Garlic against midges in flowers. How to get rid of flies in indoor flowers. On which plants are midges most likely to appear?

I often wondered why winged midges appeared in a ficus pot. They climbed into plates and cups, hovered in front of the monitor and spoiled appearance my plant. But the experience of dealing with them showed me both the reasons and how to get rid of midges in indoor flowers. I will share my secrets in this text.

Surprisingly, the pests in your pot may vary somewhat. It is important to know what species the multi-legged invaders are, because the methods of dealing with them also differ.

Black midges

Black midges are called synarides. These creatures hover over the green part of the plant. They are absolutely harmless to humans, but it is impossible to live with them: insects constantly circle around the house and get into food and drink. Sinarid larvae pose a particular danger to the plant.

These big-headed translucent worms feed on the roots of your flower, deteriorating the quality of the soil and its breathability.

Most often, these midges appear if you use low-quality soil or feed plants with folk remedies. Particularly attractive to them are tea leaves, leaf humus and other organic matter. Typically, plants with soft leaves: begonias, ficuses and so on.

White midges

White midges are the most common insects that live in flower pots. This group includes springtails and subur. They are easy to notice on the leaves of plants; the bodies stand out on the ground and under the container with the indoor plant.

The peak distribution of white midges occurs in winter and spring, when the soil becomes excessively wet and evaporation processes occur slowly. These creatures disrupt the fluid balance in the plant and harm the root system.

If you do not start a timely fight against them, you risk losing your green friend. Plants with strong foliage are under threat: violets of all subspecies, azaleas and many others.

Causes of insects

  1. Excess moisture in the soil occurs during periods of poor evaporation. Inexperienced gardeners often water their plants even at this time. As a result, the soil becomes favorable for the reproduction and vital activity of winged insect larvae;
  2. Poor soil quality. Sometimes even purchased land turns out to be contaminated. Therefore, before replanting a flower, disinfect the soil mass;
  3. Midges often appear if the plant does not have drainage. It allows indoor flower consume the right amount of moisture. In this case, molding of organic residues does not begin, and the soil does not sour;
  4. If your plants are too close (all on a windowsill or on the same shelf), air doesn't flow well between them. This creates comfortable conditions for midges to breed;
  5. Don't forget to regularly loosen the soil in the pot. Midges sometimes appear in indoor flowers due to a lack of oxygen in the root system. At such moments, the processes of rotting in the pot noticeably accelerate;
  6. As mentioned earlier, midges are attracted organic fertilizers, they may also contain eggs of these creatures. Often plant owners do not seek to learn about proper feeding, so they use “grandmother’s methods.” And then they have to look for a remedy for midges.

Ways to remove midges

After finding the midge habitat, you can begin treating the plant. All that remains is to choose a method: there are a number of high-quality insecticides, but the ingenuity of the flower owners also bore fruit.


  • Dichlorvos - universal method fight against all types of winged and wingless indoor pests. It is available in cans of 300 and 500 milliliters. Insects that are exposed to their contents immediately die due to damage to the nervous system, but a chain reaction of poisoning of all creatures occurs. Dichlorvos is harmless to plants, but safety precautions must be observed when processing flowers. The drugs are constantly being improved, for example, dichlorvos Neo does not have a characteristic unpleasant odor;
  • The legendary chalk Mashenka acts not only against cockroaches. It copes well with the larvae of flying insects, so it is used against black midges. For it to work, crush Mashenka into small crumbs and sprinkle a thin layer over the perimeter of the soil in the pot;
  • Raid affects nervous system midges, so one can can quickly get rid of pests. The midge repellent works quickly on insects. The fact is that infected individuals instantly infect their relatives. The effect lasts 120 minutes from the moment of spraying;
  • Fly-eater powder is convenient to use, because it is enough to sprinkle the soil as stated on the package. The pieces will dissolve after watering, and the resulting liquid will become poisonous to insects. This powerful remedy usually works the first time;
  • Raptor is sold in metal spray cans. The standard volume is enough for a room of 30 square meters. Toxins from the insecticide instantly act on midges, paralyze them and cause rapid death. The effect of the spray will last in the apartment for about 30 days;
  • Reftamide is a spray against all types of insects, or rather, a whole line of drugs. To combat house flies you should choose Reftamid-Maximum or Reftamid-Enhanced. The action is the same as that produced by previous insecticides. Please note that the aerosol has a pungent odor with vanilla undertones.

