What kind of tank is the M60 in world of tanks. Guide to the American medium tank M60 WoT. Equipment for M60

27-02-2017, 13:54

Hello everyone, dear friends! Today in the guide we will look at another unique tank from all sides, which was given only for playing on the global map. Our portal already has guides on, which means it’s time to sort out the special American medium tank Level 10 - here is a guide to M60!

In fact, M60 World of Tanks is an analogue of the researchable medium tank level 10 - which has appeared in our game for quite a long time and during the course of the article we will periodically compare these brothers by nation. Now let's start getting to know our guest today better.

About the tank

American M60 tank is unique, which means you can transfer the crew from any American medium tank to it without penalty and have additional experience for the crew based on the results of any battle, in general, everything is the same as for premium vehicles, only without additional farm credits.

Looking at M60 in WoT, you can easily see the good old Patton, the visual differences are that the M60 has a searchlight on the turret and a slightly modified hull shape. We hope that in the future the turret will be replaced and we will have the M60A1 in the game. There are also few differences in performance characteristics and they cannot be made from M60 new tank, but only make an improved analogue, but first things first.

Performance characteristics of M60 in World of Tanks

In update 1.0.1, the M60 was upgraded very well and it turned out to be a good tank that differed in gameplay from the M48A5.

As expected, we will begin our acquaintance with the car with the fact that our American has a standard safety margin by ST-10 standards, as well as an incredibly good basic viewing radius of 420 meters.

M60 armor

Regarding the armor parameters, everything is not bad, but this car cannot be called really strong. Let's start with the fact that M60 specifications the front armor of the hull is worse than that of its upgraded brother. In other words, the reduced VLD reaches approximately 230 millimeters, which is not so bad, but it can be broken through with level ten equipment without any problems.

Tower at M60 World of Tanks It’s better armored, but that’s only if you look at the raw numbers. Despite the fact that this element of the tank has a rounded shape, the slopes of the armor are smaller here, and in the forehead most of the turret is also about 230 mm thick, but in the most sloping places this value increases to about 300 millimeters, that is, ricochets possible. However, here we still need to remember about the huge and very vulnerable commander’s turret, into which they will penetrate us without any problems.

If you pay attention to the side projection, as expected, here medium tank M60 much less protected. By driving onto our side, any enemy encountered on the battlefield will easily inflict damage, and even if the hull is rotated, the top guns will be able to penetrate us.

From the point of view of mobility, everything is also worthy of respect. Maximum speed M60 WoT tank received a rather weak one, but in dynamics we are not inferior even to the Soviet ST-10, and in our case, things are no worse with maneuverability.

M60 gun

So, have M60 gun has a good and at the same time standard alpha strike by the standards of most of its classmates, as well as a good rate of fire, thanks to which it can deal almost 2700 units of pure damage per minute (about 150 lower than the M48A1 Patton).

In our case, the situation with penetration is very good, M60 World of Tanks is able to easily penetrate most opponents, but in order to inflict damage to heavily armored vehicles head-on, you will have to either charge gold or simply drive into the opponent’s side, which is more than realistic given our mobility.

The accuracy in our case has become more comfortable than that of a relative, and this is very pleasant. As you can see, the spread American medium tank M60 has a good, although not the best, but the convergence speed in our case is excellent, and the stabilization is excellent.

The last thing worth knowing is M60 WoT is the owner of comfortable vertical aiming angles, its barrel bends down 9 degrees and this is also very pleasant.

Advantages and disadvantages of M60

To understand the principle of playing on this tank, to understand whether it is worth giving preference when choosing among other vehicles for the main battery, it is important to understand the main strengths and weak sides M60 World of Tanks. To make it easier for you to navigate, let's look at these nuances separately.
Excellent viewing range;
Good mobility;
High damage per minute;
Decent accuracy and stabilization;
Excellent armor penetration;
Comfortable vertical aiming angles.
Large dimensions of the tank;
Overall mediocre booking;
A huge vulnerable commander's turret.

Equipment for M60

As you all know, by installing additional modules you can both neutralize the weaknesses of the tank and enhance existing advantages. In our case, all attention will be paid to the second aspect, that is, to M60 tank equipment the following should be set:
1. – despite the fact that our damage per minute is already good, there is never too much of it, that is, the choice is obvious.
2. – with the help of this module we will get even more comfortable accuracy and the ability to deal damage many times more comfortably.
3. – we have best review In the game, this module is enough that you can take it out and get a good increase in other parameters of the tank.

