 3 m) spreading bush with drooping bell-shaped flowers that look like small parachutes.

Mock orange "Mont Blanc". Of the low species, these shrubs deserve special attention. Their densely double and strongly fragrant flowers delight with their beauty for about a month. The maximum height of a bush of this species is 2 m.

Chubushnik "Ballet of the Moths". The “moth” flowers of this charming variety seem to “flutter” over a tall (up to 3 m) and wide shrub. Semi-double greenish petals create the illusion of a night butterfly.

"Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya" A very popular variety of mock orange. The bush, 2 m high, has large double flowers with a greenish tint. Their aroma is weak.

Chubushnik. Planting and care


To enhance the growth of young shoots and make the mock orange bush look beautiful appearance it is necessary to carry it out regular pruning. This is done in early spring. Weak branches are shortened by half, those that are too long are trimmed off a little.

Anti-aging pruning is carried out when the branches of the bush become bare and begin to choke the plant itself. This look does not decorate the plant at all.

Sanitary pruning is carried out every year. Flowers that have lost their attractive appearance must be removed. Excess shoots are cut off and the bush is thinned out.

Reproduction of mock orange

The plant is propagated by seeds, layering or cuttings.

  • Seeds are sown in pre-prepared soil before the onset of severe frosts. For the winter, the beds with seeds embedded in them are covered with spruce branches. In spring, snow melting under the sun will saturate the seeds with moisture, and young shoots will soon appear. Seedlings grown from seeds are more resilient and are less susceptible to diseases. But this method reproduction is very long. The plant blooms only after 7-8 years.
  • Reproduction by layering is carried out in the spring. To do this, the strongest lignified branch is bent towards the ground and placed in previously prepared grooves. For good fixation, you can secure the shoot in several places with wire. The grooves are covered with a layer of sand, then peat. New shoots will appear on the cuttings in 1.5 months. During the entire growing season they need to be hilled a couple of times. In autumn, the shoots are separated and planted in a permanent place.
  • Cuttings are cut only from well-developed shoots. This must be done in June. Their length is approximately 5 cm. The lower leaves and inflorescences are cut off with sharp scissors. Each cutting should have no more than three pairs of leaves and one internode. The cuttings will root successfully in a mixture of sand and peat. First, a small depression is made in this mixture, then a cutting is inserted into it at an angle of 30-40°, and the whole thing is carefully crimped. Cuttings must be covered Mock orange bushes of many varieties are quite tall and are suitable for creating shade, which can be taken into account when planning landscape design your site

    Diseases and treatment of mock orange

    Dangerous pests for the plant can be spider mites, aphids and leaf weevils.

    You can drive away ticks by spraying the bush with fufanom. The aphids will die when spraying potato tops with infusion. A small amount of weevils can simply be shaken off the branches, or you can sprinkle them with the same fufanom.

Jasmine bush is a perennial crop of the olive family. The flower is valued for its exquisite beauty and unusual strawberry aroma. Previously a plant grew only in countries with favorable, warm climatic conditions. But thanks to the labor-intensive work of breeders, the culture is gaining popularity every year in Russia as a landscape decoration. To divorce decorative flower on your personal plot, you need to familiarize yourself with all its subspecies, learn planting techniques and further care.

Description of jasmine varieties

Over the past tens of centuries, many varieties of jasmine have been bred for various countries and regions. In Russia, the most popular are beautiful frost-resistant varieties that harmonize well with each other. Let's look at the most common of them.


A perennial crop of the hydrangea family, garden jasmine mock orange has many subspecies. However, it has nothing to do with real jasmine, except for the fragrant flowers. Bush decorative look, height from 65 cm to 6 - 6.5 meters. The trunk is straight, gray. In some varieties of garden jasmine, the foliage is ovoid, while in others it is broadly ovate. Many plants belonging to this species have evergreen foliage.

Flowers yellow or white have the following forms:

  • semi-double;
  • terry;
  • simple.

Garden jasmine blooms in June and July. The main advantages of garden culture are considered to be the unsurpassed aroma and beautiful clusters of white or cream flowers descending to the bottom.

Common jasmine

Common mock orange is found not only in private gardens, but also in city parks. The plant is distinguished by abundant fragrant flowering, lasting about a month. Flowers are tightly attached along the entire length of the branch. For lush flowering the bush does not require special care. It grows well both in the shade and under the scorching rays of the sun. Tolerates severe frosts and summer droughts.

