What is being done to purify the air. How to protect air from pollution? Recommendations from environmentalists. What role do green spaces play in cleaning the air?

Residents of the metropolis know the value of fresh air

We are used to it - in order to “get some air” we need to go somewhere. But this doesn’t always work out, and you have to spend most of your time in the city: work, study, business. But it turns out that you can breathe fresh air. Without leaving the metropolis...

If you ask any person what he thinks about the air of the metropolis that he breathes every second, the answers will be the same: “poison”, “poison”, “carcinogen”. In modern big city one can only dream of truly clean air... Street air in a metropolis carries a whole cocktail of pollution: dust, exhaust gases, emissions from enterprises, harmful substances. A particular health hazard is posed by the so-called man-made dust - a mixture of tiny particles of asphalt and car tires. Sometimes this is mixed with road reagent left over from the winter and not washed off by the rains. Buses, utility vehicles and construction equipment drive along the city streets, emitting terrible clouds of exhaust that are diesel aerosols. Experts from the World Health Organization, based on research in 2012, classified diesel exhaust as a substance that causes cancer.

Unfortunately, the air in the room where we spend 90% of our time cannot be called clean. To the street ingredients of the “harmful cocktail” are added their indoor counterparts - substances emitted from the floor, walls, windows, furniture, tobacco smoke coming from smoking neighbors through exhaust ventilation, combustion products from cooking. The air in an apartment is usually stagnant, and bacteria and viruses thrive and multiply in it. That's why we get sick so often, precisely while indoors - at home and at work.

We try to ventilate the rooms, but if you open the window... - this has already been said above. A constant supply ventilation in most Russian homes and offices there is simply no such thing.

Children suffer the most from air pollution. They breathe more frequently than adults, and their immunity is significantly weaker. Therefore, polluted air causes more harm to them. Street dust and particulate matter entering the room through slightly open windows injure the sensitive respiratory tract and provoke infectious diseases and decreased immunity in children. Hence problems with lung functioning, a tendency to develop asthma, bronchitis and acute respiratory infections.

Most home installations are powerless

When in Moscow in the summer of 2010 there was literally hell from smoke forest fires and peat bogs, residents swept away all air conditioners from the shelves in an attempt to save them. Many people still think that an air conditioner cleans the outside air and then cools it to a comfortable temperature. However, it is not. The air conditioner cools only the air that is in the room, and does not take it from the street. Those expensive models that are capable of supplying at least a little air from the street retain dust and large particles, while exhaust gases and other combustion products enter the room. You can draw an analogy with water: no one puts water in the refrigerator to purify it - everyone uses filters.

The air purifier and air washer also do not cope with the problem. This device will clean the dust that is in the room. But new dust is constantly flying into the room through the windows. And you have already inhaled the harmful substances and exhaust gases that have already entered the room, even if the room appliance neutralized some of them.

What to do with dirty air?

The answer is simple - clean. Moreover, it should retain all contaminants at the entrance, preventing them from entering the room. After all, it is completely obvious to us that, for example, the air filter in a car engine needs to be changed regularly, otherwise the engine will break down. In exactly the same way, everyone knows that you need to pass tap water through a special filter - without this it is simply unsafe to drink. We drink 2-3 liters of water a day, and inhale 15 liters of air - and it is mostly polluted.

If we are unlikely to be able to influence the street air in the foreseeable future, then a constant flow of clean air into the room can be ensured. For this purpose, there is a special class of devices called breathers.

Breezer is Supply unit with air purification function. Sometimes such devices are called ventilators or supply air purifiers.

The breather creates a constant flow of air into the apartment. The air is renewed, ceases to be stagnant and will no longer be a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria and viruses. Due to the constant influx of all “household” harmful substances and unpleasant odors will be removed through exhaust ventilation in the kitchen and bathroom. Since the windows can be kept closed with such a device, there will be no drafts in the apartment and no one in the household will catch a cold.

