What can you plant on May 7th? What can be planted in open ground in May. List of works at the dacha in May

May is the hottest month for a gardener. Everyone is trying to get out to the dacha to plant. It is in May that real spring begins. It is in May that it is necessary to dig up the garden and prepare greenhouses and greenhouses. In May, the air temperature returns to normal, the sun shines much brighter, and daylight hours become longer. From this publication you will learn what to plant in may: in the greenhouse, under the film and in open ground. The tips below will be useful for those whose dacha is located in the Black Earth Region or in the Central part of Russia. When determining the timing of planting a particular crop, you should focus specifically on weather conditions. Since frosts are possible at the beginning of the month, especially in the central and northern parts of our country.

What to plant in open ground in May

At the very beginning of May, potatoes need to be planted in open ground. We recommend technology. This method of sowing potato seeds has many advantages:

  • There is no need to dig the area, just loosen it.
  • Straw will protect against frost.
  • There will be no need to water.
  • There is no need to hill up and loosen.

You will only need to plant the seeds in the spring and harvest in the fall. Also, at the beginning of May, all cold-resistant crops are planted in open ground, such as: onions (onions are planted as nigella, sets or greens), garlic. These crops are very resistant to cold weather; they are not afraid of even short night frosts. At the beginning of the month, radishes and beets are also planted. You can plant parsley, dill, spinach, sorrel, and lettuce on the greens. Early May is a great time to sow legumes- peas, beans, beans. If at the end of May stable warm weather has established itself and the threat of frost is minimal, you can begin to plant seedlings of cucumbers, eggplants, melons, watermelons, tobacco and other crops in open ground. Don't forget to sow sunflower and corn seeds.

What to plant in a greenhouse in May?

If you have a greenhouse at your dacha, then this part of the article will be useful to you. In the greenhouse, in last month In spring you can plant whatever you want. As a rule, by this time it will warm up and be ready for planting. Seedlings are most often planted in a greenhouse

Greetings, dear readers!

Let's talk about What do you plant in May? Location on.

In May, one of the first peasant holidays is Yegoriy, May 6. From this day on, a warm spring seems to come. There are years when everything in Yegori is already green, even the cows in the meadows eat enough grass. And sometimes it’s May - give the horse food, and quickly climb onto the stove. But neither in the early nor in late spring A gardener should not rush. We need to carefully dig up the ridges, prepare hotbeds and greenhouses, and plant our seedlings so that they are not destroyed by the return of the cold. And they will still be there.

So let's not rush with the transportation of seedlings from the city to the beds under light film capes. I know prudent gardeners who sow early-ripening tomato seedlings every year in early April in case of those frosts that happen even in June. This is an “insurance fund” - what if you suddenly need to replace plants that died in mid-June? There will be no frost - the stock can simply be planted in the garden.

The beginning of May is the time to sow, first of all, all cold-resistant crops: carrots, summer May radish, Odessa radish, Delicatessen radish. And also rutabaga, table beets of non-shooting varieties and hybrids, spring garlic, nigella onions for sets, onions for feathers, parsley, lettuce, spinach, sorrel, dill, peas, beans, asters in open ground, calendula, marigolds... Who has Over the past summer, strawberries have filled the ridges - it’s time to plant them and feed them.

Plants often suffer from lack of heat, from cold winds. Thermal conditions in the garden bed and microclimate will improve if the garden bed is north side Line the edge with Russian black beans. They grow quickly and will create a curtain, protection, a living warm screen for heat-loving plants. Cucumbers, zucchini, and tomatoes get along well with beans in the neighborhood. You will plant them under the protection of the beans in June, when the danger of frost has passed. And in order to have something to grow in the summer, in the first ten days of May, plant cucumbers, zucchini, and pumpkins at home in a warm place - in seedling boxes. To do this, it is convenient to take dried moss, soak it in a fertilizer solution, mix it with soil, place it in a box, plant a seed and water it. The seedlings are replanted together with a lump that is nutritious and airy: all the roots will remain intact.

