What is real patriotism essay. Essay on the topic: how I understand patriotism (essay-reflection on a current topic). Essays by topic

Different sources call patriotism either a moral principle, or an attachment, or a special feeling. I believe that all this can be combined into one word - love.

This word came to us from Ancient Greece, where its etymological ancestors meant fatherland, compatriot.

Hence the current understanding - love for the Fatherland. But the fatherland can be perceived in different ways. This could be the father's house, some specific place where you were born, where your family lives. Or maybe the homeland of the fathers, that is, all those people who made up the history of your people. Then patriotism has the right to manifest itself both as a cozy, touching, heartfelt feeling of love for your home, for your small homeland, and as a sublime feeling of pride for the entire past of the people to which you belong. In any case, patriotism is essentially impossible without pure faith, devotion, and readiness to defend and glorify one’s Motherland.

A special example of the manifestation of patriotism is a feat, a moral and physical feat. And such examples are presented to us by such a tragic event as war. To forget about the safety of one’s own “skin”, about personal fears and desires and rush into battle - not everyone can do this. Russian history knows many names who, with their heroism, claimed the impossible: Alexey Maresyev, Viktor Talalikhin, Ekaterina Zelenko, Nikolai Sirotinin, Alexander Matrosov and thousands of other Russian soldiers. They were able to prove that the feeling of patriotism is expressed not just in words, that it is not an empty phrase, but the greatest effort of the human soul and body.

And how much patriotic feeling was invested in the exploits of the people who worked in the rear for the good of the Motherland! How many mothers have made titanic efforts to send their beloved sons to war, and then wait for them, not sleep, putting up with the loss? There are countless of them, and this multitude also proves genuine love for the country and people.

However, in everyday life, without obvious feats, we can also demonstrate a true sense of patriotism. All you have to do is not “miss the garbage bin” - and this will already be a small act of love for your native land.

Patriotism is a feeling, although rare, but very important in a person’s life. After all, feeling inside the love for the Motherland, trying to protect it, protect it from enemies and lies, prove the greatness of your Fatherland - this is worth a lot, it can even constitute the real happiness of life.

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What is patriotism? The concept of patriotism is different for everyone. First of all, it is love for one’s country, a special emotional feeling of belonging to it, a feeling of pride in it. This is a state of mind, a sense of duty and responsibility to your native land, where you were born, grew up, where you spent your childhood. Patriotism is a synonym for the word “respect”. Respects his country, language, flag, people. And, most likely, this is the key to our future well-being. A country with patriots is a prosperous country.

Our president ON THE. Nazarbayev said: “At a time when there are explosions and machine gun fire all around, when children and women are dying, when the whole world is devastated by terrorist attacks, peace and tranquility reign in Kazakhstan. This is our merit. And this is recognized by the most outstanding people in Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. This is recognized by the United Nations. Difficult to find in modern world such an example of mutual respect in a multinational country. This is the greatest value, and I am truly proud that we were able to become such an example.”

The president ON THE. Nazarbayev is considering the idea of ​​patriotism as the main element of the strategic development of Kazakhstan in the long term. And this is, of course, because we're talking about O national security, sovereignty and integrity of countries. Strategic development the country to a certain, even perhaps to a decisive extent, depends on how we instill in Kazakhstanis a sense of patriotism, love for the Fatherland, the Motherland. And each of us must understand the importance of this issue.

For many centuries, our ancestors, being in harsh conditions, defended their lands, and today what was created on ancient land the new state - the Republic of Kazakhstan - took its rightful place in the world community.

I want to quote the words of my favorite writer, the legendary son of the Kazakh people Bauyrzhan Momyshuly: “The exploits of the glorious Kazakh batyrs should become a tradition for modern horsemen. If the Kazakhs were brought up with fighting qualities from the cradle, can we say that this people is not incapable? “Everything good in the past of the Kazakh people must triumph in the present.”

Bauyrzhan Momyshuly highly appreciated noble traditions of the Kazakh people, cultivating fighting qualities among horsemen. Many of the writer’s sayings became aphorisms that were deeply rooted in the people. The school of life raised this man as a firm, unshakable hero, an honest, sensitive writer, who is my ideal of a true warrior, an ardent patriot.

The word "patriotism" with Greek language translated as compatriot or fatherland. Famous publicist, journalist P.G. Chernyshevsky stated: “ A patriot is a person who serves his homeland, and the homeland is, first of all, the people.”... American politician Theodore Roosevelt believed: “It is important that you are ready to die for your country; but what’s more important is that you be willing to live life for it.”

Patriotism for me– this is pride in the achievements and culture of one’s homeland, the desire to preserve it cultural characteristics, the desire to protect the interests of the homeland and its people. Kazakhstani patriotism is based on respect for all traditional religions professed by the peoples of our country and is based on deep traditions of interreligious dialogue and tolerance. Although first of all it is love and respect for the state symbols of the Republic. These images are the source of creating a patriotic image of the state and are a source of national pride.

