What does it mean if you dream about water? Why do you dream of water according to Miller’s dream book? Natural sources of clean water

The basis of life on Earth is water, and when a sleeping person dreams of “life-giving moisture” in a dream, it is not without reason. Transparent water, devoid of the slightest impurities, symbolizes feelings and emotions, and its appearance in a dream almost always foreshadows something good and kind. Such a dream can be interpreted in different ways, and here a lot depends on the actions performed by the dreamer, because drinking clean water is one thing, but drowning in it, choking, is completely different.

Why do you dream of water according to Miller’s dream book?

According to the psychologist, dreaming of clean water does not bode well; on the contrary, it is very good sign, sent from above. This promises the dreamer only positive changes in his life. Perhaps the person will very soon find a high-paying job or move to a spacious apartment. But if streams coming from God knows where flood your home, then you should be careful: someone really doesn’t like the fact that the dreamer is successful, healthy and has no problems. It is possible that you will have to enter into a confrontation with someone who considered a friend. If a person in a dream swims on the purest surface of water, then great love and pleasant emotional shocks await him ahead.

Vanga's dream book - clean water

The Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga claimed that dreams of clear water are not without reason. This is a sure sign of future changes in life. Perhaps he will finally get rid of his fears and doubts, and the “spirit of contradiction” will stop making unwanted adjustments to his thoughts. If the dreamer drinks cold, clean water in a dream, and does it with pleasure, then soon the changes that he has been waiting for for so long will occur in his life. Dwelling filled clean water to the very ceiling in a dream - this is a symbol that good news will soon come to the house, that is, a person will learn good news that can positively affect his future life.

Clean water in a dream - interpretation according to Freud

According to the “father of psychoanalysis,” clean water is a symbol of conception and birth of a child. Clear water gushing out is a symbol of ejaculation, and if a person sees in a dream how he pours “life-giving moisture” to someone, it means that he simply longs for sexual contact with this subject, even on a subconscious level. Anyone who admires his own reflection in clear water in a dream is a latent narcissist, or perhaps an overt metrosexual who devotes too much time, effort and attention to his appearance. Swimming in clear water can be interpreted in different ways, for example, for a woman it promises imminent pregnancy, and for a man such a dream is simply a reminder that he once suffered from nocturnal enuresis in childhood or still suffers from it.

Why do you dream of clean water according to Meneghetti’s dream book?

The great psychologist Antonio Meneghetti argued that clean water is an image that is not so easy to interpret. After all, it all depends on the form in which clean water appears in a dream. If this natural pond(river, lake, stream), then a dream in which the purest water appears should be associated with birth, since all this symbolizes female reproductive organs. Falling into the water and starting to drown in it is not a very good sign, since it indicates that the person will soon find himself in an unpleasant situation from which it will not be easy for him to get out. But if he swims confidently, it means he will be able to adjust the situation “to suit himself” and “climb out”, despite the intrigues of his enemies and the lack of outside help.

Why do you dream of clean water according to the Ukrainian dream book?

Clean water is a symbol of health, goodness, joy and profit. Consequently, such a dream does not promise anything bad to the sleeper, which cannot be said about muddy water. Ukrainians firmly believe that if you dream of a clean river, it means that soon something good will “float” to a person, for example, a decent sum of money. A falling waterfall with the purest splashes of water is definitely a dream of money, and the larger the splashes, the larger the bills. But you should not rejoice if you dream of a transparent river in which a sandy bottom will be visible, since such dreams are always harbingers of trouble. If you managed to drink cold spring water in a dream, then all illnesses will be avoided.

Why do you dream of clean water according to Loff’s dream book?

David Loff always believed that it does not matter in what form a person sees clean water in a dream, which can be both a friend and worst enemy. The main thing here is to understand what sensations and emotions a person experiences when he sees clean water in a dream. For example, a stormy ocean or stormy sea causes a feeling of anxiety, but a calm river causes peace. Freud's comrade is also sure that clean water is a symbol of restoring energy balance and the birth of a new life, and if the vision is neutral or evokes only positive emotions, then nothing bad will happen. Too calm water even in a dream makes you wonder: isn’t this the calm before the storm?

