How to remove film from plastic windows. How to clean plastic windows from protective film? Hot air from a hair dryer

To remove protective film With plastic windows at home, you can use a solvent, a scraper, a hairdryer and other devices. You can also solve the problem with soap, window cleaner, brush, or denatured alcohol. Next, the structure must be cleaned of any remaining adhesive base and protective film. In this case, a screed, a sponge, crumpled paper And special remedy for glass.

Film removal methods

According to the rules, the protective film from PVC windows must be removed within 10 days, because in a year this will be quite problematic. The film is very thin and delicate, under the influence sun rays And high temperature, it collapses and eventually dries out. To prevent the glue from drying out, you must use the following means:

  1. 1. Blade, knife or scraper. When using sharp objects, it is important to avoid damaging the surface. Carefully pry off the edge of the film with a scraper or blade, then tear off the remaining part with your hands. After you have managed to peel off the protection from a windowsill or plastic window, traces of the adhesive may remain on the surface. You can get rid of them using a cleaning gel (Cif, for example) and a dishwashing sponge. When removing the adhesive, do not use any force, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the surfaces.
  2. 2. Construction hair dryer. The hot air stream should be directed directly at the frame, and not at the glass unit, because cracks may appear on it. Under the influence of heat, the adhesive composition will become softer, this will significantly simplify the cleaning of the glass from the film. In the same way, you can use a regular hair dryer or a steam generator.
  3. 3. White alcohol or other solvent. Before using any of these products, it is worth testing the effect of the composition on an inconspicuous area of ​​the window or window sill. If the plastic is not damaged, then you can begin to remove the protection. Method of application: carefully pry the edge of the film with a scraper or other sharp object, then apply the product between the plastic and the film. So gradually clean the entire surface.
  4. 4. Cosmofen. This is a special solvent for removing protection from PVC windows. There are 3 types that differ in the degree of impact: No. 5, No. 10, No. 20. If used carelessly, you can dissolve not only the film, but also the plastic. Therefore, it is recommended to use the least aggressive composition, number five.
  5. 5. Paint remover RP6. To get rid of old dried film, you need to apply this product to it in a thick layer. After 10-12 minutes the surface will begin to swell. To remove the film, you must wear gloves and safety glasses. The soap solution will help remove any remaining glue and product.
  6. 6. Soap solution and a stiff brush. This method is effective if the window is on the shady side. The adhesive composition does not heat up very much, and accordingly, its adhesion to the plastic is weak. For this it is necessary to hot water(1 liter is enough) dissolve 2 tablespoons of shavings laundry soap. After soaking the brush in this product, try to wipe off the remaining film.
  7. 7. Denatured alcohol. You should pour denatured alcohol into a spray bottle and evenly spray the surface on which the protection has dried. After 5 minutes, you can lift the edge of the film and remove it with your hands. When performing these manipulations, be sure to wear rubber gloves to protect your hands.

If the film does not come off, you can solve the problem using detergent. chemical agent(Schumann). To clean the surface from the protection, you must follow the instructions included on the package. If after removing the main part there are small “islands” left, you can rub them with a regular eraser.

Cleaning windows from film residues

After you have managed to peel off the film at home, the glass unit needs to be washed.

There are several ways and means:

  1. 1. Paper, rags and window cleaner with spray. First you need to treat with a damp cloth to remove any remaining compounds, glue and pieces of film. After this, spray the windows with a spray and wipe them first with a dry rag, then with paper (you can use napkins).
  2. 2. Sponge and screed. This option is ideal for cases where you need to reach the windows. In this case, you need to use a screed with a handle, the length of which should be within 25-30 cm. The cleaning itself is performed as follows: first of all, you need to prepare a cleaning solution - 2 drops of product per 2 liters of warm water. Wet the sponge in the solution and squeeze it well to excess liquid did not flow onto the windowsill. You need to wash in a circular motion, focusing Special attention those places where the protective film was removed and remained adhesive base. Then you should take clean warm water into a container, soak the screed in it and run it along the entire length of the surface. After cleaning the windows, wipe them with a dry cloth using horizontal movements from left to right. At the end of these manipulations, remove the water from the windowsill.
  3. 3. Concentrated soap solution. To clean the surface from film and glue residues, you first need to prepare a solution from shavings of laundry soap, then soak a rag in it and wipe the windows. When a soap crust appears, remove it with a mint toilet paper or a newspaper. To avoid streaks, use a window cleaner with a spray (Chistulya, Cinderella and others).