Jasmine Virginal

Virginal, also known as terry jasmine. The culture belongs to the type of garden jasmine. The voluminous bush of the plant can reach from 2 to 3 meters in height and diameter. The shoots are erect. The foliage is decorative, large, about 7 cm long. In summer, the leaves are rich green, but in the fall they change their color to bright yellow, which surprisingly transforms the garden in cloudy weather. The flowers are large and white. The inflorescence is collected in 10 pairs. The flower blooms gradually at the end of June and continues to bloom until the 3rd decade of July.

Despite the fact that Virginal is a frost-resistant crop, without proper care the shoots can freeze during spring frosts.

Jasmine Sambac

Sambac, or climbing jasmine. The plant belongs to the olive family. The flower reaches from 0.5 to 3 meters in height. The leaves are ovate, leathery, 4–11 cm long and 2–7 cm wide. The flowers are white, very fragrant, have a semi-double or double shape. The inflorescence is collected from 3 to 12 groups at the ends of the branches. Distinctive feature This plant is that the flowers open only at night and close in the morning.

Jasmine bush

Jasmine Bush is an erect bush, up to 1.5 meters high. The shoots are flexible and green. The leaf arrangement is spiral. The leaves are odd-pinnate, trifoliate. The leaves are narrowly elliptical, obtuse, ciliated at the edges. The plates on both sides are shiny, dark green, with more light color. Shrub jasmine begins to bloom from late May to early July. Flowers saturated yellow color, collected up to 5 pieces into one umbrella. The flower begins to bear fruit at the end of August.

Jasmine Airborne

Jasmine Airborne is perennial crop. The bush grows up to 2 meters. The branches are straight. The leaves are dark green, decorative in appearance. The plant begins to bloom in early July, lasting up to 30 days. The flowers are cream or white in color and have a pleasant strawberry aroma. The inflorescence of this variety is shaped like bells, which are located over the entire surface of the branches. Under their weight, the branches bend downward, which gives the plant a decorative appearance.

Jasmine Ermine Robe

Jasmine Ermine Mantle is a variety of garden jasmine. The plant has a compact, deciduous bush, not exceeding 1 meter. The foliage is elongated, ovoid, with clearly visible veins. The garden crop begins to bloom at the end of May, with a flowering period of 1.5 months. The double inflorescence is snow-white in color and has a pleasant, sweet aroma that spreads over a long distance.

Jasmine Mont Blanc

Jasmine Mont Blanc is a variety of French selection. The plant belongs to dwarf crops. The height of the bush reaches no more than 1 meter. Escapes Brown slightly lowered to the bottom. Leaves small size, 3 – 4 cm. with smooth edges. White semi-double flowers in dense groups of 5 pieces are located on a short inflorescence. The plant begins to bloom in mid-June, with a duration of 1 month. When flowering, the bush looks completely snow-white.

Under a large number of buds, the branches often bend towards the base of the ground. To make the bush look more elegant, supports are installed under it.

Jasmine Crown

Jasmine Crown is a deciduous shrub. The plant has a gray, straight trunk. Light green oval leaves, not exceeding 7 cm in length. Simple or double inflorescences of 3–9 pieces, collected in a compact brush. The height of the crop reaches no more than 4 meters. Crown jasmine blooms in mid-June, 2 - 3 weeks. The petals are white-cream in color, with a pronounced honey aroma.

Landing rules

Jasmine is a plant that can grow in any soil. But for better survival of the seedling, you need to consider the following recommendations:

  1. The plant does not like stagnant water. Therefore, the planting site is chosen with a deep location. groundwater.
  2. For good rooting, seedling is planted late spring or early autumn.
  3. The location of the holes is planned taking into account the adult plant.
  4. Dig a hole no more than 50 cm.
  5. The soil is fertilized with 30 gr. nitrophoxy.
  6. The seedling is planted only in moist soil.

When planting, you should not deepen the root system by more than 3 cm.

After the work has been done, the soil around Jasmine is compacted well and watered abundantly. Here it should also be taken into account that one correct landing not enough for good development plants. Care and agricultural technology play a big role in the growth and flowering of ornamental crops.

