Drawings of a rocket stove from a gas cylinder. Do-it-yourself Robinson stove: drawings for making a stove yourself. Rocket stove video

A simple heating device, which is not much inferior in popularity to a potbelly stove, is a rocket stove. It runs on wood, and the design is so simple that production is possible on your own. The stove can also be made economical - many people think that looking like a potbelly stove means the combustion chamber is gluttonous, but no. There are schemes that operate on smoldering wood (pyrolysis), which means they are economical with the same efficiency.

Why rocket and why jet

Such a stove is often called a “rocket”, but not because the wood in it burns at high speed, but because of the shape of the structure - the traditional version of the rocket stove is made of two pieces iron pipes, welded to each other. The unit resembles a rocket in a child's drawing. Using a simplified form allows you to make it in less than a day. The adjective “reactive” is also applied to the stove, but also not because of the rate of fuel combustion, but because of the combustion characteristics - at a certain stage of supplying air to the firebox, it begins to hum strongly, as if the turbocharging of the injectors in the engine is turned on.

A humming stove is an inefficient and wasteful combustion mode. During normal operation, it makes a quiet rustling sound.

Any owner of a country or country house has at least minimum set carpentry, plumbing and automotive repair tools. These are the ones that will help in the manufacture of a miracle rocket, plus drawings and a minimum supply of materials: pipes or metal boxes, a sheet of iron and - when building a stationary version - brick and mortar on clay. Now it becomes clear that the jet stove is made portable or stationary, for example, for heating a house or bathhouse.

If a stationary jet stove will heat the house, then it is placed along external wall. Properly designed and equipped, it can heat a house with an area of ​​up to 50m2. The stove is also installed in an open area - on a personal plot, and is used as a summer option for cooking.

How does a rocket stove work?

The device is the simplest - two principles of fuel combustion, borrowed from other stoves:

  1. Natural circulation of hot gases and smoke through the stove channels is a standard solution, as in a potbelly stove.
  2. Afterburning of unburned gases (pyrolysis) with limited access of oxygen to the combustion chamber.

The circuit of the simplest reactive stove, which is intended only for cooking, uses precisely the natural combustion of wood - in open cell it is impossible to create conditions to maintain the pyrolysis reaction and afterburning of unburned gases.

Let's consider a simple construction jet furnace-direct burning rockets, which are traditionally installed in an open area in the yard. You can quickly heat water on it or prepare lunch for your family on vacation. From the figure below it becomes clear that such a sample will require two sections of a cylindrical or rectangular iron pipe, which are connected to each other by welding at an angle of 90 0.

A horizontal section of a metal box acts as a combustion chamber; firewood is placed there. You can also organize fuel loading vertically - add a vertical iron cylinder on top of the horizontal pipe to load firewood. Thus, you will get a structure of three pipes or boxes, the lowest of which (horizontal) will work as a firebox. In a stationary scheme, the simplest stove design often uses red brick, which is placed on a clay mortar.

The efficiency of the design cannot be called satisfactory, so the craftsmen figured out how to increase its efficiency. Additional element - another pipe larger diameter(as you can see, all materials are available and cheap), into which the main pipe of the riser stove (primary chimney) is installed. This increases the overall heating and the duration of heat retention.

On the diagram:

  1. Outer casing.
  2. A pipe that serves as a firebox.
  3. A channel for air outlet into the combustion chamber.
  4. Insulated area between the body and the riser. The same ash can serve as insulation.

How to heat

The Robinson jet stove is heated according to the principle of starting a fire - paper, hay, straw or other flammable material is laid first, then small chips or large shavings. The last logs to be placed are the size of the firebox. Hot combustion products rise through the vertical pipe (2) and exit outside. You can place a pan or tank of water on the open end of the pipe (2).

In order for the fuel to burn continuously and actively, it is necessary to provide a gap between the outlet pipe (2) and the pan of water using a special lattice metal stand.

The diagram below shows a simple device with a door on the opening for loading fuel. Air draft is formed due to the presence of a special channel formed by the lower surface of the firebox and an iron plate welded 8-10 mm from the combustion chamber. This design will force air to be pumped in even if the door is completely closed. It is clear from the diagram that the design is also designed to operate in pyrolysis mode, while a constant flow of a “secondary” air stream will burn the exhaust gases. But in order for afterburning to take place 100%, it is necessary to equip the thermal insulation of the secondary chamber in which the gas burns out in order to ensure the required temperature indicators for pyrolysis.

On the diagram:

  1. Forced channel for blowing air when the combustion door is closed.
  2. Active combustion area.
  3. Burnt gases.

The improved scheme provides not only the possibility of heating the surrounding space, but also cooking food, for which the upper hob is designed. Total: to the simplest version of the “rocket” you can add an outer casing, which will additionally heat the room, a combustion door, air supply to maintain the pyrolysis mode, and a stove for cooking food. This scheme can already be implemented in the house itself, and not in the yard, since the chimney pipe is led outside. This minor upgrade significantly increases the efficiency of the model. Thus, a do-it-yourself rocket stove, the drawings of which are presented below, has the following capabilities:

  1. Due to the inclusion of an outer casing made of a larger diameter pipe and its insulation, which creates a thermal insulation layer for the riser, as well as the ability to hermetically close the upper pipe, hot air cools down much longer.
  2. A separate channel for blowing has been added to the lower section of the stove, which makes it possible to organize pyrolysis combustion.
  3. In this design, it is recommended to place the chimney not vertically at the top, but at the bottom at the back of the body, which will allow for additional circulation of hot flows through the internal channels of the stove, ensuring rapid heating of the hob and the entire insulated body.

In the firebox (1), the fuel does not burn completely (2), since the air supply is not complete - this is mode “A”, which can be controlled using the damper (3). Gases that are hot, but not burned out from pyrolysis, are supplied to the end section of the fire channel (5), in which they are burned. Afterburning is ensured by high-quality thermal insulation and a constant flow of “secondary” air in mode “B” through channel (4).

The hot stream then enters the internal riser (7), rises up to the cooking plate (10) and heats it. Next, hot air enters the volume (6) between the outer and inner pipes, insulated with a layer of ash (4, 9), heats the furnace body, which releases heat into the room. Finally, the cooled air falls down to enter the chimney (11) and exit out.

Consistently high temperature in the riser (7) ensures maximum heat transfer and creates conditions for complete combustion of gases due to the placement of the riser in the pipe bigger size– shell (8). Free space filled with ash or other heat-resistant substance (9) for lining - this can also be a solution of ordinary clay and sand in proportions 1:3.

The palm of popularity belongs to the industrial model “Robinson” - it is a simple but reliable design. Having such a mobile stove, you can quickly cook food or heat water at the dacha or on a hike. Structurally it is an inverted pipe L-shaped, as shown in the diagrams below.

Firewood is placed in the horizontal section of the fuel receiver, and ignition is carried out from the side where the vertical pipe enters. In an L-shaped pipe, due to the difference in pressure of hot and cold air, draft arises, and the intensity of combustion will only increase as the furnace body heats up. The air supply is regulated by a slide damper.

The furnace operates on the principle of using the energy of a natural flow of hot gases. It turns out to be a closed cycle: as the temperature rises, the fuel begins to burn more actively and the chamber and cooking surface heat up faster. As a result, “Robinson” is able to heat 10 liters of water in 10 minutes, if you put the tank on already warm surface. The diagram shows that the hob in Robinson has a thick thermal insulation layer, which allows you to place logs in the firebox large diameter.

