Cleaning the hood in the bathroom. Requirements for the operation of the ventilation system. How to Determine When to Clean Your Ventilation System

Ventilation is the only way to remove excess moisture from a room. Not only the moisture goes away, but also the stuffiness, and fresh air comes in. Of course, you need to regularly ventilate the rooms of your apartment, but ventilation still bears a lot of responsibility. In the apartment, ventilation is located in the toilet, bathroom and kitchen.

If the ventilation ducts in the toilet become clogged, it begins to work in the opposite direction: not only will you not be able to remove unpleasant odors, but all the “odors” will come from the bathroom of your neighbors in the riser.

If there is a blockage in the bathroom, taking a bath or shower steams the room, the moisture does not leave, hot air, all this dries slowly, and this increases the likelihood of mold and mildew forming on the walls and ceiling.

As for the kitchen, odors will not go away there either, as well as the consequences of use. gas stove– combustion products. It is necessary to install a hood and regularly clean the ventilation ducts.

Cleaning is done regularly, at least once every six months, but it should be done as needed. In order to determine the need for cleaning, it is necessary to carry out the following procedure step by step:

  1. Remove the grate on the wall, unscrew it, and wash it to remove dirt and dust. And then install it in place.
  2. Attach a piece of paper to the ventilation grille after opening the doors, window, etc. If the leaf is attracted, the traction is good and everything is fine, if there is no spruce, there is a blockage.
  3. Another reason for the lack of traction, besides blockage, may be the redevelopment of the room of the neighbors above. If the fact of such arbitrariness is confirmed, you will have to call specialists and write complaints. It may not be nice, but their self-will will lead to many problems. It's better to get them to fix the problem than to constantly deal with fungi.
  4. If the ventilation in the kitchen still has poor draft after cleaning, and the neighbors have nothing to do with it, then the problem is most likely in the recently installed plastic windows. Sudden tight sealing requires ventilation at least sometimes.

How to clean the ventilation? Of course, you are not allowed to do the entire amount of work yourself, but everything that depends on you must be done, and besides, a sudden inspection may fine you for blockage and dirt.

To clean the ventilation shaft before the general house, first protect the plumbing from dirt, cover it, and move away any furniture. Remove the grille, wash it, degrease it, and you can replace it if it is worn out. Cover with gloves and carefully remove all debris. ventilation duct. We clean the walls from dust and cobwebs with a spatula. We do everything carefully so that insects do not suddenly run out or stumble upon anything sharp. You can clean the channel with a vacuum cleaner. Now we put the grille in place, open the windows and doors and check the draft.

Installing a fan in the bathroom is very good idea. Thanks to it, you can ventilate the room in a matter of minutes. Thanks to the fan installed in the exhaust duct, the draft of the hood itself increases, which is useful when the humidity in the bathroom increases or after a smoke break.

However, over time, especially if smoking occurs in the bathroom or toilet, exhaust fan gets very dirty. As a result, the craving weakens. In addition, over time, the lubricant in the engine bearings runs out and the fan begins to work poorly and may even burn out. Therefore, he should undergo preventive maintenance periodically.

If your fan begins to creak and change speed due to jamming, do not rush to throw it away, you can still extend its service life. First, remove the fan. It is usually secured with four self-tapping screws. It is connected to the power supply using a regular two-wire terminal. It is convenient to connect the fan to a switch so that you can turn it on and off as needed.

And so the fan is very dirty, the motor jams and overheats, so it needs to be lubricated and cleaned.




And remove the engine, it is secured with two screws.


Here is the fan motor itself.


Let it cool down. Then we clean it with a brush and lubricate it. To lubricate the fan, you need literally two drops of engine oil; you shouldn’t pour a lot. One drop is needed for the front bearing, the second for the rear. Next, rotate the engine rotor (shaft) by hand so that the lubricant is distributed. You can immediately feel that it rotates much better. Now the engine will not jam and overheat.


Now we assemble its fan and install it in place.


