What can be planted as a hedge. Hedge (fast-growing perennial evergreen): names and photos. Campsis grandiflora: planting and care

Gone are the days when neighbors tried to separate plots of land from each other with high fences. Now hedges are used for these purposes - they look attractive and protect from the winds quite reliably. True, from unwanted penetration hedge at the dacha it is unlikely to help, since its main purpose is aesthetic function and zoning of the site.

How to plant a multi-row hedge correctly

Long monotonous coniferous hedges as boring as a long fence, but they can be diversified, one of the options is creating multi-row hedges. Low-growing shrubs are planted in the first row, and taller ones (for example, turf, hazel, linden, hairy lilac) in the second and third rows. Some levels can be trimmed, others can be allowed to grow freely, this will be a good contrast.
Here is an example of such a hedge made of conifers and perennial shrubs:

1st row - a trimmed low hedge of gray spirea 1 m high;

2nd row - free-growing mock orange varieties "Mont Blanc" 2 m high, blooming in mid-May for three weeks; alternatively, you can use a collection of green-leaved mock oranges, different varieties will bloom in different time, the total flowering duration of this series will increase to a month;

3rd row - light purple and dark purple lilacs 4-5 m high, blooming in mid-May.

In multi-row perennial hedges, a combination of contrastingly colored plants looks impressive (for example, a combination of light green and dark purple foliage looks interesting, yellow-leaved shrubs will sparkle brightly against the background of dark pine needles).
As you can see in the photo, the hedges have a combination of deciduous and coniferous species it looks just great and very unusual:

How to properly plant a hedge in several rows? If you plant different-colored varieties of the same plant in one row, for example, different-colored varieties of thuja occidentalis, bladderwort, and barberry are suitable for this option, you will get a so-called marble trimmed hedge.

The best hedge is one in which the plants are combined not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also have similar biological features- growth rate, attitude to light, humidity, soil composition.

A hedge with inserts of vines looks original and does not take up much space.

If the hedges intersect at right angles, then one of them may have dark green glossy leaves, for example from Cotoneaster, and the other with matte light green leaves, for example from Spiraea arguta.

It is not necessary for the top line of the hedge to be parallel to the ground.

A medium-height green wall will be created by brilliant cotoneaster, tall varieties and types of barberry, as well as spring-flowering types of spirea - Van Gutta spirea, gray spirea, oak-leaved arguta.

Well, low green hedge-borders can be made from Kuril tea (cinquefoil), Thunberg barberry and low types of spirea - Japanese spirea and Bumald, as well as low and medium varieties of western thuja and privet, including its yellow-leaved form.

Border hedges are especially often used when creating parterres; they are also good as a bordering trimmed row of a composition, making it more impressive and neat.

Which thujas are best suited for hedges?

In central Russia to create a hedge with your own hands the best plants are pyramidal and columnar varieties of thuja occidentalis and common juniper, as well as varieties and types of spruce.

Western thujas are shade-tolerant, frost-resistant, and not picky about soil - they will grow on clay and sand, in dry and waterlogged places, but, of course, they will be most beautiful in good garden soil with sufficient moisture.

Species plants grown from seeds are relatively cheap, but, naturally, not as luxurious as varietal plants. Material for a thuja hedge can be grown not only from seeds, but also from cuttings; recently, thujas 50-60 cm high are also sold inexpensively in chain hypermarkets. Hedges are planted at a distance of 50 cm; they are not cut in the first year.

In the second or even third year, the tops are trimmed for better tillering. In the third year, in addition to the top, the side shoots are also cut. Thujas grow continuously throughout the season; they can be cut 2-3 times a season.

The crowns of thujas are thick and dense by nature, so the formation of a hedge is quite easy. It is best to cut them at the end of June after active spring shoot growth has completed. It is advisable to make the profile of the fence trapezoidal.

Which thujas are best for hedges in the middle zone? The most luxurious variety is the columnar thuja “Smaragd”. Its needles do not turn red or brown either in autumn or winter, maintaining a rich emerald color throughout the year, but it grows more slowly than other varieties. This thuja variety does not tolerate pruning, keep it loose.

Which thujas are suitable for trimmed hedges in our conditions? Thuja "Braband" tolerates even a radical pruning, but is prone to abundant fruiting, which looks sloppy.

What kind of hedge is there and at what distance should it be planted?

What plants can be used to plant a hedge if you are not attracted to thujas? A spruce hedge looks wonderful; these were once popular in Russian estates. To create it, take seedlings 50 cm high and plant them at a distance of about 1 m from each other.

Do not prune during the year of planting. Starting from the second year, cut in May-June, using pruning shears to shorten the side shoots by about two-thirds of the length, and the apical shoot by one-third. This pruning will give good branching on next year.

It is important to trim the hedge regularly, since for spruce, pruning wood older than 3 years is undesirable, that is, it is impossible to correct a neglected or damaged hedge. Trimming is carried out until the specified height of the fence is obtained, forming a trapezoidal or rectangular profile.

When the desired height is reached, the spruce hedge is maintained by pruning with garden shears in late March - early April. The operation is repeated in all subsequent years. Thanks to this, young Christmas trees actively branch and are not exposed from below, creating an impenetrable green fence. If you plant not species plants in a hedge, but compact varieties, then they will not require a haircut, it’s a pity that they are expensive and grow slowly.

What other type of hedge is there that is easy to care for and aesthetically attractive? Junipers love the sun, tolerate drought, and are resistant to frost, but will not be able to live in heavy clay soil or in flooded areas.

Species plants do not take root well, so they are not suitable for creating a hedge; you will have to buy planting material with a closed root system in the nursery. At what distance should a juniper hedge be planted? Optimal distance- 50-80 cm from each other, in one row.