Stationary oven

Stationary models have a hood to keep the heat in the room longer. In such a stove, fuel combustion occurs according to a different scenario. The beginning of the wood combustion process is the same - the air supply is limited. This causes the release of pyrolysis gases, which are burned in the lower section of a vertical pipe or box, where secondary air is supplied separately.

The hot gas, once at the top, begins to cool and falls into the free inter-chamber volume, and then into the chimney. It happens like this:

  1. Gravity forces force the colder, and therefore heavier, burnt gases to rush downward, where they enter the chimney.
  2. This is facilitated by the constantly maintained pressure from the added firewood and the consistently high temperature of the gases.
  3. Natural draft in the chimney pipe.

All this creates effective conditions for the combustion of wood and it becomes possible to attach a smoke channel with arbitrary geometry to the “rocket”. Basically, long and complex chimneys are needed in order to better heat the room.

The main disadvantage of all solid fuel stoves is the inability to retain most of the heat in the house. But positive traits allow you to level out the negative aspects - high speed gas outlet allows you to organize complex vertical or horizontal chimneys with several channels. The implementation of this principle in practice is the Russian stove. In a jet stove with a horizontal multi-channel chimney, you can also equip a warm bench, as shown in the diagram below.

A rocket stove is a home heating option that can only be cheaper for nothing. A person familiar with the basics of construction can build a combined brick stove in a design suitable for any home interior. The main task of refining appearance There will be decoration of the iron cap and firebox lid - everything else will not be in plain sight.

Combined brick-metal barrel stove

It is stationary, because the structure cannot be moved. The fuel chamber and chimney are made of fireclay bricks, and valves and doors are made of metal. Brick gives off heat very slowly, so the room will be warmed for a long time.

High efficiency is not the strong point of such models, but good heat transfer can be achieved by adjusting the air supply to the chamber, without trying to reach a combustion mode in which the stove begins to “roar” and “hum.”

To somehow minimize heat losses when using this simplest design, many craftsmen build a water circuit into the stove and connect a hot water tank. The construction of a bench with a multi-channel horizontal chimney also helps to preserve heat in the room. Negative qualities of “rocket” models that cannot be minimized or eliminated:

  1. Constant monitoring and adjustment of traction is required - no automatic devices are provided.
  2. Every 2-3 hours you need to load a new portion of firewood.
  3. The iron cap heats up to dangerous temperatures.

The simplest and cheapest option is the Robinson model, which is shown in the drawing below. To make it, you need cuttings of pipes or a rectangular profile box, metal corners for the legs, and a welding machine. Its dimensions are selected based on the dimensions of the workpieces. The main thing is to adhere to the principle of action, not the size.

For a home-made design, they often take 200-liter gas cylinders or barrels - thick walls and a suitable size are exactly what was intended. Both are used to make the outer casing, and the internal elements are made from pipes of smaller diameter or are laid out with bricks - halves, quarters or whole.

There is no general formula for calculating heat transfer for all models of a rocket stove, so the option of using ready-made calculations based on the principle of similarity of circuits is quite suitable. The main thing is that the size of the future “rocket” at least approximately corresponds to the volume of the heated room. For example, a gas cylinder will do for a garage, and a two-hundred-liter barrel will do for a country house. An approximate selection of internal elements is shown in the diagram below.

Iron cylinder stove

  1. Cylinder – gas, oxygen, carbon dioxide.
  2. Pipe ≥ 150 mm for fuel and loading chambers.
  3. Pipes 70 and 150 mm - for internal vertical chimney.
  4. Pipes 150 mm - for the outlet chimney.
  5. Insulation of any type, always non-flammable.
  6. Blanks sheet metal H = 3 mm.

The upper part of the cylinder is cut off by welding. To be safe, it is best to open the shut-off valve on it and fill it with water before cutting. On the sides you need to cut openings for the fuel chamber and chimney. The pipe under the firebox is connected to the vertical pipe of the chimney channel from the bottom of the cylinder.

After installing the internal elements, the cut top is welded back. The seams are checked visually and the main chimney is connected. If there is a water circuit, it is connected too. After this, the rocket stove can be tested.

Sufficient draft is ensured by the height of the chimney pipe - it must be raised above the firebox by at least 4 meters.

How to lay a firebox out of brick

This model requires the use of only fireclay (clay) bricks - ceramic or silicate bricks will immediately crack. The masonry is carried out using clay mortar, the proportions of the composition are indicated above. A pit is dug under the base of the stove, the soil at the bottom is compacted and filled with concrete mortar. The size of the foundation is 1200x400x100 mm.

After the base has hardened, it is protected with a sheet of basalt cardboard, then they begin to lay out the firebox, vertical chimney and loading chamber. A door is attached to the front of the firebox for removing ash. After the clay solution has dried, the trench is filled up, and a pipe of the required diameter is inserted into the vertical chimney. The cavities between the brick and the pipe should be filled with insulation - basalt wool, ash or other non-combustible material such as asbestos.

Now a cap Ø 600 mm is placed on the masonry - a cut-out lid from a metal barrel will do. Before installation, a hole is cut in it into which a pipe is inserted under the chimney. When putting on this cap, the barrel should be turned over, and the pipe will be where it is needed. Then the chimney is brought out - either directly to the street, or through the arrangement of a sunbed with horizontal chimney channels. The lounger can be laid out as usual sand-lime brick, since the temperature of the gases will already be low.

The rocket stove is one of the types cooking ovens running on wood fuel. Stationary stove models are also used for heating.

She got her name from the hum that is heard at the beginning of the heating. When the combustion mode is correct, it subsides. The shape of the structure also resembles a rocket - vertical cylinder. The furnace is also called a reaction furnace.

A similar principle was used in Korea and China for heating houses in winter. Travelers in earlier times noted that significantly less firewood was wasted than in a traditional Russian village.

Jet furnaces, product drawings

Rocket stoves are divided into portable and stationary. The first devices are smaller in size and have a simpler design. She reminds inverted letter "G". Fuel is placed in the lower crossbar. Thanks to the vertical shape of the main part, natural traction occurs.

Photo 1. Drawing and ready-made option metal rocket stove with dimensions, left and top view.

As the temperature rises, the device works more and more efficiently. Its power is enough to quickly heat water for cooking. for several people. To prevent the wood from burning out too quickly, you need to regulate the draft in the stove. To do this, close or close the fuel door completely.

Portable jet stoves mass-produced. Most popular models "Robinson" and "Ognivo". Due to the simplicity of the design, you can make them yourself.

Stationary devices are somewhat more complicated. The air ducts in the hood are made in such a way that the heated air first rises. Transferring heat to the inner walls, it gradually falls down. Then it passes into the chimney located at the bottom.

Photo 2. Drawing rocket furnace, made of brick and metal barrel. Arrows indicate parts of the device.

This stove is quite economical to use, since it burns not only wood, but also pyrolysis gases. The chimney duct of the stove is sometimes not taken out of the room immediately, but is carried out inside a stove bench made of brick and/or clay. This bench heats the room up to comfortable temperature. The structure itself is made from large diameter pipes, barrels or bricks.

Important! The device needs in preheating before combustion. First, paper, newspaper or something else that ignites quickly is ignited. And only the firewood is placed in the warmed-up firebox.

