Which is better, Mac or Windows? Mac vs PC. Advantages and disadvantages. Quick access to applications and programs

These two operating systems have been at war for a long time. Some prove the beauty of Apple software, while others go out of their way to argue in favor of Windows. There are still Linux adherents, but we will not touch them.

So why is Microsoft software more suitable for ordinary users? We found 10 reasons to favor Windows. And here is the first of them.


There are practically no games on Mac OS. Of course, you can install a virtual machine, install the toy there and be happy. But this is a game with crutches, there is no other way to put it. And the Yabloko corporation does not want to attract developers from the gaming industry to port games to Mac OS.

The same Windows 10 has a gaming mode in its functionality - the OS itself limits all background programs that are currently unnecessary in resources. And all the freed power is given to the game. Agree, this is much more convenient than manually cleaning background applications.

Hardware update

Since we’ve already touched on the topic of games, we need to talk about the configurations of the Macintosh and a regular system unit.

You can update the system unit on Windows as soon as you want: add memory, change the video card to a more powerful one, completely rebuild it from scratch on a new motherboard - all this is available to you at any time. The main thing is that there are enough funds for this. Games are becoming more and more demanding every year, and component manufacturers are also not sleeping, releasing updated or completely new hardware for the unit. But this does not apply to laptops and all-in-one computers: things are no better here than with an Apple gadget.

But with an apple, this trick won’t work for you. Add RAM is already causing serious difficulties, and there’s no point in even stuttering about something larger. And given the gluttony of new games, in 2-3 years the question will arise of replacing the current gadget with a newer one.

Even without taking into account games, there are many equally power-hungry programs that require strong hardware. By the way, system unit on Windows costs 2 - 2.5 times cheaper than a similar configuration of Apple products. So think about it.

System compatibility with peripheral devices

Another problem with Mac OS is its compatibility with various devices. Printers, scanners, Wi-Fi routers and many other office equipment are not always correctly identified by Macintosh. And there are times when the system completely refuses to work with something.

Those devices for which Apple develops drivers independently will work without problems.

This situation is almost impossible on Windows. This OS will not detect the technology unless it is very old and very specific. And then, if there are drivers, there are very high chances that everything will work correctly.

Working with program windows

Macintosh has an unpleasant feature of strangely expanding applications to full screen mode. For example, the browser can partially expand, cutting off the window size for a specific page. The same goes for some other utilities. Strange logic of work. There is, however, a Magnet utility. For the program to work correctly, we recommend installing it on a clean operating system.

There is no such problem on Windows. Full screen mode is a full screen mode.

Selecting software for systems

By the way, about the programs themselves. There is simply a colossal amount of software available for Windows for every taste and for any task. You simply won't find such abundance for Mac. Well, you won't find it there. Even existing software is very often inferior in functionality to its PC counterparts.

The same Office that lives on the Mac is seriously inferior to the Microsoft giant. Although, this may not matter at all, since now there are already many services that work through the browser. The files are saved in the cloud, and you can work with them from any device.

There is one more point: programs on Apple technology eat up more RAM than on Windows. Not by much, but still.

Prevalence of systems

Apple installs Mac OS only on all-in-one PCs and laptops. There is iOS for smartphones and tablets. It would seem that everything is fine. But why not integrate Mac into mobile devices? Naturally, some functions will not be available due to a lack of hardware resources on the iPhone or iPad.

And the guys from Microsoft are very actively installing their OS on mobile devices. The same Microsoft Surface is a direct confirmation of this, although its price tag is somewhat inflated. How many third-party mobile devices use Windows 10 as an OS? There are a lot of them and their number is growing. This is also helped by the development of atomic Intel and fairly powerful video chips.

3D in OS

With the development of technologies in the field of 3D and augmented reality, Microsoft has been very eager to implement them into its systems.

What about Apple? They have been feeding the people with promises for a long time now, but there have been no movements in this direction. And if they start doing this, then to what extent?

Let's sum it up

What can I say? Windows PCs are much larger than Macs. And this applies not only to computers: there are plenty of smartphones and tablets running Windows 10.

There is plenty of freedom for gamers here; the abundance of software makes your eyes wide open. The upgrade is much faster and cheaper than apple products. And not everywhere at Yabloko you can change the hard drive or RAM yourself. This means that you need to go to the service center.

