How to paint a wooden staircase. How to paint a wooden staircase yourself How to paint an outdoor staircase

Modern private houses and cottages are distinguished by the presence of two or even three floors. Thanks to the superstructure, you can get additional space, arrange several rooms, or set aside a room for storing things. For quick and convenient passage to the second floor and above, stairs are built, which are often made of wood. And this is not surprising, because the material lends itself well to processing, and it is easiest to make a staircase structure from it with your own hands.

Of course, wood has a beautiful texture and natural color, and stairs made from it can act as an effective addition to the interior. However, this material is susceptible to external influences, and over time, even the most beautiful wooden staircase loses its attractive appearance. Declining and operational properties wood

To avoid such consequences, experts recommend coating the wood with special protective compounds. And to give the staircase a more aesthetic appearance, painting is indispensable. From this article you will learn how and, most importantly, what to paint with. wooden stairs, which paint is best suited for this, consider the features of the painting procedure.

Painting requirements

The procedure for painting a wooden staircase should be taken carefully. First of all, you need to decide what result you want to achieve in the end. This will help with the choice of a particular coloring composition, working tools and processing technology.

Before you go to the store for materials, you should familiarize yourself with the basic requirements for the procedure for painting wooden stairs:

  • If the structure is made of expensive wood with a beautiful texture, it is better to highlight it rather than paint it over. In this case, it is worth abandoning preliminary priming of the surface, and choosing paint with a low degree of hiding power.
  • Varnishing is an alternative to staining, which also allows you to highlight the natural grain of the wood. You can choose clear or tinted varnish. In the latter case, it becomes possible to significantly change the appearance of the stairs.
  • If you plan to paint the inside of the house, give preference to paints or varnish with quick-drying properties. It is recommended to choose formulations that do not have a strong pungent odor, and preferably those marked “odorless” or “eco-friendly”.
  • For painting a staircase installed outside the house that leads to the attic, more durable paints or varnishes that can withstand negative influences are more suitable external environment. As a rule, such compositions are made based on solvents.
  • Regardless of the location of the stairs (inside the house or outside), the steps must be treated with a coloring material that is resistant to abrasion. This will allow you to preserve the aesthetic appearance of the wooden structure for a long time.

Important! Before buying this or that composition, it is worth studying the contents on the packaging and familiarizing yourself with the recommendations for its application.

A wide range of paint and varnish products presented in construction stores allows you to choose the composition that is suitable in certain conditions and meets consumer requirements. However, for those who do not understand the properties of paints of different groups, the choice becomes much more complicated. To purchase a truly suitable product, you need to have at least some idea of ​​its composition. Next, we will consider what types of paints exist, and which of them are optimal for processing a wooden staircase to the second floor.


This type includes paints based on alkyd resin. This substance is obtained by mixing alcohol (glycerin or pentaerythritol), acid and vegetable oil. Due to their chemical composition, alkyd paints tend to dry quickly as a result of polymerization (when interacting with air molecules). And this is one of the most important advantages. In addition, dyes based on alkyd resins may contain antiseptics, which are so necessary for treating wood against rotting, the formation of fungus and mold.

Alkyds form a protective film on the surface that protects the wood from mechanical damage. They are non-toxic and suitable for interior work.


Such paints are most often produced at water based, due to which they are able to dry quickly, do not have a strong odor due to the absence of harmful chemicals in the composition. It can also be noted that acrylic solutions do not fade in the sun and do not lose their original color. The maximum service life of the coating is up to 20 years.

Additional advantages: water-based acrylic paints allow wood to “breathe”; a wide selection of colors is available.


Such paint and varnish products have been used for a very long time, and today they are no less in demand. Its main advantages can be considered low cost and long service life (up to 5 years). And that’s where all the advantages end. Wood coated with oil paint is not able to “breathe”, the decorative layer takes a long time to dry and wears out quickly, and the staircase is not protected from mechanical damage.

Oil dye contains harmful chemicals, so this material is best used for outdoor use.


Enamel paints for wooden stairs are considered the best option, especially if painting is planned in a residential area. And all because these are quick-drying, high-quality compounds that do not contain harmful components. Coloring enamel lies on the surface in an even layer, ideal if you need to completely cover the wood without gaps.

It is also important that the enamel has high protective properties - it forms a dense film that minimizes the impact of ultraviolet radiation, moisture and temperature on wood.


Varnish is not a paint or enamel, but a translucent composition primarily designed to highlight the natural color of wood and its texture. It comes in glossy and matte. To add shine or update an old staircase, it can be coated with glossy varnish. Coloring pigments can also be introduced into the solution, but they serve more of a tinting function - such coloring is not able to completely cover the wood grain.

In terms of their composition, varnishes are water- and alcohol-based, and there are also nitrocellulose solutions. The latter are more suitable for outdoor work, as they contain hardeners and plasticizers, which means the decorative coating will be durable and weather-resistant.

If you need to process flight of stairs inside the house, you should choose a water-alcohol based varnish. For decorative purposes, shellac varnish is used for finishing.

Stains and impregnations

Stains and special impregnations are other options for paints and varnishes intended for wood. With their help, you can process the entire staircase or tint its individual parts (steps, railings). In addition to giving the wood different shades, such solutions also perform a protective function, as they have bio- and fire-retardant properties. It is for covering a wooden ladder that wax and wax compositions are used. oil based.

What to pay attention to

Above we looked at the options for paint and varnish materials that can be used to paint the stairs yourself. To choose the right product and get the expected result, you still need to take into account many points related to the location of the flight of stairs and the intensity of its use.

Let us list the main factors that determine the choice of one type or another:

  • Mechanical and other loads. If the stairs to the second floor are often used, you should choose a durable and abrasion-resistant coating.
  • Wood species. If the flight of stairs is made of soft rocks wood, for example, pine, then the surface must be painted with enamel or alkyd paint. Larch has a beautiful natural pattern - it is better not to paint it, but to cover it with colorless or tinted varnish.
  • Availability of ventilation. This factor determines which composition is best to choose for painting inside the house - odorless or enamel, solvent-based varnish. Most often, the ladder is installed next to entrance area, so there shouldn’t be any problems with ventilation.
  • Financial opportunities. If you don’t have the funds to buy expensive paints and varnishes, then you can buy cheaper products, the main thing is that the choice does not compromise the quality of the decorative coating.

Dyeing technology

Many specialized companies offer their services for painting stairs made of different types of wood. You can contact one of these companies, but do not forget that painting work can cost quite a tidy sum. If you are not ready for significant financial costs and want to save your family budget, it is better to carry out the entire procedure yourself, especially since it is quite simple.

Any painting technology, be it painting or varnishing, includes steps such as surface preparation and application of a decorative layer. Moreover, the choice of painting tools and the technique of their use are not as important as the first stage. The final result of painting depends on how well the wooden surface is prepared.

