How can you measure air humidity in an apartment? How to determine air humidity in an apartment: available methods. How to help increase humidity

Good day, my dear readers! Do you know how to check the air humidity in an apartment? Today I want to tell you how to do this. Comfortable temperature and humidity is very important for both babies and adults.

Low and high humidity: what is the danger

Dry air negatively affects our well-being. Constant discomfort bad dream, fatigue, decreased immunity - this whole “bouquet” can be caused by insufficient humidity. Have you noticed how the condition worsens when the heating season begins?

Moreover, it is believed that low humidity prematurely ages the skin and adds extra years.

This is actually why in winter we women need even more careful self-care than in the warm season.

And if you have a feeling of dryness in your eyes (the so-called “sand”), then you probably need to increase the humidity in your home.

High humidity also has a negative effect on well-being: firstly, sores such as rhinitis or allergies can worsen. But its worst companion is fungus and mold. And in order to get rid of them later, you will have to puff pretty hard. Therefore, let's strive for the golden mean.

The ideal humidity level in an apartment ranges from 40 to 60 percent. This is exactly what a healthy microclimate is, in which you will feel as comfortable as possible.

How to check humidity

It is very easy to check humidity, now you will see for yourself. Moreover, this can be done in different ways.

First of all I want to say about special device for this. It's called a hygrometer. Manufacturers produce them in such a wide range that you can easily choose them even to suit your interior.

There is also great option- humidifier. A number of models have a built-in hygrometer. With this device you can achieve an ideal microclimate in the room.

But it is quite possible to do without a device and check the humidity level using improvised means. I want to tell you about the main methods. I think you will find something suitable for yourself.

Method number 1. Glass of water

This is perhaps the simplest option for measuring humidity levels at home. You will need a glass. Fill it halfway with water and chill in the refrigerator for several hours.

For the correct effect, the water temperature should be only 3-5 degrees. When your " homemade hygrometer"has reached the desired condition, place it in a room away from the battery. After 5-10 minutes, it will be possible to draw some conclusions based on the reaction:

  1. if the condensation on the walls has completely dried, then the air is very dry;
  2. if condensation forms droplets and flows down the walls of the glass, then the air is too humid;
  3. Well, if nothing described above happened (it didn’t leak or dry out), then you have a normal level of humidity in the room.

Method number 2. Thermometer and cotton pad

This method is a little more complicated, but it will help determine even the approximate percentage of humidity, and therefore is more accurate. You will need a room thermometer and a cotton pad, a piece of cotton wool or a bandage.

First, measure the air temperature in the room, remember it or write it down. Then soak the cotton wool, bandage or disk in water and wrap it around the base of the thermometer column.

Wait a while and look at the resulting numbers. Check the Assmann table for the difference between dry and wet temperatures. It will tell you the humidity level.

Method 3. Fir cone

The only difficulty here is to find a fir cone if you live in a metropolis)

You need to bring the bud home and see how it behaves. At low humidity, its scales will open, and at high humidity, they will press tightly against each other.

Method 4. Look around

Well, the fastest option is to listen to yourself and your home.

If you have a feeling of tightness in your skin, dry nose and eyes, a constantly dry throat, problems sleeping and discomfort, then your air is probably dry.

And don’t forget about your faithful helpers – plants. Dull leaves indicate insufficient moisture. But the presence of mold or mildew will tell you otherwise.

I hope that the information was useful to you. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

How to check air humidity in an apartment: methods

The air humidity in an apartment can be checked in several ways. In general, even without instruments this can be easily done. Eat optimal norms humidity

How to measure indoor humidity: 3 common methods

Much has already been said about the importance of maintaining humidity at the required level. Moreover, a person’s well-being and health are affected not only by being too dry, but also by being too dry. wet air, which is especially important for winter period when both options are very likely.

How to determine air humidity in an apartment or house? We will talk about 3 options for measuring humidity, which both require the purchase of the necessary devices, and methods that do not require any costs.

The first and easiest way to measure humidity is to purchase special device to measure humidity - a hygrometer. There are several types of hygrometers, the operation of which is based on different principles.

When choosing a hygrometer, first of all, you should focus on its accuracy; you should not buy a device whose measurements have a deviation of more than 1%. It should be mentioned that there is currently on sale a large number of brands and types of hygrometers, which can look like thermometers, like small wall or table clocks, can have both an electronic and mechanical display.

Measuring with a wet glass

This method cannot boast of accuracy, but we can say with confidence that every home has everything necessary to measure humidity. A glass, some water and a refrigerator are all we need.

Place in a glass or shot glass cold water and place it in the refrigerator for several hours until the temperature of the water in the container cools down to 3 - 5 ºС. Then place the chilled glass of water in the room where you want to measure the humidity away from heating devices or hot battery and watch him.

