What to do if a cypress tree in a pot has dried up. Cypress indoor care at home

Plant cypress (lat. Cupressus) belongs to the genus of evergreen shrubs and trees of the Cypress family with a spreading or pyramidal crown shape. The genus is so ancient that perfectly preserved remains of its representatives are found in strata of the Tertiary period. Today, according to various sources of information, the genus numbers from 14 to 25 species. Some researchers consider the Mediterranean to be the birthplace of cypress, others claim that these plants have long been found in the tropics and subtropics North America– in California, for example, and in Europe, cypress was brought from there. But the legend about Cypress, a slender young man who killed the horse of the god Apollo and for this was turned into a tree, dates back to the ancient Greek epic, which confirms the version of the Mediterranean origin of cypress. In nature, the cypress tree reaches twenty-five to thirty meters in height, but cypress grown at home is different small in size, since it was derived exactly as indoor cypress- potted or tub plant.

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Planting and caring for cypress (in brief)

  • Bloom: decorative foliage plant.
  • Lighting: in the morning - bright diffused light, in the afternoon - partial shade (eastern and northern window sills).
  • Temperature: 20-24 ˚C in summer and 5-15 ˚C in winter.
  • Watering: regular, moderate in summer, scanty (once a week) in winter.
  • Air humidity: usual for residential premises.
  • Feeding: in the spring-summer period - once a month mineral fertilizers at a concentration twice as weak as recommended.
  • Transfer: once every two years in April or May.
  • Reproduction: seeds and cuttings.
  • Pests: scale insects, false scale insects and spider mites.
  • Diseases: due to improper maintenance and care, the needles turn yellow and dull, the branches dry out, and sometimes root rot develops.

Read more about growing cypress below.

Home cypress - description

Decorative cypress, that is, cypress grown in a pot, differs from a tree or bush growing in nature, for example, in our Crimea, only in smaller size. The same shape, the same soft shoots, covered on all sides with scale-like leaves shaped like an elongated diamond. The color of the leaves is dark green with a bluish tint. The fruit is an ovoid cone with shield-shaped scales, under which cypress seeds are hidden. Sometimes the home cypress (Cupressus) is confused with the similar cypress tree (Chamaecyparis), which has light green needles, but this does not harm either plant, since caring for the home cypress and the similar cypress tree is approximately the same. It is worth warning, however, those who want to grow cypress in their home that it is capricious and demanding.

Caring for cypress at home

How to care for cypress

Caring for cypress first of all means, as far as possible, recreating conditions close to natural. Cypress is a southern plant, so it needs good lighting - bright diffused light is best for it, but with shading in the midday hours. Eastern or northern window sills - the best place for cypress. In nature, cypress trees grow in full sun, but only mature plants can withstand it, while young plants hide in the shade big trees, and this saves him from the scorching sun rays.

A comfortable temperature for cypress in summer is about 20 ºC and above, and cypress needs to spend the warm season in the fresh air - at least on the balcony. Outdoor plants They do not tolerate mustiness and stagnant air, therefore, if it is not possible to take the cypress tree out into the yard or onto the balcony, provide fresh air access to the room where the plant is located. If the summer is hot, you will have to spray the cypress up to three times a day. It would be a good idea to give him a shower from time to time and keep him on a tray with wet pebbles or moss.

As the shoots grow, the cypress is pruned to give it the desired shape. Trimming in progress in early spring, before the start of active growing season.

How to care for home cypress winter time? In winter, it is necessary to keep cypress in a cool room at a temperature no higher than 15 ºC, but it is better at 8-10 ºC. To grow cypress, it is very important to observe the signs of seasonality: it should be warm in the summer, cool in the winter. Therefore, wintering on the windowsill, under which there is heating radiator, can destroy the plant. Find a place for the cypress on an insulated balcony or loggia, and if you are afraid of the roots freezing, insulate the flowerpot by wrapping it in rags or covering it with polystyrene foam.

