What happens if you spend all the traffic? How to save mobile traffic on Android. “Help with Wi-Fi” – traffic on iPhone leaks very quickly

Hello! Despite the fact that the number of gigabytes (included by mobile operators in their tariffs) is growing every year, and the price, on the contrary, is falling, still not many can afford the full unlimited Internet on the device. And here, most likely, it’s not a matter of “allowing”, but simply not many people need it. There is a conditional one gigabyte per month and it is enough - why pay more?

But in some cases (especially when switching to an iPhone from another device), these same gigabytes suddenly begin to not be enough - when turned on, Apple’s mobile phone begins to wildly eat up traffic and eats up the entire available limit in a few hours. And this is where the screams begin: “The iPhone is bad, I just inserted a SIM card - I don’t do anything, and the traffic goes away on its own (and even the battery is drained!).” Ay-ay-ay and all that...:) Why is this happening? Believe me, not because the iPhone is bad and the company decided to ruin you. No.

The thing is that the iPhone, like any modern smartphone, has a number of settings that you simply need to pay attention to in order to avoid such “arbitrariness” of your smartphone with your own Internet.

But first, a small list of where traffic on iPhone can go without your knowledge:

  • The programs themselves use traffic for their needs.
  • Sending service information.
  • Weak Wi-Fi signal.
  • Synchronization iCloud services.
  • An experienced reader and user will say: “Yes, there are still plenty of places where traffic can flow!” And he will be right - updates mailboxes, push notifications, browser, etc. all this also affects the number of gigabytes consumed, but:

    • Say that push notifications, mail loading, etc. they really eat up the entire cellular Internet - it’s impossible. If they use it, it is in very small quantities.
    • And if you turn all this off, as suggested on many sites (the most brilliant advice I’ve come across is to turn off the Internet in the settings so that you don’t waste it), then why use an iPhone?

    Therefore, we’ll try to make do with little expense - we’ll ban the iPhone from consuming the Internet on its own, but without much damage to us.

    Updating or downloading programs from the App Store

    Current applications and games can reach 2-3 gigabytes in volume, and Apple has taken care of preserving traffic - officially download a program with a volume of more than 150 megabytes from App store it’s impossible (though we know). But at the same time there is a large number of programs with a volume less than this threshold (150 MB). And it is they who can devour your Internet package.

    Here we're talking about not so much about downloading (you see what you are downloading), but about independently updating these programs via the cellular network. Therefore, such an update needs to be disabled:

    That's it, now programs will stop using the cellular network for their updates, and will do this only via Wi-Fi.

    How to find out which application is consuming traffic on iPhone

    Installed programs, in addition to simply updating their version, can also consume the Internet in order to perform their normal functions. Therefore, if you really feel that megabytes are running away, it makes sense to check - maybe some application is too greedy? You can do this:

    Just in case, remember this point so that in the future you won’t be surprised why cards (for example) refuse to work and update their data.

    Sending “official information” can also waste internet

    In fact, of course, this option does not consume so much Mobile Internet I myself have not encountered this, but I have seen several stories that talk about this particular “glitch” or failure, when this same service information was constantly sent. Therefore, I decided to include this item here - disabling its sending would definitely not be superfluous. How to do it?

    As we see in the explanation, this information is sent daily, and does not carry any special burden other than helping Apple improve its products. Therefore, if you turn off its transmission, then nothing bad will happen, and traffic (even if small) will be saved.

    “Help with Wi-Fi” – traffic on iPhone leaks very quickly

    “Wonderful” option, which for some reason is enabled by default. Its essence is that if your Wi-Fi signal does not work, and the cellular network can provide better speed, Wi-Fi will automatically turn off and data transfer will go through the SIM card.

    Not long ago I fell for this bait myself - I sat watching videos on YouTube and didn’t bother anyone. Then the iPad didn’t like something about my Wi-Fi (bad signal, insufficient speed) and considered it necessary to turn it off (which is important - no notifications come!), and I, blissfully unaware, continued to enjoy the video via cellular connection. I came to my senses only after the operator sent an SMS message with the text: “Your Internet package is coming to an end.”

    Therefore, in my opinion, if you do not have an unlimited tariff, this option should be disabled immediately. How to do it:

    I repeat, this option should be turned off in almost any case, so that there are no surprises with the disappearance of traffic.

    Syncing iCloud services eats up mobile data

    iCloud is really good and convenient, and backups This is generally beyond all praise. However, if you care about saving precious megabytes on your tariff, then in this case the “cloud” will have to be turned off.

