What to do with garlic in June. Garlic turns yellow in May-June: What to water and feed with? Fertilizing garlic plantings with yeast

In May - June, many gardeners complain that winter garlic the garden bed is turning yellow. Let's figure out why this undesirable phenomenon occurs and what to do in this case. Garlic begins to turn yellow at the tips of the leaves, and this is the first sign that something is wrong with the plant. It is important to take timely measures to help the garlic recover and form large, fragrant heads.

Why does garlic turn yellow in May - June?

The reasons may be the following:

  • winter garlic fell under severe frost, which often occurs in May - early June;
  • fungal disease on the bulb (easy to check - pull it out and inspect the bottom);
  • the plant lacks nutrients (most often garlic leaves turn yellow if there is not enough potassium and nitrogen);
  • insufficient watering (this often happens in June, when it is already warm enough);
  • the soil is too dense, poor oxygen flow to the roots (loosening is necessary);
  • pests - onion fly and secretive proboscis (they can be detected with the naked eye).

Have you decided on the reason? Then we urgently take action! 😉

What to do? Feed!

The most common causes of yellowing of garlic in practice are: recurrent frosts and lack of nutrients. The first thing you can do is feed the plants. Feeding will strengthen them, help them recover faster after frost, and replenish the supply of nutrients in the soil. Fertilizers for garlic can be applied in dry form, as well as by watering at the root or spraying the leaves with liquid solutions.

Dry feeding. The soil between the rows of garlic must first be loosened, then grooves cut just a couple of centimeters deep and granules of urea (urea) or complex mineral fertilizer with a high nitrogen content poured into it. Fertilizers are sprinkled with soil and the bed with garlic is thoroughly watered. It is impossible to do without watering here, since plants consume nutrients only in dissolved form. Finally, the bed can be mulched with compost to retain moisture.

Root feeding. Pour water into a bucket and dissolve in it 1 tablespoon of urea (heaped) or complex mineral fertilizer, for example, Fertiki Lux. The resulting solution is poured over the garlic using a watering can or ladle. Solution consumption: 10 liters per 1 square meter of planting.

Foliar feeding. Potassium sulfate (this microelement is also often lacking in garlic) or complex fertilizers are used to spray the leaves. The norm for preparing a solution of potassium sulfate: 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water. Complex fertilizers are dissolved according to the instructions on the package (for watering and spraying, as a rule, the dosages are different).


  • In May, garlic needs more nitrogen fertilizing, and in June - potassium-phosphorus fertilizing.
  • You can also water yellowed garlic using folk remedies: a solution of ammonia or wood ash (we will discuss them below). Ammonia is a source of nitrogen, and ash is a source of potassium and phosphorus. In addition, both substances reduce the acidity of the soil, which is very important for garlic.
  • It is important to regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds from the garlic bed. In dense, rough soil, garlic grows worse and turns yellow. And weeds create favorable conditions for the development of fungal diseases.

After frost The drugs “Epin” and “Zircon” help plants recover. And if the garlic has been noticeably damaged by return frosts, it is advisable to treat it with these means. And to prevent garlic leaves from freezing and, as a result, their yellowing, in early spring The bed should be covered with spandbond.

Garlic turns yellow, which means it’s sick!

If the lower leaves of the garlic are covered yellow spots- This is peronosporosis. Over time, the feather becomes slimy and falls off. You can also see mold on the underside of the leaf. A similar picture is observed not only in garlic, but also onions.

Treatment with the drugs “Quadris”, “Fitosporin”, “Trichodermin”, “Glyokladin” will save you from peronosporosis; they suppress the development of the fungus. Increase immunity and resistance various diseases Feeding also helps. Diseases often affect weak plants, but strong and well-groomed plants don’t care!

Another unpleasant disease that often affects garlic is rust. It appears in the form of rust-colored spots on the leaves, which then cover the entire plant. Treatment with fungicides “Oxyx”, “Ridomil”, “Bravo” helps.

The cause of poor health of garlic and yellowing of leaves can also be too acidic soil in the area. In acidic soil, the plant looks depressed, weakened, and grows poorly because the absorption of nutrients is impaired. You can deoxidize the soil with lime, dolomite flour or chalk in advance, and not immediately before planting. Since the plant is weakened in acidic soil, it is more susceptible to attacks by pests and diseases. That is why it is so important to pay attention to this parameter.

