Which is better seosprint or wmmail. Earning money from tasks on WMmail and SEOsprint. What to choose, Wmmail or Seosprint

SEOsprint - quick guide.

WMZONA - quick guide.

is a great project for making money online without investment. The project has been running since 2004. People of any age can successfully earn money here without having any special knowledge or making much effort. you can work from home at any time convenient for you. Your earnings will depend only on your desire and your free time.

Where to begin?

To get started, register on WMzona, set your WM identifiers (WMZ wallet and WMID) in the “Payment details” window. By going to the tab "Where to begin" in the upper right corner of the site, you can familiarize yourself with the system itself and get answers to your questions. In the upper left corner selecting the menu tab "Earn" A list with options for earning money in the system will appear. Choose which one you like.

How and what they earn on WMzona:

  • clicks;
  • visiting sites;
  • placement of links;
  • writing articles;
  • filling forums and blogs;
  • mining;
  • completing tasks.

The simplest and most in a fast way earn is earnings from clicks, completing tasks, reading letters. The work here is extremely simple, but the pay is very low. Surfing and reading emails will only earn you 2-4 cents a day.
Attracting referrals will bring you good income. The referral system has 3 levels. From each level you receive a percentage of deductions, which depends on your position. You receive a position based on the results of your work. Lowest position Student with performance from 0 to 9, then goes Specialist with performance from 10 to 29, highest position top manager, performance - 100 or more. Regardless of the position, the referral % for the 1st level of referral will bring you 10% of the income of the referral you attracted.

Pros of the mailer:

  • more than six types of income;
  • an excellent educational section that will help a beginner understand all types of earnings;
  • opportunity career growth, the presence of various bonuses;
  • adequate amount for withdrawal - from $0.5 within 3 days.

Many people who want to start making money on the Internet often start with.

Yes, yes, this is exactly the kind of income that interests people who don’t want to think, but just want to click and get money.

But now the next question is, which site to make money on? Everyone knows that the most popular email clients areWMmail And.
Now we will try to figure this out.

Which is better, WMmail or Seosprint?

So, let's start with the WMmail project. He started working in 2004, and I have not heard that this project there were complaints. About 50,000 people earn money here every day, or promote their website, or something else. You can do whatever you want on the project, even play games for money.
I know a lot of people who just come here to chat in the gazebo.
The project has a lot of advantages, the most important thing is that money is paid here consistently without any problems. It has never happened that the money did not come.
Payment in dollars, and for some reason, only to the wallet Webmoney .

The only downside that many people think is that the withdrawal of money does not occur immediately, but within 3 business days.

Now let's discuss the project.
The project is also very old, it has been working for a very long time. A lot of people also work on it.
The advantage of the project is that it provides additional income from tests; many people really like to earn money in this area.

The project pays in rubles, and the most important thing is that money is withdrawn instantly, to such wallets as: Webmoney, Perfect Money, Payeer, Yandex money.

But the WMmail project paid out almost three times more money than the Seosprint project. This means that with WMmail you can earn more money.
Basically, what can I say. Both projects are good, it's up to you to choose. Let's just say this is not an acquired taste.
You need to try working on both for yourself, and then you yourself decide which one suits you best.
Good luck with your choice!
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When choosing a service that will be used to make money, you should carefully study the structure of all “candidates” and only after that draw certain conclusions.

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There are 2 services that allow you to organize the process of making money on the Internet, these are Wmmail and Seosprint. Both of these projects are similar systems, postal services, earnings from which are available even to a schoolchild.

What to choose, Wmmail or Seosprint?

What to choose, Wmmail or Seosprint, to realize your abilities, to make a choice, let's look at the pros and cons of both systems:

The Wmmail project has existed since 2004, and during its operation it has helped more than one user become a successful entrepreneur.

Many will say that the Wmmail project is not capable of becoming a productive source of income, but look at its activities from the other side, because using a commercial project is an opportunity to enter Internet commerce.

The Wmmail project attracts more than 40,000 users every day who pursue various goals, from making money on clicks to promoting the site. The advantages of this project can be listed endlessly, firstly, these are stable payments without delays and problematic situations associated with missing funds.

Secondly, making money on Wmmail provides a lot various options earning money, from completing tasks to selling referrals on the exchange. Thirdly, it's really useful project, allowing even beginners to earn money online.

The disadvantages of this system are based more on the actions of users than on the system itself, and these include: tedious earnings, the systematic absence of sites for paid viewing, as well as payments within 3 working days.

I would like to say separately about the last point, 3 days of payment verification are required to reduce fraudulent activities, and even if someone decides to steal your money, you can contact the administrator and avoid loss of finances.

The Seosprint service also presents good results, the number of its client base exceeds 1.3 million users. During its activity, this project paid out 27 million rubles, which is 2 times less than the total payment from Wmmail.