The hot summer days are gone... Shining mirror shine Has the window of your room begun to bring trouble instead of life-giving coolness? Has your favorite ficus dropped its leaves? Did your favorite canary start to wake up and chirp just before lunch? And all because there was not enough light in the house! A miracle of technology - the thinnest sun protection film, which saved you from the oppressive heat in the summer, began to show its negative properties with the arrival of autumn.

Light transmission through a plastic window decreased by 20-30%. It's time to think about how to remove film from plastic windows without damaging PVC profile and at the same time, do not scratch the glass...

Methods for removing light protective film

The negative qualities of sunscreen films begin to manifest themselves in autumn- winter period. And they are connected with the fact that the light transmittance of these films is 90% - 5%. Manufacturers recommend removing the film from the plastic window for the winter. And they do this not to increase sales volumes, but to prevent complaints from consumers who, when buying and gluing reflective film, did not carefully read the instructions.

The vast majority of sun protection (mirror) films are currently glued to a plastic window using the “wet” method - using a soap solution. But the composition of the glue, in most cases, remains a trade secret of the manufacturer.

We can only state that any reputable manufacturer strives to ensure that the glue is of high quality and resistant to UV rays, precipitation, temperature changes and mechanical stress.

It is these properties of the glue that create insurmountable obstacles for some home craftsmen who have successfully coped with the problem of high-quality gluing of film when the time comes to get rid of it.

Of all the methods that have been invented, with the exception of contacting the manufacturer with the question: what solvent should you use for the sun protection film you produced to remove it?

And this information is usually placed on the packaging of films from reputable and trusted companies from the Netherlands, Germany or France.

90%+ of products from companies in the Southeast Asian region either do not indicate the brand of solvent at all, or place this information encrypted, in hieroglyphs that defy the Russian mind, in the list of technical characteristics.

Craftsmen have come up with 3 main ways to remove film:

  • soaking;
  • warming up;
  • use of solvents.

Soaking reflective films

If the film is glued to the glass of a plastic window using an aqueous solution with the addition of surfactants (surfactants), then it is logical to assume that the glue used by the manufacturer is water-soluble.

The simplest method is the old soaking method.

For this you will need:

  • cotton or semi-synthetic fabric that fits perfectly in size window glass;
  • spray;
  • foam paint roller;
  • basin for solution with surfactant;
  • construction scraper with replaceable blades;
  • plastic or rubber spatula.

Step 1

Over the summer, the film has time to dry out, and the structure of the polymer becomes fragile. It needs to be thoroughly soaked in water to remove it. Cut a piece of canvas 10-20 mm larger in length/width than the dimensions of the plastic window glass, so that it bends slightly onto the PVC profile of the window frames. Soak it in a solution with a surfactant. To do this, you can use any detergent, but the best one is dishwashing detergent - “Fairy”, “Sorti”, “Dosya”, “Kaplya”, etc. or window cleaner.

Step 2

Moisten the surface of the film with a solution containing a surfactant from a spray bottle and stick a wet cloth on it. Spray the fabric periodically to keep it moist. Take your time! The longer the film soaks on the plastic window, the easier it will be to remove it from the glass. Minimum exposure – 1 hour.

Step 3

Using a fingernail or a sharp object (toothpick, plastic spatula), pick up the film at the upper corner of the window and try to separate it from the glass by 10-20 mm. After this, moisten the separated area with a spray bottle so that the solution gets between the adhesive surface of the film and the glass. Leave for 5-10 minutes.

Step 4

It is better to do it with an assistant. Grab the peeled corner with your fingers and very slowly and smoothly, without any sudden effort, pull it towards you. If the film begins to peel off, you can clean the glass without any problems. You will be successful!

Holding the corner of the film with your fingers and your other hand, use a hard rubber (plastic) spatula to peel off a narrow strip along the entire upper edge of the window and moisten it again with a spray bottle.

Step 5

All further work will consist in the fact that you will smoothly and evenly pull the film towards you, trying to prevent it from tearing, and an assistant will moisten the surface of the glass at this time so that the soap solution gets between the film and the glass.

The main thing is not to rush. Intervals after moisturizing should be 5-10 minutes.