Folk remedies (what to pour on yellowed garlic)

In the arsenal of folk remedies for feeding garlic, ammonia and ash are more often used.

Ammonia - a source of nitrogen for plants. Onions and garlic are often watered with an aqueous solution of ammonia for the purpose of feeding, as well as increasing resistance to diseases and pests. The solution is prepared in the proportion of 2-3 tablespoons of ammonia per 10 liters of water. Watering garlic with ammonia is more relevant in May, since it is in the spring that garlic has a high need for nitrogen. And in June, potassium and phosphorus are needed. Ammonia is useful not only for garlic, but also for the soil. It reduces its acidity and improves its structure, which is very important, because one of the reasons why the tips of garlic leaves turn yellow is too acidic soil.

The most dangerous and common pests of onions and garlic, which can not only damage the leaves, but also destroy the entire crop, are onion fly and secretive proboscis. And here ammonia will help out again (the proportions are the same)! You need to water three times, with an interval of 10 days.

Ash- a source of potassium and phosphorus. To water the roots, dilute 1 glass of ash per 10 liters of water and leave for 1-2 hours, and for spraying prepare an extract in the proportion of 1/2 ash per 10 liters of water. If the soil is sufficiently moist and it rains regularly, the ash can simply be scattered on the ground and lightly covered with a ripper. Together with the rains, the fertilizer will penetrate to the roots.

Hydrogen peroxide Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of garlic and onion per 1 liter. Restores yellowed leaves after frostbite.

Fertilizing garlic in spring is important point in cultivation, experienced gardeners give special meaning this time, since the future harvest largely depends on the fertilizers received in spring period. Correct distribution and dosage help improve the quality of the grown products and increase the weight of the head by at least twice.

When should you start feeding garlic?

Spring and winter garlic need nutritional supplements equally. Feature of the fertilizer winter plantings is the introduction of substances in the fall, it is recommended to prepare the bed two weeks before planting and add useful microelements. At autumn planting Both mineral and organic fertilizers are good for garlic.

In spring, garlic plantings need additional nutrition. Winter plantings begin to be fed 1-2 weeks after the snow melts. Spring garlic is fertilized later, after waiting for the emergence of shoots and a slight regrowth of the green part. The feasibility of watering combined with the application of fertilizers is assessed individually by each summer resident, based on weather conditions in the growing area. Excess moisture is dangerous for garlic, but the vegetable does not grow well in dry soil.

The second feeding is carried out after the first, 14-15 days later; this condition applies to both types of plantings. In May-June, fertilizing garlic is mandatory if you want to grow large garlic bulbs. The third stage of saturation of plants with nutrients occurs at the initial time of formation of heads and removal of flower shoots.

In the photo - removing garlic arrows

Organic fertilizers - time-tested recipes

Organic feeding garlic is the main tool in any gardener’s garden plot; when cultivating vegetables in small plots, not everyone wants to resort to chemicals. Organic matter can be added to the beds without fear of nitrates accumulating in plants. Garlic loves fertilizers, let’s figure out which ones:

Mullein saturation can be produced throughout the entire growing season. Mullein contains a large amount of nitrogen, necessary for plants for increasing green mass. It is worth considering the varieties of mullein used at different times of the year. In the fall, only rotted manure is added to the garlic bed, embedded in the ground when digging; fresh excrement cannot be used (it is used only for autumn preparation ridges, planting on which will be carried out in the spring next year). To prepare a liquid solution, take a large container (barrel, large bucket), pour in manure, fill it with water in a ratio of 1:5, and close it with a lid. The contents are left to ferment for two weeks, periodically opening and stirring. The resulting ready-made mullein for use as a fertilizer for garlic is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 (a liter ladle per bucket of water), the plantings are watered at the rate of 8-10 liters per square meter of land. If there is no fresh manure on the farm, fertilizer can be purchased at garden store in liquid form in bottles (Radogor) or dry;

Chicken droppings not used for spring feeding of spring and winter garlic during the growth period; chicken excrement is applied to the soil in the fall, in advance of planting (200-250 grams/m² for digging).

