Tips on what to do to make life better. Attend interesting events. Create a backup storage

Life can be an interesting journey, full of incredible and exciting moments. But it can also become a real nightmare and a constant struggle. Everything depends on you. Only you choose which path to take. We invite you to consider together some ways that will make your life better.

Let go of the past

You can't enjoy life if you're stuck in memories of something that happened a long time ago. Free yourself from the burden of the past. After all, you cannot change what has already happened. Just learn from these events and move forward. Rest assured that many more amazing moments await you in life.

Don't take everything personally

Most people tend to spend a lot of time thinking about every little thing. Sometimes it feels like life is unfair to us when something bad happens. If, for example, a loved one leaves us, then we only blame ourselves. However, it should be realized that such things should not be perceived solely in this way. After all, it may not be your fault that another person encountered certain problems that led to such a decision. Of course, we all make mistakes. But it is very important to learn from them and move forward again. After all, this is the only way to achieve success.

Choose less over more

If you can make this a habit, you will see your life become simpler, freer and happier. Get rid of most of the non-essential things, talk less (this will allow you to hear more), eat less, dress simpler. Eliminate from your life everything that burdens you, all the negativity, because you don’t need all this. Reduce your to-do list to only the essential things, because other tasks only make you a busier person.

Apperciate things which you have

This will allow you to be truly happy man. Because you will be focused on the people you love, the opportunities you have, the things you enjoy doing, etc.

Stop worrying about the future

People tend to worry about tomorrow, afraid that something bad might happen. We try to predict the future, prepare for it and plan for it as best we can. However, in the end everything happens as it is destined to be. And the only thing we can do is enjoy and accept the situation as a given. Life is full of surprises. And that's just wonderful. But if you constantly prepare for the worst, you will only complicate everything. Stop trying to control and predict, and enjoy what is happening.

Become a self-sufficient person

In reality, we don't need anyone to feel good and enjoy life. So stop waiting for “that one person.” Of course, there may be emptiness inside you. However, another person cannot fill it. First of all, you should correct your relationship with yourself. Until you start loving, appreciating and respecting yourself, you won't be able to share your life with someone special and show them that you are worthy.

Always be open to something new

You will live a truly full life if you can sometimes step out of your comfort zone. Don't be afraid to take risks, try things that scare you. Challenge yourself! This will allow you to constantly grow and improve, which will make your life full and interesting.

Choose Kindness

Be kind to every person with whom life brings you. And do this regardless of how people treat you. After all, you can always smile, be polite and offer help. People's situations are different, so this kind of attitude on your part can make their life a little better. And what could be more pleasant than becoming a real ray of light for another person? After all, it can change your life, filling it with meaning.

Dull, dull everyday life and suddenly the realization came that it was time to change, that is simple ways, which can become the first step towards a new positive life.

1. Harmony and peace of mind

Identify the irritants that make you angry, drain your energy and make you sad. Try to either avoid unpleasant situations or learn to deal with them more calmly. Take up yoga, spiritual practice, charity, or become a volunteer.

2. Physical health

Proper nutrition, physical activity, adequate sleep, avoidance bad habits capable of performing miracles. At the same time, it is good to show a sense of proportion everywhere and not go too far.

3. Personal growth

Chat with interesting people smart people who have a lot to learn from. Discover new areas of knowledge and hobbies. Read books every day, develop yourself and strive for higher goals.

4. Learn to trust and love unconditionally

Paradoxically, people with a full love for life, others and themselves are more vulnerable and prone to mistakes. But only they are given the opportunity to experience the happiness of true love.

5. Be responsible and learn from your mistakes

It's stupid to blame someone for failures. In any trouble, we are primarily to blame. The only thing that can be done is to learn lessons, draw conclusions and move on, without stepping on the same rake.

6. See the world through the eyes of a child

Learn to appreciate every moment. What could be better than stopping in the hustle and bustle, taking a breath, looking around, at the sky and feeling that life is beautiful. Love life and the people around you no matter what.

