What to add to the septic tank for decomposition? Tablets for cesspools: modern manufacturers and instructions for use Chemicals for toilets

The lack of centralized sewerage forces owners of dachas and any other private buildings to organize their own sewerage system. In this case, bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools become a necessity to maintain normal sanitary and hygienic living conditions and maintain the cleanliness of the area. Separately, living bacteria for cesspools and toilets deter other harmful microorganisms and help prevent the possibility of infections spreading in the area.

Before bacterial products came onto the market, there were other ways to clean private toilets. For example, chlorine was a popular remedy, but it had two main disadvantages:

  • the smell of feces was replaced by the acrid smell of bleach;
  • in the mass of feces, the process of decomposition completely stopped, and masses accumulated, which eventually had to be constantly cleaned out.

Other methods were either ineffective or uneconomical - there was an option to call special services for cleaning cesspools, but this service is very expensive and does little to get rid of the smell and, for example, the breeding of flies. Biological products have become a new generation of means to solve the problem, their properties surpassing all other existing options.

If initial serious cleaning of the cesspool is necessary, active substances such as chlorine can be used to neutralize pathogenic microbes, but in the future, before using a septic tank, you will have to wait some time for the chlorine to completely disappear. For permanent use, indeed, preference is given to natural ingredients, but in advanced cases, when you need the maximum fast decision problems, you can turn to older cleaning options.

Composition of modern cleaning products

Modern biological products are absolutely safe for human health; they also do not cause any damage to the environment, which makes their choice preferable to purchasing chlorine and other exclusively chemicals. The composition does not contain pathogenic bacteria, substances that emit methane and chemical elements.

The basis of modern biological cleaners are bacteria that decompose organic matter, and a number of enzymes designed to help active microorganisms reduce the volume of feces.

Benefits of use

Modern biological products have a number of advantages, which include:

  1. they are easy to use yourself - just add them yourself required amount the selected product into the cesspool;
  2. all drugs are sold in several forms, which allows you to choose the most optimal option for use and use only it;
  3. biological products almost completely destroy any unpleasant odor and prevent its reappearance in the future;
  4. bacteria significantly reduce the volume of wastewater and the filling of the sewage pit, and, therefore, significantly reduce the required number of wastewater pumpings;
  5. natural cleaning agents have a positive effect on the restoration of the microculture of only individual beneficial bacteria, which “connect” to the fight against wastewater;
  6. The bacteria used not only disinfect all organic waste, killing almost every microbe, but also liquefy it, subsequently facilitating pumping processes.

In addition to these advantages, many rely on the naturalness and safety of the drugs themselves, their low price, and the ability to use all year round without having to buy additional funds. Due to their numerous advantages and long-proven effectiveness, biological cleaning agents are universal option to maintain the functionality of any private sewer and cleaning septic tanks.

Features of biological products

There are three main types of cleansing preparations, from which it is worth choosing a specific option, making your choice taking into account the requirements of each product:

  • products containing anaerobic bacteria; it’s quite possible to add them completely closed chambers septic tanks, where rotting processes occur, all solid waste that must be constantly removed is gradually lowered to the bottom of the chamber, and the water itself is clarified and purified of contaminants; The disadvantage of this product is the release of methane, so it is used only in closed systems;

  • Aerobic bacteria in treatment products only work in the presence of sufficient oxygen and allow maximum purification of wastewater without methane and unpleasant odor, with the release of only heat and completely harmless carbon dioxide; they can be used in any open cesspool, the amount of solid sediment is absolutely minimal and does not require additional intervention;
  • so-called bioactivators, a composition that includes both types of bacteria and additional enzymes, making these drugs somewhat more expensive, but absolutely universal and suitable for any system; These products are used to accelerate the natural biological processes of decomposition, but at the same time they act not only on getting rid of organic waste, but also on the processes of processing paper, fabrics, fats and other materials.

Bioactivators are needed not only for cleaning sewage pits and other sewer systems, but even for cleaning ordinary sewer pipes, the network of which runs throughout the house. These products reduce existing mass by 80 percent solid waste and increase the permeability of pipes, eliminating the unpleasant odor and the danger of possible rotting of products in them.

It is also worth paying attention to the form of products offered for purchase, which can be:

  • liquid, the easiest to use, since these concentrated additives can simply be poured into a cesspool without additional manipulation;
  • powder, requiring dilution in liquid and some time for the entire mixture to infuse and activate;
  • capsule or tablet, most often used in industry, but also suitable for private use in full accordance with the instructions provided.

Rules for using selected funds

Biobacteria for cesspools are real living organisms, so to preserve them and maintain their “functionality” you need to follow some simple rules:

  • any living organisms require constant nutrition, and bacteria for toilets are no exception - a break in the use of sewers and the discharge of household organic waste into it should not be more than two weeks; otherwise, a new portion of active bacteria will have to be added to the cesspool;
  • you also need to choose household chemicals with special attention - detergents containing the same chlorine can, like medications, quickly destroy bacteria added to the pit;
  • The bacterial background in any environment is actively affected by any antiseptic or medical preparations; you should avoid getting them into the sewer system, otherwise even reuse septic tanks can be neutralized for a while;
  • Before adding bacteria, you should make sure that there is a layer of water (at least a couple of centimeters high), since all existing modern bacteria act only in a liquid environment.