Important!!! Use of bird droppings in fresh can burn and destroy plants. According to agronomists, garlic loses its taste when using chicken, and its keeping quality deteriorates.

Application of a liquid solution in the spring is possible in very small quantities, if there is an urgent need for plants;

In the photo - dusting garlic with wood ash

Use of wood ash saturates and enriches garlic with micronutrients and disinfects the soil. Potassium, calcium and magnesium included in the composition are good for plants when forming heads. In autumn, ash is added during planting, pouring a small amount onto the bottom of the rows, thus protecting the garlic cloves from putrefactive diseases. Ash is used in May and June - at the second stage of fertilization. It is poured in rows between the rows, the liquid solution (200 grams per 10 liters of water) is poured evenly under the plants. If the leaves turn yellow, you need to water the plantings with an ash solution or dust them; garlic loves this procedure;

Using salt solution(3 tbsp per bucket of water) accelerates the growth of garlic, fights yellowing and drying of leaves, plants are watered at the rate of 3 l/m². Land disinfection and planting material saline solution prevents the spread of stem nematodes and thread-like worms that overwinter in plant bulbs and soil;

Mineral fertilizers for garlic

On large plantations, when growing garlic for sale, farmers cannot do without mineral complexes. Minerals are also used by summer residents small areas, in some cases the application is more appropriate, and often organic additives (manure, chicken manure or ash) are difficult to obtain.

in the photo - fertilizing garlic

The first fertilizers for winter garlic are applied in early spring, spring garlic is fed after the leaves appear (5-7 cm long). Take 2 tsp. potassium chloride, diluted in a bucket of water. The prepared mixture is used to irrigate the beds in evening time before the main watering.

For the first feeding, urea, without adding other substances, is diluted in a bucket of water (one tablespoon). Nitroammofoska (60 g/10 l) is used in the second cycle of fertilization. Superphosphate extract (60 g/bucket of water) is used in the last stages of complementary feeding.

Fertilizer application rates must be calculated by each gardener independently, based on the content of useful microelements in the soil and the condition of the plants. Large doses of fertilizers do not always have a positive effect on the growth of garlic. Poor and meager soils require additional feeding with necessary minerals; well-fertilized and loose soils only need additional feeding during the growing season of vegetables.

Remember, garlic needs nitrogen precisely in the spring, when the green part is growing, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are introduced when the head is formed (but not a week before harvesting, but in accordance with the schedule). The condition of plants during the growing season is visible to the naked eye; yellowing of leaves in the spring may not always be caused by a lack of nutrients; putrefactive diseases and pests can also be a cause. Take care of the garlic beds in a timely manner, inspect the plantings, then a good, rich harvest will definitely grow!

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Garlic is grown everywhere by Russian gardeners; the crop is valued for its unpretentiousness and taste. Most often you can find winter garlic, which is planted in the fall after harvesting, just before frost. Garlic cloves sit in the ground for almost a year before they turn into full-fledged bulbs with large cloves. If there is not enough nutrition in the ground or the vegetable is planted at the wrong time, big harvest There's no point in hoping.

After winter, to stimulate growth and development, garlic needs a boost in the form of fertilizing. Without nutrition, a plant can provide a gardener with a harvest that is not at all what he expects. Mineral and organic fertilizers are given taking into account the characteristics of its development. Before all fertilizing, in early spring, carefully loosen and pour a solution of iodine (40 drops or 1/2 tsp per 10 liters of water) into the garlic bed, which enriches the soil, stimulates plants to develop, serves as a preventive measure against late blight, gray rot, powdery mildew.

To get large bulbs the size of a fist, you need:

  • in the fall, when planting garlic cloves, you need to add a handful of humus or compost to the holes;
  • feed garlic in the spring, planted before winter;
  • carry out 2 more feedings;
  • mulch with old sawdust, leaf or pine litter;
  • At the end of June, remove the arrows, the height of which reaches 10-15 cm, thereby directing nutrition to the bulb.


