How to fertilize strawberries in spring. Fertilizing strawberries in spring - how to achieve maximum yield. Video: super remedy for strawberries - ammonia

Kirill Sysoev

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Sweet and juicy strawberries are the weakness of many. It is tasty and healthy. Its cultivation is possible on different soils. For good development It needs to be fed with fruit. For this purpose, fertilizers for strawberries are widely used to promote growth. berry culture and its active fruiting. Find out in what proportions, when and how to use fertilizer for it.

When to fertilize strawberries

You can prepare for the new gardening season already when the last snow melts. When fertilizer is introduced on time, new buds form faster. Not every garden or vegetable garden has fertile soil. If the soil for a long time not fertilized and already depleted, you can’t even dream of a rich harvest. Regular feeding is necessary for both the soil and the bushes themselves. At the same time, special care is required when processing remontant varieties of berries. They are more susceptible to feeding than other species. For this reason, they are fertilized at weekly intervals.

Feeding stages

Fertilizer is used in three stages: after winter at the beginning garden season, during the fruiting period and in autumn. For the first time, strawberries are fed in order to timely stimulate the growth of young shoots and first leaves. The procedure is carried out in late April - early May. The treatment is repeated in July. The second feeding of strawberries promotes the formation of new roots and buds. The first fruits will be in July. Fertilize for the third time in mid-September. Feeding during this period is necessary to prepare the crop for wintering.

How to feed strawberries

Fertilizers for berry crops are mineral, organic and complex. Mineral fertilizers are synthetic substances developed in laboratories. The most popular among them are urea, saltpeter, sulfates, and diammophos. They contain micro- and macroelements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, copper, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, manganese). There are many enterprises involved in the production of mineral fertilizers (Gumi-Omi, Agricol, Fertika, Akron, KhimAgroProm).

Organic fertilizers for strawberries are substances of natural origin. These include:

  • chicken droppings;
  • humus;
  • wood ash;
  • ash;
  • spoiled milk;
  • yeast;
  • manure;
  • humus;
  • weeds.

It should be understood that using organic matter will not bring large fruits, but they are absolutely harmless to people. In addition, the application of such natural fertilizers does not require restrictions in proportions: they can be fed to the plant in any quantity. The fruit crop will absorb as many useful substances as it requires.

Complex fertilizers are designed to combine the effects of mineral and organic substances. Issued ready-made options, including potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, magnesium (“Berry ovary for strawberries”, “Ryazanochka”, etc.). Among the wide variety of drugs of this type produced today, preference should be given to those in which nitrogen in percentage more than all other components.

Organic fertilizers

Feeding with substances of natural origin helps to obtain a rich harvest without harm to human health, plants and soil. In addition, the use of organics will be much cheaper than the purchase of mineral or complex preparations. Each type of natural feeding has its own characteristics and advantages.

Manure (cow) is a mixture of straw, hay and animal excrement. It has long been used as a top dressing for soil and various crops (potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.). Manure as a fertilizer for strawberries is the best feeding option in spring period before the plant begins to flower. It is prepared as follows: dilute 2 cups of manure with 10 liters of water and add 1 tablespoon of sodium sulfate. All components are mixed until smooth. The area under each bush is watered with this slurry (1 liter).

Application benefits cow dung:

  • accessibility and low cost;
  • high efficiency;
  • saturation of the land and berry crops essential microelements and other useful substances;
  • reducing the acidity of clay soil under the influence of manure.

Humus is completely decomposed manure. He is considered the most the best feeding in the spring. Humus is used at the rate of 5 kg per 1 square meter of bed area. It can be used during planting for subsequent crop care. To obtain humus, you should spread the manure with weeds. Fertilizer for strawberries will be ready in 7 months. The benefits of humus are:

  • saturation of plants with useful substances and microelements in an easily digestible form;
  • positive effect on the soil - soil saturated with humus creates a favorable environment for the rapid and proper development of berry crops;
  • long-lasting feeding effect - humus nourishes the plant and the soil throughout the year.

Chicken manure is used as nitrogen fertilizer. It is prepared as follows: take 20 parts of water for one part of poultry organic matter. The resulting solution is infused for 3 days and 0.5 liters of the mixture is poured under each berry bush. Chicken manure is widely used among gardeners due to its availability and effective effect on the growth and development of berries.

An excellent supplement is sour milk (sourdough). This fact is confirmed by the statement of experienced gardeners that slightly acidic soil has a beneficial effect on productivity. To normalize the acidity level of the soil, you can add sour milk to it. Its difference from other organics is the method of application: the fertilizing is not poured under the root, but a little further from it (about 7-10 cm from the bush) or the spraying method is used.

Fertilizer for strawberries is prepared as follows: the product is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:2. Plants are fed at the beginning of the summer season, then after harvest and in the fall. Advantages of using fermented milk products:

  • enrichment of open ground with a storehouse of useful substances and microelements (sulfur, calcium, etc.);
  • significant increase in yield and fruiting time;
  • rapid plant growth;
  • increasing the protective forces of berry crops against pests and diseases.


Regular yeast is an affordable and easy-to-prepare fertilizer. This iodized product is beneficial for the plant. The feeding solution can be prepared as follows: 1 kg of yeast is diluted in 5 liters of water. The resulting concentration should be diluted again with water before use. For 0.5 liters of yeast solution you need 10 liters of water. After re-preparing the mixture, it is necessary to treat the plant. For 10 bushes 0.5 liters of solution will be used. They pour it right under the bushes.

If you only have dry yeast in bags on hand, then prepare the solution as follows: take one bag of the product and two tablespoons of sugar for one bucket of water. To begin with, the yeast is diluted in a glass of warm water, then granulated sugar is added to the solution and stirred until completely dissolved. Afterwards, the contents of the glass are poured into a bucket of water. Let it brew for 2 hours. After this time, the nutrient solution is ready for use. The advantages of using yeast include:

  • valuable composition of the product (iodine, iron, phosphorus, nitrogen, etc.);
  • stimulating culture growth;
  • significant increase in plant productivity;
  • strengthening roots;
  • positive effect on the condition of the soil due to its saturation with beneficial microorganisms;
  • increasing plant adaptation to new conditions after transplantation and disease resistance.

It is advisable to feed the berries with yeast 2-3 times during the summer season. The product is used at the beginning of the season, again during the flowering period and after harvesting. For all its advantages, it also has disadvantages. It can only be used in warm weather. In cool weather, fermentation does not occur and the process stops.


Wood ash contains a significant amount of useful microelements. This folk remedy is rich in potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, iron and many other nutrients necessary for plant growth and development. To use it, you need to introduce dry ash into the furrows of the beds. Powder should be poured at the rate of 150 g per 1 linear meter. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to mix ash with peat. This fertilizer has one drawback: ash cannot be used with urea. The advantages of using wood ash are:

  • availability;
  • stimulation of berry crop growth;
  • saturating the soil with nutrients and improving its structure;
  • increasing productivity;
  • improving the taste of fruits.

Mineral fertilizers for strawberries

The taste and external qualities of strawberries only benefit from the use of mineral fertilizers. The berries grow large, bright, sweet and juicy. The use of minerals requires caution and strict adherence to proportions. Excessive doses can harm not only the plant, but also human health. The deadline for introducing mineral fertilizers is 2 weeks before the plant fruits ripen.

Ammophoska and ammonium nitrate

Strawberries are “fed” in the second year after planting with ammonium nitrate at the rate of 100 g per 10 square meters. This fertilizer is considered the most effective. True, in cases where a lot of organic fertilizer was added to the soil before planting, ammonium will not be needed. If strawberries are planted for the third year in a row, then it is necessary to introduce 10 g of superphosphate, 150 g of ammonium nitrate and 100 g of potassium chloride into the soil.