Step 6

If there are pieces of film that have not come off on the window, moisten them generously and remove them using a construction (office) scraper with replaceable blades. After the film is completely removed, the window is washed with a solution of window cleaner. You can add a few drops of ammonia solution to it ( ammonia) to add shine to the glass.

Removal with a hair dryer

All polymer coatings sensitive to temperature increases. When heated, they become more flexible and much easier to bend or separate from each other. Reflective films are made from heat-resistant polymers. So that during active heating in the Sun they do not peel off spontaneously. Therefore, their heating temperature should be quite high - 50-100°C.

An ordinary household hair dryer will not work for this (the overheating protection relay will work).

To clear the window you need to use construction hair dryer. The film separation technology does not differ significantly from that when using a soap solution.

Step 1

Heat the entire surface of the window with the film glued evenly, holding the hairdryer at a distance of 100-150 mm from the surface. Do not hold the hair dryer in one area. Glass may burst due to overheating.

Step 2

Point the hairdryer at the corner of the film at the top edge of the window for 2-5 seconds.

Pick up the softened film with a spatula and separate it from the glass.

Step 3

Need help from an assistant. Evenly, holding the hairdryer 50-100 mm from the glass, move it along the film in a horizontal plane. An assistant must keep the film taut while separating (pasting) it from the glass.

The main thing is not to overheat the film and glass; the film may begin to deform and stretch out in threads, and the glass may burst due to the high temperature.

Step 4

After removing the film, wash the glass.

Removal using solvents

All polymer films, including reflective ones, are sensitive to nitro solvents. Therefore, to remove them, you should never use liquids containing acetone or similar chemicals. Otherwise, you risk dissolving the polymer base, turning it into a viscous mass, leaving glue on the glass.

As a solvent for glue, it is necessary to use either the solvent recommended by the manufacturer, or select it experimentally by conducting a series of tests.

For testing, use pieces of film left over after repairs, or peel off a corner of the film on the window glass using one of the methods described above.

Important to remember! Working with solvents requires the mandatory use of respiratory protection - a protective respirator with cartridges for working with chemicals, or a gas mask.

Remove all plants and pets from the room (especially cold-blooded ones - fish, amphibians, reptiles)! Work without children!

Windows must be open when working!

The most suitable solvents for film removal are those based on petroleum distillation products - gasoline, naphtha, solvents:

  • nefras C2;
  • Z-646;
  • toluene;
  • ethylgasoline;
  • orthoxynol;
  • solvent, etc.

Or alcohol-based - isopropyl alcohol, formic alcohol, formaldehyde, etc.

All these solvents are toxic!

After peeling off a corner of the film, use a pipette to apply a few drops of solvent between the film and the glass. If the solvent is effective, a rainbow-colored spot should form between the film and the glass, and the film should separate from the glass without any effort.

Apply the solvent between the film and the glass using a pipette. The exposure between the application of the solvent and the film separation time is 1-3 minutes.

The process can be controlled visually by the formation of a rainbow layer between the film and glass.

Before starting work on the inner surface of the PVC profile, determine the resistance of the PVC window profile to the selected solvent. To do this, soak a piece of cotton wool in a solvent and apply it to the PVC profile. If after this there are cotton wool fibers left on the window profile, you cannot use such a solvent!

Apply solvent especially carefully along the edges of the film. It should not get on the rubber window seals, otherwise they will melt! Immediately wipe off any solvent that gets on the rubber with a dry cloth.

You can only work with gasoline-resistant rubber gloves!

Instead of a conclusion

These are not tricky, time-tested, but very unreliable ways to remove reflective film from the glass of a plastic window. All of them require time and painstaking, leisurely work.

October 14, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

After installing double-glazed windows, many people ask on forums how to remove film from plastic windows? The fact is that this operation, which at first glance is extremely simple, sometimes becomes a real problem and headache. Therefore, in this article, I will introduce you to some of the most effective ways to remove protective film from plastic frames.

A few words about protective film

The film on plastic windows protects the surface of the plastic during the transportation of windows and their installation. Moreover, manufacturers use special ones for gluing it. adhesive compositions so that there are no problems with deletion in the future. However, the coating is not intended to remain on the windows for a long time.

The fact is that gradually the glue under the film dries out and eats into the surface of the plastic. In addition, the coating itself is destroyed in the sun and loses its characteristics. As a result, when removed, the old film begins to tear or even crumble.

From this we can conclude, that it is necessary to remove the film as soon as possible after installing the windows. True, if the windows are cheap, then problems may arise even when removing the recently glued covering, due to the use of low-quality glue.