Long-burning rocket stove made of brick

Since brick accumulates heat, such devices are well suited for heating rooms. Taking into account the duration of combustion, one fill of fuel is enough for 6-8 hours maintaining a comfortable temperature.

Sometimes the oven is made entirely of brick. The only fittings (doors) you will need are steel or cast iron. In other cases, the outer part of the stove hood is made from a barrel or wide pipe.

Attention! Brick oven requires a separate foundation, not related to the one being built for the building itself. It is advisable to plan its location before construction begins.

A device made of a pipe with a water circuit, diagram

The furnace structure is welded from iron pipes of different diameters.

If you plan to heat small room, the furnace hood can be made from waste gas cylinder.

In a larger house, it would be suitable for these purposes. iron barrel.

If you install a water circuit on the stove chimney, you can get a boiler long burning, which will heat the room well.

The water circuit is usually made from gas cylinders.


This is a simple and reliable camp stove. She's quite capable quickly (in 10 minutes) boil a liter water. In this case, there is no need to add firewood.

The design was developed back in the last century, but due to its advantages it is still used today. "Robinson" is mass-produced, but It is not difficult to assemble it yourself.

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This oven is similar to the previous version. But the combustion chamber in it shorter and at a more obtuse angle in relation to the chimney. This stove is shaped like an inverted letter “G”.

How to make a rocket stove with your own hands

He has several stages— selection of a suitable design; selection of materials and tools; direct production.

Project selection

When choosing a suitable project, consider the following factors:

  1. The purpose of the stove is whether it requires only cooking food or also heating the room.
  2. Available materials.
  3. Approximate power. It depends on how many servings of food or how much room the device will be enough for.


For brick construction you will need:

  • fireclay (fireproof) brick;
  • fireproof mixture for masonry;
  • concrete mortar (for the base);
  • mineral wool;
  • asbestos;
  • a whole barrel or an empty gas cylinder for the cap (optional);
  • stove doors - combustion chamber and ash pan;
  • if the cap is brick - a thick sheet of of stainless steel according to the size of its section.

For finishing the stove the following are used:

  • fireproof paint;
  • clay;
  • stones;
  • and so on.

For metal, take:

  1. Round metal pipe with diameter about 150 mm and length no more than 90 mm(better about 60 mm).
  2. Profiled (rectangular) pipe with a cross-section of 100—120 mm and length about a third round.
  3. Instead of a pipe rectangular section, you can take a sheet of steel thick 3 mm.
  4. 3 nuts.
  5. Steel rods, plates or long bolts for legs.

Reference. For better traction, take a profiled pipe with the side no more than the diameter of a round one.

Preparing tools

For production you will need:

  • Master OK;
  • level;
  • welding machine;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • metal brush;
  • level;
  • Bulgarian.

Manufacturing, device sizes

There are many variations on this theme. Let's consider making two in principle different types jet stove. This is a brick stove with a stove bench, which is used indoors, and a camp stove, assembled from metal. If necessary, changes are made, combinations of methods are possible (for example, a heating and cooking device, but made of pipes covered with clay or stones).

How to make a brick oven with a stove bench

First stage- foundation installation. A rectangular recess is dug under it, which is then filled with concrete.

For strength, it is better to pre-install the reinforcement. The base must be strictly horizontal.

After hardening concrete mortar Brick laying begins. External walls are located along the perimeter of the concrete platform. A combustion chamber is formed. On one side of it there is a combustion chamber with a hole for loading firewood. On the other side there are air ducts.

Important! Each row of bricks is also checked with a level. This is done in both planes - horizontal and vertical.

In the combustion chamber also leave a hole for cleaning ash which is closed by a door. When this chamber is ready, a metal barrel is put on it. The gaps are filled with insulation, for example, mineral wool.

If the barrel is not used, it is installed on top cooking stove. Asbestos insulation is placed under it.

The chimney is connected to the air duct and discharged to the street.

Then finished the device is decorated. For example, it is coated with clay and covered with paint. Another option is to leave the brickwork.

Jet stove for camping

It consists of two compartments, connected to each other. To assemble it, first cut the pipes at an angle 45°. If instead of the second pipe they took a metal sheet, cut it into the following parts:

  • two with sides 300 mm and 150 mm;
  • two - 300 mm and 100 mm;
  • and one 150 and 100 mm.

Photo 3. Ready-made jet stove for hiking. The device is made of metal pipes.

Then weld them together. You will also need another plate to separate the fuel compartment, its dimensions are 200 mm and 100 mm.

All fragments are welded together in accordance with the diagram. The round pipe is attached to the bottom of the rectangular pipe and in the middle relative to the sides.

Welded from scraps of reinforcement grate. It is convenient to make it retractable in order to lay firewood and then slide it inside the firebox.

The pipe is sawed off 4 rings. They are attached to the top so that the dishes do not block the draft hole.

In a collapsible version legs are installed. Nuts are welded from below, into which long bolts are then screwed. There is another way. Rods or scraps of steel sheet are welded to the bottom. It is less convenient to transport, but there is no need for assembly.

When the design is ready, it needs to be painted. Only fireproof paint is used. This will protect against corrosion and also cover solder marks.

Possible difficulties

When laying bricks, it is not easy to accurately calculate the size of the holes for the firebox and ash doors. That's why you can lay out a row with a door without mortar, “dry”, and figure out how best to position it. And then lay out the bricks, fastening them with mortar.

When making a stove from pipes, it is difficult to calculate the location of their connection. Therefore, first, a round fragment is sawed off and placed on the rectangular one in the right place. Around draw a line with a marker, along which the cut is made. If the fuel part is assembled from separate plates, It will be more convenient to cut the hole before welding them between themselves.

Useful video

Watch a video that demonstrates the process of lighting a camping rocket stove and describes the characteristics of the device.

Pros of using a rocket stove

Jet furnaces Quite economical to use. But for over efficient work It is important that the fuel is dry, otherwise secondary combustion of gases will not occur.

Rocket stove not suitable for installation in a bathhouse. The fact is that for the desired effect it is necessary that the walls of the room first heat up. And in the mode created by this furnace, it is the air that is heated.

As a heating device in the house for permanent residence such a device is not always convenient.

A do-it-yourself rocket stove, the drawings of which most home craftsmen would probably like to have in their archives, can, in principle, be made even within one day, since its design is not at all complicated. If you have skills in working with tools, reading drawings, necessary materials, then making a simple stove of this type will not be difficult. It should be noted that it can be made from a variety of materials that are at hand, but much will depend on where the stove is planned to be installed. The rocket stove has a slightly different operating principle from other heating devices, and can be either stationary or portable.

Stationary rocket stoves are installed inside the house along the walls or on a designated area for cooking in the courtyard of the house. If the stove is installed indoors, it can heat a room up to 50 square meters. m.

Portable versions of the rocket stove are usually very small in size and can easily fit in the trunk of a car. Therefore, when going out, for example, to a picnic or to the dacha, such a stove will help you boil water and cook lunch. Moreover, the fuel consumption in the rocket stove is quite small; even dry branches, splinters or tufts of grass can be used as fuel.

The principle of operation of a rocket-type stove

Despite the simplicity of the rocket stove design, its design uses two operating principles that the developers borrowed from other types of solid fuel stoves. So, for its effective operation, the following principles are taken:

  • The principle of free circulation of gases released from fuel through the created stove channels, without the forced creation of chimney draft.
  • The principle of afterburning pyrolysis gases released during fuel combustion in the mode of insufficient oxygen supply.

