What does the name Margot mean? Pearl name Margarita. Positive traits of the name

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Margarita (Margot) - a detailed description of the origin and characteristics of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Margarita. Daisy, Margot, Margosha, Margusha, Mara, Marusya, Maga, Maka, Rita, Ritulya, Ritunya, Ritusya, Tusya, Ritusha, Meg, Maggie, Maggie, Megi, Magi, Greta, Gita, Megan.
Synonyms for the name Margarita. Margaret, Margerit, Małgorzata, Marketa, Margareta, Mared, Marjorie, Margita, Megan.
Origin of the name Margarita. The name Margarita is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Margarita translated from Greek means “pearl”, “pearl”. “Margaritos” is an epithet of Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love, who was the patroness of sailors. And it was pearls and mother-of-pearl shells that the sailors sacrificed to her, asking for protection and patronage.

The name Margaret was borne by the legendary early Christian saint Margaret of Antioch, executed in 304, but at the moment the authenticity of her existence is in doubt. In Orthodoxy, this saint was called Saint Marina, and it was the name Margarita that could become the second secular name for those women who received the name Marina at baptism.

Before the October Revolution, the name Margaret was absent from the calendar, and appeared there only in 2000, when the Orthodox Church canonized two new martyrs-nuns. Orthodox name days are considered to be: February 8, July 30, September 14, December 15.

The name Margarita was not common in Orthodoxy and was occasionally given among monastics. After church restrictions were abolished, girls began to be called by this name more and more often, and by 1960 the name Margarita became one of the most common names. At the moment, this popularity is only growing.

The name Margarita has short forms of the name that have become independent names - Margot, Megan, Mara, Rita (Catholics have a name day for this name - May 22), Greta and Gita.

Analogs of this name are Margaret (England), Marguerite (France), Małgorzata (Poland), Marketa (Czech Republic), Margareta (Sweden, Denmark), Mared (Ireland), Margita (Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Sweden).

The main character quality of a woman named Margarita is straightforwardness. She will say whatever she thinks to any person, regardless of his age and status. At the same time, Margarita is straightforward and self-critical towards herself. Honest and brave, impatient and capricious, Margarita has an analytical mind and logical thinking. Margot’s character lacks selfishness and has absolutely no diplomacy, which is why she often has conflicts with others. Margarita gives the impression of an intelligent woman, who is characterized by practicality and some self-doubt.

In her professional activities, Margot proves herself to be a decisive and businesslike woman. However, work for Margarita is not the meaning of life, but simply a means of earning money. Margot will excel in administrative activities, pedagogy and biology. Thanks to her practicality and organizational skills, Margarita can become a good leader. At the same time, Margot does not strive for power, she needs an interesting job. Success in business comes to Margarita thanks to perseverance, hard work, an original approach to business and unconventional thinking. As a rule, Margot is respected among her colleagues.

In her first marriage, Margarita, as a rule, fails due to a hasty marriage. Margot endures the first breakup very painfully and marries the second time, too quickly, in an attempt to prove to herself and others that she is interesting and loved. Only a man she likes will become Margarita’s husband. If you don't like the person, he won't have any chance. At the same time, Margarita will fully reveal herself only to a truly beloved man.

Margot doesn't really like to be in charge. He is indifferent to cooking, but if desired, he can prepare a gourmet dinner. Margarita adores children, for their sake she is ready to sacrifice all other things in her life. In male society, Margot feels like a duck to water, so her husband often has to experience pangs of jealousy. And yet, Margarita will be a devoted and faithful wife, and a very caring mother.

Margarita is a faithful and reliable friend, whose straightforwardness is forgiven by her loved ones for the honesty and courage of this woman. However, Margot has practically no close friends, since she behaves emphatically delicately in her interactions with men, and just as emphatically rude in her relations with women. When communicating with men, she loves to charm them, but even more loves to start a quarrel between fans. One way or another, behind the external harshness and straightforwardness of Margarita hides a fragile and romantic nature.

