What is the paint thinned with? Spray gun paint: how to dilute and determine viscosity. What to do if the mixture is too liquid

It is known that repairs include certain nuances, without which it will not be possible to properly hang wallpaper, attach insulation or paint the walls. This also applies to water-based paint, which must be diluted beforehand. Breed water-based paint it is necessary so that it is easier and better applied to the coating.

It is advisable to dilute water-based compositions before painting the ceiling, walls or other coating. If it is not diluted, it will cause a number of difficulties during application - an uneven layer, bumps on the base, streaks, and so on. Next, we’ll look at how to dilute water-based paint.

Features of water emulsion

Before you start diluting water-based paint, it is worth finding out what such a composition is. Water-based paint is a paint and varnish material with excellent environmental characteristics. The binding component of this composition is water, with which the paint is diluted before use. That is why it can be safely applied to the wall and the base of the ceiling, since the composition is suitable for finishing the room and the interior of the building. The advantages of water-based paints are:

  • the ability to paint any type of surface (concrete, wallpaper, wood, drywall);
  • environmentally friendly composition, which does not contain substances harmful to health, endowed with a persistent aroma;
  • durability - the product will not crumble or crack over time.

Such positive aspects are considered significant when choosing paint for a ceiling or wall covering. But is it necessary to dilute the composition with special solvents or water?

What kind of water-based paint is there - types of product

Before diluting water-based paint with water, you need to choose the right type, because in stores there is big choice of this tool. It is advisable to select a product before going to the store, having read the advantages and benefits on the Internet. negative sides paints.

Choice the right paint directly depends on the place of work and painting conditions. Based on the composition, the product comes in the following types:

  1. Latex. The most famous type, which is known for its functionality. After the product has dried, the walls or ceiling can be washed with water. And thanks to the substances present in the composition, it protects the coating from minor damage, cracks and scratches. Proper dilution of the product, which uses water, helps cover up uneven surfaces.
  2. Acrylic. This type is made from pigments and acrylic resin, which provides the wall or ceiling covering with strength and moisture resistance. However, these qualities make the product more expensive than anyone else. If the diluted composition is of the correct consistency, it will lie on the coating without streaks and will not leave brush marks.
  3. Silicone. This product is made on the basis of silicone resin, which is mixed with water, which ultimately gives it the desired consistency. Proper dilution of the composition is a dense mass that lays down easily and evenly covers the walls or ceiling.
  4. Silicate. It contains pigments, alkalis and glass, which allows you to create a durable layer.
  5. Polyvinyl acetate. It contains PVA glue. This product is cheaper, but less durable compared to other types of paint.

To paint walls and ceilings, you need to choose the right composition that will be easy to apply, will not leave streaks, and will form an even layer as it dries.

After familiarizing yourself with the water-based emulsion, you can safely purchase the product necessary for repairs. However, the correctly chosen product does not yet promise uniform and light coverage. In order not to encounter difficulties when painting, you need to know how water-based paint is diluted.

Steps to take before you begin

Water-based paint does not require surface preparation. If you purchased the composition for the walls, you only need to wipe them from dust and remove any peeling wallpaper. To paint the ceiling, you must first scrape it if the plaster is falling off the surface.

As you know, during use it will lie evenly and will not crumble. In order for surface painting to be successful, you need to prepare the following accessories in advance:

  • construction mixer;
  • clean water, which must be at room temperature;
  • color to give the paint the required shade;
  • brush or roller for applying the product to the base;
  • a clean container for diluting the composition;
  • rubber gloves (although the paint can be easily wiped off with water, it is still necessary to protect the skin of your hands).

Is it possible to use improvised means to properly dilute paint? No. In order for the product to be evenly mixed and applied to the surface, you need to use a construction mixer and other accessories that will help prepare the water-based paint for application.

Principles of paint dilution

Can water-based paint be diluted with water? You can - since it contains water, it dilutes the product. But it is prohibited to use chemical solvents, as this will spoil the composition of the paint.

