What to do if the weight has stayed the same and you are no longer losing weight? Why am I not losing weight? my weight stays the same

Despite all your efforts, has the scale been stuck at the same level for weeks? Congratulations: you are among those who have experienced the plateau effect. This tricky name hides a common situation: while still following a diet and playing sports, for some reason you stop losing weight, although there is still room for improvement. And, of course, you get upset about this.

But don’t rush to despair: sooner or later, any slimming woman will face the plateau effect. The “I can’t lose weight, my weight stays the same” complaint is one of the most common on interest forums.

Fortunately, this problem is completely solvable. The main thing is to listen to the advice of those who know what to do. Today we will act as such advisors - we will tell you why weight is important when losing weight and what to do to cope with this problem. Shall we begin?

In fact, there are many reasons why the weight stops when losing weight. Let's name the most popular ones.

The first possible reason for the plateau is accumulated in the body a large number of water. In fact, there are a whole bunch of situations that can lead to fluid stagnation. We talked about them in more detail in the corresponding article. Analyze it carefully - perhaps the reason for your plateau lies in one of them. There you will also find tips on how to quickly and painlessly withdraw excess liquid from fabrics.

In addition, fluid in the body can actively accumulate during the second period of the menstrual cycle. In this case, to the question of what to do if the weight has risen, there is only one answer: wait!

What a proper dinner or snack before bed should look like:

How to run to lose weight:

The second reason why the weight stopped while losing weight may be too strict diet. It's simple: you limit your calorie intake to more than you need. The body experiences stress and reacts accordingly - makes reserves for the future. And the stricter you treat yourself, the more stress your body gets.

The same can be said about grueling loads. Daily exercise to the point of exhaustion is not The best way lose weight: you risk not only not achieving what you want, but also aggravating the situation. Metabolic processes in the body will be disrupted, and instead of the long-awaited weight loss, unexpected weight gain awaits you.

The fourth possible reason why weight does not come off when proper nutrition, – restructuring of the body. Your efforts to follow a diet were not in vain - the body began active work on:

  • reorganization of the musculoskeletal skeleton,
  • change in the position of organs (since visceral fat is burned),
  • tightening of periarticular ligaments,
  • skin tightening,
  • normalization of the heart and blood vessels.

During the period when these changes occur, the scale needle may freeze at one mark. You just need to wait this time out. But you cannot stop dieting and exercising, otherwise the entire effect may quickly fade away.

Another option why weight comes at a cost when losing weight is metabolic “hibernation.” This happens if you go a little overboard with stability - you train for months on the same program, eat according to the same scheme. Anyone can fall asleep from such boredom, and your body is no exception. But you can wake him up, and below we will tell you exactly how.

What to do if your weight has stopped while losing weight: practical advice

So, what to do if the weight stays the same? You have already received several recommendations, now we will tell you about all the rest. Here are seven great ways to restart your weight loss process:

  1. Eat in a zigzag manner. This approach will help you awaken your metabolism from hibernation. The principle of operation is simple: let’s say if you consumed strictly 1500 calories every day. change your diet so that today you eat 1200 kcal, and tomorrow – 1800. In other words, “shift” some of the calories to the next day. This is easy to do: on the first day, reduce the portion by half, on the second, treat yourself to an extra snack. And if you act completely wisely, the “zigzag” diet looks like this: 4 days - a balanced diet of 1200 kcal, two days - an unload of 800 calories, one day - a feast for the whole world, but no more than 1800 kcal.
  2. Include in your training program strength exercises. This is another one effective method solve the problem called “what to do if the weight stays the same”: reviews from those who are already practicing power training, speak for themselves. By training in this way, you will certainly speed up metabolic processes in the body. You can read more about the benefits of strength exercises and which training program to choose in our article.
  3. Add variety to your workouts. Many ladies who are actively involved in sports often ask the question “what to do if you gain weight while losing weight”? And the answer actually lies on the surface: just change the type of training! Or at least a set of exercises. Try something new and you will definitely see results.
  4. Analyze the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And if necessary, change it. If you lean on porridge in the morning, try replacing it with an omelette. Or vice versa, if you eat exclusively meat, add whole grain bread to your diet. And, rest assured, the question of why your weight stays the same on a diet will soon stop bothering you.
  5. Eat more often! This - Golden Rule weight loss, but, unfortunately, not everyone uses it. But everything is as simple as two times two: make smaller portions, add a couple of snacks between main meals, and it’s done!
  6. Reduce your salt intake. It is she who retains excess fluid in the tissues. And if you add salt, then only sea salt - no table salt!
  7. Book a massage. This is another answer to the ill-fated question “what to do if the weight stops while losing weight.” Sometimes just a few sessions are enough to wake up your metabolism from hibernation and start the weight loss process again.

