What does an orchid mean in the house? Orchid as a gift: choice, prices, design. Signs and superstitions about orchids of a positive nature

The orchid is an exquisitely sophisticated and luxuriously elegant flower, whose luxury and splendor is recognized throughout the world. They simultaneously symbolize the freshness of youth and mature maturity, coolish aristocracy and the warmth of the family hearth.

In addition, the exotic beauty personifies intimacy, and therefore, as a gift, it is best suited as a surprise for the closest and dearest person. However, on the other hand, the chic grace and effortless nobility inherent in the orchid make it a completely acceptable gift for a manager or business partner.

General signs

  • An orchid always means a sincere and pure feeling, a reverent and respectful attitude. Therefore, you should give it to your beloved only if the man’s intentions are serious and his feelings are deep and strong.
  • A tropical guest will be an excellent gift for your beloved wife, especially if your relationship has cooled somewhat lately. Luxurious flower Without words, he will tell you that passion and respect have still not left your union.
  • Supporters of the teachings of Feng Shui recommend giving orchids in pots to women dear to you. After all, this flower is a source of beauty and health, charm and youth for the weaker sex.
  • It is quite possible to present an exotic guest to a man if you want to emphasize his superiority and constant striving for the ideal in any field of activity, as well as the wisdom of his decisions and the prudence of his actions.
  • It is worth remembering that at night and in the morning, orchids act like energy “vampires”. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep these plants in the bedroom or children's room.
  • What does the color tell you?

    It is no secret that there is a huge variety of orchid species in the world. Their “appearance” can be modest and inexpressive, and sometimes it amazes with its splendor and riot of colors. The meaning of a particular variety varies significantly depending on the color of the petals.

    • A snow-white flower will tell the chosen one about the sincerity and warmth of the donor’s feelings, his admiration and chaste love, his passionate desire to see the object of his feelings happy.
    • The pink tint of the petals is suitable if you want to express your genuine affection to a friend or relative, good wishes, coming from the heart.
    • The dark red color scheme perfectly expresses the carnal lust and fiery passion of the donor for the fair sex. In addition, this flower is perfect creative people, as it serves as a source of inexhaustible inspiration, helping to create unsurpassed works of art.
    • Variegated flowers also serve as real conductors of frenzied carnal desire. It is best to use such a gift as a silent confession in the all-consuming flame sexual desire and offers of intimate relationships. In addition to this, the petals, decorated with bright specks and dots, effectively relieve depression of individuals who tend to fall into the blues for any reason.
    • Unusual and sunny shades of orchids such as purple, orange or green demonstrate respect and nobility, and therefore would be a suitable gift for a co-worker, boss or business partner.

    Where is the best place to put an orchid?

    According to the teachings of Feng Shui, such an energetically powerful flower as an orchid, placed in right place, can bring a lot of benefits to all household members.

    • Place the plant pot with north side apartments, and your financial situation will immediately improve. It is quite possible that positive changes in the material sphere will be associated with rapid career growth one of the family members.
    • If your home atmosphere has recently become overly tense and unpredictable, then urgently place an orchid in the southwestern corner of your home. Harmony and calm will immediately return to the family. Flowers in red shades work especially effectively in this direction.
    • An orchid decorating the eastern sector of the apartment will be the key to the good health of the household. It will not allow even the most innocent cold to enter the house, not to mention more serious illnesses. With such a green “doctor”, healthy people do not get sick, and sick people quickly recover.

Signs and superstitions have recently received attention great attention. They did not bypass avid florists either. Among home flower lovers, active debate has begun about whether it is possible to keep an orchid at home? It should be noted that the opinions of specialists and amateurs are completely different in this regard, and the signs are extremely contradictory. Which of them to believe and which not - everyone has to decide individually.

The history of the orchid

The orchid is the most beautiful representative of the most ancient flowers. The first mentions of her date back to the seventh century BC, but experts are ready to argue that in fact this beauty appeared much earlier. For quite a long time it was considered one of the symbols of purity, perfection, beauty and harmony.

In the past, this flower was intended only for the elite (those with some talent or outstanding appearance). The guys presented it to their beloved, thus expressing their admiration for her and thereby showing that their thoughts were absolutely pure.

