What is the sin of pride and how to fight it in life? What is pride and arrogance

Pride ♦ Orgueil Once in my early youth, I succumbed to the persuasion of one of my friends and agreed to answer the questions of the famous “Proust Questionnaire”. I don’t remember at all any of my answers, except for one that seemed to me then... ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

Cm … Synonym dictionary

PRIDE, pride, plural. no, female (book outdated). Excessive pride (see proud in 2 meanings), arrogance. “Overwhelmed by pride, I deceived God and kings.” Pushkin. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

PRIDE, and, female. (high). Excessive pride (in 1 and 4 values). Curb your pride. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

pride- and, only unit., f., outdated. Excessive pride. Pride took over. Curb your pride. The Russian Orthodox consciousness recognizes any overly heroic path of an individual as pride... (Berdyaev). Synonyms: arrogance, arrogance, arrogance... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

pride- PRIDE1, and, g A quality of character consisting in an exorbitantly exaggerated sense of self-worth. Pride prevented Varfolomeev from restoring his former friendly relations with his colleagues. PRIDE2, and, f Same as arrogance. Pride took over... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

PRIDE- Pan Yakub Korybanovich Pride, Yu. h. 1470. Yu. Z. A. II, 108. Pride, Cossack colonel, Yu. h. 1684. Arch. III, 2, 73… Biographical Dictionary

G. Excessive pride 1.. Explanatory dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Pride, pride, pride, pride, pride, pride, pride, pride, pride, pride, pride, pride, pride (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

To ascend/to ascend in pride. Razg. Outdated Be proud, arrogant, and disregard others. F 1, 71 ... Big dictionary Russian sayings


  • Pride and Piety. (Before the Battle of Kulikovo), Bubennikov Alexander Nikolaevich. The landmark historical novel by Professor A. N. Bubennikov covers unknown events and little-studied chronicle pages of the confrontation between Moscow and Tver in the mid-14th century, right up to...

IN modern world The concepts of pride and arrogance are often confused with each other. People perceive them as the same thing or something very similar. Meanwhile, these two entities have completely different meanings. If the first concept indicates self-esteem and self-sufficiency, then the second speaks of a complex character, internal unresolved problems of the individual. Signs of pride are a frequently occurring feeling of injustice and irritation. Such a person always believes that he was wronged in vain. This article addresses the issue of pride and explains how it differs from pride. We will look at the components of each concept in order to understand what the danger of cultivating this feeling is and how it can be overcome.

Pride and pride. Differences

Both concepts have the same root, which means they are derivatives of vanity, narcissism and arrogance. However, in the case of pride, the manifestation of a feeling of false superiority over others is not as pronounced as with pride. In the modern world, you can be proud of your homeland, your own achievements, and your loved ones. And pride comes from pathological self-doubt.


It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that it is necessary to respect and value one’s own personality. Without healthy self-love, there is no development, just as it is impossible to fully move forward, discover your talents and your own capabilities. A person should have a feeling of pride. Otherwise, anyone can manipulate and use it for their own purposes. But, at the same time, any should be moderate. You can’t see the catch in everything, but in people - worst enemies or deceivers. Unfortunately, the realities of modern reality are such that many of us have to go through numerous trials that are accompanied by pain, resentment and disappointment. But this is not at all a reason to become a weak, embittered person? On the contrary, you need to gather all your will and good beginnings in order to maintain faith in the best and in people.

Trust in the world

The more a person is disposed towards others, the more open he is towards himself, the easier it becomes for him to accept new things. Trust in the world consists of several components, such as: the situation in the family where a person lives, the attitude of the people around him, own desires and dreams, character, temperament. Pride, most often, subjugates people, makes them unfree, hostages of their fears. One who is proud cannot really be happy. He does not know how to truly trust, to open up to relationships. It’s just that a proud person is able to recognize the feelings of another, he empathizes, helps others, but at the same time does not lose himself.


Pride always makes a person selfish. With no exceptions. Concentrating only on your own experiences, it is impossible to think about others, to bring real help to others. A person who fails to curb his pride will not be able to truly empathize with the experiences of his loved ones and will remain deaf to spiritual impulses. Pride sometimes adds strength to a person, helps to understand the essence of what is happening, while pride sometimes deprives a person of common sense.