But, in any case, you shouldn’t despair, because there are quite effective ways to remove old film from plastic windows, even if it is “tightly” ingrained into the plastic. The main thing is to have patience and some tools, which I will discuss below.

In the summer, the glue dries much faster and eats into the plastic than in the cold season.

Film removal methods

So, dried protective film can be removed from the surface in the following ways:

Method 1: using a scraper

First of all, try to remove the film using a scraper or other sharp object, for example, a mounting or even a blade. The only thing, It is necessary to work with sharp tools very carefully so as not to damage the plastic.

Instructions for removing the coating using a scraper are as follows:

  1. first of all you need to pry the edge protective coating using a scraper or other sharp object. The peeled edge must be large enough to be grasped;
  2. next you need to pull the foam and try to tear it off in one quick movement;
  3. if the tape starts to tear, pry it again, but try to use as little as possible cutting tool and work more with your fingers so as not to scratch the plastic.

A similar method can be used if the protective coating has not yet been destroyed by exposure to the sun. Otherwise, it will not be possible to tear off the film, and it is not advisable to constantly pick at it with a scraper, since it will take a lot of time and will certainly lead to scratches on the surface of the plastic.

Even if you successfully rip off the protective coating in this way, there will likely remain areas of glue on the surface of the plastic. You can remove them in ways that I will discuss below.

Method 2: eraser

If the old coating becomes easy to tear or even crumble, it can be removed with an eraser. True, this method is only suitable for small plots, for example, if there is a film or glue residue left here and there after using a scraper.

To clean the surface, choose a rubber band that is as elastic as possible. Simply rub the stained area with your hands, as if you were erasing a pencil from paper. As a result, the remaining glue and protective coating will roll into a roller that can be removed with your fingers.

It is very difficult to completely clean the frames in this way, so it is better to use a less labor-intensive method.

Method 3: hairdryer

If you cannot remove the coating with just a scraper, you can warm it up with a hair dryer before peeling off the film. This is done as follows:

  1. turn on the hair dryer maximum power and reheat thoroughly small area coatings;
  2. then pick up the tape and pull its edge. After heating, the glue should become much more “pliable”;
  3. after this you need to heat the next area and remove it in the same way;
  4. the remaining glue must be heated again and then wiped off with paper towel.

An even more effective way to tear off the protective coating is to heat it with a steam generator. You can also use a hair dryer, however, work with it carefully so as not to melt the film and especially the plastic frames.

I must say that this method is quite effective. As a rule, it allows you to get rid of even the most ingrained glue into the surface of the plastic.

Method 4: medical or technical alcohol

Now let's look at how to remove film from plastic windows using alcohol. This method is effective in removing film and adhesive residues.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • the contaminated area should be treated with medical 96 percent alcohol or denatured alcohol using a spray or cotton solution. As the alcohol dries, it should be reapplied within a few minutes;
  • Then you can start removing the old adhesive and film residue using a paper towel. As you work, you may need a scraper or other tool to pry off the film.

It must be said that alcohol allows you not only to clean the surface of the old protective coating, but also to bleach the plastic, as well as get rid of other contaminants.

Method 5: vegetable oil

When choosing what to wipe off the remaining coating and glue, you can give preference vegetable oil. The latter could be anything, the only thing keep in mind is that oil will remain on the surface of the window even after you wash it. Therefore it is best to use essential oil which smells nice.

Instructions for removing the coating with this product look like this:

  1. Before washing the surface, you need to apply oil to the contaminated areas using a cotton swab, and then wait an hour. As the oil dries, the surface should be periodically lubricated;
  2. after the specified time, the contaminated areas should be wiped with a paper towel;
  3. At the end of the work you need to wash off the oil detergent without abrasive.

Method 6: white spirit

White spirit is a fairly potent agent. The only thing is, before using it, wipe a small, inconspicuous area of ​​plastic with solvent. The fact is that not all PVC windows are resistant to this solvent.

If you are sure that the solvent will not harm the plastic, perform the work in the following order:

  1. the edge of the film must be torn off using a scraper or other sharp object, as far as possible;
  2. then the space between the film and the surface of the plastic should be treated with a solvent;
  3. You should wait a few minutes before peeling off the film. After this, the tape should come off easily;
  4. in the area where the film has not begun to tear, white spirit should be applied again.