In the simplest designs of rocket stoves, which are used only for cooking, only the first principle of operation can operate, since it is quite difficult to create the necessary conditions for the flow of pyrolysis and organization of afterburning of gases.

To understand the designs and understand how they work, you need to consider some of them one by one.

The simplest design of a rocket stove

To begin with, it is worth considering the simplest design of a direct combustion rocket stove. As a rule, such appliances are used only for heating water or for cooking, and exclusively for outdoors. As can be seen from the figure below, these are two sections of pipe connected by a bend at a right angle.

The firebox for this furnace design is the horizontal part of the pipe, and fuel is placed in it. Often the firebox has a vertical loading - in this case, three elements are used to make the simplest stove - these are two pipes of different heights, installed vertically and connected from below by a common horizontal channel. The lower pipe will serve as a firebox. To make a stationary version of the simplest design scheme, a brick is often used, installed on a heat-resistant mortar.

To achieve more high efficiency the furnace was improved, and it appeared additional elements, for example, the pipe began to be installed in a housing, which increases the heating of the structure.

1 – outer metal body of the furnace.

2 – pipe – combustion chamber.

3 – a channel formed by a jumper under the fuel chamber and intended for the free passage of air into the combustion area.

4 – the space between the pipe (riser) and the body, densely filled with a heat-insulating composition, for example, ash.

The furnace is heated as follows. A light combustible material, such as paper, is first placed in the firebox, and when it flares up, wood chips or other main fuel are thrown into the fire. As a result of the intense combustion process, hot gases are formed, rising through the vertical channel of the pipe and escaping outside. A container for boiling water or cooking food is installed on the open section of the pipe.

An important condition for the intensity of fuel combustion is the creation of a gap between the pipe and the installed container. If its hole is completely blocked, then combustion inside the structure will stop, since there will be no draft that supplies air to the combustion area and lifts the heated gases upward. To avoid problems with this, a removable or stationary stand for the container is installed on the upper edge of the pipe.

This diagram shows a simple design with a door installed on the loading opening. And to create draft, a special channel is provided, which is formed by the lower wall of the combustion chamber and a plate welded at a distance of 7-10 mm from it. Even if the firebox door is completely closed, the air supply will not stop. In this scheme, the second principle is already beginning to work - without active access of oxygen to burning wood, the process of pyrolysis can begin, and the continuous supply of “secondary” air will contribute to the afterburning of the released gases. But for a complete process, one more thing is still missing important condition– high-quality thermal insulation of the secondary combustion chamber, since the combustion process of gases requires certain temperature conditions.

1 – air channel in the combustion chamber, through which air is blown when the firebox door is closed;

2 - zone of the most active heat exchange;

3 – upward flow of hot gases.

Video: a version of the simplest rocket furnace from an old cylinder

Improved rocket furnace design

The design, intended for both cooking and heating the room, is equipped not only with a combustion door and a second body, which serves as a good external heat exchanger, but also with an upper hob. Such a rocket stove can already be installed inside the house, and the chimney pipe from it is led outside. After such a modernization of the furnace, its efficiency increases significantly, since the device acquires many useful properties:

  • Due to the second outer casing and insulating heat-resistant materials that thermally insulate the main pipe of the furnace (riser), hermetically sealing the upper part of the structure, the heated air maintains a high temperature for much longer.

  • A channel for supplying secondary air was installed in the lower part of the body, successfully providing the necessary air supply, for which an open firebox was used in the simplest design.
  • The flue pipe in a closed design is not located at the top, as in a simple rocket stove, but at the lower rear part of the body. Thanks to this, the heated air does not go directly into the chimney, but is able to circulate through the internal channels of the device, heating, first of all, the hob, and then diverging inside the housing, ensuring its heating. In turn, the outer casing gives off heat to the air around it.

This diagram clearly shows the entire process of operation of the stove: in the fuel bunker (item 1), preliminary combustion of fuel (item 2) occurs in the insufficient air supply mode “A” - this is regulated by a damper (item 3). The resulting hot pyrolysis gases enter the end of the horizontal fire channel (item 5), where they are burned. This process takes place thanks to good thermal insulation and the continuous supply of “secondary” air “B” through a specially designed channel (item 4).

Next, hot air rushes into the internal pipe of the structure, called the riser (item 7), rises along it to the “ceiling” of the housing, which is the hob (item 10), providing its high-temperature heating. Then the gas flow passes through the space between the riser and the outer drum housing (item 6), heating the housing for further heat exchange with the air in the room. Then the gases go down and only after that they go into the chimney pipe (pos. 11).

In order to achieve maximum heat transfer from the fuel and provide the necessary conditions for complete combustion of pyrolysis gases, it is important to maintain the highest and most stable temperature in the riser channel (item 7). To do this, the riser pipe is enclosed in another pipe of a larger diameter - the shell (item 8 ), and the space between them is tightly packed with a heat-resistant mineral composition (item 9), which will serve as thermal insulation (a kind of lining). For these purposes, for example, a mixture of kiln masonry clay with fireclay sand (in a 1:1 ratio) can be used. Some craftsmen prefer to simply fill this space very tightly with sifted sand.

Increasing the efficiency of heat extraction in rocket stoves

To increase the efficiency of the rocket stove, other designs with more efficient heat extraction were developed, both for using the device outdoors and for indoor use - for heating rooms or heating water.


For cooking or preparing food for the winter, stoves are made that are designed according to the principle described above, but have an extended cooking surface that allows you to install several containers at once.

In this model of a rocket stove, a vertical pipe with a top-loading firebox built into it, which has a door, is located under the cooking surface. Therefore, hot air heats it directly, and in order for the entire panel to be hot, heated gases, collecting under the panel, are directed into a horizontal channel passing under its entire surface and connected to a vertical section of the chimney.

Additionally, the structure is equipped with legs, which makes it stable and reliable. It should be noted that when such a stove is not used for its intended purpose, it can be used as an ordinary garden table.

In addition to this outdoor model, several types of structures have been developed for indoor use to effectively heat rooms or heat water.

Rocket stove with water circuit

A rocket furnace with a water circuit consists of the following elements:

  • The oven is installed on a solid concrete base, to avoid distortions and deformation of structures.
  • The lower part of the structure, which includes the combustion chamber (item 2) and the fire channel, is laid out of fireclay bricks (item 1). The firebox has a vertical loading. At the bottom there is an ash pan (item 3) with a side door for regular cleaning of the stove from accumulated ash.

  • The vertical channel (riser) (item 4) is made of steel pipe, which is covered with a thick layer of thermal insulation (item 5) and an outer metal casing.
  • A heat exchanger assembly with a water jacket in the walls (pos. 6) and horizontal plates that create a kind of labyrinth (pos. 7) to ensure maximum heat exchange area and time is hermetically fixed on top of the outer casing.

Attempts are being made to install a water register in this location. However, as practice shows, this approach is impractical - the temperatures here due to the afterburning of pyrolysis gases are very high, and the pipe register has every chance of quickly burning out.

  • Hot air, passing through the heat exchanger, bending around the metal plates, heats the entire massive block, and the metal gives off heat to the water circulating through the water jacket.
  • Next, the cooled gas flow goes into the chimney pipe (pos. 8).
  • Water circulation occurs through a heat accumulator (item 9), which may well be made from an old boiler or other closed container with valves for connecting cold and drawing hot water. The option of connecting a heating radiator is not excluded, although, in truth, such a stove is unlikely to justify itself in such a role.
  • Hot water from the heat storage tank through a pipe connected to it (item 10) can be directed to water intake points for domestic needs.

