How to sand a rounded log - simple technologies! What and how to grind a rounded log Sanding a log house when to do it

After construction wooden house multiple are performed Finishing work, and grinding a log frame is no exception. Why is it necessary and how to do it correctly?

Why do log houses need to be sanded?

Sometimes people don't think about the fact that unsanded wood can quickly deteriorate. What is the purpose of grinding:

  1. The remaining bark on the logs begins to darken over time. This is due to the effects of frost, temperature changes, numerous prolonged precipitation and other external factors. The result of this influence is a loss of aesthetics appearance. Sanding the frame brings it back, the tree becomes light (as if it had just been cut down).
  2. To protect the walls of the log house of a built house (sauna, bathhouse). If the conditions of transportation or storage of wood are violated, fungal infection may occur. As a result, the beams may become covered with mold or dark spots. These biological damages can be eliminated with proper grinding.
  3. Sanding the log frame is excellent preparatory stage before painting wood. This is especially true if a person wants to emphasize its natural beauty. In addition, sanding can reduce the amount of primer and paint.

If this work is done well, the service life of the wood can be significantly extended.

To further prevent the occurrence of rot and reduce fire hazardous qualities, the wood is coated with special compounds.

How is the work of polishing the log frame performed?

What to do before sanding a log frame

It is known that grinding a log frame is quite labor-intensive work. Its implementation requires specialized equipment and a lot of free time.

In order for the process to be completed as quickly as possible, people turn to specialists, whose services are by no means cheap. On this moment the average price for work varies from 300 to 400 rubles per 1 polished square meter. This is why some people prefer to do this work on one's own.

Before you start sanding, you should wait until the frame or beams shrink. This is done when all the wood has dried to such an extent that its total moisture content is no more than 20%. You can check the humidity using a moisture meter. If this condition is not taken into account, the walls of the building may crack or become deformed. Yes, and when sanding wet wood, burrs will form. Therefore, it will be almost impossible to achieve a perfectly smooth surface.

To begin grinding, you will need the following equipment:

  • moisture meter;
  • chisel (designed for grinding only in hard-to-reach places);
  • tape Grinder(sometimes missing in hard-to-reach places);
  • or a grinder with a special attachment in the form of a grinding disc and other attachments with different grain sizes.

The harm from the sanding process is that wood dust gets into the eyes, nose, and then into the respiratory tract. To protect themselves from such exposures, people use respirators and tight-fitting industrial goggles.

Using an angle grinder also requires special care. This tool is dangerous; strong pressure on it can provoke a larger removal of a layer of wood, and this reduces its protective functions.

The process of polishing a log frame

Having familiarized yourself with all the nuances of the work, you can begin the initial grinding process. First, treat the surface with a grinder using an attachment with a larger grain (40), then with increasingly finer grains (up to 100). The entire sanding process is carried out on the surface of the logs from top to bottom. During this process, it is worth remembering that the layer removed must be minimal, otherwise the service life of the wood itself will be reduced.

If the work is done with an angle grinder, you should be aware of the possible unpleasant consequences of using it incorrectly. It is also worth noting that grinding wheels it quickly becomes clogged with resin and wood dust. You can clean the nozzles using a special brush and white spirit, in which case its performance will be reduced.

The dust generated during grinding irritates the mucous membranes. Therefore, for convenience during work, people use special means protection (sealed goggles, transparent masks, etc.).

If you don’t want to work with an angle grinder, you can get by with other tools. The main rule for fast and high-quality work is the lightness and efficiency of the grinding tool.

Thus, some builders prefer to use belt sanders (sanders). The work is carried out in the same way as with an angle grinder, according to the “bottom-up” principle. The advantage is the fast grinding of flat surfaces. wooden beams. Some sanders are equipped with special bags for collecting debris. To grind rounded beams in hard-to-reach places, you will need a chisel. Therefore, it is better to choose the use of a light grinder with a power of about 850 W.

After all the logs have been sanded, you should immediately begin processing with special fire retardants, antiseptics and to coloring. The use of fire retardants improves fire-resistant qualities, and antiseptics help protect against rot on the wood surface. If polished log houses are not painted in time, moisture may get on them, which will lead to slow but destructive effects on the wood. Therefore, everything should be done in sunny weather.