Biobacteria, if used correctly, are quite long-lasting, but still, in order to maintain the active effect of the selected products, it is better to update their quantity in the private sewer system in accordance with the recommendations by adding a new portion of cleaners. Otherwise, there is a risk of reducing the efficiency of decomposition processes and reducing the unpleasant odor in the toilet.

Features of using cleaning products

Typically, manufacturers indicate directly on the packaging all recommendations for the use of their products, but there are several general rules, significantly facilitating the use of selected liquids or powders for cleaning:

Manufacturers of biological cleaning products great amount, on modern market It is worth choosing products based on their direct parameters - the number of species and concentration of bacteria in the composition, the amount of dry residue, the volumes of the selected product necessary for wastewater treatment and other characteristics of individual products. It is also worth remembering that the selected products can be combined with each other to achieve greater efficiency and used for different purposes: cleaning sewers, septic tanks and any sewer pipes.

Having your own comfortable home or cottage is the dream of many. However, not everyone thinks about the cost of comfort and coziness. For example, ensuring wastewater drainage. Most often, such buildings are not connected to a centralized sewerage system. They are equipped cesspool or various septic tanks. When such structures become dirty, they require cleaning, a labor-intensive and unpleasant task. Well-chosen modern remedy for cesspools significantly simplifies this procedure and makes it much less unpleasant. In addition, the sanitary facility will need to be cleaned much less frequently.

Possible methods of wastewater treatment

The regular cleaning required for each cesspool can be performed in several different labor-intensive ways:

  • Mechanical. The most common method. It involves pumping out sewage from a structure using a sewage disposal truck and then removing it.
  • Bacterial-enzymatic. It involves introducing specially grown microorganisms into the drains, crushing solid and liquid sewage and converting them into sludge and water. After such processing, the volume of wastewater is significantly reduced.
  • Chemical. Similar to the previous one, only in this case the sewage is decomposed and disinfected using special chemicals.

The choice is up to the owner. Let's talk in more detail about the bacterial-enzyme method of cleaning sanitary facilities.

How does the bacterial method work?

The main difference between this type of cleaning is that enzymes and live bacteria for cesspools act as sewage agents. They are part of drugs that are added to sewage.

Under the influence of microorganisms, sewage gradually decomposes into sludge and water that is safe for living organisms

Compositions intended for biological treatment are characterized by the following properties:

  • They transform human waste into a mass that is safe for the environment. The sludge obtained as a result of such processing is a fairly valuable organic-mineral fertilizer.
  • Prevents excessive gas formation and unpleasant odors.
  • Safe for humans and does not irritate the skin.
  • They do not interact with plastic, metal and other substances, and therefore do not destroy the walls of a cesspool or septic tank.
  • Effective only when positive values ambient air temperature. For most drugs, the operating temperature range is from 3 to 30°C. There are varieties for which the upper limit shifts to 45°C.
  • Sensitive to chlorine, aldehydes, phenols, strong alkalis and acids.

Biological agents are extremely effective, but it should be remembered that they are not compatible with chemical compounds and cannot be used in the cold season.

In what forms are biological products produced?

Preparations for biological treatment are produced in various forms depending on their composition, frequency and ease of use.

Option #1 - powder substances

They are a dry powder containing enzymes and microorganisms. The drugs are packaged in packages of various capacities, which is very convenient for use and transportation. Biopowders have some features:

  • The basis of the drug is artificially grown saprophytic anaerobic microorganisms found naturally.
  • They can be sold not only in powder form, but also in the form of small granules.
  • Bacteria in such compositions are in a “dormant” state. To activate them, it is necessary to dilute the composition with water in the proportions indicated on the packaging of the drug.

The use of the drug is extremely simple. For example, Sanex, a popular powder product for cesspools, is diluted with warm water, infused for about 20 minutes, and poured down the drain. Experts warn that using biopowders without following the instructions has no effect.

To activate the “dormant” bacteria in the dry powder, the product is diluted in certain proportions with warm water and only then poured into a cesspool or sewer.

Option #2 - liquid products

Biological products available in the form of liquids are highly concentrated formulations. These include the whole complex anaerobic microorganisms that can easily cope with various contaminants. They quickly decompose sewage into carbon dioxide and water.

home distinctive feature preparations - a small volume required to process a sufficiently large amount of sewage. On average, one liter of product is enough to process 2,000 liters of sewage. For the most efficient work the drug is added to the cesspool or sewer in the amount recommended by the manufacturer.

Option #3 - tablet drugs

A very convenient form of release of biological drugs. Does not require any further processing. Tablets are lowered into the cesspool in quantities depending on the volume of the structure. The drug destroys persistent sewer odor, dissolves most solids bottom sediments and cleans wastewater from suspended particles. In addition, the use of preparations of this type significantly reduces the need for work aimed at deepening the bottom of the structure.