We looked at how easy it is to bring an old fan back to life. In most cases, fan failure is associated with contamination and lack of lubrication in the motor bearings. By cleaning and lubricating the motor, you can regularly extend the life of the fan. The whole job takes no more than 10-15 minutes, and saves time and money that could have been spent on a new fan for the bathroom or kitchen.

Nobody pays attention to ventilation if it functions properly. As a rule, exhaust vents are installed in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. Air flows arise due to the temperature difference between inside and outside the building. In this case, an influx of fresh air is necessary to ventilate the premises.

In the event of malfunctions, ventilation must be checked.


In this room, food is prepared and gas combustion products and specific odors constantly appear. If there is a malfunction in the hood, they spread to all rooms and remain there for a long time. In addition, soot generated from gas combustion will be deposited on all surfaces. Most of it stays in the kitchen.


Poor ventilation in the bathroom leads to increased humidity. At the same time, dark spots of mold appear in the corners, on the walls and ceiling, which is harmful to health.

High humidity is immediately felt by a person, and in this case it is necessary to check the ventilation.


If the hood in the toilet becomes clogged, being in it becomes unpleasant, and odors from the bathrooms will spread throughout all rooms of the apartment.

How to check for traction in a simple way

Ventilation is checked periodically as soon as dust appears on the grilles. To do this, they are removed and washed from dirt. After the grilles are installed back, the transom or window is opened slightly in the kitchen or in the room nearby. If the test is carried out in a bathroom or toilet, the doors are left open to create air flow. To check the efficiency of the hood, a sheet of paper is applied to it. He should be “attracted” to her, which is a signal of the presence of traction. Piece toilet paper should be able to stay on the grill on its own. Another way to check the presence of draft is by deflecting the flame of a lighter or candle. The procedure is repeated in all areas. Cleaning the ventilation is required if the sheet is not attracted to the grille.

You need to know that in hot weather the draft in the ventilation duct worsens and it is useless to check it. It depends on the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors. In this case, forced ventilation is turned on.

How to properly organize ventilation in an apartment

The lack of fresh air flow into the apartment can also be the cause of poor air circulation. This became especially noticeable with the replacement of windows with plastic ones, which are distinguished by their tightness. In this case, residents need to resolve this issue on their own. Ventilation is improved as follows:

  • frequent ventilation of premises;
  • Installation of air conditioner;
  • use of supply valves;
  • use of supply and exhaust forced ventilation.

The reason for the lack of draft may be due to residents living upstairs, or when the system is overloaded from an enterprise built on the ground floor, for example, a store or cafe. It even requires checking the ventilation, since foreign odors appear in the apartment. In both cases, you must contact the Housing Office for help.

Rules for cleaning ventilation ducts

Cleaning the ventilation with your own hands is prohibited, since the shaft is serviced by specialists from the management company on the roof or technical floors. People usually come to her with complaints about lack of traction. When calling specialists, you should warn your neighbors about this, since when cleaning the mine, dust may fall into the apartments through the ventilation holes.

When is it produced? self-check ventilation, it is only allowed to clean the channel leading from the apartment to the main shaft. To do this, you need to perform the following operations.

  1. Move the furniture, cover the floor and cover the wall in the work area.
  2. Remove, clean and replace the grille if necessary.
  3. Wearing gloves on your hands, carefully remove debris from the ventilation duct and remove the remaining residue using a vacuum cleaner. It is better to remove debris with a tool such as a spatula to avoid injury from sharp fragments.
  4. Reinstall the grille and check for draft by opening the window.

Additional ventilation device

When the ventilation of the house is working properly, but there is not enough fresh air, the following measures need to be taken to improve the microclimate.

  1. Plastic windows are sealed, but it is advisable to purchase window systems with a micro-ventilation function.
  2. The supply of fresh air can be ensured using valves, grilles, filters, air heaters and forced supply fans.
  3. An air conditioner will partially help by refreshing and drying the air.
  4. Install

When choosing a method for ventilating rooms, you should determine its effectiveness and which devices are already working. A check must be done first exhaust ventilation and the need for installing additional equipment to improve the quality of its work was identified.

