Cleaning cupronickel products. How to clean nickel silver from blackness at home. What causes cupronickel to fade?

Cupronickel is used in the manufacture of many products. This is a fairly popular material; almost everyone can find objects made from this metal at home. That is why you need to know how to properly clean it at home.

Where is it used?

This metal is a silvery alloy of copper and nickel, sometimes with other elements such as iron added to it. Jewelry made from cupronickel looks bright and expressive; they are often inlaid with stones and crystals.

Nickel silver is also widely used in the manufacture decorative elements, boxes, figurines, candlesticks, glass holders and other utensils.

Compared to other metal utensils, cupronickel utensils look very elegant. Using sophisticated cutlery makes you feel like a member of high society.

Cupronickel cutlery became most widespread in the last century, but even today they have not lost their relevance.

Any housewife knows that over time similar products they fade unattractively and lose their luster. Accordingly, there is a need to clean nickel silver efficiently and quickly at home to return the metal to its original color and shine.

What makes cupronickel tarnish?

This metal alloy is susceptible to the formation of dark gray oxides on the surface when interacting with the environment. To prevent decorative items made from cupronickel from fading, they must be wiped dry with a towel after washing. When nickel silver dishes dry naturally, dark spots remain from drops of water. Residues of food and dirt provoke the formation of oxides in the thinnest depressions of the pattern on the product.

Hence, To clean a nickel silver product, it is necessary to remove the oxide coating from the surface. There are a lot of tips and recommendations to solve this problem.

Due to improper storage and infrequent use, cupronickel darkens and loses its attractiveness. The formation of black spots is also promoted by high humidity environment. Cupronickel silver must be cleaned competently and regularly, which will prevent the appearance of darkening on the dishes. Currently, there are several ways to effectively deal with this type of pollution.

At the beginning of cleaning, it is necessary to remove particles of food and dirt from the surface using hot water and any dishwashing detergent.

Cupronickel cutlery It is strictly forbidden to clean with products that contain chlorine, since the cupronickel alloy base contains nickel and copper. These elements come into play chemical reaction with chlorine, this may cause the product to deteriorate.

Industrial cleaning products

Manufacturers household chemicals offer a variety of products that allow you to instantly restore the original appearance and shine of the product. Optimal fit liquid products, since powders damage the structure of the product. The most common means are “Metal Cleaner” by Bagi and Sanita “Ultra Shine”" With these tools you can achieve the desired effect quickly and for a long time.

These cleaning agents help prevent further darkening and deterioration of the product. Therefore, the use of special means industrial productionthe best way clean blackened cupronickel.

Of course it is possible to apply traditional methods cleaning, they are also quite effective.

Cleaning with baking soda

Simple and effective method, which returns newness and shine to cupronickel devices is the use baking soda. It is worth noting that this method eliminates only slight shadows. It is optimal to use it in order to prevent the loss of nickel silver color.

Take 1.5 liters of water and add 3 tablespoons of soda. After standard cleaning, the devices are rinsed in this solution with soda. Next, wash the devices clean water and wipe dry. With such periodic processing, cupronickel will not turn black for a long time.

Cleaning with foil

During the cleaning process, the foil turns black, and the cupronickel lightens, acquiring its former shine. In case of severe contamination, it is necessary to boil the devices in the above composition for ten minutes. It's important to note that This method cannot be used for products coated with gold or silver plating., as this will lead to damage to the coating.

Cleaning with eggshells

In order to successfully cope with the darkening of nickel silver on your own, let’s take an ordinary eggshells. The broth from it even removes serious darkening on the product, old stains:

  • take a pan filled with 2 liters of water;
  • add finely chopped shells from two eggs;
  • put on the stove;
  • Immerse the product to be processed in boiling water and wait two to three minutes.
  • Next, remove the item being processed and rinse it cold water and wipe dry.

Peeling using garlic peels

It is worth preserving garlic peels if you have nickel silver jewelry or dishes at home. Depending on the thickness of the contaminated layer, we select the volume of husk used. The process looks like this:

  • fill the husk with water and boil;
  • We immerse our dishes in the broth and leave them until they are completely clean;
  • Next, rinse the dishes under the tap and wipe dry.