These spring days in our garden we admire the blooming crocuses, scyllas, pushkinias, and chianodoxas. They look like fabulous underground inhabitants who came to Fresh air drink some sunshine. Now is the time to feed your favorite primrose flowers with a solution of nitrogen fertilizers so that their leaves grow better. And when they fade, it is useful to give phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. The bulbs will set large and ripen well. On next year They will bloom even more beautifully.

Vladimir Mashenkov, St. Petersburg

A What do you plant in May? in your climatic zone? We welcome your comments. See you!

Experienced gardeners remember by heart the plan for sowing work on their summer cottage. But beginners may not know the sequence of work when planting vegetables in spring period.

Today we will tell our readers about what you can plant on your personal plot in May, when stable spring weather finally sets in.

The ground has dried up after the snow, all the plants are growing quickly, and the trees are covered with leaves and flowers. This is the best period for planting parsley, dill, salads, beets, radishes, cabbage. If the air temperature remains stable at at least 10 degrees both day and night, this is the ideal time to sow seeds directly into warm, prepared soil. They will grow well and may even outperform their seedling-grown relatives. And if early sowings did not bring the desired result, now is the time to catch up. What vegetables to plant in May? Here you have a wide choice: just have time to work in the garden.

Here's what you can plant in open ground from plants in May:

Parsley, dill, salads. In May, leaf and head lettuce, as well as parsley and dill are sown in open ground. It is advisable to keep parsley and dill seeds in water for no more than three days. Then throw 10 seeds into a small hole, and make the same holes in the row every 10 centimeters. When the seedlings appear, water them well and remove weeds in a timely manner, and thin out if necessary. Lettuce seeds can be sown as early as 5°C in soil temperature. Under such conditions, they will germinate in 5-7 days.

Beans and peas of different varieties. Try sowing them in parts over 7-10 days. This will give you a harvest that varies slightly in ripening time, and you won't miss a single pod.

Beet. Beetroot is also sown in May. In this case, choose a lighted area with fertile and loose soil rich in humus. When the ground warms up to 10°C, sow seeds in rows, previously soaked in warm water. The distance between sowings should be 5-10 centimeters, the seeding depth should be from 1.5 to 3 cm. After sowing, compact the soil. Under favorable conditions, seedlings will appear in a week. Sow beets at the beginning of the month so that you can enjoy the vegetable in the summer. Plant rarely, because the roots need a lot of space to grow. normal height.

Radish. Who said that this is an attribute of spring salads and that it is too late to plant radishes in May? On the contrary, if you sow it this month, it will take place of honor in summer dishes. Radishes are grown in sunny and sheltered areas with light, fertile soils of neutral acidity. This crop can be sown in open ground throughout the month. Planting time depends on the region and weather conditions. Dry or pre-soaked seeds are sown at a distance of 3-5 centimeters from each other, then lightly sprinkled with peat and compacted. If the air temperature during the day does not drop below 18°C, then within a week seedlings will appear.

White cabbage. Sow cabbage seeds in pre-prepared grooves, 6-7 pieces per hole to a depth of 1.5-2 centimeters. Water with warm water and mulch the soil. After two true leaves appear, thin out the crops so that there are two plants left in the nest. And after the third true leaf appears in each hole, leave only one of the strongest seedlings. Please note: cabbage loves water. A rich harvest can be obtained with soil moisture of about 70%. However, do not overdo it, otherwise vascular bacteriosis may develop on the plant. Cabbage is one of the most simple plants for growing in the garden. Select a variety that is suitable for your location in terms of size, ripening time and pest resistance.

Carrot. Mid-season carrot varieties are sown in the first half of May, varieties intended for long-term storage, sown at the end of the month. The soil for carrots should be loose and contain sand. In heavy soil, root crops often grow unattractively, curved, clumsy and small. Sow pre-prepared, hatched and hardened seeds into the furrows to a depth of about two centimeters, maintaining a distance of 1.5 cm. Then sprinkle the seeds with soil, level and water the furrows. Before green sprouts appear, water the garden bed abundantly and often, and then reduce the amount of water so that the carrots do not rot. Carrots can be planted until mid-July, and then until late autumn you will have your own carrots in your garden, which are guaranteed not to spoil due to improper storage. If you want carrot shoots to appear faster, stretch the film over the bed at a height of 15 centimeters. When sprouts appear, remove the cover.