Famous people named Margarita

  • Marguerite de Valois ((1553 - 1615) known as “Queen Margot”; daughter of Henry II and Catherine de Medici, in 1572-1599 she was the wife of Henry de Bourbon, King of Navarre, who took the French throne under the name of Henry IV)
  • Margaret of Navarre ((1492-1549) also known as Margaret of Valois, Margaret of Angoulême and Margaret of France; French princess, sister of King Francis I, one of the first women writers in France, patron of humanists)
  • Margaret Tudor ((1489 - 1541) Queen of Scots, wife of King James IV)
  • Margarita Terekhova ((born 1942) Soviet and Russian actress and theater and film director, People's Artist of the Russian Federation)
  • Margaret Thatcher ((b.1925) Prime Minister of Great Britain (Conservative Party of Great Britain) in 1979-1990, Baroness (1992); known as the “Iron Lady”, the first and so far the only woman to hold this post)
  • Margaret of Provence ((1221 - 1295) Queen of France in 1234 - 1270)
  • Rita Hayworth ((1918 - 1987) real name – Margarita Carmen Cansino; American film actress and dancer, one of the most famous Hollywood stars of the 1940s, who became a legend of her era)
  • Margaret Mitchell ((1900 - 1949) American writer, author of the best-selling novel Gone with the Wind. The novel, published in 1936, received a Pulitzer Prize, went through more than 70 editions in the USA, was translated into 37 languages, and filmed in 1939 by director Victor Fleming The film "Gone with the Wind" received eight Oscar awards.)
  • Margarita Voites ((born 1936) Soviet Estonian singer (lyric-coloratura soprano), People's Artist of the Estonian SSR, People's Artist of the USSR (1979))
  • Margarita Aliychuk (Russian gymnast, member of the Russian national team (since 2005), Olympic champion (2008), multiple world champion (2007), European champion (2008))
  • Marguerite Stenel ((1869 - 1954) French courtesan and adventuress, known, among other things, for her affair with French President Felix Faure)
  • Margarita Pushkina (Russian poetess, journalist, translator, author of lyrics for popular songs; best known for her collaboration with heavy rock bands, including “Aria”, “Master”, “Kipelov”, “Mavrin”)
  • Margarita Chkheidze (pianist, Honored Artist of Russia (2006))
  • Margarita Levieva (American film actress of Jewish-Russian origin)
  • Margarita Boyanova Troops (Bulgarian chess player, grandmaster (1985))
  • Margarita (Sedda) Rudenko ((1926 - 1976) Orientalist philologist, Kurdologist, literary critic, ethnographer. The founder of the literary direction in Kurdology (the study of Kurdish medieval literature based on handwritten monuments). For the first time in the history of Russian Oriental studies, she published a complete catalog of Kurdish manuscripts, she carried out the first publication of the manuscript of the Kurdish historian-ethnographer Mel Mahmud Bayazidi “Morals and Customs of the Kurds”, collections of Kurdish folk tales were recorded and published, a monograph on Kurdish ritual poetry was published, a number of articles and lectures were written on folklore, life, beliefs and traditions of the Kurds.)
  • Margarita Nabokova (one of the first DJs of the radio station “Europe Plus” (Moscow), creator of the Russian professional music library (BMRU))
  • Margarita Odu ((1863 - 1937) Margarita Donquishot, in literature took her mother's surname; French writer)
  • Marguerite Peret (French radiochemist who discovered francium (1909 – 1975))
  • Margarita Saenko (Soviet and Russian playwright, critic, editor, publicist)
  • Margarita Alexandra Eager ((1863 - 1936) served as a nanny for the children of Nicholas II and Alexandra Fedorovna; Eager wrote her memoirs “Six Years at the Russian Imperial Court” - about the time when she was in the Romanov family)
  • Margarita Zimmerman ((d.1934) Russian teacher, one of the founders of the first private gymnasium school in the city of Perm; the middle of the three Zimmerman sisters, who, according to local historians, became the prototypes of the heroines of A.P. Chekhov’s play “Three Sisters”)
  • Margarita Weimer ((1787 - 1867) known as Mademoiselle Georges, Georgina; famous French tragic actress, mistress of Napoleon and, according to rumors, Alexander I, toured in Russia in 1808 - 1812)
  • Marguerite Asselman ((1876 - 1947) Hasselmans, French pianist)
  • Margarita Butenina ((1902 - 1953) Russian singer (soprano))
  • Margarita Bolli (Soviet intelligence officer)
  • Margaret Mead ((1901 - 1978) American anthropologist)
  • Margaret Landon ((1903 - 1993) American writer and missionary)
  • Margaret Furse ((1911 - 1974) costume designer, winner of Oscar, BAFTA and Emmy awards)
  • Margaret Abbott ((1878 - 1955) American golfer, champion of the 1900 Summer Olympics)
  • Marguerite Yourcenar ((1903 - 1987) French writer)
  • Marguerite Gerard ((1761 - 1837) French artist, student of Fragonard)
  • Marguerite Duras (real name Donadier; French writer, actress, director and screenwriter)
  • Małgorzata Fornalska (party pseudonym - Jasia; figure in the Polish labor movement)
  • Marketa Irglova (Czech pianist, songwriter and actress)
  • Margaretha von Trotta (German actress, film director and screenwriter, one of the representatives of the new German cinema)
  • Margareta Arvidsson (winner of Miss Universe 1966, she became the second representative of Sweden to win this competition (after Hillevi Rombin))
  • Margarita Niculescu (Romanian puppet theater director (born 1926))
  • Margarita Eskina ((1933 - 2009) Russian theater figure, director of the Central House of Actors named after A.A. Yablochkina from 1987 to 2009)
  • Every expectant mother expecting a girl wants to give her daughter the most euphonious, most unique and most tender name. The name Margarita caresses the ear and sounds truly royal; it is not without reason that among the famous Margaritas there were many ladies of noble blood. However, behind the melodic sound of this name lies the straightforward and freedom-loving character that distinguishes its owners. Therefore, when calling a girl Margarita, it is worth taking into account the energy of this beautiful name.