This amount of fertilizer will be needed for 10 square meters usable area. The prepared solution is poured under the bushes. The plant itself does not need to be watered. Typically, the soil is fertilized with half of the fertilizer in the spring, and the rest is introduced after harvesting. It is forbidden to increase the dose of nitrate. It is loaded with nitrogen and excessive use can lead to loss of sugar. The berry will be watery and tasteless. In the spring, you can use ammonium nitrate in combination with ammophoska in a ratio of 1:2. Water the product at the rate of 15 g per 1 sq.m. in a liquid solution with water.

Any mineral substance has its advantages and disadvantages. The vast majority of synthetic fertilizers are dangerous when used in large proportions. Nitroammophoska (azophoska) is no exception. It should be used in the correct doses. So, during the period of planting strawberries, two tablespoons of granules of this preparation should be sprinkled on each square meter. In cases where the plant is replanted, nitroammophoska is used immediately after harvesting. Prepare the solution as follows: add 1 tablespoon of fertilizer to 10 liters of water.

It should be remembered that, despite its effectiveness, nitroammophoska is considered one of the dangerous drugs. This synthetic substance must not be used uncontrolled, since this approach can lead to the formation of nitrates in the soil. The fertilizer belongs to the third level of danger: it is highly flammable. Granules of the product can explode. One should not forget about the short shelf life of nitroammophoska.

Complex fertilizer "Ryazanochka"

Ready-made fertilizer for strawberries “Ryazanochka” is very popular among gardeners. It contains micro- and macroelements (nitrogen, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, copper, potassium, boron, molybdenum, cobalt). For root feeding, you should prepare a solution at the rate of 1 teaspoon of “Ryazanochka” (4 g) per 10 liters of water. The plant must be fed in the morning and evening.

The finished product is used depending on the period of development of the berry crop. So, at the beginning of the vegetative development of strawberries, the solution is watered at the rate of 5 liters per 2–3 sq.m. area. During budding, at the beginning of flowering and active fruiting of the berry, 10 liters of product are consumed for the same area. The last time the plant is “fed” is 2–3 weeks before harvesting.

“Ryazanochka” can also be used using the foliar method. Only in this case, the solution is prepared differently: ½ teaspoon (2 g) is added to 10 liters of water. The resulting product is sprayed on the berry crop in the morning and evening in cloudy but not rainy weather twice a day. summer season. The advantages of “Ryazanochka” include the following properties:

  • positive effect on the taste and external qualities of fruits;
  • increasing the yield of berry crops through the use of complex fertilizing;
  • beneficial effect on the resistance of berries to diseases.

Features of feeding in spring

Strawberries should be fertilized in the spring. The further development of the plant and the harvest result largely depend on how correctly this procedure is carried out. It is important to know the feeding scheme for berry crops, and that feeding young strawberries in the spring differs from feeding their adult “relatives”.

How to properly fertilize young plants

Young strawberries planted in autumn period, there is no urgent need to fertilize in early spring. If desired, you can give her additional nutrition, and for this you need to prepare the following solution: add 0.5 liters of manure or bird droppings and 1 tablespoon of sodium sulfate to 10 liters of water. The resulting mixture is poured under each strawberry bush, 1 liter, no more.

Garden strawberries are a favorite delicacy of children and adults, which is popularly called simply strawberries. This is not a capricious crop, so it can be grown in the garden or even in pots on the balcony. If you know how to feed strawberries, then in return you will receive a bountiful and tasty harvest. We will look at several fertilizers that will help you get the most berries without harming your health.

Not a single crop can give you a rich harvest if it is not fertilized on time. Today, there are many substances that were created in the laboratory and protect fruits from pests. However, we should not forget about traditional methods, which are often no less effective.

Organic fertilizers for strawberries

No matter what they come up with in chemical laboratories, nothing can replace manure and humus. Manure is a mixture of pet droppings and stall bedding that are needed to fertilize the soil. You can use this fertilizer for strawberries only in rotted form, because fresh manure can contain a large number of seeds of various herbs. Believe me, it will be very difficult for you to get rid of weeds later.

Humus is the same manure that has long since decomposed and turned into a dark mass. This fertilizer is considered the best because it contains many nutrients.

Chicken manure is also an organic fertilizer. Every gardener knows that this is an invaluable source of nitrogen. A small solution of chicken manure is enough, and you will be pleasantly surprised by a bountiful strawberry harvest. Remember that when preparing the solution you should not skimp on water.

Mineral fertilizers for strawberries

Mineral fertilizer for strawberries also promotes active and healthy growth of strawberries. Fertilizers such as potassium 27%, nitrogen 14%, magnesium 0.5% and phosphorus 7% prevent the appearance of various diseases. Fertilizing strawberries with complex fertilizers mineral fertilizers gives the greatest effect. They can be purchased at any gardening supply store.


In order for your berries to be large, red and have excellent taste, you need to fertilize them with nitrogen. Ammonium nitrate and urea are rich in this substance. Urea dissolves very easily, so one tablespoon will be enough for 10 liters of water. Strawberries need to be fertilized in early spring. Only half a liter of solution can be poured under each bush. However, do not increase the dose under any circumstances, because the berry may become unsweetened.


Every experienced gardener knows that fertilizer for strawberries, such as potassium, helps to increase the shelf life of the berries, the amount of sugar and improve the taste. If the tips of the leaves turn brown, this is the first sign of potassium deficiency. Potassium fertilizers are poured under the bush in early spring.

Dairy products

Fertilizing strawberries using fermented milk products is considered a folk method, but not everyone knows it. Milk contains nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, minerals and many amino acids, which contribute to rapid growth berries. It is recommended to mix fermented milk products with manure, ash or humus.

Preparing the bed

You already know how to feed strawberries so that they grow healthy and tasty, but preparing the bed is no less important. important role in growing strawberries. You can plant garden strawberries in autumn and spring, but the planting site must be prepared in advance. This garden crop loves moisture, but the beds need to be made 30-50 cm higher.

First you need to do drainage hole and cover it with sand. This is usually a complex procedure, but the sand will absorb excess moisture and thereby provide comfortable conditions for the strawberries.

The soil that has accumulated as a result of digging a hole must be mixed with compost or manure and mineral fertilizers added. For 1 sq.m. 10 g of calcium chloride and 30 g of superphosphate are sufficient for soil. If desired, you can add 0.5 liters of ash per 1 sq.m. soil. And finally, fill the hole with prepared nutrient soil.

We have listed all the possible fertilizers for strawberries, but it is important to know how to use them correctly. As previously noted, fertilizing strawberries begins in the fall or spring along with digging a hole. The second feeding of the berries must be done after the first harvest. It is during this period that complex mineral fertilizers should be used. If you have light soil, then you need to fertilize your strawberries in the spring. If you have clay soil, autumn is ideal. During abundant flowering and fruiting, feeding strawberries is not recommended.

To form new roots, you need to fertilize strawberries even after harvesting. And final feeding of the berries is necessary in mid-September. At the beginning of autumn, you can fertilize with fermented mullein and wood ash (half a glass for each bucket).

In the middle of the month, it is recommended to use the following solution: a glass of ash is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Then add two tablespoons of nitrophoska and 20-30 grams of potash fertilizers. Using this system, next year you will get a large and healthy harvest.

If you decide to transplant strawberries to a new place, then it is worth adding 30 g of mineral and 8 kg of organic fertilizers to the soil.

Fertilizers can greatly affect the yield of your crop. However, the amount of fertilizer applied and the timing must be observed.

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Garden crops produce a high-quality harvest only if the requirements of agricultural technology are met. Fragrant strawberries are no exception, and require competent actions on the part of the gardener. The responsiveness of strawberries to care is high, but in order to enjoy delicious berries to the fullest, you need to make an effort. One of the important points of berry care is timely spring feeding.