7. Set goals and don’t dwell on failures

A person without a goal in life is like a ship without a course. It floats with the wind, wherever a tailwind will push it - it will carry it to the reefs, or run aground. Such indifference to one's own fate only causes fatigue and apathy. At a time when the smallest goal fills life with meaning and gives impetus to action. Don't give up at the first setbacks and keep moving towards your dream.

8. Enjoy the little things and be grateful

Did your boss ruin your vacation plans by not signing a statement? Set aside this money for a trip to hot countries for the New Year holidays. And remember, everything that is not done is for the better.

9. Give, give, help

Don’t forget to help others – in word, deed, etc. Learn to give, and then you will probably feel much happier.

10. Appreciate and love people

Try not to focus on the shortcomings of the people around you. Focus on them positive qualities, look only for the good in them. When you can love people, you can feel happier.

Hello my dear readers and blog guests! I have recently become convinced that simplicity makes me happier. I noticed that even my views on many things and events became different, more conscious. I began to notice little things, understand those people who previously seemed eccentric to me, and there was less worry and fuss in my life. It feels like I've gone completely new level. But, of course, I am far from ideal, but, nevertheless, I am pleased with the result.

How to make life easier

Simplicity has become a way of life for me, and simplification is one of several goals. Mine helped me a lot. After all, in fact, it is very difficult to reorganize yourself, change habits and thinking. But time and labor, as they say, will grind everything down. I have just begun my journey as a minimalist, but I have already mastered many truths that inspire me and give me motivation to move on.

For those who have not yet experienced all the benefits of this direction, I would like to advise them to at least try it. After all, chaos in life occurs due to excess. In the house - things, in the head - thoughts. Our task is to put everything on the shelves, to highlight priority areas, which first of all need to be developed, discarded everything unnecessary and got rid of material and intangible trash.

Today I will try to formulate rules that will help each of you make your life simpler and easier so that you enjoy it, do pleasant things and enjoy it to the fullest.

Throw away all the trash

I believe this is the first thing you need to do on the path to simplifying your life. Few people attach importance to this special meaning, but in vain. Incredibly, as soon as you feel it, you will receive a huge charge of motivation, which will ultimately lead you to realize what you are missing, what you want to change. This rule will not only save you from unnecessary and unnecessary fuss, free up space in your home, but will also give you the opportunity to change your idea of ​​the meaning of life in general. Loud words, I agree, but this is where my self-development began, my consciousness seemed to undergo purification. And I’m sure that a big but pleasant surprise awaits you too. Just try for a week to throw out everything that clutters your home, everything that is unnecessary and unused by you. Prepare 2 boxes - put garbage in the first, and what you want to give or sell in the second. The main thing is not to regret anything!

Set your life priorities

What is most important to you in this moment: family, money, health? Sometimes we believe that today there is nothing more important than a career, and children, wife, husband, relatives, illnesses, relaxation and communication with friends - all this can wait. Wait, when to live then? In retirement, on those short weekends? This will not work. There is only one life and you need to live it, squeezing out all the juices. Exists great amount methods and rules that will help you organize your life correctly and at the same time live to the fullest without depriving yourself and others.

I recently came across a very interesting video, which really helps to accurately understand priorities, which for the most part are dictated not by the mind, but by the heart. Be sure to watch this video, you will be surprised how much a person can make mistakes and make wrong decisions in his life just because he does not know how to highlight what is important.

Organize your life

Sometimes household chores take up a lot of our time, preventing us from having fun, making everyday life boring and uninteresting. But there is one way out - to optimize your life, to make it simpler and easier. For example, the same . Incredibly, it works wonders. Millions of housewives have already been convinced of its effectiveness. Thanks to the tips and techniques, you will spend a minimum of time maintaining household, while cleanliness and order will not leave your home.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to. This greatly simplifies their use and organizes the space. Well, as always, I advise you to stick to it. You should not store what you do not use, what does not bring you benefit and joy. In this sense, I advise you to read the book “The Magic of Cleaning”.

Clean up your social circle

It sounds unusual, but, nevertheless, people leave a significant imprint on our lives. Without communication we will not survive. Being a recluse is unbearable, indecent, dangerous, but surrounded by every person there are a number of people who bring nothing but negativity. These could be work colleagues, neighbors, and even relatives. Limit communication with such unique people to a minimum. Don't date around doing nothing, and find the strength to tell them why you made the decision you did. Perhaps this will be an impetus for change for them.