The size of the juniper in the container can be any size, optimal age seedlings are 3-4 years old. Trim junipers with shrub shears 1-2 times a year.

All types of hedges help to zone the garden, protect from prying eyes, emphasize the beauty of flower and shrub compositions, and protect from noise, dust and wind. They are created to last for many years, so it is better to design, plant and grow them according to all the rules.

What shrubs can be used for hedges?

Hedges can be very different: clipped or free-growing, coniferous or deciduous, made from one type of shrub or combined, single-row or multi-row, prickly or soft.

All hedges, both deciduous and coniferous, are created from densely leafy trees and shrubs that are easy to trim. The main thing is that the plants from which you can make a hedge have a dense crown and relatively slow growth.

Free-growing hedges look less formal than clipped ones, but require significant space, their width ranges from 1 to 3 m. Most often, such hedges are created from species that have naturally compact crowns.

What shrubs are used for “free-growing” hedges? Such hedges should include beautifully flowering and spectacularly fruiting plants that can transform the monotonous appearance of the “green wall” (rose hips, euonymus, various types of spirea, Hungarian and Amur lilac, mock orange).

In central Russia, you can also use different types of hawthorn, common elder, Maak and Tatarian honeysuckle. What other shrubs can be used to make a hedge are viburnum viburnum (common viburnum often suffers from the leaf beetle), bladderwort and turf.

Evergreen clipped hedge

A trimmed evergreen hedge is compact in width and therefore most suitable for small gardens. Creation and maintenance of trimmed hedges in good condition will require material, time and physical costs; this work is not limited to planting plants. Once you decide to grow a topiary or formal hedge in your garden, you will have to work at it for the rest of your life.

It is extremely important to follow the plant pruning technology, since gross mistakes made are practically impossible to correct. In addition to regularly trimming the hedge, it must be provided with sufficient moisture and nutrients so that the plants can replenish what was lost during pruning.

Free-growing shrubs can go without attention for some time, but frequently planted and regularly trimmed shrubs in molded hedges need to be fed and watered annually with organic and mineral fertilizers. If the soils are very fertile, they can be applied once every 3-4 years; poor soils require fertilizing every year. In addition to watering and fertilizing, weeding, loosening, mulching, and spraying against pests and diseases will be needed.

Neglecting the needs of plants affects the appearance of the fence. Do not allow the soil around the plants in the fence to become sod; trim the lawn in a timely manner; the soil at a distance of 50 cm on both sides of the fence should be mulched.
Hedges can be classified by height. High hedges are called hedges above 2 m, medium - 1.5-2 m high, low - 1-1.5 m, borders - 30-50 cm high.

With age, tall hedges become impenetrable and impenetrable to view, that is, they successfully play the role of a fence, protect from pollution and dust, as well as wind, create a special microclimate, and serve as an excellent backdrop for ornamental plants. They add clear lines to the structure of the garden; with their help, you can divide the garden area into separate functional areas, camouflage utility buildings or a garden area.

In central Russia, tall deciduous hedges can be made from trees such as small-leaved linden, alpine currant, brilliant cotoneaster, spirea spring bloom, hawthorn (prickly, blood-red and plum-leaved), Ginnala maple and Tatarian.

You can “construct” excellent high-clipped coniferous hedges from common and prickly spruces, from western thujas and junipers.

Coniferous hedge

A fence made of coniferous plants looks strict and is an excellent backdrop for flower or decorative foliage plants. An evergreen “fence” will reliably protect the garden from prying eyes even in winter.

Strictness, uniformity, and the ability to cut well make a coniferous fence a desirable decoration for the garden; it always looks respectable.

The range of suitable coniferous plants that can grow in the climate of central Russia is small - these are thuja occidentalis, spruce and common juniper. Conifers grow slowly and are expensive.
As you can see in the photo, a coniferous hedge can be trimmed and free-growing:

Undesirable plants for perennial hedges

If one or more plants freeze in your “green fence” in some harsh winter, it will lose its appearance immediately and forever, so yew, privet and boxwood, so spectacular in warm Europe, are poor candidates for “building” a living one. hedges But not all frost-resistant shrubs should be planted in a hedge. With age, the lower part of the varietal lilac bush becomes bare.

It must either be covered with plants planted in front of it, or use wild-growing types of lilac, drooping, Hungarian and Amur, which are quite suitable for creating a green wall, since they grow quickly, form a dense volume, are unpretentious and resistant to pests.

Viburnum is a very beautiful shrub, but, unfortunately, it suffers greatly from pests that can eat it to the ground by mid-summer; for a hedge it is better to replace it with viburnum pride.

Also undesirable plants for hedges are silver elk, mountain ash and decorative flowering mapinucleum. There is another problem with them - they crawl, scatter and are capable of filling the entire garden with root shoots. Of course, they can be controlled, but they still shouldn’t be used in hedges.

Unlike a regular fence, which can be not only reliable, but also beautiful, a wall made of living plants looks richer and more elegant. Is it possible to simply walk and not at least smile past a blooming green border exuding the aroma of freshness or sit down to rest in the coolness of a high, shady alley?

At the same time, in addition to aesthetic pleasure, the cordon performs quite practical functions: it protects the courtyard of the estate from wind, noise and exhaust gases.

A fence up to 1.5 m in height is called a hedge; it is bushes and trees of this height that we will talk about.

What types of green fences are there?

It is necessary to select plants for creating a green wall depending on the desired result, namely:

  • border (up to 50 cm high)
  • hedge (from 60 to 1.5 m)
  • high fence (above 1.5 m)
  • blooming
  • fruit bearing
  • conifers
  • deciduous

You need to decide in advance what type of cordon suits you, whether it will grow freely or have strict geometric shapes (that is, be trimmed).

For molded hedges, it is best to choose small-leaved shrubs, as they have a denser crown.

