What is the difference between parquet and laminate, and which is better to choose? Which is better - parquet boards or laminate flooring? What is the difference between parquet boards and laminate flooring? Differences between marked 31 and 32 33

These artificial boards which are used for finishing floors are attractive for many reasons - a huge assortment of front side designs (hence, you can choose products for any interior), reasonable cost, and the ability to install it yourself (one of the components of savings). For an apartment, laminate is one of the best solutions. However, it is the variety of samples that often complicates their choice.

Visually, laminate boards are indistinguishable from each other, except for the shade. And, nevertheless, they are divided into classes, and the feasibility and specificity of their use in a particular room of the apartment depends on this.

general information

Before finding out what the difference is between the classes of laminate, it’s worth understanding the standards for these composite boards.

In the Russian Federation technical specifications for these products is determined by GOST No. 32304 of 2013. In particular, its table 3 indicates for which specific premises a laminate of a particular class should be used. But this is somewhat general information, which does not give a person who does not have a specialized education an accurate understanding of what the differences between the samples are in terms of operation. There is one more nuance. All requirements are advisory in nature, and some manufacturers use this fact as a legal “loophole”, since whether to be guided by the designated GOST or not is a purely voluntary matter. There are two European standards - EN No. 685 (2007) and No. 13329 (2006). They are almost identical to Russian ones (the differences are only in details), but there is also a fundamental difference - all their requirements are mandatory for the manufacturing company.

If you purchase imported laminate, then there will definitely be no mistake in choosing the optimal class. But questions may arise later regarding some types of domestic products in this regard.

Laminate flooring classes for apartments

When choosing a board, you need to focus on classes 21 - 23. Higher ones (from 31 to 34) are much better in many respects (wear resistance, maximum load and a number of others), but their cost is such that, from an economic point of view, such design of floors in residential premises sometimes it's just not practical. This is a product of the “commercial” category, and is used as a finishing coating, mainly only in public, administrative, industrial and other buildings.

In apartments, finishing subfloors with laminate of classes 31–34 is extremely rare. Only very wealthy people can afford this. But if you have money, and a lot of it, then it is unlikely that the choice will be in favor of such composite board, which, in addition to its advantages, is also characterized by a number of disadvantages (). After all, there are other options - piece parquet, For example.

Calculator for calculating the amount of laminate

What is the difference between laminate boards

In their structure they are almost identical, regardless of the class of laminate.

The same applies to a number of characteristic properties inherent in this floor covering.

What is most relevant for an apartment:

  • Sustainability flooring to abrasion and moisture.
  • The maximum load that a laminate can withstand.

Everything else is his color design, texture, cost per m² - at the discretion of the apartment owner.


For apartment the best laminate, if you focus on the budget option, products of classes from 21 to 23 are considered. Although more expensive samples - from 31 to 34 - will last much longer as a floor covering. Before choosing a laminate according to this indicator, you should compare the upcoming costs (taking into account the future, that is, the approximate frequency of repairs) and the specifics of the use of a particular room. It’s one thing if an elderly couple lives in an apartment, and another thing if it’s a young family with kids. For them, the floor is the main place for games, therefore, its abrasion becomes one of the most important criteria when choosing a laminate according to class.

In order not to have to repair your flooring too often, you should focus on products from manufacturers with an impeccable reputation. And here already we're talking about not about the laminate class, but about the brand (in parentheses are approximate prices in rubles/m²). All designated boards refer to budget options– this can be seen in the cost of production.

  • Laminate from Germany – Krono Floring (448), Classen (469), Kronotex GmbH&Co (481).
  • Russian laminate – Kronospan (272) and Kronostar (373).

Such laminate, if the installation and operation rules are followed (which also means proper care), will serve as flooring in an apartment for at least 12 - 15 years.

For those who are willing to spend on finishing floors more money, it is worth paying attention to laminate brands Tarkett (590), KronoFloring (561), Classen (556), Pergo (814), Quik Step (from 990), Balterio (over 1,120). More expensive, but also more durable. The manufacturers of this laminate guarantee at least 20 years of flawless operation.

All recommendations, advice, reviews, opinions found on the Internet on the issue of laying a specific type of laminate in a particular room are nothing more than general information that can only be taken into account. Only the owner of the apartment, like no one else, knows all its features - the layout, way of life, habits of family members, its composition, and so on. Therefore, the choice of laminate involves individual approach- then there will definitely be no mistakes.

