What does the female name Sofia mean? Name Sophia: meaning and origin. What does the name Sophia mean? Famous people named Sofia

The graceful name Sofia came into Russian from Ancient Greece. There are many opinions about how this name should sound correctly - Sofia or Sophia, whether these are different names or not. You can argue about this endlessly, so let’s dwell on the fact that anthroponymy (the science that studies the information that a person’s name has) claims that Sophia and Sophia are the same name, their origin and meaning are identical. And how to write in official documents – Sofia, Sophia or even – is a personal matter for the child’s parents. The girl is baptized with Sophia (Saint Sophia is the mother of Vera, and).

Today Sophia is one of the most trendy names, its popularity has increased sharply in a few recent years. Translated from Greek, it means wise, reasonable.

The bright personality of the girl Sophia is evident from her most wounded childhood. She is extremely restless and capricious, very early she begins to understand how to get what she wants with the help of her own charm. Little Sofiya is always surrounded by children, she knows how to find mutual language with everyone - both adults and children. It quickly becomes clear that the name

Sofia has a special meaning for a girl - Sonechka should be considered the best everywhere and always... She is sincerely offended if one of the children claims to be the winner. He hides his grievances and does not complain. Parents cannot get enough of their baby - Sonechka behaves perfectly in front of them. The girl is unusually attached to her parents and adores her grandparents. Little Sophia really needs constant affection and attention - this later affects her self-confidence.

School years usually do not bring much trouble to Sophia’s parents. The girl studies diligently, especially if the teacher manages to interest her in the subject. True, if some lessons do not arouse interest in a schoolgirl, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to convince her to do them. Sofia is cheerful, sociable, sociable, but exorbitant pride is already beginning to crystallize, sometimes even manifesting itself in some arrogance. However, the girl’s peers love her and she has many friends.

The leader's character will fully manifest itself when Sofa becomes an adult. Being purposeful, responsible, and quite persistent, a woman treats people who are unable to defend their point of view with disdain.

Sofia studies diligently, especially if the teacher manages to interest her in the subject. True, if some lessons do not arouse interest in a schoolgirl, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to convince her to do them.

Sophia’s character is significantly influenced by her date of birth depending on the time of year.

  • Sophia, born in winter, will grow up tactful, calm, intelligent. He knows how to get along with people, never solves problems with a cavalry attack, and knows how to do everything systematically and without haste.
  • "Spring" Sofa always strives to attract all the attention of others to herself. Has many friends and acquaintances, is non-conflict.
  • For girl, born in summer, the name Sophia means that she is wise beyond her years, calculating, and has a sharp analytical mind. The main drawback is the absolute intolerance of any criticism addressed to her.
  • "Autumn" The sofa is extravagant. Be strict with yourself and with your loved ones. She is often unpredictable in her actions. Men really like it.

Any Sophia knows how to keep her secrets to herself, without even trusting best friends. From time to time this can lead to depression, in which case the help of loved ones is necessary.

A woman’s kindness is not ostentatious; she feels the grief of others very keenly, and is always ready to lend a shoulder to a friend. He will never pass by an abandoned kitten, and whenever possible he helps his elderly neighbors.

Sophia of Greece and Hanover - Queen of Spain

Usually Sofa, justifying the meaning of her beautiful name, is truly wise and prudent. She has an excellent understanding of people, stopping communication at the slightest sign of dishonesty. Sophia is an excellent conversationalist, possessing high intelligence and tact.

The meaning of the name Sophia for health

Sophia's health is usually not particularly strong. Most often, problems concern the gastrointestinal tract and spine. Possible gynecological diseases. Considering Sophia’s habit of restraining her emotions, there is a high probability of nervous breakdowns. The more prosperous Sophia’s family relationships are, the lower the risk of disease.

As a child, Sonechka may have problems with excess weight, so it would not hurt parents to take care of their daughter’s health in advance by enrolling their child in sports section or for any type of dancing.

As a child, Sonechka may have problems with excess weight

The meaning of the name Sophia for marriage and family

Sophia's relationships with men are not easy, although she has more than enough fans. But the bar that a girl sets for her chosen one is too high. Although in the end, the ideal husband will most likely be found, and he will be the head of the family. Most likely, Sofa’s husband will be a man who knows how to provide his wife with stability and reliable protection. The woman, for her part, will be able to organize her life with dignity, and she will establish good relations with all her husband’s relatives.