To fully advance along the path of life, a person constantly needs to develop. The essence of development is not only to learn new things. It is extremely important to work on your own shortcomings, learn lessons from what is happening, and let go of the past in time. Pride can cope with this; pride, most often, makes a person suffer additionally.


Overly proud people are often accused of not being attentive enough to the needs of others. Meanwhile, if a proud person simply does not allow himself to be offended and therefore gives the impression of an unapproachable loner, then the one who is guided by genuine pride also tries to subordinate those around him to his own worldview, to impose his point of view on them. Narcissism, or, in this case, should be considered as psychological protection personality from feelings of inferiority.

Essence of Pride

Pride, like any personality characteristic, includes several structural components. Simply put, pride has three main components that keep it alive.

Pride is a mortal sin

In Christianity, like any religion, pride is considered a great sin. The fact is that according to religious views, there is no particular difference between pride and arrogance. Pride must be condemned just as much as arrogance, and therefore observance of divine commandments is an integral element of religious canons. There is an opinion that one who is proud cannot truly open his heart to true love. Such a person cares, first of all, about himself and his interests. All that matters to him is that his needs are met.

The overthrow of pride occurs through deep repentance and overcoming oneself negative qualities character. It is impossible to overcome pride in oneself if a person does not consciously do so. “Pride is a sin,” says the Bible, and all spiritual teachers, past and present, agree with this statement.

How to get rid of pride?

Often people, having experienced serious difficulties in life due to the fault of their own character, ask the question: how to deal with pride? After all, it prevents you from leading a full life; with pride, you will most likely lose old friends and not gain new ones.

Pride makes both the person and those around him suffer. To overcome this quality of character in yourself, you need to work long and hard, work on yourself. The following tips can be called constructive methods on how to overcome pride.

Respect others

Show genuine interest in other people's needs. If you respect their dreams, then no one will judge yours. Respect for others begins with accepting your relatives. It is extremely important to accept loved ones as they are, and not try to change them. Vanity and pride cannot help with this. It is necessary to completely reconsider your feelings and attitude towards loved ones.

Pride dulls the feeling of closeness of souls, relatedness of relationships, patience and humility. It is known that a proud person is not able to give up on his own claims; he goes to the end, achieves his goal at any cost. To overcome this quality in yourself, just try to at least sometimes think about how the other person feels. Imagine yourself in the place of your friend, to whom you were rude for some unknown reason, or your father. Do you think it was pleasant for these people to hear caustic remarks or unfair accusations from you? Analyze your own actions more often, then the feelings of other people will gradually begin to open up to you, you will understand their experiences.

be careful

If you want to be useful to people, then pay more attention to them. Once you start noticing even the small things you did, you will see how much easier your life has become. It is important that the level of trust between you and your relatives increases day by day. Even if they have not noticed such manifestations of care in you before, do not worry: your efforts will someday still be objectively assessed. You should not admire your pride and consider it your main thing. Warm, trusting relationships between people sometimes take years to build, but it is worth it.

Pay attention to your own feelings as well. If you notice in detail what is happening inside you, you will realize that you feel much better when you give joy to others, even if it is fleeting, short-lived. Find time to take care of your parents, sisters, brothers, friends. Take a closer look, perhaps, to some of them in this moment I need your help? Don't miss this opportunity to improve and overcome your pride.

Don't be afraid to break stereotypes

Most people act in a certain way throughout their lives, with absolutely no idea that they could act differently. For every event in life, a normal action has already been “invented” that would reflect the essence. Just think about how much we ourselves schematize everything and turn it into a routine, and yet, each event in itself is unique and inimitable. For example, on the birth of a child it is customary to congratulate young parents, New Year give gifts. Perhaps someone doesn’t celebrate everyone’s favorite holiday and doesn’t want to make a feast just because it’s customary.

Remember, every event, even if it has been repeated millions of times on earth, is unique. Accordingly, for each situation you need to look for your own individual approach, the maximum acceptable for this case. Pride cannot be admired; pride must be overcome and let go. Allow yourself to experience feelings, even if they are negative. Just start taking any action from the moment you understand the mistakes and focus on constructive solution. Once you overcome pride, you will feel incredible lightness and a mature sense of self-worth.