Preparing for the season

In spring, the feeding schedule and composition of strawberries varies depending on the age of the bushes. Plants in their first year provide nutrition when planted. If the crop is planned to be planted in early spring, then the soil is prepared in the fall. But, when it is not possible to fertilize the beds in the fall, this event is postponed to early spring and combined with planting seedlings.

At spring planting For strawberries, organic matter is added to the garden bed - humus, rotted manure or ready-made compost. 7 kg of substance per 1 square meter is enough. m area. The fertilizer is laid out on the surface of the earth and dug deep. This nutritious soil fertilizing is done no later than 7 days before planting strawberry seedlings.

The second option for preparing beds for planting is more economical in terms of time and fertilizer. On the ridges along the future rows, they dig depressions and bring into them necessary feeding. Component standards:

  • compost or humus - 1 bucket;
  • potassium salt – 20 g;
  • urea – 25 g;
  • simple superphosphate – 40 g.

The substances are mixed immediately in the recesses or in a separate place, and then added as a mixture. The grooves are spilled generously with water, at least one bucket per 1 square meter. meter of area.

If strawberry bushes were planted last season, then after the snow melts, the beds are completely cleared of debris, winter shelter, and remaining foliage. Dry leaves and tendrils are trimmed from plants, and dead bushes are removed. Gently loosen the soil and mulch the strawberries with humus.

Before the leaves bloom, you need to carry out the first feeding.

What to use?

During the growing season, plants are subject to attacks by pests and fungal infections, so it is more rational to combine fertilizing with protective spraying.

Organic substances, mineral supplements and microelements are used to feed strawberries.

The listed components are needed by strawberries during a certain period of development, so we will dwell on the significance of each of them.


  1. Bird or horse manure. Only rotted manure is used. The fresh substance contains pathogenic microorganisms that can cause diseases in strawberries and weed seeds.
  2. Humus. Fully decomposed manure that contains nutrients in the most digestible form for strawberries.
  3. Compost. A mixture of organic matter, soil and various garden residues. Used in mature, finished form.
  4. Poultry droppings (chicken). Fertilize strawberries with a weak solution of manure. Otherwise, the caustic substance can burn the plants. An important source of nitrogen for strawberries.
  5. Wood ash. Supplier of potassium and phosphorus for strawberries.

When calculating the need for organic matter, the fertility and composition of the soil are taken into account.


Mineral components are used more often due to their availability.

Nitrogen. Everyone needs an element garden plants and is responsible for the condition of the above-ground green part of the bush. However, it is recommended to feed strawberries with nitrogen taking into account the growing season and strictly observing the dosage. Most often, urea or ammonium nitrate is used in areas. To prepare the fertilizer, take 10 liters clean water, in which 1 tbsp is dissolved. spoon of urea. The composition is applied in the spring after cleaning and loosening the ridges in the amount of 0.5 liters per root.

At air temperatures below 16°C, it is not advisable to apply nitrogen fertilizers.

Phosphorus. Without phosphorus, it is difficult for bushes to absorb nitrogen. The second meaning of the element is participation in the development of the root system. Therefore, phosphorus is necessary for seedlings during the rooting period. For phosphorus nutrition of strawberries, simple or double superphosphate and ammophosphate are used. These substances easily pass into soluble form. For 1 sq. m area, 30 g of superphosphate is usually added a week before planting seedlings.

Potassium. Increases the resistance of berry crops to frost, heat, temperature changes and pests. Potassium nitrate, potassium magnesium and potassium sulfate are suitable for strawberry bushes. Try to avoid potassium chloride, because the crop reacts negatively to the chlorine content in fertilizers.

To achieve the maximum effect from nutritional compositions, it is necessary to correctly distribute fertilizing during the strawberry growing season.

Feeding process

The schedule and composition of nutrition varies depending on the age of the bushes. Plants of the first year of life are provided with nutrition when planting; in the 2nd and 4th years they alternate organic and mineral components, but it is recommended to feed strawberries of the 3rd year of life only with mineral compounds.

Upon landing

Proper fertilizing during planting increases the yield by 30-35% of the usual indicators.

Before planting seedlings, the beds are prepared - they are cleared of weeds and debris, loosened and leveled.

The prepared wells are filled with a nutrient mixture, which is prepared according to one of the proposed options. Mix:

  • one bucket of turf soil, rotted manure or compost with two glasses of wood sol;
  • a bucket of compost with mineral components - potassium salt and urea (25 g each), superphosphate 40 g;
  • a bucket of humus with 1 cup of wood ash and 30 g of superphosphate.

Finally, the ridges are watered.

After landing

It is not necessary to additionally feed bushes planted on fertilized soil in the first year of life. Plants only need the supply of nutrients added before planting. The next full-fledged feeding is done in the fall. For this:

  • add potassium humate to the soil, you can add superphosphate;
  • water the rows with infusion of chicken manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10;
  • mulch the ridges with peat, straw, and hay.

By spring, the nutrients will be in a form that can be absorbed by plants.

For adult strawberries

As soon as the snow melts on the site, you need to carry out the first fertilizing before the leaves bloom. Usually this event is combined with spring pruning. The bushes need to gain mass, so the first element for spring nutrition is nitrogen:

  1. Add 2 cups of mature mullein or compost and 1 tablespoon of ammonium sulfate to a container with 10 liters of water. Stir thoroughly and water the bushes, using 1 liter of solution for each.
  2. You can replace the mineral components with 1 tablespoon of nitroammophoska, and leave the volume of water the same. For one plant, 0.5 liters of solution is enough.
  3. From organic compositions, use an infusion of chicken manure or mullein. The proportion of organic matter and water is maintained in a ratio of 1:10, infused for 4 days, then the bushes are watered with 0.5 liters of infusion.

When fertilizing, avoid getting the solution on the green parts of the plant. Water the beds around the plants.

Before and during flowering

During the flowering period of strawberries, the plant needs potassium. For convenient absorption of the element by the roots, gardeners use mineral fertilizer compositions. For example, potassium nitrate (1 teaspoon per bucket of clean water). A good alternative chemical complexes are folk recipes with wood ash or humus. The ash is used in dry form - it pollinates plants and is applied to the rows. Or prepare an infusion (1:10) and pour over the strawberries.

Foliar feeding

When foliar spraying, the above-ground part of the plant is irrigated with the composition. Nutrients are best absorbed bottom sheet plates. This must be taken into account when spraying. Foliar treatments are indicated at the time of mass flowering of strawberries. For high-quality spraying of the solution, it is good to use a garden sprayer.

Solutions of ready-made fertilizers are usually used for garden strawberries. You can add 2 g of potassium sulfate and potassium permanganate and 1 g of boric acid for one procedure.

Remontant strawberry

The feeding schedule for remontant strawberry varieties at the beginning of the growing season completely coincides with nutrition regular varieties. The only important difference is the mandatory feeding after the end of fruiting. After all, remontant varieties They harvest more than once per season, and in the fall they lay fruit buds. During this period, nitrogen fertilizers are not applied so as not to stimulate shoot growth. Plants need potassium supplements. Therefore, potassium nitrate or potassium sulfate is used for autumn feeding. From folk remedies The best option is considered to be an infusion of wood ash or dry application of ash powder to the root zone.

Popular wisdom advises using environmental solutions.

  1. Herbal infusion nourishes strawberries well with nitrogen. The nettles are placed tightly in a bucket and filled with warm water. Leave for at least 3 days, then apply in accordance with the type of feeding. Root feeding is done with an infusion diluted with water 1:10. For foliar spraying, the infusion is first filtered and then diluted with water 1:20. Straining allows you to use a spray bottle and saves the leaves from getting burned.
  2. Baker's yeast in an amount of 1 kg is diluted in 10 liters of clean water and infused for 24 hours. Then add water to 20 liters and feed the bushes 0.5 liters for one.