Better please yourself by communicating with your beloved friends, relatives, and family. Make new acquaintances, communicate, but at the same time put a filter and let only kind and kind people into your life. positive people, with which it is easy and simple for you. Don't be afraid to seem like a selfish, bitchy person. Make it clear that it is up to you to decide how to build it.

Pay attention to the little things

You might be wondering how the question of simplicity can relate to little things. Yes, everything is very simple. When we pay attention to details, rejoice and notice little things, life becomes richer, happier, and acquires some understanding of the meaning of existence. At the same time, you simply don’t have enough time to spray everything. Our life is made up of little things. For example, you can put 100 figurines on a shelf and not enjoy the look of them, or you can put only one, your favorite and dear to my heart, which will constantly attract your attention. You can marry one woman, give her all your love, and receive in return gratitude, care and need, or constantly be in search of a loved one and jump from bed to bed, wasting your life energy left and right.

There can be many examples and many will not agree with me that these are not details at all. I will be very glad if you don’t think so, because most likely you know true value these “little things”.

Look for the positive in the negative

Plan your time

Planning again, but nowhere without it. To manage the main thing in your life, to devote time to the most important things, you need time, minutes, hours, days, years. Often they are not enough. Try to divide your day into separate blocks - work, family, rest... Don’t forget about yourself. When it comes to important things, it is best that they are related to your goals. You shouldn’t waste your time and do things that don’t bring you pleasure and don’t bring you closer to your dream. Try to do everything joyfully and remember what you are striving for. This will be your main motivation, even if you are eating a “frog” at this time.

Loneliness, laziness, rest

Sometimes it’s a pity to waste time on vacation, because time is running, need to . But as I already said, our main mission on earth is to have fun, live in joy and happiness. If you work all day long, don’t see your children, don’t take care of yourself, but just do, do and do, then, unfortunately, a very disastrous result awaits you. Your health will most likely deteriorate, relationships with loved ones will deteriorate, and there will be no joy in it. Learn to relax, be lazy, and be alone. Choose what you like best, it’s vital necessary rule, which is simply unacceptable to violate.

If you manage your time correctly, work on important tasks, and get the most important things done, then your life will become easier.

Minimalist work

Without work you can't go anywhere. This is a source of money that, in fact, makes most of our desires come true. But in this area, we can work on simplification. For example, if you hate your colleagues, your boss, and generally what you do, then you should consider changing jobs. Find one that you like, where you will feel lighter, simpler and more confident. And the shorter the path from home to work, the better.

It’s also worth taking some time to work on your workplace. Throw out all the trash, clear the space, clean out the drawers, organize the storage of office supplies and papers, sort them by type, purpose, and so on. At work, do only work. This way you will be more effective and your efforts will be noticeable.

Be sure to take five minutes of rest. Get to know.

Down with perfectionism

Being the best, doing everything perfectly is, of course, good if it doesn’t interfere with your life. But often this quality does not bring people satisfaction. To be the best is a huge amount of work and a responsibility, first of all, to yourself. If the bar falls, then self-esteem suffers. It’s better to focus your energy on quality, don’t blame yourself for the fact that something didn’t turn out the way you wanted. The main thing is to try, try, but in no case blame yourself. In some cases, the situation reaches the point of absurdity. But remember, you don’t owe anyone anything.

Simple food

Exotic is in fashion, and chic and complex dishes are becoming more popular. But instead of standing at the stove for hours, you can cook at least delicious dishes from simple ingredients fast and easy. If you want something unusual, it’s better to go to a restaurant, order sushi or any other delicacy to your liking, and for homemade keep it simple. Make a list of recipes that will be a lifesaver for you in advance. This will save a lot of time.

Lists, lists, lists...

If you do only this out of everything listed in the article, you will already feel how you have made your life easier. I guarantee you this. Lists can be for all occasions. For example, purchases, wishes, gifts, medicines, dishes, plans, goals, household chores, routines, events, dates, holidays, books you want to read, inventory household chemicals, clothes, things for kindergarten and so on. Now you will always know what to buy, what to take with you, what is missing at home. The number of lists is unlimited, try and experiment.