Features of cultivation

Having planted a jasmine bush on your site, you should not forget about its care, since its fast growth and further abundant flowering. The main features of growing shrubs include the following work:

  1. Feeding promotes proper development and good growth. They begin to fertilize the plant a year after planting. in the form of a solution of 15 g. urea, 30 gr. superphosphate, 15 g. potassium sulfur and 10 l. water, applied to the soil in early autumn. In spring, the plant is fed with organic fertilizers and water at a ratio of 1:10.
  2. Crown formation improves beautiful view plants and promotes abundant flowering. Branches are pruned in early spring. Only the tops of strong branches are shortened; weak shoots are cut in half. It is also necessary to carry out sanitary pruning annually, thinning the bush from excess shoots and wilted flowers. After the work, in order to avoid infection of the plant with fungal diseases, it is recommended to treat all sections with garden varnish.
  3. Preparing for winter period– prevents freezing of bush jasmine when severe frosts. To protect the root system, late autumn soil around the plant with compost or humus. To avoid the death of the young crop, the flower itself is completely covered with a covering white material and secured so that in the wind it does not expose the trunk of the seedling.

For good development of the jasmine bush, planting and care should be carried out using the above technologies. Only in this case will the plant have strong leaves and annual flowering.

Having considered all the characteristics of the variety, the Jasmine garden shrub can be called a calling card for personal plot. Easy to plant and care, it will save the free time of every gardener. And the enchanting aroma of snow-white decorative flowers will attract the attention of even the most fastidious perfume taster.

Getting to know garden jasmine - video

Mock orange is called garden jasmine for the pronounced aroma of its flowers. The Latin name of this plant (Philadelphus) comes from the words “to love” and “brother”, as the opposite shoots of the shrub are located so close that they seem to be woven together. The bark on young shoots of garden mock orange is thin and peels off easily, which makes pruning the bushes easier.

Description of mock orange at flowering time: height of the bush, photo of leaves and flowers

Mock orange plant or garden jasmine (Philadelphus) belongs to the Hydrangeaceae family, its homeland is Europe, East and Southeast Asia, North America. It is found over a large area from the Caucasus to the regions of Southern Europe.

In Russia, this shrub is often incorrectly called jasmine due to the pronounced sweet aroma of flowers in some types of mock orange. True jasmines are subtropical evergreen climbing and creeping plants from the Olive family. What brings real jasmines and mock oranges together is the similarity of the aroma of the flowers, although among more than 50 species of mock orange there are representatives with a very weak aroma or no scent of flowers at all (large-flowered, Schrenk, Gordon).

Garden jasmine is amazing ornamental shrub, which for some reason is in last years rarely seen on garden plots(the only exception is those that are more than a quarter of a century old). But it can be used as a hedge that separates two neighboring plots, and simply as a decoration for any corner of the garden.

In recent years, more attention has been paid to this crop, and as a result we have varieties not only with white, but even with cream flowers that have very strong aroma, which in June–July attracts the attention of anyone passing by this plant.

This is a spreading, multi-stemmed, deciduous, erect shrub. The height of mock orange ranges from 0.8 to 3.5 - 4 m, the bushes have a spherical crown.

The leaves of mock orange are opposite, ovate-lanceolate or oval-pointed. The shoots are bare and are used to make chibouks ( smoking pipes), hence its name. In spring, the yellow leaves of the bush begin to turn green, and by autumn the bush loses them.

Mock orange flowers are white or cream-colored, up to 5 cm in diameter, collected in racemes or paniculate inflorescences, strongly or weakly fragrant, often double. Blooms in summer, from late June to July; some species and varieties bloom for up to 7 weeks.

As you can see in the photo, the fruit of the mock orange bush is a capsule with small seeds:

Mock orange is valued for the beauty and delicate aroma of its flowers.

The garden jasmine plant prefers open sunny places and, although it can tolerate partial shade, it stops blooming in strong shade. They are very demanding on soil moisture and fertility, so during the growing process you should regularly feed with organic and mineral fertilizers. They do not tolerate close stagnation of groundwater. They respond well to pruning and are easily propagated by root suckers, layering, green and woody cuttings, dividing the bush and unstratified seeds, which can be sown in the fall, in the snow and in the spring.