If vapor barrier tape was used when installing the window, make sure that no solvent gets on it, as it may become damaged.

Method 7: “Shumanite”

"Shumanite" is a powerful detergent, which is intended primarily to remove grease from the surface. However, it also copes well with adhesives that are used when gluing protective coatings. The only thing to remember is that Schumanite contains substances that can react with frames, so you should not apply it for a long time.

Dried film and old glue are removed using this tool as follows:

  1. old glue should be treated with the compound. If there is old coating left on the surface, the area underneath it should be treated, as well as the edges along the tape;
  2. almost immediately after applying Schumanite, the coating should be torn off and the remaining glue should be wiped off with a damp towel;
  3. At the end of the work, the surface of the plastic must be washed with any suitable detergent.

Method 8: "HG Sticker Remover"

When talking about how easy it is to remove old film, one cannot fail to mention such a product as HG Sticker Remover. It is sold in stores household chemicals, as a rule, in bottles with a capacity of 300 ml.

In general, this composition is intended for removing stickers and all kinds of self-adhesive stickers from the surface. However, as practice shows, with the help of Sticker Remover, old protective film can be easily removed.

The principle of its use is similar to working with other solvents:

  1. before tearing off the film, you should pick it up and treat it with a product;
  2. after a few minutes the coating can be peeled off;
  3. then the surface should be treated again with the composition;
  4. after a few seconds, the product with glue residue must be removed using a paper towel or a clean rag.

Method 9: "Cosmofen 10"

If you ask manufacturers of plastic windows to advise you on a means for removing the protective coating, they will probably tell you about “Cosmofen 10”, which is a weak PVC solvent designed specifically for such purposes.

You can also use its analogue, which is called “FENOSOL”. The price of these compositions ranges from 300 rubles per liter.

As in previous cases, the old film is first picked out, after which the composition is applied. These products can also be used to remove glue residue.

Before you wash the surface of the glue, you need to wait a few minutes for the product to react.

Method 10: “P-12”

Finally, I’ll tell you about the “RP-6” product, which is acrylic solvent. With its help, you can easily remove glue residues.

The only thing is, before doing the work, be sure to check whether the solvent does not react with the plastic frames. The fact is that some types of plastic can change color under the influence of RP-6.

The composition is used in the same way as other solvents. Typically, a few minutes is enough for it to react with the old glue.

How to remove protective film from plastic windows

According to the manufacturer's recommendation, the protective tape from the plastic window should be removed, preferably within the first 10 days after installation. Subsequently, it will not be possible to easily remove the film, since the properties of the glue will begin to change under the influence of heat and sunlight.

To solve the problem, you can invite specialists from a cleaning company who will quickly and professionally clean the surface of the window from adhering film. But with certain skills, you can try to remove it yourself, using a special scraper for glass ceramics and a hair dryer. You can peel off the tape using technical alcohol or tape if you can tear it off piece by piece.

The purpose of the protective film on a plastic window is to protect the surface of the block from possible scratches and dirt. After delivery of the product, installation and completion of the slopes, the film must be removed.

It is best to do this right away, but this is not always possible. But it is necessary to remove even strongly stuck tape. There are several ways to try.

Heating the film with a hair dryer

This is one of the most simple methods removing unnecessary film. If you heat its surface with a hairdryer, soften the layer of old and dried glue, then it will be easy to pick up the edge of the tape and lift it at least a little. Then, direct a stream of hot air under the film and pull it little by little, gradually tearing it away from the window block. Thus, without breaks, you can remove an entire strip.

When working with a hair dryer, do not allow hot air to hit the glass - it may burst from the high temperature.

Mechanical cleaning with a scraper

If the film cannot be lifted because it immediately begins to tear and crumble, you should use scrapers to clean glass ceramics or to remove paint, you can also work with a universal one, but in all cases you should take a new blade, then the surface to be cleaned will be more even. It is also necessary to preheat the old tape each time with a construction or regular hairdryer in turbo mode; you can use a steam generator. Residues of glue and film can be easily removed with a scraper held under minimum angle to the surface.

Using tape

Sometimes after cleaning there are stuck pieces that cannot be removed. In this case, wide tape will come in handy. First, you will need to degrease the profile surface with detergents or alcohol. It is better to use the hard side of the sponge and wash everything thoroughly.

Then you need to wipe the surface dry, stick tape on it and level it with a rag. After an hour it needs to be removed. Pieces of the protective film will remain stuck to its surface.