Note that in regions with a mild climate in May you can plant and sow a large number of garden crops. But if the weather brings surprises, then it is better to hold off on planting heat-loving plants.

Your garden: work of the month.

May Garden.

Planting stops at the beginning of May fruit crops and grafting with cuttings “behind the bark”, “into the cleft”.

How to feed garden plants in May

Before flowering, feed trees and shrubs with liquid organic or complex mineral fertilizers. Place them in circular grooves 10-15 cm deep, dug at the level of the crown projection or a little closer to the trunk; in bushes, in a bowl around the bush.

In mid-late May, feed the layering with the same solution berry bushes. Water the soil first, and then mulch with organic matter.

When the shoots begin to grow, add a layer of soil (hill up) up to 15 cm, making sure that it is constantly moist. In autumn or next spring cut the cuttings into pieces and plant them in a permanent place.

After flowering, water garden plants. You can combine it with additional feeding with infusion of mullein or bird droppings (1:15) + 1 tbsp. spoon of urea.

Don't forget to control garden diseases and pests

During the flowering period, insecticides should not be used, otherwise the bees will die. But there is a way out - biological products. The most effective bioinsecticide (against pests) is lepidocide.

It kills caterpillars almost 100 percent younger age, moths, leaf rollers and other openly feeding caterpillars. It is safe enough for bees and beneficial insects. It is better to spray in the evening.

In cold and rainy weather during flowering (in the first two days of flowering), it is necessary to protect stone fruits from scab and moniliosis. You can use hom (40 g) or chorus (2-3 g per 10 liters of water).

The same drugs will protect young shoots, leaves, ovaries from perforated spot (clusterosporiasis), coccomycosis and other dangerous diseases. These drugs do not affect pollination processes and ovary formation.

Scab prevention

The most critical period for scab infection is from the pink bud to the complete shedding of the petals. Hom, colloidal sulfur, 1% Bordeaux mixture are effective. If it is rainy and cold, applying these contact fungicides is sufficient.

But in rainy weather, the systemic fungicide skor or strobi is more reliable. Strobe helps even in cases where there are prolonged rains and the temperature drops to 0.5-1 degrees.

How to treat scab if the trees are still sick,

Treating trees with this drug (2 g per 10 liters of water) during the pink bud phase (before the central bud begins to loosen) prevents infection with moniliosis.

But you cannot use the same drug, especially systemic, constantly, because the pathogen becomes addictive and the effectiveness of the drug decreases.

When infected with monilial burn, it is necessary to cut out and burn the diseased shoots - at the first signs of the disease and 2-3 weeks after that.

Some varieties of apple, pear, and berry trees are affected powdery mildew. Diseased shoots of such trees and bushes are cut out and destroyed, and apparently healthy annual shoots are shortened in May and August.

Apple tree leaves affected by powdery mildew

Against the disease, sulfur-containing preparations (colloidal sulfur, thiovit jet) or infusion are used: rotted straw or hay dust, or leaves (1 part), pour water (3 parts), leave for 3-4 days in a warm place, then 1 part of the infusion is diluted with 3 parts water, filter and spray. Topaz is used only as a last resort.

Be sure to carry out weed control work

During flowering in the garden, you need to dig up the soil and turn over the layer. This will reduce the number of weeds, improve air access to the roots, retain moisture, and also reduce the number of pests remaining in the soil.

Sow carrot seeds.

We will make seeding furrows in the dug up beds and water them with warm water. It is better to do this in 2-3 steps: water, wait for the water to be absorbed, and water again... We sow seeds at the bottom of the wet furrows.