Make life easier - save money

Thanks to lists, you can significantly. But this is not the only way to keep an extra penny in your wallet. First of all, then don’t buy what you don’t need, get by with the minimum and those things that you really need. For example, why buy 10 frying pans if you can get by with three at most? Why buy kitchen tools, for example, various types of combines or vegetable cutters, if you use them once a year and then not always? Why buy decorative items that don’t fit into the interior of the room? In general, there can be a million such questions. Think for yourself, decide for yourself whether to save or not.

Learn to say “no”

Reliability, the desire to please, helping everyone and everyone does not make our life easier. Being a rescuer and helper is good, but only when it does not interfere with bringing ideas and goals to life, when you do not suffer from it and do not feel sad. Learn to say no to those who don't really need your help. This is especially true for people you know and are not very close to you, for example, work colleagues. First of all, think about whether your reliability will hinder you.

Get things done

Unfinished business can drive anyone crazy. It is better to protect yourself from the state of something unfinished, let go of this burden and clear your head of thoughts of an unsuccessful enterprise. Either forget about the events that you were unable to bring to mind, or, in the end, complete it, put an end to it and move forward. And try not to create a trail of cases behind you. Give your entire attention to the enterprise, don’t be scattered around, focus on one thing.

Healthy lifestyle

Another way to make your life easier is to lead healthy image life. Then there will be less hassle and worries regarding your health, which is very valuable for every person. Quit smoking - you will kill several birds with one stone - you will save money, improve your health, and live longer. You will play sports and you will suffer less from excess weight, self-esteem will be at the top, life will become happier and more colorful. There will be more opportunities, from clothes to personal life. So draw your own conclusions.

Simplify your image

Instead of buying thousands of blouses that are in trend, making unconscious purchases of absolutely unnecessary things that you are unlikely to wear, take the time to compose or. This is a lifesaver for all occasions. You can read more about all this. This is a transformation marathon that will definitely simplify your life and save you from unnecessary fuss.


The art of distributing tasks to another person still needs to be learned so that all participants are happy. For example, you are a mother, there are children in the family who are already capable of several household chores. Assign them responsible tasks - washing dishes, making the bed, getting ready for school on their own, and so on. The same goes for a husband who, for example, will throw out trash every day. Delegation is a very important thing in the matter of organization and simplifying life. Read more about this.

Make a personalized plan to make life easier

Well, now, after reading the article, make your own plan to simplify your life, take something from here, add something of your own. The more detailed your plan is, the better. Take your time, you have time to develop and improve. You will succeed, the main thing is to remember, do not leave unfinished business, set goals and plan to achieve them. With small steps you will achieve everything you want. Simple life is real, and it is already waiting for you. This is a life where there is a place for joy, important little things and happiness, and there is no place for disappointments, failures and boredom. See you again!

Even the longest journey begins with one step

Surely each of you wants to change your life for the better in some way. Unfortunately, not everyone can achieve this decisively and irrevocably, but there is a way out. Start by changing your small routine bad habits and gradually you will understand that moving in the right direction is not so difficult and scary - you just need to take these small steps regularly.

Professor B.J. Fogg, founder and director of the Laboratory of Motivational Technologies at Stanford University, has devoted much research to developing useful skills in people that help them radically change their lifestyle. Use his method, start small and after a while you will notice that major changes have occurred in your life.

How to improve physical health

1. Often we are so busy during the day that we do not think about supplying the body with sufficient water, finding time only for a tea or coffee break. Make it a habit to start each morning with a glass of water, which helps maintain water balance the body is normal and helps eliminate toxins.

2. Move as much as possible, do not limit your daily route to the “home-car-work-car-home” pattern. Regular walks on fresh air can bring you more benefits than grueling workouts in the gym after long hours spent in front of the computer.

3. Eat raw vegetables or fruits with every meal. Lettuce leaves, melon slices, cucumbers, carrots, various berries - the scope for imagination is almost unlimited. Fruit and vegetable snacks enrich your diet with nutrients, help maintain energy throughout the day, reduce hunger and thus prevent you from overeating, helping you lose excess weight.