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A mandatory procedure that must be performed after installing a log house is grinding the logs. These works are a preparatory stage for finishing the walls and help to level the surface of the wood, remove defects, mold and putrefactive formations from it. The treatment improves the adhesion of walls to antiseptic and coloring compounds, and also helps reduce the consumption of the latter. When applying solutions to an unprepared surface, the wood is impregnated poorly and unevenly.

In addition, during the production of rounded logs due to overheating cutting edges and violations of cutting technology, polished areas may form on the surface of the wood. Such places are poorly impregnated with protective compounds, and therefore are subsequently more susceptible to damage.

When sanding, the defective layer is removed and the natural properties of the wood are restored. It is advisable to start sanding the frame immediately after completing the main construction work, without waiting for the final shrinkage and shrinkage of the wood, since smooth straight logs better resist impact environment and penetration of harmful insects.

Required Tools

Sanding of a log frame can be carried out with the help of a specialized organization or independently. The process consists of several simple operations, the implementation of which, however, requires a certain skill and accuracy. The set of mandatory tools used by work performers is as follows:

  • eccentric grinder;
  • grinder with sanding attachments;
  • belt type grinding machine;
  • chisel;
  • facilities personal protection.

A belt-type sander provides maximum productivity, however, if you do not have experience using this tool, there is a high probability of defects. An eccentric machine allows you to grind logs, leveling the pressing force, which prevents the formation of random depressions and irregularities. The grinder is used for grinding grooves between logs, and hard to reach places corner joints are processed manually with a 20 mm wide chisel.

Execution of work

Sanding a log frame is a labor-intensive process, and its technology has various variations. Part experienced craftsmen believes that in order to polish the frame, you need to wait for the end of shrinkage, while others clean it as the walls are erected in order to avoid their damage. For acceptance the right decision quality must be taken into account building material. Rounded log with factory applied protective coating can withstand 1-2 years without noticeable damage, but after this time it will require much more effort to process it.

It is recommended to carry out the main work on the facade and internal surface of the log house walls using an eccentric grinder. Depending on the number of builders, the general plane must be divided into sections on the basis that in one day the contractor sands from 6 to 8 square meters. It should be taken into account that the area should not be left unpainted for more than 3-4 days, as the material will darken and will have to be cleaned again.

A plastic flat attachment is installed on the grinding machine. Rubber versions are not suitable for wooden surface round shape, as they quickly become unusable. The work is performed in two passes:

1. first you need to grind the rounded log sandpaper coarse fraction (No. 40). With the help of this abrasive it is removed upper layer wood, all defects, fungus and mold damage are eliminated;

2. final cleaning is done with fine sandpaper (No. 100). In this case, leveling occurs and the wood pile raised during initial sanding is removed. The plane should be smooth and pleasant to the touch.

After finishing grinding the main surface of the area, it is necessary to refine the grooves and corner joints of the frame. You can sand the grooves between the logs using a grinder with a plastic attachment. To ensure safety, its diameter should be slightly smaller than sandpaper. Otherwise, there is a risk of injury when the attachment gets jammed between logs and the grinder is pulled out of your hands. Corner connections log structures can only be cleaned manually using a chisel. The ends of the logs are sanded with a grinder or a belt-type machine.

The most common mistake made when processing wooden cottage or polishing a log bathhouse with your own hands is incorrect choice tool, which is associated with the desire to speed up the routine process. Too much powerful grinder operating at high speeds, the structure is easily damaged. If you press the handle awkwardly or change the angle of the nozzle, a deep indentation will remain on the surface, which cannot be removed. Practice shows that optimal power grinders should be 700-800 W.

Sanding a house made of rounded logs involves the formation of a large amount of dust, so the work must be done with by individual means protection. It is recommended to use clear glasses with side curtains, a respirator mask, a hat and gloves. Shoes should be comfortable and durable. You can sand sections of walls at height using professional scaffolding or high-quality scaffolding made locally.