    We are now talking about iCloud Drive- this is peculiar cloud storage data (I have already discussed the principles of its operation). So, synchronization (downloading and uploading data) with this storage can occur over a cellular network. And it’s good if you sent the object there small size, and what if 100-200 megabytes? By the time it downloads, all traffic will go away.

    Yes, and ordinary programs can store their data there. And who knows how much they will load there? But the good thing is that all this can be turned off:

    After this, the “cloud” will synchronize exclusively via Wi-Fi.

    It would seem that each of the actions is quite simple and does not require special effort. But disabling and performing all points:

    • Firstly, it will not cause much damage to the functionality of the iPhone.
    • Secondly, it will help save traffic and the Internet will not disappear to no one knows where.

    P.S. Write in the comments if even after doing all these steps your iPhone is still too power hungry.

    Greetings, dear readers! Most likely, you have worked for some time in Windows 10 on a computer, tablet or laptop, have become a little accustomed to the new product from Microsoft, and have downloaded many important and useful programs from the Internet. Or not very useful. And one day the thought might strike you: how much traffic did I download this month? Interesting? So I became interested. And now I will show you where to find information on Internet use over the last 30 days.

    Let's go in Start -> Options -> Network and Internet. You can quickly open Settings using Win + I.

    In chapter Network and Internet on the tab data usage can see general information across all your network interfaces for which the system has accumulated statistics. In this case, I only see Ethernet (regular dedicated cable). On tablets and laptops, this section will display Wi-Fi statistics.

    So, you saw the numbers of gigabytes downloaded, your eyes widened and you wanted to immediately find out the details. What applications on your device consumed how much traffic you can find out if you click on the link Usage Information.

    After clicking on the link, you will be shown more detailed information. You can clearly see which applications consumed how much internet. At this point, the detailing of the data ends, that is, you cannot find out the specific addresses of sites, which files were downloaded.

    But that is not all! Information on downloaded gigabytes of invaluable traffic can be displayed in the form of a live tile on the Windows 10 start screen. To do this, right-click on the section name data usage and click on the item Pin to Start Screen.

    A confirmation message will pop up, click Yes.

    The tile will appear on the Start screen. If its size does not seem large enough to you, then right-click on the tile and select Resize -> Wide, as shown in the screenshot.

    Well, it has become noticeably more convenient, hasn’t it? Now you can always quickly estimate the amount of downloaded data by simply opening the Start menu and glancing at the tile.

    Almost every user world wide web There is such a thing as Internet traffic. If speak about mobile operators, then for them, the greater the volume of available traffic, the higher the cost. Most operators have tariffs that do not have traffic restrictions, but their cost is significantly higher than that of analogues with restrictions.

    Determining where precious Megabytes go is half the battle. It should become a habit rational use all services of the global network. Programs like uTorrent.exe should not start when turned on and run idle.

    How is Internet traffic measured?

    The smallest unit of measurement of the information received is Bit. Depending on the situation and the volume consumed, the consumed data can be counted in Bytes, Kilobytes, Megabytes. The most common unit is Megabyte (MB).

    Average sizes of the most popular files:

    • three dozen pages on the Internet or 400 text pages: 1 MB;
    • 5 high quality photos: 1 MB;
    • one audio file: 3-12 MB;
    • one video clip: 30-200MB, film: 600-1400MB.

    In conclusion, it is worth saying that monitoring and counting Internet traffic allows you not only to avoid the need to pay inflated bills, but also to save significantly, without limiting yourself in using the capabilities of the Internet.

    Greetings, dear readers! Most likely, you have worked for some time in Windows 10 on a computer, tablet or laptop, have become a little accustomed to the new product from Microsoft, and have downloaded many important and useful programs from the Internet. Or not very useful. And one day the thought might strike you: how much traffic did I download this month? Interesting? So I became interested. And now I will show you where to find information on Internet use over the last 30 days.

    Let's go in Start -> Options -> Network and Internet. You can quickly open Settings using Win + I.

    In chapter Network and Internet on the tab data usage you can see general information on all your network interfaces for which the system has accumulated statistics. In this case, I only see Ethernet (regular dedicated cable). On tablets and laptops, this section will display Wi-Fi statistics.

    So, you saw the numbers of gigabytes downloaded, your eyes widened and you wanted to immediately find out the details. What applications on your device consumed how much traffic you can find out if you click on the link Usage Information.

    After clicking on the link, you will be shown more detailed information. You can clearly see which applications consumed how much internet. At this point, the detailing of the data ends, that is, you cannot find out the specific addresses of sites, which files were downloaded.