  • If the surface of the glass is first covered with condensation and fogged up, and then dries completely within 5-10 minutes, the air in the room is very dry
  • If within 5-10 minutes after you placed the glass in the room, large drops of condensation formed on its walls and began to flow down the walls of the glass, then the air in the room is very humid
  • If after 5-10 minutes the surface of the glass has not dried, but has not flowed, then the air in the room has average humidity

Measurement using a thermometer (based on the psychrometer principle)

The third method essentially copies the operating principle of another device - a psychrometer. The room temperature is measured using a conventional mercury thermometer and is recorded. Then the head of the thermometer must be tightly wrapped with wet gauze or cotton wool and after 10 minutes measure the temperature again.

Now we subtract the temperature of the “wet” thermometer from the temperature of the “dry” thermometer, and from the temperature difference using a special table we determine the air humidity in the room.

The psychometric table can be found at this link.

How to measure indoor humidity: 3 common methods

How to measure indoor humidity: 3 common methods A lot has already been said about the importance of maintaining humidity at the required level. And for well-being and health

How to measure air humidity in an apartment: instruments for determining moisture levels

Normal indoor air humidity – required condition to maintain a favorable microclimate. Air humidity is the ratio of the number of water molecules contained in 1 cubic meter of air to the maximum acceptable indicator. In order for the microclimate of the room to be acceptable, you must know how to determine the air humidity in the apartment, and how you can maintain the optimal relative humidity indicator.

Normal indoor air humidity

The humidity of the living space should be in the range from 40% to 60%. Each room has its own indicators permissible level moisture. Therefore, before checking the air humidity in the apartment, you need to decide on the norm for each room:

  • Children’s – from 45 to 60%;
  • Bedroom – from 40 to 50%;
  • Work room (office) – 40-45%;
  • Bathroom, kitchen – from 40 to 60%;
  • Hall, living room - from 40 to 60%.

Table of the optimal humidity level in the apartment

In winter, the air in the house is drier, in summer it is saturated with moisture. Cold winter weather and the heating system on often cause the humidity to drop below 30%. In such cases, it is urgent to take measures to increase the humidity in the apartment.

The indicator is influenced not only by the weather outside, but also by the features of the apartment such as climate control devices and wall cladding. Absence vapor barrier film contributes to wall cladding high humidity air in the apartment.

How does air humidity affect the condition of apartment residents?

Accumulation of moisture on windows is the first sign of high humidity

Condensation on windows and mold indicate excessive moisture levels in the room. Fungal mold can cause many diseases, including:

  • bronchitis;
  • development of cancer;
  • asthma;
  • otitis (ear inflammation);
  • allergic reactions;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

If family members begin to develop the listed diseases, you need to immediately figure out how to check the humidity in the apartment. All residents of the house may suffer from immunodeficiency and constant headaches.

Dry air is no less dangerous than excessively humid air. Water particles contribute to the settling of various allergens such as dust, pet hair and others. In dry air, allergens float freely around the room, thereby entering the body. Residents of such premises are accompanied by chronic fatigue, infectious diseases develop faster. Children may develop kidney failure and dysbiosis.

How can you measure humidity?

There are different devices for measuring air humidity. But not everyone has the opportunity and desire to buy a device, so there are also popular options for measuring humidity. Objects that can be used to determine the indicator can be found in every home; the main thing is to know the principle of measurement.

A hygrometer is a device for measuring humidity, which can be purchased in different modifications:

  • Hair. Fat-free hair is stretched on a metal frame, which stretches or contracts depending on humidity. The indicator is indicated by an arrow;

  • Film. The principle of operation is similar to hair, but instead of hair, an organic film is used. Hair and film hygrometers are among the most accurate devices;

  • Electrolytic. The electrical insulating material is coated with a hygroscopic electrolyte. In humid environment the electrolyte resistance becomes greater, which is displayed on the scale;

  • Ceramic. Displays electrical resistance ceramic masses. To create such a mass, silicon, kaolin and metal oxides are used;

  • Condensation. Water appears on the metal mirror during the condensation process. To detect condensation, the mirror is cooled with a special device;

  • Electronic. Today, there are more electro-hygrometers on the market that have different operating principles: optoelectronic, capacitive, resistive and others.

Each device comes with an instruction manual, so measuring the moisture level will not be difficult.

Glass of water

The method with a glass filled with water is not the most accurate, but it is accessible to everyone. The glass container must be filled with water and placed in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours so that the water temperature is 3-5 degrees. After cooling to desired temperature, the glass is placed in a room away from climate control devices. The method has only three indicators of humidity level:

  1. Norm. The condensation on the outer wall of the glass did not spread or dry after 10 minutes. The wall is foggy.
  2. Excessive. After 10 minutes, the condensation looks like large drops that flow down the wall of the glass.
  3. Insufficient. After 10 minutes the condensation was completely dry.

