What is a curse? How to protect yourself from the curse? How to cast a curse on a person - a general approach

Lead plate with inscription. Athens, 313–312 BC. e.

Write the inscriptions on the signF. Costabile. "Defixiones dal Kerameikós di Atene" / "Minima epigraphica et papyrologica", fasc. 7-8, 2004–2005

Plistarchus, Eupolemus, Cassander, Demetrius of Phalerus, Eunomus of Piraeus [I curse].

The magic spell must contain the names of those being cursed. A lead tablet with the names of famous Macedonian generals was found in 1970 in the Ceramics cemetery in Athens and dates back to 313-312 BC. e. During the period of Macedonian rule, the oligarchic and democratic parties fought for power in Athens - the first sought to transfer control of the state to a small group of wealthy families and was supported by the Macedonian ruler Cassandrus. His protege Demetrius of Phalerum (future founder of the Library of Alexandria) ruled Athens in 317-307 BC. e. Eupolemus and Plistarchus were other Macedonian politicians of the time. Eunom of Piraeus was apparently one of the Athenian oligarchs who also supported the rule of Cassander. The political spell on the lead tablet was apparently left by one of the adherents of Athenian democracy and opponents of the Macedonian occupation.

2. Complain about the offender to the gods (or God)

Papyrus amulet. Egypt, IV century AD e. Hermitage inv. 5657 / The Papyrological Navigator

Holy Trinity, Holy Trinity, Holy Trinity. Through the holy martyrs I pray to the Lord. Even the angel knows about our suffering, which indicates that Theodosius is behaving in a tyrannical manner. I suffered terrible troubles because of his tyrannical behavior and found help only in the power of the Lord and a testimony for us through the saints. Therefore, I run to you and, crying, look at your holiness to see your strength. How much harm he did to me! Weeping, I suffered terrible evil at his hand. Lord, do not neglect this and do not help him, Theodosius, as I mentioned before; and do not reject me. For there is only one Lord, only one God, in the Son, and in the Father, and in the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen. Lord, Lord, Lord...

Usually in magical texts a person is “dedicated” to pagan gods so that they will bring harm to him. With the spread of Christianity, prayer spells addressed to the Christian God appear. This papyrus amulet from the collection of the State Hermitage against Theodosius uses passages christian prayers. Although preachers forbade Christians from using magic spells, and emperors passed laws against magic, people still continued to seek divine help against their enemies. Thus, magical spells took on a Christianized form.

3. Subscribe

Papyrus in Coptic. 6th century AD e. P.Mich.inv. 3565 / Papyrology Collection, Graduate Library, University of Michigan

Alo, daughter of Aese and Foibammon. EOOOOOOOOOO. I write, I conjure you, Hosts, hosts: that you take this incense from me and pronounce words useful to me over Alo, the daughter of Aese. May you bring misery and sorrow, may the spell reach the sky as you carry out my will against Alo, daughter of Aese. The curse of God will come to Alo. Let darkness take her: Alo, daughter of Aese. Pray to him to accept this incense from me. Let the curses of the Law and Deuteronomy come upon Alo, daughter of Aese, let hunger and want take possession of the body of Alo and Foibammon. May their eyes... May the heat of fire come from the mouth of Alo, daughter of Aese, may the curse of God come on Alo and her entire house. Let the fear of death be in Alo's house. Yes, you will make sure that they are chained to the bed. Amen, amen, Hosts.
Apa Victor, son of Tibammon

For the effectiveness of the curse, it does not interfere with signing (although such signatures, for obvious reasons, are not very common) - then the deity will help the specific petitioner. This is what Victor did, creating a Coptic spell (dating back to around the 6th century AD) against a woman named Alo and her parents Aese and Foibammon. It is unknown why Alo aroused Victor’s hatred. By signing the oath, Victor also indicated his ecclesiastical status: the term "apa" means that he was a priest or monk. The Christian context is also indicated by the fact that Victor calls upon Alo the curses of biblical books Old Testament- Law and Deuteronomy.

4. Indicate a specific body part of the enemy

Lead plate. Athens, IV century BC. e. Jessica Lamont

Hecate Chthonius, Artemis Chthonius, Hermes Chthonius, turn your hatred on Phanagora and Demetrius, and on their tavern, and on their money and property. I will bind my enemy Demetrius and Phanagora in blood and dust with all the dead. The next cycle of four years will not free you. I will bind you with this spell, Demetrius, as tightly as possible, and I will throw a dog's ear on your tongue.

Five lead tablets were found in 2003 in Piraeus, near Athens. They contain almost identical spells against four different married couples - tavern owners in Athens in the 4th century BC. e. All the tablets were pierced with an iron nail, rolled up and placed in the young woman's grave.

Pointing to a specific part of the body is a common magical technique that is often found, for example, in. The tongue usually appears in judicial spells - when you want to prevent a person from speaking in court. In this case, the tongue is conjured with a dog's ear. Most likely, this was the name of the most unsuccessful combination when throwing dice. The wish could be due to the fact that gambling was played in taverns.

5. Add more obscure words

Lead plate. Beirut, 3rd century AD e. Dr. Rudolf Habelt. "Magica Graeca Parvula" / "Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik", No. 100, 1994

To restrain horses and charioteers.
Freex Fox Beyabu Stokta Neotere above or below ground
Damno Damna Lucodamna Menippe Puripipanux
Evlamo Evlao Evla Evlamo Vlamo Amo Mo O
Oreobarzagra Krammahadari Fnukentabaof Obarabau
you holy angels will attack and hold back
Lulaltau Audonista them.
Oyatitnunamintu Maskelli Maskello Fnukentabaof Oreobarza
attack now, bind, turn over, trim, cut into pieces the horses and chariots of blue flowers:
[horses] Nymphic, Tallofor, Aettet, Musotroph, Callimorph [charioteer],
Philoparthenes, Pantomedon, Hypatus, Philarmatus, Macarius [charioteer],
Omphalius, Hegemon, Ocean, Tyrant, Horicius [charioteer],
Callimorph [charioteer], Avriy, Actinobolus, Ekdik, Zabades,
Horikios [charioteer], Nomothetes, Barbarian, Hieronices, Xanthus,
Macarius [charioteer], Donatus, Anferet, Phosphorus, Lycotram,
Herman [charioteer], Obelisk, Asprof, Anatolik, Antiochus.
Tie tightly and do not let go of the arms, legs, bundles of horses and charioteers of blue flowers.