But you shouldn’t make hasty conclusions, because... this project is stable and makes systematic payments to its users. The main difference between Seosprint and Wmmail is the possibility of earning money by passing tests, which can become interesting place your work.

In addition, on Seosprint, there are favorable conditions for people who want to earn money by attracting new clients. Profitable terms referral network and the presence of a “fair” of referrals, allow you to organize passive source income for everyone.

Today, just like 12 years ago, one of the most popular and most simple ways making money on the Internet is considered and. It is implemented using the so-called “active advertising systems (AAS)” or as they are also called ““.

One of the best email clients, which can be used not only to earn money, but also for advertising, is rightfully considered. Every beginner begins to master it with it. This mailer has everything you need to make money: a huge database of tasks, constantly adding tests, letters and surfing. Advertisers on Seosprint also feel very comfortable, advertising prices suit them quite well, and for tasks they set them themselves.

Overall, SEOsprint is ideal place for advertising and sales. However, there is one thing, which, perhaps, can be attributed to every modern postal worker; sooner or later, the (active) performers are faced with the fact that the work ends, not all of it, of course, but the one that pays well, well, for a penny similar , for obvious reasons, few people want to take it on. Simply put, performers find themselves in an awkward situation that can be solved in two ways: either wait for new tasks to appear on SEOsprint, or, so to speak, not waste time, look for sites similar to Seosprint that will help you make money while No.

It would be more correct, of course, to use the second option, because as you know, if you combine work on several mailers at the same time, you will almost never run out of tasks to complete. Simply put, there will always be work.

Of course, SEOsprint is far from the only project that can be used to make money and promote websites on the Internet. He has many sites similar in type of activity. However, due to certain conveniences and its authority, many are looking not just for analogues of Seosprint, but, so to speak, for its complete copies. First of all, so that immediately after registration, without particularly understanding the interface, you can start working. Of course, they can be understood, but there are practically no really worthwhile copies of Seosprint, although they appear almost every day, but just as quickly as they appear, they disappear, and there are reasons for this. But Seosprint has more than enough analogues. I will tell you about both of them further.

Sites like SEOsprint (analogues of SEOsprint)

All sites like SEOsprint available on the Internet can be divided into 2 types: analogues of SEOsprint and successful copies.

So, further, I will share with you not just some fly-by-night sites that disappear just as quickly as they appear, but actually worthy analogues of Seosprint and several successful copies of it, which have been working for several years and in some indicators even surpass his brother.

Worthy analogues of SEOsprint include the following mailers:

1. - the oldest and in no way inferior to SEOsprint, either in the number of users or in the amount of work, mailer. And due to the fact that all types of work are paid in dollars, it is completely superior to its competitor. On top of that, WMmail has an article exchange that allows... The money earned, both from selling articles and not, can be withdrawn to WebMoney, Payeer and Yandex.Money. In general, we can say with complete confidence that WMmail is the best analogue of the Seosprint website.

2. is a serious competitor of SEOsprint-a, which has been engaged in similar activities, just like WMmail since 2004. There are also more than enough opportunities for earning money here, including: completing tasks, collecting money, visiting websites. All work is paid in dollars, and payments are made exclusively to a WebMoney wallet. The minimum wage is $0.5.

3. - another old mailer, which since 2008 has been pleasing more than 1 million of its users with its impeccable work, including advertisers and performers. In 2014, the project underwent major changes (redesign and change of script), which had a positive impact not only on the ease of working with the system, but also on the number of tasks to complete and the effectiveness of launched advertising campaigns. The project also hosts competitions quite often, with quite good cash prizes. You can withdraw your earned money to almost any electronic payment system: WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex.Money, Payeer, Perfect Money.

4. - a very good mailer, both for earning money and for advertising. As for work, there is enough of it. You can earn money both on tasks and on clicks while surfing. In general, it has everything you need to make money or effectively advertise.

5. is a young but confidently developing mailer, which, I am sure, will in the near future pose a serious competition not only to Seosprint but also to WMmail. Now there are not as many tasks to perform on it as we would like, but believe me, this is for now. And also, now it is very profitable to develop a refrigeration network on the project, because In addition to standard referral fees, the project provides for payment of all attracted active referrals.

6. is an excellent mailer that has been working steadily since 2011. It has a sufficient number of tasks, letters and surfing to earn money. So, the performers here will always have something to keep them busy. For advertisers, the project will offer more than 10 types of advertising for reasonable money. Depositing and withdrawing money on the project is carried out using all modern electronic payment systems.

Successful copies of Seosprint include the following 3 mailers:

1. - is one of the main competitors of Seosprint, which works on a similar script. If you are looking for sites similar to Seosprint, only more profitable, then SEO-FAST is exactly that, and you are unlikely to find others. On this moment, this mailer surpasses its competitor in almost all respects, namely in quantity:

  • links in surfing;
  • paid letters;
  • paid tests;
  • tasks.