In addition to the listed compounds, microfertilizers are used to feed garden strawberry bushes. They contain elements important for the plant - boron, magnesium, calcium, manganese and iodine. Such spraying compositions are used to make the elements more accessible to plants. The dose is maintained according to the manufacturer's recommendations.


Feeding strawberries has its own rules. The main thing is reasonable expediency. It involves cooking quality compounds and lack of excessive zeal. There is no need to increase the amount of fertilizing or dosage. This will negatively affect the condition of the strawberries and the yield.

Get good harvest It is impossible to grow strawberries without fertilizing. Certainly, great importance has a choice of variety suitable for your land, planting scheme, watering and disease prevention. But with a lack of nutrition, the harvest will still be meager. Fertilizing in spring will ensure full development and strength for the bush. Therefore, the first fertilizing is carried out at the very beginning of the growing season.

When to fertilize strawberries in spring

Spring work with strawberries is carried out in a certain order. After the snow has melted, remove the mulch that served as cover for the bushes. The bed is also cleared of all plant debris and dried bushes are removed. The soil needs to be slightly loosened so that the roots have access to oxygen. Watering is carried out no earlier than the soil dries out from moisture.

For rapid growth of bushes and the formation of a large number of ovaries, strawberries need fertilizing. They will need to be applied after the formation of two or three leaves and before flowering begins. Specific dates Applications depend on the climate zone and weather conditions.

Deadlines for the Moscow region

Strawberries wake up after winter quite early. In the central regions of Russia, which includes the Moscow region, bush care, including fertilizing, can begin in the second half of March.

If you have the opportunity to visit your dacha early or the site is located near the house, dry fertilizers can be scattered directly over the melted snow. Minerals will dissolve in puddles of water and travel to the roots. During this period, you can use wood ash and granular mineral fertilizers.

Deadlines for the Urals, Siberia

In the northern regions, caring for strawberry bushes begins a month later - approximately in mid-April. As soon as the bushes are open and cleared of plant debris, watering can be done, followed by fertilizer.

If you first get into your garden when the soil is already dry, you need to feed the strawberries during the first loosening. In any case, you should have time to apply fertilizer at the stage of formation of the first few leaves in order to give a start to active vegetation.

At this time, you can apply both dry and liquid fertilizer, as well as spray the strawberries on the leaves. At the root, fertilizer must be applied to moist soil, after watering or rain. The first feeding should be saturated with nitrogen, which stimulates the growth of green mass.

On a note! In the first year, the plants are not fertilized. During this period, nutrition for strawberries is provided by the dose of fertilizer that was applied during planting. In the second year, mineral and organic fertilizers. In the third season, only mineral fertilizers are used. In the fourth year, organic matter is added again.

Before flowering, it is good to feed the strawberries with organic fertilizers. Perfect for this:

  • manure;
  • humus;
  • chicken droppings.

Many summer residents simply spread dry manure under the bushes, sprinkling it with a 2-3 cm thick layer of earth. You can also prepare a manure solution using two glasses of rotted manure per 10 liters of water with the addition of 1 tbsp. spoons of sodium sulfate. 1 liter of fertilizer is poured under each bush. Humus is good because it is easily absorbed by the roots.

Chicken manure is an excellent source of nitrogen; fertilizer is prepared from it using 1 part of the manure to 20 parts of water. The fertilizing is infused for 3 days, after which the strawberries are watered using 0.5 liters of infusion for each plant.

The range of fertilizers for strawberries is quite wide. Gardeners actively use both purchased and folk remedies. Each of them contains its own nutrients; there are also complex fertilizers.

Folk remedies

What gardeners don’t use to feed strawberries using traditional methods. Both food and pharmaceuticals are used. Here are the recipes recommended by those who have already tried them in their berry beds:

  1. Additionally, you can use lactic acid products to feed strawberries by adding them to fertilizer based on humus and manure. This mixture will not only serve as nutrition, but will also help get rid of the tick.
  2. For spring foliar feeding on the eve of flowering, you can use iodine in combination with other components. N and the bucket hot water add a glass of ash, 2 grams of boric acid and potassium permanganate, 1 teaspoon of iodine. The mixture is thoroughly stirred and used to spray berry bushes. At the same time, the composition with iodine will protect strawberry leaves from fungal diseases.
  3. Fertilizing with ammonia, which is based on a nitrogen compound - ammonia, has proven itself well. Additionally, the product will repel many pests with its pungent odor and destroy fungal spores. The working solution is prepared from 2-3 tbsp. spoons of ammonia per 10 liters of water. Fertilizing can be applied to the ground and on the leaf. It is better to prepare it in the fresh air, since ammonia vapors can burn the mucous membranes if inhaled.

Foliar feeding should be carried out in dry weather in the morning or evening. It is not recommended to spray leaves under the scorching sun.


Fertilizing with yeast can improve soil structure without adding chemicals. Yeast promotes faster decomposition of organic matter in the soil. It is easier for plants to absorb nutrition in this form. The roots become more accessible to: nitrogen and phosphorus, amino acids, organic iron, vitamins and other microelements. As a result, strawberries form a powerful root system, which contributes to the development strong bush and the appearance of large berries on it.

It must be taken into account that yeast is added only to heated soil. Yeasts will work at temperatures above +20 degrees. During the fermentation process, potassium and calcium are taken from the ground, so after feeding with yeast, you must add wood ash.

Preparing a yeast solution is not difficult:

  1. A three-liter jar is filled with warm water, without adding 4-5 cm to the edge.
  2. Add a packet of dry yeast and 4-5 tbsp to the water. spoons of sugar. Instead of dry yeast, you can take 25 g of raw yeast.
  3. The mixture is stirred and placed in a warm place until foam appears.
  4. The finished wort is poured into a ten-liter bucket and topped up with warm water.

Apply fertilizer at the root, using 0.5 to 1 liter of yeast solution for each bush.

On a note! You should not leave the yeast to ferment for several days, otherwise there will be no benefit from such a solution. Yeast must enter the soil alive and have time to work.

Wood ash is sold in gardening stores, but due to its high consumption, its purchase is unprofitable. This fertilizer can be obtained independently by burning firewood, dry grass and other plant residues. Depending on the feedstock, the composition of the ash is different, with a predominance of certain mineral substances.

  • For example, when burning pine, birch and spruce firewood, the ash will contain a predominant calcium content.
  • The maximum proportion of phosphorus can be obtained from the same pine or birch firewood and rye straw.
  • When sunflower stems and buckwheat straw are burned, the output is fertilizer with the largest number potassium

It is also necessary to take into account what chemical reactions occur in the soil when ash is added. This substance is an alkali that converts nitrogen into volatile ammonia, so nitrogen compounds disappear from the soil in the presence of ash.

Correct agricultural technology involves first applying nitrogen fertilizer and only 5-7 days after it has been absorbed by the plants, fertilizing with ash.

You can also dust the leaves by first moistening them from a watering can clean water. The leaves will absorb the nutrients they need, and the remaining ash will fall to the ground and be absorbed by the roots.

If the first fertilizing is applied to enrich the soil with nitrogen, then the second time it is better to use a complex mineral fertilizer. Its composition is a balanced mixture that contains all the valuable substances necessary for full development and strawberry fruiting. At this stage of growth, fertilizers should also contain nitrogen in greater quantities than other elements.