Several types of hard floor coverings are now produced, similar in appearance, but having different structures, therefore, performance. The opportunity to choose is pleasing, but also somewhat confusing. For example, many consumers are interested in the difference between parquet and laminate, and engineered wood and solid wood. Therefore, the purpose of this article will be to understand the variety offered by flooring manufacturers. At the same time, we will compare the main types of parquet and parquet-like materials, analyze their prices, pros and cons in terms of performance characteristics.

Classification of modern parquet-like flooring materials

In addition to classic parquet, which is commercially designated as “piece”, there are now several types of flooring materials that imitate cut wood in their surface texture. Some of them are completely natural, others are composite, and others are artificial. So, today on free sale the consumer can choose one of the following materials for laying on the floor:

  • natural parquet;
  • laminate;
  • parquet (engineering) board;
  • massive board.

All these materials have differences in structure, degree of naturalness, installation method, price and other characteristics. Before making comparisons and finding out which is better, it is worth considering the features of each type of flooring, their pros and cons.


Classic parquet is an absolutely natural floor covering, as it has a solid structure and is made from various types of wood. For its production, wood raw materials grown in our latitudes are used, as well as exotic wood species native to Africa and Latin America. The characteristics of parquet directly depend on the wood raw materials used in its production. Varieties of oak are used to produce wear-resistant coatings. To please yourself and surprise your guests, you should lay parquet from exotic species.

Whatever the raw material for the production of parquet flooring is, it is wood with all that it entails, which forms a list of non-discussed advantages of this floor covering, such as:

  • warm surface giving a pleasant tactile sensation;
  • natural material that does not contain toxic products;
  • “expensive” appearance;
  • durability (subject to maintaining the indoor microclimate within certain limits);
  • possibility of several cycles of surface renewal (scraping).

However, parquet is not without its drawbacks, especially from the point of view of modern consumer demands, and in comparison with other similar materials. Here's what a discerning consumer might not like about parquet:

  • demanding of microclimate;
  • you can’t create a “warm floor” underneath it;
  • the surface is easily damaged;
  • complex, expensive installation and preparation for it (the floating method is not suitable here, since the parquet flooring is not equipped with locks, they only need to be glued to the base);
  • The work is not limited to installation; you also need to sand it and cover it with several layers of varnish, and these procedures are also not cheap.

As for the cost of the flooring material itself, it is comparatively not expensive. The coating, made from domestic wood, will retail for about $20. Exotics will be more expensive - $25-32. Prices here and below are per m2 of material.

Important! Composite material is often sold under the guise of parquet, especially exotic ones. Only natural there upper layer, below is plywood or cellulose, and between them is not the most healthy glue. Although the price tag will indicate “piece parquet”.


These are multilayer plates, where the top decorative layer is laminated, that is, covered with transparent protective film. There are many varieties of laminate in terms of structure and quality of the material used to form each layer. Each manufacturer includes some of its own features into the structure of the plates, endowing them with certain characteristics. Natural wood is not used in production.

The consumer does not need knowledge of the layer-by-layer structure of the laminate, however, the quality of the material in terms of wear resistance is useful in choosing a suitable floor covering. The laminate has the following marking, indicating its ability to withstand loads:

  • 21 – the most “delicate” material, which is designed for minimal load (can be laid in the bedroom and covered with a rug on top);
  • 22 – average household load, suitable for a living room, for example;
  • 23 – this coating is suitable for the corridor, hallway, as it is designed for high loads in residential premises;
  • 31-33 - the same, only for public, commercial, office premises.
  • 34 – designed for very intensive traffic, such as happens at train stations or airports.

Important! As the quality of the laminate increases, the price of the laminate also increases, so it makes sense to choose a material that is optimally suited to the existing conditions. You can, of course, choose a laminate of wear resistance class 31 for your bedroom, but you will have to pay more.

What kind of laminate positive properties and not very much? First, about the advantages, they are as follows:

  • a huge selection of colors and textures that are not limited to the “pattern” of the cut natural wood;
  • can be laid over a heated floor (the coefficient of temperature deformation is insignificant);
  • very easy to install, since the plates are equipped with functional docking locks;
  • forms a floating structure on the floor that does not have rigid contact with the base and walls (no need to glue);
  • You can implement many styling options (straight, herringbone, at an angle).