We try not to sprinkle even the smallest ones in piles, but to throw them one at a time. It’s better to spend more time now, but then we’ll save it, since we won’t need to thin out the seedlings. In addition, we will save seeds.

We fill the furrows with soil from the spaces between the rows, lightly tap them with a rake so that the soil “lays” on the seeds and they do not end up in some kind of air pocket. If there is compost or humus, mulch the surface of the bed or cover it with non-woven material.

It is undesirable to water from above even from a watering can: a crust will form, through which it will be difficult for seedlings to break through. Moreover, it is compact upper layer promotes rapid evaporation of moisture.

Crop rotation is a necessary condition for success

When choosing beds for sowing seeds and planting seedlings, we take into account the compatibility of crops. Of course, it was necessary to create a crop rotation in winter or even autumn, but if we couldn’t, at least remember in which area tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants grew last year, so as not to take it over again with nightshades, plant celery in the former carrot bed, not place after cucumbers, zucchini.

“Shuffling” beds on several acres is difficult, but still necessary. Continuous cultivation of crops is fraught with a decrease in yield, accumulation of pests and diseases. Alternation of crops is necessary, even the simplest one, for example, by family.

We grow cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, radishes) after nightshades (peppers, eggplants, potatoes, tomatoes), and umbelliferous plants (carrots, celery, parsnips, dill, parsley) after pumpkin vegetables (cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin).

After green manure dug up in the spring, it is better to grow seedling crops. Seeds in such beds will have difficulty germinating. After peas, you can plant or sow any vegetables: this is such a benevolent crop.

Good "neighbors"

We will not abandon combined plantings and sowings, taking into account the compatibility of crops. On the outermost row in the eggplant bed you can sow peas, basil, plant early varieties white cabbage or kohlrabi.

The proximity of aromatic herbs is favorable for cabbage. The smell of anise, calendula, coriander, mint, dill, and basil disorients pests, of which cabbage has a lot.

The combination of carrots and onions in one bed is considered classic. You can sow carrots along the edge of the garlic bed or, if distance allows, between the rows. Carrots develop slowly at first, so it would benefit from radishes as an intercrop.

Between the cucumber plants grown on a trellis, you can throw a grain of peas or climbing beans. Plant next to tomatoes

  • basil
  • tagetes (marigolds)
  • lemon balm
  • borago

Places on country gardens not much, but you want to have everything - from vegetables for salads, preparations to herbs for flavoring homemade culinary masterpieces.

Planting cucumbers

At the beginning of the month, we sow cucumbers either under temporary cover or in cassettes so that at the stage of cotyledons or one true leaf they can be transplanted into the garden bed. In the middle of the month, as a rule, cucumber seeds germinate well even when sown in open beds.

Cucumbers grow quickly and you must not miss the time to start treatments against their main pests - mites and thrips. The sooner we start spraying with phytoverm, the greater the chance of protecting plants from damage and maintaining their productivity.

In May you can sow everything:

  • beans
  • corn
  • melons
  • aromatic greens

The first days of May are the deadline for digging up green manure in the beds where we plan to plant seedlings of heat-loving crops. When closing green manure, you can add a little urea: nitrogen will help process fresh organic matter faster.

When placing vegetables on the site, we always try to find a well-lit place for everyone. True, there are few of these in most dachas: sometimes trees cast shadows, sometimes fences or buildings interfere with the sun’s rays.

Cabbage seedlings in spring.

But let’s not forget that we have plenty of sun in the middle of summer, so most vegetables grow well, even if the sun doesn’t shine on them all day. And in beds that are protected from scorching rays at midday, they feel even better than in well lit from morning to evening.

Just plant plants in such semi-shaded beds a little less frequently than in sunny ones: the bushes will not shade each other and will be well ventilated. The latter circumstance is important for the prevention of fungal diseases.

Planting seedlings

Every year at the end of April - beginning of May, summer residents are concerned with the question: when to plant seedlings?

It all depends on the weather. If it's warm, May holidays You can already plant some of the hardened tomato seedlings in open ground. But provide shelter in case of return frosts.