Preparing the base

First of all, the surface of the stairs must be cleaned of dust, dirt and large debris. Next, the condition of the steps and the flight as a whole is assessed, since if there are serious defects, it may be necessary to Additional materials for restoration. If the structure is completely new and was made of coniferous wood, it is mandatory preparatory stage will remove excess resin from the inside.

Important! Resin contained in fibers coniferous tree, may interfere with good absorption paint and varnish material– Over time, this coating will begin to peel off.

To get rid of resin, you can prepare a special solution: 1 liter of hot soapy water, 200 ml of acetone, 10 g of ethyl alcohol, 50 g of potash and the same amount of baking soda. The resulting liquid is applied to the surface of the boards with a wide brush, after which the stairs are left to dry for several hours. As a result of the solution being absorbed, the resin will gradually come out from the back of the boards.

Regardless of the type of wood from which the staircase structure was made, preparing its surface includes the following work:

1. If the staircase has already been painted, it is necessary to remove the old coating. For this purpose, specialized removers are used (sold in any hardware store with paint and varnish products). After applying the product, the old decorative layer can be easily removed with a spatula.

2. It is especially important to treat the surface of the stairs in order to obtain a smooth and even base for painting. Coarse sandpaper is used for this, but a sander will save you time and reduce labor costs.

3. If there are chips and cracks, they need to be repaired with wood putty. Such products are also sold in any construction supermarket. But you can also save money by preparing a leveling mixture of wood dust and colorless varnish.

4. At this stage, the surface is completely sanded with fine-grained sandpaper. After this treatment, the steps, railings and balusters should be perfectly smooth.

5. For better adhesion of paint or varnish to the surface, you cannot do without a primer. It is advisable to take a composition with antiseptic properties. The primer must be applied so that it penetrates well into all cracks, recesses, and places with threads (if any). Wait until completely dry.

After completing all preparatory work you can safely start finishing stairs. We will talk further about how to paint correctly and what tools are best to use.

Paint coating [application instructions]

Before painting your stairs, it is important to be well prepared. This means that you need to find work clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty, and select suitable painting tools. If you purchased paint with a fairly thin consistency, it is easier to paint using an electric or pneumatic spray gun. Such a tool will significantly reduce your labor costs, and the whole job will take only a few minutes.

Important! When working with a spray gun, you need to take precautions. It is recommended to wear safety glasses to prevent paint splashes from getting into your eyes, and a mask or respirator, especially when using solvent-based solutions.

If a spray device is not available, you can use both a brush and a roller. The main thing here is to choose the right tool. For applying liquid paint, wide, soft-bristled brushes are more suitable; for applying thick paint, harder, but smaller ones are more suitable. A roller will be useful if you need to paint wide steps.

The process of applying paint or enamel is as follows:

1. First you need to prepare workplace. Cover the floor next to the stairs with covering film or old newspapers, and cover the area adjacent to the flight with masking tape.

2. Having opened the jar, use a long wooden stick to thoroughly mix the composition until homogeneous. There should be no lumps or watery liquid on top of the paint material. If the paint is too thick, it can be thinned with a solvent.

2. When using a brush, dip it in paint and, holding the tool at an angle of 45˚, apply the composition to the surface. The movements should be along the grain of the wood.

3. Typically, wooden stairs are painted in two layers. However, if the composition was chosen to be water-based, and you notice that it is absorbed into wood material like a sponge, more than three coats may be needed.

4. After applying the first layer, be sure to wait for the coating to dry completely. This rule must be observed when applying each subsequent layer.

5. Especially carefully you need to handle the joints of balusters and railings, recesses, carved parts, and figured elements.

6. Finally, the steps, railings and handrails can be covered with a colorless glossy varnish - this will give the surface shine and the entire product more shine.

On the video: painting a wooden staircase (instructions and recommendations).

If you don’t know what color scheme to choose for decorating the stairs, you can use the classic method, when the color of the decorative coating is slightly different from the shade of the walls and floor. It is important that the staircase fits harmoniously into the interior and complements the overall color scheme of the room.

Monochromatic coloring is the preferred option, however, some paint in several colors. This approach allows you to highlight the staircase against the general background and make it the main decoration of the interior.

Varnish coating [application instructions]

Before such finishing, the unfinished staircase is sanded only once. This is due to the fact that after application the varnish will still raise all the villi of the surface fibers of the wood, and sanding will have to be done again. The best option is interlayer treatment with 180-220 sandpaper. It is also recommended to apply a special primer before varnishing, which will smooth out any unevenness.

After sanding the first layer, a wooden staircase is always a pitiful sight. But don’t be alarmed, after applying the second layer of varnish on a properly prepared base, the situation will change radically.

The varnishing process itself is not so complicated and includes several simple steps:

1. First you need to prepare the composition itself. If you purchased a two-component varnish, mix it as directed in the instructions on the package.

2. Dip a working tool (brush or roller) into the varnish, then walk over the surface, applying a thin layer along the wood grain.

3. Be sure to wait until the varnish is completely dry. This will take approximately three hours. Depending on the type of composition chosen, the drying process may exceed this time limit.

5. Reapplying varnish requires special care; apply the material evenly in a thin layer. Subsequent layers are applied only after the previous ones have completely dried.

The finished varnish needs to set and gain strength. The drying time directly depends on how many layers were applied to the surface. The more there are, the longer the drying process. On average, the coating dries in 7-10 days.

High-quality painting of wooden stairs includes the right approach by the master painter. To ensure that the result meets your expectations and you don’t have to re-stain, we recommend using the following tricks:

  • Staircases are painted by experienced painters even at the stage of building a house, when the structures are not in perfect condition. assembled form, because it’s easier and more convenient.
  • If the staircase is already installed, it is best to paint it every other step so that there is something to stand on, and after the finished steps have dried, paint the rest.
  • Painting work always starts from the top step. However, if the house has another exit (descent) from the second floor, you can start from the bottom.
  • The last two layers of paint or varnish must be applied along the structure of the wood - this will prevent the appearance of visible stains after the coating has dried.
  • If you are not sure that the paint has dried, walk in a small area wearing socks or soft knitted slippers and see whether traces remain or not.
  • To ensure that the painted staircase is completely dry, add another five hours to the allotted drying time.

The staircase leading to the second floor is one of the important components interior decoration private home. The impression of guests about the owner of the house depends on its appearance. It can be two-color, can be painted with paints, varnishes, and tinting stains. The choice of material is based on your personal preferences and expectations. And so that the final result does not disappoint, it is worth mastering at least minimal skills in working with paint and varnish products.