There were also some downsides:

  • afraid of moisture;
  • service life is short (when compared with materials made from natural wood), cheap - up to 4 years, high-quality - 20-25 years;
  • it is impossible to restore the plate, you just need to disassemble everything and replace the damaged element;
  • conducts sound well, so you should take care of sound insulation (substrate between the laminate and the base of the floor).

Now about the cost. The price of laminate flooring varies widely. The cheapest copies can be found within $4 (the quality is appropriate). Laminate of more or less decent performance has a price of $8-12. From $15 and above you get decent material that has a high-quality coating, an interesting texture and convenient and reliable docking locks. The price limit is $50, although you can find individual copies for more.

Parquet board

This flooring material is sometimes called “engineering” board; some even try to find the difference between these “parquet-like” representatives. Essentially it's the same thing. Parquet board is a kind of symbiosis of parquet and laminate. From parquet, the engineered board received a top layer of natural wood, from laminate - a layered structure, the presence of joining locks and, accordingly, the installation method.

Under the top wooden layer, the parquet board has two more layers. They can be plywood (better) or cheap wood (worse). The lower layers are located mutually perpendicular (direction of the fibers), which gives the material strength and prevents the tendency to deform. The top layer has finished surface, which does not need to be “finished” by sanding and varnishing after installation. This feature makes the parquet board better parquet and in this component. In addition, the described flooring material has the following advantages:

  • the possibility of repairing and updating the surface (scraping);
  • much less susceptible to deformation from temperature and humidity changes than parquet;
  • the quality and “high cost” of the surface is not inferior to parquet;
  • assembles almost as easily into a floating one floor structure like laminate;
  • Laminate is much less afraid of moisture.

Minus parquet board can only be in toxic glue, which can be used by an unscrupulous manufacturer when forming the structure. Therefore, it is better to choose certified flooring.

The cost of a parquet board depends mainly on what type of wood is used to make the top layer. Here the pattern is the same as for parquet. Domestic wood is cheaper, exotic wood is more expensive. Prices range from $20-50.

Solid board

Floor material, made of solid wood, which is laid like laminate. This is roughly how you can describe a massive board. Although the installation technologies used are different. Often the array is not only joined with locks, but also additionally glued to the existing base. In addition to the installation method, solid boards differ from parquet in thickness. The array is thicker (18-25 mm versus 15 mm), which allows for more updates by scraping. In addition, several more advantages of the array can be noted:

  • the surface is ready immediately after installation;
  • durability (up to 100 years);
  • “rich” texture;
  • good heat and sound insulation qualities.

Flaws solid board the same as for other wood materials. Requires a constant microclimate, careful care and the same use of the floor surface. Solid wood is the most expensive floor covering, so not every consumer can afford to choose it. Prices start at $45 and end at $100.

What the flooring will be like is one of the first questions that we have to solve when renovating any room. Many people want the floor in the kitchen to be wooden, so it is important for them to know what is better – parquet boards or laminate. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages.

The parquet board looks impressive and solid, adding discreet nobility to the atmosphere

Parquet boards – prestige, quality, reliability

Many people believe that laminate flooring is more suitable for offices. People who prefer quality things and can afford to buy expensive flooring choose parquet. In terms of price, it is much more expensive than any laminate.

Many people confuse the concepts of parquet and parquet boards. The parquet board consists of three layers. Bottom layer – veneer coniferous species(layer thickness is about 2 mm), the second is wooden planks, which are laid perpendicular to the top and bottom layers. Also here are the outermost locking slats. It is due to them that the parquet is laid so quickly. The top layer of the parquet board is valuable wood (oak, ash, birch, beech). Piece parquet is also made from the same wood. The attractiveness and durability of the parquet board depends on the top layer. It is impregnated with special solutions that help preserve the beauty of the parquet board for several (or even many) years.