As you can see, there are many reasons why weight stays the same when losing weight. Determine for yourself which problem has visited you. If you can’t find a solution on your own, none of the remedies described above help, consult a doctor; perhaps the solution lies deeper than it seems.

We, in turn, named the main possible reasons why weight stays the same when dieting. And we sincerely hope that this article will help you cope with “stagnation”. Good luck!

Good afternoon dear friends! If you came to our website looking for tips and advice regarding weight loss, healthy image life and beauty, then you’ve come to exactly the right place. Today the “Me and Fitness” team has prepared a fascinating article for you, in which we will tell you why weight stays the same when losing weight.

Anyone who is struggling with extra pounds has probably noticed that at first the numbers on the scales change constantly, and then the weight stops. It is important to understand why this happens, how to speed up the process of losing weight and whether it is realistic to do this. We will help you find answers and correct the situation.

Why is there no progress?

When you gain weight, there is no need to panic and think “I can’t lose weight.” In such a situation, the cause of the problem must be determined. The condition when, with proper nutrition and fitness, extra pounds remain in place is called a dietary plateau. A similar effect occurs quite often. It is associated with the body’s adaptation to the diet and level physical activity. Also, reasons for losing weight on a diet may be:

  • Incorrect calorie calculation. When you are losing weight, you need to monitor your daily caloric intake. It is generally accepted that to reduce body weight, you need to consume 1200 kcal daily. When counting calories, you need to take into account every little detail, for example, the use of oil for frying a dish or mayonnaise in a salad.
  • Fluid retention in the body. Water that accumulates in the body makes it difficult to track changes in weight and also causes swelling. Consumption of salty foods, taking certain medications and a number of diseases contribute to this.
  • Features of the menstrual cycle. Before menstruation, changes occur in the body - fluid accumulates, breasts swell, and weight increases. After the bleeding stops, it will return to normal again, but be careful PMS time girls' appetite increases. Don't overeat.
  • Strict restrictions on PP. must be comprehensive and complete. If you limit the body in some substances, it will stop burning fat deposits and focus on eliminating the deficiency.

  • Protein deficiency. Protein is the basis for weight loss, in addition, amino acids in its composition are building material for muscle growth. A lack of protein foods will cause the body to begin drawing amino acids from muscle tissue.
  • Low physical activity. Often, weight has stopped and does not decrease due to the fact that a person is not active enough. The calories consumed are not expended due to lack of physical activity.
  • Grueling fitness. During intense daily training, the body experiences stress. Because of this, a metabolic disorder may occur, and the weight will stop or begin to grow.
  • Redistribution of fat, water and muscle. When you lose weight for a long time, the moment of restructuring comes. Water and fat go away, and muscle mass grows. Muscle is heavier than fat, so the numbers on the scale don't change.
  • Diseases endocrine system . Disorders of the thyroid and pancreas, as well as a lack of sex hormones, often cause weight loss or weight gain.
  • Kidney and heart failure. Reviews from doctors indicate that these diseases cause swelling, fluid retention, shortness of breath and weight gain.

These are the 10 most common reasons why it is difficult to force the body to lose weight. But you should understand that a dietary plateau is a solvable problem; it only takes a little effort to eliminate it.