But global changes may occur in Sophia’s life if she suddenly falls in love. Then no arguments will work - she will follow her love to the ends of the earth, leaving a stable, well-established life without regret. Sofa is able to forgive her man any offense, but not betrayal. The person who betrayed this woman has no chance of returning the relationship.

If Sonechka becomes her husband weak man and she will have to be the head of the family, then the woman will not be able to leave him, she will continue to exist nearby, feeling deeply unhappy.

Sofa always finds a common language with her children, understands them, without imposing her point of view.

Sofia Rotaru - Ukrainian singer

The meaning of the name Sophia for career and hobbies

The name Sofia means that the owner of this name is able to express herself with best side in almost any field of activity. Many famous women have worn and wear this beautiful name, among them are scientists, artists, doctors, and politicians.

The only thing that will not suit such a woman is monotonous, monotonous work, which kills a woman’s creative potential. Sofa will always be in demand as a high-class professional and an excellent leader. She will be able to maintain consistently friendly relationships in the team. Crosses the career ladder by leaps and bounds without dwelling on failures.

Sofa loves to relax in nature fun company old friends. She is fully endowed with culinary talent and never tires of delighting her company with exquisite gastronomic masterpieces.

Sofia Teich - Russian singer

Famous people with the name Sofia

  • Sofia Rostopchina- French children's writer;
  • Sofia Bluvshtein– Russian criminal-adventurer, the famous Sonya the Golden Hand;
  • Sofia Giatsintova– Soviet actress;
  • Sofia Khvoshchinskaya– novelist;
  • Sofia Zaklikovskaya– Russian Soviet painter;
  • Sofia Ochigava– Russian boxer;
  • Sofia Polotskaya- Queen of Denmark;
  • Sofia Teich– Russian singer;
  • Sofia Shpunt– Soviet chemist;
  • Sofia Ginsburg– Russian revolutionary;
  • Sofia Margarita Knorring– Swedish novelist;
  • Sofia Nartova-Bochaver– Russian psychologist;
  • Sofia Vishnevetskaya– Soviet artist;
  • Sofia Bogatyreva– Soviet literary historian;
  • Sophia of Greece and Hanover- Queen of Spain;
  • Elia Sofia– Byzantine empress;
  • Sophia of Montferrat– Byzantine empress;
  • Sofia Rotaru– Ukrainian singer;
  • Sophia Loren- Italian film actress.

Name day of Sofia, Sophia

  • 28th of February;
  • April 1;
  • the 6th of May;
  • June 4 and 17;
  • August 14;
  • September 30th;
  • October 1;
  • December 29 and 31.

Dear readers, please evaluate the information about the character of women named Sofia. If you bear this delightful name, how do you think the proposed character description matches your character? Perhaps you want to name your daughter that? Or are you hesitating, trying to have the most positive impact on the child’s fate? Maybe you'll like the sonorous one? Or proud and at the same time tender -? We are waiting for your feedback.

All names have a mysterious power through which they influence our lives. Having learned about the name Sophia, you will learn how she can become happy and what talents and special features this name has awarded her.

Meaning and origin of the name

The name Sophia came to us along with the Christian faith. Its original form is Sophia. By origin it is Greek name means "wisdom" or "wise". Its meaning contains a high sacred meaning, since it is closely connected with God: initially Sophia is the Wisdom of the Lord, which people could comprehend to one degree or another. The name Sophia was the name of a Christian martyr in Rome. Wisdom-Sophia is the mother of three virtues, Faith, Hope and Love.

At first, the name Sophia was very rare, since it spread only in princely circles, and then in noble circles. But today it is becoming more and more popular.

It is important not to confuse the name Sophia, which is Christian in origin, with Muslim name Safiya (Safiyat, Safa or Safina). This name goes back to the Arabic “Safi” - “purity”, “innocence”, which is also a sign of virtue, but still has a different meaning.

The fate and character of Sophia

Sophia knows how to make friends and please others, so in life she often finds herself in the center of attention. She can charm a man without resorting to feminine tricks and without pretending to be weak: in such a woman, his chosen one will certainly appreciate the ability to carry herself with dignity, look great, and also have a witty conversation. This name can endow its owner with aristocratic features and manners, which will not go unnoticed and can be very useful to Sophia on her life’s path.

Friendly relationships are important for Sophia. Sometimes she needs to have a heart-to-heart talk. She will always respond with devotion to devotion, support with advice and keep someone else's secret, for which she is valued and respected not only by close friends, but also, for example, by colleagues.