    Margarita – sea pearl

    The name Margarita owes its origin to the Greek word for “pearl.” Like pearls hiding in a shell, behind Margarita’s firm, “masculine” character hides a kind and sympathetic soul.

    For many peoples, pearls symbolize purity, honesty, and truthfulness. It is believed that this stone protects against lies and deception. The owners of the pearl name Margarita are extremely truth-loving.

    In ancient Greek mythology, pearls and the name Margaret, derived from the name of the stone, were symbols of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, born from sea foam. In legends, pearls were poetically called drops that fell from Aphrodite’s hair. The goddess was considered the patroness of sailors, and along the waves of the Mediterranean Sea, pronounced by sailors, the name Margarita reached Europe.

    The name Margarita came to Rus' along with the calendar. After the adoption of Christianity in Rus', girls born on her namesake day, July 30, began to be named in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Margaret of Antioch.

    In the Christian Church there is no distinction between the names Margarita and Marina (from the Latin “sea”). Therefore, noble ladies, named Marinas at baptism, preferred to proudly call themselves Margarita in social life.

    Margarita, Rita, Ritochka...

    In Russia, the name Margarita received many diminutive forms - Rita, Ritulya, Margo, Margosha, Greta, Gita, Daisy, Ritusha. In different countries, “Margarita” is pronounced in its own way: Marguerite in France, Margaret in Britain, Margaret in Denmark and Sweden, Małgorzata in Poland, Mared in Ireland.

    The daisy flower, named after a woman's name, has become the symbol of Italy.

    Girl with character

    • Wayward

    Girls named Margarita can hardly be called obedient. Since childhood, they have been endowed with an unbending character and strive for leadership. It’s hard to expect “girly” behavior and love for pink dresses from Margarita. She grows up active and cocky, makes friends mainly with boys and is an authority figure for them. She achieves everything she wants to get herself, but it is unlikely that she will be able to force Margarita to do anything by force.

    • Eccentric

    Margarita is principled and straightforward. In expressing her own opinion, especially in the heat of righteous, in her understanding, anger, neither the age nor the status of the interlocutor will become a hindrance for her. The same straightforwardness and self-criticism manifests itself in Margarita in relation to herself.

    “If a woman shows character, they say about her: “Harmful woman.” If a man shows character, they say about him: “He’s a good guy.” Margaret Thatcher, British Prime Minister

    • Honest

    Margarita is active, impetuous, and impatient. The main traits of her character are honesty and courage. Margarita does not tolerate pretense and betrayal and always defends justice. Margarita is completely devoid of diplomacy, so she often has misunderstandings and conflicts with others.

