What to do so that the windows do not sweat. What to do if the windows in the apartment sweat. Use assistive devices

What to do if plastic windows sweat?

What to do if plastic windows sweat?

Do you have plastic windows installed in your home or are you just planning such glazing? PVC profiles are strong, durable, unpretentious in maintenance, they will save the maximum amount of heat indoors, help avoid drafts, and protect against annoying street noise.

Many people who have chosen double-glazed windows over traditional wooden frames are concerned about the question: why does moisture accumulate on them? Is this a natural phenomenon or a sign of poor-quality work of the company installing the structure? In the framework of this article, we will try to figure out why this happens and what to do so that the windows do not sweat.

Window cooling principle and dew point

Why do windows sweat? If you have chosen the double-glazed window correctly and the whole structure is installed correctly, this does not happen. Let's figure out how and why condensation occurs.

The reason for the release of condensate is the drop in the temperature of the double-glazed window below the "dew point", when water vapor becomes saturated and its excess manifests itself in the form of precipitation. It directly depends on the temperature in the room. The colder it is, the sooner the double-glazed window will “cry”. This phenomenon is unavoidable if the temperature of the profile, window slope and internal glass reach temperatures below 12°C.

How does this happen? The double-glazed window fogs up from the bottom up. At first, drops are virtually invisible and rarely form at the edges. Over time, becoming heavier, they roll down to the windowsill, forming streams of moisture. Seeing puddles in the window sill space, many people “sound the alarm” and complain to the company that installed the pvc structure.

Most of them are confident: this is the fault of unscrupulous contractors or a manufacturing defect. We hasten to refute this stereotype: the vast majority of cases of moisture formation are associated with completely different reasons.

Plastic windows sweat: what to do to eliminate the inconvenience?

Do not rush to panic: in most cases, the accumulation of condensate can be prevented on your own. The main thing is to correctly determine the reason why double-glazed windows sweat and take appropriate measures. Possible root causes of the problem:
  • Under the window sill is a battery that overlaps it. For normal oxygen circulation, uniform blowing of the window with warm air is important. If this does not happen, the glass is covered with drops of moisture. We advise you to reduce the size of the window sill, make ventilation holes in it, move the heating radiator or find another option for heating the window.
  • The window sill is heavily crowded with indoor plants. They decorate the apartment, but increase the humidity of oxygen. Reduce their number and see if the situation improves.
  • Lack of proper ventilation. Its main task is to remove moist air from the room. If the ventilation system is unstable or malfunctioning, fogging cannot be avoided. Check the ventilation grilles for debris and dust accumulation. Regular cleaning and cleaning will ensure their stable operation.
  • The ventilation mode is broken. If the room is ventilated for less than 10 minutes during the day, metal-plastic windows sweat. Make it a rule to regularly provide fresh air inside the home and forget about the problem.
  • The fittings in the window were not switched to winter mode. In this case, there is a temperature difference, provoking abundant condensate.
  • Gross errors of installers. Failure to comply with the correct installation conditions, unsuccessful slopes - provoke blowing, which strongly cools one side of the double-glazed window, on which moisture accumulates. This cause of discomfort is much more difficult to eliminate and virtually impossible on your own.
You need to know: single-chamber structures made without energy-saving technology will fog up in the cold season. To avoid inconvenience - do not skimp on high-quality two- or three-chamber double-glazed windows.

Sometimes excess moisture on the window occurs only in one room of the apartment or house. Perhaps the room is constantly drying wet clothes, a large number of people live, or the curtains are too heavy and thick! Heavy fabric interferes with normal air circulation and contributes to fogging.

Moisture often forms on kitchen glasses, because they are constantly fried, baked, boiled there. Install a high-quality hood: the climate in the room returns to normal and the window will stop “crying”.

Sweating windows in the house: how to prevent a problem

Be aware that the installation of double-glazed windows changes the microclimate inside the room, especially damp and cold. It is better not to wait for moisture to accumulate on the windowsills, to take preventive measures. For starters, check how the ventilation works. The presence of traction is checked elementarily: take a lighter or a candle. Keep an eye on the light: if it is even and does not deviate, the ventilation system is clearly clogged.

The worst option is if the room is not sufficiently ventilated and poorly heated. The temperature of the released moisture approaches the air temperature. There is an unpleasant smell, dampness, mold and fungus on the walls. As a result, it is impossible to live in a room normally and stay for a long time. Knowing about such features of it, there is only one option for prevention - the maximum insulation of the wall from the outside. Such a precautionary measure slightly, but increases the temperature inside the building and the pvc profile. Over time, the design will sweat less and less.

