What is a riser? What are risers in stairs: the importance of the element and methods of decoration. Allowable step sizes

The construction of any residential or public space always begins with a detailed consideration of each structure that will be included in the project. One such structure is a staircase. It can be indoors, outdoors, attics, basements, etc. But its detailed component always remains unchanged, on the basis of which there are parameters according to GOST and SNiP, which any constructed staircase must comply with. At detailed analysis staircase design Special attention It is worth paying attention to the march, which is a continuous series of steps consisting of a tread (horizontal part) and a riser (vertical part).

Please note: presented in one of our previous articles.

What do GOST and SNiP prescribe for us?

The construction of such objects has certain standards that should be relied upon when constructing stairs:

  1. One flight of stairs should consist of 3-18 steps;
  2. In public and residential premises, the riser corresponds to a height of 14.8 cm, and the tread is 30 cm wide;
  3. In attics and basements 17.1 cm and 26 cm, respectively.

But practical experience shows that slightly different sizes can provide safety and convenience.

It is better to make the number of steps in a flight odd, so that a person’s movement along the stairs begins and ends with one foot. In addition, climbing 18 steps is a very energy-intensive activity, and 11 or 15 is the most best option, after which the person will not suffer from shortness of breath. As for the height of the step, its value ranges from 15 to 18 cm, and the double value of the height combined with the width of the step results in the approximate value of the length of a human step - 6064 cm.

Dimensions of the width of a flight of stairs

The width of the steps also has certain building standard norms (GOST), which requires mandatory compliance with the maximum and minimum values:

  1. For street, apartment, straight, basement and fire escapes, the width is 80 cm;
  2. For the stairs leading to the attic 60 cm;
  3. Spiral staircase in the apartment from 80 cm to 1 m.

Minimum and maximum step sizes

Referring to SNiP, you can see:

  1. The tread corresponds to a width of 25 cm, if the staircase is attic or basement, then from 20 cm;
  2. The riser corresponds to a height of 15 - 20 cm, however, errors of no more than 5 mm are allowed.

As was said above, convenient step sizes are those that are in relation to the average human step. Therefore, it is advisable to present such calculations in the form of Blondel’s formula:

2h + b = S (60-66 cm)

Optimal inclination

When considering the angle of inclination when constructing a staircase, it is worth noting that the recommendations of the norms building standards not established in this matter. However, the slope of the staircase is determined by the ratio of the tread and riser, and focusing on the maximum and minimum height and depth of the step, the angle of inclination ranges from 33 to 45 degrees. For flat (internal) stairs, a value of up to 38 degrees is considered optimal, and for steep stairs (utility, attic) - up to 45 degrees.

What is the essence of precision in constructing a structure?

The parameters of each step used in the construction of the stairs must be extremely accurate and identical. This allows a person to use it when walking without special care, both day and night, relying on the muscle memory of the legs. And if this rule is not followed, a person experiences inconvenience when using the stairs, trying to feel each step with his foot. And going down such stairs is quite dangerous.

A riser is a vertical element of a staircase that determines the height of a step. In other words, this is the height of the rise of the stair tread. Although it is not essential to the design, overall the riser is very important.

It gives it safety, additional strength and rigidity, and also increases its convenience for daily human use. In modern marches, elements are not always made from the same materials: vertical elements may be made of stone, and the treads may be concrete. Or, conversely, the risers are tiled, and the steps are made of stone. The variety of materials allows you to create amazingly beautiful spans.

Stone or porcelain tile?

The vertical parts of the span are clearly visible and therefore must be done as carefully as possible. They are often colored, with ornaments decorating the entire span. Modern materials allow you to transform the staircase. Products made from natural and artificial stone represent the standard of strength. Stone steps (including risers) are treated with a special coating, which makes the surface non-slippery for shoes.

Risers made of stone have good consumer characteristics:

  • high quality,
  • frost resistance - copes well with temperature changes,
  • special durability,
  • low level of moisture absorption,
  • beauty and nobility.

For a simple, comfortable, but at the same time sophisticated staircase, stone risers are the ideal choice.