You will also need to plan the structure of the green fence. Most often, single-row plantings are used, but in some cases multi-row stepped, color compositions are also used.

If the function of a hedge is to protect the area from uninvited guests, you can use thorny ones, for example, a pyracantha apple tree, whose needles are quite long and sharp.

Of course, frost resistance, speed of growth and demanding care for them are of no small importance.

Therefore, when choosing plants for planting, it is advisable to give preference to natives that have acclimatized to the area, are unpretentious, and quickly recover after pruning.

What fast-growing plants to use for hedges

The disadvantage of living fencing is that it takes a long time to grow. For example, an evergreen coniferous tree can grow to a height of 1.5 m in 5 to 8 years. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to fast-growing hedge bushes such as:

  • Siberian hawthorn
  • tree peony
  • rose hip
  • shrub roses
  • hazel

Under favorable conditions, these plants can grow up to 1 meter or more in a year.

Plants that can survive cold winters

One of the most important moments in the arrangement of the outer perimeter of the estate is the winter hardiness of the planted seedlings. The aesthetic appearance of the green fence also depends on this.

To prevent it from having bald spots or gaping open holes, you need to select frost-resistant bushes for living ones. Among deciduous trees, the following are able to survive low winter temperatures:

  • rhododendron
  • heather
  • rose hip
  • hawthorn

as well as conifers:

  • Chinese juniper, scaly
  • yew berry
  • Canadian spruce
  • Siberian fir

Description of hedge bushes

The list of names of bushes for hedges can be quite extensive, but this article will consider only species that meet two requirements - fast-growing and frost-resistant.

  • fruit bearing – game, hawthorn, rosehip
  • blooming – lilac, tree peony
  • deciduous - willow, acacia, etc.

Depending on the variety, the flowers are white or pink. The fruits are in the form of large orange-yellow, bright red and even black berries.

Hawthorn is most often used to construct a hedge around the perimeter of a site, since almost all of its varieties have sharp spines length from 1 to 6 cm.

Tree peony at proper care reaches up to 1.5 m in height.

During the flowering period, which lasts an average of 10 days, up to 70 buds bloom on one bush.

Each reaches a diameter of ¼ m.

Double and semi-double inflorescences are varied with numerous bright yellow stamens in the center.

But even after flowering, the peony remains no less attractive ornamental plant thanks to its lush vegetation.

Tree peonies are able to survive short-term low temperatures(up to – 27-30 °C), although in extremely cold winters they can freeze out completely, they are soon restored due to new root shoots. The safety of the plant upon the onset of the first frost is facilitated by pruning the stems and covering the root collar with a layer of peat.

When arranging a hedge of tree peony, you should take into account that this plant does not like drafts, scorching rays of the sun and overwatering. Failure to comply with these will lead to the death of seedlings and wasted effort and money.

Peonies do not tolerate dampness, so they are contraindicated for cultivation in areas with high groundwater levels. These plants thrive in alkaline, well-drained soils.

Peonies are also demanding when transplanting. Root them on permanent place preferably from mid-August to late September. The root collar should be at soil level during planting.

During the first 1-2 years, the seedlings are restored, so flowering of the bush during this period is not recommended. Ripening buds must be removed before they open.

Widespread disease tree peoniesgray rot is the result of an excess of moisture or nitrogen in the soil or strong shading of the area.

Rosehip is the most unpretentious plant for the construction of a hedge. Its only drawback is the very quickly developing root, which can grow over a considerable distance in different directions. To prevent such troubles when laying a green cordon, you need to use limiters. Their role can be played by pieces of slate or corrugated sheeting dug to a depth of at least 50 cm along the entire perimeter of the trench.

The rosehip grows so quickly that in just a couple of years, a continuous beautiful and prickly guard will appear on the site, complementing the main fence or acting instead of it.

Free-growing rosehip bushes can reach a height of up to 2 m. It blooms in late spring with white and pale pink flowers. The fruits are orange to red in color and round or oval in shape.

Rosehip tolerates pruning well. It should be done in the fall after the leaves fall. It can be given any desired shape.

Willow the most common plant everywhere. You can prepare seedlings for planting yourself. It propagates by cuttings. For cutting, you will need 2-3 year old shoots, which can easily take root by direct planting in the ground and quickly form into healthy bushes.

Willow is a trellis type of hedge, that is, its growth will require supports to which fragile shoots will be attached. To create a dense fence, the cuttings are trimmed from the sides and connected to each other using a regular rope.

The fused rods form a high wall, enclosing the area stronger than any other man-made fence.

Even an inexperienced beginner can make a willow hedge on his own. Moreover, the ease of planting and caring for it does not require any special effort.


For a green fence, young bushes that are two or three years old and between three and six years old, with a well-developed crown and can easily take root in a new place, are suitable. You also need to take into account the individual growth characteristics of each species, soil acidity, need for light, moisture and nutrients.

In harsh winter conditions, it is best to plant seedlings in the spring. Of course, it is also possible autumn planting winter-hardy species, but for greater preservation, young plants will need to be covered and covered with snow.

It is necessary to plant bushes for hedges at a distance of at least 2 m from the permanent structure and 0.5-1.5 m from the fence.

It should be noted that metal fencing It is best to close the green cordon during the period of growth wooden shields. Heating up under the rays of the scorching sun during the daytime, iron can burn a young, immature plant.

When planting plants for fencing, certain parameters are adhered to:

  • 0.3-0.5 m between bushes
  • 0.75-1.5 m between trees in the same row
  • 0.5 m trench depth
  • 50 cm its width for single-row planting
  • 1 m when planting plants in two rows

When planting in two rows, plants are placed in a checkerboard pattern, maintaining a distance between seedlings depending on their expected height and crown size. Cascading multi-row living cordons that combine free-growing trees with molded bushes look very impressive.