Ready-made preparations include Agricola, Fertika, Gumi-Omi and other complexes with a note that they are intended for strawberries. Gardeners who have sufficient experience can independently compose a mixture of mineral fertilizers. The most popular are inexpensive and economical means:

  • Ammonium nitrate. It is also called ammonium nitrate or ammonium nitrate. The fertilizer is a salt of nitric acid with a 35% nitrogen content. Ammonium nitrate can strongly acidify the soil, so it is practiced simultaneously to apply it with dolomite flour or limestone. Due to its properties, the fertilizer rids the bushes of fungus. Watering the leaves and soil with a solution of ammonium nitrate serves as an excellent disease prevention.
  • Urea (urea) exceeds all other mineral fertilizers in terms of nitrogen content. It contains 46% of this substance. In the air, the fertilizer is converted into ammonia and evaporates, so urea is applied in the form of a solution or embedded in the ground. This chemical compound has a neutral acidity reaction, so it is suitable for any soil.
  • Nitroammofosk contains three important element- nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, and therefore is considered a complex fertilizer. When purchasing, pay attention to the composition of the mixture. Each manufacturer makes it according to its own recipe, which is why there is a difference in the ratio of components. In the spring, this fertilizer is applied only if the strawberries were not fertilized with superphosphate and potassium salt in the fall.

Each of these fertilizers in dry form is applied to the ground at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon per square meter. The granules should be added to moist soil.. For a liquid solution, 1 tablespoon of dry fertilizer is dissolved in 10 liters of water, up to 1 liter of the composition is applied under the root for each bush. If you do not want to saturate your strawberries with nitrates, the concentration of nitrogen fertilizers can be slightly reduced.

On a note! If you plan to give grown berries to children, it is better not to fertilize them with chemical fertilizers. Children's bodies are especially sensitive to nitrate compounds.

For adult bushes, fertilizing is necessary. Strawberries will grow even if you don’t fertilize them, but in this case you can forget about a good harvest. And over time, the soil becomes depleted and does not give plants required quantity nutrients.

Strawberries aged 2 and 4 years are fed with mineral and organic fertilizers in the spring; 3-year-old bushes need only mineral fertilizing.

The desired effect will not be achieved if insufficient or excessive amounts of fertilizer are applied. Nitrogen fertilizer is given only at temperatures above 15 degrees. When adding a solution of rotted manure or bird droppings, water the strawberry stems and leaves with it at the same time.

If the strawberry bushes were planted in compliance with agricultural technology, then in the first year of life they do not require fertilizers. But if no fertilizing was applied during planting, or you doubt that there is enough of it, you can feed the young animals with a solution of chicken manure prepared at the rate of 0.5 liters per 10 liters of water. A solution of sodium sulfate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) is also suitable. One liter of ready-made fertilizer is used for each bush.

Fertilizing strawberries in spring

A good strawberry harvest depends on many factors: weather conditions, variety, comprehensive care.

Despite the importance of the listed elements, the yield depends to the greatest extent on whether the strawberries were fertilized correctly in the spring.

Only by growing in soil rich in minerals and trace elements can plants form large and tasty berries and give the summer resident a good harvest.

Features of the procedure

Immediately after the soil dries, the dried leaves and tendrils are torn off, last year's mulch is removed and the soil is loosened.

The next point of care in the spring is feeding strawberries, which stimulates the crop to grow quickly and increases productivity.

In addition, timely application of nutrient fluids increases resistance to diseases and pests, which is very important in warm, rainy weather.

Strawberries planted last year, during planting of which fertilizers were applied, are not fed in the spring. Plants older than two years old need the addition of minerals and trace elements, since they have already drawn the nutrients added during planting from the soil.

: when to feed strawberriesin the spring.

What types of fertilizers are there, their specifics

There are two types of fertilizing: root and foliar. Let's look at each of them in more detail.


Root feeding involves applying fertilizer under the strawberry stem or at some distance from it. They use simple and complex mineral mixtures, organic matter, and folk remedies.

Fertilizers for strawberries, which are applied directly under the root, are carefully sprinkled with a layer of soil two centimeters thick. If nutrients are scattered between rows, the digging depth is 8-10 cm.


You can fertilize strawberries in the spring for a good harvest not only by the root method, but also by the leaf method. As a result of spraying the above-ground part nutrient solutions the plant grows faster and the ligature increases.

Foliar feeding of strawberries in spring is carried out:

  • mineralhighly mobile fertilizers(this group includes easily absorbed mixtures based on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium);
  • low mobility(and these include slowly absorbed products consisting of iron, copper and boron).

In order to increase the absorption of the latter, it is necessary to spray very carefully so that the composition completely covers the entire above-ground part. It is important to spray on a dry, windless evening or cloudy day.

For the prevention of diseases and suppression of insect attacks Foliar feeding of strawberries is combined with fungicides and insecticides. Among gardeners, the drugs Zircon, Strawberry Rescuer, Fitosporin, Actofit have gained great popularity.

Opponents of industrial products for spraying use folk remedies: iodine solution, copper sulfate and lime, potassium permanganate, sulfur.

How and what to feed strawberries

Many summer residents and avid gardeners, before starting gardening, try to figure out how and how best to feed strawberries in the spring.

As with many other crops, mineral and organic fertilizers are used to feed strawberries in the specified dose.

Below we will talk about each of them in more detail.

: scheme for fertilizing strawberries in spring - what fertilizers to use?

Mineral fertilizers

Such fertilizers can be single-component or complex.

If in order to fully feed strawberries in the spring with simple fertilizers it is necessary to apply several mixtures, then as a result of using complex ones - in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, minor elements such as boron, copper, calcium, iron and others also enter the soil.

Fertilizers are produced in the form of liquid and powder, and are intended for root and foliar feeding. Among the abundance of products experienced gardeners The following are distinguished: Mortar, Hera, Ryazanochka, NutriFight, Kemira, Ammophos, Nitroammofoska.

Worth knowing! The culture does not like chlorine, so potassium and ammonium chloride, as well as other products with a high content of the element, cannot be used.

Fertilizing strawberries with urea in the spring is carried out in the second half of April, when the temperature rises to +16 C. At a lower temperature, it cannot absorb nitrogen. It is also important to remember: in order to effectively feed strawberries with urea, you need to properly prepare the solution.

To prepare the solution, add one tablespoon of urea to a bucket of water. Half a liter of the resulting product is poured under one bush.

Minerals should only be used in doses recommended by the manufacturer. If you add a more concentrated solution, the berries will become unsuitable for consumption.


Organics allow you to feed strawberries in the spring, so to speak, “without chemicals.” It has several significant advantages: safety, environmental friendliness, accessibility.

So, immediately after the soil dries out in the spring, under strawberries are fertilized with a solution of chicken manure.

Litter promotes aeration and water permeability of the soil, fills it with useful substances and makes it looser.

Due to the impressive content of macro- and microelements, such feeding is carried out once every 2-3 years.

To prepare the solution, organic matter is poured into a bucket and filled with water in a ratio of 1:2. The product is thoroughly stirred to a homogeneous consistency, half a liter is taken and diluted in a bucket of water. The solution is added at a distance of 6-10 cm from the bush.

You can fertilize strawberries with chicken manure only once a year.. With frequent addition of nitrogen-containing organic matter, nitrates accumulate in the berries.

Important! Do not overfeed the crop with organic matter, especially chicken manure, which contains a lot of acid and urea. As a result of an excess of organic matter, the roots burn and this leads to death.

: feeding strawberries in spring with chicken droppings.

Mineral-organic fertilizers show high efficiency, as they combine all the best properties. As soon as the leaves begin to bloom, adult plants are fed with the following means:

  • Add one tablespoon of ammonium sulfate and 0.5 liters of manure to a bucket of water. 1 liter of solution is poured under one bush.
  • Half a glass of wood ash, a tablespoon of urea, 3 g of potassium permanganate, half a teaspoon of boric acid are poured into a bucket of water and mixed. Half a liter is enough for feeding.