But the stone riser is not the only one possible variant. After manufacturers became familiar with the capabilities of porcelain stoneware, it began to be actively used to create various elements, including risers. A riser made of colored porcelain stoneware is a very interesting and elegant option for using tiles. Thanks to technical specifications Porcelain stoneware elements will be an excellent choice for your home.

Ensure the safety of porcelain stoneware steps - eliminate the possibility of injury on slippery surfaces. Otherwise, the advantages of porcelain stoneware are undeniable:

  • ease of care,
  • nice appearance,
  • long-term operation,
  • simple installation,
  • richness of color palette.

Usually all elements flight of stairs They are made from the same material - both the tread and the riser.


A tread is a horizontal element stair step, which, accordingly, sets its width.

A little about the rules and regulations

The riser and tread are made according to state standards to be comfortable for a person to walk. The dimensions of the steps were developed based on practice, and if they are followed correctly, the tread will be safe and comfortable. According to building codes and regulations established by the state, the height of the step should not exceed 18 cm and be less than 15 cm.

Twice the height of the riser added to its width should be equal to the average human step. SNiP establish different dimensions for various types structures: stairs in residential and public premises should have a smaller riser size and a larger step width in comparison with attics and basements.

In our articles, a lot has already been written about the elements of staircase construction, and we never tire of repeating that the main thing in such a technically complex structure as a staircase is its reliability and safety. So there is no such thing as too many repetitions! Finally, watch the video about the installation of the staircase structure. Take care of yourself and engage in dialogue.

The safety of a ladder depends on all its elements. Typically, a lifting structure consists of a frame on which the steps rest, the steps themselves and the railings.

The supports can be made in the form of a bowstring, stringers or bolts. If the staircase is spiral, then a vertical pillar acts as a support. Railings consist of balusters and handrails. The steps are structural elements, on which it largely depends on how safe it will be to climb the stairs.

Lifting structural elements consist of a tread and a riser. The tread determines the width of the step, and the riser determines its height. The norms and rules prescribed in GOST will help you decide correct sizes these elements.

The convenience and safety of stair steps depend precisely on the relationship between the size of their horizontal part, otherwise the width of the tread, and the vertical part between the two steps, or riser.

The norms and rules prescribed in GOST define the following dimensional boundaries: the width of the tread should be about 25 cm, but not less, and the height of the element should be about 15-20 cm. Of course, when drawing up a staircase design own home, the GOST rules may not be followed, but the regulatory documents spell out exactly those dimensions that can guarantee maximum safety of the march. If you are going to make a staircase at home, then you can easily calculate the size of the steps using a special formula yourself.

Blondel's formula allows you to find convenient values, knowing one parameter: the width of the tread or the height of the riser.

The formula is based on the average step size, that is, the distance a person covers after taking one step. The average value is 60-64 cm. Blondel's formula looks like this: b+2a=64 cm. In this case, b is the width of the tread, and the height of the step is denoted as a. Thus, by choosing one of the suitable step sizes, you can calculate another.

If you adhere to GOST standards, then the minimum tread width should be 25 cm. Using Blondel’s formula, the tread height will be equal to 19.5 cm. In this case, the found parameters correspond to the established GOST standards, which will ensure your stairs both ease of climbing and its safety.

You can also focus on the “golden step”, which is characterized by the most comfortable sizes of staircase steps. In this case, the step size is 63-64 cm, and the selected tilt angle should be 30 degrees. The ideal ratio of tread width and step height will be 29 cm by 17 cm.

Tilt angle

This parameter is also very important, as it affects the convenience and safety of operation of the lifting structure. It also influences the choice of step parameters.

As a rule, in regulatory documents the recommended angle of stairs for use in the home and for use in public buildings is 30-45 degrees. But there are other options.

Gentle stairs have an inclination angle of less than 30 degrees. For extension-type stairs, a slope of 45-75 degrees is selected. Evacuation buildings have the steepest slope of 75 degrees.

Naturally, when choosing this parameter, you should also take into account the area of ​​the room in which the staircase will be located. Structures that are too flat will require a large area for construction, while steep structures occupy a fairly small space.

When creating a project, you can rely not only on formulas, but also on special tables in which the dimensions of the steps are calculated in accordance with the angle of inclination.