Why do you dream of clean water according to the ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

If the dreamer happened to drink clean water from a jug, ladle or other container in his night dreams, then this is fortunate. Drinking water straight from the river means prosperity, and the more a person drinks, the greater the profit. A person who drinks all the water from a river in a dream risks gaining power. For example, he can win the mayoral election or simply shoot up the career ladder. But if the water is clear and tastes unpleasant, then such a dream does not bring anything good, and even worse if it is warm, as this portends trouble. Watering the beds in the vegetable garden and flowers in the garden with clean water is a sign of success and wealth, but falling into any body of water is undesirable even in a dream, since it promises worries and empty troubles.

Dream Interpretation: very clear water

To correctly interpret such a dream, you need to pay attention to some nuances:

Drinking clear water means internal cleansing. That is, you will be able to get rid of bad thoughts and mobilize hitherto hidden resources.

To see very clear water - this portends a quick recovery for the sick, and good luck in business for the healthy.

Walking on the crystalline surface of the water means getting rid of worries and solving old problems.

Pouring very clear water into any vessel means improving your financial situation.

Admire the reflection of the Moon and stars - soon all the negativity will go away, and relatively calm times will come.

Someone treats the dreamer with crystal clear water - he will live a long life.

What does it mean: swim, bathe in clean water in a dream?

If the water is not only clean, but also warm, then such swimming causes a storm of positive emotions, both in a dream and in reality (according to Miller). The fortuneteller Vanga claimed that if a person swims in crystal clear water, it means that he will be able to regain his good name. But all other dream books claim that such water treatments clearly indicate a quick improvement in the dreamer’s financial situation. But psychoanalysts advise paying attention to what emotions a bathing person experiences.

A lot of clean water in a dream: sea, river, ocean, lake, waterfall

A calm ocean with clear waters and a person standing on the shore looking at this splendor is a picture that everyone would like to see in a dream. After all, such a vision portends good news. But if you had to walk along the shore of the sea, ocean or other natural body of water filled with clean water, this means that you will soon have to go on the road (travel, business trip, etc.). A high waterfall, even with clean water, is a rather alarming sign, since a person who sees such a dream really fears for his life. Going on a sea cruise on a ship means changes in life, and what they will be depends on the appearance of the ship.

Variations of dreams with clear water

  • cold clean water - great happiness lies ahead;
  • a well with clean water - the purchase will be successful;
  • a bucket of clean water - prosperity;
  • clean water flowing from a leaky bucket - pleasant chores and preparations (for a wedding, housewarming or other celebration);
  • drinking clean water in a dream means positive changes in life;
  • girl in clear water - romantic relationship, pleasure, pleasure;
  • a child in clean water - financial stability and prosperity;
  • dream of drowning in clear water - sometimes it’s more useful to think not with your head, but with your heart;
  • clean water on the floor - enemies are not asleep, and you need to be on your guard;
  • walking on clean water is a great happiness;
  • clean water flowing from the tap - the time has come to make responsible decisions;
  • pouring clean water from one vessel to another - the upcoming transaction will be successful;
  • warm clean water - strong enemy will be able to win;
  • swim in clean water - everything will be fine;
  • drink warm, clean water - you should be careful: situations will soon arise in life, to resolve which you will have to make an extraordinary decision;
  • collecting clean water into a container - for the wedding;
  • treat another person with clean water - give an opportunity to strangers receive income;
  • drawing clean water from a river in a dream means success in business;
  • to see another person drinking cold, clean water - someone needs patronage and protection;
  • clean water dripping from the ceiling - unexpected income (lottery winnings, inheritance, etc.);
  • clean water spilled on the floor - to great joy or chagrin;
  • washing your hands with clean water is a sign of fun;
  • washing very dirty hands with clean water to no avail - in a difficult situation there will be no support, neither from friends nor from relatives;
  • wash your face with clean water - new interesting acquaintances are ahead;
  • to save a drowning person in clear water - to help a friend;
  • dive into clean water - a successful outcome of any matter;
  • a reservoir with clean water - all endeavors are doomed to success;
  • fish in clear water is a gift, but if a pregnant woman has such a dream, it means that she will give birth to a girl.

You had a rather unusual dream - water on the floor. As a rule, a dream with a similar plot is visited by impulsive people who are overwhelmed by a huge range of emotions and often face a choice: listen to their heart or do the right thing. So, why do you dream of water in a dream?