The attractive pattern of natural wood enhances the decorative capabilities of the parquet board

People value wood for its naturalness and warmth. It warms even a minimalist interior. The characteristics of wood species, the endless possibilities of laying parquet boards, and new technologies for the production of this material significantly expand the artistic possibilities of parquet. The wooden floor is cozy and warm. But when varnished in several layers, the natural comfort disappears. To preserve this most valuable property of a parquet board, it is recommended to use wax or oil as a coating rather than varnish. They do not hide the beauty of the wood and leave the texture natural. The oil coating is renewed every few years.

Parquet boards have a complex structure that improves specifications this type of flooring

Parquet board design can be single-strip, double-strip or three-strip. Single-strip parquet has a top layer of solid wood strips, so you can see the grain of the wood. In two- and three-strip parquet boards, the top layer consists of two or three rows of lamellas, which can be of different lengths, so the pattern looks unusual. This type of parquet board does not differ in appearance from parquet laid in a deck pattern. There are also models that imitate piece parquet laid in a “wicker” or “herringbone” pattern. As for the pattern of the top layer of the parquet board, it depends on the cut, and can vary from uniform striped to variegated with veins and knots. A wide variety of wood types and processing options allows you to choose parquet boards of any color.

Parquet board, like laminate, is a material ready for installation. The parquet board is sanded, varnished and protective equipment. Laying both laminate and parquet boards is quite simple, and the floor can be disassembled and assembled if necessary.

Laminate – easy to maintain, durable, attractive price

Laminate is one of the most common floor coverings. Relatively recently, it replaced parquet boards and became a worthy competitor to it. Over the past few years, laminate production technologies have developed so much that the coating can compete with many other varieties. Unlike parquet, laminate does not require sanding, impregnation or varnishing; it does not change color when exposed to sun rays, floors can be washed using chemicals for washing laminate flooring. As you can see, the coating gives the owner little trouble.

Laminate has its own advantages and disadvantages, first of all, a wide variety of textures and shades

Laminate is not afraid of sunlight, frequent washing and mechanical damage to the surface. Stains can be removed with acetone or any product with a high alcohol content, and if you clean the room daily, you can get by with a regular damp cloth or vacuum cleaner. Scratches, if they are minor, can be masked with a repair pencil or putty. Laminate flooring is afraid of one thing - excess moisture, although there is also moisture-resistant laminate. If you take proper care of the coating, it will last for a long time and will remain smooth and beautiful, as on the first day after installation.

As already mentioned, laying laminate flooring is quite simple. It all depends on its lock (fastening), the condition of the floor in the room. The fastest way to install laminate is with a “click” glueless lock, since installation does not require either glue or special tools.

What is the difference between laminate and parquet boards

Laminate and parquet boards are the most popular floor coverings. Both guarantee a reliable and durable floor reasonable price. Sometimes laminate and parquet boards are so similar in appearance that it can be difficult for a person not involved in construction to distinguish them. What is the difference between laminate and parquet boards?

  • Mode of production

The parquet board consists of three layers of veneer, while the lower layers are cheaper raw materials, and the top layer is quality materials. Laminate can be compared to photo wallpaper, which is glued onto a multi-layer fibreboard.

  • Appearance of the flooring

As for the appearance, laminate flooring is most often decorated exactly like a parquet board. But the pattern on each board is identical, which cannot be said about a parquet board. You won’t find two identical boards here, since the pattern is identical to the wood structure. In addition, laminate flooring with a “marbled” or “tiled” pattern is available for sale.

Parquet boards, like laminate flooring, are made in such a way that their installation does not cause any difficulties.

Laminate is considered more practical material. It is resistant to abrasion, and it is quite difficult to damage it with shoes or furniture. Parquet boards require careful treatment. The enemies of this flooring are heavy furniture, heels, changes in humidity and temperature, so think carefully about whether it is worth laying parquet boards in the kitchen. If you compare laminate with parquet boards, laminate may seem like a colder material than parquet boards, which are made from natural wood. It is also believed that laminate flooring is noisier (it allows noise to pass through, and steps can be clearly heard). But these disadvantages can be avoided if you use modern means for sound insulation - special substrates for laminate or parquet. The substrates are made of 2 mm thick polyethylene and natural cork. Cork backing is more expensive because cork is natural material, which is considered more environmentally friendly. The underlay is not nailed to the floor, but simply placed on it before work begins.

