Which is perfect for. Which is ideal for planting under rose bushes. Are you sexually compatible?

There are things that are simply created for each other: snow and mountains, sea and sand, stars and sky. Unfortunately, with human relationships everything is not so simple. Finding exactly your person is not an easy task. Some people spend years trying to find their soulmate. And someone has already found their destiny, but has not yet realized it. It is for such people that the article “10 signs that you are ideal for each other” was written.

1. You have the same sense of humor

If you laugh at the same jokes, if you laugh at each other's jokes, that's good sign. Very often, one of the requirements for your other half is “having a good sense of humor.”

If your sense of humor and your loved one's sense of humor coincide, then you will never be bored together. Let you like complex jokes, vulgar or even immoral. The main thing is that your significant other also likes this kind of humor, so that there is not something like “ugh, how can you laugh at this!?” You must be on the same page.

2. You have common hobbies

Here again we're talking about about the need to be on the same page. There is no need to look for someone who is just like you. But close people must have a couple of common hobbies. It doesn't have to be an aircraft modeling group or Pilates class. Even if all you like to do together is watch movies and eat popcorn, that's good. You will always find something to do in the evening.

By the way, it often happens that one of the partners adopts the hobbies of the other. This also indicates that a close connection has formed between you.

3. You complement each other

As stated above, you and your significant other do not have to be completely the same. The best tandems come from people who complement each other. If your strengths compensate for the weaknesses of your significant other (and vice versa), then such a union is simply doomed to success.

Your loved one may be absent-minded, but your organization is enough for two. You may be indecisive, but your significant other is capable of “breaking through walls with their heads.” You must complement and cover each other. It’s not for nothing that they say: “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go with someone.” If you complement each other, then you have found “your person.”

4. You don't have to pretend

If you have found a person with whom you can be yourself, then this is another plus in the question of “are you right for each other.” You should always feel comfortable with your loved one.

You can act like a child, do stupid things, make inappropriate jokes, but at the same time you will be one hundred percent sure that your significant other will never make fun of you or turn away from you.

With “your” person, you don’t need to pretend, you don’t need to put on “masks.” With such a person you can always remain yourself.

5. You don't notice or tolerate each other's flaws.

There are no absolutely perfect people. Everyone has their own shortcomings. But these shortcomings can be treated differently. For example, sloppiness. Sloppiness may not appeal to your significant other at all, it may infuriate, or it may touch (like, “bunny, you’re covered in ice cream, it’s so cute, you’re just like a baby”).

If in a relationship both partners see only the good in each other, and do not notice the bad or notice, but do not make a problem out of it, then they are ideal for each other.

6. Your values ​​and goals in life are aligned.

And again we are talking about the “similarity” of the halves. If common hobbies (see point 2) provide a pleasant “path,” then common values ​​and goals provide faith in a pleasant conclusion to this path.

People are only suitable for each other if they have the same aspirations. And it doesn’t matter what they dream about: family and children or world domination. If people have the same values ​​and goals, they will make a wonderful couple.

And vice versa, if one wants a family and cozy home with a fireplace, and the other is only interested in entertainment, then these people are hardly meant for each other.

7. You have mutual trust

Any relationship should be built on the trust of partners. You need to trust both in small things (if you say “wash the dishes” - done), and in more global things (for example, in the matter of fidelity).

Truly close people do not get jealous without reason. If your significant other constantly suspects you of cheating, this is most likely not your person, because he does not trust you. Although not giving a damn about the issue of your fidelity is a big problem.

8. You are sexually compatible

Sex is a very important part of a relationship. To figure out if you're right for each other, you need to determine whether you're sexually compatible (if that's what you're into).

Very often, couples break up not because of a lack of common hobbies, differences in values, or because of mistrust. Common cause gaps is precisely sexual incompatibility. And if you want to create a truly strong relationship, then you will have to take this factor into account.

To understand whether you are suitable for each other, you need to compare your sexual temperaments.

9. Everyone says you're a good couple

Another important aspect is public opinion. Yes, your friends’ predictions may not be correct, but sometimes everything is very clear from the outside. Still, advice like “if you want a girl to like you, her friends need to like you” did not appear out of nowhere.

10. You feel like you were made for each other.

Last on our list, but not the least important piece of advice: to understand that you are right for each other, listen to your inner voice. Perhaps this advice will seem crazy to someone and he will start yelling: “Who thought of adding this to the list!?” But in fact, no one knows better than ourselves whether a person is right for us. It may seem to others that you are not suitable for each other, but they do not know your soul mate as well as you do. Therefore, the last word will always be yours.