No matter how efficiently the hood works, an influx of fresh air is necessary. To do this, valves are installed behind the batteries. The diameter of the holes facing the street is 6-10 cm. A plug is installed in them, which can be manually or automatic control. The incoming air can be cleaned using filter elements installed in the valves.

Ventilation is classified according to the following criteria:

  • forced or natural movement of indoor air;
  • exhaust or supply type of device;
  • what type of service is provided: local or general;
  • the presence of channels for air transmission;
  • stacked or monoblock design.

The choice depends on the area and purpose of the premises, the amount of equipment and people in it, and the type of their activity. In all cases, preference is given to natural exhaust, since this is the most economical option.

How to check ventilation systems

Ventilation systems are subject to inspection, which can be emergency or scheduled. Their operation is checked using an anemometer. It is introduced into the ventilation duct, thereby ensuring air flow into the room.

In the shaft branches, the air speed must be at least 3 m/s.

The measurement results must be recorded.

They are recorded by instruments, and then a ventilation inspection report is drawn up. It should provide data on how efficiently the system operates and whether it complies with design standards.


Checking the ventilation in an apartment is a simple operation that needs to be done to maintain an optimal microclimate.

In case of violations in its operation, you need to know what the owner of the home can do and in what cases he should contact management company.

Ventilation clean rooms invisible to people inside the building. Rarely does anyone think about the operation of the air exchange system while everything is functioning properly. Therefore, cleaning ventilation begins only when the living space is filled with dampness, mold, unpleasant odors, and the windows are covered with “dew.”

A person’s well-being directly depends on the surrounding space as a whole, and access to clean air in particular. The body reacts almost instantly to a lack of oxygen in the room: performance decreases, chronic ailments worsen, and high fatigue is observed. This is all due to clogged filters and, as a result, poor air exchange. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the ventilation

Historical retrospective

Until the end of the 18th century, air ventilation was reduced to the banal ventilation of rooms, rooms or halls. All that was required was to open the door or windows. And there was no need to clean the ventilation. At a certain stage in the development of society, this state of affairs suited everyone. House owners turned a blind eye to the dirt and dust that freely penetrated into their houses.

The first wells for air exchange between the internal space and external environment appeared only at the end of the 18th century, at which time they began to use primitive equipment for cleaning ventilation. Thanks to the new architectural solution The quality of life of the then population improved significantly.

Chimney cleaning was paid decently, and chimney sweeps were respected in society

The emergence of something new is certainly accompanied by the emergence of related problems. This rule turned out to be valid for the system under consideration. A new task arose - cleaning the ventilation. Brick air exchange wells were laid out in the usual way, by analogy with a stove chimney, and therefore after several months of active use, the hole was “overgrown” with sedimentary rocks from cobwebs, dust, soot and insects.

Chimney sweeps used metal “hedgehogs” to remove soot

The development of technology and an increase in the standard of living of the population contributed to the formation of a new profession for that time - chimney sweep. The frequency of cleaning was high due to the prevalence stove heating and fireplaces, and therefore the occupation turned out to be very profitable, although dusty.

How to Determine When to Clean Your Ventilation System

Ventilation in apartment building It is preferable to organize by setting a forced type. But in domestic realities This is the prerogative of comfort and premium class housing. The lion's share of houses old building equipped with conventional air ducts with a common riser channel. We are talking about the cheapest and simplest connection scheme, but the ventilation ducts still need to be cleaned, and regularly.

A logical question arises - when to do “cleaning” work, by what criteria to determine that the “X” hour has struck?

Before cleaning the air ducts, it is important to determine the degree of contamination

Several signs indicating that it is better to hurry up when cleaning the ventilation in an apartment building:

  • in the summer season, rooms turn into “thermos”; normalize humidity conditions fails even with regular cleaning;
  • Dust actively appears in the living room;
  • the surface of the filters, as well as the grille exhaust system covered with a layer of viscous soot (typical of kitchens);
  • double-glazed windows constantly “cry”, condensation is noticeable on them;
  • All rooms feel damp, there is mold and mildew on the walls.