Now heated debates may begin about the fact that Mac OS is more secure, viruses are almost resistant to it, etc. Actually, if you have a normal antivirus and a head on your shoulders, viruses for Windows are not very dangerous. They may also begin to prove that by installing Boot Camp, you can use Windows programs. It’s possible, but these are crutches again.

About the speed of operating systems. Everything here is very subjective. There are many who claim that Windows 10 is as good as, if not better, in speed and smoothness. The animation of both systems is excellent.

The personal opinion of the author of the article is this: the transition to apple products is not justified. Neither economically, nor in terms of the range of software and games. If you just want to try something new, then install a virtual machine with Mac OS, and then decide whether it’s worth the money or not.

The fact is that Apple computers, unlike most computers of other brands, do not use traditional Windows from Microsoft, but their own Mac OS (now Apple OS). It turns out to be an unfair situation: one Apple against all. It would seem that competition is impossible, but in the mobile market mono-brand iOS is an excellent opponent to the same multi-brand Android or Windows Phone. So this is far from the most important indicator of success or failure.

Another thing is that historically there are a lot of myths and stereotypes around Mac OS. I decided to test everything from personal experience and voluntarily gave up Windows for almost three months, taking it for temporary personal use. MacBook Air eleven". It should be noted that I have never been interested in Apple operating systems before, and among the devices of this brand I only have an iPad, i.e. I'm not a fan. I’ll tell you now what happened as a result.

Myths and stereotypes

Myths and stereotypes around Mac OS did not appear out of the blue. After all, Apple’s successes began quite recently; before that there was a long, hard journey of trial and error. Just remember the very difficult confrontation with IBM and Microsoft in the 80s, and then in the 90s. Let's be honest, not everything the Apple company got right. It's hard to believe, but even in 1999, the interface of the seemingly beautiful and modern Mac OS was inferior to Windows. This is what the then most current version 9 looked like. Let me remind you that back then there was already Windows 98 and ME was being prepared - the difference with them is simply huge.

It is not surprising that the Microsoft operating system still won, and Apple remained in the role of catching up. But then Steve Jobs returned, and things quickly began to change. Less than 12 years ago, a completely new Mac OS X was released. And less than 11 years ago, with the release of the iPod player, the manufacturer declared itself with renewed vigor. And today’s iconic iPhone and iPad are even younger – a little over 4 and a little less than 2 years old, respectively. Now, in the wake of such popularity of Apple’s mobile products, interest in Mac OS has begun to grow, which is gradually being improved and made more and more similar to the iOS familiar to many. Now, while PC sales have all but stopped growing (Gartner predicts only 4.4% growth for 2012) and tablets are gaining popularity, the Mac has been growing at double digits for more than 5 years in a row. I wonder what will happen in another 5 years without Steve Jobs.

Over the years of growth, a lot of false facts have accumulated around Mac OS. Now I will try to remember the most popular ones:

  1. So, the first lie is that Apple has some special files. There is nothing like this in Mac OS. Here are the familiar AVI, JPG, MP3, DOC, etc. The file system is open (unlike iOS), which means you can see and work with them just like in Windows.
  2. The second lie - high price. It is generally accepted that computers with Mac OS are significantly more expensive than their Windows counterparts. If we study the issue now, it becomes clear that this is not so. MacBook Airs start at $999. Rare ultrabooks cost the same, often more expensive.
  3. There are very few programs for Mac OS. This is again not true. Although there is some truth here - there is indeed more software on Windows, but the gap has already been dramatically reduced compared to what it was before. Unless you have very specific requirements and objectives, there will be no problems.

But here are the myths that I found confirmation and which are not myths at all, but quite a reality:

  1. The appearance of the OS is very different from Windows. Yes it's true. It takes some getting used to, and not everyone will like it. The further the Mac OS interface goes, the more elements it receives from iOS. Considering the popularity of the latter, this should play into Apple's hands.
  2. Device compatibility issues. The situation is almost the same as with software: everything seems to be there, but specific devices do not have drivers for Mac OS. And Android, from version 4, switched from Mass Storage to MTP, and compatibility will be up to the manufacturer.
  3. The OS cannot be configured. Mac OS is positioned as mass system, which means you won’t be allowed to make fine adjustments. If you love the Control Panel and know what the registry is, Windows is for you.