How to change the situation

There is often a situation where the weight stands, but the volume goes away. Most girls immediately think about what to do, how to move it from “ dead center"? To do this, it is enough to adhere to the series simple rules:

  • Change your diet. If you lose weight on cereals, replace them with protein. When focusing on salads, pay attention. Make the menu more varied and complete.
  • Increase your fluid intake. The daily intake of water is 2 liters. Make sure you drink at least the specified amount. Water removes toxins and waste, cleanses the body, and helps normalize metabolic processes.
  • Change your training program. When playing sports, you need to periodically change your exercise program. Introduce new exercises, increase weight, add.
  • Reduce your salt intake. Nobody says you can't eat salt at all. It is advisable to reduce its use and replace table food with sea food.
  • Add calories. If your diet is too meager and monotonous, contains very few calories, this will negatively affect weight loss and health in general. Introduce several high-calorie foods into your diet, this will restore balance.

  • Visit the sauna, sign up for a massage. Such procedures relax, help normalize metabolism, burn fat, resulting in weight and volume reduction.
  • Eat more often. Eat 5-6 times a day, but in small portions. The most voluminous and high-calorie meal is breakfast; do not neglect food in the morning. Fruits, boiled eggs, and low-fat fermented milk products are suitable as snacks.
  • Avoid alcohol. Alcoholic drinks These are empty calories. In addition, they retain fluid and cause swelling.
  • Have busy days. Once a week, allow yourself to eat unhealthy food (a piece of cake, fried meat, a hot dog). This will reduce the emotional stress and allow you to spend more time on the diet.

The dietary plateau effect may occur a week or month after switching to new mode nutrition and sports. On average it lasts about 2-4 weeks. Don’t be afraid and don’t give up, the problem can be solved. The main thing is to be patient and try a little.

We sincerely wish you good luck and hope that you will overcome all difficulties in one go. If our recommendations were useful to you, take a couple of seconds and share the article with your friends on social media. networks.

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

Most women who have struggled with excess weight at least once in their lives know that at the very beginning of a diet, body weight disappears the fastest. Unfortunately, after 1-2 weeks the scale needle freezes in one place. This period is the most difficult for a woman. It most often becomes a reason to abandon the diet, as it undermines the motivation to further lose weight. What to do if the weight stays the same? The answer is obvious: measures need to be taken to ensure that it declines further. To do this, use our tips.

1. Eat more often, in small portions.

Hunger, long periods of time without food, negative energy balance in the body - these are the reasons why metabolism slows down a few weeks after starting the diet. The body does everything it can to survive, so it turns on “economy mode”, spending calories more efficiently. What to do?

Obviously, we cannot influence one of these three factors. It's about about a negative energy balance, which, although it provokes a slowdown in metabolism, is still necessary for weight loss. But we can and should influence the feeling of hunger and the regularity of food entering the stomach. To do this, you need to turn on the fractional power mode.

By eating food in small portions at short intervals, we let the body understand that we have no problems finding food. Products enter the stomach regularly, and the concentration of nutrients in the blood decreases, if at all, then only for a short time. Fractional meals not only help overcome the plateau effect, but also make the diet more comfortable. But at the same time, you must carefully control the portion size, since 5-6 full meals a day are unlikely to make your figure slimmer.

2. Pay attention to your drinking regime.

If you have ever bought drugs or supplements for weight loss at least once in your life, you probably noticed that in the instructions the manufacturer always recommends that taking the drug must be combined with plenty of fluids. Any diet for weight loss also requires increased drinking. Well, the need to drink large amounts of water during training is not even discussed.

If your weight stays the same, pay attention to your drinking regime. When you don't drink enough, you lose weight more slowly. Lack of fluid slows down metabolic processes. Drinking plenty of fluids allows you not only to promptly remove decay products formed in large quantities during the restructuring of metabolism, but also helps to suppress the feeling of hunger. Water in the amount of 1.5-2 liters per day increases the effectiveness of the diet and improves its tolerability.