Despite the fact that Sophia gets used to managing her destiny herself, sometimes she can stop one step away from victory when all that is needed is decisive action. But Sophia, analyzing and reflecting, misses this point - she can even be accused of lack of initiative or weak will, because victory was practically in her hands. If you track this character trait in a timely manner, Sophia can become much more successful.

People are drawn to Sophia without noticing it, and this helps her find her calling. Sophia can be a first-class psychologist, she can discover her talent as a teacher, or, having become an expert on the human soul, she can try herself in writing. She is able to “talk” to a person, to find out his most secret things - however, Sophia herself practically does not use this talent. Over the years she sees better and better weak spots people, but prefers not to focus on weaknesses even in the event of conflict. In general, she prefers not to quarrel even with ill-wishers, keeping her distance and not losing her dignity.

In marriage, Sophia will expect one hundred percent fidelity from her husband. Polygamous, open relationships are not for her. At the same time, Sophia is not distinguished by a cold disposition, she is quite temperamental, so she and her husband will have really strong ties. She will turn out to be a loving wife and mother; she can devote herself to creating comfort and home, since she does not strive for unconditional leadership in the family. Although she is not lacking in strength of character, she does not like to turn marriage into a competition and is ready to seek compromises in search of harmony.

The meaning of the name Sophia for a child

As a child, Sophia (or Sonya, as her parents often prefer to call her) is an active and inquisitive girl. She easily makes contacts with peers, makes friends and often acts as a leader in different games. However, if the environment does not suit her, she can behave very distantly. Sophia’s parents are usually advised to take a closer look at whether Sophia is comfortable in groups kindergarten or school classes.

Sophia has a well-developed imagination; she can compose poems or stories from childhood, but, in addition to this, girls with this name also show abilities in the exact sciences. Although assimilate new material Sometimes it’s not easy for them: cramming and monotonous repetition do not help Sophia. She needs to understand everything and get to the bottom of it.

Characteristics of the name Sophia

Energy This name has a calm, even energy, without surges or declines. This is largely why owners of the name Sophia tend to behave with dignity.

Name days: Sophia celebrates her name day in February - on the 28th, in April - on the 1st, twice in June - on the 4th and 17th, twice in the fall - on September 30 and October 1, and twice in December - on the 29th and 31st.

To which patronymic the name Sofya is suitable: from the point of view of compatibility in terms of energy, the following will be: Sofya Andreevna, Sofya Mikhailovna, Sofya Alexandrovna, Sofya Eduardovna, Sofya Sergeevna, Sofya Borisovna and Sofya Fillipovna.

Lucky number: Troika (it’s not for nothing that it coincides in its numerical value with Trinity).

Zodiac: Sophia is most suitable for Zodiac Signs Libra, Cancer, Pisces, Virgo or Leo.

Element: water, but not a stormy stream, but a calm current that can wear away any stone.

Stone-amulet: Lapis lazuli (helps to translate plans into reality and clears consciousness) or jasper (removes negativity and strengthens energy potential) is suitable for Sophia.

Metal: gold or platinum.

Color: Shades of blue and green will help her strengthen her will and find peace.

Patron planet: Sophia has three heavenly patrons - Saturn, as well as Venus and Pluto. Saturn is the symbolic guardian of boundaries, protection and foundation. Venus is a “female” planet, responsible for manifestations of femininity in character, and Pluto is the mystery, the incomprehensible beginning of a woman named Sophia.

Totem animal: Sophia has two patrons. The first, the praying mantis, is named after its “prayerful” pose - everyone knows its manner of holding its front legs motionless, folding them as if it were offering a prayer. This feature was also noted scientist Karl Linnaeus, who called him "prophet". Sophia's second patron is the swallow. According to Slavic legend, she keeps the keys to warm southern countries.

Amulet plant: Sophia is helped to regain her strength medicinal plants- lovage and linden. And cedar will become a symbol of perseverance and integrity - paintings with this tree will have a beneficial effect if Sophia places them on her desktop.

Famous representatives: Sophia the Martyr, mother of Faith, Hope and Love, who died for her faith in Rome; Sofia Paleolog, wife of Ivan III, Sofia Kovalevskaya, the world's first female professor of mathematics, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, mathematician and mechanic; Sophia Loren, winner of awards at all honorary film festivals, Sofia Gubaidulina, female composer.

This name has gone down in centuries and will be popular and loved for a very long time. So the owner of the name Sophia is unlikely to regret that her parents chose this name for her - a guarantee of wise decisions and a happy destiny.