As Larisa Guzeeva says at the end of each episode of the “Let's Get Married” program: “Listen to your heart. It will not deceive you."

This is where our list comes to an end. Finally, it is worth noting that these 10 signs are not a 100% guarantee that everything will work out well between you and your partner. Because in matters relating to human relationships, nothing can be sure. But we have given you an approximate course. Good luck!

– you don’t have to be a professional makeup artist. Wear what you like. However, in order to give yourself a little confidence in your makeup, you need to know at least the basics - color theory and what texture will look best on your skin.

At the same time, you should not get hung up on the color of the shadows - this is not the only criterion when choosing. If you realize that there are also different textures - matte, shiny, smooth - you can create a unique look.

In this article we will tell you what color and texture shadows will suit you both for daily use and for special occasions.

How to choose eye shadow

Skin tone

These days, skin tones are divided into two types: warm and cool. Despite this, different cosmetics companies will determine for their products which shade is cool and which is the opposite. There is no specific standard. At the same time, for different shades Different shadows suit you, and it will be much easier for you if you know everything about your face.

In order to check what shade your skin is, you need to pay attention to the veins on your eyelids. U healthy people veins are in good condition blue color, and if the skin gives them a greenish color, then it has a yellow tint. If it gives violet, then your shade is red.

Once you figure out what's what, it's a small matter. Shadows go perfectly with warm skin tones warm color, and with cold, respectively – cold. By choosing opposing colors, you can add a little extravagance or drama to your look.

If you have a warm skin tone, then they will look most advantageous following colors: bronze, vanilla, ivory, any shades of brown, pink and coral. If it's cold, experiment with light blue, lilac, greenish and turquoise.

Eye color

By using your eye color to determine the optimal eyeshadow palette, you will definitely hit the mark and focus the attention of others exactly where it is needed. Choosing a color that complements your eyes (opposite on the color wheel) will allow you to add interest to your look. If you use shadows that are similar to the color of your eyes, the effect will be softer and more natural.

Blue eyes: It's no secret that orange is the exact opposite of blue, so any shade of it in combination with blue eyes will look simply irresistible. In order to create a stunning look, it is best for blue-eyed girls to use all shades of orange, red and yellow flowers. Copper, brown, gold, coral and pink - they are created just for you.

To create a more mysterious and slightly more natural look, purple and greenish colors are suitable. Lilac, plum or olive will look interesting, but not defiant.

Green eyes: When choosing eyeshadow, green-eyed girls should pay attention to shades of red, such as burgundy, pink and, directly, red. Purple, lavender and peach will help you without special effort create the look of your dreams and perfectly complement the natural beauty of your eyes.

Warm metallic colors such as bronze and copper will not only highlight your eyes, but will also complement the gray or brown iris flecks that green-eyed people often boast.

Brown eyes: Brown doesn't mean boring. In fact, brown-eyed people are very lucky - the range of shades that playfully combine with their eyes is incredibly large. Makeup lovers with such eyes can safely experiment with amber, copper, gold, ash, lavender and gray.

In addition, do not forget that the three primary colors - yellow, red and blue, when mixed, form brown. Therefore, if you are lucky, choose any color that you think harmonizes with brown and show your creativity - there will be no end to everyone's attention.

Read also: How to lose a guy because of bad makeup

Eye makeup

Hair color

In addition to eye color, it is also worth considering hair color, since it usually attracts a lot of attention, and against its background, makeup can either look too vulgar and provocative, or get lost and become invisible.

Black Brown: Brunettes always have the best luck when choosing eyeshadow, as almost any color suits them, especially deep, dark shades of black, brown and purple. Brunettes can achieve a more natural and soft look using gold, beige, cream, green and yellow.

Blonde: Typically, natural blondes have a naturally fairly light skin tone. Therefore, warm and calm colors shadows Try pinkish, light purple and peach - you absolutely can’t go wrong and will add tenderness and naturalness to your look.

Ginger: For a long time, red-haired girls did not find a place for themselves in the fashion industry, and even the most bold decisions were not in their favor. However, over time, everything has changed, and now this color, especially natural, looks irresistible and unique.

For girls with red hair, neutral shadows, such as brown, ivory, and beige, are perfect. However, deep rich shades of green will give the image a more mysterious and bold look.