The water solution in your dream appears at the direction of the master of the subconscious, who is trying to resolve your dilemma and help you choose a path in life. You need to listen to the dream and interpret the dream in as much detail as possible, for this you need to free up the entire creative being of the dreamer, remember all the facts from an interesting dream;

Interpretation of dreams according to certain plots - wiping up water, dropping a bucket of dirty water, flooding a room

The reader needs to concentrate and understand that a dream can dot all the i's. Seeing water on the floor in your dreams can mean everything from a quarrel with loved ones to marriage. However, you cannot limit yourself to just a vague interpretation; remember the circumstances of the dream, how this water participated in your dream;

Interpretation of dreams by famous personalities and dream books - Zhou Gong, Maly Velesov dream book and Miller, interpretation of dreams

  1. Esoteric dream book. This type of dream book cannot interpret these dreams unambiguously; if you behave correctly in a certain situation, you will be able to improve your life, if you cannot cope with yourself, then your situation will worsen several times;
  2. Prince Zhou Gong. You will be able to avoid a big misfortune, a catastrophe, and it will not cost you anything. This dream is a kind of amulet that will save you from unforeseen life situations, as Zhou Gong says;
  3. Psychologist Miller. The somnologist speaks positively about a dream with a similar plot - you will be overwhelmed by pleasant emotions and events, however, if the water was dirty, then expect illness and betrayal from loved ones;
  4. According to the Small Veles Dream Book. According to this dream book, water on the floor portends misfortunes and failures in family life and not in the workplace.

  • Water plays a huge role in human history. Whether it is a deep fresh lake, a river that brings life, or an ocean that swallows people, water is both friend and foe. If a dream contains this significant symbol in any form, it is extremely important to understand its role.
  • Water in dreams is a powerful symbol because very often its appearance coincides with the highest point of feelings. If other objects have a relaxing effect, then a babbling stream flowing through the meadow enhances this effect. If some symbols create a feeling of fear or ANXIETY, then the stormy ocean intensifies it.
  • Water has a symbolic, primary meaning, according to which it either ensures the existence of life, or keeps a secret, is fraught with danger. This is a reflection of the human experience with water.
  • At the dawn of humanity, hunter-gatherers quickly realized that water was a central component of life. (They die from thirst much faster than from hunger.) Even more important was to know where the water was, because it made it clear where the FOOD was. However, with the spread of trade, water became a necessary evil, fraught with unknown dangers. TRAVELING by water was dangerous and mysterious, as sea creatures, storms and rough seas took the lives of many travelers; contaminated water affected livestock and spread disease.
  • Emphasizing the positive view of water, it should be noted that it is often a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Water in controlled quantities or in a controlled environment almost always causes this feeling in the sleeper. Managed water is the key to solving problems.
  • If there is a lake in the dream, is the entire shoreline within sight and probable reach?
  • If you dream of a river or stream, have they overflowed their banks, and in your opinion, can they be overcome? in the usual ways? These are all examples of managed water.
  • Water represented in this way often indicates renewal. For example, a tired traveler, dreaming, suddenly comes across a stream. A place where you can refresh yourself and gain strength to continue your journey is close, at hand. Perhaps the dreamer is sailing on a BOAT, slowly gliding along the surface of the water.
  • The sleeper must be anticipating a time of respite from everyday worries or trying to specially create such an opportunity.
  • Uncontrolled water creates anxiety. Raging rivers, rapids and boundless lakes reflect the uncontrollability of the circumstances in which the dreamer finds himself.
  • Quiet, deep water that seems refreshing can also create feelings of anxiety. The reason for this is the potential danger lurking in the darkness and the lack of knowledge of what lies in the depths.
  • The exception to the general statements above are water taps. In a dream, it is important to determine whether the tap is controlled by the dreamer or another person and for what purpose this is done. If the dreamer is ineffective at operating the tap, then it can be assumed that he feels that he is out of control and unable to cope with simple circumstances (or, even worse, perhaps there is no water in the tap). If the tap is controlled by another person, then we can conclude that the dreamer feels that his position, whether good or bad, is determined by the whim of another. This whim can cause one to feel significant discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from an unpredictable boss , lover or other persons significant to you.

It happens that you may even dream of something running in the toilet or running from a tap, and in some dreams it doesn’t just drip, but gushes out in a clean stream and pours onto your head. The interpretation of dreams online is offered in different interpretations and according to proven dream books that are considered true, including when you dream of water on the road, the ground, in the bathroom on the floor, on the street or painted red.

All options for dream interpretation can be easily found in this article and other articles on this site, as well as love spells, conspiracies, spells and magical rituals with water.

Why do you dream of water pouring, flowing or flowing from a tap, pipe, hose?

Water flowing from a tap, pipe or hose is a sign that real life you seek to control what is beyond your control. It's a waste mental strength. Everything should take its course.