How to properly dilute the product? To dilute the composition, you do not need to memorize a special technology. To correctly perform the breeding technology, it is recommended to meet 3 basic requirements:

  1. The volume of water used should be no more than 10% of the total volume of the water emulsion. If you opened the paint in advance, you can find out about its quantity on the packaging. If the product has been previously used, measure its amount using small dishes. After all, if the paint turns out to be liquid, it will flow off during application, which will leave unsightly smudges. And the thick layer will lie unevenly, and will also leave marks from the roller or brush.
  2. Water-based paints are diluted only clean water. Of course, no one will collect liquid from a ditch, but the presence of water impurities in it will worsen the quality and properties of the composition. Therefore, to avoid troubles, the water-based emulsion is diluted with pre-settled liquid or purified water is used.
  3. The water must be at room temperature. If you draw it from a tap, you need to wait until the liquid warms up a little. hot water use is unacceptable, as this may worsen the condition and quality of the product. Water needs 23-30 degrees.

Otherwise, applying diluted paint is no different from using other types of this product. The main thing is to properly dilute the water emulsion so that it fully reveals its “technical” qualities. After this, you can try it on a wall or other surface.

Oil paints are sold in various states. Some manufacturers produce ready-to-apply products, others in a thicker or paste form. To ensure high-quality application of the dye to the surface, a diluent must be added to it before use. Depending on the specific composition and the desired result, various substances are used to give paints specific properties.

How to dilute it?

It is worth immediately determining that the entire list of oil dyes is divided into 2 large subspecies according to purpose:

  • household paints – solutions for painting various buildings and objects;
  • artistic paints used for drawing and fine art finishing works.

In order to bring the solution to the desired liquid state, various diluents are used, such as:

  • turpentine;
  • White Spirit;
  • "Solvent 647";
  • gasoline and kerosene;
  • drying oil and others.


To prevent the paint from deteriorating after adding thinner, you should follow these rules:

  • First you need to assess the condition of the coloring solution. After opening the jar, its contents are thoroughly stirred. Due to the fact that drying oil is heavier than coloring pigments, it settles at the bottom.

  • It is necessary to determine in what ratio to add the thinner. Due to the heterogeneous composition of paints uniform standard no, but the volume of the poured substance cannot be more than 5% of the total volume of paint. When diluting the dye with white spirit in order to use it as a primer or base layer, this figure increases to 10%. Before adding the diluent, you can do a test mixing in a glass, cup or other container. After determining the proportions, the solvent is poured directly into the paint can. It is better to do this in small portions, while simultaneously stirring the solution. This will make it more uniform.
  • During the work process, after some time, the paint may thicken again. This is due to the evaporation of the solvent, not a large number of which will “revive” the paint again.

A number of difficulties arise when the paint is left on for a long time outdoors. To “return it to service”, you need to do the following:

  • The film formed on the surface of the paint must be carefully removed. If you mix it, the liquid will become heterogeneous, with small lumps, which you will no longer be able to get rid of.
  • In a separate container you need to mix a little kerosene and white spirit, pour the mixture into the paint, stir thoroughly. Just as with the initial stirring, it is better to pour the mixture in small portions so as not to spoil the paint.
  • You can start painting, or wait for the kerosene to evaporate, and then carry out additional dilution with a small amount of white spirit.

An important point is safety. On the one hand, both paint and solvents are highly flammable substances. On the other hand, they are also toxic and can cause dizziness, headaches, nausea and other ailments, so work should be carried out in a well-ventilated area.

For household paints

During repair and finishing work, dyes with a classic composition of drying oil and various types of pigment substances are used. Such paints require thinning for a number of reasons:

  • the paint is too thick. Some types are sold in paste form;
  • you need a more liquid form for priming or applying a base coat;
  • wood is being painted, but it is not advisable to apply a thick layer on it - the paint will fall off;
  • you need to dilute the thickened residue from a previously used jar.