Signs of a dirty ventilation system

For all of the above, the only reason is often a clogged air duct. It is important that ventilation ducts are cleaned at least once every 2 quarters. It is better to delegate the relevant work to specialists; this problem cannot be solved on your own. The snag may be located outside the apartment.

Checking the functionality of ventilation ducts

Experts identify several effective ways, allowing to determine the quality of air ducts and the degree of their contamination. The simplest and most reliable is to direct the flame of the lighter into the hood grille. Be extremely careful - if the interior of the shaft is filled with fine dust and cobwebs, there is high danger their ignition, spread and fire.

The flame reacts sensitively to the presence of draft in the ventilation duct

Cleaning the ventilation in the apartment is not required if the flame goes out or is directed inside the duct. If there are no visually noticeable deviations, immediately contact the management company or the housing office for help. The optimal frequency of cleaning is once every 6 months, at least, preventive examinations are once a month.

How do special services check ventilation?

Maintenance of ventilation systems is a responsible activity entrusted to the management company, due to its belonging to the common property of the building. For this purpose, the Government of the Russian Federation has developed a special Resolution No. 410. In fact, these are a set of rules and regulations for management companies on cleaning ventilation in apartment buildings and preventive inspections.

A specialist can accurately determine the degree of contamination of the air duct

To carry out routine maintenance prerequisite is that the company’s specialists have a standard license. Inspection activities are carried out quarterly, in accordance with the approved plan, during repair and restoration activities, as well as in case of reconstruction or change in the configuration of channels, or lack of traction.

Our specialists have professional instruments for testing the functionality of the system and equipment for cleaning ventilation. The channels are periodically disinfected. To remove contaminants, pneumatic brushing machines and other devices are used.

Ventilation cleaning: equipment used

Cleaning ventilation ducts is a responsible undertaking consisting of several stages. At the preliminary stage, the specialist determines the degree of contamination of the local air duct, selects the best way eliminate the problem if it is detected. Then a decision is made on the advisability of a common channel (coordination of work with other residents of the house).

Equipment for cleaning ventilation systems

Ventilation cleaning is carried out using special equipment:

  • chemical reagents to dissolve stubborn stains in hard-to-reach places;
  • electromechanical device;
  • vacuum devices;
  • devices equipped with several brush mechanisms operating on a pneumatic drive;
  • powerful industrial vacuum cleaners.

In emergency cases, you can clean the air ducts of the ventilation system yourself by using a flexible shaft with a brush connected to an electric drill.

Not only household treatment, but also industrial cleaning of ventilation and ventilation systems is becoming in demand. For such work, highly specialized equipment is used, with the help of which the level of contamination is assessed through a video camera, after which the channel is cleaned and disinfected. During the process, specialists remove all debris, even fat.

Cleaning ventilation yourself: effective methods

In accordance with the current rules for the operation of housing, apartment owners are prohibited from interfering with the work of engineering and main systems. Cleaning of ventilation air ducts is the responsibility of management companies, which can only delegate them to licensed services. But we should not forget that “the rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.”

Do-it-yourself air duct cleaning

Every owner should not only know how to clean the ventilation in an apartment, but also be able to do it. The work is simple in nature and consists of several steps.

  1. In all rooms where ventilation grilles are installed, they are removed. Accumulated dirt, sticky grease and dust particles are removed. I think there is no need to focus on how to wash them with detergent.
  2. The area around the hole is treated with a plastic or metal scraper.
  3. To clean the ventilation system, it is better to use a powerful vacuum cleaner, placing the hose in the channel. It is important to “walk” over the entire internal area of ​​the hole.
  4. Having completed the cleaning activities, the accessible area of ​​the air duct is wiped with a damp cloth, and the grille is put in place.