Any attempts to remove stuck pieces with a blade or abrasive cleaning agents may result in damage. plastic profile. However small scratches can be removed with white Cosmofen brand glue, which is otherwise called liquid plastic. Sometimes the German cleaning agent FENOSOL S 10, which has a slight dissolving effect, can help. It is applied to a cotton napkin and wiped over the damaged surface. When using these drugs, you must follow the safety precautions and rules for working with these substances specified by the manufacturer.

Special adhesive removers

When the remaining film needs to be removed, and a hairdryer is not available, you should use products to remove adhesive residue. The universal American aerosol product WD-40, which contains white spirit, can help in this matter. The substance does not interact with plastic and removes stickers and dirt from glass.

Other substances have a more targeted application and are used to remove tape residues and adhesive stains from stickers. Among them is HG sticker remover - which completely removes stickers, self-adhesive tapes, oil and bitumen stains. As with everyone chemicals Because of this operating principle, you need to work with it very carefully and keep it away from children.

Using HG sticker remover is simple, just bend a small corner of the stuck film and drop a little liquid there. Leave it for a while, and then you can simply remove everything and wipe the area with a cloth.

“Solins”, “LAVEL OFF”, “Antiscotch” and others have the same ability to remove remnants of the adhesive layer.

Remaining glue stains on the profile can be removed using a cotton pad and white spirit. You can use a regular school eraser, but it will take a lot of time. And then you need to completely wash the window with warm soapy water.

Before applying any of these products to the front surface window profile, it is necessary to check its effect in a hidden area between the frames or near the seal. If the color of the frame has changed or yellowed, or the structure of its top layer has changed, then you should not use this product.

How to remove protective film with alcohol

When the film crumbles into small pieces that are almost impossible to tear off from the surface, you can use industrial or medical alcohol to remove them. To do this, you need a small spray bottle; the one that is used to moisten the leaves is also suitable. indoor plants. You need to fill a container with alcohol and spray it over the contaminated frame. After a few minutes, all that remains is to wipe Right place with a stiff sponge or brush. You should not use metal brushes or sponges for these purposes, as they will damage the plastic.

You need to spray alcohol carefully, do not allow splashes to get into your eyes. There should be no children or pets in the room at this time.

If the renovation in the apartment has not yet been completed, and the windows have already been installed, then in order to avoid future problems with removing the protective film, it is better to remove it immediately. And before the installation of slopes, plastering of walls, wallpapering and painting begins, it is better to seal the surface of the plastic with masking tape.

The listed methods for removing used protective film from PVC windows are the simplest and not too expensive. But if for some reason there is a lot on the windows various contaminants, you should not risk the appearance of these products; it is better to call specialists from a cleaning company.

Glad to see everyone on my blog!

After installing plastic windows, not everyone immediately removes the film from them. But in vain!

More than once I had to observe in a recently built house nearby how the residents rubbed it with wet rags and tried to scrape it off with a scraper, since they did not immediately realize that they should have removed it immediately after purchase.

What can I say, because many people buy apartments after the film has had time to dry tightly.

Therefore, be vigilant, read useful tips on effective cleaning methods and immediately test them in practice.

On the protective films of profiles, manufacturers write that removing the film from metal-plastic window designs necessary immediately after installation work. But, for a number of reasons, this requirement is often neglected.

The protective coating protects the structure from contamination that inevitably arises during repairs or construction.

For example, the film can be useful when decorating slopes, external insulation of housing, and carrying out decorative work.

In such cases, the film's adhesive remains on the frames longer and hardens over time. This complicates the process of removing the film, and the glue itself sticks to the windows in the form of unaesthetic black spots.

How then to remove the film from plastic windows?

Helpful advice!

This problem can be solved in two stages, sequentially using mechanical and chemical methods.

The first will allow you to remove the film itself, while the second will deal directly with the glue.

Accordingly, to achieve the best effect, it is advisable to go through both stages. This approach will allow you to effectively get rid of the problem and avoid scratches on the windows.

So, the protective coating can be safely removed with three tools:

  • scraper for cleaning glass-ceramic cookers;
  • an industrial hair dryer (it is also acceptable to use a high-power household hair dryer);
  • school eraser.

In the first case, you should carefully separate the film with the sharp edge of a scraper. Due to the fact that this device Designed for glass ceramics, the likelihood of scratches on windows is quite low. But you should still be careful when working.