The most important thing is the characteristics of the device. And among them the most important is the cleaning class. Often such installations are equipped with dust filters of class F5, F7 or F9. This means that they retain large dust, and small particles pass through such a filter unhindered. The lungs have alveoli, sacs at the end of branching tubes. This fine dust gets clogged there, settles and harms health, causing pulmonary diseases.

Thus, when choosing a device, you need to look for a device with the highest filtration class. Today on the market there are breathers with medical filtration class, up to H11 and even H12. Such filters are used in clean rooms medical institutions, for example, in operating rooms. The presence of such a filter ensures that even the smallest dust, viruses, bacteria, mold spores and pollen will remain outside the walls of your home.

Another necessary function of a breather is climate control. In our climate, the air needs to be heated most of the year, and the device should allow this to be done as conveniently as possible. If the breather does not have the function of maintaining a set temperature, then in the best case, the adjustment will have to be selected according to sensations, and in the worst case, if it gets sharply cold on a winter night, you can easily catch a cold by the morning.

Breezer will provide you and your family with an environmentally friendly, comfortable and healthy stay in the apartment. The main rule is not to skimp on your health and change filters regularly.

Many of us are seriously thinking about improving the quality of our perception of life and trying to change not only the world around us, but also the air that we breathe, which raises an urgent question: how to make the air cleaner?

To solve this problem today there are two main ways: one is to build houses, and the other - complementing or replacing the first - air purifying devices around us through ionization and other technologies, supported by large-scale advertising campaigns, commercials and tempting discounts, which turn into almost a panacea for all possible ills.

Today we will look at them in detail...

It would seem that,

What kind of air do we breathe at home?

The air we breathe is not at all like that described in smart books and encyclopedias. In addition to the main cast, it contains hundreds of impurities, thousands of smells and aromas, useful and not so...

For example, indoor air may be more polluted than outdoor air, and the degree of pollution may be several times higher than these indicators. And, as a rule, the average person spends fifty to sixty percent of his entire life indoors.

We don’t see all this, but our body senses it very well, we begin to “think worse,” we feel tired, and our internal organs slowly and steadily being poisoned by our own “exhaust” exhalations.

Therefore, it is very important to ensure that you periodically ventilate the room where you are, live, work, or sleep. A portion of street air, with its not entirely pure composition, is even more beneficial than the air filled with our “exhalations.”

It becomes clear to the naked eye that in order to be healthy, something needs to change, and that “something” is, first of all, air around us.

Here is the time to remember about air conditioners and other air purifiers, the purpose of which is to directly create a microclimate in the room and purify the air.

Devices that make the air clean

1. Air conditioners

2. Air purifiers for home

The basic functions of air purifiers include: removal of dust, elimination of allergic pollen, air purification from tobacco smoke, destruction of viruses and bacteria, elimination unpleasant odors and odors, decomposition of harmful substances, filtration of small particles(animal fur, for example). Sounds tempting, doesn't it? But all this information concerns only quality!!! air purifiers. Otherwise, we are in danger of over-saturating the air around us with both nitrogen and ions, and, as we know, what is excessive is no longer healthy...

Besides There are air purifiers several types - photocatalytic And filter.

Photocatalytic air purifiers

It is considered the most effective photocatalytic air purifiers. The air in them becomes cleaner based on the principle of photo catalysis, harmful substances contained in the air decompose under the influence of ultraviolet radiation until they are completely harmless. The level of purification is constant and consistently high and reaches ninety-five percent. But such an air purifier definitely cannot cope with exhaust gases. In order to somehow rehabilitate this shortcoming, manufacturers of such devices confidently declare that their purifier will certainly cope with viruses and gases. There is an opinion that the efficiency of a photocatalytic purifier is five hundred times higher than that of an ordinary filter. The service life of such a purifier is from four to seven years.