This jinx against the Blue team could have been written by sports fans. It was found next to the Roman hippodrome in Beirut and dates back to the 3rd century AD. e. In late Antiquity in Constantinople and others major cities associations were widespread that supported teams at the racetrack - blue or green. The struggle between fan parties could take on a serious social and political character. On the lead tablet, after the various magical words, there is a long list of horse names (four in each chariot) and the names of the blue charioteers. Whoever scratched out the text mistakenly included the title at the beginning, probably copying this spell from some collection of magic spells. Such sports spells were not buried in the ground, like other tablets (see below), but were nailed directly to the wall of the hippodrome. Most of the hippodrome spells were found in Carthage.

6. Draw a mummy or other image of the cursed person

Jasper gem. Egypt, 3rd century AD e.

Draw the inscriptions on the gemTrustees of the British Museum

Memnon, son of Hemera, fell asleep.
Antipater, son of Philippa, fell asleep.

This is a jasper gem from Egypt (3rd century AD) with a magical image of a mummy. In Antiquity, gems, precious stones with carved images, could be used as amulets. “Fell asleep” here is a synonym for the word “died.” Memnon and Hemera are mythological characters: Memnon, the king of the mythical people of the Ethiopians, who lived during the Trojan War, was the son of the goddess of dawn Eos, who is here called Hemera (goddess of the day). In Egypt, Memnon and Eos were identified with Osiris and Isis. Antipater, the target of the spell, is compared to the mythological Memnon for emphasis. That is, Antipater must fall asleep, just as the mythological Memnon-Osiris fell asleep. Also on the gem there are the magical words “Azazel” and “I Am Who Exist.” A drawing of a mummy wrapped in burial shrouds also enhances the spell. Images of the person being cursed, demons who were supposed to perform the spell, and other symbolic drawings were often added to the texts of spells.

7. Write the text backwards

Lead plate. Bath, Roman Britain, 2nd–4th centuries AD. e. failing_angel/Flickr

Write the inscriptions on the signRoman Inscriptions of Britain / romaninscriptionsofbritain.org

Let the one who stole the vilbia from me become liquid like water. Let the one who stole it become mute: Velvinna, or Exupereus, or Verianus, or Severinus, or Augustalis, or Comitianus, or Cathus, or Minianus, or Germanilla, or Jovina.

On this lead tablet from Bath in Roman Britain, the letters of the words are written in reverse order, as often happens in magic spells. It is unclear what "vilbia" means. Maybe it's Celtic female name, and then we are talking about the kidnapping of a slave. During excavations of the Roman baths in Bath, more than 130 such tablets were found in a spring dedicated to the goddess of the place, Sulis Minerva. Usually the spells were addressed to bath thieves of clothes: the tablets mention the theft of a cloak, tunic, gloves, and capes. To return property, you need to dedicate the stolen items to a deity - then the loss will offend this god, and he will want to take revenge for the stolen property.

8. Roll several times

Lead plate. Athens, approx. IV century BC e.F. Costabile. "Defixiones dal Kerameikós di Atene" / "Minima epigraphica et papyrologica", fasc. 7-8, 2004–2005

Write the inscriptions on the signF. Costabile. "Defixiones dal Kerameikós di Atene" / "Minima epigraphica et papyrologica", fasc. 7-8, 2004–2005

I destroy the crew of the Hermes [ship] Gene and the minds of the cruel sailors of the ship Euporia. Andokid - desecrator of germs.

Thin lead tablets containing spells were often folded or rolled into a scroll and then pierced with a nail to make it more difficult to unroll. Thus, only the gods or the souls of the dead, to whom they were intended, could read them. The events to which the text of the tablet from the Ceramic cemetery in Athens refers, occurred on the eve of the departure of the Athenian fleet to Sicily in 415 BC. e. and led to a high-profile political case. The desecration of the statues of the god Hermes, and a parody of the Eleusinians, one of the most important religious rituals of the Greeks, was regarded as blasphemy and was used in the political struggle against the leader of the Sicilian expedition Alcibiades (Arzamas spoke about these events in the video ""). Here the sailors from two ships that belonged to the famous Athenian orator Andokid (late 5th - early 4th century BC) are cursed. The tablet was probably written at the beginning of the 4th century BC. e., after the second trial of Andocides for the desecration of the sacred herms and a parody of the Eleusinian Mysteries, but before he was expelled from Athens in 392 BC. e. The sign was shaped like a ship.

9. Break into small pieces

Clay shards. Egypt, Middle Kingdom period, XIX-XVIII centuries BC. e.Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung / Naunakhte / Wikimedia Commons

Ruler Ii-anak Erum and all the supporters who are with him. Ruler Ii-anak Abi-yamimu and all the supporters who are with him. Ruler Iy-anak Akirum and all the supporters who are with him.
The ruler of Shutu Job and all the supporters who are with him. Ruler Shutu Kushar and all the supporters who are with him. The ruler of Shutu, Zebulon, and all the supporters who are with him.<…>
The ruler of Ashkelon, Halu-kim, and all the supporters who are with him.<…>
The ruler of Jerusalem, Yakar-Ammu, and all the supporters who are with him. The ruler of Jerusalem, Seth-Anu, and all the supporters who are with him.<…>
All Asians - from Byblos, from Ullaz, from Ii-Anak, from Shutu, from Iimuaru, from Kehermu, from Rehov... them strong people, their fast runners, their allies, their assistants and mentu Mentu- people, neighbors of the Egyptians. in Asia, who can rebel, who can plot, who can fight, who can talk about fighting, who can talk about rebellion - in this whole land.
All the people [Egyptians], all the people, all the people, all the men, all the eunuchs, all the women and all the officials who can rebel...