Love yourself

Usually a person is capable of causing pain to another only when he himself experiences strong dissatisfaction with life. Otherwise, there would be no need to offend a loved one. In fact, everything that is said in a fit of anger is addressed not to the person to whom everything is expressed, but to oneself. If each of us had the ability to listen to our own words, then there would be no need for pride. After all, nothing can be achieved with pride.

Love yourself and see how you no longer want to use pride. Self-love awakens harmony in a person’s soul and gives rise to satisfaction. There will be no trace of pride left.

Find your purpose

Note to yourself, are you living your life? After all, how often does it happen that a person follows the opinion of the majority, succumbs to outside influence and chooses a path that is completely different from his own. Destination should be understood as the purpose for which we come into this physical world. And it’s up to us how we carry it out. Pride has no place among those who strive for an integral, fulfilling life. The search for purpose is, of course, an important component of a person’s life, and therefore it is important to approach this process with full responsibility.

If you, despite your mature age, have not yet found your own unique path, it’s time to decide on the direction. Listen to yourself, remember your youthful dreams. Maybe it's time to make your deepest desire come true? There will be no trace of your former pride when you find yourself. This is long and exhausting work that requires maximum honesty and complete dedication. Anyone who is dissatisfied with his pride and intends to replace it with a more positive feeling must carefully monitor his emotional state. Emotions show us what is happening in our soul. Pride is not a feeling that needs to be cherished.

Accept your own shortcomings

As strange as it may sound, you need to learn to accept yourself for who you are. Long work over oneself, negative always implies significant changes. But it’s also important to learn to accept flaws that you can’t do anything about. Forgive yourself for small mistakes, understand that no one is perfect and stop blaming yourself for the past. You can even thank yourself for the mistakes and mistakes that you once made. Without them, you wouldn't know that you could be a completely different person. In other words, thanks to our shortcomings, we move forward, develop and improve.

Thus, the concept of pride is closely related to the emotional sphere of a person, his character, habits, and lifestyle. In small quantities, manifestations of this quality of character are characteristic of all people. The only thing that matters is how a person plans to deal with pride.

Pride and pride are similar-sounding concepts, but different in meaning. Let's take a look at what pride and pride are, one by one. For a long time I have wanted to write about pride and place it in the section of the enemies of happiness. The other day I read Valery Sinelnikov’s book “Deliverance from Pride” and realized that the moment of truth had come. Pride is truly the enemy of happiness, and what a one! Insidious, dangerous, cunning! It often becomes the cause of all other enemies of happiness - criticism, complaints, discontent. You need to arm yourself well against him and go into battle! How to arm yourself? As in any war, you need to know the enemy by sight, study his habits and weaknesses, and then attack.

What is pride?

Pride is a feeling self-importance, selfishness. Many religions classify pride as a mortal sin or call it a feeling that gives rise to destructive emotions. Pride manifests itself not only in a feeling of internal superiority over others, it can manifest itself in belittling oneself. Both are the result of a misunderstanding of one’s true purpose and meaning in life. A person directs all his energy to proving that he is right and fighting for his place in the sun.

V. Sinelnikov compares pride (egoism) with a cancer cell. The whole body works harmoniously, each organ, each cell has its own function. Each of them works for the common good, ensuring the vital functions of the body. “The philosophy of a normal and healthy cell is service to the whole organism.” Suddenly a cell appears that thinks only about itself. She thinks only about her own interests - to eat, reproduce and grow, not paying attention to anyone. This is how cancer cells develop. “The philosophy of the cancer cell is to live for your own pleasure.” As a result, cancer cells kill the body and die along with it. Pride is the same. If a person begins to care only about himself, think that the world created only to satisfy his needs, then he becomes a “cancer cell”.

Pride and arrogance

Pride must be distinguished from pride. Wikipedia defines pride as a positively colored emotion that reflects positive self-esteem - the presence of self-respect, self-esteem, and self-worth. Russian writers (Tolstoy, for example) did not make a difference between pride and arrogance. Both of these qualities were clearly negative. And yet I think that pride is not as bad as arrogance. Pride is excessive pride, arrogance, extreme selfishness. From the point of view of faith, pride is when a person elevates himself above God and believes that he can do everything himself, without his help. The word pride does not include such a concept.