Recently, people are increasingly interested in the following questions:

  • What kind of flower is an orchid?
  • Can I keep it at home?

The signs associated with it interest them no less. These superstitions, in particular, are more related to the complexity artificial breeding of this plant. Some signs come from personal experience accumulated by our ancestors.

Orchid - an energy vampire?

Those who were interested in the question of whether it is possible to keep orchids at home, signs and superstitions almost led to the idea that this flower is a real energy vampire. The plant feeds on the vital energy of those who live with it under the same roof. Even the famous teaching of Feng Shui tends to support this theory, although it often takes the side of plants and favorably treats a large number of them in a person’s home. However, is this really so?

The culprit is the pollen of some varieties of orchids, which not only has a strong calming effect, but even lulls a person to sleep. As a result, the plant began to be credited with magical properties as an energy absorber.

Orchid - muzhegon plant

If you inquire deeply about whether it is possible to keep an orchid at home, folk signs will definitely say that it is a kind of muzhegon. However, this statement is not entirely correct. The fact is that the orchid is truly a female flower, bringing true benefits only to the fair half of humanity. It is able to enhance femininity, attractiveness and other qualities that the fairer sex possesses. But the negative impact on men lies primarily in the fact that they become very gentle and even effeminate.

Is it possible to keep a phalaenopsis orchid at home?

Nowadays the phalaenopsis orchid is becoming quite popular. Is it possible to keep such a flower at home? Almost everyone who has their eye on this beauty for their indoor flower garden is interested in this question.

The negative signs associated with these plants do not at all prohibit their cultivation, but only impose some restrictions on it. You should not keep orchids in the bedroom, since it is at night that most plants are active. It is also necessary to minimize the contacts of men in the house with orchids. And under no circumstances should they decorate men’s rooms and offices.

What does Feng Shui say about orchids in the house?

In general, Feng Shui is quite favorable towards any plants in the house, including orchids, but they need to be bred taking into account the above-mentioned wishes. This will avoid negative impacts and make this plant a real decoration that brings joy to its owner.

A very controversial orchid plant. Can I keep it at home? Signs and superstitions often say the opposite. But at the same time, purity and innocence force one to put all the pros and cons on the scale. As practice shows, nothing bad happens to those who acquire this flower. However, it must be properly looked after and under no circumstances allowed to become diseased or wither.

Orchids can become real healers for the fair sex. They bring back youth good mood and even health. In addition, the flower can enhance feminine qualities and character traits. Positive energy can also be attracted into the home with the help of this green friend. The color of the buds is of no small importance, because each of them can influence others differently.

Orchids are protectors

If you still doubt whether you can keep an orchid at home, then it should be noted that it sometimes becomes a real protector of its owners. If a person comes to visit you, having negative thoughts against you or wanting to commit evil, then the flower will certainly drive him away, causing him to feel unwell. Explicit or secret enemies who visit your home, where the orchid stands, will eventually feel headache, anxiety or other negative conditions.

Is it possible to keep orchids at home: signs and facts

Presumably, the orchid does not have a negative effect on its owner, but it all depends on the color of the plant’s flowers. It is he who can be decisive if you make a difficult decision: to get or not to get an orchid.

According to signs, red and purple flowers help in the fight against laziness. If a woman has decided to get rid of negative habits or has gone on a diet, this choice is just for her. A plant of this color activates willpower and will contribute to achieving success in your plans. If for some reason you have been putting off a certain task, then the color red will help you take it on decisively.

For those who still doubt the question of whether it is possible to keep an orchid at home, one more argument can be given in favor of this plant. not only help increase material wealth, but also help in overcoming steps on the career ladder. The same can be said for orange flowers. They encourage you to lead an active lifestyle.

And pink color can help you find inner harmony. This perfect solution for those who see the world only in black colors, as well as for individuals who tend to become depressed.

Orchid is a plant that is ideal for any woman. It will help protect against negative energy others, and emphasize the inner beauty of its owner. However, this flower, like any other plant, requires careful care and attention.

If you are wondering whether it is possible to keep orchids at home, the signs differ. It is difficult to find a domestic flower about which there would be so many conflicting superstitions.