Traditional methods

  • Garlic solution has an unpleasant odor. But this liquid repels insects well. To create it, use 3 cloves of garlic per 1 liter of dechlorinated water;
  • Buried in the ground orange zest complicates the development of larvae and drives away adult insects from the breeding site. This is not a perfect method, but this way you will at least clear the land of pests;
  • Insects also do not like dill sprigs laid out on the surface;
  • Midges do not like scented oils. You will see a particularly strong effect from the essence of basil, eucalyptus and anise. It is enough to warm them up in an aroma lamp and apply a few drops on napkins. Place paper next to the pots and the flies will soon leave them;
  • To rid the pot of midges, stick regular matches into the soil with their heads down. When watering, they will begin to dissolve, and the ground will become saturated with sulfur that is harmful to pests. Be careful: some plants will not react well to this method of control and will begin to get sick;
  • An unwashed bottle of juice or weak alcohol will be an excellent bait for insects. Just leave it open with a small layer of liquid at the bottom. By morning the vessel will be full of insects. All you have to do is close the lid and throw it away;
  • Solution from laundry soap tasteless and odorless allows you to fight midges. To prepare it, take 200 grams of boiling water, 1/8 cup with soap shavings. Wipe the green part of the flower with the cooled solution, and not a single pest will encroach on your flora;
  • Midges hate the smell of tomatoes. Therefore, if you plant one at home, you will receive not only useful fruit plant, but also protection for decorative flowers;
  • Wood ash is considered not only a strong fertilizer, but also in a good way repel insects;
  • Diluted potassium permanganate is suitable for sanitization soil. It is enough to dilute it with water until the color turns light pink and pour it over the soil in the pot. Repeat the manipulation when, after a few days, the soil is completely dry and needs new watering. You can use another method and remove pests using cinnamon.

Even the most experienced and attentive gardeners are not immune from infecting their green pets with pests, in particular midges. In such cases, the question of how to get rid of insects on indoor flowers becomes relevant.

Sometimes it’s enough to simply remove the cause of pests, and the problem will solve itself

Insects can destroy not only the flower itself, but also cause inconvenience to the owners of the house. Therefore, it is necessary to find out why they began their offensive.

The following factors may be the reason:

  • Contaminated soil. This could be soil taken from the garden or store soil where insects have laid eggs.
  • Penetration of insects from outside: through open windows, exhaust, ventilation, from the basement.
  • Dampness. If drainage is poor and watering is too abundant, the liquid stagnates and the substrate becomes acidified. Such conditions are a haven for pests.

Types of midges that most often infect flowers:

  • Fungus gnats (sciarids) are small black midges whose larvae use young roots as food.
  • Whitefly is similar to a moth. Food for the larvae is leaf juice. Colorless spots appear on the plant.
  • Springtails - they look unpleasant, but do not cause harm to adult plants. The larvae, which eat up rotting roots and spread fungi that cause diseases, can harm sick or flooded flowers.
  • Fruit flies (drosophila) - do not harm either flowers or people, but they are extremely annoying in everyday life because they can fly.

Traditional methods

Folk remedies can help solve the problem

If insects, especially flying ones, appear on one plant, then the entire flower garden may soon be infected. Therefore, measures should be taken promptly to get rid of pests.

Action plan:

  1. Wait until upper layer the soil will dry out at least a couple of centimeters.
  2. Remove adult insects using a vacuum cleaner or sticky tapes. The latter can be bought or made yourself from paper, which must be covered with a layer of honey. The pots should be wrapped with double-sided tape.
  3. Transplant the flower into a container with another, treated soil.

But if the lesion is small, it is not necessary to replant the plant. The means at hand will help you get rid of midges.

  • Make a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate and water the flower twice a day.
  • Dissolve 50 g of ammonia in 4 liters of water. Watering is carried out once every 7-10 days until the pests are destroyed.
  • 1 tsp. Dilute apple cider vinegar in 1 liter of water. Spray or wipe the leaves.
  • Loosen the soil and sprinkle the surface with a layer of cinnamon. You can also pour the solution: brew 40 g of the product with boiling water, wait until it cools. Tobacco is used in a similar way. But because of the smell, it is not suitable for all gardeners.
  • Water the soil soap solution. In addition, finely chopped orange peels or garlic cloves are stuck into the ground.
  • Sulfur helps destroy the larvae. Matches must be stuck into the ground with their heads down.
  • If there are few midges, crush several tablets of activated carbon and sprinkle on the ground. Repeat the procedure for 5 days.
  • Grate 3 heads of garlic, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 3 hours, strain. Water the flower and spray the leaves. Helps against fungus gnats.
  • Scatter dill seeds over the surface of the ground. Change the layer every 2 days.