    • Selfless

    At the same time, Margarita is surprisingly unselfish. She is capable of empathy and compassion, showing care and responsiveness, and providing patronage to the weak.

    Study and career: he will do it if he wants

    Margarita has her own vision of life: if she decides that she doesn’t need to study, then she will study carelessly. If Margarita believes that she needs knowledge, then she will devote herself completely to her studies. Thanks to her analytical mindset, exact sciences are easy for Margarita.

    Having matured, Margarita shows herself just as decisively and efficiently in the professional sphere. Logical thinking and leadership qualities allow Margarita to express herself in teaching or management activities. At the same time, Margarita does not strive for power, and does not see the meaning of life in work. For her, work is rather a guarantee of financial well-being, which Margarita, by the way, tries in every possible way to demonstrate.

    The love of ostentatious luxury is Margarita’s little weakness. Sometimes she has to go into debt to demonstrate her imaginary wealth

    If Margarita decides to move up the career ladder, then she does it with all perseverance and achieves success and respect among her colleagues, thanks to her hard work and perseverance.

    Despite the respect she inspires in people, Margarita is very reserved and has great difficulty making friends. She lacks flexibility in judgment, and her categoricalness repels new acquaintances and sets them up for a hostile attitude. However, Margarita knows how to make friends and values ​​​​friendship.

    Deep inside, Margarita is not as confident in herself as she shows to everyone else, so she simply needs friendly communication and support. However, Margarita is often lonely.

    “I’ll tell you a fairy tale,” Margarita spoke and put her heated hand on her shorn head, “there was one aunt in the world. And she had no children, and there was no happiness at all. And so at first she cried a lot, and then she became angry...” Mikhail Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”

    Family life is like a battlefield

    Margarita knows how to present herself, so she is always surrounded by crowds of fans. True, her directness often seems offensive to men. Margarita does not know how to compromise, so her family life is often like a battle with angry squabbles and mutual insults.

    Margarita often gets married very early, but just as often gets divorced when faced with the failure of her chosen one to meet the ideal. This is a sensual and passionate nature, a woman of mystery, a woman with the devil in her eyes. Margarita is very sexy, she likes to choose and conquer. For marriage, she is looking for the best of the best, so she can change life partners more than once. A marriage with Dmitry, Roman, Mikhail could be successful for Margarita. The names Margarita and Kirill are incompatible.

    One of Margarita’s secrets is her tendency to flirt. Especially after marriage.

    Women named Margarita do not like housework, but at the same time they are ideal housewives if they need it for some reason. Margarita loves her children, and can only make concessions for them.

    Hobbies and interests

    Margarita loves to take care of herself and plays sports. Likes to read books and keeps pets.

    Margarita's health

    Margarita is in good health and rarely gets sick as a child. Her psyche is little susceptible to stress, but being an eccentric nature, Margarita can suffer a nervous breakdown.

    The name Margarita on the pages of history

    Famous namesakes:

    • Marguerite de Valois, Queen of France, who became the prototype for the heroine of Dumas the Father’s novel “Queen Margot”,
    • One of the first women writers, Margaret of Angoulême, sister of King Francis I,
    • Queen of Scots Margaret Tudor,
    • Margarita Tuchkova, who built a church on Borodino Field, on the site of her husband’s death,
    • Author of the immortal novel Gone with the Wind, Margaret Mitchell,
    • "Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher, British Prime Minister.

    Among the famous Margaritas there are Hollywood stars (Rita Hayworth), scientists (Margaret Mead, Margarita Pere). Artists, poets, athletes, singers, missionaries, intelligence officers, teachers, and politicians with the name Margarita have left their mark on world history.

    Writers' Favorite Name

    The name Margarita was popular not only among parents who chose it for their daughters, but also among writers whose heroines wore it.

    Dumas the father and Dumas the son each sang their own Margarita in “Queen Margot” and “The Lady of the Camellias.” Gretchen in “Faust” by the German classic Goethe is Margarita’s namesake. The works of Ray Bradbury, Irwin Shaw, Jack London and Somerset Maugham also contain beautiful Margaritas.