How to water a cypress

From spring to autumn, cypress is watered abundantly; in winter, watering is reduced to moderate: the plant reacts painfully to both waterlogged soil and insufficient moisture, so with regard to watering it is best to follow this scheme: the warmer the room, the more often you need to water. For example, if the room temperature is +8 ºC, you need to moisten the soil once every 10 days, but if the room is warmer, +12-14 ºC, watering is carried out once every 5-7 days.

How to fertilize cypress

During the active growing season - from May to August - cypress is fed monthly with liquid mineral fertilizer to indoor plants, in winter, fertilizing is carried out once every month and a half.

Cypress transplant

Young plants are replanted annually in the spring, in April or May; older cypresses are replanted less frequently, as needed. Since the root system of cypress trees does not tolerate any interference, much less disturbance of the earthen coma, replanting is carried out using the transshipment method: in other words, only the soil that is shaken off from the roots of the plant removed from the old pot is replaced. The composition of the soil for cypress is approximately this: one part each of sand, peat and turf soil and two parts leaf soil. At the bottom of the pot, you first need to place a layer of drainage material a few centimeters deep, then a layer of fresh soil, on which the cypress root ball is installed, and then enough soil is added to the pot so that the pot is filled, but so that the root collar of the cypress remains above the ground.

Indoor cypress - propagation

Growing cypress from seeds

How to grow cypress from seeds? Before planting, cypress seeds purchased in a store or collected must undergo stratification (cold treatment), for which they are kept in the refrigerator for 3-4 months. Before sowing, cypress seeds are soaked for 12 hours in warm water, or better yet, in a solution of root or epin. Then they are planted according to a 4x4 pattern in boxes with a mixture for coniferous plants, under which a two-centimeter layer of crushed bark is first laid as drainage. Instead of soil mixture, you can use sand or sawdust to germinate seeds, but as soon as the seedlings appear, they will still have to be replanted in the soil. The box with the seeds should be kept warm and slightly damp, but at best only half of the seeds will germinate. When the seedlings reach 5-6 cm in height, plant the bushes in separate pots, trying not to bury the neck of the seedling in the ground, and care for them as described above: water, be sure to spray, feed, provide them with a bright place to grow and normal development. Over the course of a year, the bushes will grow to 20-25 cm.

Cypress propagation by cuttings

You can grow cypress not only from seeds, but also from apical or semi-lignified cuttings obtained by pruning the plant. Select those of the segments that have a “heel”, remove the lower leaves from them, place them, like a bouquet, in a root solution for about one day, and then, having washed and powdered the cuts with crushed coal, plant the cuttings in a soil mixture for coniferous plants, deepening at 1/3 height. Now soak the soil well with moisture and cover each cutting with a three-liter glass jar. 2-3 times a week the jar will need to be removed for an hour or two to allow the cuttings to breathe. After a couple of months, the cuttings will take root.

Pests and diseases of cypress

Insect pests

Of the pests, cypress is most often annoyed by scale insects or false scale insects, sucking the juice of the leaves, and spider mites, which arise due to dry air in the room. Both insects will die after spraying with Actellik solution (1-2 ml of the drug per liter of water). If the symptoms of the presence of pests do not disappear, repeat the treatment of the plant with the same preparation after a week.

Unlike cypress trees grown in the garden, diseases of home cypress are almost always associated with violation of the rules for maintaining and caring for the plant. Sometimes, due to chronic waterlogging of the soil, cypress is affected by root rot. In case of disease, the plant is transplanted into new soil, having previously removed all rotten areas, providing the cypress good drainage and reducing the frequency of watering and the amount of moisture to normal levels for cypress.

Cypress dries

If the tips of your cypress leaves turn brown and dry, this is a sign that:

  • the air in the room is too dry;
  • you do not moisten the soil enough or water the plant with bad water;
  • poor lighting in the room;
  • the room is too cold.

Eliminate these reasons, and you will not have to complain that the cypress has dried out.