Special means

If there are a lot of insects, chemical drug will help you quickly solve the problem

Traditional methods cannot always help get rid of midges on indoor flowers, especially if the infestation is severe. You will have to use insecticides. They are practically safe for people and plants. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to use a “toxic greenhouse”.

Most beginners and experienced flower growers know about black fungus gnats (sciarids). It is easier to provide prevention than to fight these pests. But how to get rid of midges in indoor flowers if it was not possible to avoid infestation of plants? There are a few simple rules, compliance with which will help cope with pests and serve as good prevention against other enemies of green pets.

Midges in a flower

In the absence of proper care, indoor plants are attacked by fungus gnats (sciarids). It’s rare, but it happens that fruit flies fly next to pots and tubs in greenhouses and living spaces ( fruit flies). This different families insects, but they belong to the same order - Diptera.

Sciarides and fruit flies occupy similar ecological niches: they are found next to rotting plant remains and prefer loose and moist earthen substrates where the larvae live and feed. It is these inconspicuous white worms that harm the root system and young shoots. What to do? How to get rid of midges in indoor flowers and is it possible to prevent pests from appearing in the future?

Are fungus gnats dangerous for plants?

Small, dark-colored flower midges are adult sciarids that do not particularly harm the above-ground parts of a houseplant. They reproduce faster if favorable conditions appear:

A colony of larvae first eats rotting organic remains and then switches to feeding on young roots. This weakens above-ground shoots, leading to weakening and death of indoor flowers. General recommendations instructions for caring for plants are known to flower growers, but not everyone succeeds in following them.

During watering, it is necessary to inspect the green leaves, remove dry parts, and check the trays. Such measures will help to avoid the appearance of pests that spend their “childhood years” in the soil, and adult flying individuals can infect all indoor flowers. Midges in the ground - fungus gnats - are precisely such organisms.

How to distinguish sciarids from other insects

The Sciaridae family is a poorly studied group of dipteran insects, which includes more than 30 genera. About 600 species, grouped into three groups, harm greenhouse and indoor plants in Europe:

  • Sciaras from the genus Sciara;
  • fungus gnats from the genus Lycoriella;
  • Bradysia (genus Bradysia).

How midges appear in an indoor flower

Flower midges fly into a greenhouse, apartment, house or office from the street, where small insects are easily carried by gusts of wind. Collection indoor plants They are often infected by larvae that are found in garden soil or substrate from the store. You may notice that fungus gnats prefer old pots with bad drainage layer, abundant watering. Signs of sciarid infestation:

  • Black and dark gray midges are found next to the pots, in the tray, on the plants. The elongated body of the insect can reach a length of 2-4 mm.
  • The pair of fore wings is well developed, but the hind wings are underdeveloped.
  • The insect's mouthparts are of the sucking type.
  • The soil is contaminated with a large number of translucent clutches of eggs and larvae (one adult female flower midge lays about 300 eggs).
  • Legless larvae of sciarids are white worms with a black head part and a gnawing mouthpart. Body length reaches 2-5 mm.

Preventive actions

When sciarids appear, immediate action must be taken. One of the most important conditions- do not allow the underground part of plants and soil to become waterlogged. How to get rid of midges in indoor flowers?

  1. It is necessary to ensure air permeability of the soil.
  2. Remove water from the pan when watering the plant.
  3. The soil in the pot should dry to a depth of 3-4 cm.
  4. It is important to prevent the presence of undecomposed organic matter in the soil for replanting when fertilizing with compost.
  5. Every time you plant or replant, pots and tubs need to be washed, disinfected with potassium permanganate and rinsed with hot water.
  6. The soil mixture can be calcined in the oven gas stove or in the microwave (cooling on the balcony in winter is also used).
  7. When replanting, the drainage and roots of plants should be washed with a solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkled with crushed charcoal or stove ash.

Plant protection from flower midges

When a gardener notices that the lush green leaves are becoming lethargic and losing their former attractiveness, he should understand: one of the possible reasons wilting of plants - midges in a flower. What to do? How to fix the situation? Be sure to follow 5 rules:

  1. Reduce the amount of watering.
  2. Replant infected plants by removing rotten roots. Instead of replanting, change the layer of soil in the pot where the sciarids lay eggs (4 cm).
  3. Remove dead leaves, shoots, petals and berries.
  4. Do not leave rotting food near indoor plants.
  5. Do not feed plants with coffee grounds, tea leaves, or “green” water from the aquarium.