In the article:

Orchid - the oldest flower

The orchid is a very beautiful flower that is loved by many. The first mention of this plant dates back to the 7th century BC, but some experts who study plants are confident that the orchid has been known to man much longer. This is one of the most ancient flowers that for a long time was considered a symbol of purity, purity, perfection, divine beauty and harmony.

People of the past considered the orchid to be a flower of the chosen ones among people who had some kind of talent - creative or oratorical, as well as attractive appearance. It was given to beloved girls, expressing their respect and admiration for the object of admiration, showing the purity of their thoughts.

As one of the most ancient flowers, there are many superstitions about the orchid. Some of them are based on the difficulties of artificial cultivation of this plant, and some - on personal experience our ancestors, who is worth believing.

Orchid in the house - bad omens

Most of the signs endow orchids with properties that should absolutely not be allowed to be kept in the house. It is believed that such plants draw vital energy from people who live with it under the same roof. Even the teachings of Feng Shui do not argue with this, which treats most plants favorably and encourages a large number of flowers in the house. This is due to the fact that the pollen of some types of orchids lulls you to sleep.

There is also an opinion that the orchid is muzhegon, but this is not entirely correct. Indeed it is female plant, which benefits only the fair sex, enhancing femininity, attractiveness and other inherent qualities. The orchid has a negative effect on a man, making him pampered and even effeminate. Therefore, it is not recommended to place them in rooms where married couples, men and even little boys live.

Bad omens about orchids in the house do not prohibit their cultivation, but they do impose a number of restrictions. As a vampire, like most house flowers, they are active at night, so avoid placing orchids in bedrooms. In addition, you should make sure that the men in your family have as little contact as possible with this plant. Put it away where they spend the least amount of time, such as the kitchen. This is a plant for women, and men’s offices and rooms are not decorated with it.

Signs and superstitions about orchids of a positive nature

As mentioned above, there is nothing against breeding, but subject to the above precautions. Then they will not have any negative meaning and will serve as a real talisman for any woman, helping to develop talents and engage in creativity. Only in order for the plant to treat you well, you should properly care for it and prevent diseases and wilting of the orchid.

An orchid can prolong and even restore a woman’s youth, health and good mood. It gives attractiveness and enhances all feminine qualities and character traits. With the help of this home flower You can expel negativity from your home and attract positive energy into it. At the same time, pay attention to color, because specimens of different colors have different effects.

This plant can also be your protector. If you have a guest who is planning evil against you, the orchid will definitely drive him away, causing you to feel unwell and want to urgently leave your apartment. Secret and obvious enemies who had to face an orchid protecting its owner experience headaches, various anxiety states and other disorders.

Signs about the color of an orchid

Representatives of the teachings of Feng Shui believe that this is different and can have absolutely different meanings, based on the color of its flowers.

Red and purple orchids will help overcome laziness. They are perfect for girls on a diet, quitting smoking or starting to lead a healthy lifestyle. Such a plant will help you with the help of your willpower. Red flowers will help you do what you have always put off until tomorrow or were planning to start next Monday.

Yellow orchids bring material wealth and help to reach the top of the career ladder. The same applies to orange colors. They encourage activity and an active lifestyle. Perfect for people who believe that their vital energy has dried up, suffer from laziness or the inability to start implementing their ideas. They are great support creative personalities and help you find inspiration.

White and pink flowers help those who have no idea what it is to find inner harmony. They are definitely needed for girls who see the world in black colors and suffer from depression or melancholy. In addition, pink will help you gain charm and inner attractiveness.

The orchid got its name thanks to ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus, who saw a hitherto incomprehensible plant. The roots of the strange flower looked like a pair of bulbs, so Plato’s student gave the new plant the name “orhis,” which translated from Greek means “testicle.”

Now there are a large number of species and varieties of orchids. It can be red, white, pink, purple, blue, yellow, cyan and even black. If you properly care for the plant, then it will delight the eyes of household members with its flowering twice a year: in spring and autumn.

Each flower in nature has its own characteristics. Orchid is no exception. About it beautiful flower there are many known beautiful legends. By the way, Confucius dubbed this plant the King of Fragrant Flowers, and Charles Darwin, fascinated by this flower, wrote two whole volumes about this fragrant plant.

At the end of the century before last, almost all of England went crazy over the orchid. Growing it meant having impeccable taste and refined manners; not a single collector spared huge amounts of money for a pot of this plant.