Sleeve of a powerful vacuum cleaner with a fixed brush

To deal with stubborn grease stains, you should contact a specialized company. Often their anti-raid arsenal consists of chemical substances, effectively eliminating residual products that cannot be gotten rid of with conventional means.

Products used in air duct cleaning

For local cleaning of ventilation systems, protective grilles, ducts in the house, any detergent. It is better to remove the fat layer with specialized thick consistencies designed for washing kitchen hoods. In this case, you cannot do without disassembling the air duct, but the cleaning class upon completion of the work will be much higher. Treating problem areas with a disinfectant (hydrogen peroxide is quite suitable) will get rid of germs and spores “traveling” through the system.

Detergents do an excellent job of removing grease and dirt in the ventilation system

To clean an extensive ventilation system, you will have to resort to chemicals and professional equipment. It is impossible to do without appropriate solutions in private homes, country cottages, where the channels are located under the ceiling cladding. And if it’s quite suitable for cleaning filters household chemicals, then to solve narrowly targeted problems you will have to buy professional compounds, which is not always profitable.

Air duct cleaning cost

Most owners who receive a comprehensive answer to the question of how to clean the ventilation in an apartment are wondering how much the corresponding services will cost if they contact a cleaning agency. The price factor depends on the region in which the company is located, the remoteness of the object, the list necessary work.

Below is the price list for the services discussed in this article:

Cleaning ventilation and air ducts will cost much less if the company is contacted not by the owner of one apartment, but by a representative from the entire building. In this case, you can count on a significant bonus. If you order regular preventive examinations and become a regular customer, the final cost of the work will be much lower.

Management companies are reluctant to contact the relevant services. It’s easier for them to turn a blind eye to the existing problems and feed the residents “breakfast”. Laws, regulations and rules are not written for them, especially when it comes to old houses.

Professional cleaning of ventilation air ducts

WITH self-cleaning you should be extremely careful. In pursuit of imaginary savings, it is easy to disrupt the functioning of the system. Do not skimp on your own health and the health of your family.

The ventilation of a residential building or apartment is often compared to such a vital organ as the lungs. And rightly so. The condition of the air exchange system directly affects the well-being of residents and the condition of the housing stock. And if its effectiveness has decreased, you need to look for the reason. Often, work stoppage is due to the fact that the ventilation in the kitchen or bathroom or toilet is clogged.

Checking the operation of the air duct

Cleaning the ventilation shaft takes a little time - the main thing is to do it regularly

The operating status of the channels is checked in the following order:

  • grates on vents are dismantled;
  • dust, dirt deposits, and fatty deposits are washed off from them;
  • the gratings are put in place;
  • a transom or window opens in the kitchen;
  • applied to the vent paper sheet size 10x10cm;
  • the situation is assessed: sticky paper held by the natural force of air is an indicator of good system performance.
  • similar manipulations, but with open doors, are carried out with ventilation ducts in the toilet and bathroom.

Knowing how to clean the ventilation in an apartment yourself, you can avoid unnecessary work. First, all existing vents are inspected, one after another, each separately. The degree of deviation of the paper sheet in each case is analyzed. If, as you move, the angle of its deflection begins to change, the blockage is in the middle of the ventilation duct.

Reasons for lack of ventilation

If the result is negative (the paper deviates from the grille into the room or falls down), the question of how to clean the ventilation in the apartment is resolved, because... it is clear that it is clogged. Although the reason may also be the destruction of the ventilation duct due to improper redevelopment of apartments on the floors above. Often to expand usable area kitchens, the ventilation duct is disassembled. The free space is used for installation household appliances. This affects general building ventilation systems.

Deterioration in air exchange may be associated with the installation of fiberglass bags without ventilation valves to replace the dried out ones window frames blocking the penetration of air into the apartment naturally. Therefore, the owners wooden windows There is no need to seal them hermetically for the winter. It is better to seal the cracks and spaces between the frame and the sash with an adhesive strip with foam rubber as insulation.