Such a rocket stove is perfect for installation in a country house or in a private house, where it is possible to connect and include a similar heat storage tank in the system autonomous water supply. The stove will help to significantly reduce the cost of heating water and heating, since this model does not require a large amount solid fuel or connecting it to some additional energy sources.

Rocket stove with bench

Another way to effectively use a rocket stove is to equip a fairly massive structure with a heated bench. It should be noted that such a bed can take the form of a bed or sofa, successfully replacing these pieces of furniture, since by laying a mattress on its surface, you can comfortably settle down for a day or night rest. The bed can be made of brickwork or stones and clay mass.

The design of this version of the rocket stove consists of the following components and elements:

  • A lid-closable firebox with vertical fuel loading with a secondary air intake chamber located in its lower part.
  • The furnace goes into a horizontally located fire channel, at the end of which the pyrolysis gas is burned.
  • The hot gas flow rises through a vertical channel (riser) to the hermetically sealed “ceiling” of the housing, where it transfers part of the thermal energy to the horizontal plate - the hob. Then, under the pressure of hotter gases following, it diverges into heat exchange channels, giving off heat to the surfaces of the drum, and falls down.
  • At the bottom of the stove there is an entrance to horizontal pipe channels that run under the entire surface of the stove bench. Moreover, in this space one, two or more turns of corrugated pipe can be laid in the form of a coil, through which hot air circulates, heating the stove bench. This heat exchange pipeline is connected at the end to a chimney pipe led outside through the wall of the house.

  • It should be noted that if the bench is made of brick, the channels can also be laid out of this material, without the use of metal corrugated pipes.
  • The heated stove and bed, releasing heat into the room, will themselves serve as a kind of “battery”, capable of heating an area of ​​up to 50 m2.

The metal drum of the furnace can be made of a barrel, gas cylinder or other durable containers, and also made of brick. Usually the material is chosen by the craftsmen themselves according to their financial capabilities and ease of work.

A rocket stove with a brick bench looks neater and is somewhat easier to install than a clay version, but the cost of materials will be about the same.

Video: one more original solution increasing the heating efficiency of the rocket furnace

We build a rocket stove with a stove bench out of brick

What is needed for the job?

The brick heating structure proposed for execution is designed on the principle of a rocket stove. The size of the structure with standard brick parameters (250×120×65 mm) will be 2540×1030×1620 mm.

It should be noted that the design is divided into three parts:

  • The oven itself – its size is 505? 1620? 580 mm;
  • Firebox – 390?250?400 mm;
  • Bed 1905×755×620 mm + 120 mm headrest.

To lay the stove you will need following materials:

  • Red brick – 435 pcs.;
  • Blower door 140×140 mm – 1 pc.;
  • Cleaning door 140×140 mm – 1 pc.;
  • A fire door is desirable (250×120 mm - 1 piece), otherwise there is a risk of smoke in the room.
  • Hob 505×580 mm – 1 pc.;
  • Rear metal shelf panel 370×365 mm – 1 pc.;
  • Asbestos sheet 2.5-3 mm thick to create a gasket between metal elements and brick.
  • Chimney pipe, 150 mm in diameter, with a 90? outlet.
  • clay and sand for mortar or a ready-made heat-resistant mixture. It should be noted here that for 100 bricks laid flat, with a joint width of 5 mm, 20 liters of mortar will be required.

The design of this rocket stove with vertical loading is quite simple, trouble-free and efficient in operation, but only if its masonry is done with high quality, in full accordance with the order.

If you have no experience as a mason or stove maker, but have a strong desire to install such a heating device yourself, you should play it safe and first lay the structure “dry”, without mortar. This process will help you figure out the location of the bricks in each row.

In addition, to ensure that the seams are the same width, it is recommended to prepare gauge wooden or plastic slats for masonry, which will be laid on the previous row before laying the next one. Once the solution has set, it will be easy to remove them.

Under the laying of such a stove it is necessary to have a flat and solid foundation. Despite the fact that the design is quite compact and its weight is not as great as, for example, a Russian stove, a floor laid with thin boards will not be suitable for its installation. In the case where the floor, although wooden, is very durable, before starting laying under the future stove, it is necessary to lay and secure a heat-resistant material, for example, asbestos 5 mm thick.

Order of a brick rocket stove with a stove bench:

Illustration Short description the operation being performed
The first row is laid out solid, and the brick must lie in exact accordance with the pattern shown in the diagram - this will give strength to the entire base. For masonry you will need 62 red bricks. The diagram clearly shows the connection of all three sections of the furnace. The corners on the side bricks of the firebox facade are cut off or rounded - this way the structure will look neat.
Second row. At this stage of the work, internal smoke exhaust channels are laid through which gases heated in the firebox will pass, giving off heat to the bricks of the stove bench. The channels connect to the combustion chamber, which also begins to form in this row. The first brick of the wall separating the two channels under the stove bench is cut diagonally - this “nook” will collect unburnt combustion products, and the cleaning door installed opposite the bevel will allow you to easily clean it. To lay a row you will need 44 bricks.
On the second row, the doors of the blower and cleaning chambers are mounted, which are necessary for periodically tidying up the ash chamber and internal horizontal channels. The doors are secured with wire, which is twisted onto the ears of the cast iron elements and then inserted into the masonry seams.
Third row. It almost completely repeats the configuration of the second row, but, of course, taking into account the laying in a bandage, and therefore it will also require 44 bricks.
Fourth row. At this stage, the channels running inside the couch are blocked with a continuous layer of brick. A firebox opening is left, and a channel is formed that will heat the hob and discharge combustion products into the chimney pipe. In addition, a rotating horizontal channel is blocked from above, which removes heated air under the stove bench. To lay a row you need to prepare 59 bricks.
Fifth row. The next stage is covering the bed with a second cross layer of brick. The smoke exhaust ducts and firebox also continue to be removed. 60 bricks are prepared for a row.
Sixth row. The first row of the headrest of the couch is laid out, and the part of the stove on which the hob will be installed begins to rise. It still has smoke exhaust ducts. A row requires 17 bricks.
Seventh row. The laying of the headrest is completed, for which bricks cut diagonally are used. The second row of the base under the hob rises. Laying will require 18 bricks.
Eighth row. The furnace structure with three channels is being laid. You will need 14 bricks.
The ninth and tenth rows are similar to the previous, eighth, they are laid out according to the same pattern, alternately, intertwined. 14 bricks are used for each row.
11th row. Continuation of masonry according to the scheme. This row will take 13 bricks.
12th row. At this stage, a hole is formed for installing the chimney pipe. The hole supplied under the stove is equipped with a brick cut obliquely for a smoother flow of heated air into the adjacent channel leading to the lower horizontal channels located in the stove bench. 11 bricks were used per row.
13th row. A base for the slab is formed, and the central and side channels are combined. It is through this that hot air will flow under the stove, and then flow into the vertical channel leading under the stove bench. 10 bricks are laid.
13th row. On the same row, the base for laying the hob is prepared. To do this, a heat-resistant material - asbestos - is laid around the perimeter of the space in which two vertical channels were combined.
13th row. Then, a solid metal plate is laid on the asbestos pad. In this case, it is not recommended to install a hob with opening burners, since when they open, smoke may enter the room.
14th row. The opening for the chimney pipe is closed and the wall separating it is raised. hob from the bedding area. Only 5 bricks are used for a row.
15th row. This row raising the wall will also require 5 bricks.
15th row. On the same row, in continuation of the back wall, next to hob a metal shelf is fixed, which can be used as a cutting board. It is attached to brackets.
15th row. The picture diagram shows well how a hob can be used. In this case, the pan is placed exactly on that section of the stove that will warm up first, since a hot air flow will pass under it.
After completing all the work described in the order, a chimney pipe is built into the hole at the back of the stove, which is led out to the street.
From the back, the design also looks quite neat, so it can be installed either near the wall or in the middle of the room. This stove is perfect for heating a country house. If the stove and chimney are decorated with finishing materials, then the structure can become an original addition, and a very functional one, for any private home. As you can see, the corner formed under the cutting shelf is very convenient for drying and storing firewood.
To fully examine the structure, you need to see its projection from the end side.
And the last picture clearly shows what should happen as a result of the work done, if you look at the stove from the side of the stove bench.