3. Consciously increase physical activity.

After restricting the diet, the body goes into “economy mode”. These changes involve not only a decrease in metabolic rate, but also a decrease in physical activity. This happens unconsciously. The person becomes lazier. Without even noticing it, he increasingly prefers to lie in front of the TV than go for a walk or to the beach.

This process must be controlled consciously. Laziness and apathy are just an energy saving mechanism that the body turns on to survive in conditions of hunger. You must show the will and still move, walk, actively rest, even if you are reluctant to do it. To lose weight, energy must be spent, not saved.

4. Enter additional training.

To lose weight, you not only need to eat little, but also exercise. Limiting the amount of energy entering the body is only half the battle. Its second half is increased energy consumption. If your weight is stagnant and you are not yet exercising, this is very good, because you have the opportunity to move on quite easily. To do this, you just need to organize yourself regular jogging, going to the pool or training in the gym.

What should people do who are already involved in sports, but still lose weight? It is necessary to introduce additional training that will allow you to spend a little more energy what do you spend on this moment. For example, if you run in the morning, sign up for a fitness class. It may be worth allocating an additional 2-3 hours a week for aerobics or buying a good home workout machine.

5. Tighten your diet.

If you exercise regularly, are physically active, or go on a diet, but your weight still does not decrease, you will have to cut your diet even more. What to do, all people different speed metabolism. For some, a small dietary restriction is enough for stable weight loss, while others are forced to completely give up sweets and fatty foods, eating mainly fruits and dietary meat.

6. Use weight loss medications.

Losing weight using pills alone is hardly possible. However, the drugs can improve the effectiveness of other weight loss methods. If your body weight stays the same, you can use by the following means for weight loss:

– blocks fat absorption, but has many unpleasant side effects side effects(abdominal pain, diarrhea, fecal incontinence).

Glucobay blocks the absorption of carbohydrates, but is also not without side effects (abdominal pain, flatulence).

Sibutramine (, etc.) - suppresses appetite, is harmful to the heart and psyche.

– suppresses appetite, has a minimum of side effects, but you need to take tablets only before meals, in large quantities, with water.

– works well in combination with training, contraindicated for insomnia, hypertension, and heart disease.

7. Be prepared to slow down your weight loss process.

Often, refusal to diet is a consequence of a person’s increased expectations from the diet. He reads on the Internet that a certain diet allows him to lose 10 kg per month and adjusts to this result. After losing 2-3 kg in the first week of strict dietary restrictions, motivation increases.

But then disappointment sets in - the mass does not go away at all, or decreases extremely slowly. At this stage, most people become upset, lose faith in success and stop the diet, eating away their grief with a large number of sweets. Naturally, after using such methods of combating depression, weight no longer stands still; against the background of a reduced metabolic rate, it begins to increase sharply.

It is very important to realize that body weight cannot decrease too quickly, even if you significantly restrict your diet. Losing weight by 1-2 kg per month is a completely normal pace. By allowing yourself to lose weight slowly, you will solve the problem of decreased motivation during the period of a low-calorie diet. Be patient and you will succeed.


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What is a dietary plateau?

“I exercise, I eat healthy foods“Why does weight stay the same when losing weight”? This question arises among people who have noticed that their weight has stopped decreasing. This condition is called a dietary plateau. Most often, the effect occurs due to the body’s adaptation to the diet and physical exercise. If your weight is stagnant due to a plateau effect, then there are ways to “wake up” your body.

The main reasons why weight does not decrease

Sometimes the human body becomes mysterious and unpredictable. For example, a person for a long time adheres to proper nutrition, exercises, but cannot lose weight. Naturally, he wonders why the weight is not coming off and what to do in such a situation. There are many reasons why weight stays the same.