    Mikhail Bulgakov named his novel after the names of the main characters - “The Master and Margarita”. Bulgakov's Margarita, like all owners of this sonorous name, is both tender and passionate, sublime and unbridled in nature.

    The queen of Satan's ball in M. Bulgakov's novel “The Master and Margarita” could only be a woman named Margarita.

    Astrology and talismans named Margarita:

    • Zodiac sign - Pisces;
    • Planet – Venus;
    • The color of the name is red, purple;
    • Animal – mollusk;
    • Stone - pearl;
    • Plant – daisy;
    • Favorable day - Thursday;
    • Favorable time of year is winter.

    Name day of Margarita

    Video with the name Margarita

    Valery Leontyev, “Margarita” 1989

    According to Mendelev

    The name is good, but cold. The feeling of the power and secret strength of this name comes from the distant past, and is not inspired by M. Bulgakov’s novel, and not only in Russian, but also in French, German (Gretchen) and English, although upon closer examination Margarita may not be so deep and original: she sometimes has to reach for her own name.

    Margarita does not get along well with people, she is not used to adjusting to anyone and is extremely reserved.

    Rita is much more feminine, more active, brighter and more joyful, but not so powerful and strong. She is open and sociable. Rita also has conflicts, but these are just minor and short-lived disputes.

    Margot is a stronger, more majestic and powerful person. She is even colder than Margarita; often she cannot start her own family, because deep down she believes that none of the men is capable of becoming a worthy partner for her. The exact opposite also happens: not having found a suitable man, Margot throws herself into all seriousness, without particularly delving into who she is with and what kind of person is next to her.

    Work for Margarita is simply earning a living: it is difficult to find an activity that would captivate and captivate her.

    Strange meetings and incomprehensible incidents happen to Margarita for some reason more often than to owners of other names,

    The color of the name is purple.

    Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

    She manages to succeed in both love and sex. Margarita is sentimental, sensitive, dreams of crazy love, which will make her “head over heels.” If she experienced this exciting feeling in her youth, she will remember her first love all her life. Margarita loves physically strong men, it gives her special pleasure to dominate them in bed, she is happy only if she controls her partner. She is frank in sex, she is characterized by strong emotions and violent hobbies. If she has failures, she experiences them unusually acutely, falling into depression. Margarita is freedom-loving and independent; she builds her personal life as she sees fit, regardless of generally accepted norms.

    Margarita has a heightened sexual temperament and is capable of bringing a man to a state of ecstasy. Many of the Margaritas prefer young, inexperienced men, to whom they can reveal themselves in all their splendor and whom they introduce into the world of unforgettable sexual sensations. Margarita is keenly interested in erotic literature, loves to talk with men about sex, but relies more on her experience.

    “Summer” Margarita rather represents a passively submissive type of woman. Her ideal is a “strong man” to whom she wants to submit. In the caresses of a man, she prefers pressure, strength, and aggressiveness. She is somewhat nervous, indecisive, and needs

    an experienced partner who will “master her.” The intimate life of the “autumn” Margarita is not easy; she goes through a chain of disappointments before she finds a partner with whom she will achieve sexual harmony. Marriage with a man born in winter is contraindicated for her.

    By D. and N. Winter

    Meaning and origin of the name: “Pearl” (lat.)

    Energy of the name and character: Margarita is a straightforward and harsh name, maybe even intolerant. It’s just a pity that such qualities are not very compatible with the concept of femininity, and this, by the way, can quite upset Margarita herself, especially at an older age. Usually, from childhood, Rita has a groovy character. She is active, sociable, strives for leadership and loves to provide protection to the weaker. Often not only girls, but also boys are afraid of her harshness, to the point that Rita can give the impression of a sort of hooligan boy in a skirt. In a word, it is difficult to expect her to become a good girl.

    It is possible that she will have a rather cool attitude towards studying, however, it all depends on her life goals and aspirations. If her chosen path in life requires a good education, Rita is able to approach this issue quite seriously, in which her strength of character will greatly help her. In addition, the energy of the name often makes Margarita shy about showing her true feelings, and of all the emotions she usually recognizes only humor and anger, which, in her opinion, is righteous. All this determines her penchant for logical analysis. She could make an excellent public figure or a meticulous lawyer, always seeking justice, but in real life, including family life, such qualities may, frankly speaking, not be very useful. At a minimum, it doesn’t hurt Rita to learn patience and calmness.

