What to bet on 59 patton. Analysis of tank performance characteristics

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November 24, 2015

Today we will talk about the 59 Patton tank, which we will review below. Note that we're talking about about a combat vehicle in the game "World of Tanks". Its history began with the appearance of a number of images on specialized resources.


So, the topic of our conversation is 59 Patton. The review should begin with establishing the class of the machine. In this case it is “Premium”. The design combines the M48 Patton turret and the hull from the Type 59. Although there is little information about this development, it does exist. Presented in sketches. In the game it belongs to level 8. The place was chosen accurately. Since the tank clearly outperforms Tier 7 competitors in its capabilities, its equipment is not enough for Tier 9. Let's look at our hero in various projections and try to understand his main features.

59 Patton Medium Tank: Firepower Review

The first thing we should talk about in detail is the weapon. It does not differ in anything fundamental when compared with other representatives of level 8. For example, you can pay attention to the T95E2 or T26E4 Super Pershing. Our hero’s guns are identical to the first one, if we do not take into account minor deviations in stabilization and CD parameters.

We will continue our review of the 59 Patton tank with information about the aiming time. In this case it is 2.5 seconds. The indicator cannot be called worthy, because we are talking about a medium tank. For example, the T26E4 also has 2.3 mixing, but it is slow and also equipped with cheat screens that save the day. In our case the situation is different. Our hero has a huge command tower. Shells fly into her.

Let's return to the gun. The tank's CD is 6-7 seconds. This indicator is at a decent level. The accuracy is set at 0.39. The result is good, but you won’t be able to shoot while moving. With this indicator, the same thing could be done on the T26E4 tank, because its maximum speed is 40 km/h. It accelerates slowly, making it easy to shoot while moving. What does the 59 Patton tank offer us? Below is an overview of speed indicators.

So this fighting machine equipped with 520 horsepower, which accelerates it to an impressive 50 km/h. In some cases, it is very useful to supplement the tank configuration with a vertical stabilizer.


This hull indicator in our case is similar to the Type 59. With the turret, everything is not so simple. There is a lot of orange and red on it, but they do not always indicate invulnerability. A detailed examination shows that the maximum thickness is 170 mm, and it is observed near the mask and in the cheeks. All other elements go down to 140 - 127 mm. We have a huge commander's cupola. You can hit her even at medium distance. The thickness of the armor in this area is 100 mm. This figure for the eighth level is incredibly low.

Other characteristics

We have already mentioned that the engine is capable of accelerating this tank model to 50 km/h. The body rotation rate is set at 46 degrees/sec. This indicator can be considered decent. You should pay attention to the strength of the tank, it is equal to 1350 HP. The view in this case is 370 meters. The figure is very low if you compare it with other similar Tier 8 combat vehicles. Let's compare our hero with his competitors. The T-54 is not much ahead of it, but it does not have a commander's cupola. As for Panther 8.8, it is also similar to our hero, but has acceptable penetration and accuracy. The T26E4 can be compared to the described model in many respects, but it has excellent screens. French tank AMX CDC is incredibly fast. His weapon is actually high level among his class. The T-34-3 is a fairly thick design. Before purchasing the described combat vehicle, you should think carefully and weigh its positive and negative traits. Now you know everything about the 59 Patton tank. We gave an overview of it above.

Source: fb.ru



13-05-2016, 23:30

Hello to all World of Tanks fans on the website portal! Friends, now we will talk about a rather strange vehicle, a Chinese premium medium tank of the eighth level - here is the 59-Patton guide. Getting this device into your hangar is not so easy; it can only be bought in a premium store, where it is extremely rare and you will have to wait for such an opportunity, for example, a corresponding promotion.

Many people probably wondered what was so strange about this unit? But the fact is that it appearance can already tell an avid tanker a lot. There is a hull from the well-known Type-59, its Chinese counterpart, but the turret is from the American Patton.

It would seem that such an amazing combination, the 59-Patton tank, despite its fancy appearance, should be very strong, but not everything is so simple and now you will see it.

TTX 59-Patton

We will start, as usual, with an analysis of the performance characteristics of this device, because there is always something to talk about and something to focus on. First, let's look at the 59-Patton's mobility characteristics. As you can see from the screenshot, we have a pretty good top speed and really good maneuverability. However, the engine power is not enough and, frankly speaking, the tank seems stiff, it lacks dynamics, it picks up speed slowly, and goes uphill with a creak.

Things are quite interesting with the armor, because here two different tanks are combined. All this suggests that we can sometimes catch ricochets if the enemy shoots at the frontal projection of the hull, but in general Bottom part 59-Patton WoT is quite easy to break through, because our battle level is 8-10.
Things are not much better with the tower; here again the strongest side is the forehead, which is not surprising. And although this large American element is endowed with some kind of sloping shapes, in fact, shells can only be deflected with a gun mask, and even then not always. Also, in terms of armor, the 59-Patton tank has one huge flaw - a giant commander's cupola, which absolutely anyone can shoot through.