This substance is based pine resins widely used as a thinner oil paints. Turpentine emits a characteristic odor. It should be used in well-ventilated areas. Purified turpentine reduces the drying time of paint. Depending on the composition, it is divided into several types. The following options are used for diluting coloring compounds:

  • Woody. Made from various parts of a tree such as bark or branches. The quality is average.
  • Stump. The main raw materials are stumps coniferous trees and other remains. The quality of this turpentine is the lowest.
  • Turpentine. Extracted directly from pine resins, and the composition is almost 100% a mixture essential oils. Has the best quality. Paints diluted with such turpentine do not lose their quality

White Spirit

White spirit is used for various purposes, such as:

  • creation of organodispersion when combined with paints and varnishes.
  • Cleaning working tools after painting is completed.
  • To obtain a grease-free surface for applying varnish.
  • For diluting drying oil, varnish, enamels and other similar substances.
  • As a solvent for rubber, alkyds and epoxides.

"Solvent 647"

When using this type of solvent, it is worth considering the following:

  • if the substance is added excessively to the paint, its properties will deteriorate. It is imperative to do test mixing to determine the proportions;
  • has unpleasant smell;
  • flammable;
  • used as a degreaser for the surface to be painted;
  • used to bring paint to the primer solution;
  • enhances paint absorption by the surface;
  • requires thorough mixing when combined with paint to obtain a homogeneous mixture.

Gasoline and kerosene

This option is used only in extreme cases in the absence of other types of solvents. These substances are very volatile and actively evaporate when room temperature. Their vapors are highly toxic and quickly cause poisoning, accompanied by nausea, dizziness, headaches and other symptoms. In addition, they are very flammable, and in high concentrations they are explosive. When thinning old thick paint the best solution What remains is the kerosene. Gasoline also gives the paint a matte finish, which can be used for decorative purposes.

Drying oil

A universal product for diluting oil paints. Initially included in its composition as a diluent of pigment substances. There are many varieties of drying oil, which should be taken into account when diluting the working solution. The characteristic features of this solvent include the following:

  • drying oil promotes the formation of a thin film on the surface of the applied paint;
  • If you add excessive drying oil, the drying time of the applied layer will increase. To avoid such consequences, it is worth pouring drying oil in small portions, stirring thoroughly;
  • To dilute the dye, exactly the same type of drying oil must be used as in its composition.

To find out what drying oil is needed to thin the paint, you need to study the label on the can. The following common types are distinguished:

  • "MA-021". Paint with this marking contains natural drying oil with content vegetable oils at least 95%, as well as about 4% of driers.
  • "GF-023". This subtype of solvent contains glyphthalic drying oil, which is close to natural in quality.
  • "MA-025". This labeling indicates the content of toxic components, the handling of which requires caution. In addition, this composition has a specific unpleasant odor that persists for a long time even after the paint has dried.
  • "PF-024". A dye with this mark contains pentaphthalic drying oil, glycerin and/or driers. The content of natural raw materials is around 50%.

Dilution of drying oil is somewhat different from dilution of other solvents and consists of the following steps:

  • the paint is poured into a convenient container for stirring and removing lumps;
  • drying oil is poured in in small quantities and thoroughly mixed in, the process is repeated until a suitable consistency is obtained;
  • the solution is left to “infuse” for 7-10 minutes;
  • Then the resulting mixture is passed through a sieve to remove clots and lumps.

For artistic paints

Artistic dyes used for various types of painting, decorative finishing works and other types of creativity also require dilution before use. Characteristic feature is Special attention to the color and properties of paint. This circumstance dictates the use of more delicate solvents. The following substances are used for diluting artistic oil-phthalic paints:

  • hemp, sunflower, linseed oils.
  • Artistic varnishes are mixtures based on tree resin and solvent. Artistic paints diluted with such varnishes are more pliable and adhere more tightly, guaranteeing high-quality coverage. As the colors dry, they become brighter and shinier. This effect is difficult to achieve using only oil and thinner. In addition, the strength and stability of the frozen layer increases.