Application of antiseptics

To protect against fungus, prevent the development of mold and damage to wood by insects, rounded logs must be treated with antiseptics. They increase the durability of wooden building structures and help reduce the cost of their repair during further operation of the log house. In order to choose the right solution, take into account the following:

1. cost quality composition quite high, but since we're talking about about long-term capital investments, you cannot save on this;

2. You should purchase antiseptics in specialized construction stores or supermarkets, as this reduces the risk of purchasing a low-quality product (the latter, in addition to being useless, may also be toxic);

3. when purchasing a product, you need to make sure that it is guaranteed protection against all types of biological effects;

4. the composition for the external walls of the building should not be washed out of the pores of the wood by precipitation;

5. To maintain the protective properties of the logs, after impregnation with an antiseptic, they must have a finishing coating.

Primary impregnation is carried out immediately after finishing sanding the logs. In this condition, wooden structures can survive for about a year. If shrinkage continues, after this period, intermediate impregnation of the log house with an antiseptic is performed. Final processing and finishing coating are carried out after the wood has completely dried and stabilized geometric parameters building.

The impregnation process can be carried out manually with a brush or mechanized using sprayers operating under pressure. The first method is more labor-intensive, but allows you to achieve best result. The main quality criterion is to cover the entire area of ​​the log house walls with an antiseptic in two layers. To make it easier to track missed areas, a coloring pigment is added to the protective composition.

The cost of work on polishing a log frame by specialized organizations depends on technical condition logs, standing time of structures, as well as the region of construction of the cottage. On average, sanding 1 square meter of a log house wall costs 200-300 rubles, and in Moscow and the region the price is the lowest due to high competition among performers.

To preserve the attractive appearance of the log house for a long time, its external treatment is carried out, which includes sanding and coating with antiseptic compounds that prevent rotting and increase fire resistance wooden structure. If the logs are left without sanding, the remaining bark will darken over time and lead to rot and deterioration in appearance. How to polish a log frame? What are the basic rules for processing it? Which antiseptic to choose? We will answer these questions in this article.

The appearance of the log depends on external processing grinding and coating with antiseptic compounds.

How to choose the right tool?

At first glance, it seems that the process is simple and it won’t be difficult to do everything with your own hands. special labor. We'll have to dissuade you. Study the information below and try to objectively assess your strengths. Do you have sufficient stock? necessary tools, time, perseverance, and skills? Or maybe still the best option Will this work be entrusted to professionals?

As you probably know, grinding a log frame consists of several stages. Belt sanders do an excellent job. Today in stores they are presented in a fairly wide assortment, but not every one is equally well suited for this job.
In order for the process to go faster, the tool should not be too heavy and powerful enough. It would be good if the model had a dust collection bag.

Belt sanders do an excellent job of sanding timber baths and flat surfaces.

Sanding with a grinder also helps get rid of fungi and mold.

But this tool is not suitable for processing semicircular logs. It is better to use a grinder with special sanding discs with sandpaper. It should not be very heavy, otherwise after the first hours of work your arms will literally fall off. A power tool of 850 W will be quite enough. It is better to choose an angle grinder from famous manufacturers(Makita, Bosh, domestic Intersko). Buying a cheap Chinese instrument is like playing the lottery. It can last for a long time, or it can break after 2 days.

Working with an angle grinder requires certain skills. In inept hands, an angle grinder will leave deep furrows and dark stripes on the body of the log. There are 4 stages of grinding with a grinder, and at each you need to use grinding disc with the appropriate grain. At the first rough stage, sanding work is carried out using sandpaper with a coarse grain size of No. 40. The sanding sheet effectively and quickly removes the top layers of darkened wood. The forty is also suitable for grinding the ends of logs.

Under no circumstances should you sand the house during construction or immediately after; it takes about 2 years for it to shrink.

At the end of this work, the sandpaper should be replaced with a sheet with a finer abrasive - No. 80 or No. 100. It removes the initially raised pile on the log and brings the surface to a state of perfect smoothness. Final (fine grinding) - from 150 to 180, finishing - grit from 220 to 240. In hard-to-reach places, you can use a chisel. If you carefully go through all 4 stages, your house can be called a real masterpiece of architecture, and the walls will not need additional decoration. Coarser grinding involves going through only the first 2 manipulations.

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Purchase of discs for grinding logs

Domestic discs are several times cheaper than imported ones, but the quality is almost the same.

If you do decide to sand the frame yourself, one of the problems you will have to face is the number of sanding discs. The fact is that a lot of them are required. For 1 m² of wall it takes from 1 to 3 discs. In order to preliminarily calculate the area, volume of work and financial costs, you need to use the height coefficient used when calculating by professional teams. If the walls are not smooth, but have curved crowns, measurements are taken using a tape measure, the tape of which should go around all the curves. In the end, it turns out that in a house with a ceiling height of 2.6 m, the actual wall height is about 3 m.