IN last years frosts, although rare, do occur, especially in low areas. If the weather is good, tomatoes planted in early May will have an advantage over plants planted later.

At what distance to plant tomato seedlings?

We plant determinate varieties of tomatoes every 30-35 cm in the row, row by row by 50-60 cm. Indeterminate varieties require larger area nutrition, so we plant them every 60-70 cm in the row, and increase the row spacing to 80-90 cm.

Planting pepper seedlings.

After May 9, we plant seedlings of peppers, eggplants (20-25 cm - distance in a row, 50-60 cm - row spacing), and if the soil warms up enough, then cucumbers (20-35 cm - distance between plants in a row, 70 cm - row spacing).

Helping seedlings adapt

So that the seedlings quickly take root and form a powerful root system In order to better adapt to changes in weather, night and day temperatures, immediately after planting we spray it with a zircon solution (4 drops of the drug per liter of water).

Zircon treatments are carried out during the flowering of the first, and then the third and fourth clusters. It is better to spray with zircon in the morning or evening, since the drug is not stable in the light.

Potato plantings can also be strengthened with zircon. This is done in the phase of full germination (4 drops per 3 liters of water).

Before planting, seedlings can be immersed in a solution of phytosporin-M for 1-2 hours or watered at the root three days after planting. It makes no sense to give standards, since phytosporin is produced in different formulations (powder, paste, liquid) and each has its own standards.

In warm soil, phytosporin bacteria are activated and begin to suppress fungal and bacterial plant diseases. In addition, phytosporin improves plant immunity and enhances their growth. Preventive spraying of vegetable plants with phytosporin is carried out every 10-15 days.

If we do not neglect such treatments, it is likely that we will not have to resort to chemical fungicides.

You can choose other drugs, for example, extrasol, to prevent diseases and strengthen plant immunity.

Working solutions of extrasol and phytosporin-M can be used to water the plant residues that have accumulated after autumn and spring cleaning of the garden and vegetable garden - so that they quickly turn into compost needed for the soil.

How to feed vegetables in May

At the beginning of the month we will feed the cabbage planted in April. It is better to prepare an organic infusion (mullein, green grass - 1:10, consumption - 0.5 l per 10 l of water). For cauliflower and broccoli, which form a rich vegetative mass, the first fertilizing can be supplemented with urea - tbsp. spoon per sq. m.

Summer residents often plant seedlings of tomatoes and peppers in open ground with flower buds. After the plants take root and begin to grow, it is important to help them form a harvest with fertilizing.

Feeding tomatoes in May.

We carry out the first one in the flowering phase. Which fertilizer to choose? Many people like to give their vegetables urea: feed them and after a week you can see the results. But “nitrogen” beauty and splendor do not mean health and productivity.

Such plants, having pleased with bright greenery, are in no hurry to produce fruits, become more susceptible to diseases, and pests like them more. The requirements of tomatoes during the flowering phase are best met by fertilizing with an organic infusion (0.5 liters of bird droppings infusion) and superphosphate extract (1-1.5 tablespoons of fertilizer per 10 liters of water).

Summer residents who do not have the opportunity to devote much time to their dacha choose more economical option fertilizing - with complex, organo-mineral fertilizers, the choice of which is now wide.

During the budding and flowering phase, we feed peppers and eggplants: tbsp. a spoonful of complex fertilizer per 10 liters of water or 0.5 liters of organic infusion per 10 liters of water.

Potatoes also need to be supported with fertilizing.

  1. If we see that its tops are not growing well, we will feed it with an infusion of fermented grass.
  2. The second fertilizing (during the budding period) can also be carried out with “free” fertilizer - sprinkle between the rows wood ash(a glass per sq. m), loosen and water.

Potatoes will receive the potassium and microelements they need. There is no ash - we give the potatoes potassium sulfate or potato fertilizer (a tablespoon per square meter).

But the onion for feather growth you need to give nitrogen: a teaspoon of urea per 10 liters of water. Opponents mineral fertilizers can feed the onion bed with an organic infusion of mullein or green grass (1:10, consumption -0.5 l per 20 l).

