What to do if the spinner has 3 bearings. How to make a spinner with your own hands at home. We select the necessary materials

Spinner conquers the galaxy at the speed of light. Millions of people twist, spin and toss the toy, which has become a favorite accessory at work, home and school. For those who suddenly returned from a business trip in the forest, we explain: a spinner is the coolest anti-stress gadget for children and adults. The toy is made from the most various materials: metal, plastic, wood and so on. In previous materials, the gaming portal Game2Day talked about, and.

However, despite the fact that prices for spinners start from a few dollars, many users still search the Internet for how to make a spinner with my own hands. Today we will tell you how to make a spinner yourself at home without unnecessary complex gadgets. Let's start with something simple: make a spinner out of Coke caps and cardboard. And then we’ll try to make it more complicated and make a spinner out of bicycle chain. Well, then let's see what human imagination is capable of.

What does it take to make a spinner? Prepare cardboard, paper with a pencil, a compass with a ruler, several round bearings, a stationery knife and a simple knife, as well as a lot of glue: liquid, hot and superglue.

Making a spinner from paper and cardboard

A hand spinner made of paper or cardboard is simple to make: create a drawing (four equal-sized circles with places for bearings), cut out the parts from paper, and glue them onto cardboard. Cut the holes for the bearings a little smaller so that the metal part fits tightly and does not pop out. And then we simply glue three circles together around one at equal intervals.

Wooden spinner

Do you own a jigsaw and drill? Great! You can make an eco-friendly and pleasant-to-touch wooden spinner. There are plenty of drawings on the Internet, download and print them on paper. We apply the workpiece to wooden plank, carefully trace it with a pencil and cut it out along the contour. It would be nice to polish the resulting toy sandpaper and coat with varnish or wood oil. You can even age the spinner using a lighter. The holes for the bearings can be made with a drill (drill halfway, turn it over and drill further). The thickness of the board must match the thickness of the bearing.

Spinner made of plastic caps

The spinner can be made without bearings. We take 6 plastic covers (you can different color, it will be more beautiful). We make small holes in the center of two lids. We glue them with a flat surface facing each other, but so that the holes are not filled with glue. Fold three lids around the resulting figure, distributing them at the same distance. We glue them to our double lid on the sides at equal heights. Then we take wooden stick and push it through the hole in the center. We cut it off, leaving 3-4 millimeters on both sides so that it sticks out slightly from the lid. Fill the stick with glue and wait. That's it, you can spin it! You are your mother's engineer!

Spinner made of bearings

We will need three bearings, one of which should be slightly smaller than the others. Use a knife to pry off the protective liners from the small bearing and place them in a row so that the large ones are at the edges. Let's take three plastic clamps and tighten them around the future spinner. Firmly, so that you can lift the spinner by one of the clamps. We take two more clamps and tighten them across (on the sides of the small bearing). We cut the clamps and whoosh, magic!

A three-beam spinner will require seven bearings, a tube of superglue and hot glue, a wooden stick, acetone, salt (!!!), napkins and a utility knife. We remove the protective liners from the four bearings and clean them of oil residues using acetone. Then we lay out all seven bearings on the table so that one is in the middle and the rest around it (bearings without liners should go through one). We glue them to each other on top with superglue. We DO NOT glue bearings with liners! As soon as the glue dries, remove the excess and glue the spinner at the junction of the pieces of iron. Sprinkle salt there to fill the gaps and coat the spinner in a circle with hot glue. We wait until everything freezes and go show off to our friends.

What else can you make a spinner from?

Ohohonyushki! Well, we have questions today. A spinner can be made from anything. Seriously. You can even make a spinner out of a Lamborghini. Would you like to see? Please!

For tough men - a brutal spinner made from bullets. Melted and poured into special shape. You can walk around the area fearlessly. There is!

But this spinner is the complete opposite of the previous one. Want to make a toy out of Gummy bears? That way.

The young chemists perked up... Gallium spinner, how do you like this? They say that this material literally melts in your hands. But one thing is clear, it is very fragile, but beautiful: it resembles silver. You can troll werewolves.

One of the most expensive spinner options is gold. For what? We don't know. Maybe someone has more than enough school medals. Or teeth inherited from a great-grandfather. In general, if you have nowhere to put one of the most expensive metals on the planet, make yourself such a spinner. Maybe it will go under the hammer for even more money.

And these spinners are especially for boys and girls. Bright, colorful and completely safe. They are mostly made of cardboard, and the drawings can be downloaded from the description of the video. Offer to make one during labor or crafts classes. The teachers will definitely like it, maybe they’ll even let you do tricks in class

The next set consists of three spinners: from a bicycle chain, which can be made in a very short time; a very cool spinner with LED lights that glows in the dark, and the third option is made from LEGO.