In conclusion, I would like to especially note that the design of a rocket stove can be called one of the simplest and most accessible for self-production, compared to other heating devices. Therefore, if set similar goal- to acquire a stove in the house, but there is clearly not enough experience in such work, then it is best to choose this option, since when building it, it is difficult to make a mistake in the configuration of its internal channels.

The rocket stove is widely known throughout the world as a long-burning heating design using solid fuel. To achieve maximum efficiency we had to work hard. A liquid fuel stove can release all its energy, but wood is more difficult to process. To unlock the full potential of wood, jet kilns were equipped with a chamber for afterburning gases.

The Shirokov-Khramtsov rocket or jet stove did not get its name because of its connection with space. The point is the shape of the device and the noise that is created during operation, reminiscent of the operation of a rocket. But this sound indicates improper use of the oven.

Types of long-burning rocket stoves:

  • Portable (mobile);
  • Stationary (for heating).

The most popular rocket model is Robinson. It is often used on hikes. Thanks to a small portable device, you can understand the principle of operation of jet furnaces. The shape of the oven resembles the letter “L”.

If the furnace is too noisy and buzzes during operation, then this mode is ineffective and expensive. Normally there should be a quiet sound, a little rustling.

The reaction furnace has a receiving hopper. This is the horizontal part of the pipe. A draft arises in the channel itself, it is this that affects the intensity of combustion, warming up the body. This is why it is advisable to limit the oxygen supply. Otherwise, the wood will quickly burn and all the heat will disappear.

The stove operates on jet traction due to the natural flow of hot air. The higher the temperature of the firebox walls, the better the wood burns. This allows you to quickly heat water in a large container, which is indispensable on a road trip. If you equip the pipe with thermal insulation, then after warming up you can burn thick logs.

DIY rocket stove: advantages, drawings, disadvantages

If desired, the conventional design of the furnace can be improved. This is how the potbelly stove loses a lot of heat, but by equipping the device with a water circuit or brickwork, these problems can be solved. Drawings are made for all these manipulations.

Advantages of jet furnaces:

  1. Simple and inexpensive design. You can use available materials without significant financial costs. All work can be done with your own hands; no special knowledge or skills are required.
  2. You can control the combustion yourself by choosing the desired intensity.
  3. High efficiency. In general, everything depends on the quality of installation. The main thing is to extract maximum energy from the flue gases.

But so simple and convenient design It also has significant disadvantages. So you need to select special fuel for the stove. You cannot use wet firewood, otherwise pyrolysis will not occur. The firebox may begin to smoke profusely, and all the gases will be directed into the house. In addition, a rocket stove requires increased safety requirements.

The most popular portable model is the Robinson rocket stove. It was modified and a grate was added.

Homemade jet stoves are not used for heating baths. They are ineffective in infrared light, which plays an important role for a steam room. Surface structures have small area heating, so they cannot heat the bathhouse.

Drawings of a jet stove from a gas cylinder and other types

Long-burning stoves are divided into stationary and mobile. Mobile stoves are used on hikes, picnics, and outdoors for heating and cooking food. Stationary ones are used for heating the house, outbuildings, greenhouses, garage. There are 4 types of structures.

Types of reactive furnaces:

  • Homemade camp stove made of metal pipes, buckets, cans;
  • Jet design from a gas cylinder;
  • Brick oven with metal container;
  • Stove with a stove bench.

The portable structure is equipped with pipe sections. The only difference concerns the installed partition for the ash pan. For the lower part, a grate can be used.

A device made from a gas cylinder is more difficult to build, but significantly increases efficiency. To install the structure, a barrel or gas cylinder is required. Firewood in the firebox burns due to the influx of oxygen by loading it through a special window.

The gases burn out in the pipe, which is located inside the structure, due to the supply of secondary air. The effect is enhanced by insulating the inner chamber. Hot air is placed in the hood, and then into the outer chamber. Combustion products are removed through the chimney.

To create draft, the top of the chimney is placed 4 cm above the loading window.

The combined model made of brick and metal is a stationary structure. Due to its high heat capacity, a wood stove accumulates and releases heat over several hours. That is why residential premises are heated with this design.

The rocket unit with a bench is an improved device that can retain heat longer. Since some of the heat escapes through the chimney, we increased its length. Due to the rapid excision of hot gases and a larger smoke outlet, this problem was solved.

This creates massive stoves with a bench that look like a sofa or bed. These are stationary devices made of brick or stone. Thanks to its unique design, the stove is able to retain heat all night.

DIY drawings of the Flint stove and other models

It's best to make small ones with your own hands. portable structures: rocket "Ognivo" and "Robinson". It is easy to perform the calculation, and the work will require cutting of profile pipes and metal welding skills. Dimensions may differ from the drawing, that's okay. It is important to maintain proportions.

To increase the combustion intensity, it is recommended to add improvised nozzles to the design. Secondary air for afterburning will flow there.

Stationary rocket stoves are made from a gas cylinder or metal barrel. These elements act as a body. Inside, the stove is equipped with smaller pipes or fireclay bricks. From a cylinder you can make both a stationary unit and a mobile one.

Continuous combustion furnace diagram:

  • Chimney;
  • Cap;
  • Insulation;
  • Loading hopper;
  • Combustion zone;
  • Afterburning zone.

Calculating a rocket stove can be difficult, because there is no exact method. You should pay attention to proven finished drawings. It is necessary to determine the size of heating equipment for a specific room.

DIY jet stove assembly for heating

Construction of the furnace begins with preparatory work. First you need to decide on the place of construction. It is chosen based on the requirements that relate to solid fuel structures: wood or coal.

Once the location has been decided, it is necessary to properly prepare it for construction. The wooden floor under the stove is being dismantled. They dig a small pit and compact the bottom.

In a small room, the jet stove is placed in the corner. The loading hopper occupies one side and the deck chair occupies the other.

The barrel or cylinder also needs to be prepared for installation. To do this, cut off the lid and tap. Then the structure is cleaned. Next, prepare the solution.