In May we carry out the second feeding of garlic - 1-2 tbsp. spoon of complex fertilizer per 10 liters of water. We fed garlic with urea in April.

Cucumber seedlings in late spring.

cucumbers at the beginning of flowering, we feed with small doses of mineral fertilizers (a teaspoon of urea, potassium sulfate, superphosphate or a tablespoon of complex fertilizer). Mineral water can be replaced with organic matter: 0.5 liters of mullein infusion per 10 liters of water.

We feed fruiting plants every 7-10 days to stimulate the growth of shoots and the formation of flowers and ovaries on the growth. The concentration of fertilizers should still not be high: a teaspoon of urea and potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water.

At the end of the month, carrots from winter and April crops will also require feeding. You can water young plants with a weak organic infusion (0.5 liters of mullein or bird droppings in 2 buckets of water) or add a teaspoon of urea and a tbsp to the rows. spoon of potassium magnesia per sq. m.

We thin out the onion and carrot crops before feeding them.

Flower growers' work in May

Read what kind of work flower lovers can expect in May

May is the last month of spring, but at the beginning of the month there are often temperature changes, and the thermometer can drop to almost zero. When planting plants in open ground, it is very important to choose those types of plants that will not be prevented from taking root and growing by cold weather.

There is an opinion that it is too late to plant plants in May, but many do it because in the middle and end of May the temperature becomes stable and plants can be planted without fear of frost.

When the average daily temperature is around plus 10 degrees, you can plant the seeds in open ground, since the soil is already quite warm.

Plants planted in open ground usually grow well and can even catch up and overtake those plants that were planted as seedlings.

The following plants should be planted directly in open ground:

  • Onions, they can be planted in addition to more early landings, since feathers from previous plantings will be cut off by the end of June.
  • Carrots are planted before the end of June - mid-July, so that this wonderful root crop can be harvested until the end of autumn, and then stored late for winter storage.
  • Cabbage is a frequent resident in our gardens; you can choose both early and extra-early varieties the right size, also when choosing, you need to select varieties with resistance to pests. You can also plant kohlrabi cabbage - it grows very quickly!
  • Radishes, along with various salads, are usually associated with in early spring, it can be planted in May and then used in vegetable dishes.
  • Different varieties of beans and peas should be sown in small portions over a week or two, then mature pods will appear in different time and will definitely be collected.
  • Beets need to be planted at a considerable distance from each other so that the plants do not interfere with the growth of their neighbors. Plants planted with seeds rather than seedlings get sick much less.
  • Corn is not often planted on summer cottages, but it’s definitely worth a try as an experiment, corn kernels are extremely healthy, and the plant itself grows quickly.

Heat-loving crops stand out separately:

  • You can plant cucumbers; shoots usually appear in a week and a half. However, it is important to remember that they need to be planted in raised beds and ensure that the cucumbers are always watered.
  • Zucchini is also often planted in May; they need to be planted at some distance from each other or they will have to be thinned out later. There will be several zucchini per plant, so you should not plant too many plants.
  • If the weather is already warm, you can plant different varieties peppers and tomatoes, they do not require much space and at the same time produce a large amount of fruit.

You can supplement the plantings medicinal and herbs such as: basil, oregano, thyme, sage and chicory. For earlier plantings, you can replant dill and parsley, various salads and healthy spinach.

Also May important for flower growers, as this month there is a lot of work related to both annuals and perennial plants. In the first days of the month they work on dahlias, gladioli and callas. From May 10 to 20, gardeners will focus on phloxes, windblowns and, of course, bluebells.

It is important to have time to plant fuchsias and geraniums in May, as well as divide and then replant tubers of tulips and daffodils.

To decorate the area, you can plant sunflowers, if the weather is good, then in a week their seeds will germinate, and at the end of summer there will be beautiful flowers.

You also need to tidy up the lawn; you can read how to do this in the article “”.

It is convenient to carry out all work in consultation with.

Happy gardening!