Before you start painting a car or its part, you must first prepare. If we omit the nuances of preparing the equipment and cleaning the surface, all that remains is to dilute the paint. But here everything may not be so simple. Let's look at how to dilute paint for a spray gun.

Proprietary Blend

The bottom line is to use the manufacturer's instructions and its branded components. Practically, this is the best option, because... there are no problems with compatibility and dosage. And also with the purity of the components used. But there is one drawback - the high price.

To what extent should I thin the paint?

First you need to establish the so-called degree of paint fullness. Conventionally, this is the concentration of the dye, or, more simply, the amount of solvent already present. The higher the degree of fullness, the more you can dilute it. And the painting process itself with highly filled paint is simpler, especially when used for a car. This degree is ranked by the following designations (in order of increasing fullness) - LS, HD, HS, MS, UHS and VHS.

Types of solvents

Solvents also vary. First of all, this is the composition. Next is the degree of volatility, i.e. how quickly it evaporates. Here it is more reasonable to stop the choice based on weather conditions. After all, even if painting is done in a room with controlled parameters, the car will take much longer to go outside. ahead of schedule paint completely dry. Therefore, for the cold season it is wiser to use a solvent with high volatility, for hot weather - with low volatility, and in the off-season - with medium volatility.

Save on solvent

However, you can save on solvent by using fairly cheap domestic analogues. But this will require knowledge and information about the type of paint used, otherwise the result can be disastrous. Up to complete repainting - when the wrong material is used.

To know which solvent to dilute paint for a spray gun, you need to know what kind of paint is used. At the same time, they come in the following types:

  • Acrylic - the most common option, uses a special hardener;
  • Alkyd enamels – in automotive applications rarity;
  • Nitro;
  • Water-based ones are becoming increasingly widespread due to environmental requirements.

Acrylic enamel

Consists of several components. Before painting, mix with hardener and dilute with solvent to the desired consistency. Considering the question - how to dilute acrylic paints, the best answer would be a special solvent designed for them. But you can save money and dilute it with solvent R-12, or 651. However, the savings will be small, because usually only 10-15% of the volume is required.

How to dilute alkyd paints?

Alkyd enamels can be diluted with either solvent R-4 or pure toluene or xylene. Although the relevance of their use, in automobile version, gradually decreases. With the tightening of environmental standards, it may completely disappear.

Nitro enamels

In principle, nitro enamels are not very critical of the solvent used. In any case, the one recommended by the manufacturer is better, but the 646 is often used successfully. You just need to take into account that this is a very aggressive type of solvent, so you need to work with it carefully.

Diluting water-based paint

As the name of the type of paint suggests, it can be diluted with water, alcohol or ether. When using water, it is necessary to use distilled water. The point is that even in fresh water there are many impurities, mainly of a salt nature. It is they that, when dry, form white coating. In addition, it is impossible to predict how they will behave in relation to paint components.

With alcohols and ethers, things are also not simple. There may be incompatible options. In any case, you need to try on a small part to make sure that the paint does not curl.

Theoretical background

In general, it is not entirely correct, in the context of the method of their application, to call the substances used solvents. More correctly - thinners. The main difference between them is that solvents should, roughly speaking, remove paint well. But thinners have a different task - they must increase the fluidity of the coloring composition. But most of these types of substances contain whole set different components, therefore they have universal properties. That is why they have long been called solvents in all applications.


Solvents can be polar or non-polar. It depends on the orientation of the atoms within the molecules. For example, water is a polar type. Benzene is non-polar.