Reasons why weight is worth:

  • Excess calories. You monitor your diet, keep a diary and, it seems, do not exceed your daily calorie intake, but you cannot achieve weight loss. What to do if you suddenly gain weight? Unaccounted calories may be to blame for this. You need to take into account even such little things as the oil for frying, the sugar in your tea, and even the two spoons of stew you ate while preparing lunch.
  • A large amount of water in the body. Fluid retention causes weight loss to stall. Typically, swelling appears in women before menstruation. Eating salty foods, taking certain medicines(corticosteroids, antidepressants, oral contraceptives), as well as some diseases.
  • Menstrual-ovarian period. Sometimes during menstruation, a woman’s weight may remain the same or even increase. This is explained by the fact that due to the physiological processes that occur before and during menstruation, some changes occur in the body. The level of progesterone increases, fluid accumulates in the body, and the breasts swell. Usually dialed during menstruation excess weight doesn't stay long. But during this period, girls should be especially careful, since premenstrual syndrome (PMS) may be accompanied by an increase in appetite.
  • A very strict diet. When the body lacks something, it begins to work hard to make up for this deficiency. If you consume too few calories while losing weight, your body will begin to store fat using nutrients from muscle tissue. This leads to the fact that weight does not decrease.
  • Lack of protein. Protein is essential for weight loss and growth muscle mass. If you don't eat enough protein, the body will draw it from muscle tissue and store it in the fat layer. To make extra pounds go away, you need to eat 0.5 g of pure protein daily per kilogram of weight.
  • Grueling workouts. During heavy physical training, the body experiences stress, a metabolic failure occurs, and instead of losing weight, the person begins to gain weight.
  • Low physical activity. Why, when losing weight, if a person sticks to a diet, weight loss still does not occur? This can happen with low physical activity, since even the few calories consumed during the day are not burned.
  • Reorganization of the body. If, while losing weight, you play sports, eat right, but the weight does not come off, this may indicate that the body is preparing to reshape the musculoskeletal skeleton; due to a decrease in visceral fat, changes in position occur internal organs, tightening of ligaments and skin, normalization of the cardiovascular system. During this period, weight loss may temporarily stop. Therefore, you need to be patient and wait until the body readjusts. Soon the extra pounds will go away. But when your weight stays the same, you can’t stop eating right and playing sports, otherwise all your hard work will be in vain.

Diseases that lead to weight gain

The reasons why weight stubbornly stays the same while dieting and exercising can be due to certain diseases. In such a situation, the answer to the question: “The weight stands still, what should I do?” There will be mandatory examination and treatment.

What diseases can be the reason why the weight has stopped:

  • Hypothyroidism. A disease of the thyroid gland in which the production of hormones is reduced. Leads to weight gain, weakness, slow heartbeat, hair loss, dry skin.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 2. This endocrine disease is often the cause of weight gain and even obesity. Other symptoms include frequent urination, thirst, and increased appetite.
  • Hypogonadism. Insufficient amounts of sex hormones lead to weight gain, decreased libido and infertility.
  • Heart failure. With this disease, swelling, shortness of breath and lack of air appear.
  • Kidney failure. The disease provokes the appearance of swelling on the face and a decrease in the amount of urine.

The answer to the question: “Why is weight important when losing weight and what to do?” can be obtained from your doctor's office. If obesity is associated with any disease, then timely treatment will help not only get rid of the disease, but also extra pounds

What to do if the weight doesn’t come off? Following some recommendations will help you get rid of extra pounds and start the weight loss mechanism.