Several arrows are left on the plants to determine the time of harvesting the bulbs. As soon as the shell on the peduncle bursts, it’s time to dig up the heads. In addition, bulblets from the arrow are planted in the ground for renewal seed material.


Fertilizing garlic in spring and summer to achieve high yields is carried out according to a special scheme, deviation from which leads to loss of yield or deterioration in the keeping quality of the bulbs during winter storage. Since after the winter awakening, intensive growth of the above-ground part of garlic begins, and only then does the growth of the bulb begin, so the first two spring feedings are done with fertilizers containing nitrogen, they are needed for the growth of the leaf and stem mass. The first feeding is carried out as soon as the garlic emerges from the ground in spring, the second is carried out during the period when the garlic grows from 4 to 6 leaves. In addition, these procedures are carried out for prevention so that the garlic does not turn yellow. The first, then the second application is performed:

  1. Diluted 10 times with infused slurry.
  2. Ammonium nitrate or urea (urea).
  3. An ammonia solution prepared from 1 tablespoon of ammonia and 10 liters of water, which, along with positive effects on plants, has a detrimental effect on harmful microflora. The nitrogen in ammonia is in an easily digestible form and is quickly absorbed by roots and foliage. The solution cannot be stored; it is used immediately after preparation, since ammonia easily evaporates. It is after such fertilizing that the plant becomes strong and saturated. green foliage.
  4. Nitrophoska, which contains almost the same amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. When feeding with such a complex fertilizer, garlic immediately receives all the macroelements necessary for both the growth of the above-ground part and the head. For 10 liters of water use 20 g of fertilizer.

It is worth making a reservation about the use of urea and carbamide. At temperature conditions no higher than 14 degrees Celsius and when night temperatures drop below zero, ammonium nitrate is used for the first feeding. It is well absorbed by garlic in cool weather, unlike urea, which is absorbed better the higher it is. temperature regime.

Founders natural farming For these purposes, an ash solution is used. Add 200 g of ash to a bucket of water and leave for 2 hours. Since the roots of garlic lie at a depth of about 7-10 cm, grooves are made with a hoe near the row with the plant so that the nutrient solution is supplied directly to the roots and is not wasted. After spilling, the groove is covered with earth. In addition to nutrition, ash also disinfects the soil. It is worth remembering that the use of ash in areas with a soil pH greater than 7 entails complicating the absorption of certain nutrients (iron) by plants.


Gardeners need to be aware of the fact that adding nitrogen during the second feeding will lead to poor shelf life of the bulbs during winter storage.

Causes of yellowing garlic

There are several reasons for yellowing foliage. Some of them can be easily corrected by simply feeding the plants. Garlic leaves turn yellow:

  • due to lack of nitrogen in the diet;
  • due to lack of phosphorus or potassium;
  • lack of watering;
  • acid rain;
  • acidic soil;
  • for shallow planting;
  • infertile soil;
  • when leaves freeze;
  • due to the occurrence of various putrefactive diseases;
  • when attacked by pests.

If there is a lack of minerals, the leaves freeze, the garlic is fed with fertilizers to improve soil fertility, the rows are filled with rotted manure or compost, and in case of drought, they are spilled with water. The acidic pH of the soil is raised by adding ash or dolomite flour. When planting shallowly, garlic is lightly hilled. A putrid odor, plaque on the leaves, and the presence of larvae on the leaves indicate the presence of diseases. They are controlled with insecticides and fungicides. Chlorosis is treated with iron sulfate by repeatedly watering the plant and the soil underneath it with a weak solution of ferrous sulfate (0.01-0.05%) until the color is restored.

Folk preventive measures and disease and pest control

Application chemicals in the fight against fungal diseases it has a good effect, but is harmful environment. Therefore, many gardeners prefer traditional methods protection against diseases:

  1. Before planting the slices, the area is spilled with a saturated hot solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. The bed with planting cloves in winter should be under a thick coat of snow.
  3. Throughout the summer, the row spacing is dusted with tobacco dust or ash.
  4. Combine planting with carrots. The smell of carrots repels onion flies.
  5. Spray with a concentrated salt solution (200 g dissolved in 10 liters of water)

Foliar feeding

Foliar feeding is carried out between the main feedings. After the first supply of nitrogen to the plant roots, garlic can be treated with growth stimulants immunocytophyte (1 tablet is dissolved in large quantities water and diluted with 1.5 liters of water.), epin, zircon or succinic acid. The prepared solutions are poured into a hand sprayer and the plants are treated. If the foliage turns yellow, pour 15 ml of ammonia into 10 liters of water and add adhesive ( liquid soap) and spray the garlic on the leaves. To prevent diseases, garlic foliage is treated with a pink solution of potassium permanganate from a spray bottle once a season. Wood ash is used to dust leaves and the space between plants as fertilizer and to repel pests.