However, a typical license plate solvent contains many substances, which is why they can also have varying degrees of polarity. To know exactly how to dilute the paint for painting a car, you need to know exactly its composition. And this, due to the preservation of technical secrets by manufacturers, is quite difficult. Using a laboratory to determine the chemical composition and select a solvent is absurd. Therefore, a practical test is more appropriate here.

To practically check, just take a small part of the paint and add a solvent to it, then mix. If the paint has not curled up (divided into small lumps), then the use of such material is already permissible. However, it may affect mechanical strength final coating. Therefore, it is advisable to apply the diluted paint to a test surface and let it dry, then check its strength. If everything is in order, then you can start painting using this material.

Areas of application

The most common and used number solvent is 646 . However, it must be handled very carefully, because... contains a large number of different substances. In some cases, it can have a negative effect on the paint. But its use for washing the spray gun is completely justified. It perfectly washes the instrument from the remnants of coloring material, almost any type.

  • White Spirit– This is the best option for degreasing the surface in preparation for painting. But using it as a solvent is not the best option. But it is an excellent thinner for some types of paints, but for others it is contraindicated.
  • Acetone- specific in use, both as a solvent and as a diluent. The fact is that acetone is effective only when working with polar substances. It does not react with non-polar ones, therefore, its use in this case is useless.

Why is it better to use branded products?

They use the same substances, hardly at a high cost. But here is the correct ratio and high degree cleaning is already expensive. Those. the branded solvent is definitely completely compatible with the paint, because the manufacturer knows its composition and can easily select suitable option, and this is especially important when painting your car using a spray gun.

In addition, purity is important for use as a diluent. Simple solvents sold in hardware stores household use, may have quite significant contamination. Which ultimately can affect the quality of the resulting paint coating.

It is also important that additives are added to specialized formulations to improve various properties. IN general case- These are retarders that slow down evaporation, which allows the paint to spread more efficiently. Components that bind the paint pigment are also often added, which increases the stability of the characteristics.

Bottom line

Certainly best option There is no alternative to using the thinner recommended by the manufacturer. But you can try to save money by using cheaper components. With sufficient knowledge and practical testing, you can get results no worse. But the savings will remain.

Painting a car is difficult technological process, putting forward strict requirements for the quality of materials used. diluted with solvent and brought to the required consistency and viscosity. We will talk about how to properly dilute paint in this article.
There are several ways to thin the paint

You will learn what types of paint are used to paint a car and how they are diluted. We will take a detailed look at solvents for automotive paints, their varieties and application technology.

Car paint

Upon completion of preparing the car body for painting (leveling deformations, puttying and sanding), microcracks remain on its surface, indistinguishable to the naked eye. In order for the composition used for painting to fill microcracks, the painter is forced to, thereby reducing its viscosity and thickness. Thanks to dilution, it also adheres better to the surface being treated, covering it with a thin, uniform layer.

All types of automotive paints consist of three basic components:

  1. Pigment - a powdery substance that gives the composition the required color;
  2. A binder base that holds the pigment and ensures adhesion of the material and the surface to be painted;
  3. A solvent that gives the composition its original consistency.

Different types of paints differ in their physical properties- density, elasticity, degree of fullness and hardness after drying.

Based chemical composition binder base, materials are classified into three groups:

  • Alkyd;
  • Acrylic;
  • Melamine-alkyd.

Alkyd compositions are made on the basis of alkyd resin - an oily synthetic substance. This is a one-component material that requires opening with a layer of varnish after application. All alkyds dry at standard atmospheric temperatures.

The advantages of alkyd compositions include:

  • Low price;
  • Quick drying;
  • Wear resistance and preservation of original color when exposed to sunlight.

Melamine-alkyd enamels are the most commonly used spray paint for professional car painting in special boxes. Its polymerization occurs at elevated temperatures (120-130 degrees),

The color number of the car's factory paint can be found in its documents.

The advantages of melamine alkyd are a wide color palette (compositions with mother-of-pearl, metallic, matte enamels) and the quality of the final coating. Disadvantages - material consumption (requires application in 3 layers) and impossibility of use in garage conditions.