Among folk remedies, feeding strawberries with yeast, sour milk, and bread is very popular. Due to the presence of a large number of minerals and amino acids, the plant grows quickly and rarely gets sick.

Recipes for the most effective mixtures with these beneficial ingredients:

  • 200 g of yeast are kneaded in 0.5 liters of warm water and left for twenty minutes. Then pour it into a bucket and add 9 liters of water. Each plant is watered abundantly.
  • In order to feed strawberries with dry yeast, you need to prepare a nutrient mixture. Pour a bag of baking substance and two tablespoons of sugar into a bucket. In order for the substance to dissolve faster, it is recommended to stir it in a glass of warm sweet water. After the granules have melted, the liquid is poured into a bucket and left for 2 hours. Just like urea, fertilizing strawberries with yeast in spring should be done only at temperatures above +15 C.
  • To balance the acidity of the soil in small beds, the crop is sprayed or watered at a distance of 10 cm from the root with diluted sour milk (1:2). Such a solution not only increases the acidity of the soil, but also fills it with phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur. As a result of milk spraying, productivity increases and resistance to diseases and pests increases.
  • For the second feeding, rye bread is used. It is prepared like this: fill half of 10 liters of water with small pieces of bread and fill the container to the top with water. Cover the bucket with a lid and leave it for 6 days. dark place. The concentrate is diluted twice with water and poured in half a liter.
  • Immediately after opening, feed with wood ash tincture. To prepare the fertilizer, pour 1 cup of powder into 1 liter of water and leave for 24 hours. The ash liquid is poured into a bucket, after which the missing water is added. Product consumption – 1 liter per 1 sq. m of plantings.

: how to feed strawberries in the spring with yeast during flowering.

Often, summer residents who want to get the maximum of tasty and sweet berries are interested in what is the best way to fertilize strawberries in the spring for better harvest. The best fertilizer to improve productivity - horse or cow manure, chicken manure.

The first time the strawberry soil should be fertilized with manure or droppings a month before planting, based on the calculation - 1 bucket of humus per 1 square meter. m. beds.

During the growing season, feed with slurry (1:5). For feeding 1 sq. m of plantings will use 10 liters of solution.

Feeding scheme

Strawberries should be fertilized in the spring according to a certain scheme, so it is extremely important to know when and at what time to fertilize the plant.

First feeding of strawberries in the spring it is applied immediately after clearing the bed of organic debris and loosening the soil. Fertilize with one of the following solutions:

  1. Two hundred grams of bird droppings are stirred in a bucket of water, then the container is covered with a lid and left for a day. To prevent the leaves from being burned by the concentrate, ready mixture pour between the rows.
  2. Place 300 g of mullein on a bucket of water and leave for 48 hours. A tablespoon of ammonium sulfate is added to the concentrate. Apply 0.5 liters of solution under one bush.
  3. 50 g of mullein and a tablespoon of nitroammophoska are poured into a bucket and filled with water. Consumption per bush - 0.5 liters.
  4. Ammonium nitrate and ammonium phosphate are mixed in a ratio of 1:2. For feeding sq. m of berry plantings, 15 g of the mixture will be consumed.
  5. 25 g of urea is added to 10 liters of water. Apply 0.5 liters of solution to one plant.

Second feeding of strawberries in the spring it is carried out during the formation of ovaries or the filling of berries. The following mixtures are used:

  1. The bucket is filled a quarter full with manure and the missing water is added. The mixture, left for 3 days, is diluted from a ratio of 1:4. For watering one square. m., on average, ten liters of slurry will be consumed.
  2. For ten liters of water add 5 g of boric acid, 1-2 tbsp. l. iodine, a glass of wood ash. Consumption per bush - 0.5 liters.
  3. Pour tbsp into a bucket of water. l. potassium sulfate, two tbsp. l. nitrophoska and mix thoroughly.
  4. A kilogram of pressed yeast is kneaded, poured into a bucket of water and left for a day. Then the yeast liquid is diluted by half with water and added to the plants, 500 ml per bush.

Important! It is important to apply all types of fertilizers in recommended doses. In case of overfeeding with organic matter, the roots are burned, mineral mixtures- the above-ground part is actively growing to the detriment of the fruits.

Features of feeding adult and young bushes

Strawberries planted last year do not need fertilizing in the spring if a sufficient amount of organic and mineral fertilizers were added to the soil during planting.

If doubts arise about the correctness of last year’s feeding, then you need to know how to feed young strawberries in the spring.

Young strawberries are fed with a solution of chickenlitter(0.5 liters/10 liters of water) or sodium sulfate solution(one tablespoon/10 liters). One liter of product is applied.

Unlike one-year-old plants, mature strawberry needs regular feeding, as the land becomes poor over time. Of course, you can save yourself the extra hassle and not feed strawberries in the spring, but you shouldn’t expect a good harvest from weak crops either.

If the berry is grown in order to obtain a good harvest, then the crop older than two years is fertilized several times: the first - after the appearance of 2-3 true leaves, the second - while setting the berries.

Upon reaching 2 and 4 years of age, strawberries are fed in the spring with organic and mineral fertilizers. For the 3rd year after planting, only the latter are used.

Popular mistakes

It is human nature to make mistakes even in the simplest things, let alone spring fertilizing of strawberries, which should be carried out within certain periods and in correct sequence. By familiarizing yourself with the misconceptions presented below, you can protect yourself from repeating them in your own practice.

  • Insufficient or excessive amounts of fertilizer are applied.
  • Root fertilizers in the form of organic solutions are applied under the stem, touching the leaves.
  • Strawberries are fertilized in the spring with nitrogenous substances, when the temperature is below +15 C.

Feeding strawberries in the spring for a good harvest is quite simple, the main thing is to know exactly what and follow all the instructions. And then the result will meet even the wildest expectations. And remember, in this matter you should stick to the golden mean, otherwise the berries may grow small and tasteless.


How to feed strawberries in spring for a good harvest

IN wildlife Strawberries bear fruit abundantly, but not regularly.

To increase productivity at home garden beds or garden, you need to properly care for the plant, in particular introduce complementary foods or fertilizing.

At different stages of strawberry development, certain fertilizers are required, but the most important period is the spring, when the planting of the future crop is underway.

As soon as the snow melts and the soil begins to dry out a little, it’s time to prepare the beds for the new season. Timely introduction of fertilizing will help the plant wake up faster after winter, form new buds.

Unfortunately, not every area has fertile soil, and on devastated land it is unlikely that you will be able to get large, juicy berries. Nutritional components Not only the soil is enriched, the bushes are sprayed directly with nitrogen compounds.

Work should begin by cleaning the beds.

In autumn, in order to protect the crop from frost and precipitation, an insulating layer of dry leaves or straw was created.

After wintering, the peculiar fur coat needs to be removed and the soil around each bush should be loosened.

In this case, you should properly care for it before the strawberries begin to bloom - remove all weeds and old roots found in the ground.

After cleaning the shelter, it is necessary to remove dry strawberry leaves

From the bush dry leaves need to be cut off, diseased brown tops.

It is also worth checking the condition of the strawberry neck after winter; the growing point should be slightly above the ground (4-5 mm).

Burying the neck into the soil is fraught with rotting of the root system.

Lure should not be introduced randomly without respecting proportions. An insufficient amount of fertilizer will be ineffective, and an excess will provoke the growth of twigs and greenery. The berries will ripen later than usual, reaching minimum parameters.