  • Features of care

If you decide to make a parquet floor in your kitchen, immediately purchase special products to care for it. The mop you use to clean your floors should be only slightly damp, and your vacuum cleaner should not use the steam function. Laminate is also sensitive to humidity, but to a much lesser extent than parquet boards. Household chemicals It is not recommended to use it during floor cleaning.

  • Service life of laminate and parquet boards

At first glance, parquet boards seem like a fragile coating, but with proper care they can last up to 30 years. You can extend the life of a parquet board through restoration and sanding, but these procedures can be done approximately 4 times over the entire period. Laminate flooring lasts from 7 to 20 years. A coating with a high wear class lasts longer. Extends the life of the laminate and proper care behind him.

  • Flooring price

The simpler structure of the laminate affects its price, but not its quality

A high-quality laminate is not much inferior in price to a parquet board, so when deciding on the advisability of purchasing a particular floor covering, be guided by its properties and take into account the characteristics of the room for which this covering is intended.

Deciding on the choice of flooring

It turns out that parquet boards are more durable. Its surface can be updated. Laminate medium price category serves no more than 8 years. Craftsmen have also come up with ways to restore laminate flooring, but the method is quite expensive. It’s easier to buy a new coating and at the same time change the color.

What some consider to be a disadvantage of laminate, others recognize as its advantage. The material, of course, is short-lived compared to parquet boards, but there is a positive aspect to this: you don’t mind parting with it. Abroad, where people change apartments and offices quite often, this material is very popular. Laminate is not afraid of ladies' heels, the rollers on which your children may want to ride around the house, metal models cars. Laminate flooring can be laid even where you most likely would not risk laying parquet boards (in the kitchen, for example).

A few words about laying parquet and laminate flooring

Laying laminate flooring, like parquet boards, should be carried out according to the principle “if you don’t know how, don’t try it.” In any case, the coating brought from the store must be brought into the room and left for at least two days so that the material “settles” and gets used to the humidity and air temperature in the room.

For laying laminate and parquet boards, it is better to invite professional craftsmen on floor coverings, not craftsmen, which are placed quickly, crookedly, inexpensively. In terms of installation, laminate is a rather capricious material, and there is only one chance to install it correctly. It is not glued to the floor, but laid “floating” - the boards are connected to each other using the “tongue and groove” method. Therefore, the laminate can be removed very easily. One bad thing is that it is removed once and for all. If you have removed the lampmat, you will no longer be able to put it in another room.

Manufacturers made sure that the work of laying the floor covering was simple and not particularly labor-intensive

If you invite laminate specialists, make sure that they do not glue the boards to the floor, especially with PVA glue. The laminate will first swell and then shrink. If you really need to use glue, let it be a special glue that is produced specifically for laminate flooring. Also make sure that the craftsmen do not lay the boards parallel to the window. The light from the window must fall parallel to the boards, otherwise the joints will be noticeable.

If the floor is uneven, it must be leveled before you begin laying the flooring.

Let's summarize:

  • Parquet board requires special conditions care Laminate is not afraid of temperature changes and mechanical stress.
  • Natural wood is used to make parquet boards, and synthetic materials are used for laminate flooring.
  • Laminate designs are much more varied.
  • The floor on which the parquet board is laid is beautiful, warm, and quiet.
  • Parquet boards last much longer.
  • Laminate flooring is usually cheaper than parquet boards.

At the stage of laying flooring, many people are faced with the question: “what is better, parquet or laminate.” You can make a decision in favor of one of the options only after all their advantages and disadvantages have been thoroughly studied.


This material has three layers made of wood and located perpendicular to each other. This type of gluing gives the coating special strength and resistance to change. geometric shape. High-strength wood species (for example, beech, oak, maple, ash) are used in the production of the top coating layer. There are also exotic options, in the manufacture of which red or teak wood is used. Layer thickness 0.5-6 mm. The lamellas (second layer) are most often represented by pine or spruce and have an average thickness of 9 mm. The third layer acts as wood plywood 1.5 mm thick.

Classification of parquet by the number of planks

  • Single lane. Visually it is a solid wood covering that looks great in large areas. The cost of such parquet is quite high, because wide strips of expensive types of wood are used in production. Today you can buy boards with chamfers. After laying it, grooves are formed between the boards, which perfectly imitate seams, which allows you to achieve the effect of a solid wood covering.
  • Two-way. It consists of two planks, divided into modules or laid in continuous strips. This type parquet is perfect for formal interiors.
  • Three-way. This is the most common type. Three-strip board perfectly imitates a “deck” pattern and is used in interior design different types. Board width – 109-208 mm.
  • Four-lane. This option is made from wood waste and is best suited for finishing a summer house.