If in a dream you dream about water from the toilet, walls, soul

To dream of water from the toilet is a sign that in real life you should hold your tongue and be more careful in your statements. Water pouring from the walls of your house is an unsuccessful attempt by enemies to slander you or one of your family members.

Water from the shower is a dream that predicts a series of seemingly insignificant events that will turn into global changes for the better.

Why do you dream about a river overflowing its banks, a clean flow from a tap, gushing from a radiator, rescuing a child from the water?

A dream in which a river overflows its banks foretells unpleasant emotional upheavals that will affect your life for a long time. Seeing clean water running from a tap is an attempt to change the situation in better side. Dream books for young people this dream associated with pure relationships.

Water gushing from the battery means a scandal. Try to restrain yourself in your statements so as not to violate warm atmosphere Houses. Time will put everything in its place and show which of you is right. Saving a child from water means changing your daily lifestyle. Perhaps you will have a pet that will bring both trouble and joy.

If you dreamed of water gushing out of the ground, dirty, getting water from a well, rusty, black

A person dreams of clear water gushing out of the ground when he is overwhelmed with pure thoughts and aspirations. If the water was cloudy or dirty, this is a reason to think and change your worldview.

Getting water from a well - good sign if the water is clean. You will be able to unleash your inner potential. To get rusty or black water from a well means to denigrate the soul with bad deeds. Sometimes this dream predicts death or a critical situation.

Why do you dream of water with blood, algae, in an apartment, with fish, worms, sand or dirt? Why do you dream of water with earth, mud, flowers

Water with blood is a dream foretelling the appearance of a strong opponent. To dream about water with algae is a sign that intrigues are being woven against you. Sometimes the dream is interpreted as a warning to be careful while swimming. Water in the apartment symbolizes change and the onset of a new stage of life.

Water with fish is a dream interpreted for men as good luck and profit in business, for women – the onset of pregnancy. Water with worms is a brewing conflict that is not too late to prevent. Water with sand - unsteadiness of the position occupied or an unstable position in society.

Water with dirt is a hint of mistakes that you do not want to notice. Water with land is an opportunity to start all over again, to return to the roots. Water with mud - the evil intrigues of envious people. Water with flowers - love.

If you dream of water in the house on the floor and a lot of it, it floods the house, flooded, in a jar, under or near the house, the house is flooded with water

A dream in which water floods your house and covers the floors in it - expect extraordinary events that will change the way of your life. Water in a jar is a minor but pleasant event.

Water creeping up to the house or water under the house is a sign that you are exposed to dangerous influences. With this dream, fate wants to warn you against possible errors. A house flooded with water is a bad sign, predicting a serious illness and all sorts of sorrows.

I dreamed about water and fire, a shark, snakes, ice, a child, a bridge, blood, hot and cold water, a church and a saint

Fire and water seen in a dream is a symbol of your split personality. You are torn apart by contradictions. Share your doubts with a reliable and trusted person. A dream about a shark in reality can mean a meeting with a serious opponent. Snakes usually dream of meeting a wise but treacherous person with whom one should not be frank.

Ice is a dream hinting at your insensitivity and secrecy. Anyone who sees ice in a dream needs to be more open, otherwise you may be left alone in your ice kingdom, abandoned by everyone. A child in dream books is interpreted as a miracle or profit. Bridge – the desire to find a compromise solution to a problem.

Blood - the appearance of relatives or finding a soul mate. Dreaming of water symbolizes your inner world. If the water was hot, you will have to experience shame or blush in front of others. Cold water dreams of cleansing the spirit from filth. A dream about the church and saints is a sign of approval of your current deeds or intercession from above.

If you dream of water in the sea, ocean, river, waves, lake, stream, swim

If you dream of water in the sea or ocean, vast prospects will open up before you. The calmer the water and the smaller the waves, the easier your path to achieving your goal will actually be.

Seeing a river or stream in a dream is the beginning of a new stage in life. If you show diligence, doors will open for you in new world. The lake is a symbol of stagnation. The dream serves as a warning that you are staying afloat thanks to past merits.

Dream water according to Freud

In Freud's dream book, water is a symbol of the emergence of life through the fusion of the male and female principles. Based on this, a person who dreams of water in real life lacks intimacy with a partner of the opposite sex.