Sometimes cypress leaves turn yellow due to lack of nutrients in the soil. Read again how, when and with what you need to feed cypress, correct mistakes, and after a while appearance leaves will be restored.

Types and varieties of cypress

More recently, it was believed that cypress trees cannot be grown in ordinary housing, but there were flower growers who refuted this misconception. Conifers are increasingly becoming inhabitants of city apartments, not to mention the fact that in private houses with extensive galleries and terraces, cypress trees are one of the most popular living decorative elements. We will present to you the most famous species of the cypress genus, grown as indoor plants.

Arizona cypress (Cupressus arizonica)

A light-loving and drought-resistant species, reaching a height of 15 m in nature. The bark of young shoots gray, old ones – dark brown, peeling off over time. The leaves are finely pointed and gray-green in color.

Evergreen cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)

IN wildlife Only the horizontal form of this species is widespread. Drought-resistant, cold-resistant (if we're talking about about short-term cold snaps). The crown is pyramidal, the branches are short, ascending, tightly pressed to the trunk. Does not tolerate excess moisture. Has high decorative qualities, widely used in garden design and in the design of premises. It has two widely used varieties in culture:

  • pyramidal cypress (f. pyramidalis, f. stricta) - with a very dense narrow pyramidal crown of ascending branches pressed to the trunk. The needles are arranged crosswise and tightly pressed to the shoots. The cones are round, 2-3 cm in diameter, similar to a small soccer ball;
  • horizontal cypress (f. horisontalis) - its branches extend vertically from the trunk, and then rise upward, due to which a wide pyramidal crown is formed.

Lusitanian cypress or Mexican cypress (Cupressus lusitanica)

It is distinguished by a wide pyramidal crown and hanging branches. The bark is red-brown, the branches are tetrahedral. Sensitive to cold, does not tolerate dry soil and air, and has many decorative forms.

Please tell me how to save my cypress. I bought it quite recently, but in 2 weeks the cypress has almost dried up, the needles are falling off faster than I can do anything. I spray the cypress 2 times a day, but I can’t stop the process. Victoria Lepeshenkova.

Unfortunately, despite the assurances of sellers, it is quite problematic to keep it beautiful and undamaged at home. Like all conifers, cypress is a cold-resistant plant. Dryness of apartments and warm wintering disastrous for him. After all, in winter, nature is supposed to “rest” at 5-15°C.

The reason for the drying out of cypress there may be hypothermia during transportation, violation water regime, but, as practice shows, incorrect conditions winter maintenance is the main reason for the death of such plants.

In your case, you can try to revive the cypress.

Free the plant from the pot and, shaking off the soil, carefully examine the roots of the cypress. If they are still alive, plant the cypress in a new soil substrate (mixture for conifers) with a mandatory drainage layer and a hole for water drainage. After replanting the plant, cover its crown with a transparent plastic bag, thereby building a mini-greenhouse. Ventilate the plant daily, preventing condensation from accumulating on the bag, and spray the crown with water with the addition of a biostimulator until young growth appears. Also don't forget to support for cypress high humidity air - twice a day, spraying the crown and placing the pot with the plant in a pan of water. But be sure to place it on a stand so that water from the pan does not flow into the drainage hole, but, by evaporating, maintains the desired level of humidity. In the spring, with the onset of stable positive temperatures, do not forget to take the cypress tree out into the open air.

Conifers have recently been cultivated as indoor plants. The most popular view Among the coniferous crops grown at home is indoor cypress.

How to care for indoor cypress?

The homeland of cypress is the warm, humid Mediterranean. Caring for cypress at home should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of the natural subtropical climate in which the plant feels comfortable.


When growing cypress as a houseplant, you need average level illumination During the cold season, it is better to place the cypress on a south or west window, but with the onset of warm weather sunny days It is advisable to move it to a window facing north, or create artificial shading.