Bright, unnatural: For girls who love to experiment with hair and are not afraid of change, shadows of any color will be most suitable. The difference will only be in the image and effect. For a defiant, bold look, shades that are opposite your hair color on the color wheel are suitable. On the contrary, to create a more delicate and soft look, you need to use shadows of the same shade as your hair.

Advice: Remember that using shadows that are the same color as your eyes will make your look less noticeable - the colors will simply blend together. This does not mean that blue-eyed people should absolutely not wear blue shadows for makeup, and brown-eyed people should not wear brown ones. Just make sure to add some more shades to the look - in this case, the makeup will look a little more attractive and playful.



Many girls, when choosing eyeshadow, focus only on color - this is a fairly common mistake. Different textures of eyeshadow can help you achieve different effects, but unfortunately, only a few people understand this.

What is texture

Texture describes how a particular shadow looks. To some extent, the texture can even be called their finish. Texture determines price, ease of use and, of course, the final result. It applies to all forms of eyeshadow - pressed powder, liquid and cream.

Texture is one of the most important things to pay attention to when working with a camera - especially when shooting with flash - but a basic knowledge will help you create your ideal look for every day.

Read also: The power of makeup: women post selfies with half their face makeup

Matte shadows

Matte shadows: The main stage of creating the perfect makeup should begin with the use of matte shadows. They have no shine, so they are great for creating a base and contour. Because matte shadows do not reflect light, they can be used in camera to create a clear, defined shadow effect on your model's eyes.

Some matte shadows can be found in cream form - they glide on slightly, but most of them come in pressed powder form. To get exactly the effect you are looking for, you should first check the color saturation and how finely the powder is crushed.

To outline the eyebrows or creases, use gray and brown, and black, dark blue or purple are great for eyeliner. Matte shadows can also be used to contour individual parts of the face, such as the nose or cheekbones. If you have fair skin, your colors are vanilla, cream and ivory. If the skin is darker, then beige or ocher shades will suit you.
Don't despair if you urgently need to go out and have run out of makeup foundation - matte shadows will be an excellent replacement for it, without affecting the makeup applied on top of them.

Pearlescent shadows: Despite the name, such shadows do not have a pronounced shine - they only have a hint of it. Their shine is soft and does not stand out. They can cover the eyelids either partially or brightly and thickly - it depends on the method of application and the final result you want to get.

Using them will help you create a casual and modern look. As a rule, such shadows are distributed evenly over the entire surface of the eyelid and do not accumulate in the folds. This makes them ideal for use by both young and old people.

In order to highlight the deepened parts of the eyelids and visually enlarge the eyes, it is better to use light shadows. Dark shades will help you create a mysterious and bright image without being too vulgar.

Satin shadows: These semi-matte shadows are, one might say, a kind of hybrid between pearlescent and matte. They shine a little more than matte ones, but they cannot be called fully shiny. These shadows resemble silk fabric in color and texture. They are equally suitable for any age.

Because they are so versatile, they are great at both adding depth to certain areas of the eye and brightening up the surface. They can also be used to enhance edges, contour and refraction of light.

Satin shadows are great for creating a base for eye makeup. If you need to visually lift your eyebrows or line your eyes a little, this is exactly what you need. You can safely use deeper and brighter shades, since shadows with such a texture do not look provocative or vulgar.

Shadow texture

Shimmer Shadows: We couldn't ignore the shimmering shadows, which with their unique shine and cool shades can add mystery to the look. Their pearlescent glow perfectly recreates the icy effect. Their only drawback is that they are suitable for younger girls, as they tend to accumulate in folds and make them more noticeable.

In addition, they must be used extremely carefully and wisely, since if applied in excess, they can look garish and overly vulgar.

Glossy shadows: Glossy eyeshadows reflect light very well and, because of this, often look even brighter than glitter or shimmer eyeshadows. They are great for lifting and highlighting an area. The shades of such shadows are very diverse.

The effect resulting from the use of glossy shadows often looks slightly wet. Unlike matte shadows, glossy makeup looks fashionable and modern. They are perfect for covering any areas around the eyes and look great on any eye shape except protruding ones.

Metallic shadows: That's right, you heard right - metallic shadows look exactly like their name, but they consist of much more safe materials. They imitate real-life metals - silver, gold, copper, bronze, platinum and many others.

These shadows are ideal for completing natural makeup, as they can give it a unique, mysterious look and perfectly shade the skin tone. They also have a sensual effect and, using them as the main ones in your makeup, you will add mystery and sexuality to your look.