For example, if the angle is 33 degrees, the width of the step is determined as 26 cm, and its height is 17 cm. If the slope is 37 degrees, the width is reduced to 34 cm, and the height, on the contrary, is increased to 18 cm. If the slope of the stairs is 45 degrees and width and height have a 1:1 ratio, that is, 20 cm by 20 cm.

Number of steps

In addition to the slope, the number of steps also influences the choice of element sizes. One march must contain from three to 16 elements. If the number of lifting elements is more than ten, then it is recommended to marching platform. It is desirable that it be odd. This way, a person will start and finish the ascent or descent with the same foot, which is considered more comfortable.

If you want to find the exact number of steps, then you should know the height of the riser and the height of the structure. The last parameter is found by simply adding the distance from the floor to the ceiling, taking into account the overlap. For example, if the height of the staircase is 300 cm, and the height of the riser is 17 cm, then the first size must be divided by the second and rounded. The number of steps will be about 17-18.

In order to competently make a convenient and safe design, it is necessary, if not strictly adhered to, then to pay attention to the following GOST recommendations.

  • The standard flight width for household stairs is 80 cm, for buildings with two floors - 90 cm, if there are more than two floors - 105 cm. In public buildings, the width of the flight starts from 135 cm. The maximum parameter for residential buildings is 140 cm;
  • If the staircase has more than one flight, then it is necessary to adhere to the same width in all its places;
  • If the marches are directed in opposite directions to each other, a gap of 5 cm must be created between them;
  • The length of the platform cannot be less than 130 cm, and if it is located at front door– about a meter;
  • GOST recommends choosing a maximum tilt angle of 50 degrees, and a minimum of 20 degrees;
  • When choosing the height of the riser, you should not go beyond 12-19 cm and make it more than 21 cm if we're talking about about attic structures;
  • For residential stairs, it is better not to make the tread width more than 25-26 cm, and more than 20-21 cm for attic structures;
  • The height of the steps may vary, but only slightly - no more than 0.5 cm;
  • If the width of the step is less than 26 cm, the overhang of the tread should not be more than 3 cm;
  • When creating winder steps inner size the tread should be 10 cm, and on the midline of the march - 26 cm;
  • It is important to consider the distance that is formed between the lifting elements and the ceiling. Ideally it should be 200 cm.

When installing stairs important role Not only steps, but also enclosing structures play a role in safety. Therefore, GOST also specifies their ideal sizes.

  • The height of the railing should not be more than 90 cm, which is half the average height of a person;
  • If the stairs will be used by children, the height of the railings should be about 150 cm;
  • When organizing a porch, the railings can be no more than 80cm;
  • If the width of the march is more than 125 cm, the structure must be fenced with railings on both sides. With a smaller width, it is possible to construct railings only on one side;
  • If the staircase structure consists of less than five steps, then it is not necessary to make a railing;
  • The distance between the fence supports can be 12-15 cm.

Parameters of attic stairs

Almost every residential building has an attic, which is also accessed using attic stairs. In their design and parameters they differ from conventional designs, which connect the two floors. The basis of such a staircase is compactness. Naturally, this is reflected in the size of all its elements. The construction documentation also contains recommendations on the use of optimally convenient and safe step sizes.

The number of lifting elements should be between 13-16 pieces. It is important to consider that if the length attic stairs will be more than 350 cm, it will be difficult to ensure good structural rigidity. The width of its march can be only 65 cm, which is the key to compactness. The thickness of the step itself can be 1.9-2 cm.

Focus on GOST recommendations helps to create a truly convenient and safe design. However, there is no single document that prescribes all the rules. Therefore, if you want to familiarize yourself with the rules for constructing staircase structures, you need to rely on the relevant standards prescribed in various documents. There is a GOST for metal constructions, wooden, reinforced concrete. A separate document prescribes the rules for the construction of fire escapes and stepladders, as well as for the creation of fencing.

Each of us regularly deals with stairs - even those who live in a high-rise building and prefer to use the elevator have to go up or down them. We purely automatically rearrange our legs, raising them to the required height. And if any step falls out of the general series, the person at least stumbles. Or you may even get a slight injury. But this rarely happens: the size of the staircase steps is regulated by GOST requirements, which are strictly observed during design. However, this is in the interests of both the designer (there will be no complaints from the customer) and the user who will be using the staircase.