4. Sitting in front of a monitor for long periods of time is detrimental to your mental, physical and emotional condition, so you need to take regular breaks. It's very simple - set hourly reminders on your gadget or computer, and as soon as you hear a beep, pause your work. Get up, take a deep breath, stretch your muscles - repeat the gymnastics every hour and you will feel great and be energetic throughout the working day.

5. Take a small bag of nuts or some other light, protein-rich food with you everywhere. This will help prevent hunger pangs when you are ready, as they say, to “kill the worm” with the first snack you come across, without paying attention to the number of calories it contains. By supplementing your diet with foods high in protein, you will improve your metabolism and promote muscle growth.

How to improve your mental state

1. When communicating, try to ask your interlocutor open questions, requiring detailed answers, rather than monosyllabic “yes” or “no”. Start your questions with phrases like: “What do you think about...?”, “How would you...?” or, for example, “What is your experience with...?” Questions like these help improve the effectiveness of communication, make the conversation more meaningful and open up many ways for its development. By listening carefully to your interlocutors, you will probably learn a lot useful information Moreover, this way you can make new friends.

2. If you like to be creative, keep all your craft supplies on hand. Don’t painfully squeeze out the desire to devote hours, for example, to drawing - just take up pencils or paints as soon as you feel inspired. It’s even better to constantly experiment with artistic media - draw with crayons for a week, another week with watercolors, devote the next week to wood carving, then start mastering clay sculpting, and so on.

3. Find time every day to sit for a few minutes in complete silence, doing nothing. This is not meditation - you don’t have to take the lotus position and close your eyes, trying to listen to the sound of the chakras or comprehend the elusive Zen. Just sit quietly in a comfortable position, breathing regularly and letting your thoughts take their course.

4. At the end of the day, write down your thoughts and impressions - this is the easiest way to unload your brain from the mass of information received. Writing these notes regularly is much easier than keeping a journal or making detailed lists of what you need to do. Let the notes be chaotic, without a specific structure and format - do not try to show off your literary talent by editing each phrase over and over again, just record the stream of consciousness. According to some studies, this practice helps cope with anxiety and reduces the risk of developing depression. As an alternative, you can record your monologues on a voice recorder.

5. Come up with something like a simple, easy-to-remember mantra and repeat it to yourself in moments of stress and emotional tension. The phrase should calm you down and remind you of things that are important to you. Often, in stressful situations, our brain does not help us, but hinders us, jumping from one thing to another and causing us to panic. The “spell” will help you organize your thoughts and focus on solving the problem. Here are the most common examples of such “mantras”: “All this will pass”, “I am stronger than I think”, “Worse things have happened”, “I am not alone” - choose the one you like, or compose something original.

How to increase productivity

1. Find yourself a role model in the field professional activity. When you're working hard on a difficult task, an important business meeting, or after a promotion that requires you to rethink your professional skills, ask yourself - how would this person behave in your place? Would he give up and freak out? Or would you be a model of calm and confidence? Then imagine what you think you would most likely do. Comparing the two behavior models will help you get rid of the uncertainty of the situation and self-doubt.

2. Before you leave workplace, spend five minutes making a list of tasks that you had to complete during the workday. Note what has been done and what has not been done and what circumstances prevented you from achieving your plans. Don’t blame yourself for mistakes, try to dispassionately understand what caused your mistakes. Pay attention to how much you have accomplished, focus on the positive. By identifying the factors that prevent you from being productive, you can avoid them in the future.

3. Turn off notifications of various computer programs and communication services, put gadgets away. Try to ensure that nothing distracts you from work for at least a few hours every day. To switch from one task to another, the brain has to spend energy and time. Constantly being distracted by messages, e.g. Email, or social networks(including completely useless spam), you can lose up to 40% of your working time by reading advertising messages offering to “increase something in just five sessions” and chatting with friends about the weather, which is better done in your spare time.