It is believed that if you watch an orchid bloom, you can get rid of depression. There are other signs about this amazing flower.

There is such a superstition that the orchid is a real vampire, sucking the energy from all household members, so it should not be kept at home. In fact, the pollen that accumulates on some varieties of this plant is to blame for vampirism.

Flower dust soothes a person that he can even fall asleep. For this reason, it is believed that she has magical property suck human energy. That is, folk sign nothing to do with it.

Some particularly suspicious people are sure that the orchid is a muzhegon, that is, it drives a man out of the house and does not allow him to build romantic relationship. This flower is endowed with feminine energy and benefits girls: it enhances femininity, intuition and attractiveness.

A man, being next to an orchid, himself becomes a vulnerable, sensitive and gentle creature, in other words, it spoils the man. If the family decides to get this flower, then it is recommended to place it where the man spends the least time.

Not the most best place for an orchid in your apartment there will be a bedroom. Various life processes in plants occur at night, so the fragrant beauty can simply disturb the sleep of sleeping people.

According to another sign, an orchid can become a real amulet for its owner and protect the entire family from negativity. They say that if a person comes to visit who wishes harm to the owners, then the plant will sense something is wrong, absorb negative energy and return it to the unfriendly guest with redoubled force.

As a result, the visitor will go home, citing poor health. In general, everyone bad people Those who come to the apartment where the orchid lives will begin to have a headache, and panic attacks may occur.

Benefits and harms in the home

What benefits does this plant living in our apartments bring and what harm does it cause?

  1. The orchid is attractive and will decorate any room.
  2. Mexicans add some varieties of the plant to food, and the French decorate ice cream with leaves of this plant.
  3. An infusion of the Lady's slipper variety will save a person from severe headaches, strengthen the functioning of the heart, and cope with stress and the consequences of depression.
  4. Orchid varieties such as Aranda, Ludisia, Camriya and others will bring health benefits.
  1. The strong aroma emanating from the orchid (especially at night) can cause nausea, headaches, and a feeling of anxiety and panic.
  2. Orchid - not at all poisonous flower, but some species can cause allergies.
  3. If you cut yourself with the root or leaf of an orchid, the wound from the cut will take a long time to heal, accompanied by painful sensations.
  4. Some varieties of fragrant beauty threaten mortal danger. Mainly tropical species: some flowers contain substances that provoke the development of cancer cells.

Negative consequences can be easily avoided if you consult a specialist in the store and choose a non-hazardous variety of fragrant orchid. It is better to replant a flower with gloves and keep your pet away from children and animals.

Is it possible to keep an orchid at home and where to put it according to Feng Shui

Nothing bad will happen if an orchid blooms and smells in your home. The main thing is that it does not stand in the bedroom or office.

This is also said by supporters of the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, who see nothing wrong in the proximity of a person to an orchid. A flower withering and dying in a room cannot give off positive energy.

If you follow the philosophy of Feng Shui, then the best place for a flower is your living room. A lot of people always gather there, and then the orchid will scan all the people entering your house for meanness and anger.

If an orchid is cared for and cherished by a woman, then the fragrant beauty will repay her in the same coin. They say that a flower gives a woman youth, health, mental strength, physical attractiveness, and in general puts you in a great mood.

For greater effect, you need to know which orchid with which buds is best to grow in your home. For example, if a person is constantly lazy, cannot finish what he started or start any task, then the lazy person is recommended to have a flower with purple or red flowers. This advice is suitable for women who want to lose weight or quit smoking.

A yellow flower will bring into the house material well-being and will help you climb the career ladder.

If you decide to understand yourself, then orchids in white and pink shades will set you in the right mood.

And an orange orchid will make your life active and rich.

The orchid is considered a meditative and mystical flower, so it is often placed in homes for meditation. People born under the sign of Scorpio are especially advised to have this flower at home. The orchid will become a real talisman for them. The plant will only bring benefits on the desktop in the office, giving the employee strength for new achievements.

If you place a plant in the east, your health will improve, an orchid located in the northern part of your home will bring success at work, but if you place a flower in the southeast, you can count on the fulfillment of all your desires.