All dimensions of stairs are clearly defined by GOST and SNiP standards. They provide the opportunity to choose, since structures have to be built under different initial conditions. However, going beyond the minimum and maximum values during design, developers will not. Thus, the slope of the stairs should not exceed 45 degrees, since a steeper structure is not safe for ascent and descent. Yes, and it will be difficult for a person to use it. The ideal slope is considered to be 30 degrees, which is designed for public buildings. The problem is that a staircase built at this angle takes up too much space. Therefore, in private houses, steeper slopes are usually preferred.

Particular attention is paid to the steps. Their standard version consists of two fragments.

  • Tread. This is the name of the horizontal surface of the step, intended for installing the foot.
  • Riser. The vertical part of a step designed to support the tread. The height of the riser is, in fact, the height of the step.

When designing a staircase, GOST standards recommend setting the riser height within 12-20 cm. The specific value is selected depending on the type of structure and its purpose.

Subtleties of marching structures

For stairs with one or more flights, the ideal tread width (also called depth) is 30 cm and the step height is 15 cm. The parameters for flights are derived based on the step length of the average person.

In a private house, in order to save space, the width of the tread is often reduced to 25 or even 20 cm. However, in this case it is recommended to design the staircase with through steps, that is, not to cover the risers with materials. Otherwise, using the staircase structure will become extremely inconvenient: the width of the steps on the flight of steps will only be enough for children to confidently rest on the tread.

Note that a properly constructed staircase without risers does not lose either safety or ease of use.

Screw designs

When a spiral staircase is installed in a house, slightly different requirements are imposed on its steps, although the basic standards still remain in force. Such a staircase significantly saves space, however, the steps on it are very different in shape and location from those placed on the flights of march-type structures. Typically, when designing a screw structure, two rules are followed.

  • The width of the step is selected within the range of 20-22 cm. Otherwise, you will have to make a bend that is too wide, which is often unacceptable in conditions of limited space.
  • Due to the insufficient depth of the steps, risers are not equipped according to the rules.

An exception to the above parameters may be stairs made in screw version purely for design reasons. Then both the width of the structure itself and the depth of the steps are selected in parameters that are more comfortable for operation.

Calculation of the size of stair steps

The height of the riser, the depth of the step itself - all these parameters directly affect the ease of use of the structure. The most convenient step height is considered to be between 14 and 17 cm, the maximum allowable is 20 cm. The optimum is calculated depending on the height of the room where the staircase is installed, but always depends on the size of the person’s step.

If we are talking about a staircase leading to the front door, the designer may deviate from the recommended dimensions: very often such stairs are equipped with increased depth of steps and low height. This move increases the safety of using the stairs in bad weather conditions.

To calculate the step width of a staircase structure located inside the house, there is simple formula: 2a + b = 60. In it, a is the width of the step, b is its height. When carrying out calculations, sometimes you have to go through several options of parameters in order to decide on perfect size stairs steps.

As for the number of steps, it is perhaps easier to calculate than all other parameters.

  • The height of the room is measured. It is taken to be the distance from the finished coating of the lower floor to the same level of the upper floor.
  • Selected optimal height steps.
  • The first parameter is divided by the second - we get the number of steps.

GOST does not say anything about the number of these elements. However, purely practically and psychologically, an odd number of them is considered more comfortable - it is more convenient to start and finish the lift with the same leg. Therefore, if as a result of the calculations you get an even number, you should think about changing it. You can make the bottom or top step of a non-standard height (slightly lower or higher) in order to increase or decrease the number of steps by one.

The safety and comfort of using a staircase structure also depends on the ratio of the depth of the tread and the height of the tread. When adding these parameters, the designer should get 46 cm (plus or minus a centimeter).

And to check how convenient it will be to safely climb and descend the stairs, you can subtract its height from the width of the stairs. If the output is 12 cm, then you have developed the ideal design.

It is especially important to carefully calculate the pitch of the steps of the structure. This is where other calculations actually start. An incorrectly calculated step when using a ladder can even lead to poor health for users, especially those in advanced age: excessive overexertion, necessary to maintain balance, leads to painful sensations in the legs.