Temperature conditions

Special attention required subject to temperature conditions in winter period: cypress is comfortable at temperatures from +5 to + 10 degrees; for this it is better to keep the plant on an insulated but cool loggia. If this is not possible, then you should place the cypress away from heating radiators, periodically ventilating the room, but not allowing direct contact of cold air currents with the indoor plant.


Indoor cypress requires moderate watering in the warm season - approximately 2 times a week, and rare watering in the cold season - once every one and a half weeks. But the condition of the soil should be monitored.

When caring for indoor cypress, you should know that the condition of the plant is most favorably influenced by water procedures. In this regard, it is necessary to spray cypress with a spray bottle at any time of the year.

Top dressing

When growing cypress at home, fertilizing is done from May to August. It is necessary to feed the plant once a month with special mineral fertilizers “Bud”, “Effecton”, “Sodium Hummate”. At the same time, experienced home flower lovers recommend breeding mineral fertilizing half the dose indicated in the instructions.


The plant has a very sensitive root system; therefore, replanting is carried out in exceptional cases using the transshipment method. In the new flowerpot, high-quality drainage layer, and soil is added, consisting of two parts of leaf soil and one part each of turf soil, peat and sand. It is important that the root collar is not buried in the ground, otherwise the cypress will die.

Homemade cypress dries out

Flower growers often lament: “The indoor cypress has dried up. What to do?" As noted above, coniferous home plant very demanding on temperature and humidity. Content cypress in winter in a heated room causes shoots to dry out and fall off, and needles to fall off. In addition, the weakened plant occupies. Another common reason for cypress drying is hypothermia of the root system when transporting it in winter, when the soil in the pot is moist and it is frosty outside.

In case of illness, indoor cypress should be treated with Fitoverm or Actellik at the rate of 1-2 ml per 1 liter of water and it is imperative to frequently humidify the air around the plant. You can also try to revive the damaged plant as follows: place the indoor cypress along with the flowerpot in plastic bag, inflate air into it and tie it at the top. The crown should be sprayed daily with water added. The procedure must be repeated until young shoots appear.

At proper care an indoor cypress will delight you with the bright colors of its coniferous branches and can even serve as a miniature Christmas tree when the New Year comes.

Cypress is an excellent “forest substitute” that can be grown both in a room and on a plot. The aroma that comes from this small tree is reminiscent of walks in the fresh air in coniferous forests. Cypress – evergreen, a representative of the cypress genus. It has two crowns: spreading and pyramidal. Nowadays, the species has 14-25 varieties.

Did you know?The plant got its name from the legend of the young man Cypress, who killed Apollo’s horse and for this offense was doomed to live in the form of a tree.

A mature tree can reach 25 meters in height natural conditions, and at home or indoor tree, of course, smaller in size. Today we will talk about what to do if the cypress dries out and how to prevent this.

Basic mistakes in caring for cypress

Cypress trees dry out most often due to improper care. The Mediterranean is considered to be the birthplace of cypress. That's why, In order for cypress to feel comfortable in your home, you need to provide it with a warm, humid place.

Lighting and temperature

As already noted, cypress loves warmth, but the temperature should vary depending on the season. In summer mature plant feels most comfortable at a temperature of 20-30 degrees, and in winter the temperature should be reduced to several degrees with a “+” sign

Important!Cypress does not need direct sunlight. Even if you are growing it in an area rather than in a room, it is best to plant it in light shade.

In order for the cypress to feel comfortable in the room and its branches not to dry out, it is better to place it so that the lighting is bright but diffused.

Watering and fertilizing the plant

Cypress needs to be watered correctly, maintain sufficient air humidity and properly fertilize the plant. Due to the fact that in its homeland cypress grows in damp places and often near bodies of water, at home it also needs to be provided with good moisture. If the cypress tree begins to dry out, it does not have enough water. Therefore, the plant is sprayed with warm water or periodically “bathed”.