To refresh your romantic feelings, try placing a pot with a flower in the southwest, and to avoid quarrels in the family, you need to place a flower in the northwestern part of the apartment.

Signs according to the state of the flower

If your orchid has bloomed, then this is a sign of stress, but not of human stress, but of the orchid itself: in order for the beauty to bloom, you need to water it a little and constantly experiment with the ambient temperature.

If a flower has withered or turned yellow, then superstitious people explain this by the illness of one of the household members. Realists argue that the plant is simply not properly cared for. This state of affairs will not bring anything good; the fragrant beauty will eventually die.

Orchid care rules

Lighting is very important for a home orchid; the flower loves light, and therefore in winter, when daylight hours are short, it will have to be illuminated additionally. At other times of the year, the flower will feel comfortable in the east or west of your home.

It is better to water the orchid boiled water, melt or rain. Do not allow water to stagnate in the pot, otherwise it will rot. In winter, the flower is watered less often.

IN natural conditions The orchid grows on tree trunks, and therefore ordinary soil will not be suitable for your pet. You need a loose nutrient substrate that allows moisture to pass through well. An excellent component for the substrate is tree bark, as well as moss or fern leaves. Choose a plastic pot for the orchid, and its roots should be placed freely in the flowerpot.

If you have a desire to have an orchid at home, do not hesitate in your upcoming purchase. If you follow the rules of caring for this flower, the plant will delight you with its flowering for many years.

Useful tips

Orchid is a favorite and the most beautiful flower. The first mention of it appeared in the 7th century BC, but some experts studying plants claim that humanity became acquainted with the orchid much earlier. This is one of the oldest flowers, which has long been a symbol of harmony, purity, purity and perfection.

Even our ancestors considered the orchid to be the chosen one flower, it was given to loved ones, showing the purity of thoughts and expressing their respect. There are many superstitions about the orchid, some of which tell about the difficulties of artificial propagation of the flower, and some about the personal experience of our ancestors.

Read also:Why you should never sweep or wash the floors in your house at night: signs

Orchid in the house: bad omens

These people give a lot of signs beautiful flowers properties of an energy vampire, which do not need to be kept in the house. They say that plants are energy vampires that drain energy from people living under the same roof with them. The teaching of Feng Shui does not argue with this sign, which treats most plants in the house better than others and only encourages the presence of flowers in a person’s life.

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It turns out that the whole point is that the pollen of several species of this flower lulls a person to sleep. There is also an opinion that an orchid is male plant, but in fact everything is exactly the opposite. In fact, the orchid is female; it helps the fair sex, greatly increasing the attractiveness and femininity of its owner.

The orchid has a negative effect on the male sex and can make a man effeminate and effeminate. For this reason, do not place your plant in the rooms of married couples, men or small boys.

© Annetta Bosakova

The bad omens associated with this flower do not at all prohibit growing the plant, but they do impose some restrictions. Being vampires, orchids are active at night, so they should not be allowed into the bedroom. Be sure to make sure that the male part of your family has minimal contact with the flower. Place the beauty where men are least likely to be found.

This is a female plant, do not decorate men's rooms and offices with it.

Orchid in the house: good omens

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We have already said above that, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, you can grow orchids in your home if you take certain precautions. In this case, you will be able to avoid their negative influence, and they will be able to become a real talisman for any representative of the fair sex, helping to engage in creativity and develop talents.

But in order for the orchid to treat you well, care for it correctly, protect it from diseases and do not allow the plant to wither. A flower has the power to prolong a woman’s youth, her health and good mood; it enhances all feminine qualities and bestows attractiveness.

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An orchid will drive negative energy out of your home and attract positivity. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the color of the plant, because different colors exert their influence. Among other things, this plant will be your protector, will save you from a guest who is planning evil, and will drive him away, causing you to feel unwell.

Secret and obvious enemies orchid owners face headaches, various disorders and anxiety conditions.

Signs with orchids of different colors

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According to Feng Shui, orchids of different colors have different effects on their owner. For example, purple and red orchid flowers are designed to fight human laziness. They are great for ladies on a diet, quitting smoking and those who decide to take up in a healthy way life.

Such plants, combined with your will, will help you achieve what you want. Also, red flowers will help you finally do what you have always put off until next Monday or tomorrow. Yellow flowers They are needed in the house by those who have decided to climb the career ladder; they bring prosperity to the house.