Numerology of the female name Sophia

The number of the name Sophia three is a strong number that has a huge impact on a person. Three can be compared to a pyramid, and Sophia is always at the top. Readiness, intelligence, charm, self-development and a small amount of understandable pride are her distinctive features. There are always people around who come for advice or just to boost their morale, because the optimism of the troika is infectious... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is available.

All names in alphabetical order:

Today the Moon will prepare for the Full Moon - a turning point and quite dangerous period for many things. ...

Recently in Russia, in Britain, in other countries Western Europe has become very popular female name Sofia. The difference between Sophia and Sophia is, perhaps, noticeable only in our country, since the first version of the name is considered originally Russian. Is there such a big difference in meaning and origin? Let's try to understand this issue and also help making the right choice for a newborn to new parents.

Origin of the name Sofia

There are several versions of the translation of the euphonious and ancient name, the most common version is the translation from Greek, meaning “wisdom”. This is the secret of the name Sophia that will be revealed to our readers very soon. As for other cultures, this name can be translated from Hebrew as “forever young,” from Arabic as “smart,” and from Hindi as “golden.” In all versions, only the most worthy and flattering epithets are heard addressed to our today’s heroine.

The mystery of the name

To reveal the secret of the name, let's turn to historical facts, taking us back to time Ancient Rome. The emperor could then worship any god, and Christianity was considered something out of the ordinary. A woman named Sophia, together with her daughters, openly preached the Christian faith, one for all. For this, the daughters Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov were cruelly tortured, but not one of the girls renounced Christ. The heartbreaking story tells that shortly after the funeral of her daughters who did not give up, Sophia was found dead next to their graves.

It was in connection with this story that theologians endowed our today's heroine with all the benefactors that her daughters possessed. If you are interested in the question about the names Sophia and Sophia, what is the difference between them and what are the similarities, then we can definitely say that these names have the same historical and etymological roots.

Characteristics of the name Sofia

Our heroine has pathological maternal patience, prudence, and the ability to resolve any conflict. Girls who have it wonderful name, generous and fair, and this is why the people around them love them so much. Kindness, empathy for the grief of others and sincerity - these are the qualities that characterize Sofia. In addition, the owners of this name are selfless and capable of infringing themselves in many ways to achieve a good goal.

However, Sonechka is prone to falling into long-term and protracted depression if troubles suddenly happen in life. Not once does the thought flash through her head that the blame for the unsuccessful event may not lie with her alone. She is used to blaming only herself for everything, and, unfortunately, she endures insults from loved ones extremely hard.

Love and family in the life of our heroine

Sofia is very sensual and emotional, she simply adores the state of being in love, but she is not inclined to choose the first person she meets as a partner. Due to the fact that she loves to feel reciprocity, she does not tolerate dryness in her partner, and especially neglect on his part. Our heroine cannot stand loneliness, which is why she can get married early. Over the years, feeling that the man has lost interest in her, she can break off relations with him without regret. Despite the fact that in marriage she always strives to take a dominant position, she surrounds her household with comfort and warmth. There is no need to talk about how much Sofia adores her children. She guides them, protects them and is proud of the achievements of her offspring. She can easily save on an unnecessary purchase; thrift and practicality are Sonechka’s strong point.

Name Sophia and Sophia: what is the difference between the names?

Based on the fact that both representatives have similar mascot stones and heavenly patrons, we can conclude that there is an incredible similarity. But as metaphysics says, even replacing just one letter in a name can radically change the situation as a whole. From this we conclude that there are still differences in names. Let's look at which ones exactly.

Origin of the name Sophia

This name is considered ancient Russian, having its roots in the same ancient Greek meaning “wisdom”. It is no secret that most of the names in Rus' migrated precisely from the ancient Greek language and from Byzantium, the center of Orthodoxy. If we consider the etymology, this name is also associated with the early Christian Saint Sophia, the mother of three daughters of the great martyrs. However, it is Sophia who is considered the patroness of the female line royal family in Russia. Therefore, among the nobles the second half of the 19th century centuries, the custom of calling one's newborn daughters with this name was so widespread.


We continue to identify the differences between the names Sophia and Sophia. What is the difference between the characters? Sophia loves to develop, learn and usually realizes herself brilliantly in society. If parents want to see a diligent and diligent student in their daughter, then this option is for them. Sophia is straightforward, honest and open. Therefore, among friends she is especially valued for the fact that she will not lie or invent fables to please the opinions of others. She is diligent and devotes herself to any task undividedly. However, there are also similarities between the names. So, Sofia is also selfless, compassionate and sacrificial.