Crew training on the M60

No less important aspect, and certainly more responsible will be pumping up the crew. The choice of skills should always be given a lot of attention, since each perk can greatly affect your comfort in battle and, generally speaking, even decide the outcome of the battle. Thus, for M60 perks It is better to teach in this order:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader (radio operator) – , , , .

My choice:

Equipment for M60

With consumables, the situation is always much simpler, because their choice is known in advance, since here you can act according to standards. If you don’t want to go into a strong minus for silver, you can ride with , , . But when everything is fine with credit reserves in perfect order and there is no need to save, it is much more efficient to transport M60 equipment as , , . Moreover, our American does not burn very often, which means that the last option can be replaced with.

M60 game tactics

In combat we will adhere to the standards of the game on the M48A1, but now, thanks to the increased accuracy, you can position yourself as a sniper. In other words, for M60 tactics may involve fighting at long distances and positioning on the second or even third line.

Give active illumination, like B-C 25t. We can’t, but we provide passive light perfectly. In addition, the average damage of 390 units M60 World of Tanks gives us the opportunity to work perfectly in tandem with Soviet medium tanks, and excellent UVNs allow us to make maximum use of the terrain, but do not forget about the size of the tank, it is quite difficult to hide it behind an ordinary bump or small stone.

Excellent gun stabilization allows M60 WoT play “swing” with opponents using the map’s terrain and not take shells from enemy guns with your turret, which we had to do on the M48A5 due to not the best stabilization.

Unfortunately, the spotlight on the turret does not give us additional meters of visibility, but it is also not a material part of the tank, which means that shooting at it will not cause us any damage. American medium tank M60 suffers greatly from direct hits from artillery; if a shell hits the side, we are guaranteed to lose approximately one thousand strength points, and if it hits the stern, the possibility of taking full damage, namely two thousand strength points, cannot be ruled out. This is enough to send our tank to the hangar. If the “suitcase” hits you in the forehead, then you can only rely on FBR.

To summarize, we can say that M60 tank feels best on the 3rd line. We either stand in the bushes and play “invisible sniper”, or take a position for passive exposure and exclude our possibility of causing damage to the enemy.

The most optimal solution is to combine these styles, for example, at the beginning of a fight M60 WoT can take a position and detect the enemy so that our team can shoot, and then wait for the allies to approach the 1st line of attack and then carefully shoot the enemy or move forward with the support of the team, but remaining slightly behind.

Bottom line

Now the M48A5 Patton III and M60 have become different from each other. If the American being pumped up has armor and DPM, then the tank on the global map has better dynamics and accuracy. The only thing that remains similar is appearance. Therefore, the M60, as a prize for an event at the Civil Code, has become relevant again.

27-02-2017, 13:54

Hello everyone, dear friends! Today in the guide we will look at another unique tank from all sides, which was given only for playing on the global map. Our portal already has guides on, which means it’s time to disassemble a special American medium tank of level 10 - here is a guide on M60!

In fact, M60 World of Tanks is an analogue of the researchable medium tank level 10 - which has appeared in our game for quite a long time and during the course of the article we will periodically compare these brothers by nation. Now let's start getting to know our guest today better.

About the tank

American M60 tank is unique, which means you can transfer the crew from any American medium tank to it without penalty and have additional experience for the crew based on the results of any battle, in general, everything is the same as for premium vehicles, only without additional farm credits.

Looking at M60 in WoT, you can easily see the good old Patton, the visual differences are that the M60 has a searchlight on the turret and a slightly modified hull shape. We hope that in the future the turret will be replaced and we will have the M60A1 in the game. There are also few differences in performance characteristics and they cannot be made from M60 a new tank, but they are just making an improved analogue, but first things first.

Performance characteristics of M60 in World of Tanks

In update 1.0.1, the M60 was upgraded very well and it turned out to be a good tank that differed in gameplay from the M48A5.

As expected, we will begin our acquaintance with the car with the fact that our American has a standard safety margin by ST-10 standards, as well as an incredibly good basic viewing radius of 420 meters.

M60 armor

Regarding the armor parameters, everything is not bad, but this car cannot be called really strong. Let's start with the fact that M60 specifications the front armor of the hull is worse than that of its upgraded brother. In other words, the reduced VLD reaches approximately 230 millimeters, which is not so bad, but it can be broken through with level ten equipment without any problems.