To measure the moisture level using this method, you only need a thermometer, cotton wool or gauze and a psychrometric table, which is easy to find on the Internet. First, measure the room temperature. The indicator needs to be recorded. Then wrap the sensitive head of the device with moistened cotton wool. The temperature reading is taken 10 minutes after wrapping. The temperature difference is found.

The method is the most unclaimed and inaccurate. Measurements will indicate an excess or lack of moisture in the air. The fir cone should be kept away from heating devices. To determine humidity, two indicators are used:

  1. Excessive. The cone shrinks, the scales are pressed towards the middle.
  2. Insufficient. The cone opens up and the scales protrude.

Only a fir cone that has not had time to dry is suitable for measurements. You can take fresh from the tree or one that has fallen off, but recently.

How to maintain optimal moisture levels?

The smartest way to maintain optimal humidity levels is to use a humidifier with a hygrometer. Thus, you can control and adjust the indicator to the desired value. In addition to humidifiers, the following measures will help increase humidity:

  • Get an aquarium;
  • Place more flowerpots;
  • Carry out wet cleaning regularly;
  • Hang wet towels on radiators in winter;
  • Place vessels with water on the radiator, or place them around the room;
  • Leave the bathroom door open after using hot water.

To get rid of excess moisture, you can use special devices such as a dehumidifier or moisture absorber. The exhaust system helps remove warm, water-saturated air. A fan is used for greater efficiency. On a sunny day, you need to open the curtains so that the rays dry the air in the room.

Ventilation is a must to maintain optimal performance. Regardless of the weather, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the apartment.

Dry or highly humidified air in an apartment can cause various diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain normal moisture levels, which can be determined using both special devices and traditional methods.

How to determine air humidity in an apartment: an overview of possible methods

We figure out how to measure air humidity in an apartment, what instruments and methods are used. Expert advice on maintaining optimal humidity levels.

How to measure air humidity in an apartment, with what device?

What you breathe directly affects your health, reflects your standard of living, and builds your immune system. Therefore, the issue of air humidification is important, namely how and with what to measure the air humidity in the apartment in order to remain in good health, feel a surge of vigor, and be in unity with harmony and energy.

What indicator is used to determine the optimal level of humidity in a room?

In order for the entire body to feel comfortable, the air must be humid, but this figure must be within 45%. This is an average value, but for different rooms functional purpose Humidity levels vary:

  • for an office and library it is 40-45%;
  • for the dining room, bathroom, kitchen, living room - 40-60%;
  • for an adult bedroom - 40-50%;
  • for a children's bedroom - 45-60%.

To find out whether your health has worsened due to non-optimal levels of air humidity, you need to know how to measure air humidity in an apartment, which changes even throughout the day. Dynamic changes are characterized by a change:

  • seasons;
  • weather conditions;
  • operation of heating devices and air conditioning systems;
  • features of the materials used in finishing the interior of the apartment and the facade of the house.

Important! Under the influence of the above factors, the humidity level can drop to 20%.

Therefore, it is worth understanding these subtleties in order to be able to normalize humidity at any time.

How to determine the level of humidity in a room

If there is excess moisture in the air or it seems to you that the microclimate in the apartment is too dry, take some measures to help normalize the optimal level of air humidity. But when starting such work, it is necessary to find out exactly how to calculate the value and what instruments can be used in the process. Of the whole list, only three methods are the most popular. Let's analyze them.

The surest and easiest way is to use a special device. You can measure the air humidity in an apartment using a hygrometer with an accuracy of 0.1%.

Important! These are multifunctional devices widely available on the market. Electronic models, in addition to humidity, can show other characteristics of the indoor microclimate: temperature, pressure, clock, etc.

Glass tumbler

This method is characterized by the least accuracy, but in the absence of the ability to diagnose air humidity using a more reliable device, it will do. To measure air humidity in an apartment without a device:

  1. Fill a dry glass container with cold water.
  2. Cool the contents of the glass until its temperature drops by 3-5 o C.
  3. Place the glass on a cabinet in the room where the measurement is to be taken, away from heating appliances.
  4. Evaluate the outcome by analyzing the process.
  5. The walls of the vessel fogged up, but after about 10 minutes they became dry again - the humidity is extremely low.
  6. After 5-10 minutes, the fogged walls have not dried, and the condensation rolls into large drops into the glass - the air humidity is increased.
  7. The glass fogs up evenly, moisture does not evaporate from it, but does not roll down the walls - the moisture is within normal limits.