When carrying out insulation work, choose high-quality energy-saving materials. Pay special attention to the following areas:

  • window sill space;
  • the outer part of the wall near the window;
  • slopes.

Be sure to remember: it is absolutely impossible to lay out slopes on your own! It is important to invite a qualified craftsman to perform the work and choose high-quality drywall with the best thermal insulation performance.

It is strongly not recommended to replace it with ordinary plaster mortar! This is not only ineffective and increases the level of moisture in the air, but also dangerous: over time, a piece of plaster may break off. Properly carried out insulation is a guarantee that condensation does not form.

As part of the article, we described in detail why plastic windows sweat and what to do. Here are a few more recommendations that reduce the likelihood of condensation in the cold season.

  • Constantly monitor the indoor temperature in late autumn and winter: it should not fall below + 18 ° C.
  • Measure the humidity in the building using a special thermometer-hygrometer. The optimal indicator is 60% at a temperature of + 20 ° C.
  • Try to find sources of dampness. Often the reason lies in the leakage of the roof, the stagnation of water in the basement or underground.
  • Use a vertical ventilation or climate control system.
  • If the radiator is located under a massive window sill, install a convection damper into the wall.

We hope our tips have helped in solving the problem of excessive moisture. Read other posts on our blog and share articles you like.

Do you want your windows to be minimally sweaty? Order windows from time-tested profile systems, such as those presented on our website.

  • What to do to prevent sweating windows with wooden frames
  • As soon as the cold comes, the windows begin to cry. And this problem becomes a headache for most housewives. How to deal with it? How can I get rid of condensation on the glass in order to forget about this weeping problem forever. We offer you some useful tips for caring for windows during the cold season, and ways to solve the problem of constantly misted windows.

    Why do windows sweat?

    Here is a list of reasons why windows sweat:

    • The difference between the temperature in the street and in the house;
    • Poor or broken ventilation in the room;
    • Bathrooms are not well ventilated;
    • Leaking plumbing;
    • If a gas stove is used to heat the apartment;
    • No kitchen hood;
    • Too many indoor plants (they release moisture that settles on the glass);
    • A wide window sill does not allow heat from the battery to pass through to the glass, so it fogs up;
    • No ceiling or floor insulation;
    • They did not have time to prepare wooden frames for the onset of cold weather;
    • Plastic windows not installed correctly;
    • There is a manufacturing defect of a double-glazed window;
    • Drying clothes in the apartment takes place in places not intended for this;
    • When installing a double-glazed window, the builders poorly sealed the cracks, so cold air enters the glass;
    • After installing plastic double-glazed windows, it is necessary to slightly open the window in winter mode, for natural ventilation.

    How to wash windows so that they do not sweat?

    If you have found the cause of condensation, then use this list of possible solutions to remove and prevent window fogging.

    • Any container for water (bucket, basin);
    • Soft, lint-free cloth;
    • Woolen rag;
    • Microfiber cloth;
    • Newspapers;
    • soap solution;
    • Glycerol;
    • Alcohol or alcohol-containing substances;
    • Shaving foam;
    • Anti-fog agents or other special means;
    • Scraper for windows with a rubber nozzle.

    How to wash windows so that they do not sweat?

    soap solution

    Oily glass is becoming the most common problem that causes windows to fog up and retain moisture. How to clean the glass from condensate and prevent its further fogging? For this you will need:

    • Wash the window with warm soapy water;
    • Wipe it with a clean, slightly damp, lint-free cloth;
    • Remove any remaining moisture with a scraper with a rubber nozzle;
    • Pour alcohol or vodka onto a sponge;
    • Wipe the entire glass with an alcohol sponge;
    • Leave to dry.

    saline solution

    To prevent the window from misting up, use a saline solution, namely, dissolve a tablespoon of salt in four liters of water. Wipe the glass with the resulting solution.

    Attention! There may be white spots on the glass. Don't be scared! This means that the saline solution must be diluted with water and the window cleaning process must be started from the beginning. The advantage of a saline solution is that the salt prevents frost on the glass.