IN Ancient Egypt During the Middle Kingdom (XIX-XVIII centuries BC), enemies were cursed using spells on clay shards, which were then broken. The magical effect occurred as a result of the ritual of destroying an object with text. Often such spells mention foreign kings and cities that posed a threat to Egypt, or entire peoples: Nubians, Asians, Libyans, hostile Egyptians. This allows you to use spell texts as a source on geography and history foreign policy countries.

10. Place in a damp place underground

Apetius, may you bind Trinemetus and Caticnus, may you undress Seneciolus, Acedis, Tritius, Neocarinus, Dido. Let Sosiy rave. Let Sosius suffer from fever, let Sosius endure pain every day. Let Sosius not be able to speak, let Sosius not defeat Mathur and Eridunna, let Sosius not be able to make sacrifices. Let Aquan torment you. Let Nana torment you. May Sosius never surpass the mime actor Eumolpus. May he never be able to play the role of a married woman sitting drunk on a donkey. Let him not be able to make sacrifices. Let Sosius not be able to defeat the actor Photius...

It was believed that the effectiveness of the spell could be ensured by placing it in a grave, well, spring, or some other place associated with the underground gods to whom the message was intended. Dampness and cold corresponded to the sinister goals of destroying a person. For the same reason, apparently, the most common material for recording spells in Antiquity was lead, a cold and heavy material, the color of which resembles the color of a dead person. One of the instructions of that time said that it was necessary to take lead from the aqueduct pipe - because cold water flowed through it.

This lead tablet was found in 1887 in a well in the French settlement of Rum near Poitiers, where a Roman fortress was located in ancient times. First, scientists read the spell as text in the local Celtic language. Then an interpretation of the tablet appeared as a Latin curse of mime actors. In 2007, an article was published with another reading of the text as a love spell in a mixture of Latin, Greek and Celtic languages.


  • Kagarov E. G. Greek curse tablets (defixionum tabellae).

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  • Pomyalovsky I. V. Epigraphic sketches.
  • Yunusov M. M. Toponymy of Palestine in the Egyptian “curses texts” of the Middle Kingdom.

    Judaic and Biblical Studies: Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on Jewish and Oriental Studies. St. Petersburg, 2013.

  • Costabile F. Defixiones dal Kerameikos di Atene IV.

    Minima epigraphica et papyrologica, fasc. 7-8, 2004–2005.

  • Gager J. G. Curse Tablets and Binding Spells from the Ancient World.

    New York, Oxford, 1992.

  • Jordan D.R. Magica Graeca Parvula.

    Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, No. 100, 1994.

  • Lamont J.L. A New Commercial Curse Tablet from Classical Athens.

    Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, No. 196, 2015.

  • Meid W. Die pseudogallische Inschrift von Rom (Deux-Sievres): Text und Interpretation.

    Gaulois et celtique continental. Geneve, 2007.

  • Meyer M. Ancient Chrisitan Magic Coptic Texts of Ritual Power.

    Princeton, 1994.

  • Pritchard J. Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to Old Testament.

    Sometimes damaging an enemy is the only thing left to do when there are no other opportunities to influence a person. But don't forget that everything has its price.

    In the article:

    Damage to the enemy - what you need to know about it

    When casting a spell on an enemy, you must be prepared for the fact that this is punishable. If the victim of your witchcraft removes the negative from himself, it will come back and harm you. There are many who will throw off the negativity from you or send it back to the victim. But this particular article is exclusively about how to damage the enemy.

    If you turn to the harmful branch of magic in a truly critical situation, most likely you will not suffer any punishment. It will not exist if you are punishing the murderer or rapist of your loved one. But there are special rituals for this, which are much safer to use than damage.

    There are things that should not be left unpunished. When deciding to send, first think - do you really need it? If the answer is yes, choose one of the rituals described below.

    How to damage an enemy without conspiracies

    There are ways to damage a person without using conspiracies, but this does not cancel the consequences. Also, this does not negate the appropriate attitude and concentration on causing harm to your enemy.

    In order for a person to gradually lose, they throw his photograph into the mud. Any green standing pond that is in your city will do.

    Try to slip the enemy berries that you previously collected from the cemetery. They act in the same way as the earth and other objects from this place.

    If you take out a photograph of your enemy and bury it on someone's grave, he will get sick. And the photograph that was placed in the coffin of the deceased. The photograph can also be pierced with a needle heated on a candle (not on the fire of a lighter!). You can pierce any part of the body, the damage will be done specifically to them.

    If you have the opportunity to get your enemy's urine, you can make him turn yellow and go to the next world no later than in a year. Buy egg without haggling. On Tuesday or Saturday night, go to a place where no one will disturb you. The ritual is carried out only on the street; it cannot be done at home or indoors at all. Have white wax or a white candle with you.

    Make a small hole in the blunt end of the egg and release the white. You can pour it directly onto the ground. Pour urine into the same hole while saying the name of your enemy. Cover the hole with wax, then bury the egg in the ground. After that, immediately go home, without turning around or talking to anyone along the way. When you get home, go straight to bed. Damage to the enemy will work immediately after the egg rots in the ground.

    If your enemy has a vegetable garden, you can ruin it by pouring on the ground the water that was used to wash the feet of the deceased. Nothing will grow on this land, not even weeds.

    You can visit. To do this, after any feast, collect all the glasses from which you drank alcohol. Drain whatever is left in them into one bowl. These are opiates, you should absolutely not drink them, because this leads to dependence on alcohol. But you can add them or give them to drink under the guise of a treat for your enemy.

    Damage to the enemy - conspiracies

    If you can get a broom that was used to sweep the floor after a deceased person, then you can damage it. Your enemy will have pain in his legs, and medicine will not be able to help him. You need to place this broom on the carpet with these words:

    A dead person's legs cannot walk. Let it be so!

    Damage will go to the one who first to pass on this carpet. You can use a rug near the door to the apartment.