The most luxurious spinner made of copper. Handmade, but it looks like it was made in a factory by hardworking Chinese. Or Filipinos. In general, see for yourself, if you happen to have such tools at hand - go for it!

There was already a spinner made from Gummy bears. It's time for another edible toy. A candy spinner made by an American blogger. Is it weak to repeat? A barberry spinner will turn out great!

Another glowing spinner with LED lights. You can put production on stream and supply local clubs instead of hand stamps. Why not a startup? Enjoy it for your health.

Sakura has bloomed. Silver rain is falling. Making a spinner shuriken. During the process, you can come up with more than one haiku, you know.

If you have nowhere to put your iPhones, make one into a spinner. Seriously, it spins cool and looks expensive. You just can’t call on it... me too, it’s called quality. Just think, they drilled a hole in the middle!

Glamorous spinner for girls with sparkles. You can also decorate it with beads.

A classic metal spinner for cool tricks and spins. Reliable, simple. You just have to get a lathe first.

You can come up with as many more models for spinners, if not more. The main thing is that there is enough imagination and available tools. Good luck and may the crookedness in your arms go away while you spend making the new spinners. Surprise us with your variations in the comments, happy spinning!

There are many ways to make a spinner with your own hands, but the vast majority of them involve the use of a bearing. We will tell and show how to make a hype anti-stress toy from what everyone has - paper.

What do you need to make a paper spinner?

  • Three A4 paper sheets, preferably different shades. You can do it in one color, but then it will turn out visually boring.
  • Scissors.
  • Coin with a face value of 1 ruble.
  • Three-layer (no thicker is needed) cardboard from under some box, foam plastic or plasticine will also work.
  • A sharp knife or awl.
  • A toothpick or a match, but a toothpick is stronger, so it’s a priority.
  • Simple office glue.

Instructions for making a paper spinner

Take scissors and cut an even square from the prepared sheet of paper. Fold it in half to one side twice, then turn it so it lies vertically in front of you and fold it again (see picture below).

Unfold the last fold and bend the resulting rectangle as shown in animated picture below.

Repeat all previous steps, but with paper of a different shade. As a result, you should end up with two identical pieces of different colors (see figure below).

Bend all the corners of your blanks, as is done in the GIF animation.

The resulting intricate origami elements must be placed on top of each other, as shown in the figure below.

It's time to connect the two solitudes (sheets) by tucking their corners into each other (see below).

As a result of all the manipulations done, you should end up with something similar to a star, only four-pointed. Which means it’s time to make a hole in it (clearly in the middle)!

Let's put our origami spinner aside and take cardboard from which we need to cut out two circles the size of a ruble coin. Now you need to make a hole in the center of each circle.

Having done everything required holes, may with clear conscience break the toothpick along the edges so that only its thick part, 1-1.5 cm long, remains.

The most crucial moment has come - it’s time to assemble our spinner from everything that you have prepared. Start by inserting toothpicks into the cardboard circle and securing them with glue. Then put a four-pointed star on a toothpick, cover the whole thing with a second cardboard circle and also seal their union with glue. Don’t forget that you only need to glue toothpicks and cardboard circles together, but not the origami star, otherwise nothing will spin.

To make everything look beautiful, you can glue colored paper onto cardboard.

Your personal one, made by your own hands from shit and sticks of paper, which significantly increases its value, is ready and rotates no worse than a bearing.

How to make a spinner with your own hands at home? — a lot of people are interested in this question. And not surprisingly, today there is a real boom with spinners. Everyone already knows about them, and everyone wants to spin it. But the prices of normal spinners are puzzling because a piece of material and bearings don’t cost that much. There is always a way out - to make a spinner with your own hands.

To be honest, at first I generally thought that a spinner was some kind of spinning toy for cats, and only recently I became interested in what it was and how to make a spinner yourself.

The choice fell on classic model three-spinner, which has a bearing both in the center and on each petal. The bearings at the edges are needed more like weights; it is not so interesting to twist while holding on to them, and depending on the size of the spinner, not everyone has enough finger length.

Spinner bearing

So, to make a high-quality spinner with your own hands, you will first need to acquire bearings. Cheap spinners are most often made without bearings, which is somehow not ideal. You can cut it out of cardboard and twist it on a rod using a pen, but we want everything to be in accordance with Feng Shui).