Mock orange has sufficient winter hardiness, however different kinds and varieties may behave differently in climatic conditions Central Russia. Now anyone can enter our market planting material these bushes. Therefore, it is dangerous to indiscriminately purchase species and varieties of foreign origin: some of them tolerate frosts down to -25°C, while others can withstand only -15°C. In particularly harsh winters, even winter-hardy species and varieties can freeze to the level of the snow cover, but thanks to the presence of a powerful root system, the frostbitten bush quickly grows back after pruning the damaged shoots. It is more difficult for less winter-hardy varieties and species that may experience frost and frost to recover. root system.

The duration of mock orange flowering depends on its variety. Sometimes it blooms for two months! The flowers of mock orange are quite large: in modern varieties they can reach 6 cm in diameter. Of particular value is the flowering period of mock orange - June-July, when most garden crops have already faded.

But before and after flowering, it does not create any beauty in the area, because the bush is ugly, long-legged, upright with branches absurdly sticking out in all directions. Therefore, there is no need to put it in the foreground.

Transplants can be carried out at any time throughout the summer, but the root system should not dry out. The plant requires attention: every year you need to cut out outdated, lignified branches, broken and frozen. As soon as you stop watching it, it will very quickly take on the appearance of a homeless tramp.

Methods for propagating mock orange

There are 3 main ways to propagate mock orange (garden jasmine). The first is by dividing the bush, but in this case you need to have the bush itself. What if he is not there? You can try to buy it or ask your neighbor. The difficulty is that mock orange seedlings are not sold everywhere, and your neighbors may well not have them.

It’s easier to use layering, but again, for this you need to have a bush.

The easiest way is propagation by green cuttings. Finding a green jasmine cutting in the summer is much easier than finding the seedling itself.

You can propagate mock orange and jasmine by seeds, which are sown in a school for growing immediately after collecting seeds (those purchased before sowing are stratified in damp sand in the refrigerator for 3-4 months). They will grow in a year, but will not bloom soon, maybe in 4-5 years. Double forms cannot be propagated in this way (they usually grow into non-double plants); they can be propagated exclusively by cuttings, or by dividing the bush, this is the most reliable.

Jasmine and mock orange are cut at the beginning of summer. Divide the bush in August.

So, if you decide to plant this shrub on your site, then know that cuttings are taken in the summer, in July, but the seedling can be planted both in spring and autumn.

Planting and caring for mock orange (with video)

Having dug holes in advance with a diameter of 50 cm and the same depth, add 1 bucket of compost into them, place the seedling and, having covered it with the top layer of the excavated soil, water it again.

After planting when caring for garden jasmine bushes are fed 3 times. The first time is in early spring, when the first leaves begin to bloom. The second time is before flowering. The third time is in the fall, so that the plant overwinters better.

For feeding, make a solution of 10 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate. 15 liters of solution are used for each plant.

Many gardeners use granular AVA fertilizer when planting and for feeding at a rate of 10–15 g per 1 m2. When using this fertilizer, the plant develops quickly, copes better with diseases and pests and tolerates harsh cold winters well.

When planting and caring for mock orange, you should remember that after 3-4 years a garden jasmine hedge becomes bare from below and loses its decorative effect. To achieve the growth of new shoots, it is rejuvenated by cutting off plant trunks at a height of 10-20 cm from the soil surface. Shrubs of many other species do not tolerate rejuvenation.

It is preferable to plant bushes one by one, so that after flowering they do not become an eyesore. You can grow mock orange mixed with other shrubs as a green hedge both along the borders of the site and inside for separation different zones(recreation, playground, barbecue).

Types of mock orange and photos of varieties of garden jasmine

About 50 species of mock orange are known. IN middle lane Russia meets h. coronal (Ph. coronarius), h. ordinary (Ph. racemosa), Part Schrenk (Ph. schrenkii), Part Caucasian (Ph. caucasicus), h. thin-leaved (Ph. angustifolius). Among late flowering mock oranges it is especially interesting h. broadleaf (Ph. latifolius).

Below you can see a photo and description of mock orange different types and varieties.

There are a lot now garden forms this plant is very beautiful. There are varieties not only with white, but also yellow or yellow flowers. Pink colour, there are terry forms. Most often, white jasmines grow in the plots. Their porcelain-like flowers are beautifully shaped.