Stages of construction of a jet stove with a stove bench:

  1. The bottom of the dug hole is lined with fireclay bricks. Formwork is made along the contour of the recess. Reinforcement is performed.
  2. Lay out the base and fill it with concrete. A day later, when the concrete has hardened, further work begins.
  3. The base of the stove is made of fireclay bricks. The side walls are raised and a lower channel is made.
  4. The combustion chamber is covered with brick. There are two holes left on the sides. One is intended for the firebox, the second is for the vertical pipe (riser).
  5. The metal body is equipped with a flange into which the horizontal channel of the stove will flow. All seams must be airtight and well sealed.
  6. A side outlet is attached to the horizontal pipe, which serves as an ash pan.
  7. A fire tube is made from brick. As a rule, it is square.
  8. The flame tube is equipped with a casing. The gaps are filled with perlite.
  9. The installation of the cap is done from a cut-off part of a barrel or cylinder. It is equipped with a handle.
  10. Equip the furnace body with brick or stone.
  11. Equip the front part of the stove. Lay out the required contour.
  12. A prepared barrel is placed on the base. Bottom part must be sealed with clay.
  13. Using a corrugated pipe, a channel is formed connecting the firebox to the street.
  14. The heat exchanger pipes are connected to the lower pipe.
  15. Installing a chimney. All elements must be sealed using asbestos cord and fire-resistant coating.

Improved rocket furnace with water circuit

A long-burning boiler can be obtained by equipping the stove with a water jacket. Water heating may not be efficient enough. The fact is that the main part of the warm air enters the room and cooking surfaces. To create a rocket boiler, you need to give up the possibility of cooking on the stove.

Materials required for equipping a stove with a water circuit:

  1. Fireclay bricks and mortar for masonry;
  2. Steel pipe (diameter 7 cm);
  3. Barrel or cylinder;
  4. Insulation;
  5. Sheet steel and a barrel of smaller diameter than for the body to create a water jacket;
  6. Chimney (diameter 10 cm);
  7. Parts for the heat accumulator (tank, pipes, connecting pipe).

A characteristic feature of rocket furnaces with a water circuit is that the vertical part is insulated to ensure combustion of pyrolysis gases. In this case, warm air is directed into a coil with a water circuit and transfers heat to the stove. Even when all the fuel has burned out, warm air will still be supplied to the heating circuit.

DIY rocket stove drawings (video)

Jet stoves are widely known among people. Even Korea, China, England and the population of Japan used them. The Chinese stove differed from others in its ability to heat the entire floor. But the Russian analogue is in no way inferior. Thanks to useful innovations, the stove can hold heat for a long time.

Examples of a rocket stove (photo of ideas)

The jet stove or rocket stove appeared as a result of a deviation from the traditions of manufacturing equipment for heating a room. It is considered an economical heat generator, the design of which is elementary. Therefore, many people are thinking about building a jet furnace with their own hands.

Description, advantages and disadvantages of the rocket stove

A heat generator for heating the air in a room is called a rocket stove or jet stove, since during operation, in case of excessive air supply, it makes special sounds. This noise can be mistaken for a roar jet engine. In normal mode, the equipment operates with a barely audible rustling sound.

A rocket stove serves as a device for heating a home and cooking food. It takes about 6 hours to burn one batch of firewood in such equipment, more than in a standard metal stove. The reason for this is the creation of a heat generator based on a top-burning furnace.

The flame from the jet furnace may burst out

The advantages of the rocket stove include:

  • independence from fuel energy;
  • simplicity of design, consisting of accessible parts, connected in a matter of minutes;
  • the ability to provide a lot of heat, despite the quality of the loaded fuel.

The jet furnace also has some disadvantages:

  • manual control, which implies constant monitoring of equipment operation;
  • danger of burns, because the walls of the equipment become extremely hot;
  • It is inappropriate to use in a bathhouse, since it cannot be warmed up.


A unit that emits a rocket-like hum during operation can be:

  • portable (unit made of metal pipes, buckets or gas cylinder);

    Portable rocket stoves are mass-produced by industry

  • stationary (made from fireclay bricks and metal containers);

    Such a unit is more difficult to build than a metal furnace

  • equipment for heating air with a stove bench.

    The lounger is equipped with back wall ovens

Portable structures are made in large quantities, because they are used for hiking. The basis of these heat generators is a pipe made up of several sections. True, such structures, unlike units based on fireclay bricks, are not reliable. Walls made of refractory blocks increase the heat transfer of the jet furnace. If desired, you can add a bed in the form of a sofa or bed, decorated with clay or sawdust.

Parts and operation of a jet heat generator

A basic rocket furnace is a device consisting of two pipe fragments connected by a bend at an angle of 90 degrees. The combustion chamber in this heat generator is usually a zone in the horizontal part of the structure. But sometimes fuel is placed in the vertical section of the apparatus, for which a rocket stove is constructed from two pipes of different lengths, mounted vertically and connected by a common horizontal channel.

Primary and secondary air passes through the furnace

The operation of a jet stove is based on two actions: the unhindered passage of wood gases through the pipe and the afterburning of gases produced during fuel combustion. Wood chips and firewood are placed in the firebox of this heat generator after a highly flammable material such as paper ignites. A container with water or other contents is placed on the open section of the pipe. At the same time, a small space is left between the structure and the installed container, which is necessary to create traction.

The processes occurring inside a stationary reactive furnace resemble the operation of pyrolysis heating units

Calculation of parameters (tables)

The volume of the furnace should be determined wisely, because it is it that affects the power and amount of heat generated by the heating equipment. When calculating the dimensions of jet heating equipment, use the indicator of the internal diameter of the drum D, the value of which can range from 300–600 mm. You also need to know the area cross section drum To determine this indicator of the rocket stove, you should use the formula: S = 3.14 * D^2 /4.

The main dimensions of the jet furnace are presented in the table:

Parameter Meaning
Drum height HFrom 1.5D to 2D
Height of drum insulating coating2/3H
Thickness of drum insulating coating1/3D
Cross-sectional area of ​​the primary chimneyFrom 0.045S to 0.065S (optimally - from 0.05S to 0.06S). The higher the primary chimney is, the better.
Minimum clearance between the top edge of the primary flue and the drum cover70 mm. With a lower value, the aerodynamic resistance of the gap for gases passing through it will be excessively large.
Flame tube length and areaLength and area of ​​the primary chimney
Blower cross-sectional areaHalf the cross-sectional area of ​​the primary chimney
Cross-sectional area of ​​the external chimneyFrom 1.5S to 2S
The thickness of the adobe cushion under the flue with a stove bench50–70 mm (if there are wooden floors under the bed - from 25 to 35 mm)
The height of the coating above the flue with a stove bench150 mm. It is not recommended to reduce it, otherwise the oven will accumulate less heat.
External chimney heightnot less than 4 m

Particular importance is attached to the length of the flue with the stove bench. Maximum acceptable indicators are reflected in the table:

The volume of the secondary ash chamber is also an important indicator, depending on the volume of the drum and the primary chimney.

D (diameter) Volume
300 mm0.1x(Vk - Vpd)Where Vk is the volume of the drum,
Vpd - volume of the primary chimney.
600 mm0.05x(Vk - Vpd)

Construction raw materials for the construction of a non-standard furnace

The production of jet heating equipment will require:

  • barrels with a volume of 200 liters and a diameter of 0.6 meters, an empty liquefied gas cylinder or tin buckets to build a furnace drum;
  • square or round pipes made of steel 2–3 mm thick, which are needed to create a blower, combustion chamber and primary chimney;
  • fireclay crushed stone and oven clay as thermal insulation materials;
  • adobe, which serves as the outer coating layer;
  • fireclay bricks;
  • sand from the bottom of the river;
  • pieces of sheets of zinc-coated steel or aluminum for the manufacture of lids and doors;
  • asbestos or basalt cardboard, which serves as a sealant.