4. To various invitations and proposals from friends and acquaintances to spend time in one way or another, answer: “I’ll look at my schedule and think about it” - you shouldn’t immediately agree or refuse. If you say “no” right away, there is a risk of eventually being left without friends at all, but if you agree to everything, you can simply overload yourself physically and emotionally. Calmly evaluate each option for spending time, weigh all the pros and cons, check the schedule of already planned activities and only then give an answer.

5. Devote at least five minutes a day to thinking about steps that will help you implement your career plans - this is one of the the right types positive visualization. Visualizing the end result is usually completely useless in achieving it, and imagining specific actions that you should take (and, of course, putting them into practice) will bring you closer to your goal.

How to improve relationships with loved ones

1. Check in with at least one family member or friend every day. Nowadays, it’s easier than ever to stay in touch, but often we regularly communicate only with work colleagues or a few “friends” from social networks. Don’t wait for calls and messages from relatives, take the initiative, call or write yourself. It only takes a few minutes a day and after a while you will notice that your social circle has expanded significantly.

2. Once a week, write notes of gratitude to those who you believe have had a positive influence on you. Even if you have never maintained close friendships with this person, or he has long ceased to be a part of your life, if you have something to say “thank you” to him for, be sure to take advantage of it. By cultivating the ability to be grateful and appreciative, you get rid of unnecessary fears and worries and thereby fill your and other people’s lives with positive emotions.

3. End the day by expressing gratitude or encouragement to your significant other. Feel free to once again remind your lover that you appreciate and love him (or her) - this simple habit can change your relationship for the better. No need for complex and long phrases, it’s enough to say “I’m happy that we are together” or “Thank you for existing.” If you're not currently dating anyone, be grateful and reward yourself, even if you're not having a great day. Sounds stupid? Perhaps, but by encouraging yourself, you will prevent yourself from slipping into depression due to some minor troubles.

4. When talking, before answering your interlocutor, much less objecting to him, take a short break to think about what he said and your reaction. Train yourself to listen carefully, do not start thinking about your arguments while the person is still speaking. In this way you show your respect and make it clear that his opinion is not an empty phrase for you. Thanks to the pause, you have the opportunity to weigh all the possible consequences of your reaction and choose appropriate phrases. If communication takes place in a raised voice, by waiting just five seconds, you can refrain from mercilessly barking, which would ruin your relationship with your interlocutor forever.

5. Give yourself a break from humanity. Your life is full of emotions, including negative ones: irritation, disappointment, anger, tension - being caught up in a storm of passions, you lose the ability to think clearly and look into the future with optimism. It’s normal to experience emotions, but sometimes you need to take a kind of time-out - as one commercial said: “And let the whole world wait.” Go for a walk, turn on your favorite music, fold a dozen paper cranes, and finally, lock yourself in your room and be alone. Find your own way of distraction and use it when you feel the negative emotions is off scale.

How to benefit the environment and society

1. From time to time, walk around the area around your home with a trash bag and collect trash. This ritual will increase your environmental awareness and can have an amazing effect on the occupants of your home. It is likely that after seeing your concern, others will begin to be much more attentive to the sanitary condition landings and the area adjacent to the entrance. By your example, show everyone that they should take care of the condition of at least those closest to you. environment important and necessary. If you want to change the world, start in your own backyard.

2. Be more friendly with your neighbors. Instead of a casual smile or nod, exchange a few friendly phrases with them, or at least say hello. Try to create an atmosphere in the house, if not of friendship, then at least of goodwill. For example, when meeting your retired neighbors on the way to the store, inquire about their health and ask if they need to buy something too. Most likely, they will respond to your care with sincere gratitude and will probably repay you kindly - for example, they will agree to help with the housework or look after the child when you urgently need to leave on business.

3. Before purchasing any expensive household appliances or gadget, try to borrow a similar thing from one of your friends, of course, if there is such an opportunity. Probably, after using, for example, a fancy coffee machine for a couple of weeks, you will discover that coffee brewed in a Turkish coffee machine tastes much better. In this way, you will save money and relieve yourself of some responsibility for the thoughtless consumption of fashionable trinkets, the production of which releases a lot into the atmosphere of our planet. harmful substances. If you realize that you still absolutely need such a thing, take a closer look at used copies - fortunately, now this can be done via the Internet, without jostling for hours at flea markets.