However, not everything is so smooth in the character of our second heroine. Sometimes she can be too arrogant and arrogant. And if someone, in her opinion, does not deserve respect, the girl will even show rudeness and disdain towards the person. So, the name Sophia and Sofia - what is the difference in the characters of the owners? The main difference is that Sophia will never blame herself for failures, she is more selfish and not at all self-critical, and will instantly find a bunch of excuses for all her misdeeds.

Love and family for Sophia

We continue to identify obvious differences in the characters and habits of our today's heroines. Let's define the following: the name Sophia and Sophia - what is the difference in love relationships and family values? Our second heroine, despite her external attractiveness, does not strive to be desirable and accessible to men. As we remember, Sophia is very smart and diligent, she strives to learn new things all the time. So in men, she primarily values ​​intellect and mental abilities, placing them above wealth, fame and the external attractiveness of the chosen one. Sophia is skeptical about all the contenders for her hand and heart who are trying to bestow her with gifts and compliments. In relationships, she is not inclined to take on the burden of leadership. Having started a family and given birth to children, he can easily sacrifice a successful career. Just like the first heroine, she adores children, but she cares and cherishes them excessively, and sometimes she sins with permissiveness in her upbringing.

Characteristics of the name Sophia (Sofia). Stones and talismans

Our today's heroine, regardless of which of the two presented name options she was named, is protected by the same talismans, and the same symbols, plants and

  • jewelry - lapis lazuli, opal;
  • patronizing planet - Saturn;
  • animal - lark;
  • favorable colors - blue, green, light blue;
  • name sign - Libra;
  • plant - linden.

The meaning of the name Sophia translated from ancient Greek is “wisdom”. The owners of this name are distinguished by such character traits as curiosity, activity, and sociability. These are girls with a strong character who... youth they know what they want from life. Thanks to her serious approach to any business, Sophia can reach professional heights in any field of activity. Typically, girls with this name make high demands on their partners, and the relationship ends in a strong marriage.

Sonya's character traits in childhood

A girl named Sophia has been inquisitive since birth. Looking at the world with wide open eyes, she is not afraid to ask questions, draw conclusions, checking everything for own experience. Activity, mobility and restlessness in acquiring new knowledge and sensations make her more serious than her peers.

Sophia is cheerful and sweet. She enjoys communicating with children and adults. She behaves with them as a serious, self-sufficient person, avoiding childish affectation and affectation. The girl loves to listen and contemplate.

Having matured a little, Sophia becomes right hand moms. At first, you can give her small tasks, then entrust her with cleaning the house, invite her to help in the kitchen. She never refuses and is happy to help her parents.

During the school period of her life, Sophia is wary of quarrels and conflicts in relationships with peers. She is pleasant and friendly with her friends, of whom she has quite a lot. He will always come to the aid of those in need.

She doesn’t shy away from children’s entertainment, but she is interested in educational games that lead to new knowledge and discoveries. She is so deeply immersed in the process of the game that she is able to captivate her comrades, although she has no leadership qualities.

The girl studies diligently, takes her classes seriously, and grasps information on the fly. Doesn't forget to help his comrades. Such a student is not ignored by teachers, they give her various school assignments, and they make her responsible for this or that event.

Sophia does not curry favor and does not snitch, she knows how to listen and support her friend, and deal with him together in the situation that has arisen. Therefore, she enjoys the respect of her classmates. And from childhood he knows exactly what he wants. He always defends his position, thereby being an example to follow.

When choosing the name Sophia for girls, you should remember its compatibility with the patronymic. For a baby born in spring and summer, the middle names Alexandrovna, Pavlovna, Filippovna, Eduardovna, Ilyinichna, Andreevna are suitable. It’s also good if dad’s name is Peter, Mikhail, Boris, Sergei or Naum.

Growing up period

Sofa's character changes as she grows up. Thanks to the experience gained in more than early age, the girl shows confidence and firmness in all her endeavors. She becomes less open, although she is ready to help at any moment, but only for very close people.

The desire to communicate, comprehend the world, and obtain new information remain the main qualities of her character. When entering a conversation, she maintains the conversation, relying on facts and her own knowledge, completely confident that she is right and competent in any matter.

Important decisions Sophia accepts on her own, not guided by the advice and opinions of others, trusting her logic and feelings. Having made a mistake, he gets upset, but the worries do not last long.

From the point of view of close relatives, some actions may seem rash and frivolous. But such is the character of a girl named Sophia. We should not forget about this and protect her from impulsive decisions at the right time.