When constructing a rocket stove, you will need a welding machine. And if you plan to make heating equipment from bricks, then you will have to take:

  • Master OK;
  • mortar spatula;
  • hammer-pick;
  • jointing;
  • sharp-angled sledgehammer;
  • level;
  • plumb line;
  • roulette

Preparation for assembling heating equipment

When choosing a location for a rocket stove, follow some rules:

  • jet heating equipment is placed only in a room with an area of ​​at least 16 m²;
  • Without floorboards under the stove, installation of equipment will be easier;
  • It is prohibited to place wooden beams above a structure that produces heat;
  • if it is assumed that the chimney will go through the ceilings, then the heating equipment is placed in the middle of the house;
  • the heat generator cannot be installed near the external contour of the house, otherwise the room will lose heated air;
  • The jet device must not be placed next to walls and partitions of wooden materials.

To make it convenient to add fuel to jet heating equipment, it is wiser to place it facing the entrance. It is important to leave at least a meter of unoccupied space around the rocket stove.

In a small house, builders advise setting aside a place for the stove in the corner. In this case, the firebox should be directed in one direction, and the bed (if it is made) – in the other.

The stove stands on a special platform that protects the floor from high temperatures

Having found a suitable site for the rocket stove, they begin to prepare it for construction work. If boards are laid on the floor in the house, then in the place where the equipment will be installed, they will need to be removed. A hole is dug under the exposed floor, the bottom of which is necessarily pressed.

Before construction work a special solution should be mixed. It consists of sand and clay combined in a 1:1 ratio. You will need enough water so that the construction raw materials have the consistency of sour cream, that is, ¼ of the amount of dry ingredients.

Step-by-step instructions for making it yourself

If you plan to make a rocket stove from a gas cylinder, then you don’t have to be afraid of difficulties. The steps to create equipment from such construction raw materials are quite simple:

  1. from a cylinder with a volume of 50 liters is cut off top part to build a kind of cap;

    The balloon is cut off at the top and bottom

  2. Based on the instructions in the drawing, all parts of the product are welded to each other, that is, a gas cylinder, a pipe with a diameter of 10 cm (future chimney), a pipe with a diameter of 7 cm (internal channel) and another pipe with a diameter of 15 cm (fuel firebox);

    Dimensions in mm

  3. the space between the two pipes is filled with a material that retains heat, for example, sand, which has been thoroughly calcined, that is, cleared of organic substances;
  4. To give the structure stability, the legs are welded.

To build a rocket stove with a stove bench, which involves the use of bricks, you need to proceed differently:

  1. The area for arranging the firebox is deepened by removing 10 cm of soil. The combustion chamber is formed from fireclay bricks. Formwork is created along the contour of the structure being manufactured. To make the base strong, it is recommended to lay reinforcement mesh or metal rods in it;

    The platform will harden in about two days

  2. The structure is filled with liquid concrete. Then they wait for the solution to harden and finish the work. The bricks are laid in a continuous line, creating a platform for the stove. After this, the walls of the structure are formed, placing several rows of brick blocks;
  3. The lower channel of the structure is constructed, with one line of bricks laid across to block the combustion chamber. The blocks are placed, leaving the vertical channel and the firebox opening open;

    Two sectors of the furnace at this stage of construction should be open

  4. Find the body from the old boiler and cut off the top and bottom covers on it. A flange is installed at the bottom of the resulting pipe through which a horizontal heat exchanger will pass. The parts must be connected to each other with a continuous weld;

    Work requires accuracy

  5. An outlet pipe is inserted into the barrel, after which they take a metal brush and scrape off the rust from the walls of the container. The cleaned barrel is treated with a primer, and a little later with paint that is resistant to high temperatures;
  6. The horizontal chimney is connected by welding to the side outlet - the future ash pit. To facilitate its cleaning, a sealed flange is installed;
  7. The fire tube is laid out from refractory bricks. At the same time, a channel 18 cm high and wide is formed inside the structure. When doing this, they constantly use a building level, which allows you to control the verticality of the product;

    The height of the pipe is determined in advance

  8. The flame tube is covered with a protective casing, and the resulting gaps are sealed with perlite. The lower area of ​​the vertical channel is sealed with damp clay, the function of which is to prevent spillage thermal insulation material on the floor;
  9. From the boiler, on which the top and bottom have been cut off, a fuel tank is formed. A handle must be welded to it;
  10. To improve the appearance, the structure is treated with adobe putty, consisting of sawdust and raw clay. The first component of the composition serves in the same way as crushed stone in concrete, that is, it prevents cracking of the furnace walls. It is recommended to apply adobe putty over perlite backfill;
  11. They create the facade of the stove, for which the stove contour is laid out from stone, bricks, adobe and sand. The back side of the structure is filled with crushed stone, and the front side with adobe mixture, making the surface perfectly flat;
  12. A metal barrel casing is placed on the previously created base. The lower pipe of the container is directed towards the bed. The bottom of the structure is treated with raw clay, which will ensure its tightness;
  13. A channel made of corrugated pipe is connected to the combustion chamber. It will serve as a link between the firebox and the outside atmosphere;

    At this stage the oven looks almost finished

  14. Carry out a test firing of the stove, watching how the gases are removed from horizontal chimney. After this, the heat exchanger pipes are connected to the lower pipe installed on a red brick platform;
  15. The stove is equipped with a smoke exhaust pipe. The junction of the chimney and the heat generator is sealed with fire-resistant coating and asbestos cord;
  16. Using clay and adobe, the bed is given the desired shape. Only the horizontal section of the structure is left unsealed, which will then be used during cooking.

    The oven functions as a whole system

Design improvement

A bench with a gas duct inside is not the only option for upgrading a rocket stove. The design can be improved with a water jacket connected to heating system, in which water circulates. It is advisable to give this part of the structure the appearance of a coil created from a copper pipe twisting onto the chimney.

This design provides even more heat

Another way to improve a jet furnace is to organize the flow of heated secondary air into the flame tube. This will increase the efficiency of the heat generator, but will lead to the deposition of a large amount of soot in the primary chimney. Therefore, it is better to make sure that the drum cover can be removed if necessary.

Subtleties of operating an unconventional stove

The rocket furnace is heated by analogy with a heat generator top combustion. It turns out that the kindling of equipment called a rocket must be carried out according to certain rules:

  • the main raw material for heating the unit must be added only after the structure has been well heated, for which purpose sawdust or paper is first placed in the blower sector and set on fire;
  • they must react to the muting of the hum emanating from the stove - they put a large batch of fuel into the combustion chamber, which will ignite on its own from the hot remains of sawdust;
  • the process is closely monitored, that is, after laying the firewood, the damper is fully opened, and after some time, when the equipment makes a hum, it is closed to produce a sound similar to a rustling;
  • as necessary, the damper is closed more and more, otherwise the firebox will be filled with an excess volume of air, which will disrupt the pyrolysis inside the fire tube and lead to the creation of a strong hum.

Since the jet stove was originally created for use in the field, its design is extremely simple. This allows the production of the unit to be carried out by ordinary home handyman. But, despite its apparent lightness, the rocket stove must be assembled, taking into account the correct ratio of parameters. Otherwise, the equipment will be unproductive.