How to get rid of midges in indoor flowers and give plants in the house reliable protection?

Against fungus gnats, you can place pieces of peeled garlic in pots. Another folk remedy is an infusion of 20 g of tobacco in 500 ml of water. After two days of infusion, you need to strain the mixture, add 1 liter of water and treat the plants and soil with a spray bottle. Hanging sticky tapes, treating window sills, pots, etc. are effective against adult sciarids. window frames vacuum cleaner without a brush.

Flying flower midges can be exterminated with "Neo-dichlorvos" and other insecticide sprays. Don't forget about safety measures! Used against larvae chemical substances“Bazudin”, “Aktara”, “Inta-vir”, “Fitoverm”, “Aktellik”. Follow the instructions for the medications!

Fungus gnats are practically safe for plants in open ground. But they cause a lot of problems for lovers of indoor plants. Often, flower growers themselves create conditions for the reproduction of sciarids. Although water regime For different plants different, but frequent watering harmful to all flowering pets.

Any gardener often has to deal with a situation when small nasty midges begin to hover over pots with their favorite indoor plants. Where they come from and how to get rid of midges in flower pots is an important question for both beginners and experienced flower lovers.

Causes of the pest

Midges that appear in flower pots are essentially pests. Damage to plants is most often caused by larvae living in the substrate.

As happens with pests, they usually appear due to violations in plant care. Much less often, they can settle in pots as a result of infection from recently purchased flowers.

At the same time, midges are quite harmless, except that they disturb people. But larvae living in the soil can cause significant damage to the plant, as they feed on thin root shoots.

Most often midges appear in winter time- due to the fact that the soil does not have time to dry properly between waterings.

A favorable environment for their development is also created by feeding the plants with “improvised” means - tea, coffee, sugar, water left over from washing the meat.

Low soil permeability also contributes to the appearance and prosperity of midges. Much less often, midges can fly through open windows or vents.

Types of midges, their descriptions and photos

There are several types of midges that can settle in indoor flowers. To successfully fight them, you need to know which midges attacked the plant.

Podurs, or springtails, light midges (white, yellowish, brownish), small size. They usually appear in winter or spring, when, due to cool temperatures, the rate of evaporation of moisture in pots decreases.

Podura (springtails)

Sciarids, larger midges (up to 3 millimeters), with a black body. The midges themselves are harmless, but their larvae gnaw at the root system. Also, their appearance can lead to compaction of the substrate in pots, which impairs the air exchange of the root system.

sciarid larvae

Why are midges dangerous?

Danger to humans

Midges that attack indoor plants do not pose a danger to humans, in the sense that they do not pay attention to people at all, do not bite or land on the body. Accordingly, they cannot infect people with diseases.

But a large number of midges swarming over flower pots irritate the nerves:

  • firstly, by incessant flickering;
  • secondly, their presence is a sign that there are problems with the flowers.

Danger to plants

At first glance, a small number of midges does not cause much harm to plants. At first, their presence does not affect the flowers: they look healthy and continue to bloom.

However, to reproduce, midges need soil, and moist soil at that. It is there that they lay eggs, and the larvae grow and develop in the soil. It is the larvae that cause damage to plants: they readily feed on roots.

Which plants are most often attacked by midges?

Experienced gardeners have noticed that not all indoor plants are affected by midges. Each type of midge has its own preferences.

Springtails (springtails) most often settle on plants that have soft leaves - begonia, fuchsia, etc.

Sciarides, also called fungus gnats, prefer plants with dense foliage - violets, azaleas, ficus.

Of course, if you come across contaminated soil, the midges will hatch in any case, regardless of their “gastronomic” preferences.

How to get rid of midges in an apartment (at home)

All available methods getting rid of pests suitable for home conditions are divided into three groups:

  • folk remedies;
  • chemicals;
  • physical methods.

Folk remedies for controlling midges

Small winged enemies of indoor plants have been known to people for a long time. Accordingly, the arsenal folk ways quite rich by simple means, which are sure to be found in every home - in the kitchen or in the medicine cabinet.

Potassium permanganate. Water the plants with a weak solution once a week.

Important! The solution should be pale, almost colorless, so as not to burn the roots of the flowers.

Regular matches

They are stuck into the ground in a pot with the sulfur head down. An average pot will require 4 pieces. During watering, sulfur dissolves and disinfects the soil. The midges fly out and do not return, their larvae die. Periodically, matches need to be replaced with fresh ones. Duration of treatment is 6-8 weeks.