Adult Sofia will never tell strangers about mental trauma; she knows how to cope with emotions. And no matter what, she will always remain a faithful friend, wife, daughter. According to the zodiac sign, Libra, Virgo, Cancer and Pisces are most suitable for Sophia.

Choice of profession

Having received a good amount of knowledge and skills, and having remarkable abilities, the girl chooses a profession to her liking. She enjoys science and creativity, history and geography, linguistics and journalism. But he makes the decision on his own, weighing all the pros and cons. And only after hearing her inner voice, she does final choice.

Areas that Sofia usually chooses:

  • Creation. This includes theater or cinema, music and photography, art and sculpture.
  • The science. Natural disciplines prevail here, such as geography, chemistry, biology, physics, and astronomy.
  • Journalism. In this area, Sonya will prove herself not only as a correspondent or editor, but will also be able to become an excellent critic, publisher, and literary critic.

The choice of profession and the future fate of a girl directly depends on the time period of her birth.

  • Sofia, born in winter, is serious and strict. The main areas of her activity: inspector of the prosecutor's office, economist, cutter of women's clothing, teacher of exact disciplines, head of a perfume company.
  • Autumn Sonya is calculating and precise. He has a flexible mind and is good at math. Her best areas of work are accounting, taxation, trading and pharmaceuticals. Biology classes and the profession of a flight attendant are not excluded.
  • Scrupulous and obligatory spring Sonya can hold the position of a passport officer or saleswoman, cashier or notary. Perhaps she will work as a makeup artist or draftswoman.
  • The girl Sophia, born in the summer months, is by nature a sensitive person who knows how to empathize. Recognition awaits her in the fields of medicine, education and upbringing. She can successfully manage an orphanage, work as an art critic or an insurance agent.

Whatever a young woman named Sophia chooses, her attitude to business will always be serious and deep, and success will definitely come. Sophia can only have calm and even relationships with her colleagues. Her passion for her work, honesty and integrity will be appreciated by her colleagues.

Business cooperation is going well with Raisa Bogdanovna, Maria Ivanovna, Alisa Mikhailovna, Gloria Alekseevna. But business partners named Angela Nikolaevna, Margarita Stanislavovna, Sofya Dmitrievna, Elizaveta Naumovna will not suit her.

Family life and health of Sophia

Interesting and attractive girl, smiling and charming, cannot leave the men around her indifferent. She gets along better with men than with the fair sex. But when choosing a life partner, he makes serious demands. Not everyone manages to achieve reciprocity. She is looking for a comprehensively educated man who can speak beautifully, subtly feel her soul, be gentle and at the same time courageous. Having not met such a person, Sonya will prefer loneliness to tying the knot with a man who does not meet these criteria. IN family relationships will never tolerate betrayal.

Once married, a woman devotes herself wholeheartedly to her family. Caring wife and mother, good hostess, an interesting conversationalist and storyteller. She is an excellent cook and loves to invite guests to her home, where a special microclimate of affection and mutual understanding reigns. Sophia’s life will be successful if Sergei, Pavel, Dmitry, Denis become her husband. Good compatibility with Konstantin and Vsevolod, Miron and Afanasy. An alliance between Sophia and Anton, George, Oleg, Stanislav and Yaroslav is undesirable.

The bearers of this name have good health. They are hardy and hardened natures. But in childhood, girls often pick up infectious diseases. Sonechki are lovers of sweets. Therefore, they often have problems with teeth.

By older age, the functioning of the digestive organs is disrupted, and ailments of the musculoskeletal system appear. These diseases especially affect women with the patronymic Romanovna, who suffer from joint diseases more than other Sophias.

In translation- wise (Greek).

Patron planet of Sofia: Venus, Pluto.

Favorable colors for the owner of the name Sophia: silver, purple.

Sofia's favorite color: white.

Sophia's talisman stones: marble, agates.

The meaning of the name Sophia

The name of a person who is impulsive, deep and quite serious.

Sofia's character is purposeful, hardworking, very careful, modest, scrupulous, distrustful, power-hungry, suspicious, overly jealous, calculating. Sofia is prone to loneliness and melancholy. Fate is not kind to Sofia; as a rule, she has a hard life. But Sofia is a very pretty and strong-willed woman. And this helps her survive in difficult conditions.

IN family life she will strive for leadership, her strong will is capable of subjugating a man, but she will do it all quietly, without unnecessary shouting, although very persistently. Sofia is very emotional, and you shouldn’t trust her restraint too much. Take a closer look: behind Sofia’s external calm lies a volcano of passions. Sofia is extremely cunning and you can expect anything from her.