Do you know what device is used to measure air humidity in an apartment? Thermometer. This device works on the same principle as a psychrometer. The procedure is determined by four stages, during which:

  1. Measure the air temperature using a traditional mercury thermometer. Record your results.
  2. Wrap the tip of the thermometer with a damp cloth or cotton wool. After leaving it in this state for 10 minutes, check the indicators and evaluate the result. Record the temperature again.
  3. Make the calculation: t 1 -t 2.
  4. Use Assmann’s special psychrometric table and determine the humidity level by comparing the value with the number suggested in the manual for a specific type of room.

How to help increase humidity

Knowing how to measure air humidity in an apartment and how to do it correctly, you can restore an approximate picture of the real situation. Based on this, you can determine which measure of air saturation with moisture will be the most effective option.


This compact device is designed for humidification of rooms up to 150 m2. It works according to the following principle: hidden under the attractive-looking body is a small reservoir intended for water. Liquid is poured into it to a certain level, which gradually evaporates during the operation of the humidifier, thereby saturating the air with its molecules.

The entire range of purchased air humidification devices is divided into three volume groups. It is clear how you can measure the air humidity in an apartment, and what measures to take to increase it.

Traditional humidifiers

The mechanical device operates due to the built-in fan. The cooler forces air through a special reservoir of water, where it is saturated with water molecules and simultaneously cleaned of dust. As a result, you breathe clean, humidified air.

Important! A significant disadvantage of this type of device is high level the noise it makes during the air filtration process. Ionization capabilities are also limited, because a traditional humidifier can only raise air humidity to 60%.

Steam humidifiers

The operating principle of such devices is reminiscent of the operation of a kettle. Inside the container, the water boils, and the steam formed during the reaction comes out. Some of the models of steam humidifiers are even equipped with special nozzles for inhalation, which allows you to use the device for health benefits.

Important! After measuring the air humidity in the apartment where the steam humidifier is installed, the maximum humidity level reaches 60%.

Users also highlight some disadvantages of the devices:

  1. Hot steam with a temperature of up to 60°C, if handled carelessly, can cause burns and damage nearby objects and the surface of furniture.
  2. Too noisy during operation.
  3. Consumes a lot of electricity.

Ultrasonic humidifiers

A special membrane is built inside the device, which is responsible for converting water into steam. This device is less noisy than previous options. The presence of an additional function of heating water in the process of turning into steam allows without extra effort disinfect the air, getting rid of germs.

These humidifiers operate on distilled water, which is poured into tanks with special cleaning cartridges. Filters must be replaced regularly.

Important! When choosing a device, do not forget to take into account the area of ​​the room where the humidifier will be used. The device will be useless if placed in a room with an area larger than the recommended one and will not bring any benefit.

Traditional methods of increasing air humidity

You know how to measure air humidity in an apartment, but none of the described methods for increasing humidity are suitable for you. You can try to do it “grandmother’s way.” The following methods are suitable:

  • The simplest and most effective is a damp towel on the batteries. As the fabric heats up, it begins to release moisture, gradually humidifying the air in the bedroom. This procedure can be carried out as many times as necessary until the desired result is achieved.
  • A large number of indoor plants the apartment is good in itself. Green friends have a beneficial effect on the indoor microclimate, normalizing humidity levels.
  • Do not close the shower or bath door after taking a shower. water procedures. Excess moisture will come out of the bath, thereby saturating the air in other rooms.

How to effectively reduce indoor humidity

Using a device to determine the air humidity in the apartment, you noticed that the indicator is too high, which is also not good for health. Then the air in the room should be dehumidified due to the high concentration of moisture.

Air dryers

This device is designed to effectively absorb excess moisture. During the treatment process, air passes through a special evaporating membrane, which turns moisture into condensate. Drops of water are collected inside the device in a special container. The air is reheated and comes out, clean but devoid of moisture.

Important! When purchasing such a unit, do not forget to pay attention to the performance of the device and the maximum permissible volume of water that the dehumidifier can process per day.

Household dehumidifiers are capable of drying from 12 to 300 liters of water in 24 hours. They are:

  1. Portable. This model is lightweight and portable and can be placed in any room.
  2. Stationary. The dehumidifier is mounted on the wall, so it cannot be transported from one room to another.

Important! Such devices can even be used in refrigerated rooms. This will at least promote the formation of frost. When the tank is completely filled with water, due to untimely emptying of the tank, the dehumidifier automatically turns off.

Moisture absorbers

Such devices are convenient to use for large areas. Using a special tablet inserted into the device, water is absorbed from the air. This technique is designed to drain an area of ​​up to 30 m2.

Important! The only but significant drawback of the moisture absorber is the need for frequent, controlled tablet changes.

This device is most often used during heating season when the air humidity is highest.

Important! This is a convenient and easy to use thing. It does not make noise during operation, is compact and not overpriced.

As you can see, determining the air humidity in an apartment is equally important, as is maintaining it in optimal conditions.