    On the night before the full moon, they damage the nails. Arrange seven candles in a circle and light them. Prepare a small piece of black fabric. You need to put seven nails in the center of the circle of candles and read on them seven times:

    Horse in soap, iron in the crucible. The spirit burns, the forge lights. You (name) should spin around boiling iron, over sharp stones, through quicksand swamps, and through dark pools, without sleep, without rest, on a clear day, and on a dark night. You will suffer forever, you will remain in darkness and darkness! Fuck you! I close the dark matter, I close it with a secret word!

    When all the candles have burned out (you can take thin ones that burn for only 15-20 minutes), collect the nails with the prepared fabric and wrap them in it. Do not touch the nails with your bare hands, only with this cloth. They need to be planted at your enemy’s doorstep. The fabric should be buried by you in the cemetery, near the fence, but with inside. This is done at midnight.

    Damage “pinning” is done with three needles. Each of them must be held over a candle flame with the following words:

    Let discord and misfortune befall the one who offended me. I curse, I invoke evil, I punish with terrible revenge. The needle is my punishing sword!

    After this, put out the candle and wrap the needles in black cloth. Go to the house where your enemy lives. Stick the first needle into it doorjamb, say six times:

    I curse the person who lives here.

    Do the same with the second needle, the words of the spell for damage are also said six times:

    I curse my enemy.

    And on the third, also say the spell six times and stick it into the door frame:

    I curse the enemy who lives here.

    you can find vespiary and damage him. To do this, take the knife by the blade, and twist the handle around it and say:

    The wasp quickly stings, my damage quickly leads to the grave. The sting of the wasp hurts, the body burns from it, and from my damage (name) will hurt and burn until the grave, until death soon. Word said, deed done!

    The knife must be thrown into the enemy’s house, stuck in the door frame or placed under the threshold. It is strictly forbidden to take the handle - damage will enter the person who takes it first.

    Damage is often done with salt. The slander is this:

    I’m not pouring salt, but inviting pain.
    I don’t give anything, I steal power from (name).
    Dashing demons, take away his peace,
    He's bored for days, can't sleep at night,
    There is no happiness under the moon or the sun!
    Key. Lock. Language.

    Sprinkle salt on your enemy's doorstep.

    You can try to get the hair of the person you want to spoil. For example, picking it up from clothes unnoticed, or, when visiting him, taking hair from a comb. After that you need fast river. Throw the enemy's hair at her and say:

    Just as hair flows away in a river, so does (name)’s happiness run away with it!

    The fate of your enemy will be unfortunate.

    There is also a plot for burial ground. When you take it, be sure to leave a ransom. You can’t just come to a cemetery and take land, you have to give something in return. The soil must be dry. Read on it:

    I spit on the grass, fumigate it with smoke, cover it with decay, sweep it with a filthy broom. Black dead sand - yes to my enemy!

    Spit three times over your left shoulder and say: "Let it be so". Read, then spit over your shoulder three times and say the final words seven times. Throw the earth onto your enemy's land, into a vegetable garden, for example.

    Damage can be caused in various ways, but one of the most dangerous forms negative is a curse on the photo. Such a magical ritual cannot be performed accidentally; it is done deliberately to cause harm to another person.

    Some consider a curse to be a form of negativity that can arise on its own in a place where a person died a violent death. In reality this is not entirely true. Death itself, without human participation, cannot cause negative energy. It’s another matter if the dying person, with his last breath, cursed someone or something. In this case, damage will really arise, and it will have simply incredible destructive power. But in this article we will talk about another form of negativity, which is intentionally directed at a person due to some negative emotions, for example, because of envy or a desire for revenge.

    Damage from photographs is popularly considered to be a very strong negative magic, which is extremely difficult to get rid of. Popular rumor, as in most cases, has very good grounds. The negativity induced through the image of the photograph is very strongly deposited in the body and energy level of a person, therefore, for complete cleansing, several long sessions with a professional sorcerer may be required. If the damage is caused by death or a serious illness with the help of a photograph, then it is completely impossible to get rid of it on your own, therefore, if the diagnosis shows a strong negative effect, you should not try to fight it yourself, especially if you are not familiar with magic.

    You can believe in corruption or not, it’s everyone’s personal business and it’s pointless to prove something to someone. Another thing is that when a person feels negativity on himself or sees it on his loved ones, not a trace of skepticism remains.

    There are many different types of damage based on photography, which are aimed at causing various harm to a person. Some of these programs can seriously damage the health of their victim, others bring with them a series of failures that cover all areas of a person’s life, from work to relationships with a lover and family.

    Negative magic is really easiest to induce using a photograph of the target. Any practicing sorcerer will tell you that a photograph is not just a small piece of paper with a person imprinted on it. A piece of your energy remains in the photo, to which you can transmit the necessary information. It is difficult to cause severe damage even with the help of a fresh photograph, however, even a person who is far from any magic can harm you.

    In some cases, it is enough to look closely at a photo with anger, envy or other negative feelings, and the emotions take on physical fitness. Of course, such random damage cannot do much harm, but there is nothing good in it either, and several small negative effects at once can still bring various troubles.

    IN various types Damage provides for various manipulations with the photograph, which must be carried out by the performer. Most often, the necessary information is first transmitted to the photo through a black conspiracy, and then the photo is torn into pieces, burned, buried in a cemetery, and the ashes scattered to the wind. In other words, the photograph is physically destroyed, which is the consolidation of the induced negative.

    In addition, today a dark ritual with a photograph in which a pin is used is very popular. In the process of pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, the performer must pierce with a pin those parts of the victim’s body where problems should arise. For example, if a magician pierces a person’s heart with a needle, then a heart disease will manifest itself, if the head, then a head disease, an injection in the eye - blindness, etc. In this ritual, you can even use an incomplete photo. If you only have a photo of the head, then all other parts can be completed on an attached sheet of paper, the negative effect will not become weaker.

    The easiest way to harm a person using his photograph is to simply bury the photograph in a grave where a person with the same name as the victim is buried. Such simple manipulations will lead to severe illnesses. If you want to take your enemy to the grave, then all you need to do is place his photograph in the coffin of the deceased.