There are three options. Peel the garlic clove, cut off the bottom and drop it into the pot. At the same time, it acts on both adults (drives them out of the ground) and larvae, inhibiting their development.

The second option is an infusion of garlic, which is prepared from three heads, crushed into a pulp and a liter of water. The infusion, aged for 3-4 days, is sprayed on the plants and the substrate is spilled.

You can also cut the garlic cloves into slices and place them on the soil in the pot. Of course, fighting midges with garlic is accompanied by a specific smell; not everyone may like this.

Wood ash

It will not only help get rid of pests, but also feed the plants, and also reduce the salinity of the substrate. Wood ash can be replaced with activated carbon.

Low concentration soap solution

Any soap will do, but if there is a special soap for four-legged pets, the positive effect will be achieved faster. Plants are watered with the solution every 5-7 days.

Important! All methods are used repeatedly until the midges completely disappear. As a rule, this requires at least one and a half months.

Because during use folk remedies midges leave the substrate, usually bait traps are placed next to the pots. This will make it easier to destroy them. Fresh orange peels and sticky ribbons of bright yellow or orange are used as bait.

Chemical pest control products

Often gardeners are reluctant to use chemicals due to toxicity, but if there are a large number of midges, they have to resort to it.

Drugs such as Dichlorvos and liquid products or mosquito plates are commonly used to kill midges on the surface of the substrate and around pots. They are not recommended for watering.

As a fairly harmless remedy, you can use crayons against cockroaches, either by cutting them and scattering the shavings over the surface of the soil, or by applying strokes with them on the surface of the pot.

To water the soil, solutions of Actellik, Grom-2, Agrvertin, Karbofos, etc. are used. This is how they get rid of the larvae. After treatment with insecticides, the flowers are not watered for 2-3 days.

Important! Prepare and apply insecticide solutions strictly according to the instructions. Each drug has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when using, including safety measures.

The drug Iskra+ can also help get rid of midges, although it is not positioned as such. It works a little slower, but is quite easy to use.

Physical methods

The essence physical methods comes down to complete or partial replacement of soil in pots. When completely replacing the substrate, the plants are carefully removed from the containers, the substrate is shaken off the roots and washed root system slightly warm water.

Important! During this procedure, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of growing each specific plant and caring for it.

All old substrate is usually destroyed. In extreme cases, it is spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate. Pink colour, and then with water, or calcined in the oven for several hours.

If there are few midges, you can try to get rid of them by removing the top layer of the substrate and replacing it with fresh one, pre-calcined in the oven or frozen in freezer.

Midges on orchids

Particularly noteworthy is the appearance of midges in orchids. As in any other case, you must first determine their type. The following types are characteristic of orchids:

  • fungus gnat (sciarid);
  • fools and thrips.

Reasons for appearance

Fungus gnats and fungus gnats appear when the substrate is waterlogged. That is, when watering is carried out before the substrate dries completely.

Thrips primarily attack a weakened orchid, the care of which was careless, or due to non-compliance with growing conditions. Ideal conditions for them - dry air combined with elevated temperatures.

What is the danger of midges

Sciarids live mainly in the substrate. Moreover, an important factor is its composition: the presence of moss or peat increases the likelihood of the appearance of fungus gnats.

The mosquito itself is harmless, but its larvae pose a threat to the root system of orchids. They gnaw at it, causing it to rot.

Poduras feed on young orchid roots, which negatively affects the health of the plant. If there are a lot of pests, the flower may die.

Thrips, sap-sucking pests, settle in the part of the orchid adjacent to the ground. Moreover, damage from them occurs not only on lower parts plants - stems and roots, but also on buds and flowers. A large colony of pests on an orchid can cause irreparable harm to it. In addition, thrips very often carry pathogens of viral and fungal diseases.

Watch a video about fighting flower midges on orchids.

Methods for killing midges

Important! The fight against midges begins immediately when the first pests are detected.

To destroy sciarids, it is enough to dry the soil. Dry substrate is not suitable for pests either for life or for reproduction. From the start of drying, it will take only 5-6 weeks for the pest to disappear, since its life cycle lasts about a month. Orchids are watered very sparingly during this period.

You can speed up the process of getting rid of fungus gnats using a bait trap. Brightly colored adhesive tape works best yellow color, which can be purchased at flower shops. You can simply place a small yellow container of water next to the orchid.

In serious cases, when the colony of mosquitoes turns out to be too large, the orchid’s substrate is completely changed and the roots are washed so that no larvae remain on them.