The 21st century is a century of progress, new technologies, scientific discoveries and the rapid development of all humanity. In our time, the lines of decency have begun to blur, human qualities have begun to disappear, standards and stereotypes have changed, traditions and customs have been forgotten. The age of cold, calculating cynicism has arrived.

Patriotism– it’s like elections: the free will of people, and at the same time, civic duty. Only a person with high self-awareness can develop such a high feeling. Love for the homeland should be instilled from childhood, in the family, in kindergarten, then at school, at university. Patriotism begins to form in the family, where the image of the Motherland and attitude towards it are embedded in the child’s consciousness. In adolescence and student years, a person is formed as a person, and his life principles are affirmed.

For patriotism you need know the history of your country, are proud of your ancestors, strive to be worthy of them. We, modern Kazakhstanis, have something to be proud of: an open, good-natured, tolerant people; beautiful nature; rich story; high intellectual potential; promising, educated youth and much more.

We must appreciate and preserve the historical and cultural heritage of the country. Kazakh fairy tales and legends always amaze with their plot and originality. What about the art of song and dance? Listening to music based on poems by talented poets, accompanied by the sound of folk instruments, you imagine endless steppes, light blue skies, a light breeze slightly swaying the green fragrant grass. The history of the Republic of Kazakhstan is also extremely interesting and rich. Our ancestors proudly and bravely went into battle for their native land for the sake of a happy and bright future, for the sake of our future. The people will always be proud and honor the memory of the heroes.

Unfortunately, patriotism is often confused with nationalism, and as a result of which a negative attitude towards this concept arises. For me, an example of patriotism and a decent attitude towards one’s native land is the earthquake in Japan. When the Japanese helped each other in an organized manner, there was no looting. This made it possible to talk about Japan as a highly developed, image-conscious, organized country.

Patriot is a person who loves his homeland and his people. But how do you understand that you are truly a patriot of your Motherland? Every person should love his homeland, because here is his family, his home, the land on which he was born and raised. From my point of view, it is simply impossible not to love the Motherland.

For a person, the homeland is a native and most beloved place, a repository of all the warmest memories. Our childhood passed here, and childhood is the most extraordinary time of life, which will forever remain in everyone’s memory as something bright, cheerful, filled with laughter and joy.

Homeland is not just a word. These are vast expanses that can fit in my small heart. The homeland cannot be touched or felt, but it can be felt. This is an eternity, and we are small particles. This is a big mechanism, and we, each individually and all together, are its vital cogs and bolts. This is how I understand my Motherland!

Heroic defense of the Motherland, Fatherland is the tradition of our multinational state with deep roots. The people of Kazakhstan honor the names of their faithful sons and staunch defenders of the Fatherland: Abylay, Abulkhair, Raiymbek, Nauryzbai, etc.

I, as a patriot of my Motherland, am proud of our President, of the centuries-old tolerance of my people, of the children who live in such a wonderful state!

Nazira Burkhanova

Patriotism?". The interpretation of this concept tells us that this is a person’s feeling of love for the land on which he was born, for his land. A true patriot honors the traditions of his people, puts the well-being of the Motherland above his interests. He will not leave his country in difficult times for it. days, will not betray his compatriots, but will help them, treat them favorably and with respect. A patriot will do everything to improve the condition of his native land, embellish it, ennoble it. He will defend it from the enemy until his last breath if he violates the borders and will come with war.

Patriotism in books

To write an essay “What is patriotism?” How many examples can we give by talking about the heroism, courage and patriotism of soldiers during the Great Patriotic War, by reading books about their exploits? They exposed their chests to bullets so that the enemy would not seize their land and destroy civilians. It was love for the Motherland that supported their strength and gave them courage.

Let's remember Andrei Sokolov, the hero of Mikhail Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man." When the commandant of the German prisoner camp called Sokolov and invited him to drink vodka for the victory of Germany, the hero of the story refused. But without even wincing, he drank to his death. He behaved so boldly in this situation that even the Germans admired his firmness. Here you can see very clearly what Russian patriotism is. Sholokhov's work found a response in the hearts of people.

Love for people

In life, patriotism is most manifested in times of war, when people go to death for the sake of rulers, for the Motherland, with a sense of duty and responsibility for their state. It is the community of people, customs and language, the culture that was instilled from childhood that gives us moral principles. Not only simple people were patriots. Who was supposed to set an example for them? There are cases in history when rulers and their relatives and friends stood shoulder to shoulder with the common people in difficult times for Russia. So, the wife of Nicholas II trained as a nurse and began to help the wounded and treat them. People said that it was not proper for the king’s wife to engage in such a dirty business, but her Christian soul demanded this, she was rooting for the people. Alexandra Fedorovna listened to the stories of the patients and stood guard at their beds. Love for the people cannot be taught; it is an indicator of a person’s morality.