Advantages of parquet

  • Durability. The service life of the coating is 20-25 years.
  • Environmental friendliness. This is completely natural product unlike many other types of finishes.
  • Artistic styling.
  • Maintainability.
  • Noise insulation.
  • Lack of static.
  • Natural beauty of the material structure. No type of artificial turf can surpass the beauty of natural wood.

The disadvantages of parquet include low resistance to moisture, difficulty in installation, the ability to absorb odors and loss of color when directly exposed to sunlight (burnout).


This type of flooring is made from several layers of material and covered with plastic film. It consists of several layers: the bottom one is made from moisture-resistant paper additionally impregnated with resins or from thin plastic (necessary to give the structure stability and rigidity), the middle one is fibreboard or particle board, the top one is a high-strength non-electrified film (can imitate stone, wood , ceramic tiles, metal and plain-painted surfaces). Externally, the laminate consists of panels about 1 meter long and 20 cm wide.

Advantages of laminate

  • Convenience and ease of installation (the tongue-and-groove system allows you to install it yourself without the involvement of qualified specialists).
  • Abrasion resistance.
  • Environmental safety (can be used in areas where children and allergy sufferers live).
  • Resistant to damage (not afraid of massive furniture, animal claws, heels, etc.).
  • Resistance to ultraviolet rays.
  • Affordable price.
  • Hygiene.
  • Possibility of laying on a “warm floor” system.
  • Able to withstand high temperatures.
  • Protected from moisture.

The disadvantages of the coating include high noise (requires installation of a soundproofing pad), and cannot be repaired or restored.

Choosing a laminate depending on the class of use

21 – residential premises with a light load level;

22 – living rooms with an average load level;

23 – premises with high degree loads intended for human habitation;

31-33 – public premises with different levels of traffic;

34 – premises public type With high level loads (airports, train stations, etc.).

What is the difference between laminate and parquet?

There is no clear answer to this question. Floor coverings should be selected depending on specific situation. Criterias of choice:

  • Appearance. The beauty of natural wood cannot be compared with anything, but in creating modern interiors Imitation of stone, tile, and metal, which laminate can provide, is increasingly being used.
  • Purpose of the premises. For areas with high traffic, it is better to choose artificial turf.

In terms of impact resistance, laminate is 1.5 times higher than parquet boards. In addition, do not forget its high abrasion resistance. However, in solid interiors, natural boards will look more refined and noble.

  • Life time. The lifespan of any floor covering depends on proper care. On average, the service life of parquet is 35 years, laminate will last no more than 25 years.
  • Thermal conductivity. Wood will undoubtedly retain heat better. However, if you still decide to use laminate, you can effectively solve the problem using the “warm floor” system.
  • Soundproofing. Wood will provide the proper level of thermal insulation. Comparing the difference between parquet and laminate, it is worth noting that last option much noisier. When installing it, additional costs will be required for a soundproofing substrate.

  • Atmosphere in the house. If there is no efficient system ventilation, in summer time The humidity level will be increased, and in winter the air, on the contrary, will be too dry. All this will negatively affect appearance parquet board. Under such conditions, it will “swell” and then dry out, as a result of which cracks and cracks may appear. The problem can be solved either by choosing laminate flooring or by installing a high-quality ventilation system.
  • Price. If you want to save money, give preference artificial material, however, if you wish to purchase durable coating, which can be restored over time - choose parquet.
  • Features of operation. Laminate is resistant to moisture, while parquet is afraid of it and needs to be used special means care

Modern laminate is classified according to wear resistance and ability to withstand moisture. Today, to decorate an apartment or office, you can choose different laminate. In most cases, grade 32 is recommended,

Quantity calculator

However, the 33 differs slightly in price. Let's take a look at the differences to make the best choice.


Not long ago, the industry produced many types of laminate. The following encoding principle was adopted:

  • The first number is responsible for the recommended area of ​​application. 2 – for household needs, 3 – commercial real estate.
  • The second part of the coding varies from 1 to 4 and is responsible for strength and moisture resistance.