    Of course not one magic ritual does not give a 100% guarantee of results, there are too many individual characteristics, both the victim and the perpetrator. Some people, for example, have innate good health and a strong immunity to magical interference. To harm them, you will have to use more reliable and effective means.

    Damage to a rival's photo

    If for some reason you want to use a more reliable method than burying a photo of the enemy in the cemetery ground. Then this simple magical ritual will suit you.

    Place a pot of water on the stove, wait for the water to boil, throw a photo of your rival into the boiling water and read the words of the conspiracy: “The body of God’s servant (name of the rival) will henceforth burn, her blood will boil in her veins, and then completely emanate, she will never rest find. May what has been said come true. Amen".
    After pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, the photograph should be boiled for five minutes, then taken out and dried, and the water should be poured into the toilet or trash.

    This magical ritual must be carried out during the waxing moon, since your task is to bring sacrifices to life negative energy, which has not existed until now. This is not the most powerful ritual, therefore, in order to guarantee troubles for your rival, it must be performed daily, throughout the whole lunar cycle. The photograph will not withstand more than one or two boilings and will dissolve in water, so you need to stock up on photographs of your victim in advance so that they are enough for the required number of rituals.

    Ritual for flogging the enemy

    To perform this magical ritual, you will need an aspen rod, which you will have to cut yourself. Place the prepared twig in cold water all night long. The next day, remove the rod from the water and let it dry. This entire procedure must be carried out with the rod for 12 days. On the 13th day, wrap a photo of the enemy in red silk, place it on the floor and beat it with a rod, reading the words of the conspiracy: “Behind the distant mountains, behind the dark forests, lies the iron sea. On the sea there stands a stone pillar from the ground to the highest sky. On that pillar stands a wooden man, and he speaks to everything in the world: stones, trees, iron, go to the servant of God (name of the victim), torment her, stab her, beat her, flog her. Just as locks have strong bolts, so my words are true and strong. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    How to damage yourself: 4 ways

    Blocking chakras is the simplest and most effective self-damage

    Damaging requires at least basic knowledge about human energy and the chakra system as a whole.

    If damage as such is the placement of a negative program in a person’s biofield or simply a breakdown of the aura, its artificial thinning, then the effect on the chakras occurs in other ways.

    The easiest way is to act through them, blocking the natural energy exchange in the body.

    To do this yourself, you will need:

    • wax candle;
    • safety pins with multi-colored heads: 7 pieces.
    1. First, place the image of the victim on the candle, so that the wick is just above the head of the image, and the end of the candle is just below the groin area.
    2. Without lighting the candle, stick 7 pins into it, making sure that the color of the head matches the color of the chakra.
    3. When performing manipulations, maintain concentration on the object and the upcoming torment.
    4. When all 7 pins are inserted, light the wick.

    As the candle burns, the pins will fall out.

    Your task at this time is to clearly imagine and understand that with each new pin the work of the corresponding chakra is destabilized.

    Nothing needs to be said here.

    The only point is to wrap all leftovers after work in natural fabric and bury them under a dry tree with the words

    “Just as a dead thing does not bear fruit, so you will not know joy. It’s ordered!”

    Bring it yourself: use the energy that is around

    In order to harm someone, it is not necessary to create powerful multi-move combinations and complex rituals.

    There is already a lot of pain, envy, ingratitude and despair in the world. All you need is to enter this flow, become part of it.

    This is not difficult, but it requires the ability to detach yourself from what is happening, to clearly understand that all the emotions you experience are not yours. This is the collected pain of the Earth, of all people.

    When you enter this flow, imagine your victim.

    If possible, imagine her energy system as brightly as possible and direct all this dark dense energy towards the person.

    Try to see how energy connections in the body are broken, how thin areas appear on the aura.

    The main thing is don’t overdo it and don’t lose control so that all this blackness doesn’t hit you.

    How to damage yourself using a photo

    Damage from photography has always been considered one of the most powerful, although it can be done independently.

    At first, when photographs were rare, people thought that with each photograph a person loses some of his energy. But it turned out that the issue here is different.

    A photograph is an almost absolute image of a person, and with the help of a ready-made image it is easier for a magician to tune in to the object. Less effort is spent on this process, and the communication channel is much stronger.

    How to damage a photograph?

    Paradoxically, you can cause harm even if you have no magical abilities.

    To do this, you need to bury the photograph in the cemetery.

    This will not lead to death, but the person will be sick for a long time, and his affairs will go downhill.

    In order to bring a person to the grave, in addition to manipulation, there must also be certain abilities for black magic.

    If you are a good healer, then most likely the effect of your manipulations will not be much, although there are also so-called generalists.

    So, for damage to death you will need:

    1. Find a fresh (up to 30 days) grave in the cemetery with the name of the victim;
    2. Take a black handkerchief;
    3. Pour soil from the grave into it;
    4. Stab the victim’s photo an odd number of times, putting all your anger and hatred into your actions;
    5. Then fill everything with candle wax, as if sealing it;
    6. Bury it on the grave;
    7. Go home another way without looking back;
    8. When you reach the third intersection, throw the coins you saved in advance over your left shoulder with the words Turn around

    How to damage yourself with runes

    If you want something effective, radical and simple, use runes. There are a lot of formulas for runic damage on the Internet, but this is precisely the case when the number of runes in the formula is not always proportional to the quality of the work. In order not to suffer for a long time with the selection of a position, use the ancient and proven formula - triple Vunyo in an upright position. Mentally apply three runes to the victim's forehead or heart area. This is a very strong rune.

    And an excess of its energy has a destructive effect on the human body, and allows it to cause damage on its own.

    How to damage an offender with the help of Dark forces?

    Every person has an enemy or a person who often brings a lot of trouble. There are a number of rituals that can help punish the offender. It is not easy to send such damage, but the result will not keep you waiting. Remember that these rituals are strong black magic, and its use may be unsafe for you.