Such patriotism is the real human condition. Many people talk about the love of women and men, but when you start asking about personal things, it turns out that everyone has their own feeling. The same goes for the Motherland. Love for Russia is the love of your children for their mother. Just as one does not choose mothers, one does not choose the land on which one is destined to be born. And you just need to love her, no matter what she is. This feeling gives strength and confidence that behind you is the Motherland with its birch trees, vast expanses, rivers and seas and millions of people, like you, who love their country.

The problem of patriotism

Patriotism must be instilled from childhood. You need to write about the problem of patriotism in essays and talk about it in class. This is very, very important. It is necessary not just to tell that you need to love the Motherland, but to show this with examples from history, from life, from books, to write an essay “What is patriotism?” The younger generation learns from their ancestors, and this means that it is necessary to show patriotism to people through the example of their lives and their work. It is important that both ordinary people and rulers follow the path of their predecessors, remembering those times when there was no need to talk about patriotism. A true patriot will give his life for his Motherland, and if he cannot, then he doesn’t love it that much. During wars, ordinary people went with pitchforks and axes against an armed enemy. They did not wait for orders, they followed the dictates of their hearts for their country, for their loved ones, for the land that raised them. In the essay "What is patriotism?" students often write about love for the Motherland, which means their hearts younger generation given to her.

Reflecting on the topic: “How do I understand the word patriotism,” I would like to start from the definition of the concept itself. So, from Greek, patriotism means compatriot, homeland, fatherland, that is, patriotism is complex concept, which at the same time implies love for the Fatherland, one’s country, the land where one was born, this is the desire to improve it and make the country prosperous.

What do you understand by patriotism

However, in my understanding, patriotism is much broader. To the question, how do you understand the meaning of the word patriotism, what do you understand by patriotism, I would like to answer the following. It is also love for its history, this desire to defend the country, if necessary, this is devotion to the country, its people, this is the desire to glorify the Motherland, this is respect for veterans and monuments.

Today the issue of patriotic education is very acute and there are problems here. Very often we hear how the younger generation destroys historical monuments, very often the monuments are in an abandoned state, veterans, of whom there are very, very few left, are treated with disrespect, and may even forget about their existence, remembering them only on May 9th. All this is not integral part patriotism, it is difficult to call such people patriots, but I want that in the twenty-first century patriotism does not lose its meaning, that it does not fade into the background, I want that time does not erase from the face of the earth one of the most significant assets of the soul of humanity - patriotism.

Arguing further on the topic: “How do you understand the word patriotism,” in your essay I would like to mention such a feeling as pride. I believe that pride is an important component of patriotism, because a true patriot is always proud of his country, he rejoices at any victories of his country, be it a medal at Olympic Games, or the victory of the home team in a football match. This is the pride that we feel when we hear stories about the great victory that our great-grandfathers achieved at the cost of their lives.

If there is such joy and pride for the country, then all is not lost and everything can still be made up, fortunately, today various events are being held that are aimed at the patriotic education of the younger generation, which means we will not forget about patriotism, without which our ancestors would never won the war. As a result, we will not lose our past.

My understanding of patriotism

patriotism independent state

Patriotism for me is not something imposed by anyone, but something I have experienced and realized by me. This is the most tender, sincere feeling, personal, with tears of joy and grief.

A sense of patriotism: devotion, affection, love for one’s land, one’s people, one’s country. It appears from the very birth of a person, in the depths of his soul and subconscious. This feeling is like the warmth of a mother, the love of your family and the people around you, even if invisible, it adds strength, gives rise to this strong feeling, which is very contagious.

How a person grows up depends only on himself. For example, I have a feeling of patriotism in the history of our country.

How Abylai Khan fought for the territory that belonged to our land, how our grandfathers and grandmothers fought to their last blood in the Great Patriotic War, like students like us now, fought to the last with the injustice that existed during the USSR, for the right to be an independent and united nation!!!

And why did they do all this? For the sake of our country, for the sake of the future and prosperity of our great homeland, in the end, for the sake of all of us!!!

But not everyone understands or appreciates this. For example, those pigs who beat us to a pulp and rob well-deserved medals from those who gave us life, the blue sky above our heads, fighting and giving their lives for the sake of our future. And all these non-humans do all this for the sake of some dirty papers called “money”.

If this is not stopped now, then it will be too late. When the feeling of patriotism will disappear, like snow in hot weather, like the dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago BC.

And to prevent all this from happening, look into your soul and ask yourself the question “what does patriotism mean to me?”