You need to water as it grows: the older and more perfect the root system, the more water it needs it, so when the top layer of the substrate dries, the cypress is watered. If it’s summer outside, we water more, in winter – less. The main thing is not to overfill, because humid environment– a great place for the development of fungal diseases.

If you notice that your cypress is falling off and you don’t understand what you did wrong, you should think about whether you are fertilizing your plant correctly. For fertilizer, it is better to use fertilizers based on mineral substances, and not those that contain a large number of nitrogen (it can dry out the roots). When spraying in summer, do not use liquid fertilizers.

Trimming errors

Pruning cypress is necessary to rejuvenate plants and prevent diseases, as well as simply to give them a new, more decorative look. A mistake when pruning is to cut off too many branches in the first year, which will not have time to recover. You need to prune gradually, removing all yellowed branches and old shoots, since they do not allow light to pass through. It is necessary to use only sharp pruning shears and do this with quick and sharp movements.

Cypress dries out after transplanting

It often happens that the cypress dries out after transplantation. What to do to prevent this from happening.

Cypress should not be replanted too often; replanting as it grows is sufficient. It is better to replant the plant in the warm season. Even if it was purchased in winter, it is better to replant in the spring. Often the cypress dries out after replanting due to the fact that the roots were damaged during removal from the pot.

Did you know?To avoid damage root system When replanting, the pot of cypress can be placed in water. The soil will get wet, and the plant will easily slip out of its previous “place of residence.”

It is important to plant the plant correctly new pot: the root collar should not be completely in the ground, because this contributes to the death of the plant.

Cypress diseases, all about treating plant ailments

As we already know, cypress is grown as an indoor plant and as an outdoor plant. Most often, cypress diseases appear as a result of improper care.


Fusarium is also known as tracheomycosis - a disease that begins with rotting of the roots and then affects the entire plant.

Important!If the shoots of your cypress have turned yellow and the bark of the stem has become a rich brown color, this is a clear sign fusarium.

Very often, the disease is already present in seedlings, seeds, or can be stored in the soil. The best prevention This disease will be prevented by timely ventilation and loosening of the soil; you should also disinfect all material and tools that you use when working with plants.

More often sick plant it is impossible to cure, in which case it is simply uprooted and disposed of. If it is less than 60% affected, you can try to save it by rooting the cuttings. For a cutting, the top shoot is usually selected, treated with Fundazol, and left for eight hours in its solution with a small amount of Epin. If the cutting has taken root, the disease has passed. By the way, "Fundazol" is also excellent for the prevention of fusarium.

Brown Schutte

Brown schutte is a typical disease for conifers. Most often it appears on young plants immediately after the snow melts, when the plant is still very weak. External signs are darkening of the plant and a coating similar to a cobweb. This disease loves shade and waterlogging. For treatment you need to use lime-sulfur preparations - "Abiga-Peak" or Bordeaux mixture. Spraying should be carried out in the spring and must be repeated in the summer.

Fungal diseases

Fungal diseases can lead to withering and drying out of branches and damage to the bark. In order to avoid fungal diseases, it is necessary to promptly remove dead shoots, loosen the soil and remove fallen leaves (if we are talking about street cypress) from under the plant, because most fungi live in such places. After you remove the diseased plant, you need to treat the soil and nearby plants with Abiga-Peak or Bordeaux mixture.

Did you know?If a cypress grows on the street next to deciduous trees, this increases the risk of plant disease.

Pests of outdoor and indoor cypress

The main pests of indoor cypress

Cypress must be constantly “inspected” for the appearance of pests and damage by them. Most often these are aphids, scale insects and spider mite.

You will notice the presence of spider mites on your plant if white cobwebs appear on the branches. Insecticides are used to combat it. For example, "Vermitek", "Aktofit", "Fitoverm". You may have to reuse these medications. Will be effective in the fight folk remedies type of soap solution.

Important!Medicines have not yet been invented separately for the treatment of scale insects, so any remedy for indoor insects can be used to combat this insect.