These are just the main points; there are many similar nuances. The most important thing is that Mac OS is not a variation on the Windows theme, it is a different OS with its own pros and cons. It’s at least interesting to try, and at most it’s more modern. For example, the app store for Windows appeared only this year, for Mac OS (as well as iOS) it has existed for several years, and recently passed the 100 million download mark. No matter what skeptics say, the Apple logo is now not only an irritant for Android fans, but also a sign of a certain quality - not only hardware, but also software. If you buy an Apple, more often than not you'll get a device that works well—fast and stable. There are exceptions, but Windows and Android have many, many more.

This year, Apple decided to abandon the Mac OS name. By doing this, the company emphasizes the importance of changes and at the same time tries to forget about its sinless past. At the same time, the line of products running on this OS is being improved, primarily laptops. I've been using the MacBook Air 11" for almost three months and I can say with confidence that it is one of the best ultrabooks. Although this device is not officially called an ultrabook, that is exactly what it actually is. Yes, it does not have built-in Ethernet and a slot for SD cards. Yes, it's time battery life not the longest. Yes, I would like more USB ports. But these are details that you can live with, but overall it turned out to be an excellent machine.

Another myth is that in China everything is made cheaply and of poor quality, but American brands like Apple are made from a completely different cloth. This is wrong. Apple is also Chinese, as are most American, European and other types of products. Low taxes, cheap work force and widespread production facilities have made China a true assembly shop serving the entire world. Apple's merit is that it initiates and controls the production process, and other companies have been catching up with their MacBook Air ultrabooks as a reference for a year now. The most important thing in a model is the design. I’m not a fan of the brand, so the presence or absence of the coveted apple logo on the lid makes me neither cold nor hot. But the metal unibody case makes the laptop very stylish and practical. I don’t know what the Americans did with the Chinese, how they stimulated them, but everything was perfectly done, thought out, assembled and even packaged.

Advantages and disadvantages

Human habit is a terrible force, so everyone is fighting not only for sales here and now, but also for loyalty for the future. We use Windows with early years. Microsoft's openness has made its OS widely available and very popular. It is pre-installed in schools and universities. Everything else is perceived differently and causes an understandable feeling of discomfort. It takes time to get used to, no matter how simple new system neither was. But gradually the situation is changing. The more resources Apple has, the more it invests in popularizing its product. Most good example here is the strong emphasis on education in the new iBooks. As planned, children will learn and immediately get used to the iPad. Over time, there will be more such examples. Even in Russian schools, computers running OS X for Mac are gradually beginning to appear. Personally, I like this trend because I am for competition.

At first, the keyboard seemed most unusual to me. The layout is the same, but many elements are missing. In particular, PgUp and PgDn are absent. You can’t press a comma and a period with one button. There are no F5 for updating and all that either. And the familiar Windows logo has been replaced with an incomprehensible cmd function key. Even switching languages ​​is done differently - the same function key, plus a spacebar. You can, of course, install the Windows layout, but full sensation This will not give you a familiar Microsoft environment. It took me about a week to get used to it, now on Windows computers I can’t help but switch the language like Mac. Habit is a terrible thing and difficult to break.

By the way, the elongated keyboard for iMac and Mac Pro has PgUp and PgDn keys, and laptops for ergonomics use a standard layout with the Cmd+ “Up Arrow” or “Down Arrow” command, which performs this function. In PC laptops, according to Apple, such extra keys, which are used quite rarely, are often placed to the detriment of the full size of the keyboard. In principle, this is also partly true.

The biggest advantage of OS X for Mac computers in terms of control is gestures. Once you try it, you won’t want to get out of the habit. Use two fingers to scroll through a page, use four to switch applications, etc. Multi-touch also works to zoom in and out of pages. All this works clearly and smoothly. It is enough to master at least half of these useful manipulations, and life will seem much simpler. It took me less than a week to get used to it, and now I really miss gestures on Windows. I hope Microsoft borrows something like this someday, it's definitely a huge boon to ergonomics.