Approximate area for planting seedlings per 1 linear meter will be:

  • 5-7 low growing shrubs
  • 4-5 medium
  • 1-2 tall trees or bushes

For free-growing plants these parameters can be increased.

Before planting plants, use twine to mark the location of the fence, followed by a trench. The bottom is loosened and fertilized with fertile soil of the required composition.

Under no circumstances should fresh manure be used as fertilizer when planting conifers.

Having placed the seedlings at the required distance from each other, straighten the roots, cover and compact the soil. After this, carefully pour water into the groove and mulch it.

Which planting method to use, deepen or plant on a hill, will depend on the level of groundwater in the area and the type of plant. Check in advance!

Shaping, cutting and care

During the first 2 years of life of deciduous seedlings, care comes down to regular watering, loosening and fertilizing the soil, and weeding. The seedlings need to acclimatize in a new place and get stronger, after which you can begin to form a green fence.

The first step is hemping. This technique allows you to significantly compact the crown of the plant and reduce its height. The operation is carried out in the fall during leaf fall.

Only when the diameter of the trunk reaches 1.5-2 cm can the top be cut down at a height of 20-25 cm from the root base. This pruning promotes the growth of young, strong shoots.

The next year after hemping, the plant should recover. Only after another season does the first pruning take place, which forms the skeletal branches of the seedling. The bushes are trimmed, giving the hedge a triangle shape.

With this haircut you can adjust the size of the living fence. For a narrow and high green fence, the top of the triangle is raised and the width of the base is reduced; for a low one, everything is done the other way around, the top is lowered, the base is increased.

If the crown of the plant is not thick enough, then after a year another stimulating pruning of the skeletal branches is carried out.

Subsequently, the profile of the green fence is increased to the required height and width, annually pruning the plant 3-4 cm higher than the previous one. When achieving crown density, it is better not to rush into drawing out the plant.

Having achieved the desired shape, we proceed to give the hedge the desired shape. After this, we carry out a corrective haircut 2-3 times a season.

Young shoots should be shortened by no more than 2/3 of the growth; trimming them too short can lead to baldness of the hedge.

Caring for a green cordon consists of timely watering, fertilizing the soil and maintaining tree trunk circles in good condition.

Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to enjoy the beauty for many years green fence, not only protecting inner world estates from aggressive external influences, but also help clean the closed microclimate.

Hedges in landscape design

Green fences are widely used by landscape designers. With their help, original park ensembles, galleries, gazebos and even sculptural compositions are created.

But even on 6 acres of a country house, you can successfully combine landscape design elements with growing cabbage and carrots. For arrangement personal plot can be used mixed type hedges, combining plants of the same species with different colors of flowers, foliage or needles.

Densely planted trees and shrubs create secluded green spaces - a great place to relax and chat over a cup of tea.

To decorate the main fence, you can use climbing plants - blackberries, maiden grapes. Unpretentious in care, fast-growing, they will look impressive on any dull surface and delight owners with their fruits. Bright red autumn leaves grapes will perfectly decorate the wall of the house.

On large areas green cordons are used to delimit space and create a more comfortable, festive atmosphere.

Setting up a hedge is a creative and exciting process. The abundance of names of fast-growing and frost-resistant bushes for its creation will allow you to choose plants for any, even the most sophisticated and demanding taste.

You can watch the video on how to create a hedge:

Are you tired of watching your neighbors? We present to your attention the most suitable plants for hedges, which will be the most suitable for building a living fence at your dacha. Seclude yourself from prying eyes with a hedge and live in peace, because the shrubs from our list for a green wall can definitely help you.

Plants for hedges No. 1. Cotoneaster brilliant

Photo: plants.bachmanslandscaping.com

An evergreen shrub 0.5-1 m high with high shoot-forming ability. Suitable for low hedges along borders. Cotoneaster is an ideal plant for a hedge because:

  • Decorative all season.
  • Often used for urban landscaping because it contains phytoncides that purify the air.
  • The fruits are not poisonous, so the bush can be planted if you have small children.
  • Can be cut to suit almost any shape.
  • Unpretentious.
  • Tolerates air pollution.

Plants for hedges No. 2. Bladderwort viburnum

Photo: web03.bruns.de

Luxurious shrub with a spreading crown. When well-groomed, it looks quite solid. The height of the vesicular carp in Russia can reach 3 m, so there is plenty of room to roam. It is worth keeping this in mind because:

  • The shrub is unpretentious and tolerates drought and poor soil conditions.
  • Bladderwort turns yellow in autumn, and there are varieties with purple leaves.
  • It lends itself well to shearing, the crown is high and thick - basically this is a rare combination.
  • There is no need to be afraid for the children; they will not be poisoned by the fruits, because they are not poisonous.

Plants for hedges No. 3. Spirea

Photo: provenwinners.com

Spiraea is very beautiful plant, which is decorative with its flowering in spring: shades range from white to purple. It deserves your attention because:

  • Will delight you with spring decorativeness.
  • Withstands haircuts very well.
  • There are low and tall views spirea, so you can create a hedge of different heights.
  • Spiraea can be given interesting shapes.
  • The fruits are not poisonous.

Be sure to trim off faded inflorescences, this will allow the plant to maintain a neat appearance.

Plants for hedges No. 4. Mock orange crown

Photo: pflanzenbestimmung.info

A perennial shrub that blooms in summer. It is worth growing on the site because:

  • It has fragrant flowers.
  • The fruits are dry, safe for children.
  • The shrub is tall, reaches 3 m.
  • Decorative in summer.

The mock orange will never cease to please you if you do the pruning on time.