Metallic shades like rose and yellow gold are always on-trend, suitable for any season and never go out of style.

How to paint your eyes correctly

Sparkling Shadows: Such shadows themselves do not reflect light, but they contain special small particles that have this property. At the same time, they reflect light not over the entire surface, but in separate areas.

Sparkling shadows are perfect for brave girls who want to add some zest to their image, more brightness and mystery. Their advantage is that they can be used both in evening makeup and for everyday look. Soft, light shades perfectly reveal the natural beauty of the eyes.

Glitter Shadows: If you are a lover of extravagant looks and are not afraid of experiments, these shadows are made for you. They reflect light with their entire surface and give the image an impressive and bold brightness. If you want to draw attention to your makeup and even make it a little aggressive, feel free to use shiny shadows.

In this case, such makeup is not suitable for daily trips to the store. But in combination with an evening outfit, correctly applied shiny shadows will show others who is the real star at the holiday.


What is ideal for long distance cycling with 23mm or 25mm tyres?

I keep reading that the drop line for 25mm tires is longer. Obviously, 25mm tires have more volume. Do they have fewer pinch flats? Are they more comfortable because they create less vibration? What about wet conditions? Why should I give up the 23mm tire?



A 25mm tire can be run at lower pressures with the same rolling resistance, giving you a slightly more comfortable ride and slightly better traction in wet conditions or on muddy surfaces. If you take this pressure drop too far, you will get more of a pinch of flats, but you will be very comfortable before you stop to fix that flat. :-)

However, if you pump up to the appropriate pressure, you'll get a better ride, better grip with minimal difference in rolling resistance - the downside is the weight and perhaps the increased frontal area causing a little more drag. So why don't professional teams use 25mm if there are all these advantages? There are some signs that they have started over the past few years:

So what is it like correct pressure? Here's how to do it: A 25mm tire is about 8.7% wider than a 23mm, so round it up to 10% to simplify the calculations, which means you can reduce the air pressure by 10% on a 25mm compared to with 23mm. For example, if you normally use 23mm at 100 psi, then use 25mm at 90 psi.

Note. In 15 years of riding road bikes, I have never there was pinch in the road tires, so if this bothers you, you may be running tires at too low a pressure for your weight (or your local roads are much rougher - that's mine). The point about weight is not meant to be an insult - I'm just reminding you that tire pressure should be proportional to the weight supported: from your bike, you and your luggage.

If you ride a lot on gravel/dirt, consider the 28mm - but make sure it will fit in your frame first (1 of my bikes can fit 28mm in the front, but only 25mm in the rear - a bit annoying).


Thanks, I didn't know about rolling resistance. There are several ways to approach it, you can have the same pressure at 25mm and have less rolling resistance, but with less pressure you will get less vibration/more comfort. Thanks again.

TO Of course, it’s not easy to say goodbye to summer and the trends that come with it. But, to be honest, we are already looking forward to autumn. Why? Fall and winter fashion this year is not something gray and boring, the coming season will bring colorful colors, unusual cuts and patterns!

N o what suits me? We know how to figure it out: with the help of your zodiac sign! Each zodiac sign has character traits character, and we will tell you which fall trend is perfect for you!

Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio: delicate silk for water signs

IN Water signs are considered to be very dreamy, sensitive and deep characters. They are also generally romantic and playful. To highlight this emotional side, this season you need to rely on the silk trend.

P The red material is not only playful, but also passionate and mysterious. Many of today's designers look like they were stitched together as separate silk scarves - we love it!

Model from the Marine Serre fall-winter 2018 show

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius: Animal Prints for Fire Signs

ABOUT Fire signs are considered especially bold, open, wild and energetic. What better fits these characteristics than the current animal print trend? A sexy and bold look optimally emphasizes the character and open nature of these zodiac signs!

Model from the Tom Ford fall-winter 2018 show, New York

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn: tweed fabrics for earth signs

Z Earth Naki are known to be completely earthly, balanced and organized. They radiate complete calm and elegance. You can highlight this optimally with the current tweed trend.

Model from the fall-winter 2018 show, New York

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius: Layering for Air Signs

IN Air signs are not only curious and flexible, but also extremely creative and versatile. They like to try new trends that no one else dares to try. So, the current fall trend of layering two (or more) coats or thick puffer jackets on top of each other is all for the bold air signs.