Effective folk methods

You can do without special equipment, saving money on the purchase, but if you have to deal with high humidity, try one of several effective methods which were used in the old days:

  • Ventilate the room regularly, regardless of weather conditions. This helps reduce moisture in the apartment. The more often you carry out the procedure, the better the air in the room dries.
  • Don't curtain the windows. The sun's rays passing through the glass help dry the room.

Installation modern air conditioner indoors will help regulate not only temperature, but also air humidity.

The problem of abnormal humidity in an apartment should be taken seriously. If there is a need to regulate its level, then this issue should not be delayed, since this will subsequently result, at a minimum, in the form of poor health of the inhabitants of the house. The presence of a device for measuring air humidity in the apartment will always keep the situation under control.

How to measure air humidity in an apartment, with what device?

By what indicator is it determined? optimal level humidity in the room. What methods are used to determine the level of humidity in a room? How to evaluate the result of calculating the humidity level with a glass. How to help increase humidity.

Many of us know that one of the components of good health is the quality of indoor air. If the air humidity is normal, then it is easy to breathe in the room. How to determine the air humidity in an apartment, and what device to use for this? We will look at several instruments and methods that are used for such measurements.

What are the dangers of low and high humidity?

Air that is dry and too humid has a negative impact on human health. This immediately affects your well-being and the person experiences many problems:

  • discomfort;
  • poor sleep;
  • decreased immunity;
  • fast fatiguability.

All these signs can be easily noticed with the beginning of the heating season. Doctors believe that low humidity has a bad effect on the condition of the skin. She ages and becomes flabby, adding age. This requires additional skin care if the air in the room is dry. Also there is dryness in the eyes, because the mucous membrane of the eye suffers.

The body also suffers from increased air humidity. This can worsen diseases such as rhinitis or allergies. A room that is too humid usually develops mold and mildew. Such manifestations negatively affect health and lead to negative consequences.

What is the optimal indicator?

It is believed that the ideal level at home should be within 40-60%.This level is optimal to maintain a healthy microclimate in the apartment. This will make you feel comfortable.

In every separate room the level can be different, for example:

  • study or library - 40-45%;
  • kitchen area, dining room, living room and bathroom - 40-60%;
  • bedroom for adults - 40-50%;
  • children's room - 45-60%.

Such factors can change humidity parameters by 20% downwards. For this reason, it is important to know how to measure the air humidity in an apartment?

How to measure indoor air humidity?

Nowadays, choosing a device for measuring humidity is not difficult. All that remains is to know which one to give preference to. There are two definitions of humidity:

  • relative;
  • absolute.

The first indicator measures the amount of steam in 1 m 3 of air, measured in grams and kilograms. The second indicator indicates the moisture content compared to the maximum amount in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium that can be present in the substance. This humidity is measured as a percentage of the maximum value.

The most common method used to measure humidity is a hygrometer. Now there are many types of these devices, differing in different mechanisms of action. The device can have a mechanical and electronic display, and be combined with a thermometer to determine the temperature in the room. It is desirable that the measurement error of the hygrometer is no more than 1%. Electronic devices are considered the most accurate, provided that they installed away from air movement.

A psychrometer can determine very accurate relative humidity readings. The essence of its work lies in the difference between temperature on two scales - dry and wet. It is not possible to quickly find out the result, since it is necessary to apply a wet cloth to it and after a while the psychrometer will be able to calculate the answer using a special table with which it is equipped. This special device shows the most accurate parameters of air humidity.

Many people use it for this purpose glass vessel, although the exact parameters cannot be seen this way. This method is good because every home has everything you need to measure humidity. You need to take a glass and fill it halfway with water, then put it in the refrigerator for several hours. To get more reliable indicators, the water temperature should be approximately 3-5 o C. A glass of chilled water is placed away from the radiator for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes have elapsed, the humidity level can be determined.

If the condensation disappears completely after 10 minutes, it means the air is very dry. If condensation flows down the walls of the vessel, the air is too saturated with moisture. If the condensation has not dried and does not drain, then the humidity level is optimal.

You can also use regular thermometer and a damp cotton pad. It is necessary to remember the temperature on the thermometer, write it down and then attach an important cotton pad to the thermometer, wrapping it tightly around the base, after a while you need to record the temperature and calculate the humidity. To do this, you need to calculate the difference between temperatures and check it with Assmann’s table. The resulting difference will indicate the humidity indicator.

Increase and decrease in humidity

After measuring the humidity in the apartment, you can determine whether it is normal or not. If the level is underestimated, then it needs to be increased using various instruments and traditional methods.

Usually humidifiers are used. These devices are mainly designed for a room of 150 m2. They come in three types:

  • traditional;
  • steam;
  • ultrasonic.