    Most often, Rita either takes the leading role in the family, choosing a flexible and unambitious person as her husband, or it all ends very sadly, including hysterics, divorces and mutual insults. If Margarita wants to avoid such a sad ending, then the easiest way to do this is by turning her sense of humor on herself. Perhaps she takes herself too seriously, while good self-irony can calm vanity much better than any search for justice. In the end, justice does not even imply the leading role of Margarita, and it is not so important who is actually right, since the most important thing in communication is not rightness, but mutual understanding and respect.

    Secrets of communication: Very often, Margarita’s logic is somewhat one-sided. This is not surprising, since usually her logic is brought to life by some strong desire or even passion, due to which her mind begins to work in one direction. Most likely, Rita will carry out her speculations with the main goal of proving that she is right, and not of finding the truth. At the same time, if you manage to ignore her harshness and try to look into her soul, you may find in her a rather fragile and tender woman in need of human warmth and participation. So, rather than arguing with Rita in vain, it’s better to just talk to her like a human being and - who knows - maybe this flower will open in front of you?

    The name's trace in history:

    Margaret Thatcher

    “I am extremely patient, provided that in the end it turns out my way,” Margaret Thatcher (b. 1925), a legendary woman who managed to achieve the almost impossible: in Great Britain (perhaps the most conservative country in existence) liked to say ) she managed to make a dizzying political career, which many male politicians never dreamed of. Her arguments were extremely simple: “Any woman who understands the problems of running a home understands the problems of running a country.”

    Interestingly, the “iron lady” was born in a modest family of a grocer, and therefore it is fair to say that she achieved absolutely everything in her life, starting from the very first steps, only thanks to her perseverance and strong, “punchy” character. After graduating from Oxford University and graduating as a chemist, Margaret Thatcher rightly decided that this was not the pinnacle of her career, and therefore took law courses and began practicing law. She was only thirty-four years old when she was elected to Parliament, and her subsequent career developed with the swiftness of a jetliner picking up speed on the runway.

    In 1979, Margaret Thatcher became the first woman prime minister in the country's history, after which she was re-elected two more times, thus setting a second record: never before had a prime minister in England been re-elected to a third term.

    Her politics (as well as her character) were not particularly feminine, and even for a man she could be called too firm and uncompromising. However, the “iron lady” does not consider herself such; claiming that simply “women are much better at saying the word “no” than men.” As for her personal life, she is not only a politician, which is now a thing of the past, but also the wife of businessman Dennis Thatcher, as well as the mother of two charming twins. It’s just that, in her opinion, a woman’s destiny is not only the kitchen and diapers, and if she is capable of more, then why not realize her potential? And Margaret Thatcher proved to everyone through personal example that this can be done even in England.

    According to Higir

    The name comes from the Latin word "Margherita" - pearl.

    A very independent girl. He has his own view on everything. She is very straightforward and expresses her impressions regardless of faces, which often leads to terrible confusion for parents and guests. Straightforwardness and categoricalness, characteristic of childhood, will make themselves felt in adulthood, although with skillful upbringing these unpleasant traits of Margarita can be significantly softened. Otherwise, they will be perceived as inability to behave, rudeness and lead to conflicts with others, although the somewhat eccentric Margarita is not at all selfish.

    Already in her school years, Margarita stands out for her good logical thinking and can achieve success in the game of chess. She is quite smart, quick-witted and cunning, but her inner insecurity makes her not a very reliable friend. And although Margarita’s relationships with her classmates are normal and she will never refuse to help them, she still does not have close friends. He devotes a lot of time to sports and loves biology.

    They are practical people; such women make good leaders.