Sophia's behavior is the behavior of a person who has good strong-willed qualities and tries to drive emotions into the depths. But feelings cannot be completely drowned out - sooner or later they will burst out, like steam escaping from a cauldron, or they will gradually poison a person’s life, manifesting themselves in strange actions or a gloomy mood.

However, despite all its negative qualities, Sofia is talented and a wise man, which fully corresponds to the meaning of her name.

Sofia receives a good education. She can work as an editor, doctor, artist, engineer. Sophia is assiduous and pedantic; she is always respected in her service. If she chooses a profession in the field of exact sciences, medicine, chemistry, she will definitely achieve success. A career in the field of financier or manager will also work out well. She has an excellent memory, great efficiency, and an iron will.

Sofia has no real friends. She does not know how to be completely sincere, and her friends feel this. Sofia can come to the rescue, but not always. In other words, Sofia cannot be a pure, sincere, simple-minded friend, which is why she has no friends.

Numerology of the name Sophia corresponds to the number 3, symbolizing versatility, cheerfulness, a penchant for science and art.

Famous in the history of Sophia

The day of September 30 is revered by the people as “all-world women’s name days” in memory of the holy martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Love and their mother Sophia, who lived in Italy in the year 137 and openly professed faith in Christ. Having learned about this, Emperor Hadrian wanted to force them to sacrifice to the goddess Artemis, but the young maidens endured severe torment without changing Christian faith. Sophia, having buried her daughters, died 3 days later at their grave, and the believers buried her in the same place.

Sophia has an innate sense of superiority over others, which is not justified by her personal qualities; she feels superior simply because she exists. The name Sophia was borne by crowned persons who received superiority over other people from the moment of birth. In the history of Rus', the name of Sophia (Zoe) Palaeologus has been preserved - the niece of the last Byzantine emperor Constantine XI, the wife of the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III. As the husband of the last Byzantine princess, the Grand Duke of Moscow became the successor of the Byzantine emperor, who was considered the head of the entire Orthodox East, and Moscow, as the heir of Constantinople, became the Third Rome, the last and eternal kingdom of the entire Orthodox world.

Another crowned person named by this name is Sofya Alekseevna, an energetic and ambitious princess, ruler of the Russian state in 1682-1689. After the death of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, Sophia achieved the proclamation of both young brothers as kings, and she herself began to rule as “the blessed empress Princess Sofya Alekseevna.” She managed to suppress the unrest raised by the “schismatics” in Moscow, restore discipline in the Streltsy regiments, and make peace with Poland. But when the boyars, “amusing” regiments, serving foreigners and part of the archers took the side of the matured Peter, Sophia gave up the fight and was imprisoned in the Novodevichy Convent.

A woman named Sophia feels a great need to devote herself entirely to some cause, be it caring for the welfare of her family or social activities. She is managerial, has the ability to live and organize life. At the same time, it seems to her that disobedience to her will is disobedience to what is right and proper. An example of this is Sophia Tolstaya, the wife of the great writer, the mistress of a “glass” house, “open to all who pass by,” the mother of thirteen children and the grandmother of twenty-five grandchildren. Sofia Berge, a beautiful, slender brunette, got married at the age of 18. Leo Tolstoy, soon after the wedding, would write in his diary: “She is so impossibly pure and good, and whole for me...” The young wife, for her part, constantly strived to reach the level at which her husband stood in her eyes. “Feeling,” she wrote, “the overwhelming superiority of Lev Nikolaevich in everything: age, education, intelligence, life experience, not to mention his genius, I tried with all my might to get spiritually closer to him... I felt my powerlessness.” . Even during working hours, Tolstoy did not part with his wife. She sat silently on the sofa with her needlework while he wrote, and in the evening she began to completely rewrite the sheets of paper he had written during the day. She never missed this work and considered it one of her main responsibilities. Tatyana Sukhotina-Tolstaya wrote this about her mother, explaining the reasons for the subsequent family tragedy: “First great grief in her life there was a discovery of her husband's past single life. Until her death, she could not come to terms with the idea that she had given him all her love, while he had loved other women before her.<...>And she is jealous of everything and everyone: “I read the beginnings of his works, and wherever there is love, where women are, it’s disgusting to me, it’s hard, I would burn everything, everything... And I didn’t feel sorry for his works, because out of jealousy I’m becoming a terrible egoist.”