Alkyd enamels are three-component compositions that, after drying (at room temperature), form glossy surface, which does not require additional opening with varnish. Such compositions are applied in 2-3 layers, and they dry faster than other materials.

How to dilute paint for a spray gun

Solvent for car paint added by the manufacturer to the original composition so that the material does not dry out during storage. Before painting the car, you need to dilute the paint yourself, giving it the required viscosity.

When choosing how to dilute car paint, consider temperature regime, during which polymerization of the material will occur (the painted surface dries after the solvent contained in the composition evaporates from it).

According to this parameter, paint solvents are classified into:

  • Fast, used when painting in low temperature conditions;
  • Slow - they dilute enamels that dry at elevated temperatures (such compositions ensure uniform polymerization and, as a result, best quality coatings);
  • Universal - for paints that dry at room temperature.

Factory enamel contains a solvent and its initial concentration determines the proportions in which you will need to dilute the material, adjusting the viscosity of the paint. Based on the initial ratio of components, materials are divided into:

  • LS - low-fill;
  • MS - medium filled;
  • HS, UHS, VHS - high content.

Depending on the initial content of the composition, specified by the manufacturer percentage The volume of enamel and the solvent added to it when diluting will differ.

The car paint solvent used in the process of preparing the composition must correspond to the type of solvent initially added by the manufacturer to the material (information about it is indicated on the packaging).

Before painting by yourself consult a specialist

There are polar and non-polar solvents, differing in chemical composition:

  • Polar solvents consist of hydroxyl group molecules - alcohols and ketones;
  • Non-polar - from liquid hydrocarbons (these include White Spirit and kerosene).

A paint that has a polar composition will reject the added non-polar solvent, and vice versa. Water-based and acrylic materials, as a rule, are mixed by the manufacturer using non-polar solvents, alkyd and melamine-alkyd - using non-polar ones. A xylene-based solvent is universal and interacts with all compounds.

To avoid problems with incompatibility of components, we recommend purchasing materials from the same factory series or using solvents recommended by the manufacturer, indicated on the instructions for the composition.

Let's look at the most common types of solvents and their scope of application:

  1. No. 646 (polar) - an extremely aggressive agent used for cleaning spray guns after painting work, not used for paint thinning (except acrylic compositions);
  2. No. 647 (polar) - used for diluting nitro paints and nitro varnishes;
  3. No. 650 (polar) - applicable for most paint and varnish materials, universal;
  4. P-4 (polar) - used for alkyd enamels.
  5. White spirit (non-polar) - dilutes alkyd and oil enamels.

It is convenient to use a spray gun to apply paint.

The prepared paint is poured into a viscometer, after which the time during which the composition flows through its holes is calculated. The resulting seconds are a measurement of the viscosity of the paint.

When painting cars, DIN4 viscometers are used, with a hole diameter of 4 mm. (there are products with a diameter of 2.6 and 8 mm). Viscosity testing is carried out at 20 degrees temperature.

Standard viscosity for different types colors are different:

  • Acrylic compositions - 19-20 sec;
  • Melamine-alkyd and alkyd enamels - 15-17 sec;
  • Primers - 20-21 sec;
  • Oil compositions - 20-22 sec.

Car paint needs to be thinned to a viscosity of 18-20 seconds. If measurements show increased viscosity, you will need to dilute the varnish or paint with an additional portion of solvent, and vice versa.

To prepare the composition, measuring containers and special rulers are used, on the surface of which divisions of the proportions of the components are applied (4:1, 2:1, etc.).

When diluting one-component compositions (alkyd and melamine-alkyd enamels, 1K primers), only a solvent is added to the material, but if you are working with a two-component composition (2K primer, acrylic enamels), initially a hardener is added to the paint (according to the proportion specified in the instructions) and only then the mixture is given the required viscosity with a solvent.