The most commonly used bearing is designated as 608. This is not some magic number, but just the brand of the bearing, there are also 607 (smaller) and 609 (larger). The 608 bearing has an outer diameter of 22 mm and an inner diameter of 7 mm. Its thickness is 8 mm.

It is most often used on the anchor of rotary hammer and electric drill motors. Well, it was found in one of the auto stores. By the way, they repaired the hammer drill there in front of me.

Each bearing was packed in a bag and a small box stating that it was made in Russia. But as it later turned out from a familiar seller, the inscription “made in Russia”, as a rule, indicates that it is Chinese... (Clarification - I live in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, so I don’t know how things are with this in Russia)

High quality bearing - very important element spinner, because It determines how long the spinner will spin and how stable it will be. Therefore, later the bearings were replaced with similar Korean ones.

Good bearings, but smaller (15 mm in diameter and 5 mm thick) were used in old hard drives. The rotation speed of old-generation hard drives was 5400 rpm, while modern ones are 7200 rpm. In modern hard drives, the bearing is located in the motor and has even smaller dimensions. Using such a bearing, you can make a good high-speed spinner that can spin for a very long time.

Preparing bearings for the spinner

Bearings are sold sealed with dust rings and lubricated. The spinner does not require any lubrication; it will only get your hands dirty and slow down the rotation with its viscosity. Therefore, the grease must be removed. This will require 50-100 ml of gasoline.

We dissect the bearings by removing the dust rings from them with something sharp and thin. We put the bearings in a jar and fill it with gasoline. We leave them in gasoline for a few minutes, then shake the jar so that the bearings flutter. Dipping unnecessary toothbrush into gasoline, remove any remaining grease from the bearings.

To get rid of the smell of gasoline, you can wash the bearings with soap, using the same toothbrush. You can put the dust rings back in if you want, but I prefer the combination of wood and metal. Now the bearings are completely ready for use in the spinner.

Spinner material

Plywood was chosen as the material as it is the most convenient for processing. You can also cut it from a thick sheet of getinax or plexiglass, but it is easily scratched, so it is difficult to do it neatly. In the bins of the house a piece of 10 mm plywood was found, from some kind of destroyed Soviet tape recorder.

I made the markings using a compass, ruler, protractor and pencil. It is important to make very precise markings, otherwise the center of mass may shift later and the spinner will hit when rotating. It’s more convenient to print a template from paper, cut it out and trace it, this will save both time and nerves.

Making a spinner body

Because Since the classic, curved shape was chosen, a 19mm crown was used to cut out the internal curves and holes for the bearings. It’s better, of course, to use 20 or 21 mm, but I simply couldn’t find it on sale.

The crown has a special holder into which the centering drill is inserted. Before drilling large holes, it is better to drill smaller diameter guides in the centers of future holes, and then, having secured the bit in the drill, drill 6 large holes in a circle and one central one.

Wood crowns have enough big teeth. They can easily peel off the top layers of plywood. Therefore, if you decide to make a spinner with your own hands from plywood, then it is better to drill to the middle, first on one side and then on the other.

Cutting out the spinner body

Now we cut off the excess, each petal. A jigsaw was used for this, but you can also use a regular hacksaw. We try to saw as close to the markings as possible, so that we have less to grind down later.

Boring holes for bearings

In addition to the external part of the case, the internal part also needs improvement, i.e. holes for bearings. They turned out to be 3 mm smaller than required. Using a round file and following the markings, we bore the holes so that each bearing fits very tightly. It’s better, of course, to do all this with a machine, if you have one.

We adjust the thickness of the spinner and sand it

After everything was bored and turned, it was time to bring the found plywood to the thickness of the bearings, i.e. 8 mm instead of 10. To do this, a layer of plywood was removed from each side of the workpiece and it became exactly 8 mm thick. Next, the entire workpiece was sanded, first with coarse and then fine sandpaper.

Finished design:

Finger holder

After inserting the bearings and twisting, it was decided to make a finger holder. When drilling the holes, there were holey round pieces left, which were used for this purpose.

Using a sharp knife, a column was cut from the rack along the inner diameter of the bearing. The round pieces were cut down to 3 layers. The ends of the post were filed with a file so that the round pieces would fit tightly on them. This is what the components of the holder look like:

All that remains is to insert the holder into the central bearing, first coat the joints with glue and wait for complete drying to rejoice new toy- a hand-made spinner)

Now you know how to make a spinner with your own hands - a rather useless thing, but cool.