To choose the right humidifier, you need to consider the size of the room. Incorrect choice may create conditions with high moisture.

There are also traditional ways to humidify the air in an apartment. For example, you can place wet things or containers of water on the batteries to allow evaporation. Containers with water are also placed on furniture and there it will not evaporate quickly. Positive effect on increasing moisture houseplants, moreover, if there are a lot of them in the house. After taking a bath or shower, it is not recommended to close the door for some time to allow moisture to spread into the rooms.

If in an apartment increased level moisture, then you should dry it. There is a special device for this; it removes excess moisture. There are stationary and portable dehumidifiers. The principle of operation of the device is that it distills air through an “evaporator” and due to the temperature difference, condensation is formed. Droplets of water flow into a specially designed container, and the air warms up again and returns to the room.

Moisture absorbers complete with special tablets have also been invented. It adsorbs moisture from the air. The device is very well suited for the autumn or spring seasons.

Folk methods for reducing moisture in rooms include regular ventilation, introducing more sun rays, and using a hood, for example, in the bathroom or toilet.

The issue of normalizing the moisture level in the apartment should be taken seriously, otherwise increased or low humidity can have a negative impact on the health of the entire family.

The air we breathe is one of the main factors affecting our health. In this article we will talk about how to measure the humidity in a room so that you can always stay in good health and feel cheerful, comfortable and full of energy.

Optimal air humidity in the apartment

Comfortable air for the whole body should have a humidity within 45%. But for each room this parameter may vary within acceptable standards:

  • Office and library – 40-45%.
  • Dining room, bathroom, kitchen and living room - 40-60%.
  • Adult bedroom – 40-50%.
  • Children's room - 45-60%.

  • change of seasons;
  • weather change;
  • operation of heating devices and air conditioning;
  • features of materials used for interior and facade finishing.

Therefore, you need to know how to measure the air humidity in a room in order to maintain optimal conditions.

Important! These factors can reduce air humidity levels by at least 20%.

Harm from high humidity

A visible sign of an increase in the humidity level in the room is fogged up “crying” windows. Things become excessively damp, and an unpleasant musty smell, mold begins to develop in the corners.

As is known, mold fungus is a microorganism unsafe for human health. It can cause serious illnesses:

  • Allergies turning into asthma.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Diathesis in infants.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Rapid development of cancer cells.
  • Otitis.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

And this is just the beginning of the list of terrible health problems that can result from increased air humidity. Therefore, you need to be able to determine the air humidity at home in order to eliminate such problems.

Important! The healing process at air humidity above 60% takes a long time and is incomplete.

Dry air danger

The problem of dry air is especially relevant in the hot season, when the temperature environment rises significantly. This means that dust, pollen, animal hair and other allergens easily move around the rooms and do not settle on furniture. Thus, it is easier for them to enter the human body through the respiratory tract and cause a serious reaction. This is especially dangerous for young children.

Important! When you stay in a room with dry air for a long time, moisture evaporates from the skin. This leads to cooling of the body.

In addition, dry air causes the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract to dry out, which makes the organs vulnerable to the action of microbes. Working in a room with dry air is difficult, even for a very efficient person, as the body quickly gets tired. A person constantly experiences a feeling of drowsiness. Increased static electricity is also a characteristic phenomenon in such rooms.

Important! Pediatricians say that dry air causes changes in the normal functioning of the kidneys and the development of dysbiosis even in healthy children.

How to determine air humidity in an apartment?

What device measures humidity and where to buy such a meter? If the air in your apartment is too humid or, on the contrary, dry, then you need to take some measures to establish its optimal level. But first, you should familiarize yourself with how to determine and how to measure air humidity at home. There are several ways to measure air humidity.


Using this device is the simplest and most reliable option. When choosing a hygrometer, you should pay attention to its accuracy. The measurement deviation should be no more than 1%.

Important! Similar devices on modern market are multifunctional devices. In addition to measuring humidity, they can display temperature, pressure, clock and other data.

Glass tumbler

This method is not accurate, but if necessary it will help you understand the humidity values. The necessary items to carry out such a task are probably in the arsenal of every housewife.


  1. Fill a glass vessel with cold water.
  2. Cool the contents of the glass to 3-5 degrees.
  3. Place the vessel in the room away from heating devices and analyze the result.

Result evaluation:

  • The walls of the vessel fogged up, but after about 10 minutes they became dry. This result indicates an extremely low level of humidity.
  • The foggy walls of the glass have not dried even after 5-10 minutes and drops flow into the glass. Such indicators indicate increased air humidity.
  • The condensation formed on the walls of the glass container has not evaporated, but does not flow down in large drops. This effect indicates that the moisture in the air is within normal limits.


Measuring air humidity with a thermometer is carried out according to the principle of operation of a psychrometer.