They prefer not to paint concrete surfaces, including the floor, but to leave them in their original form. However, even such a durable material as concrete is subject to mechanical damage, chipping and chemical attack. Therefore, the procedure of painting a concrete floor is not just a job of improving the room, but a way to protect the coating. But we still have to figure out what to paint the concrete floor with?

  1. Concrete floor protection
  2. Choosing paint for concrete
    • Epoxy paint
    • Acrylic paint
    • Polyurethane enamel
    • Polyurethane primer
    • Epoxy primer
  3. Painting a concrete floor
    • Surface preparation
    • Floor primer
    • Surface painting
    • Drying floors

Concrete floors today are most often installed in industrial or commercial buildings. But at the same time, they can be seen in home workshops, garages, cellars, outbuildings and storage rooms. Although concrete itself is capable of withstanding heavy loads under unfavorable conditions of use, it still requires protection.

Concrete is highly porous, low level tensile strength, therefore, when exposed to external factors, its unprotected surface wears out, peels off, and then characteristic dust appears. This happens most often in cases of using low-quality concrete, violation of laying technology, improper mixing of the mixture, or the use of poor cement.

For guard concrete surface It is customary to use special compounds. Besides decorative properties Painting a concrete floor provides its protection from destruction, the influence of aggressive environments and abrasive wear, gives additional properties such as hygiene, anti-slip, decontamination, antistatic, smoothes out unevenness, and masks various floor defects - chips, cracks, cavities and cavities.

Choosing paint for concrete

Alkyd and epoxy paints are usually used to paint concrete floors, which have unique anti-slip and antistatic properties, as well as great resistance to chemicals. The epoxy substance must be prepared, mixed and tinted before use; the alkyd does not need to be prepared for use. But before working with alkyd paint, the concrete surface should be primed; epoxy paint does not require this.

In addition to paints, soil mixtures are widely used, which are designed to transform a very neglected floor. Tinting impregnations give concrete a bright colored coating. Polymer compositions capable of hiding all defects and leveling the surface; the use of special putties allows you to make any concrete coating monolithic. Glitters and flocks that do not fade over time will help provide additional decorativeness to the floor.

When choosing which paint is best for a concrete floor, it is recommended to take into account the characteristics of the room. For example, in production areas where mechanical damage or shock types loads on the surface, the creation of a highly reliable coating is required. In this case, it is best to use wear-resistant paints.

For thin-layer self-leveling coatings for civil purposes, choose concrete floor varnish or polyurethane enamel. For finishing garage floors and treating concrete elements landscape design use products that are designed to cover different production premises, which are based on solvents and epoxy enamels.

To paint a concrete floor in a residential area, you need to use a water-based composition. For surface treatment on balconies and corridors, it is better to buy two-component polyurethane elastomers. If you need water resistance of the coating, give preference to one-component polyurethane dyes. Next, we will consider the advantages of each type of coloring composition for concrete floors.

Epoxy paint

Epoxy paint is a very strong and durable coating that extends the useful life of the floor and guarantees a presentable appearance. Such paint is quite resistant to external influences and various chemical environments - acids, alkalis, fuels and lubricants, salt solutions, has waterproofing properties, can withstand heavy loads and adheres well to concrete.

Epoxy does not wear off or turn yellow, even if it is used to cover concrete floors in hangars, production workshops, auto repair shops and parking lots. This paint can be used in open areas, as it is resistant to weather conditions, and in enclosed spaces. Another advantage of this paint is the ability to apply it directly to fresh, insufficiently dried concrete.

The main drawback epoxy paint for a concrete floor is that it is two-component: it must be mixed before use. Some problems may arise when re-painting. In addition, if you want to change the color of the concrete floor to another, it will be quite difficult to do.

Acrylic paint

Acrylic paint for concrete surfaces is a water-based composition based on acrylic resin with the addition of various polymers. Such paint prevents the destruction of concrete due to corrosion, creates a protective polymer film on the surface that prevents various mechanical and chemical influences.

The coating that is formed by acrylic paint is quite reliable and durable, moisture-resistant and waterproof, so it can be used to paint the floor in the garage, basement, balcony and stairs.

Apply acrylic paint- simple and convenient. This can be done with a brush, rollers or sprayer, and unlike epoxy paint, one coat is sufficient, although two coats can be applied to be sure. Complete drying time is 12-14 hours.

Polyurethane enamel

Polyurethane enamels, as a rule, are two-component, however, this does not in any way affect their high quality. They are designed for finishing concrete floors indoors and outdoors. The advantages of the paint are its high weather resistance, efficiency, environmental friendliness, high covering power, excellent chemical and mechanical strength, formation of a perfectly smooth glossy surface.

Polyurethane enamel is applied at a temperature of at least 5 degrees above zero and air humidity no more than 75%. Since the paint is two-component, first mix the first component thoroughly, and then add the second to it. It is advisable to paint a concrete floor in two stages: apply a thin, uniform layer without spills or smudges, reapply the paint, but no later than 24 hours after the first painting of the concrete floor.

The main disadvantage of polyurethane enamel is for a long time drying - 2 - 14 days. Such a significant spread in time can be explained by the following points: the paint does not stick after two days and you can walk on it, flooring after a week it finally acquires mechanical resistance, and after two weeks - chemical resistance.

Polyurethane primer

If you do not have paint for a concrete floor, then you can simply prime the surface with a polyurethane compound. The primer can be used as the only protective covering, as well as for treating the coating before directly applying the finishing paint. Primers are available in polyurethane and epoxy.

Polyurethane primer can provide reliable filling of small concrete pores, dust removal and strengthening, as well as excellent adhesion to the coating. This substance is resistant to gasoline, detergents, chemicals, fats, oils and precipitation.

As the name suggests, polyurethane primer is used before painting with polyurethane enamel, because their compositions are almost identical. However, the paint can only be used 12 hours after finishing the floor priming work. The advantages of this primer are convenience and ease of application, reduced consumption of the finishing coat, and improved adhesion of the finishing layer.

Epoxy primer

Epoxy primer is suitable for treating a concrete surface before applying epoxy paint to it. But it is also common to use this primer as an independent coating, which ensures the closure of all pores and cells in the concrete, as well as dust removal and hardening of the floor surface.

The advantages of epoxy primer are water resistance, water resistance, improved adhesion of the finishing coating, resistance to mechanical wear and chemicals. Before applying the epoxy primer, the concrete surface must be sanded and debris and dust removed. You should know that within 20-30 minutes the material can lose its qualities, so it must be applied quickly enough.

Painting a concrete floor

You have already become familiar with the purpose of each composition and found out the price of paint for a concrete floor, and also found out which one is best to use for painting a concrete floor. It doesn’t matter what paint you choose for the surface, the technology for applying it is almost always the same. First you need to prepare the base by clearing it of dust and dirt, then prime the surface of the concrete and putty all the irregularities, and only after that you can apply paint. Remember that concrete floors are usually coated with the composition in several stages - from 2 to 4 layers.