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The same can be said about orange flowers, they help a person to be more active and engage in an active lifestyle. They are ideal for someone who believes that his vital energy is running out, who suffers from laziness and cannot begin to implement his ideas.

Orange orchid helps to gain inspiration and support creative people. Pink and white orchids are intended for those who cannot even imagine what inner harmony is, but really want to find it. They are simply necessary for women who see black colors around them and are prone to depression and melancholy.

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Moreover, pink orchids will help you gain inner attractiveness and charm. In general, this flower is perfect for any woman who dreams of protecting herself from negative energy, emphasizing her attractiveness and developing her creative features.

Orchid care

Now let's talk about caring for this beauty. Everyone knows that an orchid requires rather meticulous care and is quite capricious. In order for the flower to bloom again, you need to know what contributes to this and follow the care regimen. In this case, the orchid will delight you with amazing flowers for 2-6 months. Moreover, some species, such as vanda and phalaenopsis, can bloom all year long.

For orchid bloom

1. Find out the age of the plant

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If you have purchased a plant that is not blooming, and it is not even going to shoot flowers, it is probably very young. Orchid different types begins to bloom at the age of 1.5 - 3 years.

To understand that a flower is old enough, count the number of shoots. Mature plant, which is ready to flower, has 5 – 8 shoots. If an orchid begins to bloom earlier, then you should not always be happy about it. The thing is that after flowering young plant he may need more energy to recover than he has. Because of this, the orchid may die.

2. Find a flower permanent place

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Many orchid lovers know that moving a plant is very stressful. The flower has a hard time surviving even the smallest movements. The plant is very sensitive to light. Therefore, if there is a need to rearrange the orchid, place it on the same side of the light source where it was in its previous place.

Do not move the pot while watering. When moving, flower growth stops, especially if this coincides with the appearance of a peduncle.

3. Pay attention to the roots

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Anyone who deals with orchids knows that the roots of the flower take an active part in the process of photosynthesis, for this reason it is extremely important to ensure that they receive enough light. Since it is better not to move the plant again, it is better to think about the roots in advance. For example, avoid purchasing ceramic pots and instead plant your flowers in clear plastic, as these pots tend to have a lot of drainage holes.

It is also not recommended to choose a pot with corrugated walls, because the roots of the orchid will eventually grow to uneven surface. Moreover, sharp elements in the pot can harm the root system, and therefore the entire plant.

4. Install correct lighting

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Sunlight is one of the most important factors affecting the flowering of a plant. If the orchid does not have full daylight (10-12 hours a day), it will not bloom. For this reason, in winter and autumn, when there is very little natural light, it is necessary to illuminate the plant with lamps.

There are so-called phytolamps that illuminate plants, giving them the much-needed bright light without drying out the air.

© Edward Olive

If your flower produces a peduncle in winter or autumn, be sure to take care that it does not die due to lack of light. After all, without additional lighting at these times of the year, the flower stalk will either stop developing or die.

If you do not have the opportunity to provide additional light to the entire plant, try providing additional lighting to only the tip of the peduncle. It is important to ensure that neither the peduncle nor the rest of the orchid gets hot.

5. Take care of the permissible temperature difference

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The active catalyst for flowering of most types of orchids is a slight difference in the ratio of day and night temperatures. That is, for your plant to bloom, the air temperature during the day should be 4 - 6 degrees higher than at night.

Of course, it is somewhat problematic to create such conditions throughout the year, however, from late spring to early autumn, keep flowers at outdoors, where temperature changes occur naturally.

With the onset of cold weather, when orchids must move into the house, the room in which the flowers live must be regularly ventilated. However, this must be done with caution, because the plant is also afraid of drafts.

6. Provide proper watering

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Water the orchid after the soil is completely dry. This way you will avoid root rotting. This rule is universal for all seasons, and is suitable for orchids of any age. But there is one exception. After the flowering period ends, watering should be reduced for about a month.

When an orchid completes its flowering cycle in nature, it begins to produce seeds, which must fly several kilometers in different directions. This only happens during dry periods; it is impossible during the rainy season. Therefore, try to provide your flower with conditions that are close to natural so that the plant blooms often and is healthy.