    Glycerin and alcohol

    Make a mixture of glycerin and alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. The alcohol will evaporate, the glycerin forms a protective film that will not allow water to settle on the glass. First, wash the window with warm water and dry it with a microfiber cloth. Apply the mixture to the glass with a cotton pad or swab. Leave it like this and don't rinse.

    Should know! This method will protect against fogging and freezing of glasses from the inside.

    Turpentine, potassium oil and glycerin

    An effective recipe for a remedy for condensation on windows.

    • Clean the window with a damp cloth;
    • Mix 10 grams of glycerin with 20 grams of potassium oil and 2 grams of pine turpentine;
    • Apply the resulting paste to the glass with a cotton pad;
    • Polish the glass with a woolen cloth.


    An easy way to keep windows from sweating. Use crumpled newspapers as a glass cleaner. Printing ink has a water-repellent effect. Thanks to him, the windows will not fog up for a long time.

    Special funds

    There are a huge number of chemicals to prevent fogging of glasses, these can be wipes, aerosols, special liquids. They contain surfactants. Apply any of the available products to the window, it will create an invisible film on the glass, which will repel water and keep the glass perfectly visible and clean. They are very easy to use:

    • Remove moisture from the window;
    • Apply an aerosol (liquid) to the glass;
    • For best results, leave the product for a while;
    • Wipe the window dry.

    What should be done to prevent sweating windows with wooden frames?

    You should start to prevent window frames made of wood.

    • All existing gaps between the glass and the frame must be sealed with sealant (silicone) or other building materials;
    • For the best effect, glue the window joints with special paper tape or adhesive foam tape.
    • Before working with chemicals and other detergents, think about the safety of your hands, and use rubber gloves;
    • Also cover the window sill with a protective film or rags;
    • Read the instructions for use of chemicals and follow them strictly.

    By following these tips, you will forget about the problem of condensation on the windows and all the inconveniences associated with them.

    Video instruction: how to wash windows properly

    Often in the cold season, a cloudy water haze forms on plastic windows. This is condensation that impairs visibility, reduces the level of light output and promotes the formation of fungi and mold.

    Condensate(lat. condensatus- compacted, condensed) - a product of vapor condensation that occurs during the transition of a substance during cooling from a gaseous to a liquid form. It is formed if there is excess "water" in the air, and there is a low temperature outside the window.

    It should be noted that each person per day allocates about 2 liters of water in the form of vapor during breathing. In addition, a boiling kettle, cooking process, leaky plumbing, and even indoor plants can be a source of moisture in the house.

    At relative humidity over 60%, condensation may already appear on the double-glazed windows.

    The ideal option would be to prevent a similar situation yet at the order stage plastic windows. You should choose a warmer package. Two-chamber the window is cooled much slower single-chamber, which means that its fogging is less likely.

    Energy-saving euro windows actually don't sweat. The warmer the double-glazed window, the less the possibility of the appearance of "dew".

    What to do if the installed metal-plastic windows fog up?

    Let's give 10 Useful tips for dealing with fogging windows in the house:

      Need to reduce moisture. By regularly ventilating the room or installing air inlet valves in the windows.

      Reduce the number of indoor plants. Flowers and miniature trees increase the area of ​​evaporation of moisture in the room - water evaporates from the leaves and moist soil.

      Choose the “right” wall finish. Considering different options for finishing walls, ceilings and floors, give preference to natural materials that absorb excess moisture (drywall, wood).

      Repair all faucets and other plumbing. Leaking faucets and other equipment increase air humidity.

      Finish wet cleaning with a dry wipe.. This will help get rid of excess water.

      You can buy dehumidifiers. They are sold in construction supermarkets. Recuperators automatically normalize humidity and maintain comfortable conditions in the room. Great but expensive solution.

      Heating in the cold season should work constantly. Periodic shutdowns (for example, overnight) increase the humidity of the air and contribute to the formation of dampness.

      Strengthen the heating of the double-glazed window by installing a powerful battery under the window or reducing the size of the window sill. The smaller the window sill, the easier the double-glazed window heats up. Ideally, when designing a structure, it is better to ensure that the heat flow from the batteries goes to the window.

      Condensation may be caused by poor sealing. For example, a loose fit of the window sash to the frame.

      A well-functioning hood is the key to minimal moisture accumulation. If constant noise interferes, you can put a humidity level sensor on it.