The scale insect sucks the juices out of the plant, and the tree dries out. Brown spots on the trunk are the first sign of scale insects. The fight against this insect consists of treating with soapy water and any of the insecticides. You can collect insects by hand, but be sure to do this with gloves.

Probably, each of us, walking through a coniferous forest, breathing in this sweet air, felt a certain relaxation that helps us escape from everyday worries, plunge into our consciousness and be alone with our thoughts. Or when on New Year Every house is decorated with a Christmas tree, and since childhood we have associated this aroma with the holiday. Pure pleasure…

Many people know what medicinal properties These incense possesses their properties thanks to turpentine, which is included in the resin of pine needles. And then the thought comes: “What if I could have such pleasure at home all the time?” Usually, conifers They practically do not grow at home and do not tolerate heat well in winter. Every rule has its exceptions. In our case, consider cypress room care at home and the nuances of growing.

Interesting. IN Ancient Greece cypress trees were considered sacred plant and were specially grown near temples. The magnificent view and unique aroma made people feel like “heaven on earth.”

Getting to know the cypress

Cypress (Cupressus) - brought to us from the Mediterranean countries or North America. Under natural conditions it can grow up to approximately 40 meters. But some varieties, the maximum height of which does not exceed two meters, are suitable for growing at home.

He looks like small tree with a triangular or trapezoidal crown. Cypress can be an excellent decoration for you at home or in the office.

Interesting. Cypress trees are considered one of the most ancient plants on the planet. A cypress tree three thousand years old was found on the historical lands of Sparta.

Every year this plant is becoming increasingly popular, so it can be bought in almost any florist shop. But in return, it will require quite careful care and optimal conditions, otherwise you may quickly lose your decorative look. Sticking with everyone, absolutely simple rules, the cypress will delight the eye for years, still giving good growth. This will be discussed further.

How to buy cypress

The first step is to choose a cypress. You need to decide on the look that you like best. Then, depending on your financial capabilities and desires, you can buy or grow it yourself. Reproduction methods and growing rules will be discussed in this article.

Before purchasing, it is worth finding out what types of indoor cypress trees exist on the market. Below are the most popular ones:

  1. Mexican (Lusitanian) cypress. Known for its spectacular crown, wide-pyramidal in shape with hanging branches. Tetrahedral branches, red-brown bark. Afraid of cold, dry soil and air.
  2. Evergreen cypress. Only the horizontal form is common in nature. Resistant to cold and drought. Pyramidal shape of the crown, short branches pressed to the body. It is actively used by gardeners for decorative purposes, and can also be a worthy decoration for a room.
  3. Large-fruited cypress. Most suitable for growing indoors. The characteristic pyramidal shape of the crown, a straight trunk, many horizontal branches covered with small scales and leaves. Cones with a diameter of approximately 4 cm grow on the lower branches.
  4. Kashmir cypress. Originally from India. Quite a whimsical species, but with proper care it can be grown at home.

Interesting. There is an opinion that the pyramidal shape of the cypress crown, which is so attractive, is the result of many years of selection.

On a note. Be careful. There are two plants that have only an external resemblance to cypress, but have nothing in common with what we need. These include Kochia broom and Taxodium. Kochia belong to the Chenopodiaceae family. The foliage strongly resembles cypress, but this plant is not evergreen. Taxodiums are from the cypress family. This conifer tree, but deciduous.

Home cypress care at home

Temperature for cypress

Temperature is probably one of the most important factors that affects the condition of the plant. Optimal temperature regime cypress is approximately 5-15 degrees. Quite afraid high temperatures, so keep it away from strong sources of heat in winter.

Important! As you know, cypress trees are afraid of high temperatures. To avoid losing your pet, place the cypress pot in a cool place.

If it's summer, it's best to take the cypress outside Fresh air, and for this we need a window sill or a balcony, having previously closed it protective material, to reduce exposure to sunlight or drafts.