And again about disks. In a construction supermarket, purchasing such a number of discs (mostly imported ones are presented there) will significantly hit your pocket. The best solution would be to pay attention to domestic manufacturer. For example, discs from the Luga Abrasive Plant are several times cheaper, but quality characteristics not much inferior to imported products. Domestic disks are not available for sale at every online giant. Try contacting construction companies, they work directly with the manufacturer. Maybe you will be able to purchase small wholesale items from them at a fairly reasonable cost.

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It is better to entrust all home sanding work to specialists.

  1. The frame should be sanded only after complete drying. If you sand the logs immediately after assembly, the wet wood will scuff, and a beautiful smooth surface will remain a dream.
  2. Work should begin from the upper floors in order to rid the finished premises of dust. By the way, there will be a lot of dust. You can clean the walls from it using ordinary brooms or a vacuum cleaner (preferably a technical one).
  3. Sanding of the frame should be performed before installing windows, ceilings and floors. This is due to the fact that such areas require the greatest painstakingness and accuracy. But the roof of the log house must be installed.
  4. Grinding work is carried out in parts. The surface of the wall is divided into grips, which are sanded one by one. Also, the grinding sequence must be observed in relation to the premises. The sanded surface must be coated with the compound no later than 3 days after sanding. If you delay, the log will darken and all sanding work will be in vain.
  5. The most inaccessible places in a log house are the places where the logs join in the corners. Work in these places should be carried out manually, without active penetration, removing the top layer of wood. A power tool will be useless here, but a chisel with a blade width of 20 mm will work well.
  6. When working with an angle grinder, before starting grinding work, new discs should be slightly ground down on auxiliary sections of the log (usually they are interior openings, which in the future will be covered with boxes). As a result, the largest grains will fly off, and the disk will not spark and spoil the log.
  7. When grinding, it is better to move the tools not with your hands, but with your shoulder and forearm joints; this will help achieve smooth movements, and the surface will be smooth and without waves.

There are no small details in construction. High-quality sanding of a wooden house is no less important than neat finishing. Alpinia-Wood craftsmen work with logs, timber and other lumber.

The cost of sanding a wooden house depends on the following factors:

  • number of passes (usually craftsmen work in 1 or 2 passes);
  • volume of work (when processing walls, the price of sanding a wooden house is calculated per sq. m., when processing the ends - per m.p.);
  • surface type - rounded log or profiled beam (in the latter case, the cost of sanding a wooden house is slightly lower due to the relative simplicity of the shape).


Sanding the walls of a wooden house - mandatory stage before applying paint or varnish. At proper preparation The coating is applied to the surface in a perfectly even layer and does not crack over time. In the regions middle zone, for example in Moscow, sanding a wooden house is an excellent remedy against blue stains and other fungal infections.

Sanding a wooden house inside is not much different from the same work on the facade. The work includes the following stages:

  • preparation - cleaning surfaces from dirt and drying (working on wet timber can lead to deformation);
  • rough processing - removal of pronounced irregularities with abrasive with large grains;
  • basic processing - elimination of less significant defects with abrasive with a fine grain fraction;
  • finishing- an optional step recommended for preparing walls for varnishing.

The grooves are processed with a grinder or grinder, and the corners with a chisel. After each stage, the surface is cleaned of dust using a vacuum cleaner.

At the end, the wall is treated with antiseptics. Sanding the outside of a wooden house is carried out shortly before applying protective compounds, otherwise new irregularities and damage may appear on the surface. At internal works It is advisable to apply the impregnation within the next 7 days. When finishing a bath, it is important to use not only antiseptics and fire retardants, but also moisture-proof compounds.

Grinding wooden houses- a familiar task for Alpinia-Wood craftsmen. Specialists follow all recommendations of log and timber manufacturers.

To clarify the conditions, call us or request a call from our consultant. Masters work in Moscow and the Moscow region. Prices for sanding wooden houses are presented in the table.

Prices for sanding a log house

Prices for sanding a log house: additional services

Name of works

Sanding is a mandatory job after building a log house. Its main purpose is to level wood material, remove all roughness, mold, rot spots and other defects from it. This work must also be carried out before painting, varnishing or treating the wall with any other finishing materials.