Signs of pride

(according to V. Sinelnikov)

  1. Pride is manifested by a sense of one’s own rightness and infallibility and the wrongness of others. Proud people feel that they are always right. And if they are wrong, then someone else is even worse. And since he is worse, that means I am better. From this position it is very convenient to criticize and blame others, which is what proud people do with great pleasure. These people do not see any shortcomings in themselves and refuse to change under any pretext.
  2. Another manifestation of pride is self-pity, self-flagellation. A proud man, not knowing his place in this world, is forced to create his own world and defend it with all his might. This takes a lot of energy, and such a person still does not feel balance or happiness. Therefore, he feels sorry for himself, castigates him.
  3. Condescension. A proud person creates hierarchical ladders and places people on them according to certain criteria. Most, of course, stand below him. From this attribute follows the attribute “ humiliation of oneself and others»
  4. Selective patronage. A proud person can choose one person, help him and say to everyone: “I help people. They should be grateful to me." This kind of help is insincere. She is driven by pride.
  5. “The world won’t exist without me,” taking oneself very seriously, focusing on what others think and say about one, bragging are all signs of pride. H A person thinks only about himself and his importance. He talks a lot about his problems and does not listen to others. He does everything to attract attention to himself: expensive things, extreme gloss or, conversely, sloppiness.
  6. Refusal to help. A proud person does not allow others to help him. He wants to reap all the laurels himself. He thinks that if they helped him, then they will demand from him back help and therefore does everything himself.
  7. Valery Sinelnikov identifies a dozen more signs of pride. I would like to highlight one of them - well the desire to argue and prove that one is right. A proud person does not want to accept another point of view. With a wheeze in his throat, he proves that he is right; he raises his voice in anger and irritation. A proud person always wants to leave the last word for himself, although each of us understands that truth is not born in a dispute. The truth exists, there is no need to argue about it, it can only be known. In a dispute, people only try to prove that they are right, and not to get to the truth.

If you find no signs of pride in yourself

Valery Sinelnikov draws Special attention those who do not find any of the signs given by him in themselves. Things are really bad for you. This means that you have an inordinately developed sense of self-importance. So it’s better to just admit that we love to stand out and brag, and argue! And if you object, then I will have something to answer... Oh, this is probably pride?:()

Getting rid of pride

V. Sinelnikov describes two ways to get rid of pride. The first is to destroy it with one blow. This is the path of hermits, saints through hardships and severe austerities.

The second way is more gentle and suitable for ordinary people. What steps does it include?

  1. Realize your true nature and the nature of the world around you and live according to it. The highest purpose of every person is to bring joy and light to this world. Giving is a natural need of the human soul. If a person does not do this, the soul begins to suffer.
  2. The human form of life is meant for self-discovery and self-improvement. If a person spends all his vital energy on satisfying the needs of his body, then his Mind degrades. In addition to the highest purpose (to bring joy and light), each person has an earthly purpose. It is expressed in his daily activities. To live in harmony with yourself and with the world around you, V. Sinelnikov suggests asking yourself the question: “Through what activities will I bring Light and Joy to this world, and will I do it best?” Human activity should contribute to its development and improvement and should bring maximum benefit to the world.
  3. To defeat pride, you need to develop certain qualities in yourself: humility, responsibility, hard work, charity, faith, etc. I wrote about some of these qualities. You can go to the relevant posts using the links. You will find a description of other qualities and how to develop them in Valery Sinelnikov’s book “Getting Rid of Pride.” You can download it for free.

Guard: If your vision needs correction, you can buy contact lenses by following this link. Of course, they will not give you the opportunity to better see the qualities of your character, but you will see others much better!

P.S.: Pride and pride - now you know how they differ from each other. Good luck and patience to you in the fight against your pride and pride, if you consider it necessary!

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Pride is the opposite of Insignificance, that is, low self-esteem, another extreme that does not lead to anything good. Pride and Arrogance directly relate to a person’s Self-Esteem, or rather to the problems of self-esteem.

Why do you think Pride in Christianity is considered a mortal sin and the most serious of all sins?

Pride is equivalent in severity to killing another person. Have you ever wondered how many destinies, how many talented and smart people Has this companion of success (pride) ruined it? How many feelings and relationships are destroyed because of pride? But Pride should not be confused with Pride, these are radically opposite concepts.

What is Pride?