The most winter-hardy species is mock orange crown, which is sometimes called ordinary. It has many forms, differing in the type of crown, the size of the flowers and their color from pure white, cream to golden yellow. All of them grow well in cultivation up to the Urals and Siberia and bloom profusely with creamy white flowers with a strong aroma.

Here are photos of the types of garden jasmine that are most popular among gardeners:

From crossing the pale mock orange, very similar to the crowned mock orange, and the small-leaved mock orange of North American origin, mock orange Lemoine with large, up to 3 cm in diameter, white flowers that exude a very strong aroma. However, most of the Lemoine varietal mock oranges freeze out to the snow cover in St. Petersburg and Moscow during severe winters, although they quickly recover.

Mock oranges can be placed very impressively and beautifully in garden plots. Vigorous, spreading bushes look very good in large gardens, for example, against the background brick wall at home or planted on the lawn. Graceful mock oranges of Lemoine look great in combination with flowering perennials.

Low-growing varieties of garden jasmine - “Gnome”, “Yunnat”, “Dwarf”, “Charm”– are appropriate in rock gardens, as well as near a pond, on the corners of a parterre lawn and in modular gardens.

Dense low hedges(borders) are formed from varieties “White Bouquet”, “Moonlight”, “Komsomolets”, “Akademik Komarov”. These hedges require virtually no trimming. Beautifully flowering unshaped hedges are obtained from plants of one type of mock orange: coronary, Schrenk, Caucasian, grandiflora.

Many gardeners prefer mock oranges with a strawberry scent: small-leaved, variety "Airborne". Those who create scent gardens, Special attention are given to mock oranges with a strong odor, for example, Lemoine mock orange. And for those who are allergic to the smells of flowers, it is recommended to use mock oranges without odor or with a very weak aroma: large-flowered mock orange, varieties “Akademik Komarov” and “Arctic”.

How to prune garden jasmine

Is effective method regulation of the vigor of mock orange growth. The general principles for establishing the timing of its pruning are the same as for other shrub species.

Due to intensive growth, the bushes quickly thicken, and after a few years it is necessary to carry out annual thinning.

Flower buds of mock orange are formed on last year's growths, so removing faded inflorescences and cutting out damaged and old branches should be done after flowering has ended.

At the same time, frozen shoots and rapidly aging tops are pruned.

The so-called sanitary pruning can be carried out throughout the growing season. It is recommended to cut out old shoots every 2 - 3 years.

The crown rejuvenated in this way promotes regular flowering in subsequent years.

Formative pruning is carried out only on young plants for the first 2 - 3 years after planting in a permanent place.

How to prune garden jasmine to thin out the bush? In this case, remove all weak root shoots to the base of the soil, leaving only the strongest and strongest 2 - 4 shoots, which will be used to regenerate the bush.

Overgrown bushes are pruned short in March, leaving only part of the young strong branches that will bloom in the same year.

This video shows mock orange pruning and how to properly form the crown:

The botanical name of mock orange is Philadelphus. Ptolemy Philadelphiaus, the son of Queen Cleopatra, was known as a connoisseur of incense and fragrant flowers. It was in his honor that experts named the plant. In past times, hardwood from the bush was used to make smoking pipes, pipes, flutes, and various figurines. Part of the smoking pipe was then called “chubuk”, hence the unusual name of the plant.

Varietal diversity

Currently, mock orange is often called jasmine. The plants are actually somewhat similar. The misunderstanding arises due to the fact that some varieties of mock orange have snow-white inflorescences and emit a strong fragrance when flowering. Therefore, another name for mock orange is adopted - garden jasmine.

The variety of jasmine is enormous. Every gardener will be able to find a plant to suit his taste: dwarf or tall, with simple or double inflorescences, a barely noticeable or pronounced aroma. Flowering lasts 2 - 3 weeks. Gardeners have a practice of collecting collections of varieties that bloom in different time. By successfully selecting plants, you can increase the “jasmine flowering period” to two months.

Currently, more than 70 varieties of the plant are grown. The species palette includes both natural and selected varieties. Natural shrubs include crown mock orange.