    Damage using volts

    If you cannot make a lining or give something to the offender, then use an effective method of causing damage using a figurine - a volt. To do this, make a small figurine of a person from wax or clay (you can add nails to it, wrap it with a piece of the victim’s clothing). At 2 a.m. for 9 days, set fire to 9 black ones around the volt wax candles and whisper the text:

    I entrust fate (name) to the devil, I invite misfortune to him! Let money, love and grace leave him and not a drop remain! So that (name) lives like a gentleman, so that he suffers, suffers, washes himself with bitter tears, wipes himself with food! Let the black river wash away his peace! Let the black wave leave the void! And he will take away love and kindness from (name)’s life! My word is strong! Key, lock, tongue. Be as you said!

    On the last day of the ritual, the volt is buried in the cemetery at any unmarked grave. If this ritual is interrupted or carried out incorrectly, then all its effects will fall back on the sorcerer himself.

    An eternal companion for an enemy

    In order for everything to go wrong with the enemy and everything to be upside down, attach to him an eternal companion who will spoil everything. To do this, choose the road that your enemy always walks on. There should be a clear path from one point to another. Follow him, and every nine steps say:

    The devil is following you! It sticks and drinks all your blood! To be my way.

    Now the devil will definitely not leave the victim and will not only ruin her life, but also drain all her energy and strength.

    How to damage and kill female beauty?

    It is quite easy to send damage to a woman. There are many rituals to eliminate a rival and mutilate her body and soul. These rituals are not strong enough to bring a person to the grave, but they are capable of disfiguring the appearance of the victim.

    Mirror as a gift

    The linings were made by our ancestors at all times. It's pretty effective way eliminating victims and placing damage or the evil eye on them. In order to carry out the ritual, you need to buy a new mirror. The old one will not work, since it contains a lot of your energy, and the item will need to be given to the woman.

    At night, on the waning moon, sit in front of the window, pick up a mirror and say:

    As the moon wanes in the sky, so your beauty will quickly fade. As the stars fade, so will your youth fade. Just as the moon ages, so you will not escape rapid old age.

    The ritual is carried out over 3 nights. You can't skip days. After the mirror has been enchanted, it must be given to the victim. Make sure it is passed from hand to hand.

    Before the victim takes it, no other person should touch it.
    If you cannot give the lining to the woman, then slip it into her bag unnoticed. The more often she looks in this mirror, the faster her beauty will fade.

    Obesity conspiracy

    In order to disfigure a woman using a witchcraft ritual, you will need:

    • a piece of lard (with bristles);
    • dense black threads;
    • image of a woman;
    • black candle;
    • old needles.

    Late at night, go out into the yard, light a candle, put a photo of the victim in front of you and place a piece of lard on it. It is best to choose a piece that is not very thick so that it can be sewn to the image with threads. Now stick a few needles with the words into these attributes:

    So that you (name) are like a pig. So that men avoid you. May you (name) be alone all your life! And she toiled, and suffered, and wiped her bitter tears from her face!

    When the conspiracy is pronounced, take all the attributes and bury them in a vacant lot. Within a few days the damage will begin to take effect.

    An effective method of punishing a homewrecker

    A black magician with good experience or a very large supply of energy can damage a person in this way. You should use this knowledge carefully, since in the event of an incorrect payoff, the entire negative program will be transferred to you. Initially, prepare the following attributes for the ritual:

    • any thing the homewrecker can pierce (a piece of clothing that she often wears);
    • personalized icon of the victim;
    • two wax candles;
    • 13 new needles.

    The ritual is performed at midnight, on the 16th-19th lunar day. Light one candle and place it on the table. Melt the other one and drop it 13 times onto the face of the saint depicted on the icon.

    Until the ritual is completed, pay off the Black forces and get their approval to carry out the ritual. Prick your ring finger and drip the blood onto a burning candle. This should be done whispering:

    Here, demon, is my payment for my request.

    When the ransom is completed, bring each of the 13 needles to the fire in turn and heat them well, saying:

    It is I, the witch (name), who at midnight spoil the face of the saint, in the name of Satan, I spoil it, and for this the devil will spoil the face of my rival (name). So that the face of the slave (name) is strewn with sharp arrows, so that purulent ulcers and terrible hernias appear on it. So that she would know bitter grief, terrible suffering, and terrible sorrows. Let what is said come true.

    Stick them one by one into the victim's clothes. If it catches fire, use your left palm to extinguish the flame.

    The next day, take coins, two bottles of vodka, water, yesterday's attributes and go to the cemetery. There, find an unmarked grave. Place alcohol and a defaced icon with a woman’s personal item on it. Leave silently and don't look back. When you reach a road intersection, stop. Place an open bottle of alcohol here, throw money over your left shoulder and say:

    To you, eternal Mistress of this graveyard.

    At the second road intersection, bury the used needles and pour water on top, whispering:

    This is for you, bloodthirsty demons, terrible demons. I give it to you, I treat you. And you will repay me with deeds, endow my ritual with power.

    Now go home and don't look back. This is very powerful damage, which will forever make her rival unhappy and bring her many illnesses.

    How to spoil a negligent neighbor?

    Not all neighbors are kind and friendly people. Sometimes there are times when they make life simply unbearable. This ritual is not very dangerous for the performer. Therefore, beginners can use it as practice.

    To carry out the ritual, arm yourself with one candle. Set it on fire and imagine that it is your neighbor. With all the anger that has accumulated in you, bite the candle several times. You need to do this from time to time, reading the text:

    It’s not the candle that I bite, it’s the life of God’s servant (name) that bites.

    In total, you need to bite the wax at least 13 times. After this, tilt the candle parallel to the floor and whisper:

    Just as I turn this candle over, so I shorten the life-being of the slave (s) (name). Just as my candle stands crooked, so the life of the slave (name) will go crooked. As the candle burns, so will the slave (name) burn. Let what is said come true.

    Now return the candle to its original position and place it on the table. Let it burn freely. And after that, collect the remaining wax and throw it under your neighbor’s threshold.

    A strong ritual using personal belongings

    You can damage your home yourself using this ritual. It is very strong and effective, but no less dangerous. It is strictly prohibited to conduct it if you are not confident in your own capabilities.