  1. First, you need to measure the air temperature using a standard mercury thermometer. Record your readings.
  2. Wrap the head of the device with damp, wet cotton wool or gauze and after 10 minutes, evaluate the thermometer readings.
  3. Subtract the number of the “wet” thermometer from the temperature of the “dry” thermometer.
  4. Find the resulting difference using the values ​​of Assmann’s special psychometric table, determining the level of air humidity in the room you need.

How to increase air humidity?

Knowing how to check the air humidity in an apartment, you will see, albeit not an exact, but an approximate picture of the real situation. Thanks to this, you can take the following measures to saturate it with moisture.


As a rule, such devices are designed to operate in rooms up to 150 square meters. The principle of its operation is as follows: water is poured into a special tank to a certain level. When a humidifier operates, water evaporates and saturates the air with its molecules.

There are three types of humidifiers.

Traditional type

The mechanical humidifier accomplishes its mission with the help of a built-in fan. It forces air through a special container with water, as a result of which the air is cleaned of dust and saturated with moisture.

Important! Significant disadvantage Such a device is characterized by a high noise level during operation and limited humidification capabilities. A traditional humidifier can only raise air humidity to 60%.

Steam type

Such a device works in the same way as a kettle. The water boils and comes out as steam. Some models have special nozzles for inhalation. Thus, the device can be used not only to increase air humidity, but also to treat the respiratory tract.

Important! A steam humidifier can increase air humidity to levels greater than 60%.


  • Hot steam, the temperature of which reaches 60 degrees, can cause, if safety rules are not followed, damage to human skin and the surface of nearby objects.
  • High noise level during operation.
  • Quite a lot of electricity consumption.

Ultrasonic type

Such a device, thanks to a built-in special membrane, turns water into steam. It is less noisy than mechanical and steam humidifiers. The presence of a water heating function helps effective fight with germs in the air.

Works only with distilled water or with special cleaning cartridges to clean and soften the liquid. The latter should be changed regularly.

Important! When choosing a humidifier, be sure to consider the size of the room. Otherwise, its use may lead to excessive moisture.

Traditional methods of increasing humidity

If you do not have an air humidifier, you can use simple folk methods not only to determine the air humidity in the room at home, but also to correct the situation.

In this case, the following measures are suitable:

  • The easiest way is to place it on the battery wet towel or a sheet. When the fabric is heated, the water from it will begin to evaporate. After the towel has dried, it should be wetted again.
  • An analogue of the first method is to place containers of water on heating devices. You will need to add water inside the container every few days.
  • You can place containers of water on pieces of furniture, such as a cabinet. With this method, the water does not evaporate as quickly as with a battery, but still, the humidity increases.

Important! An aquarium with fish also has a beneficial effect on air humidity, like any other container with water.

  • For next method You will need a bowl of water and a bandage. Having placed a cup of water near the radiator, one end of the bandage should be placed in the water, and the other should be secured to the heating element. The water will constantly rise up the threads of the bandage and, with the help of the heat emanating from the battery, evaporate into the air.
  • If the air is too dry, drying washed clothes indoors can moisten them.
  • The presence of a large number of indoor plants has a beneficial effect on normalizing air humidity levels.
  • Leave after shower open door in the bathroom. This way you will get rid of excess moisture in the bathroom and saturate the air in other rooms with it.

How to reduce humidity?

If there is a high level of humidity in the rooms, then you should start dehumidifying the air.

Air Dryer

A special device will effectively and quickly remove excess moisture from the air. It forces air through an “evaporator” where, due to the temperature difference, the moisture turns into condensation. Drops of water flow into a specially designed container. The air warms up again and returns to the room.

Important! When buying such a unit, you should pay attention to its performance, which is measured by the number of liters per day.

Dehumidifier for household needs can absorb from 12 to 300 liters of water per day and comes in two types: portable and stationary:

  1. The first version of the device can be moved from one room to another.
  2. The second one cannot be moved to another room, since it is mounted on the wall.

Important! Dehumidifiers can be used even in cold rooms. Frost formed during operation is automatically removed. If the water tank is completely filled and not emptied in a timely manner, the dehumidifier automatically turns off.

Moisture absorber

This type of device is very convenient to use in small rooms. A special tablet that fits into the device adsorbs water from the air. It is designed mainly for an area of ​​up to 20 square meters.

Important! The main disadvantage of the absorber is the need to frequently change the tablet.

As a rule, such a device is used when high air humidity occurs during a certain season.

Important! The absorber is very convenient to use, does not make noise during operation, has compact dimensions and a favorable price.