Plants for hedges No. 5. Derain white

Photo: forum.garten-pur.de

Beautiful perennial shrub, which bears the shadow. The stems of the plant are bright red; even in winter the bush is decorative. The foliage has an attractive multi-colored color in autumn. Derain has very bright, beautiful fruits. You can use it to make a tall hedge 3 meters high. The shrub will bloom in any conditions. There are varieties of white turf with very decorative foliage, for example, a silver-green hue.

Plants for hedges No. 6. Barberry Thunberg

Photo: gardenfocused.co.uk

A perennial shrub, it can be used to make a medium-height hedge. It is worth planting it on the site if:

  • You want to admire the colorful foliage and fruits in the fall.
  • Do you want to make compote or jam from barberry.
  • You are ready to trim the bush regularly to maintain a thick crown and beautiful shape.
  • You do not like to treat plants for pests, since barberry practically does not get sick.

Thunberg barberry will create a dense and impenetrable hedge.

Plants for hedges No. 7. Thuja

Photo: deavita.com

Thuja represents tall tree or shrub. Our climate allows it to reach a height of about 3 meters. The hedge will be tall and thick. This shrub has its advantages:

  • Thuja lends itself well to cutting and takes any shape.
  • The shrub purifies the air and releases phytoncides.
  • Thuja can withstand urban conditions.
  • Thuja seeds are not poisonous.

Among the disadvantages of thuja, one can note fading in the sun and the brown color of the needles. In our conditions, the variety “Smaragd” or “Emerald” feels best. The shrub is not suitable for all garden styles; it is best to fit it into the Mediterranean landscape.

Photo: Ivaroz.com

Privet represents shade-tolerant shrub from the olive family. The plant reaches a height of 2-2.5 m in our latitudes and blooms in mid-summer. Undoubted advantages of using privet:

  • It cuts and shapes well.
  • It is easy to grow and adapts to unfavorable conditions.
  • Privet tolerates cold winter times well.
  • The bush will attract butterflies to your summer cottage.
  • It is not susceptible to pests and diseases.
  • It should only be watered during severe drought.
  • Without trimming, it takes on an interesting vase shape.

Carefully! Privet fruits are poisonous. Don't plant it if you have children.

Photo: Postila.ru

A sun-loving crop that reaches a height of 1.5 m. In May, the bush is covered with magnificent purple inflorescences. The advantages of the bush are as follows:

  • The shrub is not susceptible to powdery mildew.
  • It has a fairly compact crown.
  • Meyer lilacs tolerate dry conditions easily.
  • It grows well after spring pruning and crown formation.
  • Winter-hardy, but freezes slightly in severe winters.
  • Resistant to urban conditions, tolerates gas pollution and smoke.

Meyer lilac has a decorative "Palibin" form with a dome-shaped crown with purple inflorescences.

Photo: bulbashik.com

Yew is an evergreen tree, which in the Moscow region reaches a height of 5 m. It is suitable for a hedge for several reasons:

  • Constantly decorative - the culture is evergreen.
  • Long-lasting, lives 3000 years.
  • Not demanding on watering.
  • Does not require fertilizing.
  • The shrub is drought-resistant.
  • Forms shoots even on old wood.
  • Great haircut.
  • Beautiful in a topiary cut, but only in warmer climates.
  • It has bright red decorative fruits.
  • Wind-resistant and tolerates urban conditions.

Yew has decorative forms, but they are less winter-hardy. Attention! All parts of the plant are poisonous. Do not plant shrubs if you have children.

Photo: All-ukraine.com.ua

Hawthorn is a very unpretentious shrub that is resistant to our conditions. It has its advantages:

  • Grows even on sandy soils.
  • Propagates well using cuttings treated with Kornevin.
  • Has good shoot-forming ability.
  • Suitable for curly haircuts at human height.
  • It tolerates planting well on a stump.
  • Absolutely winter-hardy, no shelter required.

The plant is a medicinal plant and is used for cardiovascular diseases. Hawthorn will attract to your winter Garden birds. Keep in mind that scent of blooming hawthorn Your family members may not like it.

Photo: Centrosad.ru

Many people associate shrubs with childhood. The girls painted their lips with serviceberry berries, and the boys simply ate and enjoyed the tart taste. They create magnificent hedges from serviceberry:

  • The deciduous tree is well trimmed into shapes.
  • Irga tolerates any type of pruning and becomes thicker.
  • Drought-resistant, practically does not need watering.
  • Tolerates northernmost temperatures down to – 50 °C.
  • Attracts insects as it is a honey plant.
  • Transfers landing to a stump.
  • Resistant to city conditions.
  • The beautiful blue-violet fruits are edible.
  • Orange and yellow leaves in autumn, which is very decorative.

The plant comes from America! Experts believe that it threatens the natural flora of Russia, as it often runs wild. But in general, irga is promising in terms of landscaping.

Photo: Sagebud.com

A heat-loving plant with bright red berries in winter. A small tree reaching a height of 1.5-3 m in our conditions. Plant characteristics:

  • The species is winter-hardy and does not require shelter.
  • Unpretentious to soil conditions.
  • Tolerates gas pollution, smoke and other unfavorable urban conditions well.
  • The fruits first turn red, then turn black, which adds decorativeness.
  • Life expectancy is about 50 years.
  • Grows back well after cutting.
  • The shrub does not require protection from the wind.
  • This species has beautiful decorative forms.

Medium-height living green walls are created from Gordovina viburnum.

Photo: La.lv

A beautiful flowering shrub that is used for unformed hedges. Reaches a maximum height of 2 m. Characteristics of weigela:

  • Decorative in spring with pink inflorescences.
  • Roots 100% from cuttings.
  • Tolerates transplantation well.
  • It has a spreading crown.
  • Weigela blooms for more than 1 month. Every 2 years the crop requires pruning.
  • It is used to create medium-height hedges.