    If you hesitate, it is better to postpone this idea or trust a professional sorcerer. With the help of this ritual, you can punish any enemy, offender or homewrecker. Not a single person who stands in your way will be able to resist the power of this corruption.

    Sit on the floor, light 5 black candles around you and say the text of “Our Father” in reverse:

    Nima! Ogavakul to san ivabzi, He eineshuksi ov san idevveni; Mishan mokinzhlod meyalvatso ym and Ezhokya, ashan iglod man ivatso i; Send man jad yinshusan shan belkh. Ilmez an and iseben an okya, Yaovt yalov tedub ad, Eovt Eivtsrats Tediirp ad, Eovt yami Yastityavs ad! Heseben an ise, Jerzy Shan Echto.

    Now pick up the victim’s personal item (it could be a ring, a chain, something that a person always carries with him). Imagine that she (he) is standing next to you. Concentrate all your hostility, resentment and say 5 times:

    Antichrist, almighty evil descend! Turn your face towards me, your servant! I struggle in suffering and anger! Take away the pain and magnify the hatred! Let her serve you, for I make a sacrifice! Help yourself and me destroy the creature of God, which is called (name of the enemy). Curse my enemy! May Satan bring eternal torment upon him. Let there be Hell on earth!

    The attributes should be buried near the enemy’s house or in the forest if you do not know where exactly the victim lives.

    Ritual to Summon the Devil

    This is a ritual of black magic that should not be performed by beginners and even experienced sorcerers who are unsure of own strength. In order to perform the ritual, go to the road crossing exactly at 12 o'clock at night and take with you some salt in a small bag. Stand at the intersection of roads, open the bag and say loudly:

    I call upon the forces of Hell! Come, help. Damage the enemy. Devil and devil from the underworld, bring your strength, take the enemy to the grave. May (name) have neither health nor happiness! His fate is pain and bad weather! I’ll salt the threshold, I’ll poison happiness and life! I open the road from Hell to (name) threshold!

    It is best to pour the prepared salt under the threshold of your enemy that same night. The damage will take effect very quickly, and the enemy will be punished. It is forbidden to leave even a little salt for yourself. Also, you can’t store it until next time. If you leave the product with you, then everything that was prepared for the enemy will pass on to you.

    If you decide to do damage, weigh all the pros and cons before doing it. If you have even a shadow of doubt in your soul, it is better not to start performing the ritual at all. It will be much worse if you interrupt in the middle of the ceremony. In this case, the awakened forces can bring down all their anger on you.

    A curse can target a person, a place, or even an object. Whether the curse will be successful depends on how protected the target is currently.

    The curse can last for years and even after death, pursuing the goal of its next incarnations.
    A curse is an active attempt to "break" someone else's free will. This violation of the highest spiritual Law instantly lowers our spiritual vibrations.
    Signs that may indicate you are cursed:

    1. You found scary/strange stuff in your house.

    Witches who target a victim must make contact in order to effectively curse you. To do this, they need to use several methods. Most ordinary tool Dark Witches- Fear. Fear binds people. If you are cursed, it will most likely happen as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Psychologically speaking, we will be convinced that we are acting like damned people, losing our minds and submitting to someone else's will...

    2. Strange symbols in your home

    Likewise, witches may need to "mark" your territory with a sign or demonic talisman. Finding "magical" talismans or a symbol of unknown origin on your property means that a witch or someone who represents a "witch" has been there. This symbol may have been inscribed with a knife (ritual dagger) or paint with magical ink.
    In fact, it could be vandalism. Call the police if you feel you should report vandalism on your property, as it could mean someone may be trying to intimidate you.

    3. “Missing” photos

    It is believed that photographs (especially old or non-digital ones) contain a piece of your energy. They can actually act as a reference to the person or place being photographed. They are used as a focal point for many rituals, both good and evil. Therefore, missing photos from your room or home means that someone might be stealing them to use them for dark rituals or again, just trying to scare you.

    4. No underwear or VERY personal items.

    Underwear or clothing (especially worn-out ones) have a strong auric imprint; they are saturated with it. The same applies to your personal items (such as your watch). This powerful energy can be used as a reference in rituals for both good and bad purposes.
    5. Unidentified Liquids on Your Doorstep or Elsewhere on Your Property Once upon a time, a witch might have used enchanted potions to strike you or your home. To do this, the liquid must be spilled around the house, inside it or on the threshold. Finding such liquids along with iron nails or scattered glasses may mean that someone is trying to curse or intimidate you.
    What to do:
    If you don't know the origin of the liquid, call a professional to clean up the substance from your area. Pour Holy Water over the area AFTER everything is cleaned.

    6. Random pain

    Psychic Attack - The curse interacts with your energy matrix, which you likely feel as pain. Therefore, this pain is actually a warning from your aura that something bad has happened. Especially if this pain is no different than anything you have ever felt or affected a part of your body that is 100% healthy.
    What to do:
    Call your doctor. Any pain should be examined by a doctor first. Watch out for pain.

    7. Houseplants get sick

    If houseplants getting sick for no reason, you need to test the ground first.
    Typically, witches prefer to bury enchanted objects in indoor plants.
    Houseplants get sick easily because they have no effective way to cleanse their aura. They will be the first to suffer.
    What to do: Examine the soil and pot. If a mystical or unidentified object or liquid is discovered, prepare to cleanse. Get rid of the item.
    Go to church, pray, light a candle for your health.

    8. Pets or local animals are acting strange

    Typically, a curse attracts low vibrational entities who lurk around the cursed target. Consequently, animals that are more sensitive to poisoning spirits and/or energies behave strangely. Consider the following examples:
    Birds - usually crows - fly around your home or property. Dogs bark for no reason. At least that's what you think...Cats are staring into space. At least that's what you think...Cats adopt a defensive posture. Ants (especially red ones) migrate to a new location. What to do:
    Watch the animals' behavior carefully. Try using prayers for cleaning or rinsing your home with Holy water. Do animals behave differently now?