Use of alcohol solutions

It is also possible to clean cupronickel yourself by using alcohol solutions, such as ethyl or aqueous ammonia, famous for their cleaning properties. When using this method, you must use rubber gloves to protect the skin of your hands. First we make the working composition:

  • add 2 tablespoons of alcohol of your choice to 300 ml of water;
  • mix the resulting solution thoroughly;
  • Wet a cloth or a soft-bristled brush with the resulting mixture and wipe the cupronickel cutlery. In case of strong darkening, deeply ingrained into the material, it is necessary to increase the friction force. Alcohol formulations efficiently remove even stubborn stains.

You can successfully clean cupronickel using a sodium thiosulfate solution. This drug can be purchased freely at a very affordable price. One pack is enough for several years to clean all cupronickel utensils.

Cleansing with Vinegar

Heated vinegar is also used for cleaning. When using this method, you must wear rubber gloves.

5 ml of vinegar essence is diluted with 250 ml of water. Wet the towel with the resulting mixture and treat the entire contaminated surface. After treatment, the devices must be rinsed under the tap and wiped dry.

Cleaning with chalk

Also good remedy Chalk is used for cleaning cupronickel devices:

  • add 60 ml to 1 liter of hot water liquid soap and 50 g of chalk;
  • mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
  • Using the resulting solution, using a rag, polish the surface to be treated. Next, wipe the devices dry.

Chalk is also used in other cleaning products:

  • To 250 ml of water add 60 g of chalk and 110 g ammonia.
  • Mix the composition until smooth.
  • We polish the surface to be treated with it.

After this operation, the devices will delight you with a dazzling shine. There are also disadvantages to using recipes with chalk. Chalk can accumulate in small depressions of the pattern on the surface of the product and form untidy light inclusions. This problem is solved by using a brush when processing the depressions of the pattern.

Cleaning using citric acid

A fork will help get rid of just such a solution from blackness. He will also be able to wash the ring with the stone.

Cleaning with carbonated drinks

Excellent removal dark places from cupronickel products carbonated drinks, for example, regular Coca-cola. Simply pour soda over the items being treated and leave for several hours. Next, rinse the dishes under the tap and wipe dry.

Precious metals cleaning services

Nowadays, it is possible to entrust the restoration of the beauty of tarnished silverware to a professional who cleans silver items. This service is also provided by some jewelry workshops and stores.

More recently, some fifty years ago, cupronickel cutlery was considered almost an obligatory attribute on the holiday table. Forks and spoons faithfully served the hosts and guests, and then went back to cabinets and sideboards until the next celebration.

And either from long storage, either from dampness (or from everything together), the nickel silver cutlery began to darken and become covered with unsightly stains.

Many of these spoons and forks have safely survived to this day, although they have acquired a slightly unpresentable appearance.

Of course, nickel silver products that have darkened beyond recognition can be:

  • throw away
  • hide in a closet until better times,
  • take it to the specialists so they can clean the nickel silver,
  • try cleaning it yourself.

The last solution to get out of this situation may turn out to be the most correct for those who are not afraid to experiment and are ready to give cutlery a second life.

If you belong to this category of people, then to work with cupronickel you will need those simple substances and products that are found in almost every home: soda, salt, ammonia, chalk, tooth powder and others, which will be discussed below.

But before you start cleaning cupronickel, you need to assess its degree of contamination.

If the nickel silver has just darkened, but there are no dried grease stains on it, then you can immediately begin to lighten it.

But if the spoons and forks are so old and covered with a layer of dirt and grease, then they must first be washed well. This is especially true for spoons and forks with carved handle or corrugated surface, with small pattern or engraving. After all, if you simply remove the blackness, then all the dirt ingrained in the grooves will become even more noticeable.

How to wash nickel silver from dirt and grease

Take a saucepan and pour some dish soap into it.

Add boiling water and foam.

Immerse all forks, spoons and knives in soap solution and leave for a day. Stir items periodically. If they are very dirty, the water needs to be heated several times.

The next day, arm yourself with a soft toothbrush and use it to wipe off all the dirt using the same water.

Then wash the cupronickel in clean water and wipe it off. They are now ready for the next stage of cleaning.

Foil, soda and salt

This effective way helps remove black plaque from cupronickel even a hundred years ago.