The OS itself is quite vaguely similar to Windows, it takes some getting used to. The control panel is located at the top, and application icons are at the bottom. Instead of Explorer - your own iFinder with built-in search. There can be several working screens; there is a separate key to switch between them. Another key to access the main menu (by the way, it is very similar to iOS). But that's not all, there is also a waiting screen with widgets. In general, the structure is completely unusual for a Windows user. And while I have completely figured out the keyboard and don’t feel any discomfort, the structure of OS X for Mac still raises questions. The main thing is that the functionality and convenience of Finder leaves much to be desired compared to Windows Explorer. I recommend immediately installing a third-party program, of which there are quite a few. But what I liked is that most applications run in full screen mode, and you are not distracted by unnecessary panels.

Strangely implemented file system. For example, you send a file by mail via the web interface or simply select a picture to upload somewhere. While in Windows you can right-click and see what you select, this is not possible here. If you want to send a file via Bluetooth, you must first find it in the Finder and only then go to a separate Bluetooth manager to send it. There are many similar features, and I can’t say that I like them. As with PgUp and PgDn on the keyboard, these are not features of human habit, but an Apple flaw. Hopefully this will be improved in future versions.

But everything works really quickly. This is a nuance no less important than gestures. If in Windows you can wait an excruciatingly long time for some panel or notification to load when the system is performing “heavy” actions, then in Mac OS everything is better optimized. There are almost never any slowdowns, everything works like a clock. Even if the browser (by the way, I recommend immediately replacing Safari with Chrome) has many tabs open, including Flash players (yes, unlike iOS, there is support for this Adobe technology), and the entire panel is in running applications, nothing still freezes. Restoring work from sleep mode occurs with minimal delay. Close the lid, everything turns off - open it, you can immediately work. At the same time, stability is pleasing: you don’t have to reboot the system for days. Switching between running applications is instantaneous, including using the aforementioned gestures. As a result, this creates the impression of a polished, stable system. The downside is that those who like to tinker with the settings and registry will be disappointed. Apple positions its OS for the mass user, and therefore fine tuning is not available. It should be noted that in most cases this is not required.

Mac OS is not only fast, but also secure. There are almost no viruses for it and no epidemics (like on Windows or Android) are expected. That's why antivirus software manufacturers don't like Apple; it clearly interferes with their work and takes away their bread. But users, on the contrary, are in the black. There is also less software for computers on OS X for Mac. Not all games are available, nor will you find any specific software. If you need certain highly specialized tasks, then for now this is for Windows. Another point - even the software that exists does not always have functionality similar to the Windows versions. For example, if you compare XnView for different OSes, you will get very interesting results not in favor of Apple.

But initially it comes with computers running OS X for Mac good set preinstalled software. Not everything works in Russia (the email client deletes letters from the server by default, you won’t be able to order a printout, some content is unavailable, etc.), but there is a lot of useful stuff. I especially liked the iPhoto photo manager, which has already appeared on iOS and immediately became the #1 application there. The function of correcting a littered horizon alone is worth it. There is already a full-fledged Microsoft Office office suite for Mac, as well as many other familiar applications. What is important is that if with a Mac you get a good set of software initially and can work right away, then on Windows you will have to install some additional programs.

If something from the set of installed software is not enough, there is the App Store. By the way, regarding the question of stereotypes - you can install applications on Mac OS not only from this directory, but also by downloading distribution kits separately - like Windows. As you can see, the system is more open than in iOS, where this is impossible using standard tools. But Windows applications are, of course, not suitable for Mac computers. But on any Mac you can install Microsoft OS if you really want to.

Software set

I would like to dwell in more detail on what a user of a computer running OS X for Mac gets. The set, as I wrote above, is impressive. And if everyone is familiar with a similar delivery from Microsoft in Windows, then the Apple option will be new for many. These are just the main applications from the basic software set.

This cloud service, which is fully revealed if you have several Apple devices, but will also be useful for “singles”. Essentially, the idea is to automatically sync information. iCloud stores photos, documents, and more, then delivers them to other devices using wireless push technology. So it's not just a virtual hard disk. It's a fast and easy way to access any data on all your devices that you use every day. iCloud provides automatic and secure storage for content and is available on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac and PC. All applications, fresh photos and much more are updated on all devices, and you can use them in the one that is at your fingertips. iCloud even keeps your email, contacts and calendars up to date. No synchronization is needed, no management is needed, and by and large, you don’t need to do anything, since iCloud will do everything for you. In addition, iCloud has the ability to search for missing devices. But I found the most useful function Reserve copy. iCloud backs up your information daily to the cloud via Wi-Fi.

iTunes is a free application for Mac and PC that allows you to organize your media library on your computer, listen to music and watch videos. It synchronizes all content automatically, adding new files to mobile devices. Of course, there is the possibility of purchasing content. Home Sharing lets you move audio files, movies, and TV shows between up to five selected computers. You can watch or listen to your files on iPhone, iPad or iPod when Wi-Fi assistance. Or stream music to third-party AirPlay-connected speakers, AV receivers, and stereo systems.