Stages of proper fertilizing

In total, there are 3 main stages of introducing fertilizers:

  • after wintering at the beginning of the season– the procedure is aimed at early stimulation of the growth of young shoots and first leaves (April-early May);
  • feed at the end of the fruiting period– treatment or watering promotes the formation of new roots, the formation of flower buds that will be able to bear fruit in the next season (July);
  • autumn bait, carried out in mid-September, is needed to prepare the crop (especially young shoots) for wintering.

Remontant varieties should be fed with extreme caution.

Remontant varieties of strawberries are very susceptible to bait, so it is recommended to fertilize with nutrients at intervals of a week.

Organic fertilizers are considered the most affordable, especially if the farm has cows and chickens. Enriching the soil with organic matter compensates for nutrient deficiencies for 2-3 years.

In addition, the use of mullein or bird droppings improves the soil structure and increases air permeability, which is important for the vegetative process of strawberries.

Mineral fertilizers

Among the popular mineral fertilizers used to process or water strawberries:

  • urea;
  • saltpeter and sulfates;
  • complex preparations (Azofoska, Stimovit, Agricola, etc.).

Urea Nitrate Azofoska

The advantages of this group of baits are:

  • awakening activation plants after hibernation;
  • increasing productivity;
  • balanced composition;
  • low consumption;
  • acceleration of the period of fruit ripening;
  • improvement of taste and safety;
  • protection of plants from pests and fungal infections.

When using medications it is recommended strictly observe proportions when diluting the working solution or powdering the area. An excessive amount of the reagent leads to burning of the crop and its death. Other disadvantages include: high price, regularity of use.

It is worth giving preference to mineral chemistry in cases where strawberries are grown on an industrial scale.

Mineral fertilizers should be used when industrial cultivation strawberries

There have been long-term debates among gardeners regarding the benefits of fertilizers: synthetic and organic. The best way out what could be - is complex use or sequential use. Then the crop will receive useful microelements, and the berries will be juicy and sweet.

Folk remedy - using sour milk

You can get a good strawberry harvest, according to reviews experienced gardeners on slightly acidic soils. To balance the acidity of open ground, you can introduce sour milk into it.

This popular type of fertilizer is a foliar fertilizer, so spraying or pouring the working solution should be done at a distance 7-10 cm from the bush.

The dairy product is mixed with water in arbitrary proportions (depending on the acidity level of the soil), but more often 1:2.

You need to feed at the beginning of the season with repetitions: after harvesting and in mid-September.

Benefits of using fermented milk products:

  • enrichment of soil with potassium, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus and other microelements;
  • increase in yield and fruiting period;
  • growth activation culture;
  • increasing resistance to attacks by ticks, aphids and the development of various diseases.

Spoiled milk

The disadvantage of the method is considered consumption of fermented milk product and the costs for it. Such fertilizing is justified only in small beds, when it is necessary to fertilize several bushes.

Chicken manure solution

Chicken manure is a fast-acting organic fertilizer that promotes the awakening of beneficial microorganisms in the soil.

Timely feeding improves the quality and quantity of fruits, so it should be introduced at the beginning of the season after the soil has warmed up and dried (April - mid-May).

Benefits of organics:

  • improving the soil structure by increasing the level of humus;
  • rich composition, including micro and macroelements;
  • increase in yield and fruiting period.

Chicken droppings

Chicken manure is introduced Once every 2-3 years, which is an undeniable advantage of the product over other fertilizers.

The disadvantage of this method is the specific smell when watering and compliance with proportions. An overabundance of the product may cause the plant to dry out.

Preparation of bait consists of the following steps:

  • pouring settled water into the droppings (to dissolve);
  • diluting half a liter of the resulting concentrate in a bucket of water.

It is not the plant itself that should be watered or sprayed with the solution, but stepping back 5-10 cm from it. One bucket can feed up to 25 bushes.

Wood ash

The composition of wood ash includes a large number of micronutrients necessary for plants to develop and grow. It includes: potassium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur and other substances.

Wood ash

The availability of fertilizer is the main advantage, because you can get the powder gray possible as a result of burning branches cut in the garden. Main - do not use painted wood.

Benefits of wood fertilizer:

  • activates growth strawberries;
  • makes the soil nutritious, improves its structure;
  • increases the fruiting period and productivity;
  • improves the taste of berries.

The disadvantage of this method is that the ash cannot be combined with urea, manure, saltpeter. In such a tandem, the fertilizer loses its properties.

The principle of application is simple, just add the dry powder into the grooves made along the beds (150 grams per linear meter).

For better absorption of nutrients by the soil, it is recommended to mix ash with peat.

One of the options for fertilizers for strawberries involves the use of yeast. It should be noted that this technology is also suitable for other crops, for example, tomatoes, potatoes, tomatoes.

The solution is prepared quickly and simply: a kilogram pack is diluted in 5 liters of water.

The result is a concentrated composition, which must be dissolved again with liquid before processing (0.5 yeast mixture per 10 liters of water).

About half a liter of solution will be needed for 10 strawberry bushes. It should be poured right under the bush.

If you only have dry yeast in bags in the kitchen, then the bait is prepared in the following proportions: one sachet per bucket of water plus 2 tablespoons of sugar.

It is better to first dilute the yeast in a glass of warm water with the addition of granulated sugar, and after complete dissolution, add it to a bucket of water.

After 2 hours the product will be ready for consumption.

Advantages of yeast fertilizers:

  • rich nutritional composition (zinc, iodine, nitrogen, iron, phosphorus, etc.);
  • growth activation;
  • increasing the fruiting period;
  • promotes rapid adaptation of the crop to a new place after transplantation;
  • strengthens roots;
  • improving soil quality by creating a favorable environment for the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms.

Yeast will help strawberries adapt after transplantation

The use of yeast increases the endurance of plants, prevents pest attacks and infections with various diseases.

It is effective to use this technology only in warm weather, when low temperatures the fermentation process is suspended. This is the disadvantage of the yeast method.

To choose the right fertilizer for spring feeding of strawberries, you need to take into account the composition of the soil and its degree of fertility.

If difficulties arise with the definition, it is better to use complex drugs, rich in nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and other useful microelements.

Then a good planting harvest is guaranteed!


What to feed and how to care for strawberries in spring?

Fertilizing strawberries in the spring is an important link on the path to the future harvest. It will support the plant after winter, help the bush recover faster and form new buds. But you need to feed the plant on time and correctly. How and what to feed strawberries in spring?

Spring activities for caring for strawberries begin immediately after the snow has melted and the soil has dried out a little. If work was carried out to cover the beds in the fall, then after the frost has subsided they must be removed.

Plant new seedlings in their place, but do it as early as possible so that the new bushes take root before the onset of hot days.

Lightly loosen the beds without damaging the root system.

The mulch layer should also be updated. Sawdust is suitable for this, pine needles or wood ash. Mulching will help prevent the appearance of some pests in the beds, for example, slugs.

Note! It is better to burn dry grass and trimmed leaves to get rid of last year’s pests and diseases.

What else is included in spring care?

Caring for strawberries in the spring requires the application of pest control agents. Even if all plant debris is completely removed, diseases can arise from spores remaining in the soil, and pests can spread from infected plants that surround strawberry bushes.

Modern drugs make it possible to destroy diseases without inhibiting the plant. Most diseases are caused by fungi.

Bordeaux mixture has a good antifungal effect and can be used on small areas.

Take care in advance about the availability of drugs that will fight plant mites and harmful insects. Early spraying with insecticides such as Actofit and Actellik will save the crop.

How else to care for strawberries in spring? Of course, provide it with proper watering. The first spring watering should be done on top of loosened soil. This way you will maintain soil moisture and eliminate the problem of drip moisture in the soil.

Advice! Strawberries are an unpretentious crop and grow in different soils, but at the same time they are able to retain water. Do not overwater the plant.

You can check the watering intensity in the following way: Squeeze some soil in your fist. If it sticks a little to your palms without crumbling, everything is fine.