Its height is up to three meters, white flowers have a thick scent and attractive openwork leaves. The unusual foliage of the shrub decorates the garden even after the plant has faded. Flowering time is 21 days. The most popular varieties of this species are:

When you think about jasmine, the first thing that comes to mind is the enchanting aroma of this plant. Bright and “delicious” smell - business card garden shrub with large tassels of white or cream-colored flowers. Did you know that this garden resident is actually called mock orange? The plant only has a scent from real jasmine. Natural jasmine is a beautifully flowering vine that is easy to grow at home if you strictly follow all wintering rules. Mock orange is often mistaken for jasmine because of its fragrant flowers, which some types of plants can boast of, and the confusion happens so often that the false name is firmly entrenched in everyday life. So, meet mock orange, or garden jasmine.

Many years ago, chibouks and mouthpieces for smoking pipes were prepared from the shoots of the bush - since then the name mock orange has remained. Today, the results of breeding work include more than 60 species of garden jasmine. Non-double varieties are very fragrant. They smell no worse than real jasmine and rank third in strength of aroma after roses and lilacs. Double jasmine flowers have a subtle scent that has nothing in common with the aroma of natural jasmine. Among the most beautiful and popular varieties terry jasmine we note:

Virginal. The bush grows to a height of up to 3 m. Large white flowers have a sharp, sweet smell. The plant blooms twice, in summer and autumn. Repeated flowering is not as abundant as the first.

Glacier. The flowering bush is decorated with large (up to 1.5 m in length) inflorescences of airy, fragrant flowers. These clusters of numerous petals give the plant a stunning appearance. Faded inflorescences do not look very aesthetically pleasing, so they are picked from the bush by hand.

Anshantman. The flowers of this late-blooming shrub are recognized as the most impressive among other European varieties of double jasmine.

Pyramid. The shrub grows up to 3 m in height, blooms late, producing snow-white flowers with a subtle, barely perceptible scent.

Guirandole. A bush with drooping branches grows up to 1.5 m in diameter. During flowering, it is covered with double flowers with delicate cream petals. Their aroma is pleasant, but unobtrusive.

Schnistrum. The drooping stems of the bush are decorated with double white flowers, which attract others with a surprisingly fresh fruity aroma. The shrub quickly grows, reaching a height of 3 m.

Ermine robe. The long-blooming low shrub has double flowers of an unusual creamy-white hue. During the flowering period, the plant is enveloped in a vaguely noticeable strawberry aroma.

Arctic. The variety was bred in Russia. It is a squat shrub that blooms with neat flowers small size with a not very pronounced odor.

Ballet of moths. The brainchild of Russian breeders got its name thanks to its double flowers, similar to the wings of moths.

Blizzard. The white flowers of this profusely blooming creation of Russian breeders amazingly resemble snowflakes, which hide almost all the leaves of the low shrub.

Yunnat. This variety appealed to many Russian gardeners. It seduces with its large double flowers, which have a pronounced strawberry aroma.

Practice has shown that in our climate, terry jasmine varieties bred in Russia take root better. European representatives of the culture are too weak for the harsh Russian winters.

Terry jasmine: how to grow a beautiful shrub

So that the garden appears neat and abundant flowering bush, you need to take into account some agrotechnical features and follow them exactly.

Unpretentiousness is the main advantage of terry jasmine. The plant tolerates moderate shading, but sunny area will grow much faster. The most favorable time In order for the seedling to adapt to the microclimate of the garden and take root without problems, autumn and early spring are considered.

For planting double jasmine, soil of any composition is suitable, but the shrub can only feel most comfortable on fertile soil. Standing water will certainly harm the plant, so you need to choose a place for planting jasmine in advance: it can be a high place or an area with good drainage system. Crushed stone and sand are suitable for laying the drainage layer, broken brick or gravel. Use enough material so that the thickness of the layer is at least 15 cm. By the way, the proximity of groundwater will not affect the condition of double jasmine.

Make the depth of the planting hole for jasmine about 50 - 55 cm. Fill it with a mixture of fertile soil and nitrophoska (about 25 - 30 g). When placing a seedling in a hole, make sure that its roots are covered by 3 cm of soil, no more. The soil around the young jasmine bush is well compacted and thoroughly watered.

The shrub prefers abundant watering, but you should not be too zealous, otherwise the jasmine root system will be irrevocably ruined. Water the bush with settled and well-heated water no more than 2 times a week. If used for watering for too long cold water, the plant’s immunity will weaken, so it will not be able to resist infectious diseases. During the growing season, one adult bush should require approximately 20 - 30 liters of water per watering.