    But that is not all! Information on downloaded gigabytes of invaluable traffic can be displayed in the form of a live tile on the Windows 10 start screen. To do this, right-click on the section name data usage and click on the item Pin to Start Screen.

    A confirmation message will pop up, click Yes.

    The tile will appear on the Start screen. If its size does not seem large enough to you, then right-click on the tile and select Resize -> Wide, as shown in the screenshot.

    Well, it has become noticeably more convenient, hasn’t it? Now you can always quickly estimate the amount of downloaded data by simply opening the Start menu and glancing at the tile.

    Despite the obvious convenience of unlimited Internet tariffs, many users are content with plans with prepaid traffic. And most often the reason for this is not them own choice, but a limitation of the provider’s technical capabilities. At the same time, at the end of the month the question often arises: where to spend traffic? This is especially true if the unspent volume simply burns out.


  • The simplest and obvious way spend traffic - put large files on the download. This can be multimedia content, for example, movies or music, respectively, in Blue-Ray or Lossless quality. Such files will take up a lot of space on your hard drive. The main thing is to make sure that the traffic is not overused in this way, otherwise one downloaded movie may cost the next month of Internet use.
  • You can use your traffic to benefit your computer. Find and install (or update if you already have) various anti-malware programs. Generally accepted standard for home use is a software combination antivirus + firewall. Read reviews of antiviruses and firewalls from different developers. Select the options you like and download the distributions. Updating anti-virus databases and firewall protection rules may also require additional traffic.
  • Another way to use traffic profitably is to update the drivers of all devices installed in the system. Drivers are produced not only by the developers of the devices themselves, but also by third-party manufacturers. However, they may differ in the set of functions and use hidden possibilities devices. Before experimenting with new drivers, be sure to create control points system recovery. In case of problems, they can be used to easily roll back the system.
  • If you are not interested in high-quality movies and music, your computer is protected from attacks from the Internet, and your equipment runs on the latest drivers, just have fun on the Internet. To spend traffic, watch online TV channels, listen to online radio. Go to any video hosting site and study the top video clips with the most views. Such spontaneous trips on the Internet often broaden one's horizons.
  • Instructions

    In the window that opens, in the line with the blinking cursor you need to type cmd.exe. Press enter. A standard interpreter window has opened: you can skip this step and go straight to the next step in command line your file manager, for example FAR. 111111

    Next you need to dial network team netstat.exe /? (you can just netstat /?). You can launch it by pressing the “Enter” key. As a result, we get a list with hints, namely what results the network program can produce when using certain keys. In this case, we will be interested in more detailed information about the activity of network ports and specific application names.

    Next, we need to see if some attacker is currently scanning ours. Enter in the command line: Netstat -p tcp –n or Netstat -p tcp –n. Here we need to draw your attention to the fact that the same external IP address is not repeated very often (1st IP is the local address of your machine). In addition, an attempted intrusion may also indicate great amount records of this type: SYN_SENT, TIME_WAIT from one IP. Frequent replays of network ports 139, 445 of the TCP protocol, and 137, and 445 of the UDP protocol from an external IP can be considered unsafe.

    Type the following: Netstat –b (administrator rights are required here). As a result, a huge protocol will be uploaded with statistics on how all your applications work on the Internet: This segment of the protocol shows that the uTorrent.exe program (a client for downloading and distributing files on the BitTorrent network) distributed files to two machines on the network from open local ports 1459 and 1461.

    It is up to you to decide whether to stop this application. Perhaps there is some point in removing it from startup. The activity of other legal programs that work with network services has already been detected here: Skype, Miranda, and the second one works through the secure https protocol.

    The final goal of this analysis should be to identify applications that are unfamiliar to you, which, without your knowledge, connect to the Internet network (it is not known what they transmit). Next you should already use various ways combating “harmful” applications, starting with disabling them from startup and ending with scanning with special utilities.

    Tip 2: How to find out which program is using the Internet

    To determine the maximum load on your Internet connection, you need to find out the process that is absorbing traffic. Today, there are various programs that allow you to quickly check the program load on ports: Nirsoft Curr Ports, Sys Internals Process, etc. Most of these programs are distributed for money, which is not always suitable for users personal computers. Part operating system Windows includes the Net Stat utility.

    You will need

    • Net Stat Software.


    To run this program, click the Start menu and select Run. In the window that opens, enter netstat with the parameter “/?” (entered without quotes). The window will display all the parameters that this program can handle. Among all those listed, you may need the "-a" options (display all connections on this moment) and “-o” (display the identification of each connection, the so-called Process ID). The “–n” parameter may also seem quite interesting. It instructs the program to show real IPs instead of network aliases.