  • To do this, prepare a pan and cover its bottom with baking foil.
  • Place all the forks and spoons, previously cleaned of dirt and grease, into the pan.
  • Add about three tablespoons each of baking soda and salt.
  • Pour in enough hot water to completely cover the cutlery. Some housewives use potato broth instead of water.
  • Place the pan on the fire and boil for 15-20 minutes. Don't worry about cupronickel. Its composition - an alloy of copper, nickel and zinc - can withstand high temperature without consequences.
  • Turn off the fire, and leave the cupronickel in the water until it cools completely.
  • Remove cutlery and wash in clean water.
  • Dry thoroughly with a dry soft towel.

By the way, products made from cupronickel should not be left wet or even slightly damp. Of course, they will not be covered with rust, but each droplet, when dried, will leave behind a dark mark. It is moisture that causes nickel silver to darken.

Soda and other abrasives

Cupronickel polishes well. Of course, if you decide to use it as an abrasive sandpaper or some other aggressive agent, then after such cleaning the spoon will most likely have to be thrown away.

But such abrasive substances as soda, chalk, tooth powder, toothpaste will help you clean cupronickel tableware.

  • Pour baking soda into a small container and add enough water to make a paste. Apply the paste onto a soft cloth or sponge and rub the product without applying strong pressure. If the nickel silver has a grooved surface, take a toothbrush with soft bristles and use it to gently clean the product. Then rinse everything well in clean water and wipe dry.
  • You can also remove light black plaque from cupronickel products with tooth powder. Instead of tooth powder, you can use chalk, but it must be thoroughly crushed before use so that large pieces do not scratch the metal.
  • Dark plaque from cupronickel can also be removed with toothpaste. Squeeze it into some container and dilute it with water. Dip spoons into the solution and leave for half an hour. Then wash and dry them well.
  • If you can tolerate the smell of ammonia, then add it to the water, making a weak solution, in which you wash forks and spoons (or other products) made of cupronickel. Then rinse in clean water and wipe dry.
  • Dark deposits on cupronickel can be removed by cleaning the product with wine vinegar or turpentine.
  • Minor darkening can be removed by cleaning cupronickel with vodka or alcohol.

Cleaning cupronickel using eggshells

If you decide to clean cupronickel in the coming days, then do not throw away the egg shells while preparing scrambled eggs or kneading dough.

  • To clean cupronickel, take shells from two raw eggs, grind it, put it in a saucepan, add a spoonful of salt and pour one liter of water.
  • Bring to a boil.
  • Dip cupronickel cutlery into this water and boil for two to three minutes.
  • Rinse the cupronickel in clean water and wipe dry. The same can be done by replacing the eggshells with garlic peels.

Cleaning cupronickel with citric acid

Prepare a saucepan. Dissolve 100 g in one liter of water citric acid. Dip cutlery and a piece of copper wire into the solution. Boil it all for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse in clean water and dry.

Clean cupronickel spoons and other cutlery Not every housewife can do this at home. But sometimes it happens that cupronickel devices darken and lose their shine. Our article will help you get it back.

Cupronickel spoons and other cutlery darken due to the fact that cupronickel contains copper. And copper, as you know, oxidizes very easily, which even nickel, which is also contained in this alloy, cannot prevent. Due to prolonged contact with water or poor wiping of cupronickel cutlery after washing, the alloy begins to become covered with dark spots. And if nothing is done at this moment, the stains can grow and cover the devices completely. But if there are any, it will be quite difficult to clean the devices at home. In our article we will talk about the most popular and effective methods by which you can easily and quickly clean cupronickel spoons and other cutlery at home.

There are several ways you can clean your cutlery. Here are the most effective ones:

    household chemicals;

    traditional methods;

    with the help of professionals.

With the last method everything is clear: you can simply take your cutlery to specialized cleaning services various metals, but this is a rather expensive solution. It is best to clean nickel silver devices at home; it will cost you much less.

Very important point: before cleaning cupronickel instruments They must be washed thoroughly with detergent, then wiped dry. Make sure that there is no grease left on spoons and other utensils, otherwise the entire cleaning process may not be effective.

It is quite easy to clean cupronickel spoons and other cutlery, even those with gilding, using household chemicals. To do this, you should contact any specialized department and purchase a product for cleaning cupronickel and silver. After this, carefully read the recommendations on the label, then put on rubber gloves to protect your hands from the aggressive action of the appliance cleaner, and begin the cleaning process itself.