Tower at M60 World of Tanks It’s better armored, but that’s only if you look at the raw numbers. Despite the fact that this element of the tank has a rounded shape, the slopes of the armor are smaller here, and in the forehead most of the turret is also about 230 mm thick, but in the most sloping places this value increases to about 300 millimeters, that is, ricochets possible. However, here we still need to remember about the huge and very vulnerable commander’s turret, into which they will penetrate us without any problems.

If you pay attention to the side projection, as expected, here medium tank M60 much less protected. By driving onto our side, any enemy encountered on the battlefield will easily inflict damage, and even if the hull is rotated, the top guns will be able to penetrate us.

From the point of view of mobility, everything is also worthy of respect. Maximum speed M60 tank WoT received a rather weak one, but in dynamics we are not inferior even to the Soviet ST-10, and in our case, things are no worse with maneuverability.

M60 gun

So, have M60 gun has a good and at the same time standard alpha strike by the standards of most of its classmates, as well as a good rate of fire, thanks to which it can deal almost 2700 units of pure damage per minute (about 150 lower than the M48A1 Patton).

In our case, the situation with penetration is very good, M60 World of Tanks is able to easily penetrate most opponents, but in order to inflict damage to heavily armored vehicles head-on, you will have to either charge gold or simply drive into the opponent’s side, which is more than realistic given our mobility.

The accuracy in our case has become more comfortable than that of a relative, and this is very pleasant. As you can see, the spread American medium tank M60 has a good, although not the best, but the convergence speed in our case is excellent, and the stabilization is excellent.

The last thing worth knowing is M60 WoT is the owner of comfortable vertical aiming angles, its barrel bends down 9 degrees and this is also very pleasant.

Advantages and disadvantages of M60

To understand the principle of playing this tank, to understand whether it is worth giving preference when choosing among other vehicles for the main battery, it is important to understand the main strengths and weaknesses M60 World of Tanks. To make it easier for you to navigate, let's look at these nuances separately.
Excellent viewing range;
Good mobility;
High damage per minute;
Decent accuracy and stabilization;
Excellent armor penetration;
Comfortable vertical aiming angles.
Large dimensions of the tank;
Overall mediocre booking;
A huge vulnerable commander's turret.

Equipment for M60

As you all know, by installing additional modules you can both neutralize the weaknesses of the tank and enhance existing advantages. In our case, all attention will be paid to the second aspect, that is, to M60 tank equipment the following should be set:
1. – despite the fact that our damage per minute is already good, there is never too much of it, that is, the choice is obvious.
2. – with the help of this module we will get even more comfortable accuracy and the ability to deal damage many times more comfortably.
3. – we have the best overview in the game and this module is enough to bring it out and also get a good increase in other parameters of the tank.

Crew training on the M60

An equally important aspect, and certainly more responsible, will be pumping up the crew. The choice of skills should always be given a lot of attention, since each perk can greatly affect your comfort in battle and, generally speaking, even decide the outcome of the battle. Thus, for M60 perks It is better to teach in this order:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader (radio operator) – , , , .

My choice:

Equipment for M60

With consumables, the situation is always much simpler, because their choice is known in advance, since here you can act according to standards. If you don’t want to go into a strong minus for silver, you can ride with , , . But when everything is in order with credit reserves and there is no need to save, it is much more efficient to transport M60 equipment as , , . Moreover, our American does not burn very often, which means that the last option can be replaced with.

M60 game tactics

In combat we will adhere to the standards of the game on the M48A1, but now, thanks to the increased accuracy, you can position yourself as a sniper. In other words, for M60 tactics may involve fighting at long distances and positioning on the second or even third line.

Give active illumination, like B-C 25t. We can’t, but we provide passive light perfectly. In addition, the average damage of 390 units M60 World of Tanks gives us the opportunity to work perfectly in tandem with Soviet medium tanks, and excellent UVNs allow us to make maximum use of the terrain, but do not forget about the size of the tank, it is quite difficult to hide it behind an ordinary bump or small stone.

Excellent gun stabilization allows M60 WoT play “swing” with opponents using the map’s terrain and not take shells from enemy guns with your turret, which we had to do on the M48A5 due to not the best stabilization.

Unfortunately, the spotlight on the turret does not give us additional meters of visibility, but it is also not a material part of the tank, which means that shooting at it will not cause us any damage. American medium tank M60 suffers greatly from direct hits from artillery; if a shell hits the side, we are guaranteed to lose approximately one thousand strength points, and if it hits the stern, the possibility of taking full damage, namely two thousand strength points, cannot be ruled out. This is enough to send our tank to the hangar. If the “suitcase” hits you in the forehead, then you can only rely on FBR.