During the mixing process, dust and mechanical particles may enter the composition, which can clog the spray gun nozzle, or, if it is not equipped with a built-in filter, end up on the surface to be painted. Before pouring the material into the working container of the spray gun, filter or pour the paint through a nylon stocking that covers the neck of the spray container.

How much paint do you need to paint a car?

The amount of material consumed when painting a car is influenced by the following factors:

  • Dimensions of the body surface to be painted;
  • Number of coating layers;
  • Color of the material (to obtain the depth of some shades, more than 3 standard layers are required);
  • Composition viscosity;
  • Match the color of the primer and base coat;
  • Design features of the spray gun used for painting work.

Average calculations show that it takes 150-200 ml to paint one door or wing. enamel, for one bumper - 200-250 ml., hood - 500 - 600 ml. If we talk about costs by area, then 250-300 ml are needed per 1 m 2 of surface. paints.


Consumption also depends on the covering ability of the material: for acrylic compositions it is high, painting the body of a mid-size sedan takes 2-2.5 liters, for alkyd and melamine-alkyd enamels it is lower - about 3 liters are required. enamels.

The above volumes are given without taking into account the solvent - after diluting the paint, the working volume of the material increases.

Painting a car yourself is much more profitable than hiring a professional. You will need to understand all the main points, prepare the necessary substances and become familiar with the intricacies. You will have to prepare the composition correctly, since the result depends on its properties. If you want to use a spray gun, a liquid substance will do. In this way, it will be possible to avoid leaks that will negatively affect the appearance car. You'll have to figure out how to quickly dilute car paint to get a good result.

Rules for choosing paint for painting a car

Enamel can be low-filled, filled to the middle and highly filled. In the latter case, the designation will be VHS. Low-fill ones are signed as LS.

Fullness is a property that characterizes the volatility and viscosity of a substance. You need to pay attention to this criterion in order to understand how much solvent the manufacturer added. Before applying a specific enamel, you should carefully study the instructions.

A solvent is selected separately, which directly affects paint consumption. It can be non-polar and polar. To prevent unpleasant situations, you should purchase products from the same brand, otherwise incompatibility may occur.

When choosing a solvent, you need to focus on the properties of each of the available options:

  • P-4. Suitable for dyes where chlorinated polymers are present.
  • No. 646. It is considered aggressive and makes significant changes to the composition of the paint.
  • No. 647. Also classified as aggressive. It is important to use with caution and follow safety precautions. Suitable for diluting nitro varnish and natroenamel.
  • No. 650. It has a soft effect and is compatible with most paints and varnishes.

How to thin paint for a spray gun

The speed at which paint spreads and dries largely depends on the temperature. environment. Often, product manufacturers advise using a thinner only at a specific temperature.

Auto enamel is sold in liquid form. Immediately after opening, you cannot proceed to application, as you will need preparatory activities. It is necessary to pour the solvent, taking into account the composition coloring product. Proportions are determined individually. It is best to choose an option that can be used at low temperatures. If it is more than 25 degrees outside, then you will have to look for a solvent with slow evaporation.

When the paint is ready, you will have to filter it. You can use a standard women's stocking. Next, you can move on to the procedure itself to transform the car.

How much paint do you need to paint a car?

The amount of materials varies depending on various factors. It is impossible to say for sure how much solvent and paint will be needed to purchase. The answer is influenced by the type of surface and dimensions, brand of goods, desired shade. Sometimes the composition has to be applied 2-3 times to achieve the desired result, and this should also be taken into account.

You will need to clarify the type of primer, shade and quality. The spray gun also affects the painting process. For two-component enamel, you will need to use 100 ml of hardener and 500 ml of solvent per 1 liter of paint. The easiest way to measure is to use a viscometer. If it is missing, you can see if the paint is flowing or dripping. It is the second option that is considered preferable. At the right approach you will be able to paint the car and avoid the occurrence of various defects due to your own mistakes.