In addition to these forms of release, you can also find self-dissolving bags and cassettes with colonies of microorganisms on sale. In any case, the drugs are based on anaerobic bacteria that live in an oxygen-free environment and do not require mechanical air tamponing.

Tablet preparations are very convenient and do not require any special preparation before use. You just need to carefully calculate their dosage, checking the instructions

There are drugs intended for autonomous biological treatment plants, which include aerobic microorganisms. These are very effective compositions, but they cannot be used for cesspools, since the bacteria that make them up require oxygen to function. Such conditions are provided for them inside specialized treatment stations; in a regular septic tank they will simply die.

Which brands are best to buy?

For those who regularly use chemicals to disinfect cesspools, it becomes clear that this is a very unsafe activity. Most of the chemical compounds used today have an extremely adverse effect on environment and people's health. Therefore, more and more often, owners autonomous sewers make a choice in favor of biological compounds. The most popular among them:

  • Bioactivator Sanex. Easily copes with organic fibers, paper, starches, fats and waste. It is a powder that must be diluted with water before use. In addition to its main functions, it significantly improves the condition of sewer pipes. The water obtained as a result of the drug is completely harmless to living organisms. It can be used for irrigation or discharged into natural bodies of water.
  • Dr. Robik. The product is intended for use in cesspools and septic tanks. The special composition of microorganisms makes it possible to cope not only with ordinary contaminants, but also with detergents, fats and phenols. For his effective use Simply pour the powder from the bag into the toilet and then run the water several times. One package is designed to process five cubic meters of sewage. If you are seriously dehydrated, you will have to add water and product to it at the rate of one packet per cubic meter of waste.
  • Micropan. The composition is successfully used as an antiseptic for small containers and cesspools. The product contains optimally selected enzymes and microorganisms that quickly process human waste and paper into a non-toxic mass. The product prevents unpleasant odors and reduces the amount of sewage, which makes it possible to pump out the container less frequently. Available in the form of tablets, liquid or granules.

There are no clear criteria for selecting biological drugs. All of them are effective, the main thing is to use them in strict accordance with the instructions.

Sanex is an effective and popular remedy for a cesspool. The effect of its use is shown in the diagram

Experts recommend that you always use tablets if you plan to use the sludge obtained after processing as a fertilizer. Otherwise, you can choose what seems most convenient. Biological drugs are absolutely safe and very effective. Their use makes it possible to easily and painlessly solve a rather complex “sewage” problem.

Owners of private houses and garden plots Every year you have to deal with such a problem as cleaning a toilet or septic tank. Most often they resort to the services of a vacuum cleaner, but currently there are more simple ways solutions to this problem. One option that is becoming increasingly popular is bacteria for septic tanks. They break down and convert waste into simple substances: water, carbon dioxide and minerals.

Why are bacteria needed?

Cesspools cause a lot of inconvenience, including flies and a very characteristic smell. In addition, periodically they fill up and need to be cleaned. This procedure does not evoke pleasant emotions in anyone.

Most often they call a vacuum cleaner. A little hassle: put a hose through which the machine sucks out the contents of the pit, and remove it after completing the procedure. However, for now the process is underway Not only the owner of the house, but also a huge number of neighbors have time to enjoy the cleaning aromas. In addition, a vacuum cleaner is a paid service, and the larger the family, the more often you have to call it and the more money it will cost.

In addition to pumping, disinfection of the toilet is necessary. Usually bleach is used. However, the use of this substance entails a number of environmental problems, for example, chemically treated soil takes a long time to recover. In addition, chlorine corrodes the walls of the pit or septic tank, as a result of which you will have to change the toilet or place it in another place. Moreover, the need for this procedure will arise quite often. Chlorine has a negative effect on the person himself, for example, it corrodes the skin on the hands, etc.

All these problems can be solved by bacteria for cesspools and septic tanks. They are harmless to the environment and destroy harmful microbes.

What are biobacteria and how do they work?

In laboratories, special microorganisms are artificially grown that help get rid of human waste. These bacteria are alive, they also live in nature, but in lower concentrations. Microbes are absolutely harmless to people and the environment. To ensure their vital functions, they need food, which consists of organic residues: feces, food debris, cleaning materials and others. vegetable waste, paper. Biobacteria cannot process artificially created materials, such as plastic. Microorganisms break down organic residues into simple substances: water and carbon dioxide. In some cases, a small amount of mineral residue may fall out. As a result, carbon dioxide evaporates, water is absorbed into the ground if the drug was used to clean a cesspool, or drained in the case of a septic tank. There may be some mineral sediment left at the bottom, which is often used as fertilizer. With a lack of nutrition, the colony of microorganisms dies.