Photo: D-o-o-b.ru

A shrub with very lush flowering. The density and density of the crown allows it to act as a low-growing, beautifully flowering hedge. The birthplace of culture is North America. Plant characteristics:

  • The height of tree hydrangea is about 1.5 m.
  • Requires shelter for the winter.
  • The plant needs regular watering.
  • The peak of decorativeness occurs in the summer.
  • It has beautiful decorative shapes.
  • Loves sunny places or light partial shade.

If Are you ready for a moody hedge?, then feel free to choose hydrangea. All costs will be more than paid for by its magnificent flowering.

Photo: Vsesorta.ru

A beautiful flowering shrub with a delicate aroma. Distributed in Russia. It will make an unpretentious hedge. Characteristics of honeysuckle:

  • There are decorative forms with cream, red and pink flowers.
  • Winters well; winter shelter is not required.
  • The height of the plant reaches 4 m, you can safely create a high living wall.
  • Tolerates transplantation well.
  • It has a vertical dense crown.
  • Propagates well from cuttings.
  • Grows quickly and trims well.

Attention! The fruits of Tatarian honeysuckle are poisonous. Do not plant it in places where children walk. The plant may need support.

Photo: room-decorating-ideas.net

Miniature and very decorative shrub. The honey plant attracts bees and butterflies. The culture is actively used in urban landscaping. Potentilla characteristics:

  • The plant is smoke and gas resistant and is not afraid of dust.
  • Cinquefoil needs anti-aging pruning every 5-6 years.
  • The culture does not require shelter for the winter.
  • Cinquefoil cuts well.
  • The plant has a lot decorative varieties with cream, pink, yellow, orange and red colors.
  • Blooms in summer for 2 months.
  • The plant has medicinal properties and is used in folk medicine. In severe drought, cinquefoil needs to be watered.

Photo: Florapedia.ru

A mini-flowering hedge can be created using almonds. The culture grows in the Altai region. The shrub reaches a height of 2 m. Characteristics of the shrub:

  • It has a spherical crown and produces numerous root shoots.
  • Grows on any soil.
  • Drought resistant, but watering is recommended for abundant flowering.
  • Old shoots die off and need to be gradually cut off.
  • Withstands haircuts very well.
  • Shelter for the winter is required only for young plants.
  • Blooms pink in May.

This type of almond tolerates urban conditions well. The plant begins to bear fruit only at the age of 11.

So, tall hedges can be obtained from the following plants:

  • vesicular carp;
  • turf;
  • hawthorn;
  • yew;
  • honeysuckle;
  • serviceberry;
  • mock orange
  • Medium living fences are made from:
  • spirea;
  • viburnum;
  • lilac;
  • privet;
  • barberry.

Low green walls are formed from:

  • cotoneaster;
  • hydrangeas;
  • cinquefoil;
  • almonds;
  • weigels.

Hedges are able to absorb noise and harmful substances, they are decorative and attract attention. Green walls will decorate your garden area.

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Decorative apple tree

Most of the plants are deciduous. In winter it is impossible to get through the fence, but it loses its decorative effect.


The name of the hedge determines its care. Trees and bushes are constantly trimmed, giving them the most fantastic shapes. Among the trees, different types of thuja tolerate constant pruning well. To create a green miracle in the place where the fence should be, use a small-leaved shrub:

  • euonymus;
  • cotoneaster;
  • Privet is a wolfberry.

It is necessary to form plants constantly, creating a hedge in the country, as the branches grow. The first few years are spent creating a thick, uniform crown. Then curly pruning is done every 2 weeks and the fence is formed, creating an image for it.

Trimmed hedges are distinguished by their originality. They evoke admiration from neighbors and people passing by, demonstrating the good taste of the owner and the wonderful abilities of the gardener.


Climbing plants - vines - need support. They will braid it and repeat the size and shape. You can create a fast-growing hedge in your dacha using vines:

  • girl's grapes;
  • hop;
  • ivy;
  • Chinese lemongrass;
  • clematis.

Climbing plants need support

From early spring to late autumn, a climbing hedge looks decorative. The leaves change color, flowers and fruits appear. Deciduous vines bloom in early spring and preserve foliage until frost.

Classification of hedges by height

Depending on the purpose, living fences are made of varying heights and densities.

Experts divide them into types, and advise, if there is space, to plant a multi-row hedge different levels or use plants of the same type with different leaf colors.

Living wall

Green fences more than 2 meters high are called living walls. Suitable for them:

  • mountain pine;
  • Niedzwiecki apple tree;
  • juniper;
  • creepers.

High hedges are located along the border of the site, mainly on the street side. Ornamental shrubs can be planted in front of them, which will cover them securely. bottom part fences will close the gaps in it.

Living wall made of thuja

Zoning of the site

It is necessary to divide the area into zones and dissociate. To do this, it is enough to make a hedge at the dacha with a height of 1 to 2 meters. To plant an internal fence, you can buy one or more types of ornamental shrubs. The choice is huge:

  • hawthorn;
  • elder;
  • currant;
  • rose hip;
  • honeysuckle;
  • mock orange;
  • viburnum;
  • caragana;
  • spirea;
  • tea rose;
  • barberry;
  • lilac;
  • Euonymus.

There are other types of less popular plants that are easy to buy and solve the question of what to make a garden fence from relatively cheaply.

The photo shows Thunberg's barberry.

This plant is widely used in landscape design.

Fruit and berry bushes, for example: hawthorn, barberry and currants, in addition to beauty, will bring benefits. They will generously give you their harvest in the fall. The tea rose blooms for more than a month, spreading a magical aroma. The jam made from its petals is delicious, cures colds and adds the warmth of hot summer to winter tea drinking.