The spinning toy that is fashionable today is enjoyed by teenagers, children and older people – especially the ever-tired and stressed “office plankton”. The spinner is designed to relieve stress, keep a person occupied for a while, distract from sad and difficult thoughts, and at the same time train “sleight of hand.” Today, at the peak of its popularity, a spinner can be bought in almost any store. But you can also make a twister with your own hands from scrap materials and various garbage. It won't take much time or effort.

What is a spinner?

To understand what to start with, you need to understand what a spinner is and “what it’s eaten with.”

The fashionable toy has many names: spinner, hand spinner, fidget spinner, hand spinner. It is a figure with three blades arranged radially.

In the center there is a metal bearing that holds them.

The toy is made from materials such as titanium, copper, brass, stainless steel, plastic. Depending on the material and design of the spinner, the speed and duration of its rotation and the sound vibration that comes from it depend.

The spinner was invented in the 90s of the twentieth century, but gained popularity only in 2017. At first, the funny spinner went around all the schools in the world - during breaks, students performed various tricks with the spinner. They were even banned in American schools on the grounds that playing with a fidget spinner distracts children from their studies and makes it difficult to concentrate.

Then the “miracle spinner” crawled into the offices. Some believe that it can help you concentrate or, on the contrary, relax, as, for example, a top or a yo-yo helped before. Forbes called the fidget spinner a “must-have office toy of 2017.”

To “be in trend” you need to own it. So let's get to work!

Simple ways to make a spinner from scrap materials

Experienced life hackers have long come up with ways to make a spinner from what they have at hand. All materials are used, including basic things like cardboard, plastic caps (soda pop), buttons, coins.

Despite the fact that the price of a toy does not exceed a few dollars (the average cost in Moscow is 250 rubles), craftsmen They don’t give up trying to create something creative “of their own.” Again, “to keep my hands busy.”

Spinner made of plastic caps

This is a simple craft to do, which, however, will require some effort and diligence.

For work you will need:

  1. Four covers.
  2. Glue stick and gun.
  3. Plasticine or kinetic sand (if available at home).
  4. Toothpick.
  5. Nail or knitting needle.
  6. Lighter
  7. Scissors.

Sand or plasticine is placed alternately into three bottle caps - up to the top. This is done so that the blades are heavy, so the turntable will spin.

The remaining space must be carefully filled with a glue gun.

A hole is made in the remaining lid (using a heated knitting needle or nail) - exactly in the center.

Then three petal covers are laid out around the base with a hole. There should be the same distance between them. How to check? Place another similar lid between them.

All three parts are glued using a glue gun.

From glue stick two pieces of 1 cm each are cut. One is put on the base of the toothpick, it is passed into the center of the toy. The second end also needs to be “secured” with a rod.

The pinwheel can be beautifully decorated, for example, painted acrylic paints, they fit well on plastic. Homemade spinner ready!

step-by-step instruction

Cardboard spinner without bearing

To make this toy, again, you will not need materials that are difficult to work with or those that are impossible to find.


  • cardboard;
  • spinner template;
  • 3 coins;
  • glue;
  • pen rod;
  • awl;
  • materials for decoration (paints, rhinestones, etc.)

The hardest thing is to find ready-made template spinner. This can be done on the Internet, or you can draw it yourself using a marker and the same plastic cover(or coins, or buttons) - just lay them out next to each other and circle them.

To work, you will need two pieces of cardboard.

You will also need 4 smaller circles (for example, circle a coin of a smaller denomination).

Coins are attached to one of the templates using glue - each on its own blade. These are weights. They should be slightly smaller than the diameter of each circle.

The coins are coated with glue on top and a second blank template is glued on.

A hole is made in the center of the resulting cardboard spinner. You need to insert the rod from the handle into it and cut it - 1 cm is enough.

In two circles of smaller diameter, a hole is also made.

The remaining two remain untouched.

Before proceeding with the final work, the toy must be painted. Will fit regular paints– watercolor, gouache – or markers.

You can show your imagination and make a bright model out of the pinwheel, for example, matching the color of your favorite superheroes.

You can use rhinestones, Velcro and other elements for decoration. They sit on the glue, but should not interfere with playing with the turntable.

How is a spinner assembled? A rod is inserted into one of the small circles. You need to coat its base with glue, insert it into the hole in the toy and press it on top with a second circle.

The remaining two circles are attached to the outside so that the rod is not visible, and the toy lies comfortably in the hand.

The spinner is ready!

step-by-step instruction

There are many other options for making a spinner at home, but the ones presented here are the simplest. Even a child can cope with this task.


The spinner is a super fashionable anti-stress toy today. To be on trend, you can make a pinwheel with your own hands. You don’t need money for this - all the materials can be found at home - just a little free time.