In order not to bother yourself with fiddling with a calculator, you can use the free online service, which will calculate for you all the necessary parameters of the staircase, including the size of the steps:

A staircase finished with laminate looks good in any interior, regardless of its style. Not every staircase building material is suitable for creating steps. Covering a staircase structure with laminate boards is quite relevant today, since this finishing material has all the qualities needed to create a high-quality surface coating. The material provides an analysis of how to sheathe a staircase structure with your own hands, and also discusses the advantages of the material and the nuances of the work.

Practical laminate finishing of concrete stairs

Laminate board is a floor covering made from fiberboard (plywood). Rigid laminate boards are quite reliable and can withstand heavy loads, which is possible due to their layered structure. The laminate consists of 4 layers.

The main task of the lowest layer is to protect the material from various types of deformation. This is a stabilizer layer that increases rigidity. In some types of building materials, a soundproofing layer is glued to the bottom layer, this makes it possible floor covering Excellent for eliminating unnecessary sound. The supporting layer is the base of the board. It is created from fiberboard, which has a very high density. It is this layer that is the most significant in the structure, as it performs the most important functions.

If the room is small, then it is better to upholster the stairs with a light-colored laminate

It is in this layer that there is a lock, which allows the laminate to be fastened together.

Also, the supporting layer is the main sound insulator. And finally, the moisture resistance of the laminate is directly dependent on this layer. It is impregnated with special substances that provide protection against moisture. The decorative layer ensures the external attractiveness of the material used for cladding.

Layer represented paper sheet, on which a drawing is applied that imitates the surface:

  • Parquet board;
  • Trees;
  • Tile;
  • Natural stone.

At the very top of the board there is a protection layer. This is a special coating with acrylic or melamine resin, which provides protection from mechanical stress. The wear resistance class depends on this layer, but nowadays it also has a decorative function. A texture is applied to its surface, and this better imitates wood, linoleum, and the structure of parquet.

Experts give several recommendations for installing laminate flooring yourself. The first step usually differs from the other steps, since it protrudes significantly beyond the string of the ladder from the side, so it would be correct to make a template from cardboard, according to which the plates will be cut. This way you can save building materials.

If there are no difficulties when cutting out the steps of a flight of stairs, then you can cut the elements for a spiral staircase.

Among the advantages of laminate stairs, it is worth noting their excellent appearance and good performance

It is imperative to make templates. At the same time, you need to measure each step separately and transfer the form to cardboard. If this is not done, there will be a lot of marriage. A durable coating can only be obtained if the structure is completely finished, since the installation is done not only for decoration, but also has a decorative function. A structure sheathed according to the rules will last a long time. This staircase can be enjoyed for many years.

Laminate has undeniable advantages:

  1. There is a large selection of colors and textures, so a staircase covered with laminate can decorate the interior of any style.
  2. Easy installation and repair.
  3. Reasonable rates.

A laminate board for a staircase to the second floor must meet the requirements - wear resistance to maintain the aesthetics of the staircase for many years, reliability, since over the years the staircase will be subject to daily loads during use, and an anti-slip surface that guarantees safety when descending and ascending. Laminate for stairs is ideal and durable option. It will last longer if you arrange a corner and baseboard.

Preparatory stage for assembling laminate steps

If you want to cover the stairs with laminate, then it is important to understand that the slabs are not able to strengthen rickety steps. They themselves need a reliable foundation. The staircase can be metal, concrete or wood.

And even if the steps are strong and reliable, but there is play, the laminate boards will:

  • Sprawl;
  • Deform;
  • Leave.

At the same time, it is prohibited to “plant” slabs on glue, as they may crack. The thickness of the slabs should be 6-12 mm, so such building material can become a reliable coating, but not a base. When designing steps sheathed with laminate, the craftsman must ensure that the risers and treads are well secured to the fasteners, eliminating any play.

Before sheathing with laminate, all questionable structural elements must be strengthened.

If any paint and varnish work was done before cladding, then the base must dry and only then installation can be done. As soon as the fasteners are screwed into the wood surface, a small depression remains above the head of the screw. To prevent the fasteners from becoming rusty, they must be covered with choppers ( wooden element) or putty.