Surface preparation

The performance properties and durability of a painted concrete floor depend primarily on the quality of surface preparation. First, make sure that there is no dirt, debris, old paint, stains of paints, fuels, lubricants, or bitumen on the floor. Traces of such liquids can be removed using detergents. Water on concrete floor should not collect in drops.

It is also necessary to remove concrete chips from the floor. After this, you need to seal and fill all existing holes, and then grind them using special grinding machines. This procedure improves the adhesion of the paint layer and the base.

To get rid of dust, you can use a vacuum cleaner or a regular mop. As practice shows, all concrete floors generate dust equally. To prevent this process, it is necessary to remove dust from the concrete coating and treat upper layer. Dust removal is carried out using various polymer compositions that protect the floor not only from the presence of dust, but also from abrasive effects and abrasion.

The concrete surface is strengthened with strengthening impregnations, which are called toppings. These substances are presented in the form of dry mixtures of quartz, cement and other fillers, as well as plasticizers and dyes. Toppings like these can also be used for decorative purposes, giving your concrete floor a glossy, smooth finish.

The composition of the toppings clogs the pores of the concrete floor, preventing the penetration of harmful components into the surface and ensuring the stability and strength of the concrete structure, facilitating operation, which significantly saves cash on care of the coating. This product is usually applied to the surface 7 days after its installation. The use of hardening agents will increase the strength and keep the coating free of dust for 5 years.

Concrete floor primer

To ensure high-quality adhesion between the concrete floor and paint, it is recommended to first coat the surface with a primer. There are many varieties of this product (Beolux Aqua, Grida) that can be used outdoors and indoors. These are acrylic quick-drying materials that are quite resistant to oils, gasoline, salt solutions, chemical detergents, mineral compounds and water.

To apply the primer, it is customary to use foam rollers, which allow the composition to be well distributed on the floor surface. Apply the primer like this. The composition is mixed, if necessary diluted to 3% of the mass of the primer itself. It is recommended to add to the substance quartz sand to avoid the effect of a slippery floor - up to 10% of the primer weight.

The primer must be applied in 1 or 2 layers to a dry, clean surface using rollers, spray or brush. It is recommended to use the composition at a temperature of 5 - 40 degrees above zero and a relative humidity of 85%.

Surface painting

You have already decided how to paint the concrete floor, now you need to decide which tool to use for the job - a roller, brushes or sprayer. The choice of coloring option will depend on what coloring composition was chosen. The paint and varnish product is applied by spray in one layer, which can replace the 3 layers that were applied in the usual way. This method of applying paint is quite simple, economical and takes little time.

When using a sprayer, remember that with its help you can treat the main part of the concrete surface, and others hard to reach places and the corners will have to be painted with ordinary paint brush. The thickness of the paint is only up to 0.2 millimeters.

Acrylic paints and enamels are applied to the floor surface using rollers. Wide ones that have a short pile are suitable for this - simple facade and velor rollers, which allow you to apply paint evenly and quickly. To make it convenient to work, it is worth securing the rollers on long handles. To paint the corners, use narrow small brushes.

Concrete floors are painted when the surface temperature is not lower than plus 5, the air temperature in the room is not less than 10 degrees above zero and the air humidity is not more than 80%. Water-based polyurethane paint does not emit flammable or odorous substances during operation. Containers and tools are washed with water.

It is allowed to paint fresh or wet concrete, but not earlier than 5 days after pouring. When painting a concrete floor, it is customary to first apply strokes in different directions, then rub the paint over the surface. The layers of paint should not be too thick: thin layers dry faster and look better.

Creating thicker layers results in longer drying times for the coating. Make sure that the previous layer is completely dry, and only then proceed to applying the next layer of paint. Application of the second layer is allowed only after 24 hours.

Drying floors

After the procedure for painting a concrete floor, it is recommended to wait until the coloring composition dries completely. This process should occur at a humidity of 70-80% and an air temperature of plus 18-20 degrees. Only after 3 days are mechanical loads allowed, but if the conditions differ from those presented, then the process of drying the concrete floor may take a longer period, or occur faster.

The duration of drying of the coating also depends on the conditions under which the paint was applied. For example, if the colorant was applied to fresh concrete, the drying period will increase significantly. At normal conditions polymerization of the coating finally occurs approximately on the seventh day, when the maximum mechanical and chemical stability indicators are achieved. Therefore, do not rush to use the surface as quickly as possible, let it dry completely so that it acquires proper wear resistance.

Thus, concrete paint can increase the strength of the coating, protect it from dust and increase the waterproofing of the screed. But all this is achievable only if we commit the right choice coloring composition. Besides great importance has consistency and competent execution of all stages of painting a concrete floor.

Painting a staircase is an important, final stage in the process of repairing or manufacturing it. Thanks to painting, the appearance of the material changes, and the entire product harmonizes or conflicts with the overall design (if the color is chosen incorrectly). And paint on the surface of a wooden staircase inside the house, especially outside, plays an important role in protecting against pests, external influences and bacteria, and extends the life of the structure. What to cover wooden steps stairs on the street, the reader will learn from today's material.

Why paint a flight of stairs?

There are several main reasons for painting staircase steps, treating spans, railings and stringers:

  1. Aesthetic component. A beautifully painted two-color staircase or a high-quality coating made with enamels based on synthetic resins completely transforms the appearance and makes it better.
  2. Protecting the surface of stairs from destruction. Wood is very sensitive to moisture, it is affected by various pests, and fungi and rot can develop.
You can paint the stairs yourself

The question of how to paint the stairs is practically irrelevant: in stores there is always a choice of acrylic, polyurethane enamel, oil-based, synthetic and natural, in different colors. The use of oil varnishes, drying oils, impregnations and stains is not prohibited; they will help to completely transform and refresh the look of the wood, and at the same time protect it from the destructive influence of dampness and time.

Important. The steps of a wooden staircase, properly treated with coloring compounds, will last a long time, fully preserving the properties of wood.

You can learn how to treat surfaces, what tools and skills to use, from the rest of the article.

Types of painting materials

The variety of types, different in quality, price, color, of paints and varnishes is unparalleled: if you want, you will have a red staircase with a matte finish in several carefully selected colors, smoothly transitioning into one another - and this is possible. On store windows, there are compositions based on natural ingredients and synthetic ones, those that dry quickly and are easy to use and require adherence to application technology. All that remains is to figure out what exactly to paint the steps of a wooden staircase at home in order to choose a varnish for the stairs, a paint that best meets the requirements.