To summarize, we can say that M60 tank feels best on the 3rd line. We either stand in the bushes and play “invisible sniper”, or take a position for passive exposure and exclude our possibility of causing damage to the enemy.

The best solution is to combine these styles, for example, at the beginning of the battle M60 WoT can take a position and detect the enemy so that our team can shoot, and then wait for the allies to approach the 1st line of attack and then carefully shoot the enemy or move forward with the support of the team, but remaining slightly behind.

Bottom line

Now the M48A5 Patton III and M60 have become different from each other. If the American being pumped up has armor and DPM, then the tank on the global map has better dynamics and accuracy. The only thing that remains similar is their appearance. Therefore, the M60, as a prize for an event at the Civil Code, has become relevant again.

Wargaming announces the start of a new promotion, within which you can get a unique M60 tank that cannot be purchased in any other way. However, to receive the coveted prize you will have to try very hard.

To begin with, the battles on Global map as part of the "World War" World of Tanks will now be completely different. As the developers themselves stated, it opens new page global map.

Main points:

  • Any clan can take part;
  • dividing the campaign into stages;
  • completing tasks in each stage;
  • rating of the best clans;
  • earning points for completing tasks4
  • conversion of points into gold after the completion of the campaign and crediting to the game accounts of clanmates;
  • The best clans will be awarded a unique tank - M60.

All participants in the World War at the Civil Code will be given a special commemorative medal:

The first campaign on the World of Tanks Global Map

Regulations for the First Campaign

2. The rules and conditions of each stage of the First Campaign will be set out in a separate news dedicated to this stage.

3 . As part of the campaign, the “United States of America” region will be disabled for all RU-cluster players and the “South Africa” region will be enabled.

4. The first campaign will consist of stages, at each of which the participating clans will have to fulfill a number of conditions. Victory Points will be awarded for fulfilling the conditions.

5. Clans will be able to monitor changes in the number of Victory Points on the rating page, which will be available after the start of the First Campaign.

6. At the end of the First Campaign, all Victory Points will be converted into in-game gold, which will be transferred to the clan treasury.

7. Each player who has played at least 5 battles as part of the winning team of one campaign stage (with the most Victory Points during the First Campaign) will be awarded a stage winner medal.

8. Each player who has played at least 10 battles as part of the first-place team (the one with the most Victory Points during the First Campaign) is awarded a Legendary medal.

9. Each player who has played at least 10 battles as part of the second-place team (based on the number of Victory Points accumulated during the First Campaign) is awarded the Indestructible Medal.

10. Each player who has played at least 10 battles as part of the third-place team (based on the number of Victory Points accumulated during the First Campaign) is awarded the Honored Medal.

11. Each player who fought at least one battle during the campaign will be awarded the “Participant of the First Campaign” medal.

12. Based on the results of each stage of the First Campaign, 5 clans are determined that have received greatest number Victory points. Each player who has played at least 5 battles as part of the winning clan within this stage is awarded a special clan tank M-60 (medium tank of X level, detailed characteristics which will be indicated later).

13. Based on the results of the First Campaign, 30 clans with the largest number of Victory Points are determined. Each player who played at least 10 battles during the First Campaign as part of a clan from the TOP-30 at the end of the campaign is awarded a special clan M-60 tank.

14. Each player can receive only one clan M-60 tank as a reward for participating in the First Campaign, regardless of how many stages his clan won.

15. The special tank is credited after the end of the First Campaign. In case of intentional or accidental sale of a special tank, no compensation will be provided.

16. After the end of the First Campaign, the Global Map will be cleared, all provinces will again become neutral; then the “Redivision of the World” mode will be turned on. After this, until the start of a new campaign, the Global Map will function according to standard rules.

The fight will take place between clans on the global map. The campaign takes place in four successive stages, each of which involves its own equipment from the first to the tenth levels:

Each stage will have its own task: conquest, plunder, resistance and domination.

Each stage has its own winner.


For participation and victories in stages within this campaign, exclusive medals are provided.

Video about the first campaign

To make it clearer, watch this video.

What kind of beast is the M60?

M60 - American medium tank tier 10. It was introduced into the game with , is a special tank, which means that it is not available in any of the game stores, it is impossible to buy it. The tank was planned to be issued exclusively in various promotions, similar to the one described in this article.

M60 screenshots

You can twist and turn this tank yourself through the program.