Installation of plinth for stairs

Now we need to consider in detail how to sheathe a staircase structure with quick step laminate. Before sheathing, you need to understand that best quality It is possible to obtain only when each step is sheathed with one slab that has no joints. That is, one board goes on the tread and one on the riser. Today it is possible to easily buy laminate flooring according to the width of the tread.

If the staircase has many flights, then on the landings you need to arrange the slabs lock into lock.

Any package of laminate boards contains instructions that describe in detail that before installation, a substrate should be laid under the boards. This measure will make it possible not only to insulate the floor, but also to eliminate excess sound. It is possible to use a 2 mm PE backing as a sound insulator. This insulator has undeniable advantages, cost and good noise reduction.

To fit the panels to the steps, work well electric jigsaw, which has a saw blade for wood. But, if the elements are semicircular, figured, for example, under a baluster, then you need to use a narrow and reliable metal file.

Panels can also be cut using:

  • Hacksaw;
  • Hand-held circular saw;
  • Or a grinder.

Thanks to the plinth, you can significantly improve the aesthetic qualities of a laminate staircase

After the sound insulator is laid, you can install laminate flooring to the steps. The actual cladding of the staircase structure with laminate is simple work. For this, fasteners can be used, which must be made of non-ferrous metals so as not to rust. It will be sufficient to tighten 1 fastener along each edge of the tread, since the boards will be attached to metal corners.

The risers are also arranged. That is, on both edges the laminate is attached to the base using fasteners. Since the main load on the coating falls on the edge of the laminate board, to protect it, a ladder profile for the laminate is used. If such a profile is not installed, the coating will soon become unusable. The metal corner will also act as protection against damage and maintain aesthetics.

Possible problems with the laminate corner

When finishing stairs with slabs, many encounter some problems. The first step usually differs from the others, since from the side, as already noted, it seriously protrudes beyond the bowstring. In this case, a template is used, the dimensions of which allow you to correctly cut the laminate boards in order to prevent excess consumption of building materials.

When covering a straight flight, determining the shape of the steps is not problematic. If you want to cover a spiral staircase, then for each step you need to make a separate cardboard template. The work is painstaking, but the result will be magnificent. All steps must be completely covered with slabs; this is the only way to create a reliable coating.

Do-it-yourself laminate staircase finishing (video)

Listening to advice experienced craftsmen, you can do the cladding yourself and walk on a reliable, beautiful staircase.

Examples of finishing stairs with laminate (photo of ideas)

Round concrete staircase

Round staircases to the second floor are often a logical solution for arranging bunk apartments and private houses. They have several serious advantages, and only one drawback. Such stairs go around an axis, however, when made from reinforced concrete, the installation support pillar not required. Their main difference from screw analogues is that the flight of stairs does not extend onto the spiral, but ends within one circle.

Characteristics of stairs

It’s worth buying a round staircase because it has the following advantages:

  • the entire structure occupies a minimum of living space;
  • costs slightly less due to savings in materials;
  • fits perfectly into the interior of any style.

It is the round staircase, due to its configuration, that fits on small area. Therefore, it is installed in buildings where everyone square meter has the meaning.

Laying laminate flooring, from selection to installation.

The solution is also optimal for minor ascents that are rarely used (to the attic, descent to basement). Installation costs are lower, because in most cases, less materials are required to manufacture the structure.

Round concrete stairs are considered economical, high quality, and durable. Such a product can be designed taking into account all the features of the object, ideally integrated into the living space and made not only convenient, affordable in cost, but also beautiful. On top reinforced concrete structure you can use any Decoration Materials, general form the interior will look stylish and expensive.

By choosing the decor and type of finishing, it is easy to adapt the solution to any interior style. Big photo round concrete stairs can be seen in the catalog of our works.

What to pay attention to

Since the entire structure consists of winder steps truncated at the axis, such a shape cannot be made narrow. The length of each step should be less than a meter, and yet you won’t be able to move along it quickly, so it is categorically not recommended to equip such a staircase to the children’s room. In everyday life, such a staircase is suitable only for rooms where you do not need to climb too often.

Safety precautions in such structures acquire special meaning: railings should be comfortable and functional for people of different heights. The steps themselves must be non-slip, comfortable in width, and at the outer edge they must accommodate the foot of an adult. To make the descent and ascent comfortable and safe. Therefore, when ordering a round concrete stairs, discuss with the engineer in detail exactly how it will be used and by whom.