Gardener mistakes

Among the most common mistakes that gardeners make when growing vegetables are:

  • planting cloves in infertile soil without adding nutrition;
  • lack of fertilizing in spring;
  • incorrect dosage of fertilizers;
  • planted in the same bed for several years in a row;
  • fertilizing with nitrogen in the second half of summer;
  • the presence of arrows on plants until the heads are harvested;
  • belated digging, as a result of which the head breaks up into individual cloves and the shelf life is reduced;
  • use when digging soil for garlic fresh mullein or kuryak.

Using the right approach For autumn planting, by rejecting low-quality seed, adding organic matter to the holes, and also following the spring-summer feeding schedule for garlic, experienced gardeners grow heads the size of a fist. If we add to this the correct crop rotation and periodic change of seed, then everyone, even a beginner, will be able to grow a decent harvest.

Garlic is important vegetable crop, which has medicinal and spicy properties. Growing a bountiful harvest is not easy, as it is demanding on soil composition and care. Not everyone knows how to feed garlic in order to get large bulbs at minimal cost. Experienced gardeners It is advised to resort to some tricks that help in growing a rich garlic crop.

Planting garlic on a plot is beneficial as it improves soil characteristics. Bulb culture contains many effective volatile compounds:

The culture helps protect the area from diseases, pests and improves the composition of the soil.

The gardener must know how to feed garlic in order to get large heads. To obtain vigorous and juicy garlic cloves of significant size, timely nutrition of plants is recommended. Feeding is allowed both with special fertilizers and effective folk remedies. The use of proper fertilizer application is the key to increasing productivity.

In addition to feeding, it is necessary proper care and timely boarding open ground. It is recommended to plant the crop at certain periods - in autumn or spring. Garlic needs watering and loosening, which helps saturate the root system with oxygen and nutrients.

It is very important to remove arrows in a timely manner. They are agents of sexual reproduction of the crop, which take a significant part of the nutrients from the plant. They should be removed correctly; it is advisable to do this at the stage of milk ripeness using a knife or scissors.

Why consider garlic precursors?

This representative of the Bulbous family is demanding of a certain soil composition. It can be created by certain crops that are recommended to be used as predecessors:

  • peas and legumes;
  • some cereals;
  • different types cabbage;
  • early potato varieties;
  • green siderates.

It is important not only to fertilize garlic correctly, but also to choose for it correct area for landing. Green green manures contribute to:

  • increasing soil fertility;
  • creating a powerful drainage layer;
  • improving the moisture permeability of the soil horizon.

The best green manures for garlic are white mustard and phacelia. Pre-sowing areas with them allows you to saturate the soil with phytoncides with esters, which kill stem nematodes - the main garlic pests.

As a result, the garlic grows large and does not rot for a long time.

Crop rotation rules require the use of green manure plants in the autumn in order to spring planting the plowed green mass had time to decompose and saturate the soil with phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen compounds.

Preparing beds for garlic

Having decided on the choice of site for the beds, it is recommended to carry out a little preparation before use. Before planting, you should apply fertilizer for garlic of mineral origin:

  • double superphosphate;
  • dolomite flour;
  • wood ash.

The use of fresh manure before planting this crop is not recommended, since the nitrates it contains can stop the growth of the underground part of the plants. Instead, it is advisable to add at least a bucket of compost to each square meter of beds. Then dig up the soil with a shovel full and start forming the beds.

Feeding time

Fertilizing garlic in the spring should be carried out in strict compliance with the timing and norms of fertilizer application. Thus, the seed material will be placed in enriched soil, which will guarantee the active growth of the plant. In the fall, it is worth applying fertilizers to promote the activation of growth processes in the spring.