    Finally, we suggest watching a video in which the author dispels popular myths about the causes of fogging windows and shares the secrets of solving the problem:

    Steam settles not only on metal-plastic windows, but on them it is more noticeable. Condensation can appear on furniture, carpets, clothes and create an unpleasant “antique” smell. Do not forget that high humidity is one of the causes of fungus.

    Systems made of plastic and glass have long since replaced the once most common ones. This is easily explained by the better performance and convenience of more modern models. However, they also have disadvantages. Sometimes plastic windows sweat, but we will figure out how to fix this problem.

    Features of the plastic construction

    To understand the reasons why condensation may appear on the glass, it is worth deciding on the design of the system. Its distinguishing feature is a modular structure, which means the presence of several module blocks. Their number and location is always constant, but the models can be very different. Each structure includes:

    • Frame. This is a hollow profile frame with metal reinforcement. Provides strength. Shutters are inserted into it if it is planned to equip an opening system, or continuous glazing.
    • Filling the hole. Most often this is a double-glazed window, but it can be monoglass or several separate glass sheets. Sometimes there is an opaque sandwich panel.
    • Accessories. A set of mechanisms that are responsible for the process of opening and closing in various modes.
    • Installation elements. These include special profiles, drainage, flashings and slopes, if they are made of plastic parts.

    Causes of fogging plastic windows

    In some cases, drops of moisture do not appear. This usually happens when it gets cold outside. Everything is explained very simply. Air is capable of absorbing and retaining moisture. Its amount depends on the ambient temperature. Warm, and even more so hot air absorbs a large amount of moisture and retains it well. But as soon as it cools down, the water starts to condense and droplets appear.

    According to the laws of physics, condensation occurs on the coldest surface. In a room, this is most often window glass, especially if it is cold outside. But even in such conditions, drops do not always appear. that is present inside the room. If it is increased, the glazing will definitely “cry”.

    Thus, the main factors provoking condensation can be considered high humidity inside the room and the degree of cooling of the glass sheet. To them, you can add a high degree of sealing of the window structure, which does not allow ventilation due to the mini-slits between the sashes and the frame. In addition, the degree of heating of internal surfaces is affected by:

    • thermal insulation properties of the elements from which the house is assembled;
    • air temperature outside and inside;
    • the general condition of the building, the quality of its construction, service life, etc.

    In old buildings, due to wear, thermal insulation can be broken, voids and cracks appear. In new buildings, after finishing work, the evaporation of excess moisture from plaster and putty takes a long time.

    Given all these circumstances, we will name the main causes of condensation:

    • Too high moisture concentration caused by frequent washing, cooking, etc. Such conditions may be due to a complete lack of ventilation or improper ventilation. In rare cases, increased humidity is due to dampness coming from the basement or from the side of the roof, if we are talking about, or private houses.
    • Wrong choice of glazing. So, if climatic features were not taken into account when selecting a double-glazed window, its insufficient heating is quite possible. In this case, a system that is too thin will begin to “cry” when the temperature inside the room drops, as well as when severe cold sets in.
    • Various errors during installation: insufficient filling of voids with building foam, installation of a window sill that is too wide, equipment with faulty fittings, etc.
    • on the frames or a violation in the adjustment of the sashes. In both cases, fogging will occur in the areas where cool air enters.
    • Errors in the construction or redevelopment project leading to poor air circulation and heating disruption: the presence of an inefficient heating or ventilation system, covered by any objects, a significant distance from the ventilation elements, etc.
    • Recent renovations involving tiling, plastering, painting, etc. Surfaces repaired in this way will release excess moisture for a long time.

    If drops of water appear inside the double-glazed window, this indicates that its depressurization has occurred. This could be due to illiterate installation or factory defects. In any case, the element will need to be replaced.

    What is dangerous condensate

    If plastic structures start to fog up, it may seem unpleasant, but harmless. In fact, everything is not quite so. Excessive moisture spreads from the glass to the window sill, walls, ceiling. In such conditions, they feel very good, among which there are many dangerous to humans. In a warm, humid environment, they multiply rapidly and "spread" around the room.

    Allergy sufferers and people with diseases of the respiratory system will feel especially bad in such conditions. But that's not all. Damp building and finishing materials swell and begin to collapse. Sometimes this process goes very quickly, in just a few months a good repair becomes unusable.