The price of a round staircase will depend, first of all, on the choice of materials. However, a well-planned design visually seems light and elegant; it will decorate any home.

The round staircase made by our team will be convenient and safe to use for all members of your family. Call us at the indicated numbers or leave a request for a call back, and we can give detailed advice on the price and features of installing a round staircase to the second floor.

How we are working

What are risers and what are they for?

Many owners of private houses with stairs ask a reasonable question: “what are these risers for anyway?” On the one hand, it is aesthetic and practical solution, but making stairs with them is quite difficult.

Features of finishing stairs with laminate

In this regard, risers cause a lot of controversy. We will try to answer questions about what they are, why they are needed and whether they are needed at all.

What are risers?

Risers are small boards, which are installed at the end of each step and are located, as it were, underneath them. From this location they received their main name. In most cases, the risers are made of the same material as the main staircase, but if the decorative solution requires a different, for example, a contrasting combination, they can be made of a different tree.

The risers are very important element stairs as such. They do not allow the leg to fall in or get stuck. This is very important for older people and small children, who constantly strive to stick their legs, arms and even their heads everywhere to see what is under the stairs.

That is, risers perform both a decorative and practical function.

Why are risers needed?

Some homeowners cannot imagine a staircase without risers. This is a classic element of any large and beautiful stairs to the second floor. If you value good quality and solidity, then risers are your choice. On the other hand, they do not serve any special practical function. In some open-looking structures, they only spoil the overall impression of the staircase.

Are risers needed?

If you adhere to the classic, blind staircase model, then, of course, you need them. If you have a beautiful, airy and very modern staircase, then risers will be superfluous decorative element, which will greatly spoil the impression of the stairs. Risers are usually installed in classic wooden solutions from expensive wood. In the same time, metal stairs Most of them go without risers.

It is worth noting that the stairs are winder steps They can be either with or without risers, but screw structures are almost always made open.

Whether to make risers or not is a personal matter for each homeowner. The most important thing is to determine for yourself whether you need risers or not, how close the appearance of your staircase is to the classics and whether they will interfere with your movement.

Stair sizes

The dimensions of the stairs must be chosen in such a way that the dimensions of the steps correspond to the movement of a person when walking.

The dimensions of the stairs are made up of the dimensions of the steps. In the case of spiral staircases, offset steps are required.

Step sizes

  • Step lift height is the vertical dimension s between the treads of successive steps (Fig. 1).
  • Tread width is the horizontal dimension a, measured between the front edges of two successive steps.
  • Lift ratio- called the ratio of the height of the rise to the width of the tread s/a. This value determines the slope of the stairs.
  • Pruning- this is the horizontal dimension by which the front edge of the step protrudes above the width of the tread of the underlying step.

Rice. 1. Dimensions of steps

Depending on the step height(heights riser) walking up stairs strains a person to a greater or lesser extent. In addition, it matters how often a given staircase is walked. The rise height of a step is an important dimension for designing a staircase. In this case, you should adhere to the instructions given in table. 1.

Tread width should be from 25 to 32 cm. With a tread width of less than 26 cm, to increase the area where you can put your foot, it is possible to trim up to 3 cm. In the case of massive stone steps, this is possible by using fillets or bevels of the step slabs, which are increased accordingly in width.

Lift ratio is specified as the ratio of the step rise to the tread width in cm or mm (Fig. 2). In accordance with this, the rise ratio of the staircase 17.8/27.4 means that its steps have a rise height of 17.8 cm and a tread width of 27.4 cm. To calculate these values, we proceed from average size human step is 63 cm.

Rice. 2. Dimensions of lifting heights in cm, which should be adhered to when installing stairs

The dimensions of the steps are calculated according to step size rule:

Stairs with a lift ratio of 17/29 are the most reliable, safe and comfortable.

Stair sizes

The dimensions of the stairs are determined by calculation.

In addition, it is necessary to determine the width of the flight of stairs and the height of the passage along the stairs.

Calculation of stairs is carried out in three stages. First, the height of the step s is obtained, then the width of the tread a and then the length of the flight of stairs. It must be borne in mind that the dimensions of the steps within one flight on the ascent line must be the same.