App Store for Mac

Something that Microsoft has only recently introduced is an application store. The App Store for Mac is the same as the App Store for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Applications can be selected from categories such as games, office applications, music applications and many others. Or you can use the quick search if you're looking for something specific. Descriptions from developers and user reviews, as well as screenshots, are available. Immediately after purchasing with one click, the new application will be in the Dock, ready to use. Importantly, the Mac App Store will automatically monitor your installed apps and tell you when new versions are available. You can update applications one at a time or all together.

iPhoto automatically groups your photos into events, which you can name accordingly. Now you won't confuse your birthday photos best friend and from New Year's celebrations. When you connect your camera to your computer or insert an SD card, iPhoto detects the day you took it and sorts the files. The only pity is that the program automatically detects faces and makes thumbnails - as a result, many duplicates appear in the folder, but this is the cost of automation. But what’s convenient is that several events can be combined into one large one by dragging one event onto another, and thanks to iCloud, iPhoto imports pictures from Photo Stream and also organizes them into Events. iPhoto has various tools. You can remove red eye with one click. You can adjust exposure, brightness and contrast. You can crop photos to the right size. There's an Enhance tool to automatically enhance images, and much more. And if you click on the thumbnail of the original photo, the photo will return to its original state - i.e. You don't have to worry about losing the original after changes.