Practical advice how to lose weight:

  • Zigzag diet. The principle of the regime is not complicated: consume 1200 calories for 4 days, 800 for the next 2 days, then 1800 for one day. This diet effectively increases metabolism.
  • Drink enough fluids. This will help remove harmful decay products, toxins and waste, and also eliminate swelling.
  • Eat enough calories. Too little nutrition gives short-lived results. Soon the body stops losing weight, metabolism slows down, and the person becomes weaker. It is recommended to eat in such a way that the total number of calories is 200-300 less than energy expenditure. The norm is considered to be a weight loss of 4 kg per month. Losing weight too quickly can lead to disruptions in the body and worsening appearance. If you don't want your skin to become saggy, then lose weight gradually.
  • Healthy eating. Eat only healthy foods. Avoid sugar and junk food. Best advice- Get on the path to health and weight loss with proper nutrition.
  • Strength exercises. To lose weight, add machine training to your usual exercise routine.
  • Change your training program. Changing sports from one type to another often helps with the question of what to do if your weight stays the same. Running, squats, bench press, lunges, jumping rope, and aerobics are effective for burning fat.
  • Change the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. If you lose weight while losing weight, it is recommended to change your diet. For example, if you are used to eating porridge in the morning, then switch to omelettes, and if you are fond of meat, then try adding whole grain bread to it.
  • Change your diet. If the weight has increased, then switch to fractional meals and try to eat small portions more often. Between full meals, have small snacks.
  • Reduce your salt intake. Weight loss can occur due to salt abuse, as sodium provokes the accumulation of fluid in the body. In preparing dishes, it is advisable to use sea ​​salt.
  • Massage sessions. This is a great way to shake up your body if your weight loss has stalled. Ultrasound therapy and lymphatic drainage will also benefit. Massage and other physical procedures should be performed only by a specialist and according to a doctor’s indications.

What to do if the weight suddenly stops? Nutritionists do not recommend sticking to a diet for more than two weeks in a row. This can cause a dietary plateau effect and reduce metabolism.

If the weight does not go away due to the plateau effect, then these methods will help.

How to cope with a dietary plateau if your weight has stopped:

  • Classic method. After a month of dieting, the weight has stopped, what should I do in this case? They will help fasting days 1-2 times a week. To overcome plateaus, fruit, vegetable or protein days are recommended. For example, if the main diet is vegetarian, then the fasting day should be made protein.
  • Correction or change of physical activity. If the diet is correct, but the weight does not decrease, then changing the type of sport or adding additional exercise will help. Add to your regular classes, for example, training according to the Tabata system, which has received many positive feedback.
  • SPA treatments. You can add some to your diet and exercise cosmetic procedures(for example, bathhouse, sauna). Visiting a sauna or bathhouse is prohibited if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • The “by contradiction” method. This method Contraindicated for overzealous athletes during drying with symptoms of overwork and fatigue. The bottom line is to change your weight loss program. For example, if the diet was strict, then you need to increase your calorie intake and change your usual exercises to exercises for endurance and strength. It is also recommended to go jogging on days free from sports. Thus, increasing physical activity and increasing caloric intake helps weight loss.

The fight against excess weight is a test that requires endurance and patience from a person. If your weight stays the same, it’s worth considering whether the reason for this is a dietary plateau. Don't stop there, put in a little more effort to force your body to burn fat, and soon you will forget about the lost kilograms.

In the following video, you can learn five effective ways to overcome the plateau effect.

Despite all your efforts, has the scale been stuck at the same level for weeks? Congratulations: you are among those who have experienced the plateau effect. This tricky name hides a common situation: while still following a diet and playing sports, for some reason you stop losing weight, although there is still room for improvement. And, of course, you get upset about this.

But don’t rush to despair: sooner or later, any slimming woman will face the plateau effect. The “I can’t lose weight, my weight stays the same” complaint is one of the most common on interest forums.

Fortunately, this problem is completely solvable. The main thing is to listen to the advice of those who know what to do. Today we will act as such advisors - we will tell you why weight is important when losing weight and what to do to cope with this problem. Shall we begin?

Learn more about the plateau effect

In fact, there are many reasons why the weight stops when losing weight. Let's name the most popular ones.

The first possible reason for the plateau is A large amount of water has accumulated in the body. In fact, there are a whole bunch of situations that can lead to fluid stagnation. We talked about them in more detail in the corresponding article. Analyze it carefully - perhaps the reason for your plateau lies in one of them. There you will also find tips on how to quickly and painlessly remove excess fluid from tissues.