Cypress lighting

Cypress is a light-loving plant. It is recommended to keep it in bright lighting conditions, but try to diffuse the light. If there is not enough light, growth problems will occur. It will stretch to compensate for the shortfall.

If the lighting is too bright, this will also have a negative impact on the cypress. It can change color, usually yellow, and also crumble, which is completely undesirable. In winter, and this is a period when there is not enough daylight, the solution would be to install a cypress tree on a southern windowsill.

How to water indoor cypress

From spring to autumn, watering should be moderately abundant, since the plant does not tolerate drying out well. In winter, you need to limit watering, as excessive watering during this period can destroy it. In this regard, you need to listen to your plant to determine the optimal amount of water.

Important! Don’t forget to monitor the soil moisture level and water your plant on time. Only in moderation.

Feeding homemade cypress

It should be remembered that every plant, regardless of the type, needs high-quality nutrition with minerals. The most important are nitrogen, phosphates and potassium salts. Microelements such as Mg S, Mn, Fe, Mo, B, Zn are also desirable in fertilizers.

Available on the market today big choice fertilizers Almost any fertilizer for indoor plants is suitable for cypress, but it is better to pay attention to special means for conifers.

Do not use fertilizers used in vegetable gardens, as well as fertilizers with a high percentage of nitrogen. This may cause abnormal growth. No manure, azophoska.

Most the best option will liquid mixtures for conifers. After reading the instructions and preparing the mixture, we make grooves in the soil around the crown. We pour the mixture into the same grooves. After which we cover it all with earth.

We feed in warm periods– from April to August, once every 30 days. As for the dosage, we recommend using half the dose intended for deciduous plants.

Cypress transplant at home

It needs to be replanted every year, at the end of spring. When replanting, you should be very careful with the root system, as even slight damage can cause death. What does transplant mean? complete replacement land, is performed only if necessary. In other cases, we only change the soil that we can easily separate from the root.

The optimal soil for cypress includes leaf (2 parts), peat, turf and sand (one part each).

Important! Be very careful with the root, and especially the neck of the root. Damage to it can cause irreversible consequences.

The transplant technique is as follows:

  1. Choose the pot of the right size.
  2. Then we install material for drainage at its bottom, in other words, to remove excess moisture. Expanded clay can be used as drainage. Alternatives include sphagnum moss, coals and shards. The drainage layer should be several centimeters.
  3. Add a small layer of soil.
  4. Carefully install the root of our cypress.
  5. Add required amount soil so that the layer of soil does not touch the neck of the root.

On a note. Expanded clay is a porous material made from clay. When choosing, the only important thing for us is the number and size of pores (fraction). Although the plant does not care what kind of drainage, many florists recommend a fraction of approximately 5-10 mm. When using shards, it is recommended to remove sharp edges as they can damage the roots.

Propagation of indoor cypress

When one such green miracle is no longer enough for us, the question arises: “How to propagate cypress correctly?” Now we will answer this question.

There are two methods of propagation - seeds and cuttings. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, but are equally popular among florists.

With seeds we can get a wonderful plant, as they say, “from scratch”:

  • we need seeds. You can buy them or assemble them yourself;
  • After we have received the seeds, we need to treat them with cold and scientifically stratify them. Place the seeds in the refrigerator for about 3 months;
  • When it’s time to plant, soak the seeds in a container with warm water. For a day;
  • planted in pre-prepared boxes. The filling of the boxes can be a layer of crushed bark, which will serve as drainage, and a mixture of sand and sawdust, as soil;
  • we install boxes in conditions optimal temperature and humidity.

There is a possibility that only a small part of the seeds will germinate. This is a normal phenomenon, our plants are quite delicate. We transplant the lucky ones that have sprouted by 5-6 centimeters into separate pots.

Attention! We pay special attention to the necks of seedlings. They must not be covered with soil!

By maintaining favorable conditions for the seedlings (temperature, watering, fertilizer, lighting), in about a year, you will have new cypress trees a quarter of a meter in size.