Borders for lawns and flower beds

Fences less than a meter high are classified as borders and are used to frame paths and flower beds. They are often made from flowers - perennials and ornamental shrubs:

  • action;
  • Alpine currant;
  • hydrangea;
  • barberry;
  • derain;
  • Japanese spirea;
  • hawthorn.

In borders, types of shrubs such as barberry, derain, currant, and hawthorn should be pruned. They will look good in a rectangular shape if the summer resident has not yet mastered the cultivation of fences of complex configurations. An example is shown in the photo below.

Such a green border will look good over a wide area

Main types of plants for fences

A fence grown for a dacha with your own hands can reliably protect the site and look beautiful all year round. Plants should be selected and planted correctly. A multi-row, well-groomed hedge made from several types of bushes and trees looks like a work of art.


For hedges over 2 meters in southern regions cypress is used. The tree has a dense crown, grows quickly and tolerates pruning well. In regions with cold winter Cypress trees must be covered for the winter. This can be done separately standing trees. Therefore, they are not used in walls.

Popular coniferous trees for green walls that do not lose their attractiveness in winter:

  • mountain pine;
  • yew berry;
  • juniper.

The most popular are thujas.

Thuja will serve faithfully as a fence

Thuja is a frost-resistant, long-living plant with a dense pyramidal, columnar or spherical crown. It depends on the variety. The needles have a rich palette of green colors - from lemon to blue. Thuja easily tolerates pruning. Not demanding on soils and fertilizing. Resistant to various diseases.

Mountain pine has long needles on densely spaced branches. Used in free-growing fences. When planted in 2 rows with an interval of 1.5 m, it creates a thick wall from the ground itself. It looks especially beautiful when it starts to bloom. Pruning does not affect density.

Pine grows slowly and does not like heavily fertilized soils. Tolerates frost and drought well. An ideal plant for a hedge when there is no free time for constant care.

Yew berry is a long-lasting plant with a columnar crown. It grows slowly. Used in free-growing fences and tolerates pruning well. Looks beautiful in the spring during flowering and when the red berries ripen.
When planting spruce, you must wait patiently for the first 10 years.

Then the growth of the tree increases sharply, and the spruce quickly forms green wall. Trimming is not recommended. Fences with plants with different shades of needles, from bright green to blue, look decorative. For borders they use specially grown by breeders dwarf variety with a spherical crown.

Juniper can be planted as a bush and tree. It grows quickly and tolerates pruning easily. It is recommended to plant biennial plants. The needles have different shades.

The photo below shows a juniper.

Its needles exude a pleasant forest scent

The video below shows the intricacies of constructing a living fence made of coniferous plants.

Deciduous shrubs

A cheap deciduous shrub sheds its leaves in the winter and loses its decorative effect, but still serves as a reliable barrier. Fruit plants In winter they decorate with berries - a delicacy for birds. In landscape design, the following are most often used:

  • cotoneaster;
  • privet;
  • hawthorn;
  • barberry;
  • rose hip;
  • Spiraea.

Drought-resistant cotoneaster blooms beautifully, and clusters of berries appear on it closer to autumn. It grows slowly and retains its shape for a long time after being cut. The low-maintenance plant easily tolerates replanting.

Privet tolerates pruning well and is used more often than other plants in urban landscape design. Blooms with white small inflorescences. Because of its black, inedible fruits, the bush received the name “wolf berry” and is rarely planted in dachas. The advantage of privet is its unpretentiousness to the type and fertility of the soil. It grows equally well in sun and shade.

The photo shows the common privet.

Privet is perfect for fencing an area

Hawthorn fruits are not only edible, but are used in folk medicine and are recognized by pharmacists. They decorate frost-resistant bushes from late summer. Decorative look The fence is made of hawthorn and carved leaves. If desired, the hawthorn can be trimmed.

Barberry is known for its rich palette of leaf colors. The deciduous plant has thorns that decorate its branches in winter and prevent strangers from passing through the living fence. During the flowering period it emits a delicate pleasant smell. It tolerates shearing easily and can grow in loose plantings.

A rosehip hedge is more reliable than any artificial one. Dense branches with large thorns look menacing and beautiful at the same time. Tender pink flowers They smell nice. The red-orange fruits contain a lot of vitamin C and others.

Spirea is popularly called the Bride for its curved, wreath-like branches dotted with white flowers. Spiraea begins to bloom in May. The shrub is grown free-growing. Pruning reduces its decorative effect.

Decorative fencing made of bushes


Lianas cannot lift their flexible stems up on their own, so they need support.

To form a hedge, climbing branches are not cut, but are directed to be made from various materials:

  1. Lattice made of wooden slats.
  2. Plastic mesh.
  3. Artificial.
  4. Decorative forged.

On such fences, the flowering vine looks better and is conveniently located. An artificial fence can be completely covered with greenery or partially peek out from under the leaves.

On summer cottage you can build a gazebo from inexpensive materials. Then grow maiden grapes around it and the artificial building will turn into fairytale house fairies. Other options are also possible.

Maiden grapes can hide the most unsightly wall. With its antennae it clings to the slightest irregularities and independently covers all nearby supports. The vine grows 2 meters per season and produces many side branches.

In early spring, girlish grapes bloom their light green glossy leaves. They quickly darken and grow. At the end of summer, crimson begins to appear. In order for a climbing fence to grow better, it needs to be trimmed a little at the end of each season. Branches extending beyond the fences are trimmed.

The video below talks in detail about vines and other climbing plants.

Perfect for decorative and fast-growing perennial hedges willow. The plant is growing really quickly. The branches can be intertwined, as they are very smooth and pliable. It is possible to form a kind of hedge from natural wattle fence.

Willows take root in many climatic zones, any soil suitable for plants is suitable for them. In swampy areas that are flooded during spring floods, trees quickly develop an extensive root system.