Guest 06/04/2015 at 19:15

Now I'll play devil's advocate and quickly run through the review. Where it is said that OS X is not as fast as it seems, you can actually encounter the fact that Yosemite takes longer to load than Windows 8.1, and the test in this case is purely individual. Yosemite is more demanding on hardware and on original (this is important) devices, and even more so with the required amount of RAM, this operating system works more stable (although here I would rather compare it with Mavericks as more stable) than Windows 8.1. In addition, it is worth noting that comparing a newly released system with one that has already received a sufficient number of updates is not entirely correct. Windows uses less RAM - the second controversial point. OS X itself consumes the same 1.5 GB for me as Windows 8.1 on a mac mini mid-2011, I got 2 GB by running the battle.net agent, which eats up a lot, but I don’t argue - OS X is more demanding amount of RAM. Actually, this is the only drawback, but also an advantage - to get performance, a couple of dies are enough. In Windows, transparent control of the button to expand to full screen is the third point that does not correspond to reality. Yes, Mavericks actually had two buttons - expand to full screen (on the right side of the window) and expand to content. That was the whole thrill. Now in Yosemite the expand by content button has been removed, now all windows expand to full screen. Talk about what it was good decision- I won’t, I don’t agree, but compare 8.1 and Yosemite, where there is strengths at 8.1 and neglecting the fact that Yosemite has already gotten rid of the far-fetched minus is not good. There is something to play on Windows - yes there is. And moreover, I will say that if a person wants to buy gaming computer, then buying a poppy is a wrong, expensive and unsuccessful item. However, in app store there are several favorite (I wouldn’t say fresh, but undying classics) games, and there’s even bioshok infinite, almost a month after release. Many applications on steam are ported to OS X, but not all, but go back to the first sentence. If we take the blizzard (blizazard entertainmenttment), then modern poppies Only the first versions of Diablo, released in the 90s for PPC processors, will not start. Now run MS DOS games on 8.1 without an emulator. Yes, you can’t change the video card in Macs, but this device was originally created with a high percentage of hardware and software compatibility and not for buyers to mess with it. Computers were originally created for the user to plug into a power outlet and work. And also, about the settings, here you can return to the topic of games for iOS, where a person can choose only brightness and contrast, and Android, where everything is selected, like on a PC, because Android, like Windows, is released for a lot of different hardware and demands to “finish your drink.” There are a lot of viruses in Windows - well, here I agree, if you work on the computer and play, monitor your safety and behavior on the network, and Windows can work without an antivirus, which, by the way, also “eats the RAM”, which was not taken into account in the test (and because this software is always running). At the same time, if a person does not pay attention to security, then on OS X you can catch something that leads to kernel panic. Windows supports almost any hardware - most software and drivers are actually written for Windows, because more people work on it. About an incident from life, I would like to clarify why a person bought an adapter for himself, if there was one built into the iMac? Maybe he himself “crashed” the system, so that his wi-fi doesn’t work? I have many devices at home that worked great with my Mac over the network and directly, and I just had to click on the “confirm device connection” button in response to the computer’s message that “wow, you also have a printer!” Another case from life, Masha Roytman (@roythman) does not have wi-fi working correctly on windows 8 and 8.1, but works fine on 7 and ubuntu. This is an operating system problem, and everyone has problems. Maybe the drivers aren't written there either. A Windows PC can be upgraded, and a Mac can, but just a little. Let’s say I won’t bother changing the hard drive, but please take the RAM at home and without losing the warranty. Out of warranty? Yes, pay. Or order the extended one right away. But I’m not a computer geek and I’m not building my own system. And most people will buy a computer at a showroom or a neighbor will assemble it for them. Something broke not under warranty, people don’t climb it themselves, but take it to the service center, where they will also happily greet their wallet. Or they’ll bring a chocolate bar to Uncle Vasya, who assembled the computer at the very beginning. Besides, you said here that this is unlikely to work with nettops, laptops and all-in-one PCs. But then it’s worth comparing these computers with mac pro, in old version it was possible to change it manually (everything was done for convenience and was never prohibited), and for new ones... yes... service, but tell me, will you buy yourself a computer for 100K and will you want to change something there? With that kind of money you will want the best service or it will be done for you System Administrator in an organization, or (more likely) an accountant counting expenses. Windows has a normal office, as well as many special utilities - yes, Office for Mac 2011 looks strange to a person who is used to Office 2013, but did you notice the 2-year difference between the top-end software that the Redmond company spends money on and the side- project. If you use Pages, you probably only need typing and maybe fancy editing. Pages opens Word files, and even, unlike Office 2010 (I haven’t used 2013), it can convert them to PDF without third-party software. People who have used OpenOffice.org or LibreOffice will not notice the difference. Moreover, not everyone can pay for an office, so most likely people use free programs rather than buy MS Office for home and school 2013 for 3,499! Pages costs 600 rubles, and for new computers on OS X it is given to Apple. Comparing a full-fledged product with the starter version, which is usually installed on new computers, is also stupid. But for those who use Office Online, it doesn’t matter. I would end this buhurt (sorry, but it’s true, there is something to object to) with the phrase: If you need a convenient computer to perform a clearly defined task and you like the ergonomics of a Mac, just buy it and forget about fiddling with settings and upgrades . Just plug your computer into a power outlet, press a button and start working. Would you like me to write a response post for your portal, with reasons to choose Windows over OS X?

It's time to take a look at the long-running fight between the two leading operating systems for computers, Windows and macOS. What do their latest versions look like? How popular are they? Perhaps it's time to switch from one operating system to another? Software Apple has long been characterized as better designed and easier to use, while Windows is less glossy but more flexible and universal option. Is there a grain of truth in this statement, simplified to the minimum? It turns out that modern versions of systems are so functionally congruent that the old parameters of struggle are no longer applicable in this case. Both systems offer all the basic features a user can expect from a modern operating system and, as far as day-to-day use is concerned, both systems will suit the average user without any issues.

Computers for gamers

However, if we look at them in more detail, we can find many differences. If you are a gamer, then you will most likely want to use a Windows system, since you will be able to change the hardware of your computer depending on your needs. This means that you can build your own computer from scratch or simply replace an outdated video card model with a more modern and powerful one. Moreover, macOS is still missing most of the computer games, which are available on Windows.


On the other hand, Windows is more susceptible to attacks from viruses and malware for the simple reason that various versions of this operating system today occupy a large part of the market, and therefore are a much easier and more accessible target for attackers. This does not mean that macOS is generally immune to malware and virus attacks. It's just that this operating system is a less popular target for attackers.

Voice assistants

For both operating systems latest version There are voice assistants: Cortana on Windows and Siri on macOS. They can be useful when you want to check the weather for the day or find something on the Internet, but most users hardly use them. It doesn't look as natural as using voice assistants on a smartphone or tablet, and even on personal computers, they do not always work as efficiently as we would like.