    What to do if plastic windows sweat

    Given that they begin to sweat for different reasons, the methods of "treatment" will also be different. First you need to diagnose and at least approximately establish what is the reason for the appearance of condensate. Only in this way can it be permanently eliminated. If the design is installed correctly, but fogging is still present, the following techniques can help:

    1. Remove all sources of high humidity from the room: an open aquarium, etc. If there are potted flowers on the windowsill, they must be removed. Wet soil can produce excessive dampness, especially if there are many plants or bulky pots.
    2. Organization of regular ventilation. Those who are afraid of drafts should use the micro-ventilation mode, when the sash opens just a few millimeters. If possible, it is advisable to install special ventilation valves that are mounted from the inside of the room.
    3. Ensuring normal room temperature. In order for double-glazed windows not to fog up, in winter the room should be at least 18-20 degrees. If this is not the case, additional heaters should be installed, the heating system should be upgraded, etc.
    4. Setting the correct seasonal mode. Some window structures can function with varying degrees of pressing the sash. If so, you need to adjust the tensioning mechanism in time to set the correct mode.
    5. Glass heating. You can do this in different ways. The easiest way is to place a few candles on the windowsill and light them. Compliance with safety rules is mandatory. As an option, it is possible to use a heater of the “breeze” type or, which are directed to the double-glazed window.
    6. Air dehumidification. For this, special devices are used that deal with the elimination of excess moisture. They are installed indoors and used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
    7. Arrangement of an effective air exchange system. it is better to remove it, and replace the thick curtains with light ones.

    Folk methods of dealing with condensate

    As a temporary remedy to reduce the amount of water droplets on the windows, you can try using folk methods. They are very different, we offer some of them:

    • A fine mesh is applied to the glass with dry soap. Then it is rubbed with a soft dry cloth to a shine. The soapy layer will protect against condensation for a while.
    • A mixture of ethyl alcohol and glycerin is prepared in a ratio of 20: 1. With this tool, a double-glazed window is wiped at least twice a month.
    • Salt will help remove excess moisture. It is placed in a rag bag, which is placed on the windowsill or between the frames, if any. Hardened salt is regularly replaced.

    We figured out what to do so as not to sweat and why condensation appears. Practice shows that most often the culprit is the illiterate installation of the structure, in which case the installers will have to correct the shortcomings.

    Plastic windows are completely sealed and can guarantee warmth and comfort in your home. The only problem associated with their tightness is when the windows sweat. Why does condensation appear, and how to prevent fogging of windows?

    What is the problem

    What is the problem with foggy windows? In general, condensation appears on windows as a result of a sudden change in temperature. Ordinary physics can explain this, or rather, the transition of a liquid from a gaseous state to a liquid one.

    When there is a lot of vapor in the air, when it hits cold surfaces, it turns into a liquid. The coldest point in the house is the window, so this is where condensation occurs.

    Oddly enough, windows can fog up in different ways.

    Here are some of the most common scenarios:

    • Condensation appears with the onset of cold weather. This situation is the most common, condensation forms when the temperature drops to a certain level. When the air temperature rises, the windows stop sweating
    • the windows are sweating in the kitchen. This is natural, because the kitchen is constantly cooking. The temperature in the room is constantly changing, which leads to fogging of the window.
    • the window sweats only in one room. This problem occurs due to certain features of the room itself, or due to problems directly with this window.
    • the window sweats only in the morning. Closer to dinner, the condensate completely disappears, and the window remains dry.

    Why do windows sweat

    To understand how to solve the problem with fogging windows, you need to find out what reasons can lead to this.

    Flowers on the windowsill are one of the most common causes of condensation on windows.

    Typically, this problem manifests itself for a number of the following reasons:

    High humidity level in the room. This problem often causes windows in the kitchen or bathroom to fog up. If there is high humidity in the room, condensation will form on the windows. Frequent cooking leads to a deterioration in the situation, faulty ventilation or exhaust, drying clothes after washing.

    Poor circulation of heat from various heating sources. This problem is more likely to occur in autumn or spring, when it is still cold and humid outside and the temperature in the room is not warm enough. Warm air does not enter the lower part of the window sill, especially if it is wide, and condensation forms in this place.

    Incorrectly installed windows. Experienced installers perform this work in accordance with all standards, so there are no problems. Those who charge less for work cannot guarantee a quality result, they are usually in a hurry and perform installation with deviations from the norm. In such situations, the design is not completely sealed, and cold air can enter the middle of the room. Another problem during installation is level mismatch. Over time, the window frame warps and the tightness is broken. This can cause problems not only in the formation of condensate, but also in the operation of the window as a whole: opening the sash, operating the fittings, etc. With an independent installation, the scenario is approximately the same, without experience, if something does not go according to plan, you will not even be aware of this until the first signs of a problem appear.