Before you need to know how bacteria work for cesspools, septic tanks and toilets (cleaning). How to choose a product? Biologics work the same way. The package contains a colony of bacteria in a “dormant” state. In order for them to “wake up”, you need to prepare a solution in a special proportion. Each drug has its own recipe, because different microorganisms are found everywhere. Usually, drugs in dry form are diluted in large quantities of water; in some cases, it is necessary to immediately add organic matter. Liquid products are either poured into a septic tank or are also diluted according to a prescription. As a rule, some time must pass before the bacteria fully “wake up”. After this, the solution can be poured into the hole. After a couple of hours, the effect will appear: the level of impurities will decrease and the smell will decrease. Do not be alarmed if bubbles begin to appear on the surface: this is how carbon dioxide forms and evaporates.

Types of bacteria

There are 2 types of microorganisms:

  • Aerobic. They need oxygen to live.
  • Anaerobic. They don't need this substance. To ensure life, they need nitrates and carbon dioxide.

In everyday life, anaerobes or a combination of two types are most often used. Enterprises usually use preparations that contain both types of bacteria.

If the product contains both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms, then it is called a bioactivator. In such cases, enzymes are added to the drugs to speed up the breakdown of waste. In addition, the addition of catalysts improves the quality of bacteria.

Problems that biological products can solve

  • eliminate unpleasant odor;
  • disinfect the toilet;
  • liquefy waste and reduce its volume.

Positive aspects of using biobacteria

  • do not destroy or corrode the walls of the septic tank, pits;
  • harmless to people and the environment;
  • the waste generated as a result of processing can be used as fertilizer;
  • Regular use of biological products reduces the need for vacuum cleaner services.

How to choose an effective remedy

The modern market offers a large number of different drugs. Forms in which bacteria biological products are produced: liquid, powder, tablets, granules.

The release form does not affect the quality of the drugs, so everyone chooses what is convenient for them personally. However, it should be borne in mind that microorganisms “sleep” in dry form, and a number of special procedures will be required to “awaken” them. IN liquid mixtures they are active. However, the shelf life of solutions is usually much shorter than that of powders and tablets.

Now it is clear what bacteria are for cesspools, what types of remedies are available, and how they are useful. The next point to consider when choosing a drug is the type of toilet. Thus, summer residents should give preference to those biological products that contain microbes that can utilize not only human waste products, but also various organic residues. Bacteria will turn waste into good compost, which can be used on the site as fertilizer.

For septic tanks, it is better to buy products that contain microbes that turn solid waste into liquid. Thanks to this, the volume of sewage will be significantly reduced, therefore, pumping will not be required longer.

Bacteria for septic tanks. Reviews. Choosing the best product for cleaning the toilet

Before buying this or that product, you need to read the instructions. Particular attention should be paid to the following sections:

What products and bacteria for cesspools have received positive reviews? The most trusted by buyers are the biological product “Udachny”, the product “Doctor Robik”, the liquid “Wast Treat”, and the powder “Septifos”. People celebrate high efficiency These drugs are said to be that, in addition to their main task, they also destroy unpleasant odors.

  • If the biological product will be used for the first time, then you should pay attention to products labeled “start” or marked “for initial use.” Such mixtures contain substances that stimulate the development of the primary colony.
  • As a result of the activity of bacteria, water remains in the septic tank, which can be pumped out with a simple pump. However, it is advisable to use a filter to prevent the unit from becoming clogged with mineral deposits.
  • The resulting water is not suitable for drinking by people and animals, but it can be used to water the garden.
  • If for any reason the bacteria for cesspools and septic tanks stop working, then you should simply introduce a fresh portion of microorganisms. It is possible that the colony died due to unfavorable conditions.
  • When using washing or dishwasher You should buy special preparations that contain bacteria that are resistant to chemical influences.

How to use bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools so that they work effectively?

Since microorganisms are living beings, they will function normally if a number of conditions are met:

  • Temperature range: from +4 to +30°С. If the thermometer drops lower, the bacteria “hibernate.” When it gets warmer, they become more active. If the toilet is cold, then germs will not be able to function there normally in the winter.
  • Microorganisms constantly need food. If there is a lack of it, they die. If the toilet is rarely used, then additional portions of bacteria will need to be introduced periodically. If the toilet is used only in the summer (in gardens, for example), then every year it will be necessary to create a new colony of bacteria.
  • Another important condition to ensure the vital activity of microorganisms - a sufficient level of humidity. For normal operation, it is necessary that the water rises 2-3 cm above the level of solid waste. If it is not enough, then you should add a little liquid.
  • Bacteria do not process inorganic waste, so there is no point in throwing metal and plastic elements into the pit: they will remain there. Some substances, such as chlorine or manganese, can completely destroy a colony.
  • When preparing the drug, you must strictly follow the instructions, because if you do not follow necessary conditions microorganisms may not “wake up”.

In what cases can bacteria die?

Exposure to some substances can be fatal to a colony. It is undesirable for the following to fall into a septic tank or pit:

  • Substances containing chlorine.
  • Household chemicals.
  • Manganese.
  • Medications.
  • Antibacterial agents.
  • Filtration installations and their fragments.

If, after all, aggressive substances get into the pit, then you need to introduce fresh bacteria. This will renew or strengthen the colony.