The main advantage of macOS

The biggest difference that exists between these two operating systems is the hardware that you are going to use. Apple laptops have for years been the gold standard of what a well-designed, reliable everyday computer should look like, one that you can buy without worrying about its specs. Exists a large number of cheaper options, however MacBook Pro ahead of them in all respects. However, it's worth noting that recent updates to the MacBook Pro line, which include the unique Touch Bar, have made it still prohibitively expensive if you want a computer with good technical characteristics. And if you want to use macOS, you'll essentially be locked into Apple hardware with no way to replace it.

The main advantage of Windows

Windows, on the other hand, is designed to be compatible with a wide variety of computer hardware, starting with personal computers and laptops to smartphones and tablets. This means that you can buy either a very cheap laptop or a cutting-edge computer. What's even better is there great amount options within this range, so you can choose what you like best. Well, again, there is the opportunity to build your own computer with the technical characteristics you need from scratch.


    Compatibility: almost any program either works or has analogues under Windows; drivers for any devices; a lot of games.

    Support: Considering that most people use Windows, finding someone who can help with almost any task will not be difficult. Lots of materials online. Easy to install.

  1. Functionality: if you are a fairly advanced Windows user, then you know that it has very, very many useful functions (which very few people use).

    Viruses: Most viruses target Windows. You will have to buy (or use a free) antivirus. Constantly update, monitor which one copes better or worse with the task.

    Speed: "We have a swimming pool, a tennis court, a restaurant and a disco area on the plane. Now let's try to take off with all this crap." Windows eats up a lot of resources. It contains a lot of unnecessary things for the average user, and naturally the average user will not be able to figure out what is unnecessary and what is not.

  1. Price: if you don’t have a broken one, and not a factory installation, you’ll have to exchange a hundred or two green friends.

    Viruses: there are practically none.

    Reliability: an operating system written for a specific set of hardware (computer configurations). Based on this, it functions as it should. Rarely breaks.

  1. Design: don't be fooled, they often look better than PCs. :)

    Price: earlier in this column I would have written that “look what you buy from the filling for the poppy seed, and what you can get for the PC for the same price,” but now everything has become more measured. Macs are still more expensive in terms of price-filling ratio, but not as much as before, and this is compensated by plus No. 2.

    Physical computer: As mentioned earlier, Mac OS is designed for specific configurations, and therefore it is highly not recommended to install it on a non-Apple computer. This doesn't mean it won't work. It will work, but you'll have to tinker with the settings.

  1. Compatibility: the number of programs written for Mac is much smaller than the number of programs for Windows. If there are ports (programs transferred from one system to another so that users can work with the same data and formats on both Windows and Mac) - then usually they have reduced functionality and work rather crookedly. There are very few games on Mac (if that's important to you). :)

It is quite difficult to give a definite answer here, since there are many Linux distributions and they are sometimes very different. If in general outline That:

    Price: A lot of distributions are free. You can install and contribute to the development. Completely modify the system to suit your needs. Naturally, for this you need to understand what and why you are doing. Lots of free programs and applications.

    Variety: as mentioned above, there are many versions. The fact is that Linux is only a kernel. To use it, you need a lot of additional software. There are on the order of several hundred different distributions. Considering that there are so many of them, you can be sure that there will be one that will meet all your needs. Perhaps the most popular are Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS and Mint.

  1. Viruses: there are practically none.

    Difficulty: Some distributions are quite easy to use, but in most cases you will need to really know the computer and the system itself well to use it effectively.

    Compatibility: in short, see the same point on Mac. Here, however, everything is less clear, due to the fact that there is a lot of open source software where you can make your own changes. It takes a lot of time and effort. There are times when drivers for your devices do not exist, and you have to either write them yourself from scratch, or use something suitable for all types of this device. Naturally, the functionality of the devices suffers from this.

Of course, this is very short and a book would probably not be enough to compare everything.

Windows. Pros.
In the case of using powerful hardware, the speed of work increases nonlinearly. That additional functionality that slows down the system on “weak” machines on powerful ones increases significantly in performance

Linux. Pros.
Simple enough, unlike Windows and MacOS, that if you want to understand how your system functions “under the hood,” you can keep all aspects of the OS in your head.
Feels great at “weak” and “very weak” powers.