As soon as the snow melts, the first spring feeding of both spring and winter garlic is carried out. At stable positive daytime temperatures, the emerging shoots should be covered with wood ash or watered with an ammonia solution.

The latter is prepared by mixing 25 mm of ammonia with 10 liters of water.

15 days after the first feeding should be repeated. It is allowed to use both a previously used product and a different nutritional composition. Garlic summer feeding helps replenish the supply nutritional components in the ground, necessary for healthy growth of heads.

The third feeding is carried out in the second or last ten days of June. The signal for its beginning is the formation of arrows. If necessary, add additional bait.

Fertilizing garlic

In spring you can feed garlic:

  • wood ash;
  • rotted mullein;
  • combined fertilizers;
  • potassium salts;
  • urea and its salts;
  • simple and double superphosphates.

It is important to adhere to the dosage and amount of fertilizing. Fertilizing winter garlic begins earlier, since in spring the plants experience a deficiency of nutrients. For spring crops, fertilizing is required at the four-leaf stage.

Both winter and spring varieties require mandatory, timely nutrition, as this contributes not only to the activation of growth processes, but also to increased resistance to diseases.

Mineral supplements for garlic

It is recommended to use superphosphate or potassium sulfate as a mineral feed. It is advisable to apply them after preliminary dissolution in water, since the liquid form is absorbed more quickly by the root system. For 10 liters of water, take half a tablespoon of potassium sulfate or a tablespoon of superphosphate. The resulting solution is sprayed over an area of ​​one square meter.

For garlic, urea is effective during the growth period of the heads. For a 10-liter bucket of water - no more than one tablespoon. One bucket can water at least five square meters area. For good harvest fed plants should be periodically loosened, especially if the soil is excessively moist. Urea or carbamide should be fed to plants in the spring, when they especially need support after a long winter.

Nitroammofoska or nitrophoska can also be used in spring, since they simultaneously contain all the microelements necessary for growth: potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. Adding them in dissolved form to the ground (no more than two tablespoons per 10 liters of water) helps accelerate the growth of the bulbs. It is recommended to observe the dosage of minerals, since an increased amount leads to early rotting of the heads during storage.

Organic fertilizers

How to feed garlic plants to form an abundant above-ground part that promotes the growth of bulbs - experienced gardeners recommend organic matter in the form of chicken droppings and slurry.

Spring feeding garlic is carried out with chicken manure, previously diluted in water in a ratio of one part organic matter to 15 parts water. You should not water the green mass with the product, as this can cause characteristic burns.

Liquid mullein (slurry) is used in dissolved form at the following concentration: one part mullein to ten parts water. Watering of plants with the resulting product is carried out close to the root system, but without getting on sheet plates.

Folk remedies

Among homemade garlic head growth stimulants, the most popular are wood ash and yeast mass. For garlic, ash is a generous source of potassium, which is essential for clove growth. Take at least 2 kg of ash per 10-liter bucket and mix it. It is recommended to water the seedlings with the resulting product, trying to get the root area as deep as possible.

With the help of yeast, the lack of nitrogen in the soil is replenished, and a powerful root system. Yeast feeding is done in dissolved form: a stick weighing 100 g is dissolved in 10 liters of warm water. The resulting mass is removed to infuse for a day, after which it must be filtered.

At least five tablespoons grated chopped laundry soap dropped into a bucket of hot water and stir until a homogeneous solution is obtained. Leave for several hours to cool, after which at least 25 ml of ammonia solution (ammonia) is added. The resulting product is used to water the plants during the growing season.

Features of foliar feeding

Foliar feeding of garlic is carried out by spraying special fertilizers on the surface of the stems and leaves. As a result, vegetative feathers grow more intensively and nutrients are absorbed faster.

Methods used foliar feeding effective in the evening or in cloudy weather. The technology complements traditional types feeding, but not a replacement.

Garlic has a unique taste and smell, which is why it is loved all over the world. Most gardeners consider it unpretentious plant, requiring only watering and weeding with loosening, and do not even think about the question of how to feed the garlic. This is partly true; with such care you can get a harvest. However, when proper agricultural technology You can collect many times more garlic, and the taste will be better.