The problem of cleaning cesspools and septic tanks is familiar to all owners of private houses, since this process must not only be effective, but also safe for humans and the environment. If earlier, to remove unpleasant sewer odors, the most effective means If there was bleach, today you can find live bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools on sale.

Specialized stores offer products from domestic and foreign manufacturers, which have different names and are slightly different in their composition. To understand how these products work and how they should be used, you should first understand what they are and in what types they are produced.

What are they and how do they work?

In order not to create inconvenience associated with “odors” and clouds of insects that fly to latrines following these odors, cesspools and septic tanks are periodically cleaned. However, even an unfilled pit is quite capable of emitting an unpleasant odor, which is difficult to get rid of. Disinfection with bleach does not give a long-term effect, but during its implementation the “aroma” of the sewage system mixes with the caustic, disgusting, cutting eyes, and, in addition, the smell of chlorine is dangerous for the respiratory system.

In addition, bleach kills microflora not only in the pit, but also in the soil into which it inevitably falls. As a result of its influence, the decomposition of sewage, which always occurs naturally, stops, and even weeds stop growing in the beds located close to the street toilet.

Therefore, preparations have been developed that help accelerate the decomposition of organic and some inorganic residues. Such compositions are obtained by deep cultivation of soil bacteria, from which those types of microorganisms were selected that are capable of processing human waste as quickly as possible.

Naturally, the resulting preparations do not include pathogenic bacteria, as well as those that emit methane during their vital activity.

Such biological products contain a starting dose of enzymes that help bacterial colonies undergo the necessary adaptation in the shortest possible time and then act more efficiently and quickly.

Once in a favorable environment and under the influence of enzymes, microorganisms multiply quickly, which speeds up their work. If the process of launching them into a cesspool or septic tank is carried out in the warm season, then the results of their activity can be observed within a few days. They consist of clarifying the liquid in the pit, significantly reducing the intensity of the unpleasant odor, and also reducing the volume of sewage. In some cases, waste processed by microorganisms is suitable as a fertilizer, since biological products do not harm the environment and are also safe for humans.

Types of biological products

There are three types of biological products, the main difference between which is the conditions necessary for their life, development and processing of organic matter. Thus, on sale you can find strains of anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms, as well as combined compounds called bioactivators.

Anaerobic microorganisms

For the high-quality functioning of anaerobic microbes, oxygen supply from the outside is not required. Therefore, such microorganisms are not particularly suitable for cesspools, but rather are intended to be added to closed chambers, in which they will contribute to the fastest possible decomposition of waste products.

As a result of the activity of bacteria, organic matter is broken down into insoluble solid waste, which sinks to the bottom of the septic tank, where the process of further decomposition continues, and the liquid is purified and clarified. When accumulating at the bottom large quantity sediment, it is removed using a sewage disposal machine (it cannot be used as a fertilizer), but water purified by bacteria, after appropriate settling and purification, is even used by some owners to water the garden.

The disadvantages of biological products containing anaerobic microorganisms include the following:

  • IN closed space In a septic tank, during the operation of some bacteria, a gas is released from the waste - methane, which in itself has a rather unpleasant odor.
  • When using this group of microorganisms, the wastewater is not completely purified, but only 65÷70%.
  • Mandatory periodic cleaning of the primary chamber of the septic tank using specialized equipment is required.
  • You cannot use recycled waste in full to fertilize the soil.

Aerobic microorganisms

For high-quality work of aerobic biological products, unlike anaerobic ones, oxygen is required, so they can be used both in septic tanks and cesspools. But, if this type of microorganisms is used to clean a closed septic tank, then it is necessary to install a special deep compressor (aerator) in it, which will enrich the liquid with oxygen.

In the first chamber of the septic tank, anaerobic microorganisms “work”, in the second - aerobic microorganisms, for which forced aeration is provided

How does a properly equipped septic tank work?

The design of this treatment plant and its volume must comply with certain requirements. More details about the necessary calculations, the variety of models and the rules can be found in a special publication on our portal.

In the process of their work, aerobic microorganisms usually emit carbon dioxide and slightly increase the temperature of their environment. Due to the fact that the product of waste processing by such bacteria is not methane, the unpleasant odor is almost completely eliminated.

This type of bacteriological composition is capable of maximally purifying the wastewater entering a septic tank or cesspool, leaving a minimal amount of solid sediment. The sludge that accumulates during wastewater treatment is also periodically removed from a pit or septic tank and, by the way, can be used as fertilizer - it is often dumped into compost pits or heaps.

Bioactivators usually consist of several varieties of microorganisms and enzymes. These drugs can be universal or have a narrow purpose.

For example, starting compositions of bioactivators are used to revive the work of microorganisms that were previously launched into a cesspool after a long break, for example, in a country house at the end of the winter period.

There are special drugs with enhanced action. They are used in cases where the system is heavily contaminated. These bioactivators are used for a limited time, and then you need to switch to standard formulations again.

Preparations for narrowly targeted use are intended to clean a septic tank or pit from certain types of contaminants, for example, soap sediment or large amounts of fat accumulated in the pipeline or on the walls of the container. Such biological products are also not used constantly, but as needed.