Filter air purifiers

Based on the name, we already understand that the operating principle of such a purifier is based on the use of filters, which can be quite different. Eg carbon filter(its main component is activated carbon) performs deodorizing and adsorption functions, and does an excellent job of removing odors and gas impurities. Mechanical filter, looks like a fine mesh, does an excellent job of filtering the air for dust and hair. Nero filters- this is more serious, they are created on the basis of fiberglass, capable clear the air from the smallest impurities by almost ninety-nine percent. And here electrostatic filters do their job well clear the air of small dust particles(the operation of such a filter uses the principle of attraction of oppositely charged and polar ions). The filters in such air purifiers are replaced several times a year.

The operation of any air purifier is, of course, limited by the corresponding specifications, but as a rule:

  • — the productivity indicator ranges from one hundred eighty to four hundred and twenty cubic meters of clean air per hour (we consider the cubic capacity of a room to be the product of length by width and height, in meters);
  • — limitation of the area of ​​action – thirty-five square meters.

We breathe in every day great amount harmful substances leading to various diseases. Changing the situation radically - moving from an unfavorable area or changing jobs - is not always possible. But take care of clean air in own home We are quite capable!

The air mass that surrounds us contains nitrogen, oxygen, argon and carbon dioxide. Nature has always maintained their balance, and all smells, even unpleasant ones, are normal conditions- environmentally friendly. But the last decades of scientific and technological progress, in addition to convenience and comfort, have “given” humanity a variety of harmful chemical compounds. Nature can no longer cope with such a load, and as a result, due to polluted air, we get a decrease in immunity, allergies and other inadequate reactions of the body. As a result, our immune system spends 80% of its resources on neutralizing harmful factors environment. But can she be helped? How can we make the air clean, at least at home - where we sleep, eat, and raise our children?

Simple ways protect your home from harmful pollutants, chemicals and germs:

1. No combustion products. Wood burning fireplaces- a magical part of the interior and a romantic place for lovers. They make the home more comfortable and help you relax psychologically after a hard day. But, as it turned out, they are harmful to our health, since they release solid particles that enter the lungs and make breathing difficult.

2. Away from smokers. Smoking itself is the cause large quantity diseases. Therefore, you should check whether you are a passive smoker in your own home. Smokers not only poison the air around them, but also harm their neighbors, relatives and household members. If you quit smoking in time and thereby clear your apartment of smoke, you can significantly improve the air quality.

3. Fighting dust mites. Dust mites, which live mainly in people's homes, can cause an allergic reaction - mite sensitization.

The size of the mites ranges from 0.1-0.5 mm. There are about 200 species widely distributed throughout the globe. These arachnids live in mattresses and carpets and feed on dead skin particles, which a person loses annually in the amount of 350-400 g. Ticks leave behind feces, the latter can cause severe allergic reactions in people.

To get rid of dust mites, you need to use mattress covers and pillowcases, which create a barrier between humans and ticks. It is also recommended to sleep on pillows made from foam rubber, and not made from goose down or feathers, and wash clothes in hot water at least once a week.

4. Reducing use chemical substances . Almost all household chemicals harmful. But with the use of chemicals the situation is not simple. On the one hand, we are forced to use them to thoroughly clean the house, wipe dust and collect pet hair. But the more effective remedy, the stronger it smells and the more toxic substances it spreads around itself, and this is already dangerous to health.

In order not to wear a protective mask around the apartment every time after cleaning, replace chemicals on regular vinegar or soap. In this case, those substances that have no aroma are safer for the human body. This also applies to hairspray, perfume, glue, paints, air fresheners - they all pollute the air we breathe.

5. Pets are a source of allergens. The main problem from pets is their fur, which fills the apartment, resulting in an increase in dust and the need to clean much more often. But pet dander is actually much more harmful than pet dander. Despite the fact that the particles of this dandruff are quite large and cannot penetrate deep into the respiratory tract during breathing, they are also the cause of many diseases. The presence of animals in the house is especially dangerous for allergy sufferers, for whom dogs, cats and even birds are “contraindicated”.