To begin with, let's give some revealing definitions. Why several? Because pride is a very complex and multifaceted flaw and a very dangerous sin.

Pride is inflated self-esteem when a person considers himself better than he really is, and also better than all other people. The problem is that this is an inadequate assessment of oneself, which leads to making fatal life mistakes.
Pride is disrespect for other people, which manifests itself as arrogance, bragging, ingratitude, inattention to others, etc.
But here’s what Wikipedia says about this; the definition is succinct and spiritually competent, in our opinion.

Pride differs from simple pride in that a person blinded by pride boasts of his qualities before God, forgetting that he received them from Him. This is a person’s arrogance, the belief that he can do everything on his own and achieves everything on his own, and not with the help and will of God. In pride, a person does not thank God for everything that he has (for example, hearing, sight, life) and receives (for example, food, shelter, children).

Here is another definition that we consider adequate and reflects the essence of pride

Pride (lat. superbia) or Arrogance is the desire to consider yourself independent and the only reason for all the good that is in you and around you.

Hypertrophied and expanded Pride turns into delusions of grandeur. The main programs (attitudes) of pride, which need to be said goodbye (replaced with adequate beliefs).

What does a person stricken with pride usually think and say?

“I am the best, the most beautiful, the smartest, the most worthy, the most”...
“I am better than others, smarter, stronger, cooler, etc.”, “And this means that I should have more than others, I have the right to this, I am better...”, “And that means others and the whole world for me owe much more than I owe them and this world”, “And if I’m so cool and everyone owes me, then it’s not necessary to thank them, they owe me... it’s not necessary to appreciate them, they should appreciate me, I’m much better than all of them...", etc.
Sound familiar?

If you are honest enough with yourself, you will remember examples in your life when you thought this way and how it ultimately ended. Think about examples of other people who behaved in a similar way, and what your reaction was to their attitude and behavior.

How is pride usually formed or where does it come from?

1. Incorrect upbringing. For example, when parents inspire their child from childhood - “you are the best”, “the smartest”, “the best”, “you are better than others”. It’s especially bad when it’s completely untrue and not supported by life. That is, the child has not done anything good, but he is praised and praised.

2. When a person is not trained to work with his Self-Esteem, is not trained to work with his shortcomings, treat them correctly and eliminate them. Then, with the first success, he begins to think that it is he who is so great, and not God, the Universe and Fate who favor him. That is, when a person takes credit for all the merits and successes, that all this is only thanks to him alone, his uniqueness and genius.

Problems that Pride Causes

Sin of Pride

Surely everyone has noted that when a person is driven by Pride, it is unpleasant, and often unbearable, to communicate and deal with him. Is it really unpleasant when you are treated with arrogance and arrogance, like a second-class citizen? Everyone doesn't like this attitude.

When a person begins to feel pride, it becomes difficult to communicate with him, normal people Those who respect themselves begin to shun such a person and avoid communicating with him in every possible way. In the end, he is left alone, alone with his pride, dissatisfied with all the other people and their behavior.

In many Religions they say: Pride is the mother of all other sins. This is indeed true. When a person is overcome by pride, he begins to demand undeserved attention to himself - vain glory, and this is Vanity.

A person stricken by pride, in a halo of his own greatness and uniqueness, ceases to see the merits and talents of other people, loses the value of everything he has in life, everything that others do for him. His behavior manifests itself as disrespect, arrogance, arrogance, and in some cases, rudeness and pugnacity. Such a person becomes incredibly suspicious, touchy and conflicted.

Touchiness is a quality that begins to grow in a proud person by leaps and bounds. It is rightly said that if a person cannot calmly listen to criticism addressed to him, if at the same time he is nervous, twitches and takes offense, he is struck by pride. The inability to accept constructive criticism is the first sign of pride. And the first companion of pride is resentment, because for such a person others will always be to blame for everything, and he will blame other people for all his mistakes and mistakes.

Pride almost completely stops development and personal growth person, he simply cannot learn. And where should he grow, he’s already the coolest and the smartest. And there is no person who is worthy to be his Teacher or mentor, because he is higher than all other people, or rather little people. But most importantly, the inadequacy of the perception of a person stricken by pride does not allow him to see his shortcomings, and therefore correct his mistakes. He doesn't even have enough honesty with himself to even admit he's wrong. And if he is right in everything and he is not mistaken, then others are mistaken, they are the ones who are so bad, which means it is not appropriate for him to work on his shortcomings, there is nothing for him to change about himself, he is already just super.