Properly selected complex compositions of microorganisms are much more active and show the ability to process not only soft organic waste, but also various fibrous structures, including paper.

Such complex biological products are the most resistant to detergents and other household chemicals, which are usually present in wastewater. These compositions are environmentally friendly, therefore safe for humans, the environment and the sewage system itself.

Bioactivators can reduce the volume of solid waste by up to 75÷80%. In addition, when correct use, they improve the permeability of sewer pipes, prevent silting of cesspools and septic tanks, and also neutralize pathogenic microbes.

Positive results of using bioactivators include the following:

  • The most rapid processes of decomposition of organic and inorganic compounds are ensured.
  • There is an almost complete elimination of unpleasant odors.
  • The volume of solid insoluble and non-decomposing sediment is significantly reduced.
  • Not only the septic tank is cleaned, but also the entire sewer pipeline.
  • The development of harmful pathogenic microbes is prevented.
  • It is possible to use these compounds in almost any sewer and treatment system.
  • A wide range of various narrowly targeted and universal bioactivators allows you to choose exactly the one that is most necessary in a particular case.

Conditions for the effective operation of biological products

An experiment demonstrating the effectiveness of bioactivators under favorable conditions: “A” - the initial state of waste, “B” - 12 hours after the start of bacterial activity

When filling sewage containers with biological products, it is very important to always keep in mind that they contain living microorganisms that can multiply and work effectively only in the right conditions created for them. Therefore, in order for them to start acting in the right direction, when releasing them into masses of waste, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules:

  • The waste collection must contain a nutrient medium for bacteria, that is, there must be a certain amount of liquid that exceeds the level of the settled mass containing solid fractions. Therefore, there is no point in putting biological products into a new or newly cleaned waste container.
  • The septic tank or pit must be regularly used, that is, replenished with liquid and waste. If the nutrient medium for bacteria is not enough, they will quickly lose activity and then die.
  • Toilet or laundry cleaners should not contain chlorine, as it is destructive to almost all living microorganisms.
  • Antibiotics should not be allowed to enter waste containers - they, like chlorine, can kill bacterial colonies.
  • Such compositions function actively at temperatures from +5 to +50 degrees. The lower the ambient temperature, the slower the waste decomposition process. IN winter period, at negative temperatures, microorganisms hibernate, but do not die, and with warming and the presence of a favorable “atmosphere”, biological products again enter the active phase.
  • Bacteria will not begin to act effectively if biological products are not prepared for this process. You cannot hope that by throwing the tablets or pouring the powder into a pit or septic tank, the job can be considered completed, and the composition will begin to fulfill its direct functions.

— In order for everything to proceed with guaranteed effectiveness, the biological product must first be diluted in clean, chlorine-free water. To do this, it is collected in a bucket and left for at least a day to settle.

- Then, the water needs to be poured into another clean container, since in the first one a sediment of substances harmful to bacteria may form at the bottom.

After this, the biological product is poured into the purified water. Additionally, it is recommended to add half a liter of kefir, which will become a preliminary feed for bacteria on initial stage their awakening from hibernation.

— The whole mixture is stirred and left to infuse for a couple of hours. And only after that can it be poured into a waste container.

— After pouring the solution into the sewer or directly into the septic tank, it is not recommended to use the latrine for 4–5 hours. Therefore, it is best to carry out this “refueling” process late in the evening, so that the microorganisms adapt and acquire the necessary activity overnight.

What should you consider when choosing a biological product?

Microorganisms must break down organic substances into simple components, such as water, carbon dioxide, solid sediment, etc. Therefore, the choice of bacterial species will directly depend on the conditions of their use. In any case, when purchasing a biological product, you must carefully study the instructions on its packaging and take into account some factors:

  • For septic tanks and cesspools, preparations of various compositions can be used.

So, for outdoor toilets, tablets or a dry mixture are used, the packaging of which contains an indication that it is intended specifically for cesspools. Waste processed by bacteria from such biological products does not pose any environmental threat to the environment.

Suitable for septic tanks are compositions that include live bacteria that can process not only organic waste, but also household chemical residues, and at the same time survive in sufficient conditions. aggressive environment.

  • The higher the concentration of microorganisms in the selected composition, the less often it will have to be added to the waste container.
  • Since the drugs are sold in packages of various packaging, it is necessary to select them correctly by weight for a certain volume of collected waste.
  • A bioactivator consisting of several types of microorganisms will work much more efficiently, processing different types waste that has entered the container.
  • It is recommended to choose biological products with a minimum amount of dry residue formed - this indicator (in percentage) is usually indicated on the packaging or in the instructions supplied with the composition. Following this recommendation will allow you to clean the septic tank much less frequently.

A brief overview of popular effective biological products for septic tanks

Specialized stores offer a considerable number of different complex and highly targeted biological products. Some of them, which have gained wide popularity and proven their effectiveness, will be discussed below.


The Ukrainian-made “Vodograi” bioactivator includes strains of living microorganisms that are in a dormant state. When the necessary conditions are created for their awakening, which are indicated on the packaging, the bacteria enter the active phase of life.