If it crumbles and falls apart, watering needs to be increased.

What and how to feed strawberries?

Fertilizing strawberries should be timely and in the right doses. If there is an excess of nutrients, the plant will begin to rapidly grow foliage, and the color and fruits will be late and weak.

Fertilizing young and adult bushes

Young bushes that were planted last year do not need to be fertilized in the spring.

The maximum that can be done in this case is to feed it with a weak solution of chicken droppings or cow manure.

To do this, dissolve half a liter of chicken droppings or cow manure and 1 tbsp in a bucket of water. a spoonful of sodium sulfate.

Water each plant with the mixture - 1 liter for each bush.

Adult strawberry bushes need to be fertilized: after 2-3 years, the soil in the beds becomes less fertile, and the plant lacks nutrients.

To reap a rich harvest of strawberries, you need to feed them 3 times:

  1. Right after winter.
  2. Before flowering or during flowering.
  3. During fruit formation.

Fertilizer is applied for the first time in the second half of April (when exactly depends on the region). During this period, the best way to feed strawberries will be organic fertilizers: chicken manure or mullein.

Use the solution or scatter it dry under the roots of the bushes, covering the top with 2-3 cm of soil. Yeast and other organic fertilizers are an excellent remedy (see recipes below). They contain proteins, amino acids and minerals.

The second fertilizing should be done before or during strawberry flowering. Mineral fertilizers are suitable for this, which will affect the taste and size of the berries.

They will be large, beautiful and sweet. Specialized stores offer many types of mineral fertilizers.

Attention! Mineral fertilizers must be used strictly according to the instructions contained on the packaging. A large dosage will harm the plant.

An excellent remedy for the third feeding is an infusion of weeds and herbal plants, for example, an infusion of nettles.

This feeding is harmless to plants and people; it will not negatively affect the taste of the berries, but will help increase their quantity and also protect the plants from some harmful insects.

How to feed strawberries immediately after winter?

The first feeding of strawberries is carried out in early spring, until flowers and buds have formed.

Fertilize your bushes with good, rich mullein made from fresh cow pats.

To do this, dilute 1 liter of fermented liquid mullein in 10 liters of water. Half a liter of solution will be enough for one bush.

The second feeding option is urea (urea). Dilute 2 tbsp. spoons of urea in 10 liters of water and pour 0.5 liters of the resulting solution under each bush.

Advice! Fertilize after rain, when the ground is still wet. This way the mullein will be better absorbed into the soil. Otherwise, the crust will not allow the fertilizer to be absorbed.

Mullein is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen is needed for plant growth, and phosphorus is needed for the formation of ovaries.

How to feed strawberries before flowering?

Before flowering, use mineral fertilizers, for example, Horus (12 g per 10 l of water), or Topaz (6 ml per 10 l of water). After 2 weeks, repeat the treatment. These drugs will prevent all possible diseases and spots.

You can also use foliar fertilizer “Plantafol”, “Brexil mix”, “Megafol” or “Growth concentrate” in the same ratio (20 g per 10 l). Add Boroplus (10-15 ml) to the selected preparation, which will help the formation of the ovary, and treat the bushes.

Feeding during flowering

During flowering, prepare the following fertilizer:

Pour 1 cup of wood ash into a container and pour 2 liters of boiling water. Stir, let it brew for 2 hours, and then add 3 g of potassium permanganate and boric acid, as well as 1 tbsp. spoon of iodine. Dissolve the mixture in 10 liters of water and pour it over the flowering strawberries (1 glass for each bush).

Attention! Use rainwater or settled water, but in no case chlorinated.

Foliar feeding

When fertilizing in spring, you need to fertilize not only the root system, but also the bush itself. Strawberries are sprayed with organic matter or nitrogen-containing solutions, which promotes active growth of the bush and an increase in ovary. When sprayed, beneficial substances are immediately absorbed into the foliage.

Note! Foliar feeding spend in evening time, in dry and windless weather.

You can spray plants with mineral fertilizers. They come in 2 types:

  • highly mobile;
  • low mobility.

The former include phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and nitrogen. They instantly get into the roots, foliage, and buds. Low mobility fertilizers - iron, copper, boron, manganese - act more slowly. They need to be sprayed very carefully so that droplets of the solution fall on the ovaries.


To treat young strawberry bushes with iodine you will need 2 components:

  • potassium iodide;
  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

To prepare the solution, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of iodine and a few granules of potassium permanganate, mix with 10 liters of water.

This solution will help against beetles, pests, gray rot and the appearance of spots on the leaves.

It is better to water the bushes with iodine solution after first shedding the bushes wood ash. Such A complex approach will give a more effective result.

Boric acid

Fertilizing with boric acid requires preliminary care of strawberries. First, you need to loosen the soil 10 cm with a garden fork. For greater effect from the fertilizer, it is recommended to sprinkle the rows with straw, then fill them with nettle infusion.

Only after this, treat the bushes with a mixture of boric acid in a ratio of 10 g per 30 liters of water. It will help form good ovaries, so it is suitable for feeding strawberries before flowering. Afterwards, it is advisable to treat it against pests - mites and weevils - with insecticidal preparations.

One of the most popular folk remedies for feeding bush berries is nettle infusion.

What does it give? Nettle contains a large amount of microelements, due to which sufficient chlorophyll is formed in strawberry leaves.

After feeding, the bushes become more resistant and stronger for fruiting.

To prepare the infusion, collect the nettles before they form seeds. Fill a container (plastic or enamel, not metal), packing the grass stems tightly. Fill the container filled with nettles with water and place in a sunny place for 7-15 days.

Every morning, stir the nettle infusion, which will be considered ready after the formation of foam and characteristic unpleasant odor. Strain the infusion and dilute 1 liter of concentrate in 10 liters of water. Use as a root dressing, adding 1 liter of solution to each strawberry bush.

Gardeners began to introduce yeast fertilizing relatively recently and the results were impressive. In spring, such fertilizer will enhance vegetative growth, and in summer it will support fruiting activity. For 10 strawberry bushes, 5 liters of yeast solution is enough.

Any yeast is suitable for its preparation. It is convenient to dilute them in a plastic bottle, since the solution will need to be shaken well.

If you are using dry yeast, then take a 100-gram packet and dissolve the contents in 2 liters of warm water, add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar. With the lid tightly closed, shake the bottle well.

In case of use regular yeast, adhere to the following ratio: 1 kg of yeast per 5 liters of water.

Then pour the yeast solution into a 200-liter barrel or add half a liter of the prepared yeast solution each time to a 10-liter watering can. Water the strawberry bushes with it at the root (0.5 l).

To prepare a solution of chicken manure, take semi-liquid fresh chicken manure, place it in a bucket of warm water (1:15), stir thoroughly.

Important! There is no need to infuse the solution; apply it immediately so that everything useful material(for example, nitrogen) did not have time to evaporate. Water from a watering can around the bush, trying not to get on the leaves.

After feeding with chicken manure, strawberries begin to bear fruit well, the berries become beautiful, sweet and juicy.


Wood ash - beautiful potash fertilizer. In addition to potassium, ash contains phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. As a fertilizer, it can be used both in dry form and in the form of a solution.

To prepare the solution, take a 10-liter bucket of water and 1 kg (about 2 liter jars) of ash.

Dissolve and leave for a day, stirring occasionally. All necessary elements the ash will turn into water, and the solution will be ready in 24 hours.

To water strawberries, dilute 1 liter of concentrate in 10 liters of water.

When using dry, sprinkle the ash under the bushes. During watering, all the necessary components will penetrate into the ground.

So, feeding strawberries in the spring is the key to an excellent harvest in the future. Conduct it competently, following the recommendations given above in the article.