To get rid of durs, you also need to first dry the substrate:

  1. Reduce watering as much as possible, and sprinkle the soil with a thin, even layer of sand.
  2. It is also necessary to spray the entire orchid with Fitoverm solution.

The most difficult thing to deal with is thrips, since they spread quite quickly throughout all the plants in the room.

First of all, if you suspect a thrips attack, the orchid must be thoroughly washed under warm shower. The next step is to remove all affected areas. Then the entire plant is treated with Actellik or Fitoverm.

Important! The spraying procedure is carried out several times with an interval of 7-10 days. At the same time, they carefully monitor other flowers so that, if necessary, they can be treated against midges.

Preventive measures to protect flowers from midges at home

It’s not enough to know how to get rid of midges in flower pots. It is better to regularly prevent their occurrence to avoid such troubles:

  1. Frequent and prolonged waterlogging of the substrate must be avoided. To do this, the plants need to be watered at such intervals that during breaks the top layer of soil dries out by one and a half centimeters. Important! This rule is especially relevant in winter, since for most houseplants this is a dormant period and they do not require a lot of moisture.
  2. Almost all indoor flowers need loose soil, so it is necessary to loosen it regularly. How better soil supplied with air, the less likely it is for midges to appear.
  3. A drainage layer is required because it protects the substrate from souring due to excess moisture. The thicker this layer, the better for the plant: up to a quarter of the height of the pot is the ideal ratio.
  4. Do not use drunken tea or other food scraps as feeding. Although such organic matter promotes plant growth, it creates a favorable environment for midges to breed. Important! To use leftover tea or coffee grounds, they are first dried well, mixed with soil and poured into pots.
  5. When transplanting flowers, any soil, including purchased soil, must either be steamed in a water bath or roasted in the oven. Freezing the soil in the freezer is often practiced. This measure allows you to get rid of possible pest larvae in the substrate.
  6. Midges do not lay eggs in dry soil, so small expanded clay is laid on the surface of the soil in a pot. It dries quickly and well after watering, and not only prevents midges from breeding, but also gives pots with plants a more aesthetic appearance.

Final part

Important! Different indoor plants have their own care requirements, and quite often methods of getting rid of flower gnats that are suitable for some flowers are completely unsuitable for others.

There are many forums on the Internet where home gardening lovers communicate, and it is on them that you can always find out which method of combating midges is best to use for a particular plant.

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Currently, thanks to breeders, more than 2000 varieties of large-fruited garden strawberries have been created. The same one that we usually call “strawberries”. Garden strawberries arose as a result of the hybridization of Chilean and Virginia strawberries. Every year, breeders never tire of surprising us with new varieties of this berry. Selection is aimed at obtaining not only productive varieties that are resistant to diseases and pests, but also those with high taste and transportability.

Useful, hardy, unpretentious and easy to grow, marigolds are irreplaceable. These summer gardens have long since moved from city flower beds and classic flower beds to original compositions, decorating beds and potted gardens. Marigolds, with their easily recognizable yellow-orange-brown colors and even more inimitable aromas, today can pleasantly surprise with their diversity. Firstly, among marigolds there are both tall and miniature plants.

The system of protection of fruit and berry plantings is based mainly on the use of pesticides. However, if in protecting seed orchards pesticides can be used during almost the entire growing season, taking into account the waiting period for each drug, then in protecting berry crops they can only be used before the beginning of flowering and after harvesting. In this regard, the question arises of what drugs should be used during this period to suppress pests and pathogens.

Our grandmothers, growing garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, did not particularly worry about mulching. But today this agricultural technique has become fundamental in achieving high quality berries and reducing crop losses. Some might say it's a hassle. But practice shows that labor costs in this case pay off handsomely. In this article we invite you to get acquainted with the nine the best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Lenten salad with avocado - light vegetable salad, which is suitable for lean and vegetarian menus. This dish can also be included in the diet menu, however, if you decide to part with extra pounds around your waist, then reduce the amount olive oil in the dressing and take only half of the avocado. Prepare the salad immediately before serving - chopped fresh vegetables lose their taste, the salad will become “wet” and tasteless if stored for several hours.

Succulents are very diverse. Despite the fact that “little ones” have always been considered more fashionable, the range of succulents with which you can decorate modern interior, it’s worth taking a closer look. After all, colors, sizes, patterns, degree of prickliness, impact on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article we will tell you about the five most fashionable succulents that amazingly transform modern interiors.