The second option is considered safer and more reliable. It is necessary to heat the sealed surface with hot air.

It is important not to overdo it so that the film does not melt and stick tightly to the structure. More warm covering removed in one confident movement. If necessary, the edge can be pryed off with any sharp object.

Removing film with an eraser, at first glance, seems to be a rather exotic method. In practice, this method will require quite a lot of effort from you, but the PVC profile will probably remain intact.

But to remove film from plastic windows, use one mechanical method not enough.

After physically peeling off the film window frames What remains is the glue, which is firmly adhered to the structure. If the composition has not had time to dry well, you can get by with an ordinary household rag and soapy water.

Use a well-moistened cloth to rub the contaminated areas vigorously. However, in some cases you will need more powerful tools. Thus, the chemicals COSMOFEN 10 or FENOSOL performed well. They are good because in addition to stubborn dirt they can also remove minor scratches.

You can also use Nanoflex P-12, an equipment cleaning product. It is worth mentioning that the listed methods for removing the protective coating are suitable for all elements of window structures. The adhesive composition in them, as a rule, is the same, which allows the use of the same products for working with frames, double-glazed windows, window sills, and fittings.

In conclusion, we note that before removing the film from plastic windows, you should definitely complete all construction works in the area of ​​the opening. This way you can maintain an attractive appearance structures for a long time.

Naturally, with the exception of those works after which it will not be possible to physically remove the film.


Do we remove the film if we didn’t do it right away?

The frames of metal-plastic windows are protected with a special film in order to protect them from dirt, scratches and other damage during transportation and installation.

Removing film from metal-plastic windows is extremely simple if done in a timely manner, i.e. immediately after the windows have been installed.

If for some reason you delay this, then removing the film can become a big problem. According to the instructions, the film must be removed within 10 days after installing metal-plastic windows.

If you increase given period until a month or two, then most likely nothing bad will happen. Then, when the film remains on the frames for 3 months or more, it will take a lot of effort to remove it.

Why does this discrepancy arise? It turns out that the protective film consists of two layers and is glued to the frames using a special glue. Under the influence of heat and solar radiation, the thin inner layer of the film decomposes and firmly adheres to the plastic.

Separating the surface layer of the film is not as difficult as the inner one.

Reasons that increase the adhesion of the film to the frame:

  1. Action of ultraviolet rays. Once the film is on the windows located on shadow side buildings can be removed after a few months, then sunny side it will begin to soak into the frame in just a few days.
  2. Glue quality. The lower the quality of the glue that holds the film, the more difficult it will be to tear it off. When installing inexpensive metal-plastic windows, the likelihood of encountering poor adhesive is higher.
  3. Action of heat. If the windows are installed in winter, the film will begin to dry to the frame later. This will happen extremely quickly in the summer.

Finally, we will consider how to remove film from metal-plastic windows if it was not removed in a timely manner.

  • Use a hair dryer. This the best remedy to remove film. The main thing is to direct it at the frame, but not at the glass unit, otherwise it has the possibility of bursting from the temperature difference. The film is heated by hot air, dissolves and is easily removed. The only problem is to find a hair dryer. Some try to use ordinary, in turbo mode. This can only be crowned with triumph when the film is not quite firmly adhered.
  • Contact a cleaning company. The majority of such companies provide a similar service, and they have the devices required for this: a hair dryer, special scrapers and cleaners. And skill in solving similar difficulties.
  • Using a professional scraper for cleaning glass-ceramic hobs. Such a scraper will not damage the plastic.
  • Slowly, piece by piece, picking up the edge of the film with a thin knife, blade or scraper, and then tearing it off with your hands. Cutting devices should be used as little as possible, trying to separate the film with your fingers.
  • Remaining glue can be washed off rough side sponges and bathroom cleaner.
  • A weak solvent. When using solvent, you must be extremely careful and first test on an inconspicuous area. The solvent has the ability to change the color of plastic frames.
  • With an eraser. An ordinary school eraser for erasing a pencil can help remove any remaining film.
  • Rough, although not with a wire brush and soap solution. The method is suitable for film on the shadow side.
  • White spirit. Although it should not be applied on top, on pieces of film, but between the film and the plastic. To achieve the desired result, you need to pry the edge of the film, pour into this place white spirit, wait a little and separate the film.
  • "Cosmofenom". In companies installing metal-plastic windows, you can purchase a special product for cleaning plastics - “Cosmofen”. Based on the degree of activity active drug There are “Cosmofen No. 5”, “Cosmofen No. 10” and “Cosmofen No. 20”. No. 5 is the most powerful solvent; it dissolves plastic, so it must be used with great caution. In general, let's say 2 others. These are potent and unsafe for human well-being.