Why do you dream of walking on water, a river with ice, cold water in the river, muddy

Walking on water is a dream symbolizing spirituality and being in an elevated state of mind. A river with ice is a desire to isolate yourself from problems or a desire to show yourself as impenetrable and tough. With this dream, higher powers are trying to convey to the dreamer the idea of ​​the need to be more loyal to others, to solve the problem, and not to isolate oneself from it, hiding under the mask of indifference.

Cold water in the river is a sign that in real life you can concentrate and find the strength to overcome the difficulties that arise, soberly assessing the situation. Muddy water– someone around you is “muddying the waters.” Try not to do anything rash in the coming days.

Why do you dream of water that is white, blue, yellow, green, red, orange, transparent?

Clear water - good dream. Your life is flowing as usual, you are full of health and energy. White water means love and a serene period of life. Blue – meeting or meeting good people.

Water yellow color- a warning sign. In real life, you should pay attention to your health. To dream about green water means to give in to despondency. In some dream books, the forecast is more optimistic and a dream about green water is interpreted as an increase in official salary. Red water dreams of love. Orange – to stay in a spiritualized state.

Why do you dream about clean water in a pool, sea water, in a bucket, falling into very cold water?

If you dreamed of clean water poured into a pool, stability has entered your life. Sea water is a dream symbolizing an encounter with the unusual. Water in a bucket is a symbol of success in the labor field.

Fall into a very cold water– reassess values, radically change your outlook on life.

Water is the source of life for all creatures on Earth, and humans are no exception. Why do you dream of clean water? That is why dreams with clean water have a deep meaning and are often associated with the inner world of a person, his desires and needs.

Most dream books interpret such a dream as a positive sign, foreshadowing pleasant life changes

However, you should not neglect the details of what you saw: depending on them, the meaning of the dream can be completely different. Let's turn to popular dream books for an answer.

The soothsayer believed that clean water in a dream symbolizes the processes of change and renewal, as well as forgiveness and repentance for what they have done. If in a dream the sleeper drinks water, it means that the novelty of his life situation and relationships with people will benefit him. A dream with circles on the water of a lake speaks of changes that will not be easy to come to terms with. Resistance to change and protest against it also means a vision in which a person is drowning in a clear body of water.

But streams of water pouring down on the dreamer speak of an incredible potential to become famous in some direction, which you should decide on yourself.

What does G. Miller say about sleeping with clean water?

According to the psychologist, clear water seen in a dream foreshadows prosperous life circumstances and pleasures. Splashes of water that fall on the head promise great love.

The dream in which a person sees how clean water floods the house, portends a struggle with difficulties. Exit from difficult situation as a winner can be expected if the water is rising; if it decreases, the circumstances will be stronger.

According to Freud

Water in Freud's dream book is a very personal symbol associated with sex life and the birth of children. If in a vision the sleeper pours clean water, which means that in reality he desires intimacy with a specific person. A dream in which a drowning woman is rescued in clear water can be interpreted similarly. If a man needs help, such a vision symbolizes a strong attachment to someone.

Splashing water indicates unsatisfied sexual needs; admiring your reflection in clear water - about excessive care for your appearance. Entering or leaving the water, jumping into it are signs indicating the dreamer’s desire to create strong family and have children.

Modern dream books

Current interpreters are generally inclined to decipher dreams with clear water as a positive omen, however, there are also negative meanings.

  • A stream of crystal water portends excellent prospects and a lot of pleasant emotions, but if the liquid fills the vessel, improvement should be expected financial condition. Transfusion clean water from one container to another predicts successful purchases and profitable investments.
  • Dreaming of clean water in a river brings great joy and good news. If the sleeper bathes in it, this is a sign that foretells a worthy assessment of the dreamer’s positive actions, as well as getting rid of gossip. Bathing acquaintances in a clean pond predicts reconciliation with enemies.
  • Great luck is predicted by a dream in which a person drinks clean water. If he is given a glass, full of water, which means you should expect a successful marriage and decent income in the family.
  • Puddles of clean water on the ground, which the dreamer carefully avoids, indicate that he can easily cope with all the difficulties in real life. Washing with water for a sick person portends a speedy healing, for a healthy person - getting rid of all problems.
  • Clean water from a well, which the dreamer gives to a stranger, warns of the possible enrichment of someone at the expense of the sleeper.
A negative sign would be a dream in which a person carries water in clothes, a hat or shoes.

Such a vision symbolizes the deception of people who were part of a circle of trust. If the water does not spill, you can hope for a miraculous rescue from ruin. If the liquid still leaks, expect troubles and troubles. To learn more about what clean water means in dreams, watch the video.