In essence, Pride is an illusory, that is, inadequate perception of oneself, an illusion. This insidious illusion lifts a person as high as his imagination and growing delusions of grandeur will allow him, and, reaching its maximum, pride throws a person down into a state of insignificance. Many people falling from the heights of their pride are broken (destroying themselves and their destiny) and never rise again. So be careful!

What are Pride and Arrogance replaced with?

Pride is replaced by an adequate perception of oneself, respect for oneself and others.

Adequate perception of oneself - adequate Self-esteem: when a person absolutely calmly recognizes both his strengths and his shortcomings, and works with them (eliminates them and replaces them with advantages).

Respect for oneself and others is a fair attitude: to value not only one’s own merits and merits, but also the merits and merits of other people. Evaluate yourself and others honestly and fairly, and also fairly express your gratitude in words, relationships and deeds.

We really hope that now such a sin as Pride has become more clear to you, which will certainly help you protect yourself from it. For it comes very unnoticed, even with small successes and victories, but it grows very quickly behind a person’s back, hiding from his eyes. And when pride has grown and strengthened, doing something with it, defeating it, in fact turns out to be very difficult.

Regardless of whether a person is a believer or not, none of the vices will lead him to anything good. Along with envy, anger and greed is pride. Many people confuse this concept with pride, believing that there is no difference between them. Let's try to figure out how and how these two words differ, and whether the difference is big. First of all, let's find out what pride is and how it can be characterized.

Interpretation of the word

According to explanatory dictionaries, pride can be defined as:

  1. A feeling of satisfaction from an action.
  2. arrogance, arrogance.

As we see, on the one hand, this is a positive feeling that a person experiences towards himself and others. On the other hand, this concept is negative, since a proud person elevates himself, thereby belittling other people. So what is pride? Is it good or bad? And can this feeling even be called good or bad? It all depends on what underlies the concept in question. If this is a person’s talent, his hard work and success, then the feeling of pride is well deserved. It brings joy to both the person himself and those around him. However, it often happens that the mentioned feeling is experienced without any reason. For example, beautiful girls often elevate themselves and humiliate those who are less fortunate in this regard. Naturally given qualities should not evoke such a feeling as pride. The meaning of the word in this case will be negative.

Different understanding of one word

The same concept in different times can have both positive and negative meaning. A clear example of this is national pride. In most cases, this feeling is welcomed. It refers to a person’s love and affection for his country, readiness to protect and defend common interests. However, history can also provide quite tragic examples of the use of this concept: Germany in the 30s and 40s (the idea of ​​the superiority of the “superior nation”), the British Empire in the 19th century (the idea of ​​the “white man’s burden”) and so on. What is pride in this case, if not a feeling of superiority of representatives of one nation, race over other people? As shown bad experience past generations, it does not bring anything good.

Pride and its companions

The meaning of the word pride and arrogance are similar, but they also have significant differences. IN modern society The concept of “pride” is used extremely rarely. It is replaced by terms that are similar in meaning: arrogance, ambition, arrogance, vanity, selfishness. Thus, we see that there is nothing positive in the meaning of this word. Unlike pride, it has only a negative connotation. Among the qualities inherent in pride, one can note: hypocrisy, vanity, capriciousness, stubbornness and arrogance. And also suspiciousness, uncontrollability, fussiness, pickiness, selfishness and insolence. In addition, a person susceptible to this mortal sin is characterized by touchiness, hot temper, lust for power, a tendency to harsh criticism, envy and rancor. You can also call these negative traits, as intransigence and cruelty, causticity, non-acceptance of generally accepted norms and authorities.

What is pride and what is arrogance?

These two concepts can have opposite meanings. And at the same time be equally negative. To understand, you need to know what causes certain feelings and aspirations:

  • pride, arrogance - all this suggests that a person desires to gain power and despises people who have lower
  • Ambition and ambitiousness are signs that a person strives to achieve more and move up the career ladder.
  • Insolence, impudence, impudence, selfishness and impudence indicate a person’s readiness to achieve his interests at any cost, on those around him.