Often the film is not removed because the repairs are being delayed and you want to protect the window frames from paint, whitewash and other contaminants. This is a wrong approach, which will give rise to many more dilemmas. It is much better to remove the protective film, and if protection is needed, stick masking tape on the frames. It won't be difficult to remove it at all.


Removing protective film from PVC windows

Very often we hear questions of this kind:

“A year ago, plastic windows were installed at the company ****. All this time, the apartment was undergoing renovations, and my husband and I lived with relatives.

Now, after completing the repair, we discovered that the protective film that is glued to the plastic does not come off. That is, the film that was inside the apartment came off normally, but on the street side it holds tightly.

How can I try to remove the film from the window? maybe there is some remedy?

I have to disappoint you, I don’t know any means that can help you with 100% probability. After installing the window, the protective film must be immediately removed, otherwise in the sun under the influence of ultraviolet radiation it is destroyed and fused into the plastic.


The protective film must be removed immediately, otherwise the sun will destroy it and melt into the plastic.

Manufacturers of plastic windows even write warnings about this on the film, but usually in an overseas language. In our practice, there was a case when we installed windows for the entire house for customers, and the profile from which the windows were welded lay there for a long time outside in the sun.

We were unable to remove the film from these windows, and the problem arose, of course, after all the windows were installed. As a result, we had to completely replace all the windows with new ones.

But sometimes, special cleaning products can help remove the film. We sell Cosmofen plastic cleaner. A very serious thing I must say. Distributed specifically for window companies.

There are 3 brands of Cosmofen: Cosmofen No. 5, Cosmofen No. 10 and Cosmofen No. 20, they differ in the degree of dissolution of PVC plastic.

So Cosmofen No. 20 does not dissolve plastic at all, Cosmofen No. 10 is a weak solvent for PVC and Cosmofen No. 5 is the strongest solvent.

I think that if Cosmofen doesn’t help you, then nothing will. The only way out is either to change the windows, or to spit and forget, thank God the film is on the street and is not visible from the apartment.


How to remove film from windows after installing them

When installing plastic windows, always remember that you must remove the protective film that covers the profile for safety purposes immediately after the windows are in place and that’s it. Finishing work finished.

However, real situations indicate that consumers often order PVC windows from one company of such well-known brands as “KBE”, “PROPLEX”, “Veka” or the famous “Rehau”, and install them themselves or with the help of other contractor companies.

In such situations, everyone completely forgets to remove the notorious protective film on the profile, which, under the influence of sunlight, sticks to the window so much that it is almost impossible to remove.

If something happens, claims can be made against her regarding the quality of the work performed, and her employees will have to worry about removing the film from outside profile.

The film on windows prevents scratches, both during their installation and during installation. Experts in this field recommend getting rid of such harmful film within 10 days after windows are exposed to the sun.

If time is lost and the protective layer has not been removed, do not be arbitrary, but listen to useful tips, proven by time and practice. Many people make the gravest mistake of trying to remove the film with a solvent. This way, the film will remain on the windows, and the profile may be hopelessly damaged.

Proceed with extreme caution, as strong heat may damage the entire profile.

No less effective means when removing the film from the window, you will also use a special scraper used during cleaning hobs and ceramic tiles.

You can safely work with a scraper, because it does not damage the plastic surface.

Try to very carefully pick up the edges of the stuck film with a scraper and remove it from the window piece by piece. If possible, work only with your fingers, since even a safe scraper can leave scratches on the PVC profile.

When finished, thoroughly wipe off any remaining glue with warm soapy water. If the glue cannot be cleaned with soapy water, then use the special cleaner “Cosmofen 10”.

The important thing is that it not only removes the remaining adhesive from the film, but also largely masks the small cracks that have formed. An ordinary eraser from the school desk helps a lot; it rolls off the remaining glue perfectly and helps achieve the desired results.

All of the above tips are time-tested and give positive results if you handle all devices carefully.

But if you enter into an agreement for the production, supply and installation of plastic windows with one organization (which is the best option), then make sure that they worry about removing the film from the window.