Biological preparations of the Vodogray brand

A similar biological product is intended for processing feces, paper, vegetable peelings and other waste that ends up in cesspools and septic tanks. It decomposes them into carbon dioxide, oxygen, water and sediment, which constitutes approximately 3-4% of the total volume of processed contents.

Waste processing products are environmentally friendly and are often used as fertilizers.

The bioactivator prevents the formation of large layers of sludge in the bottom of cesspools and septic tank chambers, which makes it possible to almost completely eliminate the need for specialized pumping equipment fecal matter. In addition, the action of this drug has a beneficial effect on the work drainage system, cleaning it from the inside from viscous layers that prevent the gradual penetration of water into the soil.

“Vodogray +” is a special composition with a higher concentration, aimed at intensive cleaning of pipelines from deposits on the walls and accumulated sediment, which often happens in siphon units or at bends. It also helps in eliminating unpleasant odors. It does not damage the internal surfaces of pipes at all when dissolving contaminants of organic origin accumulated on them.

Application of the drug:

  • The powder mixture is taken from the bag with a dry spoon and filled with settled, unfiltered water. room temperature. After leaving the solution for 20-25 minutes, it is poured into a waste container - a cesspool or into a septic tank, through a sink or toilet.
  • For bacteria to work actively, it is necessary to provide air access to the container, and for this, a small hole or slot is made in the sewer manhole cover, unless, of course, a special ventilation pipe was previously provided.
  • After pouring the drug into a septic tank or cesspool, it is necessary to prevent it from getting into it for 24 hours washing powder or other chemicals, otherwise bacteria may not take root in an aggressive environment. After this time, detergents You can use them freely and pour them down the drain in normal quantities.
  • The effect of the bacteria will be noticeable after about 14 days, and the first sign is usually the disappearance of the unpleasant odor. It is this period that is necessary for the reproduction and beginning of active work of microorganisms.
  • It will take two to four months to completely process the contents of the cesspool. To achieve the expected full effect, it is necessary to add a small amount of biological product to the pit every month - the required volume of monthly additions is specified in the instructions depending on the volume of the tank.
  • High bacterial activity is observed at temperatures from +4 to +40 degrees. This factor must also be taken into account when using biocompositions.
Video: use of bacterial bioactivator for septic tanks “Vodograi”


“Atmosbio” is a French-made bioactivator, which is made on the basis of enzymes and specially grown microorganisms. Suitable for all types of cesspools and septic tanks. Its composition actively and effectively decomposes feces, eliminates odor, dilutes the crust and bottom sediment formed on the surface, and also significantly reduces the volume of accumulated waste.

French-made bioactivator - “Atmosbio”

In addition, the drug, launched through the sink or toilet, simultaneously cleanses sewer pipes from plaque, which also increases the efficiency of the system and helps reduce the use of water for flushing waste.

Application of the drug:

  • Atmosbio can be placed into a waste container both in a dry and diluted state. If you pour the drug into the toilet or sink in dry form, you must rinse it off with 12–15 liters of water.
  • After filling the container with the composition, you must refrain from using it for 4-5 hours, and prevent chemicals from getting into it for 15-20 hours.
  • The Atmosbio package contains 24 packets of the drug. In a septic tank designed for a family of two or three people, one such package is added approximately once a week.

"Microzim Septi Treat"

"Microzyme Septi Treat" is a bioactivator produced in Russia, consisting of natural enzymes and living saprophytic microflora containing 12 strains of soil bacteria.

The drug processes waste, turning it into environmentally friendly pure fertilizer, which contains beneficial soil bacteria. In addition, this composition has the property of not only cleaning pipes from waste accumulations, but also tightening their walls with a film that prevents blockages.

Prices for the drug for septic tanks "Microzim Septi Treat"

Microzim Septi Treat

Application of the drug:

For containers with a volume of one or two cubic meters, it is necessary to add 250 grams of this bioactivator once a month until the pit is completely cleaned. Further, it will be possible to switch to 50–100 grams per month, and this will be quite enough to maintain the septic tank or pit in normal condition.

  • Do not allow the moisture in the container to dry out. If this starts to happen, you need to add a few buckets of water.
  • If a biological product is purchased to clean a country toilet, then when keeping the pit moist, only 300÷500 grams of it will be needed for one, and sometimes even two seasons.
  • If the pit has a volume of 3÷5 cubic meters, then a single dose per month should be 250÷500 grams until completely cleaned, and 125÷250 grams per month - to maintain the container clean.
  • For septic tanks, depending on their volume, the biological product will require from 3 to 6 kg per year.


"Sanex" - this drug, manufactured by a Polish manufacturer, can be called an achievement of biotechnology. The microorganisms that make up this product are capable of producing special enzymes that process organic fibers, fats, and, of course, human waste.

"Sanex" has a highly effective effect even on solid and fibrous organic matter

It is suitable for cleaning any type of sewage tanks, processes waste to neutral chemical composition and odor of the condition, and the sediment after their decomposition is only 3% of the total volume.