It is also noteworthy that the project almost constantly hosts various promotions and competitions, which can only be dreamed of at SEOsprint.

Deposits and withdrawals of money are carried out by a variety of payment systems; there is no minimum for withdrawal; you can withdraw at least 10 kopecks.

2. — appeared a year earlier than Seosprint and initially worked on a completely different engine (script). But as soon as SEOsprint appeared and was promoted in a very short time, all projects without exception began to copy its script and design, thinking that this would somehow help them in promotion. ProfitCenter did not stand aside and also borrowed the script and design, and accordingly, not without results. But unlike other copy-pasters, ProfitCentr still managed to correctly use the popular functionality of Seosprint. Having made some efforts, he gained a good base of performers and advertisers, who are now mutually beneficially cooperating with each other.

In general, the mailer deserves attention from both advertisers and performers. Advertisers can expect flexible settings for advertising campaigns and good prices, and the performers, a sea of ​​tasks, surfing, letters and tests.

3. is one of the few sites that is very, very similar to Seosprint. You can even say that it is a complete copy of it, because in fact it differs from Seosprint only color scheme. But despite this, the project actually turned out to be of high quality, and not a dummy, and boasts a good base of tasks, constantly adding surfing, letters and tests.

In general, if you need cheap and high-quality advertising, or you need to earn a small amount of money in a short time, then WMRFast will help you with this.

Well, perhaps these are all the mailers that I could classify as “ best analogues Seosprint". Naturally, these are not all sites like Seosprint; you can find a couple dozen more of them on the Internet, but believe me, they do not deserve your attention. To conduct effective advertising campaign or earnings, the above will be more than enough for you.

What better seosprint or wmmail?

The author became catchphrase“who owns the information, owns the world” was Nathan Rothschild, the founder of the English branch of the Rothschilds, who successfully traded in British textiles and after some time founded his own bank. You and I are not Rothschilds, but listen to the words successful people, this is the key to your success.

So, which is better seosprint or wmmail?

Let's start with the fact that seosprint wmmail is the largest email services on the Russian-language Internet. Vmmmail has 530 thousand users and Seosprint has 430 thousand, these are serious indicators that indicate the reliability of these projects.

which is better seosprint or wmmail Now let's look at this question from two sides - from the side of the advertiser and from the side of the performer, for those who do not quite understand, the advertiser is the one who places his tasks and pays money for their completion, and the performer is the one who earns from project money by completing various tasks with payment from 80 kopecks to 500 rubles for one completed task, the price depends on the complexity of the task, on the sites you can choose the cost of the task.

So let's go. Let’s first look at wmmail ru seosprint net from the contractor’s side, all the pros and cons of the projects. Let’s look only at the main pros and cons without delving into small details, because at this stage you don’t need them and in fact there are many more pros than cons!

Advantages of Wmmail for CONTRACTORS:

Vmmail.ru or wmmail.ru is a paradise for performers, why you ask? because payment and settlement takes place in dollars, and if you follow stock exchange reports, you probably know the exchange rate of the dollar against the ruble, which means that for any even the simplest task that will take you 30 seconds you are guaranteed to receive 1 ruble, yes this not 100 or 1000 rubles, but to get 1 ruble or 1 cent in 30 seconds, because being paid in dollars is always nice, especially since you didn’t register on the project for 30 seconds a day, you really want to earn money and you will succeed!

Another advantage of wmmail for performers is instant payments to your e-wallet. This is a big plus, because there are many projects on the Internet where there are minimum amounts for payments, for example 250 rubles for withdrawal, and to earn these 250 rubles you need to try, but you always want to get your money right away for the work done and this is completely justified, here in Well done to the creators of vmmmail, they work on the principle of do it, get money! These are the advantages of vmmmail, definitely!

Vmmmail ru is not only a large number of tasks, but also a whole world into which you become immersed over time, these are chats (gazebo) where the most current topics earnings. The site has an article exchange, if you are a copywriter, then this is the place for you, because there are 500,000 people on the site, this is a trading platform no worse than Ali Express, only in terms of buying and selling articles (context), wrote an article, put it up for sale and wait for the money to appear in your account, copywriters earn decent money if they write interesting articles on current topics.

Wmmail ru is famous for its referral system throughout the Internet, i.e. There are 5 levels of referrals on the project. If you start developing your referral network, then the income from the work of referrals will take you to such a level that you no longer have to work and just go in to withdraw daily accruals and simply control the process or develop in a different direction.

The Vmmmail dot.ru website has an internal currency - loans. It is convenient to carry out calculations within the project without spending real money. You can get loans for free, this is a big plus!

Another advantage of the wmmail 2016 site is detailed subsections for performers, i.e. tasks by category and your criteria, you can find something that is interesting to you or just ready to be completed, the vmmmail filter is configured so that each performer will find something that is interesting to him.