Otherwise, the safety margin is approximately typical, and what is very nice is that after update 0.9.15, the 59-Patton received excellent visibility, which is now 400 meters, while previously this figure was only 370 meters.


In terms of weapons, there is again nothing particularly surprising. No, don’t think so, the gun is not bad, but don’t expect any outstanding characteristics. So, the 59-Patton gun has a caliber of 90 millimeters and one-time damage typical for premium equipment of our level. Combined with the rate of fire, this unit is capable of delivering approximately 2000 units of damage per minute.

Regarding armor penetration, everything is again not so bad, but not great either. Regular shells are more than enough to penetrate most level 7-9 tanks, but with tops and heavily armored targets it will be more difficult. Here you either need to charge the gold, or try to drive into the side or stern and aim weak spots. Overall, the average US 59-Patton tank can farm well, but don't expect much comfort unless you're at the top of the list.

True, there are a couple more nuances here, the first is accuracy. In update 0.9.15, the 59-Patton received a number of positive changes, because its gun became more accurate due to more comfortable dispersion and aiming speed, and stabilization was always present in the vehicle. Otherwise, this prem rotates the turret very quickly, and the gun bends 7 degrees down, which is also not bad.

Advantages and disadvantages

The general characteristics of the vehicle and the parameters of the gun have been reviewed, and therefore it’s time to sum up the first results and highlight the most obvious pros and cons of the 59-Patton World of Tanks.

Good mobility and maneuverability;
Not a bad DPM;
Sufficient armor penetration;
Decent stabilization.
Good review.

Poor gun accuracy;
Insufficient dynamics;
Not a preferential level of fighting.

Equipment for 59-Patton

For a more comfortable and successful game, you need to improve some of the parameters of this machine, namely: increase the damage per minute a little more, increase accuracy, visibility and all characteristics in general. Unfortunately, like any other tank, the 59-Patton can only be equipped with three options at a time.

, , .
The last module can be replaced with, both options are good and have their advantages, so choose for yourself what is more important to you.

Crew training

As always, having upgraded the crew perks correctly on the 59-Patton, we get great opportunity increase the efficiency of the machine and the comfort of playing on it. In our case, there are 4 tankers in the tank, so the choice will be as follows:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader (radio operator) – , , , .

Equipment for 59-Patton

If you want to save money and use this Chinese device purely for farming, this choice is perfect for you: , , . And for those who do not experience great difficulties in the availability of silver or gold, it is better to take equipment in the form of , , . If you wish, you can also replace the last consumable with one, this will give a good boost to the characteristics.

Tactics for playing 59-Patton

Considering all the strong and weak sides This machine should be played with caution. We do not have phenomenal armor for confrontation with the enemy in close combat, and the large silhouette leaves its mark on the comfort of battle.

For these reasons, at 59-Patton, combat tactics come down to playing from the second line. The most sensible option would be to play from cover, terrain and concealment. Try to fire at someone else's light and shine as little as possible in order to save your precious strength points. If you are discovered, it is better to change your position, pull back and then again take an advantageous position, from where a good shot will open up at the enemy forces.

But in those cases when close confrontation has already been imposed and there is nowhere to retreat, the main thing is to move, dance and do everything to make it more difficult for your opponent to target your weak points.

59-Patton tank World of Tanks is good tank support. We have good mobility, which allows us to confidently change flanks, help our allies in different directions, or defend our base.

Otherwise, you should always react sensibly to different situations in battle, constantly analyze the situation and look at the mini-map, this is the only way you can bring maximum benefit to the team and increase your performance.

In general, it’s up to you to decide whether the 59-Patton is worth taking or not; there is definitely a more preferable technique for earning silver credits and enjoying the game, but this device is also quite good, especially after the release of patch 0.9.15.

Today we will talk about the 59 Patton tank, which we will review below. Note that we are talking about a combat vehicle in the World of Tanks game. Its history began with the appearance of a number of images on specialized resources.


So, the topic of our conversation is 59 Patton. The review should begin with establishing the class of the machine. In this case it is “Premium”. The design combines the M48 Patton turret and the hull from the Type 59. Although there is little information about this development, it does exist. Presented in sketches. In the game it belongs to level 8. The place was chosen accurately. Since the tank clearly outperforms Tier 7 competitors in its capabilities, its equipment is not enough for Tier 9. Let's look at our hero in various projections and try to understand his main features.