Garlic cloves are a storehouse of microelements and vitamins. But this is true when, during the process of growth and development, the plant receives all the necessary nutrition.

Therefore, fertilizing for garlic is necessary. There are many ways to feed it; this can be done with mineral or organic substances, as well as all kinds of folk remedies.

Mineral fertilizers

If cultivation occurs on poor soils, then mineral fertilizers for garlic are simply necessary. Like any other culture for normal height it requires nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and many other minerals and trace elements.

  • Urea is traditionally used as a source of nitrogen in large quantities. This fertilizer is especially necessary for garlic in early spring, during the period of green growth. For 10 liters of water take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of urea, stir well and use at the rate of 3 liters of liquid per 1 m2.
  • Ammonium nitrate is also rich in nitrogen. Use a solution prepared from 15 g of the substance and 10 liters of water. The consumption is also 3 liters of solution per 1 m2. It is recommended to feed garlic with ammonium nitrate twice in the spring, with an interval of 3 weeks.

  • Superphosphate, as a source of phosphorus, is necessary for garlic for the process of photosynthesis and the accumulation of nutrients in the bulb. As a result, the garlic heads will be large, juicy and will keep well in winter. Dissolve 2 tbsp in a ten-liter bucket. spoons of superphosphate, this solution is enough for a bed of 2 m2.
  • Nitroammofoska is a source of sulfur, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, and in fact can replace the spring application of superphosphate and repeated fertilizing with nitrogen. To dilute, take 10 liters of water and dissolve 2 tbsp in it. spoons of nitroammophoska. For foliar treatment, the concentration of the solution is made half as much, that is, 1 tbsp is enough for a ten-liter bucket. spoons of fertilizer.

Organic fertilizers and folk remedies

Many gardeners are afraid of chemistry, preferring all kinds of natural substances to it. And indeed, the methods of feeding garlic that our grandparents used are bringing results.

  • Manure is a source of nitrogen necessary for the development of young shoots. However, experts do not advise abusing it, especially chicken droppings, since it can cause the formation of chemical burns on the bulbs. You can fertilize the ground for garlic in the fall if it is planted in the spring. During this time, the manure will have time to rot and will not be so aggressive. It is a good idea to feed the plants with mullein infusion, which is prepared from manure and water in a ratio of 1:7. It should be applied strictly at the root in the spring, under no circumstances getting it on young leaves.
  • Compost is traditionally used to improve soil fertility. Garlic develops especially well when added to compost made from food waste. Sprinkle it either over the entire surface of the bed before digging, or into the rows prepared for planting the cloves.

  • Garlic ash is a source of potassium and phosphorus, and contains virtually no nitrogen. It is useful at all stages of its growing season, so it is recommended to feed garlic with it 3-4 times per season. You can apply ash using the dry method, scattering it between the rows or when preparing the beds at the rate of 0.5 liters of dry ash per 1 m2. You can prepare an ash solution from 0.5 liters of ash and 10 liters of water, leave it for a day and water the plantings at the root. Some gardeners dust garlic shoots with ash, which also protects plants from diseases and pests.
  • Fertilizing garlic ammonia An excellent way to add nitrogen without the risk of overfeeding, which leads to the accumulation of nitrates in the heads. You can water the soil with ammonia solution before planting the cloves, which is prepared from 50 ml of ammonia and a bucket of water. Garlic responds well to foliar treatment ammonia; to do this, dissolve 25 ml of ammonia in 10 liters of water and spray the feathers. This is done not only to ensure that the heads are large and contain many cloves, but also to combat certain pests, for example, onion flies, weevils, and aphids.
  • It is a good idea to fertilize garlic with yeast, as they contain the amino acids necessary to build the endurance of the crop. For cooking nutrient solution take 200 g of raw yeast and dissolve it in 1 liter of water (it is better to take a much larger container), leave for a day, and then dilute it, bringing the volume to 10 liters. It is very useful to feed garlic with this composition in the spring, planted before winter to activate the immune system.