Previously, quite a few types were produced. Classes 21-23 were intended for domestic needs, and 31-34 for commercial premises. Today, production technologies have advanced so far that the cost of the board differs only slightly.

Today, only laminate with classification code 31-34 remains on the market, since class 2 boards definitely lose out in any comparison. The most purchased segment is class 32. It has the best ratio of price, quality, and user characteristics.

Another characteristic of laminate is the coating class. It is indicated on the packaging under the AC code and can vary in the range from 1 to 6. For class 32 laminate this value is usually in the range of 2-4, for class 33 - 3-5, class 34 laminate has a higher AC of 5 or 6. Most “name” manufacturers secretly follow such combinations of board quality and coating wear resistance indicators.

However, modern factories do not always follow such a clear gradation. Among the products of China and Taiwan, it is easy to find a laminate of class 32 with a coating, in which AC is equal to 5. You can also find a laminate of class 33 with a low-quality coating with an index of 2 or without marking, which can be conditionally accepted as the lowest wear resistance. Therefore, when choosing a particular material, you need to look not only at the board code, but also take into account the difference in the strength of the coating.

Narrow segments

Class 31 laminate is used very rarely. People with low incomes may choose it, however, this is not justified. Life time similar products– only 6 years, the coating is recommended to be used in very low load conditions. Class 34 laminate is designed for extreme conditions. For example, they are used to decorate dance floors, gyms, and building corridors leading to elevators or escalators. This material perfectly resists abrasion, constant mechanical loads, and frequent wet cleaning using large quantity water and chemicals.

Customer reviews about it are positive. Manufacturers guarantee a service life of up to 15 years in household use. The board can withstand wet cleaning, medium loads, and is designed for changes in humidity, which are usually present in residential premises. AC coating class provides for average daily loads, as well as the use of shoes without sharp metal sole elements.

More expensive, compared to class 32 material, it can withstand severe loads. They can be used to line restaurant halls and office premises; the coating is designed for long-term use and heavy traffic throughout the day. The service life is up to 10 years. Depending on the wear resistance class of the top layer, the price of a class 33 laminate can be 2 times higher than the cost of a class 32 coating.

What are the differences?

First, let's list how the materials are similar. The list of traits is quite extensive:

  • the available colors are practically the same;
  • surface design techniques (textured, matte) are the same;
  • the range of available thicknesses is the same;
  • installation methods are similar;
  • The same board sizes, laying formats, and connection types are used.

As you can see, laminate grades 32 and 33 are very similar. However, there is a difference that may affect the choice of flooring:

  • Class 33 laminate has a slightly poorer range of colors and shades. If you require some exquisite color or surface design, the likelihood of finding what you need in class 32 materials is higher.
  • With the same level of wear resistance of the coating, class 32 laminate is slightly cheaper.
  • There are some types of surface finishes (for example, oak parquet, as in the photo) that only exist in class 33.

The list is incomplete, however, as can be seen from it, the question “which is better” may simply disappear as there is no alternative. Only class 32 or 33 laminate will be selected.

What is better to choose if the comparison gives almost the same results?

Let's consider the case when laminates of classes 32 and 33 are almost the same, even the price differs slightly. In this case, the choice must be made based on the scope of application of the coating:

  • Class 32 laminate with a high AC wear resistance rating will be preferable in places where people walk most often: entrance hall, corridor, hall, children's rooms.

  • Class 33 laminate will perform better in the dining room, kitchen, and bathroom. This is evidenced by both the classification and user reviews. It more easily tolerates surges of humidity during cleaning, and is also indifferent to sudden changes in temperature, for example, from hot coffee spilled on it.
  • Balcony floor finishing. Here the choice depends on the operating conditions. Class 33 will perform well in the absence good insulation floor, when laying on a screed, for example. 32 will save money if there is a false floor on the joists on which the covering is mounted.

Today on the market you can find class 32 laminate with a very high level of wear resistance of the coating and class 33 laminate of the same price, but with a lower AC rating. When answering the question of which is better, you should evaluate, first of all, the board. A higher class coverage may allow entry into the same financial budget, however, it will definitely be better to behave with frequent wet cleaning, as well as temperature fluctuations and loads.