    Poor quality glass. This problem also often arises from the desire to save money. Poor insulation or faulty fittings in windows allow cold air to enter, causing condensation to form.

    Double glazing. This so-called cold glazing system, which is used only for non-residential premises. This design does not have sufficient thermal insulation properties, which leads to the appearance of condensate.

    Hardware not adjusted correctly. During seasonal temperature changes, the profile can expand and contract. Therefore, window fittings are adjusted according to the season. Otherwise, the tightness of the window may be broken and it will start to sweat.

    The insulation was worn out or was initially of poor quality. All window structures are equipped with a seal, which is located along the contour of the sash. It tends to wear out over time or harden. In cheap models, this happens faster, so the window “sweats”.

    Clogged drain holes. You can find them at the bottom of the opening sash. Their purpose is to allow water to flow down the outside of the glass when the sash is in ventilation mode. When the drainage holes are clogged, water flows onto the window sill indoors.

    Plant on the windowsill. If the flowers are very close to the window, there is a high probability that condensation will begin to form. Plants release moisture, or it evaporates after watering.

    The concept of dew point

    The dew point is the temperature at which water changes from a gaseous state to a liquid. This point is located in the thermally insulating layer of the wall, and is at different levels in different situations. This point cannot be visually detected, it is marked only on the graph.

    The most important rule is that condensation forms due to temperature and humidity. The lower the humidity in the room, the lower the dew point.

    Factors that affect the dew point:

    • outside temperature
    • wall thickness
    • room temperature
    • indoor humidity
    • outdoor humidity

    Why you need to remove condensate

    The complete tightness of plastic windows can disrupt the natural microclimate in the room. If wooden structures can "breathe", then fully sealed PVC windows prevent natural air circulation.

    Condensation is one of the reasons for the appearance of fungus

    If condensation forms on the windows, then the microclimate in the room is unfavorable for human health. Because of this, pathogenic bacteria, fungus and mold can develop in the room.

    For a person, the ideal living conditions are 20-22 degrees Celsius and 30-45% humidity in the room. Condensation on the windows is the first sign that the atmosphere in the room does not meet these requirements. To return a favorable atmosphere to the room, this problem must be eliminated.

    Condensation and wooden windows

    As a rule, in houses with wooden windows, the problem of fogging is not known. This is due to the very structure of the tree, which allows air to circulate and they are not as airtight as plastic ones. So the room maintains a normal level of humidity.

    Modern window structures are completely sealed. On the one hand, this is good, because the room becomes much quieter and warmer after their installation. This does not allow air to circulate as originally intended.

    To get rid of the appearance of condensate, sometimes it is enough just to ventilate the room daily. This will help natural air circulation and prevent fogging. In addition, some modern window systems have special channels for micro-ventilation. But wooden windows can also sweat, but why does this happen?

    Why do wooden windows sweat?

    As in other cases, the first reason for the formation of condensate is an excess of humidity in the room. If the air humidity is more than 50%, this is immediately reflected in the misted windows.

    Get rid of condensation on the windows - organize them by blowing warm air. To do this, you can use a heat gun, a fan heater, an air dryer, etc.

    Incorrect installation of radiators can also cause this problem. If the radiator is located far from the windows, it is most likely impossible to completely get rid of the manifestation of dew. For normal air circulation, the radiator will have to be placed in the right place. In addition, a cold wall that is not heated by a radiator will also cause frost to form on the window.

    Condensation between glasses, what to do

    If condensation at the bottom of a plastic window, or over its entire surface on the inside of the window, is a common thing, then misted windows from the inside are much less common. Most often this happens due to depressurization of the structure.

    This can happen for the following reasons:

    • the product was released with a defect. This happens when they want to save money when buying and buy windows from an unverified manufacturer. Another reason may be a violation of window manufacturing technology.
    • window damage during shipping. If during the transportation of the product, chips or cracks formed on the window, the gas or compressed air that fills the space between the double-glazed windows could escape. It could also be to remove a layer of sealing sealant
    • if the window owner performs some manipulations with the product, disassembled them and assembled them back, the gas also came out, and after assembly it was not sealed back. If the double-glazed window was disassembled, its original properties were lost in 90% of cases

    If condensation begins to form between the panes, the only solution is to completely replace the double-glazed window with a new one. A professional can replace a double-glazed window in just half an hour, but this work can be done independently. In addition, a new double-glazed window is not at all expensive.