In addition, fluid in the body can actively accumulate during the second period of the menstrual cycle. In this case, to the question of what to do if the weight has risen, there is only one answer: wait!

The second reason why the weight stopped while losing weight may be too strict diet. It's simple: you limit your calorie intake to more than you need. The body experiences stress and reacts accordingly - makes reserves for the future. And the stricter you treat yourself, the more stress your body gets.

The same can be said about grueling loads. Exercising every day is not the best way to lose weight: you risk not only not achieving what you want, but also aggravating the situation. Metabolic processes in the body will be disrupted, and instead of the long-awaited weight loss, unexpected weight gain awaits you.

In everything you need to observe moderation: sports - several times a week, nutrition - at least 1200 calories per day.

The fourth possible reason why weight does not go away with proper nutrition is the restructuring of the body. Your efforts to follow a diet were not in vain - the body began active work on:

  • reorganization of the musculoskeletal skeleton,
  • change in the position of organs (since visceral fat is burned),
  • tightening of periarticular ligaments,
  • skin tightening,
  • normalization of the heart and blood vessels.

During the period when these changes occur, the scale needle may freeze at one mark. You just need to wait this time out. But you cannot stop dieting and exercising, otherwise the entire effect may quickly fade away.

Another option why weight comes at a cost when losing weight is metabolic “hibernation.” This happens if you go a little overboard with stability - you train for months on the same program, eat according to the same scheme. Anyone can fall asleep from such boredom, and your body is no exception. But you can wake him up, and below we will tell you exactly how.

What to do if your weight has stopped while losing weight: practical advice

So, what to do if the weight stays the same? You have already received several recommendations, now we will tell you about all the rest. Here are seven great ways to restart your weight loss process:

  1. Eat in a zigzag manner. This approach will help you awaken your metabolism from hibernation. The principle of operation is simple: let’s say if you consumed strictly 1500 calories every day. change your diet so that today you eat 1200 kcal, and tomorrow – 1800. In other words, “shift” some of the calories to the next day. This is easy to do: on the first day, reduce the portion by half, on the second, treat yourself to an extra snack. And if you act completely wisely, the “zigzag” diet looks like this: 4 days - a balanced diet of 1200 kcal, two days - an unload of 800 calories, one day - a feast for the whole world, but no more than 1800 kcal.
  2. Include strength exercises in your training program. This is another effective way to solve the problem called “what to do if the weight stays the same”: reviews from those who already practice strength training speak for themselves. By training in this way, you will certainly speed up metabolic processes in the body. You can read more about the benefits of strength exercises and which training program to choose in our article.
  3. Add variety to your workouts. Many ladies who are actively involved in sports often ask the question “what to do if you gain weight while losing weight”? And the answer actually lies on the surface: just change the type of training! Or at least a set of exercises. Try something new and you will definitely see results.
  4. Analyze the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And if necessary, change it. If you lean on porridge in the morning, try replacing it with an omelette. Or vice versa, if you eat exclusively meat, add whole grain bread to your diet. And, rest assured, the question of why your weight stays the same on a diet will soon stop bothering you.
  5. Eat more often! This is the golden rule of losing weight, but, unfortunately, not everyone uses it. But everything is as simple as two times two: make smaller portions, add a couple of snacks between main meals, and it’s done!
  6. Reduce your salt intake. It is she who retains excess fluid in the tissues. And if you add salt, then only sea salt - no table salt!
  7. Book a massage. This is another answer to the ill-fated question “what to do if the weight stops while losing weight.” Sometimes just a few sessions are enough to wake up your metabolism from hibernation and start the weight loss process again.

As you can see, there are many reasons why weight stays the same when losing weight. Determine for yourself which problem has visited you. If you can’t find a solution on your own, none of the remedies described above help, consult a doctor; perhaps the solution lies deeper than it seems.

We, in turn, named the main possible reasons why weight stays the same when dieting. And we sincerely hope that this article will help you cope with “stagnation”. Good luck!