In this video you will learn how to paint a staircase:

And for this you need to know how the alcohol-based coating of stairs differs from paint with good adhesion, why a base and primer for stairs are needed. So, according to the standard classification, paint and varnish coatings are divided into:

  • oil ones are the simplest and most common. If you don’t want to think too much about what paint to paint a wooden staircase in your house, this is what you need. An undoubted advantage is low price, the disadvantage is the increased drying time. For the production of such paints, natural ingredients are mainly used;
  • alkyd varnishes and enamels based on special resins. They contain products intended for antiseptic properties (preventing wood from rotting), such products dry quickly, after complete drying they are non-toxic and harmless to humans and animals. The palette is striking in its richness of colors and shades; choosing a color based on the color of the staircase, in harmony with the rest of the interior details in the house, is the best option. Therefore, alkyd paint or varnish for stairs is considered optimal in every sense;
  • acrylic. Based on a water-soluble polymer, a red staircase painted with such paints will not only be bright, but also very beautiful. They do not fade in the sun, are quick-drying, and help you quickly and cost-effectively figure out how to paint a staircase in a wooden house.

Important. Stains take intermediate position in the hierarchy of compositions for wood processing: they do not mask the texture, they only emphasize it by painting it in different colors. They definitely require combination with varnish coatings.

What is the best way to paint a wooden staircase in a house, and what coloring substances are included in the enamels, can be found out in the next section.

Oil paints

Most people, when asked how to paint a wooden staircase, will answer that they will have to take regular oil paint (not to be confused with oil for metal stairs), a brush and follow the process. These substances are based on natural or synthesized oils and drying oils, which, when dry, form a film on the surface ( paint layer). Organic pigments are used to create different colors. For application to the structure to be painted, brushes, rollers, and spray guns are used (for large areas).

The required consistency of such paints can be easily changed using special solvents (to make it easier to apply and spray on the product). The main advantages of oil-based paints and varnishes are low cost and ease of use. Disadvantages include instability to alkalis and relatively low durability.

The paint layer will completely cover both the wood texture and defects - this can be used for your own purposes. Having carefully filled all the uneven surfaces of the wood, you can then use an oil composition to paint the wooden stairs yourself.

The painted structure will look renewed and will last a long time compared to the untreated one.

These paints have their pros and cons.

Varnish for staircases

Varnishing a wooden staircase is almost as easy as painting it with an oil composition. In this case, you can advantageously emphasize the pattern of wood cuts by pre-sanding the surfaces and edges. Moreover, for pine, the need for varnishing is complemented by stain treatment, at the request of the customer. Such a subtle move will allow you to “transform” a cheap, inexpressive texture into a more expensive one - walnut, oak, cherry.

Like paints, there are also oil-based and synthetic varnishes. But this coating must necessarily be transparent. But here it is necessary to make a reservation: completely colorless varnishes do not exist; any of them will at least slightly distort the color of the wood. This must be taken into account when choosing between varnishes and other coatings.

The need to paint steps and surfaces of stairs with varnish is dictated, first of all, by the requirements of protecting wood from the external environment. Such a coating should have a water-repellent effect, be resistant, durable and, if possible, distort the natural color of the wood as little as possible.


Enamels are complex finely dispersed compositions of pigments in organic solvents. Depending on the quality of the coating, there are matte and glossy. AND domestic manufacturer, and any others may suggest big choice high-quality, bright enamels to find the answer to the question of how to paint the steps of a wooden staircase.

A red staircase painted with alkyd or acrylic enamel will sparkle with an even, rich color, not fading in the sun for a long time and protecting wooden structures.

When choosing what to coat the steps of a wooden staircase in a house, you need to remember that the compositions of different manufacturers are heterogeneous in nature and do not combine well: for example, oil paints cannot be mixed with nitro varnishes, since the result is often unpredictable. It is not always possible to compile combined color of several, especially, use expired enamel. Or you can experiment on a separate piece of wood, and then transfer your experience to the entire structure.

Stains and impregnations

This is a separate, isolated group of compositions for wood processing. For those who are going to treat the wooden steps of a pine staircase in the house, but do not know what to use or which composition to choose from the variety of proposals, we can safely recommend stain.

Stains, despite their name, are not used to spoil the wood or kill it, but on the contrary: to embellish it, to emphasize the grain of the wood. They are a dye solution that penetrates the pores and changes the color of the wood.

The main method of applying stain is with a brush or swab. The goal is to coat the surface with the solution, let it soak in and dry. After impregnation, varnish must be applied to wooden products, since stains have absolutely no protective effect.

There are combined compositions - so-called azures. They are a ready-made solution of coloring pigment to imitate valuable types of wood in varnish.

This is very convenient: you don’t need to wait for the stain coating to dry; you just need to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations to get high-quality and fast processing.

How to paint a wooden staircase

For those who do not know how to paint a wooden staircase in a house, and are encountering painting a wooden staircase with their own hands for the first time, there are simple and effective step-by-step instructions.

First you need to prepare the wood for applying paint or enamel. We are talking about cleaning all parts, parts, and surfaces without exception from dirt, dust, grease, and old paintwork. This is not an easy matter, but there is no other way: paint can only be applied to wood that is free from foreign inclusions, otherwise normal penetration of the composition into the surface layer (adhesion) will not work. Along the way, all detected defects are eliminated: cracks, fallen knots, and minor repairs to staircase structures are performed.

Don't forget everything you need for painting

To do this, a quick-hardening putty is used, which is used to fill the detected cavities and then carefully sand them. The simplest test of wood readiness is to touch it with the inside of your palm: on a well-sanded surface, traces of processing are practically not felt.

Regarding the choice of what is better to paint the balusters and the entire wooden staircase, the decision here depends on many factors, including the cost of work. For premises, interior work, we can recommend almost any of modern compositions: They all dry quickly and have low toxicity. For painting you will need:

  • brushes (several pieces, wide and narrow);
  • gloves, workwear;
  • glasses;
  • paint (consumption is determined in advance);
  • solvent and rags for cleaning brushes.

Due to the complexity of the design configuration, it is best to use brushes of different widths rather than a roller. Despite the measured paint consumption, the roller is more suitable for large, straight surfaces, rather than for many elements of different sizes and shapes. Before painting the stairs to the second floor, it is recommended to lightly shake and mix the enamel: this is especially true for oil-based compositions.

Don't forget the respirator

Important. The next layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. The time required for the formation of a stable coating film is different for each manufacturer and is indicated on the label (instructions) for the composition.

Preparatory work

These include: cleaning, repairs (if necessary), impregnation with stains, selection of paints and varnishes by color and brand. This also includes dismantling elements that will interfere with painting (metal frames, railings), if it is not possible to protect them with plastic film during the period of work.

If we are talking about an external flight of stairs, then before painting it must be properly dried and cleaned, otherwise a high-quality coating will not work. It is strictly forbidden to work with enamels and paints in rainy weather, immediately after the change of seasons (winter-spring): the wood must be dry.