If you already have an animal, then be sure to wash your hands after petting him. It is also better to keep your pet away from the bedroom - where you sleep and spend most of your time is definitely not the place for him.

6. Artificial air purification. Various electronic air purifiers, ionizers and humidifiers can significantly reduce the amount of small particles that float around us and enter our lungs. The main thing is not to forget clean filters regularly these devices.

7. Keep your windows closed. Various allergens enter our lungs with street dust. There are especially large numbers of them in cities and industrial areas.

To protect yourself from their exposure, it is recommended to keep the windows in your apartment closed most of the day. However, periodically open the windows and It is simply necessary to ventilate the apartment, especially if you have just cleaned your home and there is a strong smell of chemicals contained in cleaning products.

8. Fight against mold and mildew. Mold is ubiquitous. Basically, large colonies of mold grow in warm, humid places in a nutrient-rich environment. Many molds produce mycotoxins, which have pronounced toxic properties and can cause poisoning.

A variety of pathogenic fungi provoke in humans dermatoses, diseases of hair, nails, respiratory and genital tract, oral cavity.

A good product can help with both mold and fungi ventilation system in the bedroom and bathroom. It is also necessary to maintain a certain level of humidity in the apartment (about 40%). To do this, do not overuse humidifiers. High humidity and air temperature can also lead to an imbalance in heat transfer and metabolism.

9. Cooking and airing. Gas stoves are also dangerous. When gas burns, the air is filled with harmful substances: carbon oxides, sulfur dioxide and others.

To reduce the harm from gas stove, it is recommended to ventilate the room more often during cooking or keep the window always slightly open. It's also better to keep doors to the kitchen closed, Bye the process is underway cooking, and install a hood that will pull out not only combustion products, but also toxic substances released during cooking.

10. “Dosing” physical activity. Oxygen is involved in almost all chemical processes our body plays important role in metabolism, improves blood circulation and absorption of vitamins and minerals. Any exercise stress increases its consumption, which contributes to prevention of chronic lung diseases and allergies. But doctors warn that if you have already been diagnosed with the disease, then you should not overexert yourself - this will interfere with your breathing and intensify the manifestations of the disease.

Prepared Olga Kullinkovich, newspaper “Zvyazda”, February 11, 2011.
Original in Belarusian: http://zvyazda.minsk.by/ru/archive/article.php?id=74210&idate=2011-02-11

Rarely does a person think about the fact that the air needs to be purified. But we consume approximately 15-18 kg per day of this vital substance. Water and food, for comparison, are 3-5 kg ​​together.

The market today offers a lot of all kinds of air fresheners, but almost all of them only collect dust. Chemicals can be perfectly collected with activated carbon. But it picks up 7-10% of its weight in dirt and has no further effect. That is, the coal must be constantly changed, and this is expensive. If you do not change it, bacteria begin to multiply in it.

To purify home air, it is better to use a natural mechanism, that is, fill the house with green plants. One of the most popular plants that perfectly purify the air is chlorophytum. This method is free and completely safe.

Of course, you can choose filters or entire air purification systems for your home. However, you need to choose equipment that, by its mechanism of action, resembles natural air purification. Filters must be cleaned and changed in a timely manner.

To ensure that the air always remains clean, it is important to ventilate the room and regularly wet cleaning. To inhale Fresh air Constantly, it is necessary to reduce the use of household chemicals as much as possible.

How to clean the air in a production room?

In order for the air to production premises has always been clean, it is important to purchase high-quality filters for air purification.

Ozonation is also an excellent way to cleanse. Ozone, as is known, is an allotropic modification of oxygen. This substance is a highly oxidizing agent. Because of this, ozone can quickly decompose harmful chemical compounds into the simplest and safest elements. Ozonation not only purifies the air, but also disinfects and eliminates any unpleasant odors.