59 Patton Medium Tank: Firepower Review

The first thing we should talk about in detail is the weapon. It does not differ in anything fundamental when compared with other representatives of level 8. For example, you can pay attention to the T95E2 or T26E4 Super Pershing. Our hero’s guns are identical to the first one, if we do not take into account minor deviations in stabilization and CD parameters.

We will continue our review of the 59 Patton tank with information about the aiming time. In this case it is 2.5 seconds. The indicator cannot be called worthy, because we are talking about a medium tank. For example, the T26E4 also has 2.3 mixing, but it is slow and also equipped with cheat screens that save the day. In our case the situation is different. Our hero has a huge command tower. Shells fly into her.

Let's return to the gun. The tank's CD is 6-7 seconds. This indicator is at a decent level. The accuracy is set at 0.39. The result is good, but you won’t be able to shoot while moving. With this indicator, the same thing could be done on the T26E4 tank, because its maximum speed is 40 km/h. It accelerates slowly, making it easy to shoot while moving. What does the 59 Patton tank offer us? Below is an overview of speed indicators.

So, this combat vehicle is equipped with 520 horsepower, which accelerates it to an impressive 50 km/h. In some cases, it is very useful to supplement the tank configuration with a vertical stabilizer.


This hull indicator in our case is similar to the Type 59. With the turret, everything is not so simple. There is a lot of orange and red on it, but they do not always indicate invulnerability. A detailed examination shows that the maximum thickness is 170 mm, and it is observed near the mask and in the cheeks. All other elements go down to 140 - 127 mm. We have a huge commander's cupola. You can hit her even at medium distance. The thickness of the armor in this area is 100 mm. This figure for the eighth level is incredibly low.

Other characteristics

We have already mentioned that the engine is capable of accelerating this tank model to 50 km/h. The body rotation rate is set at 46 degrees/sec. This indicator can be considered decent. You should pay attention to the strength of the tank, it is equal to 1350 HP. The view in this case is 370 meters. The figure is very low if you compare it with other similar Tier 8 combat vehicles. Let's compare our hero with his competitors. The T-54 is not much ahead of it, but it does not have a commander's cupola. As for Panther 8.8, it is also similar to our hero, but has acceptable penetration and accuracy. The T26E4 can be compared to the described model in many respects, but it has excellent screens. The French AMX CDC tank is incredibly fast. Its weapon is at the highest level among its class. The T-34-3 is a fairly thick design. Before purchasing the described combat vehicle, you should think carefully and weigh its positive and negative features. Now you know everything about the 59 Patton tank. We gave an overview of it above.

The car and its small guide review in which you can watch the video and look at the reviews in the comments about this mastadon of the tank world. So, dear fans of the Chinese branch, welcome short review about the Chinese premium car of the eighth level 59 patton and see its characteristics.

Some are wondering whether it is worth taking the 59 patton into your hangar because the tank is not cheap and not everyone is ready to pay gold for it and leave the tank in the hangar because it is not possible to play on it for fun.

59 patton tank characteristics

240 / 240 / 320 units.
DAMAGE INflicted on the enemy
8 shots/min
1 920 (units/min)
190 / 250 / 45 millimeters
0.36 meters
2.30 sec
54 pcs

36.36 / 39 tons
520 hp
14.30 horsepower per 1 ton
How many horses per ton does Patton have?
50 km/h
46 degrees. per second
44 degrees per second
1,400 units
100 / 80 / 45 millimeters
177 / 76 / 50 millimeters

400 meters
525 meters

How to play patton to benefit the team to the maximum you ask?

Playing patton after all his ups has become interesting and you can have a lot of fun. First of all, the rhombus works on using it and standing close to the enemy so that there are more ricochets. Since the Patton tower is not particularly strong and it is just average in its values, when playing with tens, do not rely on it too much. It is better to move towards the enemy in a heap and support each other. I personally try to stay behind a heavy weight, such as the Japanese one, and since it is clumsy and can be dismantled, simply standing next to it, I little by little bite off its armor, taking advantage of the fact that its muzzle does not go down well. And I protect him when he tanks with his thick armor, I distribute splashes to the enemies myself.

It’s bad that our car is thrown into the tens because it doesn’t have preferential levels. But after a bunch of cannon ups, she can do something with dozens.

What perks should the 59 Patton crew upgrade to improve the vehicle's performance?

  1. to the commander of the military brotherhood then a light bulb
  2. the gunner, driver and loader first pump out the combat brotherhood, then repairs and camouflage, then each in his own specialty.

What equipment to put on the Patton 59 to increase performance.

The equipment for the 59 patton to increase its characteristics needs to be installed: this is, of course, a mask network optics and a rammer because the convergence is more or less normal and amounts to 2 and a half seconds.