    So, to determine the specific process that is wasting network traffic, enter the value: Netstat –ao. Now look through our request, find the process ID. Knowing the identifier, it can be easily calculated. Enter the following line: tasklist | find "id number" and press Enter. In all the examples listed here, you need to remove . In the request tasklist | find quotes should not be removed. The result of the work done in the program will be the desired process.

    You don't have to use the tasklist command. Open Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del or Ctrl + Shift + Esc and go to the Processes tab. Click the View menu, select Select Process Page Columns, and check the Process Page Columns checkbox. Now a PID column has appeared in the Task Manager, by which you can determine the name of the process.


    • how to see what the internet is using

    You often need to know the statistics of your network traffic: how many megabytes are received and how many are sent. In order to do this, you don’t need much effort, since all the necessary information is stored right on your computer.


    Click "Start" -> "Control Panel" -> "Network". You should be interested in only two icons: “Network connection” and “Your main (it is called differently for everyone depending on the operator, installed and preferences when registering the connection).

    To begin, open "Connect via local network". At the bottom of the window that appears, your Internet activity is clearly presented. traffic, how many packets are sent and how many are received. But this is only one side of the coin, which reflects the amount of traffic within the network (that is, when you use local resources, all downloaded information is credited here). The other side of the coin is external traffic. In order to find out all the information about it, open the icon with your main connection, which is described above. Everything is identical to the local connection, but only the activity of your external traffic is displayed, which you can easily monitor.

    Also, if necessary, you can view the traffic of other connections registered on your computer, since it is monitored in the same way. Now you are armed with everything necessary information, which will allow you to monitor the amount of information received and sent. This is very convenient, for example, when you have an Internet connection with traffic restrictions.

    Information about how much traffic was received and sent over a certain period of time is easy to find out. It can be easily checked using software specifically designed for this purpose. This can be useful if the tariff package for Internet access requires per-megabyte payment for traffic.

    You will need

    • - PC with Windows OS installed;
    • - access to a PC with administrator rights;
    • - a firewall configured taking into account the permission of the installed software.


    Download a free traffic accounting program. For example, this could be a NetWorx program. On the developer's website you can download two versions of the program: Portable and Installer. The first option involves launching the program without installation; in the second case, the program must be installed. For comfort further work download the Portable version.

    In any partition folder where user documents are stored, create a NetWorx folder. For convenience, you can create it on a flash card so that you can run the program on different PCs. Unpack the archive downloaded from the developer’s website into the created folder. Go into it and run the networx.exe file.

    When launching the program for the first time, configure the basic parameters for further work. Select the most appropriate language for displaying text in program windows and the network adapter whose traffic will need to be scanned. If there are several adapters, you can check the “All connections” option, which allows you to control all traffic on the PC. Click "Done".

    The NetWorx program icon will appear in the system tray. Double-click on it - the main window will open containing all the statistics. To view more detailed information go to the appropriate tab.

    Video on the topic


    NetWorx monitors traffic only after it has been launched by the user and does not run in the background by default. Therefore, if you don’t start it immediately when you turn on the PC, some of the traffic will remain unaccounted for, for example, the traffic that programs consume when updating immediately after starting the PC. To constantly check traffic, place the program shortcut in the Startup folder, and the NetWorx program will launch automatically, without your participation.

    Helpful advice

    Contact your provider's technical support service and find out if it is possible to check traffic in personal account user. Often, your Internet access service provider has a service that provides information about the traffic consumed.

    To monitor the network status, you must use special programs. If your network was created using a router or Wi-Fi adapter, control can be carried out using the own programs of these devices.

    You will need

    • - Wi-Fi adapter


    Create a network using a Wi-Fi adapter. You must choose a device that can create its own access points, rather than connect to existing ones. Take the ASUS PCI-G31 adapter as an example.

    Standard drivers for this device are only suitable for the operating system. Windows systems XP. Those wishing to configure this equipment in a Windows Seven or Vista OS environment can use Ralink drivers. Connect your wireless device to your computer and install software, supplied with a Wi-Fi adapter.

    Launch the installed program. Open the Config menu and go to the SoftAP tab. Now check the box next to Sofp AP Mode. Find the Internet item and check the box next to the Enable ICS option. Be sure to select your Internet connection in the Available network Connections field. Click the Apply button to apply the selected settings.

    Connect one or more laptops to the created access point. Check your internet connection mobile computers. Now open the Wi-Fi adapter setup program. Select the Status menu and go to the Association Table tab. The list that opens will display the MAC addresses of devices connected to your access point. This menu does not allow you to change connection settings.