    Regular ventilation is important for the prevention of “dew on windows” and for human health.

    Sometimes the problem catches by surprise, and you have to look for a solution literally on the go.

    If for some reason it is not possible to find the root of the problem, professionals recommend preventing window fogging using the following recommendations:

    • if you have condensation on your windows, first of all, you should remove all plants from the windowsill. Plants evaporate moisture, after which problems arise
    • ventilate the apartment regularly. Give it 10-15 minutes daily, let it become a kind of ritual
    • in the kitchen you need to install a hood. With its help, most of the moisture that appears during cooking will be absorbed. This will help reduce the level of humidity in the room itself and prevent condensation. You also need to adjust the traction of the device, if it is too strong, the result may be the opposite.
    • Windows should be inspected regularly for damage. Carefully check the fittings once a year, and the seals for wear. If necessary, defective parts must be replaced.
    • once a season, fittings must be switched to winter or summer mode
    • try to raise the temperature in the room. In some situations, this is enough, and when the temperature stabilizes, condensate ceases to form.
    • make the window sill already. This is true if the "dew" appears mainly at the bottom of the window. This means that the heat from the battery does not reach this area.
    • make an additional hole for ventilation under the windowsill. It must be transparent. Additional ventilation will increase air circulation and possibly prevent condensation.

    Ventilation of the room can not only help in the fight against condensation, but will also be beneficial to the health of the inhabitants of your home.

    The causes of condensation can be completely different. In some cases, the problem is minor, for example, the same flowers. Therefore, before taking drastic measures, it is worth taking these preventive actions.

    Mold is a companion of misted windows, what to do with it

    One of the most unpleasant consequences of the formation of frost on the windows is mold. If you do not pay attention to the formation of condensate and start the problem, this can lead to more serious consequences, or rather fungus and mold. And what to do when the slopes are covered with mold?

    When you notice the appearance of black spots around the windows, you should take care to remove this plaque. To do this, you can use various chemical compositions, including bleach or an alcohol solution. After removing the plaque, you need to make it a rule to regularly ventilate the room. Such precautions are taken only in winter.

    With the onset of heat, it is necessary to take more serious measures, and completely remove the areas of plaster affected by mold and replace it with a new one. After the new layer has dried, it must be treated with an antiseptic.

    Read also:

    • Plastic windows in a wooden house: a description of the main characteristics, how to install it yourself, photo and video instructions
    • How to insulate a private house with your own hands: roof, walls and foundation, description of thermal insulation materials offered on the market (Photo & Video) + Reviews

    How to get rid of condensate folk methods

    To combat condensate, you can use folk methods. They are more forgiving of the design itself, but these methods effectively deal with the problem.

    Method 1

    An old and proven way to deal with "dew" and frost on the window is a candle.

    In the fight against fogging windows, a regular wax candle can help. It works in the case of double-glazed windows and the formation of frost on the windows. This method has been used for several decades, this method has been used to eliminate frost on windows. Several candles are placed on the windowsill along its entire length. They warm the glass and prevent frost from forming.

    Many recommend using thick candles. They burn out more slowly, respectively, will last longer. At the same time, with the help of such candles, you can “brighten up” the interior of the room a little, make it more comfortable. If desired, candles can be scented.

    When burning, a candle releases carbon dioxide. If there are indoor plants on the windowsill, this can be an excellent feed for them, and you do not have to remove the flower pots.

    Method 2

    Sometimes cleaning windows properly can help. Depending on the initial cause of condensation, sometimes this is sufficient. Of course, the "success" of such a struggle can be expressed in varying degrees, but sometimes it helps.

    For washing you need to use:

    • soft, lint-free fabric
    • microfiber cloth
    • newspapers to wipe
    • soap solution
    • glycerol
    • alcohol (you can use vodka)
    • shaving foam
    • car window fogging spray
    • rubber scraper

    A window with a fatty layer is subject to fogging most often. That is why the “fight” with condensate must begin with cleaning windows with alcohol.