Prices for the drug "Sanex"

The manufacturer guarantees that one 100-gram package will be sufficient for a toilet used in a country house for a period of 14 months, and with the second package – for as much as 16 months.

To use this product to clean a septic tank with a volume of 1.5–2 cubic meters, which is constantly used by a family of 3–4 people, it is necessary to apply a triple monthly dose for the first time. Provided that one 100-gram package is enough for the above-mentioned volume of the septic tank for 3 months, then the initial triple dose will also be about 100 grams. Then, a month later, the same weight of the drug is added, but for three months.

"Doctor Robik"

Bioactivator "Doctor Robik"

This US patented drug is manufactured domestic producers. It contains several types of bacteria that are inert to chemicals and biological agents. It breaks down phenols, fats and various organic substances well. Within a month, the unpleasant smell of sewage is significantly reduced, and then the total volume of mass in the container decreases.

Some types of dry and liquid concentrated bioactivators from the Doctor Robik product line

Several types of this bioactivator are produced, which have a narrowly targeted effect. Their markings differ from each other by digital designation. For example, you can list some of them:

  • "Doctor Robik 57" - intended for heavily polluted sewer systems and overfilled cesspools.
  • "Doctor Robik 87" - this version of the biological product is designed to combat household chemicals entering the sewage system, and to protect microorganisms that decompose organic matter. It should be used in combination with one of the main formulations.
  • "Doctor Robik 106" is a bioactivator with enhanced action, containing 6 strains of bacteria. Such a drug is capable of processing hard-to-decompose waste that ends up in septic tanks and cesspools - paper, fats, detergents and even natural fabrics.
  • “Doctor Robik 109” - this composition is used for permanent use, after intensive cleaning of the container.

All biological products of this brand are environmentally friendly, so they are safe for humans and the environment.

In addition to the mixtures mentioned above, there are other biological products on sale that can make it easier to clean the sanitary areas of your home or cottage. In any case, when purchasing such products, it is necessary to first examine the cesspool or septic tank in order to determine which product will be the most optimal in terms of effectiveness and purpose. In any case, before purchasing, you must carefully study the packaging and instructions for use.

To sum up, we can conclude that by using such preparations, it is quite possible to achieve high-quality cleaning and breakdown of waste, getting rid of the unpleasant odor in the area, as well as reducing the costs of calling out special equipment. In addition, by choosing some of the biological compounds, you can even save on fertilizers for the soil in the garden. Periodically removing from the pit the sediment remaining after the work of microorganisms, it is placed in compost pit for ripening, and then distributed along with the entire compost mass throughout the site.

Biologically active substances or bioactivators are microorganisms that feed on natural waste, fats, paper, organic fibers, etc. Thus, bacteria help solve the cleaning problem country toilets, neutralizing unpleasant odors and processing wastewater. The preparations include a concentrate of specially grown bacteria, enzymes and enzymes. Each type of microorganism settles in the area most suitable for it to live.

Bioactivator for a toilet in the country - principle of operation

Despite the wide variety of modern disinfectants, their composition and method of use do not differ significantly. All bioactivators for country toilets contain bacterial strains that have proven themselves in terms of their beneficial qualities. Once in a favorable environment with a certain temperature, humidity and a set of organic substances, bacteria begin to actively multiply, releasing enzymes that speed up the process of processing household waste.

Advantages of cleaning a country toilet with the BioBak bioactivator:

  • avoiding damage to structures made of various materials;
  • liquefaction of sediment accumulating at the bottom of the system;
  • absence harmful influence on the environment and human health;
  • automatic disappearance of microorganisms after performing their functions;
  • reducing the frequency of pumping out the structure.

Before you buy bacteria for outdoor toilet to the dacha, you should decide what form of release: liquid or granular would be better suited for your situation. The poured or poured drug is effective if there is a sufficient level of water in the container. Only then will it be spent as efficiently and economically as possible. It is recommended to prevent toxic substances and medications from entering the bioactivator. In order to enhance microbial activity, the dose can be increased.

Bacteria for the toilet in the country

There are products based on either aerobic or anaerobic microorganisms. Biological products are characterized by a mixed composition of living bacteria. In fact, they function as vacuum cleaners that activate the natural purification of water.

Aerobic types engage in biochemical decomposition high degree, forming a small amount of solid sediment. During their activity, they emit heat and emit carbon dioxide without causing bad odors. Anaerobic bacteria for a country toilet do not require oxygen. They provide primary processing waste. Thanks to a combination of microorganisms, organic substances decompose and rot, and the sewage system is cleaned.

The combination of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria for a toilet in a country house allows you to free 98% of wastewater from sewage. However, their functionality is conditioned by stable use of the system. Temporary conservation will provoke the death of organisms.

Buying a bioactivator

Dear customers, you can buy the BioBak bioactivator in our online store. The catalog presents several types of our drugs. If you have any questions about the use of bacteria for country toilets, our consultants will be happy to advise on the products presented.

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  • purchase the necessary ones.