What purifies the air in nature?

In nature, air purification is mainly done by plants. When exposed to light they produce oxygen. Photocatalysis also occurs in green plants, during which harmful elements in the air are simply destroyed upon contact with special substances, photocatalysts.

Also in nature, ozone is produced in small quantities during a thunderstorm, which eliminates harmful compounds.

According to the editors of the site, air purification should have no less priority than water purification.
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Rapidly developing technological progress brings not only more and more benefits, but also everything more problems. Perhaps the most important problem is environmental pollution, which undermines our health. Scientists have found that our immune system already spends 80% of its resources on neutralizing harmful environmental factors. And this percentage will only increase.

What to do? We have been trying to eat organic food for a long time, whether we clean or buy clean water. It is more difficult with clean air. We always need him. We can live for several days without food, less without water. How long can we not breathe?
Therefore very great importance has air purification, primarily in rooms where we spend most of our lives, and where the air is much more polluted than outside.

And so a person who has matured enough to recognize the vital need to purchase an air purifier comes to a specialized store. But here his eyes just run wild. Most of them are air ionizers, which are also considered purifiers. But they only attract dust. And gas molecules ionize. But, if ionized oxygen becomes more useful, then harmful gases become even more harmful. It is necessary to ionize already purified air.

There are many more types of air purifiers, such as those that pass it through water or wet rotating discs, but they all only collect dust. Gases are collected by activated carbon. But carbon air purifiers also have disadvantages. Firstly, coal begins to collect gases with a molecular weight greater than 40. And the most common exhaust gases in the city consist of carbon and oxygen molecules with masses of 12 and 16, i.e. the total is less than 40. This means that even a gas mask does not save you from exhaust gases. Secondly, coal accumulates pollution in the amount of 7-10 percent of its mass and stops working. Filters need to be changed, and they are expensive, especially imported ones.

But how does nature itself purify the air? She, unlike us, does not accumulate or bury pollution, but simply breaks it down. There is a process - photocatalysis. On some chemical compounds under the influence sun rays harmful gases, odors, even bacteria and viruses are decomposed. It is known that everything organic compounds are 95 percent carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Air pollution falls on these atoms, and the elements immediately combine into carbon dioxide and water. Thus photocatalysis - a natural phenomenon, as a result of which complex and harmful organic molecules are transformed into simple and harmless ones. Only nature itself can no longer cope with the increasing amount of pollution.

Photocatalysis, like photosynthesis, was studied by scientists more than 100 years ago, but until now it has not been possible to create a device that works on this principle. About 20 years ago, Novosibirsk chemist professor Evgeniy Savinov solved this problem. He worked on fundamental problems of solar energy and natural photocatalysis. His daughter suffered from allergies. He tried all the filters available at that time, including the HEPA filter brought from America. Nothing helped. Then Evgeniy Nikolaevich took photocatalyst powder, since he worked at the Institute of Catalysis of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a tanning lamp and a fan. I made the device and placed it in my daughter’s room. This installation turned out to be quite noisy and cumbersome, but the girl stopped coughing and began to sleep well.

This device became the prototype of unique photocatalytic air purifiers and disinfectants developed by Russian scientists. Because they use a natural phenomenon, they:

Firstly, they are completely safe and can even be placed above a child’s crib.

Secondly, the spectrum of their action is extremely wide - from exhaust gases, any odors and chemical compounds to bacteria and viruses.

Thirdly, they are economical. Appliances consume only 40 watts and are designed for continuous operation.

Fourthly, they do not require any replaceable elements, since they do not accumulate anything, but decompose until carbon dioxide and water.

We have been using photocatalytic air purifiers in our Moscow apartment for a long time. I can tell you about the existing models, how to choose them, how to use them effectively, where to buy them and how much they cost. But this will already be advertising.

Remember this word - photocatalysis. Let's help nature fight pollution, starting with own apartment. And we ourselves will be healthy.