The first fertilizers are applied to the ground where mock orange grows a year after planting. The feeding program includes mineral and organic compounds.

For cooking mineral mixture in 10 liters of water, dilute 30 g of superphosphate, 15 g of urea and 15 g of potassium sulfide. The resulting solution is enough to fertilize 1 - 2 jasmine bushes. After flowering is completed, the bushes are fed, enriching the soil with a mixture of 15 g of potassium and 20 g of superphosphate.

As organic fertilizer use slurry. The natural substance must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10, otherwise the plant may get severely burned. Feeding with this fertilizer is carried out no more than once a year. Instead of slurry, you can use birch or apple ash - embed it in the soil under the jasmine bush at the rate of 100 g of the product per 1 bush.

In addition to regular watering and fertilizing, caring for double jasmine involves the correct formation of the bush's crown and anti-aging pruning. The branches of tall growing varieties of jasmine have different growth rates, so an unkempt bush almost always has an asymmetrical shape. To put it in order, you need to regularly shape the crown with your own hands. Here are some recommendations in this regard:

  1. It is best to improve the terry jasmine bush during the growing season. In the spring, with the arrival of the first warmth, lightly cut off the long branches and shorten the weak ones to the middle. This will make the bush “wake up” and increase the growth of new shoots.
  2. Anti-aging pruning is needed for mature bushes that have many bare branches that spoil general form plants. When spring comes, 4 - 5 main trunks need to be shortened to about 0.5 m, the remaining (secondary) shoots should be cut to the base. To prevent the plant, which is weakened in the pruning areas, from being attacked by the fungus with all the ensuing consequences in the form of rotting, the bare areas must be protected by treating with a disinfectant. This can be done using a garden varnish. Mulch upper layer compost the soil around the jasmine and water the soil with mullein infusion.
  3. When young shoots sprout through the dormant buds, remove almost all of them without regret. Leave 2 - 3 strong branches on each stump - this is the basis of the future shrub. After 1 year, the plant will turn into a beautiful bush, and after 3 years it will delight you with abundant flowering.
  4. Don’t forget about annual sanitary and cosmetic pruning: the bush is thinned out, cleared of excess and weak shoots, and faded flowers are picked.

How to prepare garden double jasmine for winter

Mature strong jasmine bushes do not need any special preparation for winter - healthy plant well tolerated minus temperature. The tops of young branches may be damaged by frost, but formative pruning in the spring will help the plant recover quickly. It is much more difficult for young bushes that are not yet a year old to winter. To help fragile seedlings meet the spring healthy, in late autumn they are hidden under a light, durable cloth and tied with a rope.

Shortly before the first frost, the ground around the jasmine bushes is carefully dug up, the soil under the plants is mulched and sprinkled with a layer of garden compost, manure or pine needles. This trick will save the roots of double jasmine from freezing.

Terry jasmine: subtleties of propagation

Gardeners know several options for obtaining a new specimen of their favorite jasmine variety. garden shrub can be propagated using layering, lignified and green cuttings, and seeds.

Propagation of double jasmine by seeds

This option is considered the most labor-intensive of all. Grown by seed method the bush will delight you with its fragrant flowers only 7–8 years after rooting.

Shrub seeds should be placed in pre-dug holes before the arrival of severe cold weather. It is best to do this in December, when the layer of snow rises 10–15 cm above the ground. The beds with seeds are covered with spruce branches, which will serve as excellent protection against freezing of the ground. Cold season - optimal time for natural seed stratification. As soon as the spring rays of the sun melt the snow cover on the ground, the seeds will be saturated with moisture and very soon the first green shoots will appear.

The seedlings that you receive from seeds will repay your care with high quality and good immunity to infectious diseases and pests.

Reproduction of mock orange using layering

In the spring, when there is a clear trend towards an increase in temperature, free the mother bush from shoots by cutting them off. During the summer, an adult jasmine bush will surround itself with young shoots. The strongest shoots are suitable for propagation.

Getting a shoot to take root is very easy. Tie the base of the branch, where the first developed bud is located, with copper or aluminum wire. The procedure will begin the formation of the root system of the future jasmine bush. Just remember to bend the branch to the ground and secure it with wire in a pre-dug shallow groove. Sprinkle the shoot with a layer of sand and peat on top.