Feeding scheme for winter and spring garlic

Winter garlic is the name given to garlic, which is planted in the fall before frost. Before winter, it manages to take root well, but does not produce green shoots, which allows it to withstand the cold well. But in the spring it begins to grow very early, and accordingly, the harvest can be obtained earlier than the spring one.

At the time of planting, winter garlic does not require significant nutrition. However, you need to take care of the soil fertility, and for this, when preparing the beds, it is advisable to add humus. It is advisable to fertilize winter garlic in the spring immediately after the snow melts. In just one season, if there are no signs of deficiency of any microelement on the leaves, you need to feed it 3 times:

  • The first is aimed at activating vitality and stimulating the growth of greenery. Fertilizing garlic in the spring is carried out after the soil is naturally cleared of snow cover at stable positive air temperatures during the day. It is very important that during this period the garlic receives required amount nitrogen. You can feed it in early spring using mineral nitrogen fertilizers or a manure solution.
  • The second one is carried out 2-3 weeks after the first one and has a similar goal. It is needed to replenish the reserves of microelements in the soil, since in the spring there are often heavy rains that wash them out of the soil. In addition, weeds also begin to develop, which, together with garlic, draw beneficial microelements from the soil. In addition to nitrogen, it is important to add phosphorus to the soil during the second fertilization, since these two elements are important for photosynthesis. From mineral fertilizers It is worth giving preference during this period to nitroammophoska. An alternative to it is mullein infusion.
  • The third is needed to provide the crop with substances that promote the proper formation and development of the bulb so that the garlic grows large. It is usually carried out in the third ten days of June. It is during this period that it is important for garlic to receive sufficient amounts of phosphorus, so it needs to be fed with superphosphate or mixtures based on it. For example, it’s a good idea to dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate and 200 g of ash per 10 liters of water.

There are times when these feedings are not enough and yellowness, pallor, dots, etc. appear on the leaves. Then you need to once again feed the garlic with the microelement that is missing:

  • Premature drying of the feather tips may indicate an insufficient supply of nitrogen; in this case, it is best to feed the garlic with ammonium nitrate.
  • General yellowing of leaves may indicate increased acidity soil, it is advisable to check this with a universal indicator. Dolomite flour or crushed limestone sprinkled between rows will help reduce acidity.
  • If the leaves turn pale green, this is a signal of potassium deficiency. You can save the situation with wood ash.
  • Slow growth in sufficient light indicates that the plant does not have enough nutrition. You need to feed garlic with mineral or organic nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Spring and winter garlic require the same nutrients. You also need to feed the spring crop three times, preferably using the same fertilizers. The difference lies in their timing. Since spring garlic is just being planted after winter and snow melting, there is no reason to feed it right away. The first feeding should be done after 2-3 leaves emerge from the ground. Fertilizers are applied to garlic for the second time in May, approximately 18-20 days after the first. And the third is carried out in June - July, when the heads become the size of a walnut.

Basic rules for applying root fertilizers

Despite the fact that fertilizers can differ dramatically in both composition and concentration of substances, there are general points, observing which minimizes the possibility of harming young, immature shoots.

  • Liquid nutrition is applied at the root, avoiding contact with the stem and leaves, which may cause burns. It is convenient to fertilize with solutions from a watering can with a narrow spout.
  • Nutrients in dry form are carefully distributed between the rows of the bed, also trying not to get on the above-ground part of the plant. After this, the plantings need to be watered abundantly.
  • Applying liquid fertilizers at the root does not require preliminary watering of the soil, since garlic does not like excessive soil moisture.
  • Working solutions must be at ambient temperature. Liquids that are too hot or cold can cause plants to go into shock.
  • Solutions cannot be used later than 24 hours after preparation. This is due to the fact that under the influence of temperature, ultraviolet radiation and oxygen, chemical transformations of substances can occur in them.
  • Experienced gardeners do not recommend giving preference only to mineral substances, or, on the contrary, only organic fertilizers. It is optimal for plants to alternate these two types of nutrition.

Features of foliar feeding

Like any other crop, garlic responds well to spraying green shoots. And due to the fact that it does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil, during the rainy season this method of feeding garlic is the only way to provide it with nutrients. However, it is important to remember a few rules.