You can also try cleaning cupronickel utensils with dish cleaning powder. But you should understand that products not designed for such cleaning can damage the surface of the devices.

If you are a follower of folk remedies, then here we can please you, since There are a large number of various methods for cleaning cupronickel devices using folk remedies.. Below we will provide the most effective ones.


Cleaning method

Salt or soda

In order to clean cupronickel spoons, forks or other cutlery with salt or soda, you should apply one of these products to a damp sponge, then thoroughly wipe the cutlery with it. After some time, you will see that the blackness and darkening clears up. But this method is only good for devices without a pattern. In addition, it is a little time consuming.

Sodium thiosulfate

You can purchase this product at the pharmacy. To make the effect more effective, you should buy the product in powder form. It needs to be diluted in water, and then the nickel silver cutlery should be soaked in it for some time. After this, you need to clean the devices with normal detergent, rinse with clean water and wipe dry.

Baking foil

You need to cover the bottom with foil metal container, add a spoonful of salt and a spoonful of soda there, then put cupronickel silver utensils in the pan and pour boiling water over them. Place the pan on low heat and simmer until you are satisfied with the result.


In order to clean cupronickel spoons, forks and other cutlery with soda, you need to pour it over the utensils for a couple of hours. Sprite is best suited for this. But as housewives note, this method is the least effective.

In order for your cupronickel silver devices to retain their original appearance much longer, it is necessary store them correctly. To do this, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

    Keep cupronickel spoons and other utensils in a dry place.

    Always dry your appliances after washing them.

    Do not use harsh cleaning agents on a daily basis.

    Stock up on special products for cleaning cupronickel and carry out a small cleaning of the devices every week.

By following our tips, you won’t even worry about how to clean cupronickel spoons, forks and other cutlery at home.

Every home probably has at least one item made from cupronickel. And those who have such devices know how difficult it can be to clean them from darkening. But, unfortunately, not everyone has an idea of ​​how to clean cupronickel silver cutlery at home in order to spend a minimum of time on it. In this article we will try to describe as thoroughly as possible how this can be done.

Twelve rules for caring for cupronickel

To keep cupronickel spoons always sparkling clean, you don’t have to buy expensive ones. special means and waste a lot of time. All this can be done with the help of improvised universal remedies, which are always present in every home.

Cleaning with soda

Products made of cupronickel that are slightly soiled will simply need to be rinsed in a soda solution after washing. It is prepared in the proportion of 50 grams of soda per 1 liter of water.

Important! This rinsing is recommended after each use of nickel silver products. Then you won’t have to search for an answer to the question of how to clean cupronickel silver cutlery at home when it has become thoroughly blackened.

You can also apply baking soda to a dishwashing sponge, which must first be moistened. Further:

  1. Polish items with this product.
  2. Rinse in cool water.
  3. Wipe with a dry towel.

Cleaning with alcohol

If your devices are only slightly tarnished, it will be quite enough to wipe them with a piece of cloth previously soaked in alcohol or vodka.

Removing damp stains

Dark stains from dampness must be removed with warm vinegar:

  1. Dissolve one teaspoon in one glass of water.
  2. Dampen a woolen rag in it and wipe the appliances.
  3. After this, rinse with clean water and dry.

Polishing with chalk

You can clean cupronickel silver from blackness at home using chalk. To do this, take chalk and soap in equal proportions:

  1. Dissolve the soap in hot water, add chalk.
  2. Stir thoroughly until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained.
  3. Polish the surface with the resulting mixture and then wipe it with a dry cloth.

Important! You can also prepare another version of a thick polishing paste. To prepare it, do the following: add 30 g of chalk and 60 g of ammonia (ammonia) to half a glass of water. Use the resulting mixture to polish cupronickel silver utensils until they shine.

Egg shell decoction

At a time when cupronickel has already tarnished properly, a more difficult cleaning method may be necessary. In order to achieve the best possible effect:

  1. Before starting thorough cleaning, wash the devices with warm water using a regular soap solution.
  2. Prepare a decoction of eggshells. For this you will need: 1 liter of water, the shells of two raw eggs.
  3. Bring the broth to a boil, and then lower cupronickel spoons into it for a few minutes.
  4. After cleaning, rinse them under running water and wipe them dry.