    9. Seeing someone cursing you in their dreams

    Usually, witches who curse and anger people tend to make mistakes. Therefore, they do not hide their “psychic traces”. Hence, an intuitive but cursed target may persistently see the target in his/her dreams. This could be a warning sign.
    What to do:
    Ask yourself: is there a reason why this person is cursing me? If you think you might do something bad to this person, try to make things right.

    10. Dark omens

    The appearance of a blue butterfly is an omen that Magic is present here.
    Crows and owls also attract magic, both good and evil. If an owl hoots before dawn or a raven accidentally crosses your path, try to see what's going on.
    What to do:
    Watch the signs patiently. Write them down. Consult healers, go to church.

    11. You see will-o'-the-wisps

    Will-o'-the-wisps are bad omens of Dark Magic or even Death. They are also known as "cadaver candles". It is an atmospheric ghostly yellow, greenish or pale white orb that appears to follow someone.
    What to do:
    Don't follow them, cross yourself and go another way.

    12. Protective amulets do not work or disappear

    Amulets are worn so that they take on all damage instead of protecting a person or home. Therefore, when an amulet is destroyed or disappeared, it means that its energy has been absorbed.
    What to do:
    Replace the Amulet with a new one! Don't use broken one.

    Resentment sometimes pushes people to very harmful and thoughtless actions.

    Before you think about how to put money on your ex (lover, husband, boyfriend), you should think carefully.

    Is it worth bringing such negativity?

    And there is something to talk about. About one's own female destiny.

    The point is this: cursing your ex cannot be one-sided. It affects at least two people.

    Below is a way to put a curse on your ex in a particular case. But this is not recommended. After all, you will have to suffer later. Retribution is inevitable.

    It's better to forgive this person. Then it will be worse for him if he intentionally offended you. And happiness will certainly come to you.

    Although, everyone decides for themselves. There are ceremonies and rituals. They were invented not out of frivolity, but according to a very subtle calculation of the Higher Powers.

    As a digression, think about the well-known biblical legend about temptation.

    Remember, there was the apple of knowledge.

    It is presented to us somewhat one-sidedly, although it has a very deep meaning.

    There are choices in every person's life. It has to be done on a spiritual level.

    What is more important: ego or justice, revenge or love?

    This is how the world works: a person must figure it out on his own.

    Nobody will help. If such reasoning does not inspire confidence, then boldly follow the chosen path. After all, this is what freedom is for!

    For my husband

    To curse ex-husband, needed, which the spouse used. Or find a photo of him. It would be nice if it was fresh, made after the breakup.

    With the selected item, go to the graveyard. This is where the ceremony is held on Friday on the waning moon.

    1. Find the grave of your ex-spouse's namesake.
    2. Stand in the heads of the dead man.
    3. Bow three times.
    4. Place the mention (which you should take with you).
    5. Bury in your heads what you brought.
    6. Say:

      “Spirit, come out. Find life. Take the soul of the master slave (name), lead it to hell forever! He is cursed by me forever! May success accompany you, spirit!”

    7. Immediately take some earth from the grave. Carry it in your palms, without putting it in a bag or other container.
    8. Keep it as long as it takes to get to your ex’s spouse’s doorstep. Throw it near the door (office, house, etc.) and only then go home.
    9. But first, spit on the ground (what you brought with you), say three times: “I curse.”

    As soon as a person steps on the ground or passes by, the curse will begin to take effect.

    Warning: Under no circumstances should this ritual be performed by a woman who has children from the man who abandoned her!

    • Firstly, during this period, that same hatred collects in the blood that leaves the womb, therefore, it is endowed with enormous power.
    • Secondly, protect the family from the consequences of your experiment. If you use monthly blood, the return flow will not fall on the children. You will be responsible for your sins.

    You need to do the following.

    This ritual is performed on Wednesday night.

    • Buy black candles.
    • You will also need a fresh egg.
    • Build a black altar at home.

    Place a small elevation in front of the mirror and cover it with a black cloth. Attach candles to the sides. And in front of the mirror, place the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker upside down so that the face of the Saint is reflected.

    1. Take the egg in your hands. Write your ex's name on it in blood.
    2. Place between the icon and the mirror. Read the Lord's Prayer six times in reverse order. It is recommended to rewrite the text from the last letter to the first, so as not to get confused.
    3. When finished, take the egg into the yard. It should be smashed against a wall or the ground, trampled underfoot so that the shell turns to dust, saying:

      “I curse you, (person’s name)! Just as the egg turned to dust, so your life was broken into pieces!”

    4. Next you should list what exactly you want for this scoundrel. But keep in mind: something completely different can happen.

    Yes, try to catch a glimpse of the damned one the next day. Talking is not necessary. You need to look after and reproduce in your memory what you did the day before.

    So the energy of the curse will enter into it. If this is not possible, then call the phone and be silent, remembering the moment of the ritual.

    Now let's look at the worst method. They, like everyone else, are not recommended to use. But if there is a will, then no one will stop. This is not a simple curse, but...

    To locate it, you should also go to the graveyard. But not to the grave, but to the funeral.

    You need to choose a ceremony that is held for the untimely deceased. For example, victims of an accident or a terrible disease.

    Sit at the tail of the procession. Go and say to yourself:

    “Just as the Lord’s servant (the name of the deceased) left, so you (the name of the former) will leave, you will not find a way around! As the Holy Cross stands on the grave, so my curse will reach you (ex-name). The devil has come, he has found my word, he’s off to fulfill it!”

    Wait for the moment when they begin to pour handfuls of earth onto the coffin. You come too, but don’t throw all the earth. Leave a little (literally a pinch) and hide it discreetly in a bag.

    Then wash your hands and go about your business. And what was taken from the cemetery should be thrown to the ex.

    It would be best if he had to touch the ground. Then the curse will definitely reach the recipient.

    Finally, we wish all readers to find kindness within themselves and not follow the given recipes. For what? Believe me, anyone who tried to offend the angel will be punished.

    So become that angel, not an evil witch. This is the most terrible punishment for an ex, and received during life!