Traditional methods of reducing humidity

In order not to spend money on the purchase of special devices, and if the issue of high humidity is not critical, then you can use one of simple ways available to everyone:

  • Regular ventilation, even in rainy weather, helps reduce the amount of moisture in the air in the room. The more often you ventilate, the more the air dries.
  • Sunlight entering through unshaded windows helps dry the room.
  • In rooms where ventilation is impossible, for example in a toilet or bathroom, you need to get rid of excess moisture using a hood. However, they often cannot cope with heavy loads. Installing an exhaust fan comes to the rescue.

In addition, they can help Appliances, which are also used for other purposes.

  • An oil radiator with a built-in fan can remove excess moisture from the air in a small room.
  • Modern air conditioners regulate not only the indoor air temperature, but also the humidity level.

Important! Interestingly, air temperature and humidity are important not only for humans:

  • indoor plants also need a certain moisture level - from 40 to 70%;
  • Take the problem of dry or too humid air seriously. If there are problems with this, then it is necessary to solve them quickly, because they can result, at a minimum, in poor health.

Much has already been said about the importance of maintaining humidity at the required level. Moreover, a person’s well-being and health are affected not only by too dry, but also by too humid air, which is especially important for the winter period, when both options are very likely.
How to determine air humidity in an apartment or house? We will talk about 3 options for measuring humidity, which both require the purchase of the necessary devices, and methods that do not require any costs.


The first and easiest way to measure humidity is to purchase a special device for measuring humidity - a hygrometer. There are several types of hygrometers, the operation of which is based on different principles.

When choosing a hygrometer, first of all, you should focus on its accuracy; you should not buy a device whose measurements have a deviation of more than 1%. It should be mentioned that there are now a large number of brands and types of hygrometers on sale, which can look like thermometers, like small wall or table clocks, and can have either an electronic or mechanical display.

This method cannot boast of accuracy, but we can say with confidence that every home has everything necessary to measure humidity. A glass, some water and a refrigerator are all we need.

Fill a glass or glass with cold water and place it in the refrigerator for several hours until the temperature of the water in the container cools to 3 - 5 ºС. Then place a chilled glass of water in the room in which you want to measure humidity, away from heating devices or a hot radiator and observe it.

  • If the surface of the glass is first covered with condensation and fogged up, and then dries completely within 5-10 minutes, the air in the room is very dry
  • If within 5-10 minutes after you placed the glass in the room, large drops of condensation formed on its walls and began to flow down the walls of the glass, then the air in the room is very humid
  • If after 5-10 minutes the surface of the glass has not dried, but has not flowed, then the air in the room has average humidity

Measurement using a thermometer (based on the psychrometer principle)

The third method essentially copies the operating principle of another device - a psychrometer. The room temperature is measured using a conventional mercury thermometer and recorded. Then the head of the thermometer must be tightly wrapped with wet gauze or cotton wool and after 10 minutes measure the temperature again.
Now we subtract the temperature of the “wet” thermometer from the temperature of the “dry” thermometer, and from the temperature difference using a special table we determine the air humidity in the room.

We often take care of the comfort of our home: we select comfortable furniture, choose wallpaper that would not only fit into the environment, but would also give positive mood, we focus on maintaining a temperature that ensures a comfortable stay. But at the same time, we completely miss such a seemingly trifle as the humidity of the room. After all, increasing and decreasing air humidity also affects our well-being and health. Deviation from the norm can lead to the appearance of not only colds, but also quite serious allergic and chronic ones.

The simplest and most accurate way to determine humidity is to measure it yourself without using any precise technical instruments. To do this you need to have alcohol or mercury thermometer to measure the temperature in the room, a small piece of clean gauze and water, which should preferably be distilled, filtered or clean, boiled and cooled in advance.

First, you need to bring a thermometer into the room and measure the temperature for 30 minutes. If the thermometer has recently been outside, where it is either cold or hot, then wait until it warms up or cools down to room temperature. Next, write down the thermometer reading on a piece of paper.

Now you need to take a piece of gauze and moisten it in clean water, squeeze out the water to give the fabric a damp state and wrap it around the tip of the thermometer, namely the metal part. Then wait 15 minutes and record the thermometer temperature again, which should be below the dry bulb temperature. Write it down on a piece of paper too. The difference in these temperatures determines the humidity of the air and the greater this difference, the more humidity in the room.

Next, use the table below to compare the readings of thermometers by first selecting the approximate value of the dry thermometer in the right column, and then in the found line running horizontally, find the readings of the wet thermometer. When you find a number approximately similar to the wet thermometer reading, go up and in the first line in blue numbers will be the value of the desired room humidity.

Air humidity from 40 to 60 percent is considered completely acceptable, but if the humidity is lower, then it is necessary to humidify the air, and if it is higher, then reduce the humidity.

Since it is quite easy to determine air humidity, you can measure the humidity in all rooms during the day, as well as find out the air humidity outside based on the weather forecast and draw appropriate conclusions.

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