Potato broth

Dip cupronickel spoons into warm potato broth and keep them there for 15-20 minutes. Then take it out, rinse and wipe dry.

Important! This method is the softest and is often used for products with gold or blackening.

Garlic peel decoction

Another popular method that will definitely suit you if you are looking for a way to clean cupronickel cutlery at home. In this case we use garlic peels:

  1. Husk in large quantities fill with water.
  2. When the broth is already boiling, lower the utensils into it and boil until shiny.

Important! The boiling time depends on the degree of darkening of the nickel silver - the greater the black coating, the longer it will take.


This is the most effective method for removing dark deposits from cupronickel devices. This method involves boiling in an aluminum pan with foil and soda. This is done like this:

  1. Place a sheet of foil on the bottom of the pan and the utensils on it.
  2. Fill in hot water in a volume of 1 liter.
  3. Pour 2 tablespoons of baking soda into it and boil.

There is another option:

  1. Take any basin, you can even use a plastic one. The main requirement is that it can withstand boiling water.
  2. Cover the bottom of the basin with foil.
  3. Place the products on foil and add about 1.5 tablespoons of baking soda.
  4. Fill with boiling water - the devices must be completely submerged in water.
  5. After cleaning, rinse in clean water and wipe very dirty areas with a sponge.

Sodium thiosulfate solution

For very darkened products, the following recommendations are suitable: Prepare a solution of sodium thiosulfate - it is sold at the pharmacy.

  1. Dilute 10 ml of sodium thiosulfate in 30 ml of water.
  2. First, wash the devices in warm water and soap, this is extremely important.
  3. Then, while they are still warm, wipe with a swab containing the solution, rinse with water and dry.


There is also a galvanic cleaning method. It is very complex, but at the same time extremely effective. To use this method you will need a current source.

Follow these instructions and you will easily cope with the task of how to clean cupronickel silver at home from blackness:

  1. Take a glass bowl, pour water into it, lower cupronickel silverware and other metal object for example: a nail or a spoon.
  2. Connect a negative to the item you are cleaning, and to additional subject- plus.
  3. Cleaning time depends on the voltage. For example, if the voltage is 24V, the spoon will become clean in just 1 second.

Important! Do not forget about safety precautions when working with current. If you are not sure that you can handle it, it is better to choose another method.

Household chemicals

Household chemicals are also used to clean nickel silver devices. For example:

  • “Polymet” paste;
  • emulsion “Amethyst”;
  • “Sif-gel”.

You can also purchase special wipes in jewelry stores, designed specifically for wiping nickel silver items.

Important! Be sure to thoroughly rinse the appliances with water after you finish cleaning the items with household chemicals.

Storing cupronickel

Store cupronickel products by wrapping them tightly in foil or cling film - this will help protect them from the rather aggressive effects of oxygen. If you do this, cutlery and your favorite nickel silver jewelry will retain their unique shine for a long time.

Why does the metal begin to darken?

There are several reasons why nickel silver products begin to darken. You need to know about them so that it is easier to organize the care of such things and you don’t have to spend a lot of time cleaning them.

These reasons include:

  • improper care of products;
  • storage in inappropriate conditions;
  • high level of humidity.

Cupronickel is an alloy of copper, nickel, iron and manganese. Products made from this safe and elegant metal are an indicator good taste. More recently, cutlery made from this material was considered a luxury and was in short supply. They “got out” them on occasion, and, having received them, they kept them carefully and reverently. The table was set with precious objects only according to special occasions. Rare use did not prevent natural darkening, which upset housewives who were looking for ways to restore their former radiance among available means. There were not so few of them.

Housewives treat cupronickel cutlery with special care and pass it on from generation to generation with a story about their acquisition. Alloy cutlery is an expensive gift that will decorate any table. Many remember the time when it was impossible to imagine a single feast without serving from expensive dishes.

Cupronickel cutlery has a number of advantages:

  • High strength;
  • The ability to maintain an attractive appearance for a long time;
  • Easy to care for;
  • Temperature changes do not affect appearance And quality characteristics;
  • They are not subject to corrosion, which is why they are loved by housewives.

Why does cupronickel darken?