The main and most important advantage of the Vmmail project for advertisers is the instant placement of your task for performers, unlike SEOsprint in which the task is checked by the admin, the verification time reaches 24 hours, and the task is posted on Vmmail instantly. This is like the example of fast and slow internet connections, it always infuriates you when the page barely loads, and you wait and wait and in the end the connection is lost..... and in our case, tasks should be posted instantly! Wmmail understood this and bypasses the seosprint site in this option.

The second advantage of the vmmmail project for the advertiser is the automatic pickup of tasks. The point is this: the advertiser posted his task, made a description, and set a price for one execution. And now the next thing, for example, an advertiser needs a large number of executions per day, there are several options for how to achieve a large number of executions, this includes a competent description of the task and the price per execution, which is very important for the performer, but AUTO RAISE of tasks greatly influences the number completions, I set it to automatically rise every hour or two and you no longer need to go in and pick up the task, because it’s not always physically possible and it’s very tiring, you have to go in every hour to pick up the task in the list, and it looks absurd! Vmmail is great in this regard! Automatic raising of tasks is the second pillar on which vmmmail for advertisers rests!

Another plus is the fine-tuning of tasks by the advertiser, namely, the number of executions per day,
rating of the user who will do your task, from my own experience, if you need not quantity but quality, then the rating is better to start from 50. These are people who have been working on a project for a long time with whom you won’t have to babysit or explain anything, the description of the task will be enough for them to understand everything, if the rating is 0-10, then a large number of performers do not even understand what is required of them to indicate in the report and what to do in the task, so the Rating column is a big plus for the vmmmail project, you can also configure geo positions in the task, time to complete and wait, and much more. And most importantly, yes, some of you will say at the seosprint, all this is also there, but at the seosprint these additional settings for the advertiser they are paid and on vmmmail it is free, i.e. All conditions have been created for advertisers!

It happens that an advertiser needs to cancel his task for some reason, but there is a round sum in the task account, the Wmmail site is made so that the money can be returned either to your account on the site or withdrawn to your e-wallet, for example WebMoney, but on Seosprint you cannot withdraw money from tasks outside the project, you can transfer them to another task, this is not so convenient, but tolerable. Vmmail gives you the right to do anything with your money, and this is a +.

These are the main advantages of the wmmail.ru site; in fact, each of you will find your own advantages in this mailer, from communication to earning decent money.

Advantages of seosprint for CONTRACTORS:

I would like to start with the fact that for me personally, the Seosprint website served as a catalyst for making money on the Internet. He gave me a way into life and shared my experience of working on the Internet. For which I am extremely grateful to this site. With whom I plan to move on in life, drawing invaluable experience and information on making money online from the pages of the seosprint website!

It is very easy to register on the seosprint.net website, much easier than on vmmmail.

A huge number of seosprint tasks for performers.

For example, 3 times more than on the website wmmail.ru, when there are 10,000 tasks on the webmail, then on the seosprint there are 30,000, which means there is something to choose and something to do every day, conclusion: more tasks - more income!

Very user-friendly interface on the site.

For comparison, look at the vmmmail interface, it’s like shooting a shot from a gun road sign, everything is bumped up, it’s not clear where to look at all and where to start, everything is colorful, bright, small, in some fits and starts, on email it takes time to understand the menu sections, but on SEOsprint everything becomes clear from the first minutes on the site, nothing superfluous, this is a big plus, especially when you have just registered on the site, over time both seosprint and wmmail become clear, but we analyze these sites dispassionately and unprincipledly, so the whole truth about the seosprint and wmmail projects is only with us.

Convenient payment to various electronic wallets, unlike vmmail; in this regard, SEO Sprint is stronger and most importantly more convenient.

The settlement currency for the Seosprint project is the ruble, which is very convenient and clear how much you will receive and how much you need to work... on the vmmail the calculation is in dollars, tasks are in cents, you can’t figure it out without a currency convector.

Each task on the project is checked manually by moderators, which eliminates any deception and pitfalls for performers.

This is very good, because sometimes it happens on a vmail project that the advertiser will twist the meaning of the task and report what you will do and when you will not understand what he requires you to indicate or do in the report. This is rare, but why not check the assignments right away?! Therefore, for performers, the fact that every task is verified is a huge plus, so if you want to work as a performer, then you definitely need to start with a seosprint!

For example, you can do a task from 30 kopecks, when on vmmail the simplest task will cost you 80 kopecks; it is almost 3 times cheaper to work as an advertiser on seosprint than on vmmmail. On Wmmail, in addition to the fact that you have to pay at least a cent, the administration also charges a large commission ($13 per 1,000 executions), which in our time of a jump in the dollar exchange rate against the ruble is very expensive.