    Margarita doesn't like to wait long. She is impatient, she needs to get everything at once. Maybe that’s why she, without much hesitation, marries the first person she likes and is almost always unlucky in her first love. She is very worried about the collapse of her hopes, after a divorce, as a rule, she quickly marries again, and does this not out of great love, but guided mainly by considerations of a different nature (to prove something to someone, to get rid of the feeling of uselessness). Margarita loves male company, adores fans, and with her behavior often gives her husband reasons for jealousy. A garden, vegetable garden, dacha, where you need to work and not relax, is not for Margarita and makes her despondent. Kitchen is also not Margarita’s element, but when guests arrive she can prepare such a wonderful dinner that it will shock people who know her well.

    They treat children with care. They are rarely happy with their marriage. Capricious.

    Margarita’s family life should be happy with Albert, Efim, Semyon, Gennady, Ruslan, Eduard, Savely, Roman. Failures await her with Ivan, Kirill, Vitaly, Vladimir.

    Forms of the name Margarita

    Synonyms for the name Margarita. Margaret, Margerit, Małgorzata, Marketa, Margareta, Mared, Marjorie. Short form of the name Margarita. Daisy, Margot, Margosha, Margusha, Mara, Marusya, Maga, Poppy, Ritulya, Ritunya, Ritusya, Tusya, Ritusha, Meg, Greta, Gita.

    Short and diminutive options: Rita, Ritulya, Ritunya, Ritusya, Tusya, Margo, Margosha, Margusha, Mara, Marusya

    Name Margarita in different languages

    Analogues of the name in other languages: English Margaret, Maggie; Belarusian Margaryta; Hungarian Margit; Italian Margherita; German Margarete, Margarethe; Polish Malgorzata; Finnish Margareta, Maarit; French Margaux, Marguerite; Czech Marketa, Margita; Danish Margrethe; Norwegian Margrete; Slovak Marjeta; Slovenian Margareta; Swedish Margareta.

    Latin transliteration in a Russian passport - Margarita

    Origin of the name Margarita

    The name Margarita translated from Greek means “pearl”, “pearl”. "Margaritos" is an epithet of Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love, who was the patroness of sailors; and it was pearls and mother-of-pearl shells that the sailors sacrificed to her, asking for protection and patronage.

    The name Margaret was borne by the legendary early Christian saint Margaret of Antioch, executed in 304, but at the moment her authenticity is in doubt. In Orthodoxy, this saint was called Saint Marina, and it was the name Margarita that could become the second secular name for those women who received the name Marina at baptism. Before the October Revolution, the name Margaret was absent from the calendar, and appeared there only in 2000, when the Orthodox Church canonized two new martyrs-nuns. Orthodox name days are considered to be: February 8, July 30, September 14, December 15.

    The name Margarita was not common in Orthodoxy and was occasionally given among monastics. After church restrictions were lifted, girls began to be called by this name more and more often, and by 1960 it became one of the most common names. At the moment, this popularity is only growing.

    The name Margarita has short forms of the name that have become independent names - Margot, Mara, Rita (Catholics have a name day for this name - May 22), Greta and Gita.

    Analogues of this name are Margaret (England), Marguerite (France), Małgorzata (Poland), Marketa (Czech Republic), Margareta (Sweden, Denmark), Mared (Ireland).

    Character of the name Margarita

    The main character quality of a woman named Margarita is straightforwardness. She will say whatever she thinks to any person, regardless of his age and status. At the same time, Margarita is straightforward and self-critical of herself. Honest and brave, impatient and capricious, Margarita has an analytical mind and logical thinking.

    Margot’s character lacks selfishness and has absolutely no diplomacy, which is why she often has conflicts with others. Margarita gives the impression of an intelligent woman, who is characterized by practicality and some self-doubt.

    The secret of the name Margarita

    Margarita can become a good leader. And this is not surprising, such women are practical and reasonable, who are able to benefit from everything.

    Margarita does not know how to wait for a long time; she is used to receiving everything at once. So, her impatience is simply amazing. Margarita can marry the man she likes without hesitation. Margarita is almost always unlucky in her first love. Divorce has a bad effect on such a woman. She painfully experiences separation from her loved one, but quickly marries again in order to get rid of unrequited love.

    Margarita feels great in male company. She loves to have many fans around her, and her behavior may seem frivolous. Margarita does not like work, she cannot prove herself as a housewife, she loves to relax. Loves his children.

    Astrological characteristics of the name

    Incompatibility of the name Margarita