Despite the advantages, there is still one drawback: due to improper care, the alloy is oxidized by oxygen and quickly darkens, streaks and stains appear that are difficult to get rid of.

Inexperienced housewives, seeing changes in appearance, begin to panic. The situation can be easily corrected. There are enough recipes for cleaning cupronickel cutlery at home. No financial expenses are required; available materials are used: alcohol, salt, soda, eggshells, potatoes, foil and much more. You can buy special ones in the store chemicals.

The most effective folk methods

Modern housewives have household chemicals for the kitchen at their disposal. In the last century, they coped with the help of improvised means. There was no Internet and women read a lot of reference books and visited libraries in search of answers. I offer proven and effective means for cleaning cupronickel at home.


Take food foil of any manufacturer and thickness, place it in a deep container, add a quarter glass of soda, put cupronickel cutlery and pour boiling water over everything. A miracle will happen before your eyes: the cleansing process will begin at the same second and will not require your participation.


Cleaning using baking soda is no different from the option described above. No foil is required, but the effect will be the same. The simplicity of the method will surprise you, and the quality of cleaning will please you.


To solve the problem, you can use eggs. There are several options:

  1. Boil the utensils in the water where the eggs were boiled.
  2. Crush the eggshells, add to water and boil the dishes in the resulting solution.
  3. Wipe the dishes with a flannel cloth soaked in egg white.

The last cleaning method is gentle and is applicable for cutlery made of cupronickel, silver and gold-plated.

Toothpaste and salt

Previously, housewives used tooth powder to clean cupronickel items. The product was applied to the fabric, the devices were rubbed to a perfect shine. It is possible to buy tooth powder in stores today, but it is difficult. So let's take toothpaste, with which we will clean the dishes and achieve an unprecedented shine.

ATTENTION! This method has one drawback: microparticles of toothpaste are difficult to remove from cracks and chips on the surface of the dishes.


Pour water over the garlic peel and bring to a boil. Add vinegar to the broth and place cutlery in it. Control the boiling process and wait for the desired effect. Remove items and cool room temperature and rinse with running water.

Other folk remedies

  1. When cleaning cupronickel cutlery, use fine table salt. The method is labor-intensive, but the result will please you. Apply a small amount of salt to the sponge and scrub the surface until the desired effect is achieved.
  2. Peeling using potatoes is a more gentle procedure. It will take a little time. Place the dishes in the water where the peeled potatoes were and leave for several hours. Remove and rinse cutlery under running water and wipe the items dry.
  3. Removing stains using ammonia is suitable for cleaning dishes made of nickel silver, coated with precious metals, gold and silver items. Place the items in a container with ammonia, cover with a lid, and leave for a while. After removal, wash thoroughly under running water. To add shine, make a solution of ammonia and water, rinse the cutlery with it, rinse with running water and dry.

Video tips

How to clean cupronickel with household chemicals

Household chemicals are represented by a wide range of products with different consistencies: powders, gels, wet wipes impregnated with compounds. They will restore shine and charm in minutes. I recommend liquid cleaners and wet wipes that do not contain abrasive components.

INTERESTING! After using household chemicals, an invisible film forms on the cutlery, which protects the alloy from darkening and deterioration. This is their difference from folk remedies.

Cupronickel silver cutlery is similar to silver cutlery, but its cost is much lower. Preferring alloy cookware means saving money cash without spoiling the solemnity of the moment festive table. After all, cutlery made from cupronickel is no worse than silver.

Prevention and storage rules

  • Products made from cupronickel are capricious in everyday life, so they require careful care. They must be polished to a shine using special products.
  • Proper storage is important: in a dry place away from other cutlery. Wrap each cupronickel item with a dry cloth, then with cling film and foil. The method will protect against exposure to oxygen; the paper will absorb moisture, to which the alloy is sensitive. If stored correctly, the dishes will remain light, without stains or streaks.
  • After use, wash cutlery and wipe dry.
  • When choosing a household chemical product, first study the composition. It should not contain chlorine, which causes stains, and abrasives, which leave scratches on the surface.

If you follow the rules of care, cupronickel cutlery will last forever.

By adhering to these rules, you will keep your cupronickel cutlery in its original form, and later it will become a family heirloom that will be proudly passed down from generation to generation.