Do-it-yourself painting of a wooden staircase

IN self-painting staircases with wooden steps on the street, there is nothing complicated about how to paint the internal staircase to the second floor: you just need to prepare properly, including buying what should be used to cover the wood - varnish, paint or enamel.

Scrupulous adherence to the technology and manufacturer’s recommendations is the basis of success: a red staircase, carefully prepared and correctly painted even with simple oil paint, will look better than the exact same one, hastily and sloppily covered with expensive and bright enamel. Which product is more preferable to choose is decided by the consumer himself, taking into account his financial capabilities and operating conditions of the product.

The best paint for a wooden staircase in a house will be the one that fully fulfills protective functions to preserve wood in normal, serviceable condition and improves the aesthetic perception of the structure.

Professionals advise: when choosing varnish for stairs, beware of fakes, low-quality products, and expired goods. Before applying the composition to the product, it is recommended to check how the coating will look. To do this, some insignificant fragment or unnecessary detail, and only then, if the result does not disappoint, they begin painting the entire structure.

It is important to remember that layers of paint must be applied along the grain (not across), using smooth, sweeping movements, and the brush must be held evenly in your hand, working with the very end of the bristles.

Before applying to the wood, excess composition is lightly squeezed out on the edge of a jar or special container into which the paint is poured. You should not try to paint the entire product at once; it would be more correct to divide the process into several (at least 2) approaches with drying each layer. First, choose how you want the varnished steps and staircase to look, draw up your sketch, and then start combining compositions and brands, layers and application methods.

How to paint a metal staircase

Sometimes the following problem arises: how to paint a metal staircase. The technology of painting with a brush differs little in relation to the material. Anyone who knows how to paint the stairs in a house can easily cope with this issue. The only difference is that paint coatings for wood and metal may differ, although there are also universal ones, for example, alkyd paints in aerosol cans.

Metal will require more preparation and priming and is also more difficult to clean. To find out how to cover the wooden steps of a metal staircase, you will need to study a separate article on our website.

Painting concrete stairs

It is divided into the following stages: cleaning and painting itself. Performed special composition(the label must indicate: for concrete). Both alkyd and other enamels or paints can be used.

This article gives a complete, detailed answer to the question of how to paint a flight of stairs made of wood, explains the basics of wood processing technology, what to paint first and why.

Surely it will be in great demand for those who have started renovations or want to make signs and wooden frames with their own hands. With the help of acquired skills, you can gradually, moving from simple to complex, learn how to choose paint for wooden stair railings in the house, on the street, doing the work quickly and efficiently.

To give a wooden staircase a presentable appearance, it is processed and various coatings are used. Varnish is the most popular finishing material. Before painting a pine or oak staircase in a house, it is necessary to prepare the structure for coating.

This material is a solution that, when applied, forms a film on the surface of wood. If you have no experience working with varnish, then a completely natural question arises: how to choose the right paint for a wooden staircase?

There are several types:

  • alcohol-based resin solutions;
  • nitrocellulose;
  • formaldehyde;
  • alkyd;
  • acrylic;
  • based on organic solvents.

Alcohol-based varnishes have important positive qualities– ability to dry quickly and high strength. They are very easy to apply, but have low moisture resistance. Nitrocellulose, on the contrary, is resistant to moisture. They consist of a mixture of plasticizer, colloxylin and resin.

If the stairs are coated with formaldehyde varnish, the structure will become more resistant to wear. The resins included in the composition improve the adhesion of the varnish to the wood. The only drawback is toxicity and a characteristic odor that is difficult to remove.

Alkyd varnish penetrates very deeply into the wood, but despite this, it is not durable. They are quickly subject to wear and after some time the surface of the stairs will lose its aesthetic appearance. More often this material is used to cover rarely used products and elements.
However, alkyd-urethane varnish is suitable for painting DIY stairs outdoors. The structure covered with this material is less slippery, which reduces the risk of injury in winter.

Water-based varnish is well suited for covering stair surfaces, especially if it consists of 2 components. If a solvent is used as a base, then this paintwork is one of the most reliable and durable.

It is important to understand that depending on the type of wood and the chosen coating, the result will vary. For example, if the staircase structure is made of coniferous wood - pine, spruce and others, then it is better to treat it with opaque varnish. The secret of the unsightly appearance of such wood lies in more content resin.


If larch or other tree species are chosen as the material, then transparent painting can be used, which will highlight the natural texture.

Which varnish to choose.

Types of varnishing

Among all paint and varnish materials, there are 2 main ones: transparent and opaque. Experts recommend using transparent varnish if the wood is free of any defects. Most often, wood species are chosen that have a characteristic pattern:

If there are minor defects, but the wood is otherwise excellent, you can coat it with a primer to hide them. Before application, you should make sure that the surface is clean and dry so that the finishing is done as efficiently as possible.

If the defects are large and cannot be hidden, for example, in pine, then you need to cover it with an opaque varnish. Typically a second coat is applied on top of the first to achieve the desired effect. Do not apply varnish if the wood has been covered with another material.

First of all, you should clean the surface of previous varnish coatings, dirt or nails, apply several layers of primer with a brush or spray, and only then can you proceed to the finishing stage.

Application instructions

Before starting work, you need to wear safety glasses, gloves and a respirator. Finishing should be done in a well-ventilated area. Paint and varnish coatings have varying degrees of toxicity and regardless of what material the stairs are processed with, it is better to play it safe and protect yourself and your health.

To cover the stairs with paint and varnish material you will need:

  • turpentine,
  • tassels,
  • wire brush or sanding tool.

Finishing with liquid compositions should be done using natural bristle brushes, and with thick ones - round hair brushes.

First of all, the surface of the wooden staircase is cleaned of previous coating, dirt, dust, and grease. This procedure must be done carefully; the evenness of the coating depends on it.

If you are working with liquid compounds, the bristles should be 2 times longer than the diameter of the brush. If the choice fell on thick compositions, then the pile, on the contrary, should be shorter. The brush must be dipped in varnish and then cleaned with turpentine. Further actions should be carried out according to very simple instructions.

If there are any defects, finishing should be done only after priming. The varnish must be thoroughly mixed so that there are no formations. To achieve the best result, you need to hold the brush at a right angle. Otherwise, the layer will be applied unevenly, which may affect the final result. The structures must be covered with wide strips over the entire surface, after which you should go over again, smoothing out the unevenness.

High-quality brushes are distinguished by reliable fastening of the bristles, but nothing can be guaranteed 100%. To avoid any unpleasant surprises after drying, it is better to check the wooden stairs for lint. It is also worth stirring the paint and varnish material not only before starting work, but also periodically.

Lacquer coating of stairs.

Varnishing balusters and staircase posts.