4. Save money for charity. Let it be small amounts - the main thing is to do it regularly. If you transfer one hundred rubles from each salary to charitable accounts, you are unlikely to become poor, but if at the same time you can convince your friends and acquaintances to do the same, then total amount money allocated for the treatment of seriously ill children or assistance to poor families can grow to impressive sizes. Remember - we are all members of one big human family.

The number “42” is somewhat magical for a website, so I simply could not ignore this article. After reading it, I realized that it contains simple and effective advice, which have already been discussed separately on our blog more than once. I’m even thinking about hanging these 42 points in a frame in a very visible place, so as not to forget that we ourselves are complicating our lives.

1. Try completely opposite things

For example, if you've been eating a lot of meat, it's time to try giving it up for at least a short period of time. If you like to argue, try to remain silent. If you woke up late, get up early, etc. Make these little experiments part of your Everyday life and this will be a kind of inoculation of “getting out of the comfort zone.” Firstly, it’s interesting, and secondly, at the moment of the next sharp turn in your life, going beyond comfort will not be so noticeable.

2. Wake up 20 minutes earlier

You can do this in several approaches of 20 minutes each, and then you can easily wake up an hour earlier and have time to do many interesting things before. before the hands didn't arrive. Just recently we touched on the topic, so if you haven’t started yet, you have a wonderful opportunity to include this item in your life as a whole.

3. Arrive to all meetings and appointments 10 minutes early

Firstly, by leaving early you won’t worry about being late and keeping your colleagues waiting. Why do you need extra stress before an important meeting? Secondly, by arriving a little earlier, you can prepare and double-check that you haven’t forgotten anything.

4. Single-tasking

Our brains are unable to multitask. We still have to switch from one task to another. When you work on just one thing, you do it better and more focused, without distractions.

5. Ask yourself: Am I trying to keep things simple?

Analyze the situation. If it turns out that with your actions you are complicating things even more, think about how to break it down into simpler components and solve the problem.

6. Ask yourself: will this matter in 5 years?

Before you make mountains out of molehills and tear your hair out, think about whether this situation will be important in 5 years? And in 5 weeks?

7. Make purchases only based on the money you have earned or saved

Before buying something expensive, think carefully and remember the rule “think about the purchase for as many days as hundreds are included in its price (if 100, then one day, if 200 - 2 days, etc.).” This will help you make smart purchases and avoid stupid loans.

8. Learn a few recipes and cook at home more often.

This way you will save money and be able to eat more healthy food(assuming you are preparing healthy meals).

By the way, there are quite a lot of interesting and simple ones on our blog.

9. When you cook, try to cook more than you will eat.

This will save you time - next time you will only need to reheat what is already ready. And, of course, you won’t have to wash the dishes so often.

To be honest, I don't really like eating heated food. But during periods of blockages, this is a great help. In addition, there are dishes that become tastier on the second day (some soups, for example).

10. Write it down

Human memory is not the best reliable tool. Therefore, make notes of things to do, purchases, meetings, etc. Also, try to identify 4 priority goals for this year and periodically look at them in your notes so as not to deviate from the set course.

11. Remember that there is much more to life than you think.

You don't know everything and sometimes you make mistakes. This will help you listen with great patience to other people's opinions and accept them, change yourself and always remain open to new knowledge and opportunities.

12. Take risks, don’t be afraid to make mistakes

And then learn from them, assimilate what life presents, and with the knowledge and experience gained, boldly take on new ideas.

13. Do something you really enjoy

Don't live by other people's dreams and desires.

14. Try to purchase groceries for the week at once

This will save not only money, but also time.

15. Go shopping when you're full

The surest way to go to the store and buy only what you need is to not go there hungry. There will be no temptation to buy something else and, standing at the checkout, your hands will not reach for chocolates and cookies, so helpfully laid out at the last line :)

16. Enjoy small pleasures

Beautiful sunset, blooming trees outside the window after a long winter, the last most delicious piece of cake. Learn to savor life in small pieces and find pleasant moments in the world around you.