It is imperative to monitor the amount of moisture; in arid climates, the bush must be watered regularly. Plantings can withstand shearing, so you can give them the desired appearance.

If you plant several willows on a site, you can understand their varieties and plant several types, designing them according to size and shades. Best suited for weaving branches weeping willow. Purple willow, goat willow, holly willow and red willow look best when tangled together. To make a variegated fence, you need to plant several trees, avoiding repeating species, then sequentially form their crown or allow natural patterns to develop.

Can be used for hedges fast growing shrubs. In addition to being decorative, some varieties bring significant benefits. Berries grow on their branches, for which you don’t have to go to the forest or to the store. You can make jam from fruits grown on your own plot. Barberry is often planted. It grows quite quickly and can be cut into any possible shape. Aromatic and quite tasty jam is made from its berries.

From turn You can use one of the fastest ways to form a hedge. You don’t have to monitor the conditions of its maintenance; it is advisable to water it during drought and monitor the fertilization of the soil, however, even without proper care, the thorn can not lose its shape for quite a long time. Having planted the bushes at the same distance, you don’t have to deal with their further formation for a long time, since they grow quite compactly. It is very difficult to get through this fence. You can get original, tart fruits. You can make excellent jam, unusual tkemali sauce and liqueur from them.

Rosehip and tea rose include many useful qualities. You can alternate bushes when planting one at a time or in a certain pattern. They grow quickly and are able to provide valuable vitamins for the winter. Rosehip tea will allow you to get a large dose of vitamin C, tea rose jam is used for treatment inflammatory diseases oral cavity, as well as sore throats and colds. Its petals can be used to make an aromatic liqueur with a bright red hue.

If you leave rose hips for the winter, they will decorate the area and also become food for birds.

Photo of a wild rose hedge.

Tall shrubs for hedges

Derain white- this is a bright, hedge that quickly grows up to 3 m, you can maintain a given height of 1.2 m. Flowers can be seen 2 times per season. Once in June, and the second in August. The flower baskets are milky in color. During growth they form blue and slightly yellow coating bunches of berries that birds flock to.

In winter, you can notice the cherry-red tint of the branches, which looks especially beautiful against the background of snow. The hedge can be grown both in the shade and in the sun, requires little watering, and is very hardy. The close location of groundwater does not become an obstacle to its active growth and flowering.

To prevent the hedge from spreading more than 1 m in width, it is necessary to trim its lower branches.

oval reaches 3 m in height if not regularly trimmed. Blooms already in May. Bluebells of the bright yellow color are formed before the leaves appear. Gives an elegant look to the area. In cold climates, oval or ovoid forsythia are considered the most persistent. If you do not use a haircut, the crown will be oval.

Privet hedge ordinary reaches up to 2 m in height. It can grow up to 50 cm per year. Quite unpretentious. Bush immediately after cutting. Pruning should be carried out constantly, since the bush will not grow evenly without additional correction. If you let the plant take its course, it will look quite interesting, white flowers will appear, and by autumn berries will appear, but eating them is prohibited. The bush is so dense that it can sometimes be compared to the texture of a wall.

The plant is quite strong, so it does not need frequent and abundant watering.

Video of a privet hedge.

Evergreen shrubs for hedges

Boxwood compact and versatile. They can be used to plant the edges of areas adjacent to roads. It is possible to delimit several zones using shrubs for separate landing, for example, vegetables and flowers. With its help you can create a composition with your own design.

They can be planted in dull, dark places in the garden, located under trees or near tall buildings. Many varieties take root well in well-drained soils.

To prevent the leaves from burning from bright sunlight, in clear weather the soil should be well moistened.

Video of cutting a boxwood hedge.

Fatsia It is notable for its bright, glossy leaves that completely cover the thick, strictly vertical trunks. The shrub is quite hardy, so it is suitable for planting in shady areas of the garden. The stems are cream-colored, they are placed in spherical umbrellas, and are formed in early autumn. Bees often flock to them, so this will be an excellent option for beekeepers.

Lavender grown by gardeners quite often, as it has fragrant flowers and interesting green foliage with a silver tint. May be purple or pink. The shrub is quite hardy and versatile. They can be edged and bordered or grown in containers. Butterflies and bees flock to the flowers. The flowers create a spectacular contrast with dark-colored shrubs due to the presence of silvery, light leaves.

Thorn bushes for hedges

Hawthorn allows you to form a real thorny fence. Many of these flowers have thorns; you can pay attention to varieties of American origin. A mature bush grows quite tall, so it can become an obstacle, for example, for neighboring animals in the country. Large-thorned hawthorn grows up to 5-6 m if no measures are taken to trim it.

The average length of each spine is 1.2 cm. Siberian hawthorn does not have such impressive spines. Some plants have wide, strongly spreading foliage, combining it with small spines.

Mahonia endowed with naturally spiny leaves. Their rich green color combines brightly with yellow, small but common flowers. They appear already at the end of the winter months. The flowers are located on long racemes or the ends of graceful branches. They can add brightness to the entire garden at a time when other plants are still dormant. The only condition is to plant them as often as possible.

You can place flowers on the shore of a pond, near strong shade. Clay soils are not an obstacle to their excellent flowering. Bees flock to them. There are varieties that grow very low and can therefore be used as ground cover.

Principia chinensis It has decorative, unusual foliage and beautiful flowering. The bush is very lush, the crown is semicircular, some branches can lie scattered.

Boasts small but interesting flowers, from which small berries similar to cherries are subsequently obtained. Used medicinally as a strong tonic. An unpretentious and frost-resistant shrub, easily grown in mid-latitudes.

Photos of hedges from bushes. Shrubs for hedges.

Correct fit and proper care behind fast-growing shrubs will allow significantly improve your own garden and any plot of land. By selecting suitable variety plants, you can decorate your yard to your own taste.