To calculate the individual dimensions of the staircase, it is necessary to take into account the floor structure of the lower and upper floors (Fig. 3). The calculated dimensions are the finished dimensions of the stairs. However, for manufacturing, the dimensions are primarily important load-bearing structure. The latter can be calculated from the finished sizes by subtracting the thickness of the clothing floor.

Rice. 3. Plan and section of a straight staircase

For determining march width stairs are prescribed minimum dimensions the width of the march used (see Fig. 3). According to DIN 18065, for staircases in residential buildings with no more than two apartments, they are at least 80 cm, and for more than two apartments - 1.00 m. For the width of stairs in public buildings, such as schools, special regulations apply.

As height walking down the stairs in the light it is necessary to take a height of at least 2.00 m in order for the passage along the stairs to be safe. All lying above the stairs building construction, such as floors, beams or flights of stairs, should not reduce the height of the passage along the stairs (see Fig. 3).

Stage offset

U spiral staircases in places of rounding, wedge-shaped steps are formed (Fig. 4 and Fig. 5). Making these steps wedge-shaped is called staggering. This can be done by calculation or graphically.

Rice. 4. Quarter-rounded staircase

Rice. 5. Half Curved Staircase

First, as for all stairs, the number of rises n for the intended floor height is determined, as well as the resulting step rise height and tread width a. The length of the staircase is obtained from the width of the tread multiplied by the number of rises minus one rise.

How to finish a staircase with laminate + cover the steps yourself

This is necessary because the upper tread is aligned with the ceiling.

On the ascent line, the length of the march is divided into the corresponding number of treads. In this case, it should again be taken into account that the upper tread lies in the plane of the ceiling. With curved stairs, the rise line in the curvature area has the shape of a circular arc. The midpoint of this arc lies in most cases at the corner point of the inner sides of the staircase or coincides with the midpoint of the rounding of the inner sides of the staircase. When laying out the lifting line on the tread, you should ensure that the corner step lies centrally if possible, i.e. so that the line connecting the corners of the inner side of the staircase and the outer corners of the staircase would approximately divide the tread plane in half.

General rules for staging offsets

  • The number of displaced steps must be established, because it cannot be determined either by calculation or graphically.
  • As a rule, an odd number of steps is shifted, since the corner step must lie in the center, coinciding with the line connecting the inner and external corners stairs (Fig. 6).
  • The width of the steps on the inside of the stairs becomes smaller compared to non-offset steps.
  • Front edge corner steps should not coincide with the line connecting the outer and inner corners.
  • The smallest tread width should not be less than 10 cm.
  • By rounding the stairs on the inside, the size of the treads can be increased.

Rice. 6. Length of the corner step and position of the center of the curve of the lifting line

Offset for a quarter-round staircase

The design process is illustrated using the example of a quarter-round staircase at the beginning of the rise, i.e. at the entrance to the stairs. The length of the lifting line is 3.78 m; The ladder rise ratio is 18/27.

It is necessary to shift steps from the second to the tenth. The design is solved in three stages (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Shifting the steps of a quarter-rounded staircase

  • In the center of the flight of stairs, a rise line is drawn, onto which the resulting number of treads (1 step) is applied.
  • The width of the steps on the inside of the stairs is determined graphically.

This is done using an auxiliary construction:

  • A triangle ABC is constructed with a right angle at vertex A and legs s.
  • s = half of the segment on the inside of the stairs between the offset steps (step 2).
  • A circle around A of radius I cuts line CB into D.
  • I = half of the segment on the rise line between the displaced steps.
  • On AD = l The width of the treads of the displaced steps is indicated.
  • The connecting lines between C and the points of division by / divide AB = s into the desired widths of the steps on the inside of the stairs.
  • The required division points are transferred on the plan to inner side stairs. If we connect these division points with the corresponding division points on the rise line, we get the corresponding front faces of the steps (step 3).

Offset of steps in a half-rounded staircase

The design process is illustrated using the example of a half-rounded staircase. The length of the lifting line is 4.05 m; The ladder rise ratio is 18/27.

Steps 3 to 13 must be shifted. The design is solved in three steps (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Offset steps on a half-rounded staircase