17. Drink water

Instead of eating when you get bored, it is better to drink a glass of water - get rid of the feeling of hunger and at the same time replenish the water supply in the body.

18. Eat more slowly

Don’t fly as if you are late for the last train in your life to a bright and happy future. Food must be taken in good mood and take your time, enjoying every bite. Firstly, this way you will be full faster, although you will eat less than if you stuff food at cruising speed. And secondly, this will be another pleasant moment that will complement your mosaic of enjoying life.

Be kind to the people around you, and especially to yourself.

20. Write short letters

Usually 1-5 sentences are enough.

21. Reply to emails once a day

Select for yourself the most optimal time to check mail and respond to incoming letters. Examination mailbox every 5 minutes will take time and add nervousness.

22. Learn and try new ways to deal with stress.

Meditation, yoga, classical music, a couple of laps around the stadium after work - any of these methods can help you relieve stress.

23. Keep your home and work area tidy

Then you can quickly find the things you need and thus save time and nerves.

24. Live “here and now”

Enjoy life, seize every moment. Be aware of each day instead of rushing through it headlong, constantly thinking about what will happen tomorrow.

25. Spend more time with people who make life easier.

And try to avoid the company of those who do everything for no reason.

26. Exercise every day

Let it be at least a walk or a walk during lunch. This will help you get rid of stress, add energy, help put your body in order and drive away negative thoughts.

27. Get rid of clutter

Get rid of things in the house, projects that slow down your development, bad thoughts in your head and people who are an obstacle to your goals and take up too much time and energy with constant complaints about life.

28. Ask questions

Don't be afraid to ask for advice from people who have been in situations similar to yours and were able to find a solution.

29. Stop trying to please everyone

Simply because it's useless. This is impossible because there will always be people who don't like you for one reason or another. And there can be thousands of such reasons.

30. Break complex tasks into small ones

If a task seems difficult, break it down into several small tasks and solve them one by one.

31. Stop trying to do everything perfectly.

This does not mean that everything should be done carelessly. Just instead of obsessing over the smallest details, just do your job well. ABOUT side effects We have also written about perfectionism more than once - a waste of time, energy and nerves, plus increased dissatisfaction with oneself and others due to an inflated standard.

32. Stop for a minute and just take a deep breath.

And then exhale slowly. Deep breathing relaxes and saturates the blood with oxygen. It also helps you focus better on important things.

33. Spend 20% of your time thinking about solving a problem and 80% solving it.

And not vice versa.

34. Focus on a few important things, and cut off everything unnecessary and unimportant.

Instead of being scattered on 10 projects at once, direct all your energy to solving two or three main tasks.

35. Keep a diary

Every day your thoughts and your actions, you can then easily track what exactly helped you find the right solution. Also, re-reading your notes will help you clearly see your progress and avoid making the same mistakes.

36. If you no longer like what you do, find something else.

The world around us is changing and we are changing with it. What we were simply delighted with yesterday may no longer be of any interest to us today. If you feel that what you once loved no longer brings you satisfaction, it's time to think about changes.

37. Use a minimalist workspace

Nothing should bother you. Your desk should be in order and contain only those things that are necessary for work. Clutter distracts and reduces productivity. I think that order should be not only on the desktop, but also on the desktop of your computer.

38. Give yourself 15 minutes every Sunday to plan for the upcoming work week.

This will help you get your head in order, prioritize and order things, set goals, tune in to the work ahead, and reduce stress.

39. Cancel unnecessary subscriptions

Be it disconnecting from cable TV with a huge number of channels, or clearing your RSS feed of junk that you continue to view out of habit. You can also add some magazines and newspapers here.

40. Ask instead of guessing

42. Sometimes allow yourself to just be lazy

If you can put your life in order, get rid of negativity and unnecessary things, you will have time for small and pleasant laziness. Sometimes laziness is a barrier that prevents us from achieving our desired goals, but sometimes it is a cure. Allow yourself to be a little lazy at least once a week. Don't think about work, don't think about goals, but just enjoy the silence, a book, or solitude. This little laziness will allow you to have a good rest and start working week with new strength and inspiration.

You know, when your head is not occupied with anything, very interesting thoughts pop in there;)