A sanded wall ensures good adhesion of paint to the surface, and the result will look much more aesthetically pleasing. How to polish logs?

Selection of tools for processing logs

Choosing a tool for grinding a log frame is not difficult, since dozens of different brands of grinding machines from domestic and foreign manufacturers are on sale today. To completely sand a log house, you need to purchase the following set of equipment:

  • If we are talking about a log house, the most convenient solution would be a belt sander. It allows you to quickly process flat surfaces, modern models additionally equipped with a bag in which dust and flying small sawdust are collected. It is important that the machine is not overly heavy, otherwise it will be awkward to work with.
  • If you have to process a log house, you will have to work with semicircular surfaces. The most convenient tool for this will be an angle grinder - an angle grinder, which is more commonly called an angle grinder. In this case, they put it on special nozzles for grinding a log frame, these are discs coated with sandpaper placed in the form of petals.

Enough power - 850 W, no stronger tools required. The device must be light and ergonomic, otherwise after several hours of work your hands will become very tired.

  • You will also need high-grade sandpaper, and it is better to purchase a large number of. Any equipment will not help complete the job; many areas will have to be processed only by hand. These are end joints and various hard-to-reach places that cannot be reached Sander.
What is the best way to polish a log frame? When choosing a power tool, it is better to pay attention to products from well-known brands: DeWalt, Bosch, enough reliable tool offered by the domestic company Interskol.

You should not skimp when choosing, as a cheap Chinese grinding machine can simply fail after an hour of hard work. A properly selected tool will allow you to quickly get the job done, and there will be no problems or unexpected breakdowns.

Technology for polishing a log frame using a grinder

A grinder for polishing a log frame is the most handy tool, which has fairly high productivity, but all the work will take many hours. It is important to remember that sanded logs must be painted or otherwise treated as quickly as possible, otherwise the wood will quickly darken and the likelihood of fungus will increase.

Sanding begins only after the wood is completely dry. It is practically useless to sand a wet log, since you will not get a smooth surface.

How to grind a log frame with a grinder? To work, you need to prepare attachments with grains of different sizes in advance: during initial processing, the logs are sanded with sandpaper with coarse grains (40), later you can move on to finer grinding, choosing sandpaper with finer grains.

The abrasive material wears out very quickly and becomes clogged with dust, so it will have to be replaced periodically. Some important rules that will help you cope with grinding more effectively:

  • Before starting work, you should take care of personal protective equipment: when processing wood, dust and small sawdust will fly in all directions, so you will need safety glasses and a respirator mask. Hands must be protected by a sleeve, and work gloves will also be required.
  • If you have to big job, it is better to divide it into several parts. Otherwise, the logs of the log house will have time to darken even before the work is completed, after which they will need to be sanded again. It is better to treat one area and then immediately cover the wood with a protective compound.

This is especially important if the work is not carried out professionally, as it will take more time, and it is worth taking care of the timely protection of the material.

  • The work is carried out in several stages: initially, you need to treat the roughest places with a nozzle with coarse sandpaper: the remaining bark is removed, all irregularities are removed. After this, you can proceed to grouting with sandpaper, and the final part of the work is done manually.

Particular attention should be paid to the grooves. To grind them, you can use a special flat attachment on an angle grinder, but such work requires special skills, and it is better for beginners to do it manually.

If the work is being done for the first time, the master must handle the grinder very carefully. High speed rotation requires precise movements, otherwise the grinding will be uneven. If you press too hard on the wood, a noticeable depression will immediately appear in it.

Further processing of the log house

When choosing what to polish a log house with, you must immediately prepare the material for further processing of the logs. It includes the mandatory application of a layer of antiseptic - a substance that prevents putrefactive processes. The antiseptic can be a priming and tinting agent, and the wood can also be treated with bleaches to give it a pleasant tone.

Wood must also be treated with fire retardants - substances that prevent fire. For a wooden house, this is the most important safety factor.

A carefully polished and processed log house will look very beautiful, and thanks to special processing it will be reliably protected from various adverse influences. Skillful handling of tools and compliance with safety precautions will allow you to quickly complete the job without force majeure, and the result will be quite worthy.