Attention! Internal state ventilation duct can be checked using the device non-destructive testing– endoscope. This takes a minimum of time and displays a complete picture of the internal state.

The cause of the blockage may be construction garbage(hardened mortar, fragments of bricks, wooden blocks, etc.)

Where to go for help

Each entrance has its own one vertical shaft, which belongs to the common property of the building. If a blockage is detected in it, it is prohibited to eliminate it independently.

It is useful to know where to go if you need cleaning of the ventilation in your apartment - to the management company at your place of residence. The application must be submitted in writing. A special organization will do everything necessary measurements by air speed. Determines the required air exchange rate. The same company should clean the ducts and, if necessary, repair the ventilation system in the house.

Independent work on cleaning the ventilation duct

If the hose that removes exhaust air from the apartment to the central shaft is clogged, you need to know how to clean the ventilation in the apartment yourself. Work order:

  • Make room for ventilation grille from furniture, flowerpots, and other interior items that interfere with cleaning.
  • Cover flooring protective film, newspapers from possible ingress of dust, dirt, and debris from the channel.
  • The wall under the grille is covered with oilcloth and old wallpaper attached to it with masking tape.
  • The work is carried out on a serviceable and stable stepladder, pushed up against the wall.
  • The grille masking the ventilation hole is removed.
  • If there is an exhaust fan in the niche instead of a grille, it must also be dismantled by first unscrewing the screws securing the housing.
  • The grille and fan blades are washed well with a detergent that breaks down fatty deposits. Wipe dry.
  • If the condition is unsatisfactory or there is a lot of physical wear, the grille is replaced with a new one.
  • Work is carried out wearing mittens or gloves.
  • For mechanical cleaning, a thick (diameter 10-12 mm) cable is used. A ruff or a “doll” wound from rags is attached to the end. Using rotational and translational movements, moving up the channel as far as possible, clean it from dirt, grease, and cobwebs.
  • To avoid injuring your hands from possible debris inside (nails, remains of birds and rodents, glass), all contents at the bottom of the channel are removed using a construction spatula. You need to try to stick your hand as deep as possible.
  • Stuck to the walls with outside holes, dirt is also removed with a rubber, plastic or wooden spatula.
  • Small debris and dust that cannot be manually cleaned are removed from the cavity with a vacuum cleaner.
  • The grate is put in place.
  • Control check of traction with the window open.
  • If it remains unchanged, you need to contact specialists at the management company for more detailed cleaning.

Not only horizontal outlets, but also vertical ventilation structures are brought into proper shape. But the apartment owner should not do this. Only specialists should clean ventilation ducts in an apartment building.

Attention! Solve the problem of clogging the ventilation shaft in an apartment building yourself by burning out cobwebs and debris or using chemical compositions prohibited.

How to ensure the functionality of air passages in the bathroom

Ineffective air exchange in the room is indicated by the appearance of a veil of steam on the mirror surface and the deposition of liquid droplets on all internal surfaces. Or felt bad smell, brought into the bathroom from the ventilation with a reverse air flow. If the design of the house has a ventilation system, but it does not work, you need to know how to clean the ventilation in the bathroom. Please note the following:

  • If you find a channel heavily clogged with debris, it will be difficult to deal with it on your own, so it is better to turn to specialists.
  • If during the repair the ventilation grilles were masked with wall or ceiling panels, direct access to them should be provided, and the panels should be dismantled.
  • The fan or grille is cleaned. To do this, accumulated dirt is removed from the grate using a spatula or scraper from the chimney side. Fine dust and debris are removed with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Once in place, the grille is tightly fixed.
  • The draft in the bathroom is checked. If the result is unsatisfactory, you should try to check the operation of the shaft on the top floor of the apartment using the riser. If it works there, then the reason lies in the gap in the mine - a blocked air duct. In this case, you cannot do without the employees of the service company.

Timely and correct cleaning of the ventilation in the apartment ensures regular circulation air flow. When installing fan ducts, the frequency of removing debris and dust may be reduced, but these preventive work in general it is impossible.