Propagation by the second method involves the use of cuttings, which is obtained by pruning a tree. Technically, this technique is simpler compared to seeds. For propagation, apical cuttings that have a “heel” are suitable. The process of propagating cypress by cuttings step by step:

  • the cuttings that we received need to be processed by cutting off the leaves;
  • collect in a bouquet and place in a container with root solution for about a day;
  • sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal;
  • we plant in the soil that was considered when planting the seeds for about a third of the length of the cutting. The soil should be sufficiently moist;
  • you need to cover the cuttings. For this we will need glass jars. Since the cuttings need to breathe, we remove the jars several times a week for about an hour;
  • We wait several months for our cuttings to take root.

On a note. Kornevin is a plant growth stimulator. It is based on indolylbutyric acid (IBA). It acts due to slight irritation of plant tissues, which stimulates growth. If IMC gets into the soil, then stimulation of root growth from the cut surface begins. Used in powder or solution form.

Important! Avoid getting the powder into the digestive tract. It is not recommended to use food-grade utensils when working with it. If you accidentally swallowed the powder, take activated charcoal and drink plenty of it clean water. If necessary, consult a doctor.

Diseases of indoor cypress

Here we have a beautiful cypress tree. We look after him, give a certain part of our soul. But at one point, it begins to dry out, turn yellow, and crumble. This may be due to errors in care, disease or insects. To prevent a disease or cure our plant, we need to find out the cause and eliminate it. We will talk about this further.

Insects. Only a few types of insects pose a threat to our home cypress. But they can cause significant harm through their livelihoods.

The first to be presented to your attention are scale insects, as well as false scale insects. They belong to the coccid family, but they have different families. The females of these insects are larger in size and they “sit in one place.” Males are smaller than females and are mobile.

The whole danger of scale insects is that they feed on plant sap, slowly and reliably killing it. Also, females attach to one place on the leaf and remain there to protect their larvae. By doing this, they cause damage to the leaves, which manifests itself as yellow or brick-colored spots.

They look like small yellowish, greenish plaques on the foliage that may contain a sticky secretion. If at least one scale insect is noticed, immediately take the necessary measures to eliminate them. To do this you need:

  1. Moisten the cypress soap solution using a soft brush or cotton swab. This eliminates adult insects.
  2. Treat the tree with an insecticide. The pot, shelf or window sill where your cypress was located is also processed, window glass. You can use Actellik solution as an insecticide.

On a note. Atellik is an insecticide-acaricide. It is based on organophosphorus substances, the main one of which is pirimiphos-methyl. Designed to combat almost all types of vegetation pests. Known for its high speed and duration of action, as well as a fairly wide spectrum of action.

Important! The drug is toxic, so take precautions. Keep out of the reach of children.

We would like to bring to your attention another harmful pest of vegetation – the spider mite. It has a yellow-green, milky-transparent color, its dimensions vary up to 1 mm, sometimes up to 2 mm. Typical habitat is the underside of leaves.

The first signs of pest activity from these insects are light spots. Further, they actively crawl all over the needles. As a result, they create cobweb-like clusters everywhere. Although ticks are afraid of moisture, simply spraying with water or soapy water does not help. You need to resort to the help of actellik, alcohol and special sticks - Plant-Pin and Etisso.

Cypress is drying up, what should I do?

The next problem, the most undesirable and dangerous for cypress, is its ability to dry out. In almost all cases, the cause is errors in care. As soon as you notice dry and brown tips of the leaves, you should reconsider your care. Perhaps it:

  • very dry indoor air;
  • insufficient lighting;
  • the room is too cold;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • insufficient watering or poor quality of water for irrigation.

It is enough just to find the cause as quickly as possible and eliminate it. And you will be able to preserve the beauty of your cypress.

As we can see, indoor cypress can be an excellent home decoration. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, you will be pleased with a pleasant relaxing aroma. But in return, it requires a lot of patience and hard work. But it's worth it...