After 1.5 months, the layering will be crowned with new shoots. During the growing season they are covered with soil twice. In autumn, new shoots are made shorter, separated from the mother plant and transplanted to another place to grow.

Propagation of jasmine bush by cuttings

It is best to stock up on planting material in June. To understand whether a shoot is suitable for propagation or not, it is tested for strength: a branch about 10 cm long, bent into a ring, should not break.

Shoots for planting are collected in the morning, since it is at this time of day that they contain a lot of moisture. Under the first ripe bud from below, the branch is cut along an oblique line, above the top bud - in a straight line. The leaves are only partially shortened, they are not completely cut off.

The cuttings will take root most quickly in the greenhouse. Before planting the young parts of the bush, place them for 20 hours in a special solution to stimulate root growth, and then bury them 3 cm in a mixture consisting of equal parts of peat and sand. The interval between cuttings should be at least 5 cm. Make sure that the lower leaves of the cuttings remain above the ground.

Over the next 2 weeks, you need to take maximum care of the planted branches: ventilate the greenhouse, hide the cuttings from direct sun rays and spray them regularly. Soon, light dots will appear on the shoots, followed by roots. At the same time, begin to accustom the seedlings to the air.

Not a problem if you don't have a greenhouse. Cuttings can be rooted directly in the garden. Cut branches are planted at an angle and covered on top plastic bottle with a cut neck. For the next 2 days, the improvised greenhouse cannot be removed, then the young seedlings can be ventilated daily so that they do not burn out.

Reproduction of mock orange by woody shoots

To implement this method of propagation, wait until autumn, when the jasmine bush is left without leaves. Now you can prepare planting material - branches about 15 cm long. An oblique cut is made under the first bud at the base, and a straight cut is made above the last bud from above. Place the cut shoots in a box, sprinkle them well with sand and leave them in a cold place for winter storage.

In the spring, start planting before the buds swell on the overwintered cuttings. If you don't miss the time, in the fall the young branches will develop strong roots and new shoots.

Reproduction of double jasmine by dividing roots

This method is used when you need to quickly get another jasmine bush with minimal time. Dig up the jasmine bush and carefully divide the bunch of its roots so that each plot contains root shoots. The most convenient way to divide a bush is with garden shears. The procedure is contraindicated during the growing season; the optimal time for reproduction is from the end of September to the end of October.

Potential pests for double jasmine

Despite high degree decorative during flowering and a generally “airy” appearance, the jasmine bush is a strong plant with almost unbreakable health. It is not afraid of infectious diseases, from which many plants in the garden suffer, and insects are indifferent to mock orange. However, from time to time it will not be superfluous to inspect the bush for the presence of pests - for prevention. The most effective means To protect jasmine from harmful insects there has always been and remains laundry soap, or rather its solution. The recipe for making it is very simple:

  1. Grind the block laundry soap(300 g) using a coarse grater.
  2. Pour the resulting shavings into a 10 liter bucket and then fill with 2 liters of warm water. Stir the solution until the soap is completely dissolved.
  3. Now pour another 8 liters of warm water into the concentrated soap solution and stir the solution until smooth.

Using the resulting product, you can drive weevils, aphids, spider mite and mealybug. The soft false shield will not resist the soap attack either.

Terry jasmine in creating landscape compositions

Mock orange can easily become the highlight of your garden. For example, pink double jasmine is often used as a hedge, planting bushes around the site. The distance between the bushes should be at least 1 m - the plant happily grows in width, turning into a picturesque wall of living leaves and flowers.

If you skillfully collect several different varieties jasmine, you can admire its beautiful blooms for 2 months! So, at the beginning of summer, flowers appear on the common mock orange. Following it, the fragrant small-leaved mock orange begins to bloom, passing the baton to the Schrenk mock orange, a beautiful bush whose crown is translucent. At the end of June, the eyes of allergy sufferers are pleased with the odorless mock orange (an absolutely hypoallergenic specimen). Alternate generously flowering bushes The last group is the mock orange Lemoine, the most spectacular flowering variety of its kind.

Low-growing varieties of double jasmine play the role of first violin in rock gardens and rockeries, and tall representatives of the species are good for individual planting.

A wonderful tandem is created by garden jasmine with ordinary flowers, planted next to lilac. Mock orange, the flowers of which are decorated with fluffy fringe, is best used for single planting.