Finishing the inside will be much easier and faster if you disassemble the stairs in advance. Each part can be covered in comfortable conditions, and there will be access to all corners.

Lacquer coating of steps in disassembled condition.

Before starting work, it is recommended to degrease all parts with a special impregnation. For staircase construction, it is better to use only reliable and proven types of varnish. They are distinguished by their characteristic thickness, increased strength, spread significantly less, and are very convenient to use. The other side of the coin is that such paints and varnishes are significantly more expensive and are not so easy to find. But, if you think about it, it’s better to buy a really high-quality varnish that will last a long time. If you couldn’t find it or the funds don’t allow it, you can use a good parquet compound.

Acrylic paint and varnish coating is inferior in its properties to a 2-component polyurethane composition made on a solvent basis. It is worth understanding that the staircase refers to structures that are used quite intensively. Therefore, it is better to opt for a semi-matte finish. This is due to the fact that it leaves the least traces.

To darken the shade of wood, it is better to use stain rather than colored varnish. The stain is absorbed into the wood to a depth of several millimeters. This means that even if the wood wears out and wears out, it will not change its color. To slow down this process and add strength to the coating, it is necessary to apply an additional layer of transparent paint and varnish material, which is the final stage.

Having a two-story private house, you want to create a cozy atmosphere in it. Decorating walls and floors always helps to create a feeling of fresh and new space; beautiful furniture creates appropriate conditions for living. However, there are a number of other nuances that play an equally important role in home improvement. Having a staircase leading to the second floor, you need to ensure that it does not stand out from the design of the entire room, is functional, beautiful, and safe for use by any family member.

Therefore, it is worth preparing especially carefully when choosing a dye for it.

Requirements for processing spans

In any two-story country house there is a staircase. When carrying out repair work, do not forget about it. Painting such an element is very important, because it is necessary to choose the right substance for processing and carry out the process itself in accordance with certain requirements. If we talk about flights, you need to know the following nuances:

  • for long-term use of the ladder, it is important to process it correctly, otherwise the material may begin to break down and deteriorate;
  • in the process of finishing staircases they use: antiseptic solutions, fungicides, stain, impregnation that prevents fire, primer, paint and varnish;
  • any product is diluted before use, which gives it an optimal consistency that can be applied to the material;
  • To achieve an optimal appearance, at least two layers of any substance are needed.

If the work is carried out in the house, then the processing will be minor, associated with giving the product an aesthetic appearance, emphasizing the wood pattern. In such cases, there is no need to prime the surface; you need to clean it well with sandpaper and use a stain, which will give a more pronounced color. The stairs inside the house are most often opened with varnish, which can be of three options:

  • matte;
  • glossy;
  • semi-matte.

Using the matte version, it turns out to more accurately emphasize the texture of the wood, while the glossy version more emphasizes the beauty of the product itself. When choosing a varnish for work, it is important to pay attention to the composition; it should not contain harmful substances, and minimally noticeable odor. In this case, there is no need to use paints and other substances intended for external use, because they have a pungent odor that is harmful to others.

Modern varnishes and paints are created with virtually no odor. If possible, it is better to buy a ready-to-use solution, or dilute one available on the street. If you need to use a dye with a quick drying time in your work, then you need to be prepared for the fact that all strokes must be accurate and even, there will be very little time to correct them, all smudges must be eliminated immediately, otherwise they will spoil the external impression of the repair.

When access to the second floor is carried out from the street, you can use paints and other compositions for external use.

If you choose the wrong paint, the result of the repair will be a damaged product.

Types of coatings for different coatings

A country house can be equipped with a staircase made of wood, metal or concrete. For each of the materials it is important to select correct type LMB.

Oil paint

Suitable for finishing inside the house. The alkyd variety fits well on the surface, the urethane-alkyd variety is used for cases where the surface has already been painted, and the pigmented variety helps to hide imperfections and blemishes. Such paints can be thickly rubbed, in the state of powder, which is dissolved with drying oil, or ready-made. Drying oil can also vary, it can be artificial and natural, the second option is preferable in terms of quality, and the first in price.

An artificial type of drying oil helps if you need to paint a staircase indoors, and a natural type can cope with stress outdoors.


The best option for processing wooden stairs to highlight the beauty of the wood structure. The varnish is easy to use, it dries quickly, and does not cause difficulties in processing the material. There are varieties: oil - in which it is mixed vegetable oil with artificial ones, which are additionally mixed with resin of natural origin. When this composition dries, the surface becomes dense and has a yellow tint. This type of varnish is used only indoors, because it will not withstand more significant loads.

Alcohol varnish – has a proportion of alcohol that interacts with a resin of natural origin. This option allows you to apply several layers almost simultaneously. The result is a very stable coating that is not damaged by any external influences.

The only downside is low water resistance.

Cellulose nitrate varnish helps to cover the surface with a dense, colorless and odorless layer that dries quickly. The area of ​​application is wood.

Polyester varnish - forms a thick and dense layer on the surface that is resistant to any kind of impact, including water. Epoxy varnish used with a hardener, they are resistant to moisture and alkalis, but do not tolerate atmospheric conditions well. Polyurethane varnish– very durable and wear-resistant, considered the best choice in the case of stairs made of wood. The downside is the high price, but the quality is worth it. A less expensive one will also have worse wear resistance; it is a water-based varnish;


It is obtained by combining varnish compositions with pigments. It helps to give better color and shine to the surface, but does not withstand the influence of moisture, which is why it is extremely rarely used as a composition for painting steps.

Impregnated stains

A kind of antiseptic that helps protect wood from fire. After applying the stain, the surface is often varnished. It darkens the color of the wood, which is important to consider when choosing a varnish.

Oil for stairs

Comprises natural oils with the addition of wax. Oil can serve as a varnish substitute; it adheres well to wood and creates a durable protective layer. The steps become not only protected, but also beautiful. Thanks to the bactericidal properties of the oil, the tree is reliably protected from fungus and mold.

When planning to paint steps in a residential area, you need to know exactly what type paint composition appropriate under these conditions.

Subtleties of painting various coatings

For wooden coverings

To paint a staircase made of wood, the first step is to prepare the surface and understand what kind of wood you will be working with. If there is a need or desire to leave the wood texture, then the coating must be thoroughly cleaned and treated with stain. Once it is dry, you can apply varnish or translucent paint.

In case you need to completely paint wooden surface, then it is cleaned and puttied to remove all the defects from the top layer of the steps. After sanding, a primer must be applied. Urethane-alkyd paint is used on previously painted surfaces. When the new layer adheres well, you can safely paint the entire product. If the painting turns out uneven and unsightly, then all the applied color must be removed with a stripping solution.

Coniferous stairs, especially pine, must be freed of resin before the main work. For this suitable use A 25% technical acetone solution, which must be applied with a brush. Only after this the product is washed and dried.