    This will degrease the surface, and the work is carried out as follows:

    • first of all, the windows must be washed in the usual way with a soapy solution
    • glass must be wiped dry with a lint-free cloth
    • the rest of the moisture is removed from the surface with a rubber scraper
    • alcohol is applied to the sponge, and with its help the entire surface of the double-glazed window is processed
    • waiting for the window to dry completely

    Thus, the surface of the window will be completely degreased, which will not allow condensation to form for some time.

    Salt anti-fog solution

    You need to prepare the solution itself. To do this, take 4 liters of water and dissolve in them 1 tbsp. l.

    Wash glass with soapy water, and after it dries, evenly apply the solution.

    If there is too much salt, white stains will remain on the glass after drying. In this case, the whole procedure will have to be repeated from the very beginning.

    Glycerin solution

    It will be no less effective in case of fogging.

    This will require:

    1. Alcohol and glycerin are mixed in a ratio of 10/1.
    2. The solution is applied to a pre-cleaned glass surface and left for a while. After some time, the alcohol will evaporate, and the glycerin will remain on the glass surface as a protective film.

    Potassium oil, glycerin and turpentine

    First you need to prepare the solution itself.

    To do this, mix:

    • 40 g potassium oil
    • 4 g pine turpentine
    • 20 g glycerin

    The mixture will turn out to be quite thick, but it must be applied to pre-washed glass with a sponge. Apply the product in an even layer, distributing it over the entire surface. Using a woolen cloth, polish the glass to a shine.

    newspaper method

    Window cleaner Sekunda

    Folk remedies do not always help to the right extent, and then you have to look for other ways to deal with this problem. Modern household chemicals are another easy way to deal with window fogging.

    All chemicals that are designed to deal with condensate work on the same principle. The composition is applied to the glass surface and aged for a certain amount of time (which is indicated on the package, this period is different for all products). After that, the window is wiped dry with a lint-free cloth.

    Tested chemicals:

    "Li-lo." An effective remedy for fogging and freezing windows. The tool is very concentrated, so you need to work with gloves. You can buy it at most hardware stores. The agent is applied in a thin layer to the surface of the glass, for this you can use a dish sponge. After that, you need to treat the surface with an already diluted agent a second time. We breed "Li-lo" with water in a ratio of 10/1. Without washing off the previous layer, apply a diluted product and do not rinse. We are waiting for complete drying.

    The same comb on the window

    As mentioned above, most often the most effective way to combat the formation of frost on the glass is high-quality ventilation. Window construction must be equipped with ventilation.

    • Windows with a window leaf. Today, windows with a window are extremely rare, they are made only by the individual order of the buyers themselves. But this design is most effective in combating condensate. The flow of cold air from the street is easily regulated, it enters the room at the top of the room, where it combines with warm room air. Thus, the microclimate in the room is getting better.
    • Micro-ventilation. It has already been mentioned before, now we will consider this method of ventilation in more detail. This is the name of the ventilation mode, which is available in almost all modern window designs. The window opens quite a bit, and there is a small gap through which the air exchange passes. Through this gap, a lot of cold air cannot enter the room, so airing in this mode will not bring discomfort to the inhabitants of the house, even in cold weather.
    • Self-ventilating. This feature is native to all window designs. It is a set of small holes in the lower and upper frames of the window. Air circulation eliminates fogging, at the bottom of the cold air comes in, through the holes in the upper frame, the air leaves the room.
    • Combs on the windows. A comb is an accessory for plastic windows, which can be purchased at any specialized store. It helps to regulate the intensity of ventilation and opening of the sash.
    • Ventilation channel. Many neglect to install it right away, and install it only after a problem occurs. Such a ventilation duct is installed either under the window sills or in the profile itself. The devices are completely different. The cost of such a channel is quite high, so a professional should deal with the installation of ventilation.
    • Convection screens will help in the fight against condensate

      But chemistry and folk remedies are far from all that helps to cope with the problem of fogging windows.

      Of the other methods, the most effective are:

      • With fan you can create air circulation in the room near the window. The device is placed on one of the window sills, and its direction should preferably touch several window sills at once.
      • convection screens. This is a special device that directs the flow of warm air to the window and prevents condensation from forming. Install these screens at an angle of 30-60 degrees. If the method in your case turns out to be effective, the device can be decorated in accordance with the general interior in the room.
      • Electricity against dew on windows. This method is considered extraordinary, but in most cases effective. A foil, nichrome thread, or other material that conducts current is attached around the perimeter of the entire window. They operate under a voltage of 12-24 watts. This solution warms the windows and prevents condensation from forming.