The writer's spiritual interests changed over time. He decides to start new life, give up property, give away property and live by the labor of your hands, like peasants live. Sofya Andreevna did not understand why it was necessary to destroy the happy, calm life of the family, but she did not agree to leave, because the family and the well-being of the children had always been something sacred to her. In addition to caring for the children, Sofia Andreevna had the household responsibility on her shoulders. Yasnaya Polyana, she also did business with publishers, booksellers, and answered a huge number of letters. All of Russia read her appeals to public opinion during the famine of 1891-1893.

There was no ill will or self-interest in Sofya Andreevna’s refusal to follow her husband. She believed that giving up her property rights would deprive her children and grandchildren of their livelihood. After forty-eight years of family life, Tolstoy finally left his home... Sofya Andreevna outlived her husband by nine years, endlessly repenting that she was never able to fully understand and share his beliefs.

Sophia always makes her own decisions. Having set a specific goal for himself, he can move mountains to achieve it. Sofya Kovalevskaya, a Russian mathematician, author of the story “The Nihilist” and the drama “The Struggle for Happiness,” undoubtedly possessed such character traits. She received a comprehensive education and early showed extraordinary mathematical abilities. But women were not allowed access to St. Petersburg University in those days, so she took private mathematics lessons from the famous teacher A.N. Strannolyubsky. In 1868, in order to have the opportunity to engage in science, Sophia entered into a fictitious marriage, which later became actual, with the famous paleontologist V.O. Kovalevsky and left for Heidelberg, where she was able to continue her education. Then she moved to Berlin and worked for 4 years with Weirestrass, who agreed to give her lessons, because women were also not allowed at the University of Berlin. Kovalevskaya tried several times to get a place at Moscow and St. Petersburg universities, at the Higher Women's Courses in Paris - and everywhere she was refused, but finally, in 1884, she was offered the position of private assistant professor and then professor at Stockholm University.

Over the 8 years of work, Sofya Kovalevskaya taught 12 courses. She became the first woman corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

Sofia (Sonechka) Marmeladova is the name of the heroine of Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. Transgressing the most important moral line for her and saving her father and his family from starvation, she becomes a public woman. But it is she, the “eternal Sonechka Marmeladova,” who in the novel opposes the inhuman theory of the protagonist Rodion Raskolnikov, defending the impossibility of giving orders to anyone human life, recognizing only one sacrifice - their own happiness and well-being. For Sonya, who seemed so poorly educated and far from philosophical research, every person is valuable. Therefore, she will be able to separate Raskolnikov himself from his theory and help him start a new life. Many women named Sophia have the purity of soul and morality that was characteristic of Sofya Marmeladova.

One of the outstanding actresses of our time is the Italian Sophia Loren. Starting with participation in a beauty contest in Naples in 1949, she then began acting in episodic roles. Her participation in the film “The Gold of Naples” brought her fame. The actress’s appearance was noticed, and she was invited to act in Hollywood. Her versatile talent allowed her to create dramatic and comedic characters with equal success in the films: “Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”, “The Trip”, “Marriage Italian Style”, “An Unusual Day”, “White, Red and...”, “ Cassandra's Bridge" and others. Many of her works have won Oscars and special awards at international festivals.

She remains one of the popular women world and one of the first beauties. Perhaps Sophia Loren's secret is that, unlike others, she does not look young and does not hide her age, and therefore looks natural and attractive.

In life, as many of her friends say, the actress behaves simply, does not suffer from star fever or arrogance - in this she is similar to many women named Sophia. When she was once asked how she managed to stay young, she replied: “All people get old, you just have to take care of yourself, dress with taste, and play sports.”

Sofya Vitovtovna - wife of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily I; in the early childhood of her son Vasily II, she ruled the principality; in 1451 she led the defense of Moscow from the Tatars.

Sofya Perovskaya is a revolutionary, populist, organizer and participant in the assassination attempt on Emperor Alexander II.

Sofya Smidovich is a figure in the Russian revolutionary movement, a participant in three revolutions.

Sofya Parnok - poetess and literary critic, the addressee of Marina Tsvetaeva’s poem cycle “Girlfriend”.

Sofya Pavlova - actress of the Theater. Ermolova, played Anyuta in the film “Communist”.

Sofiko Chiaureli is a film actress who starred in the films “The Tree of Desire,” “Look for a Woman,” and “Arevik.”

Sofia Rotaru - pop singer, played main role in the film "Soul".

Sofia Magarill is a theater and film actress who starred in the films “Enemies” and “Masquerade”.