If you need to apply varnish, the best option is to use a sprayer, but the work can also be done with a wide brush.

Coloring of concrete products

Applying paint to the concrete surface helps not only make the staircase more attractive, but also protect it from negative factors. If the staircase is not ready yet, then you can add paint to the concrete solution to improve the characteristics of the future product. When you have to work with a finished product, you need to choose a paint to match the concrete. As an additive to the solution, you can use a pigment that is not afraid of moisture and sun. For best results, it is recommended to use white concrete.

If it is necessary to paint a finished staircase, then a special concrete paint is used, it can be:

  • water;
  • acrylic;
  • polyurethane.

Before application, you need to sand the surface, prime it, choose a color for finished product and paint it with a wide roller.

For metal stairs

Before painting the stairs, it is important to treat them to remove any signs of rust, for which you can use an angle grinder with an attachment, sandpaper or solvent. The next step is to degrease the surface and coat it with a primer. In those areas that contained rust, you need to go over the primer especially well, and after waiting for it to dry completely, you can begin painting.

For coloring metal product it is necessary to use enamel or paint that has a significant degree of resistance to the phenomena environment and erasure. For a painted staircase, you can try to apply a new layer on top of the old one; if the result is positive, you can continue, but if the result is unsatisfactory, then the old layer must be completely removed.

How to choose paint?

To decide on the choice of paint, it is important to clearly understand its purpose. Compositions are available for external and internal use. If you want to preserve the texture of the wood, the color of the dye should be as close as possible to the product. If there are unevenness on the surface, you can hide them using a composition with dense pigment. Different types paints are applied using appropriate means. Usually on the packaging of each paint and varnish there are instructions for use.

Alkyd enamel and acrylic paint are applied using a roller or brush. If work is carried out outdoors, then for the same options it is better to use a spray bottle. To work with stairs inside the house, use oil paints or environmentally friendly options with a natural base. After using them, the surface becomes no less wear-resistant and beautiful than after using more harmful analogues.

In order for the wood to retain its texture, it should not be primed. It is best in this case to use not paint, but varnish of a matte or glossy variety. You can use a transparent option or tint it, which can significantly affect the appearance of the product. For interior work, it is important to choose paints or varnishes that dry as quickly as possible. For external work, you can take compounds with a smell, but they have better performance qualities.

For maximum effect, it is better to apply an additional protective layer that will protect the surface from abrasion.

Wooden structure: painting technology

In order to paint wooden steps with your own hands, you must follow a technology that has been tested by many generations. The principle of operation is to perform the following actions sequentially:

  • Prepare the surface for upcoming painting. Using fine sandpaper, you need to sand the wood along the grain.
  • Fill identified cracks and defects inside the steps and other parts of the stairs with wood putty.
  • After the plaster has dried, clean the surface from dust and particles using a vacuum cleaner.
  • The next step is a primer, which helps to saturate the wood and make better contact with the new coating.
  • The processing continues by applying paint or varnish using the selected device.

Painting with a brush is the most popular, so it is worth considering it more carefully. You need to start with the areas that take up the most space: railings, steps, stringers. The direction of brush movement is from top to bottom to avoid drips. Dial a large number of There is no need to paint the tool, but you should hold it at an angle of 45 degrees.

In order for the product to have a finished look, it is painted two to six times, waiting until each layer is completely dry. In order for the paint to dry quickly, the temperature and humidity must be optimal.

Excessively hot or cold weather will cause cracks and poor performance.


Before you start painting a wooden staircase, you need to find out what type of wood it is made of. This point will play a key role in preparing the material for the process. Needles: cedar, pine, spruce have high level resin content, which will lead to poorer contact of the material with the paint. Deciduous wood does not have such features, so it is easier to work with them.

If the staircase is made of fresh wood, then it is important to understand that such material will absorb paint or varnish more actively due to the larger number of pores. When working with old wood, the necessary procedure will be to prime the surface, without which the new coating will not apply to the product.

An important step before painting is to putty the cracks, which helps to avoid paint or varnish leaking into them. If you have to work with a transparent composition, then it is important to use putty that matches the color of the stairs. Only after the putty has dried and the surface has been sanded can it be primed. For optimal results, it is better to do this process twice. As soon as the second layer has dried, you can paint the stairs.


Before you start painting the steps to the second floor, it is important to prepare the paint itself. If it is thick, then applying it evenly will become problematic, and the result will be unsatisfactory. Preparation for painting begins with stirring the paint. The best result can be achieved using a spray gun, but it is also the most expensive, because you need to have the appropriate equipment. You need to paint with a brush without pressing hard along the line of the wood fibers. Upon completion of the first layer, you need to review the work and correct any flaws, if any, after which the paint drying stage begins. If the staircase is painted in one color, then after drying, a second layer is applied, and the finished product is expected to dry completely.

When a drawing is made on the steps using paint, a different color is applied to the main tone, for which a brush or a stencil can be used. For such drawings they often take water-based paint, which requires varnishing after complete drying, otherwise the design will be erased very quickly.

If you need to do the job very quickly, then it is better to take nitrocellulose paint, which dries within half an hour. If you choose varnish instead of paint, then the process of working with it will vary slightly; waxing is added to sanding and priming, after which you can begin work. In the case of varnish, it is very important to choose the right brand, depending on the material on which it is applied and other characteristics. Possible tools are a brush, swab or spray gun, and for volumetric parts a spray gun or flute is used.

When the first coat of varnish is applied, the surface is sanded again with sandpaper until it is perfectly smooth. The second layer is applied only after removing dust and dirt from sanding.

Using quality compounds and the correct sequence of work, painting the stairs will not be a problem, and the result will delight you with quality and beauty.

In order to paint the stairs correctly, it is important to understand what is worth using and what is not. If you apply glossy enamel to the steps, they will become slippery, which is dangerous, especially if there are children or elderly people in the house. It is best to use matte or semi-matte varnish, which will not only decorate the staircase, but also help hide imperfections. The peculiarity of applying varnish is that the salts are applied in a different direction with each new coating, which ensures an optimal result.

When paint or varnish takes a long time to dry, and it is necessary to use a ladder, the painting can go through the step. When the first part has dried, you can do the second without stopping the active use of the product. When preparing to paint or varnish a staircase, it is important to clean not only the product itself, but also everything around it, so that dust does not settle on the treated surface, ruining its beauty.

To transform a private house and refresh the staircase leading to the second floor, you can paint it not with a single color paint or varnish, but use two colors for this. Whatever option is chosen, the main thing remains the quality and safety of the material.

  • The combination of different colors is not suitable for every home, but in a certain design, this type of staircase has a very interesting view. Choice color range in this case it can be very diverse, the main thing is that it fits into general concept premises.