What is the best way to drill tiles? How to drill a hole in tile with a regular drill. How to drill a hole for a dowel in a tile

Modern ceramic tiles are wonderful finishing material, actively used in construction and repair.

Its excellent characteristics make it an almost irreplaceable material for finishing walls and other surfaces.

It is beautiful, durable, waterproof, practical, hygienic, easy to care for, and has a fairly reasonable cost. If desired, anyone can learn, albeit not professionally, but to lay tiles carefully and efficiently.

Is it possible to drill tiles with your own hands? After all, whatever one may say, holes will be needed sooner or later: for various accessories, for hanging, for various purposes, for, and for other possible needs.

What can make working with the material difficult? Let's remember how it is made.

Material properties

The simplest, already forgotten by some, manual. For doing small and not too much deep holes it is usually quite enough. In addition, there will definitely be no problems with adjusting the rotation speed. In some cases, even a banal bracelet is used.

Special devices - conductors: They can be used to facilitate the process of drilling straight holes. Using suction cups, they are attached to the surface, preventing the drill, especially at the beginning of work, from moving to the side.

Special blowers. Under low pressure, they supply water to the workplace, which cools the hot tool.


Special spear-shaped (feather) drills, specially designed for tiles. They are very convenient for making holes of small and medium diameter (for dowel fasteners).

For reliable clamping in the tool chuck, they can be equipped with a cylindrical shank. Drills with a hexagon are produced to fit the size of standard bits - they are used when working with.

In an ordinary tile, such a drill can make on average no more than thirty holes before it fails. If you have to work with porcelain stoneware, then this figure is reduced to two or three pieces.

Core drills with corundum or diamond coating , which are included in the category of professional tools: they will do an excellent job not only with tiles, but also with porcelain stoneware.

Such drills are like a hollow tube, thereby significantly facilitating the work process. Waste is removed through the cavity without interference. Usually made to make fairly large holes.

Ballerina drill. Can be used for one-time work when you need to make a hole of significant diameter. It has low cost, and easily copes with the task.

Heavy duty carbide tipped drills. This option is not one of the most successful, since difficulties may arise when passing the mechanism through the top, most durable tile layer. They are more suitable for deepening holes that have already been made by other nozzles.

Carbide heavy-duty drills with acute-angled single-sided sharpening. Excellent penetration of the hardest, outer layer of tiles. Such products manufactured good manufacturer, will work for quite a long time.

Reminiscent of those just mentioned, tungsten carbide coated drills. They are used not only for drilling ceramics, they can also be used in hard natural materials, such as granite and marble. Mostly sold in sets various diameters, are used more often by professionals.

How to drill into tiles

How to drill small holes in wall tiles?

Such holes are usually needed when you need to place a cabinet, shelf, mirror, hanger, piece of furniture or other accessory on the wall. Most often used plastic driving dowels up to 12 mm in diameter.

Let's consider the option when the wall is already completely covered with tiles, under which there is a completely hardened mortar or glue.

How to use a drill to make a large hole in tiles?

Large holes (20 mm or more) are usually made in the material before it is laid on the floor or walls. The tiles are placed on the workbench, after which careful marking is carried out.

A hole in a tile may be needed for various reasons. Sometimes you need to install plumbing, hang a shelf or heated towel rail on the wall, and often you need to install an outlet or hook to place essential items.

To carry out this procedure successfully, you should familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations, as well as follow the procedure exactly. Then the action will be carried out successfully, and the tiles will not be damaged.

Contents of the article:

What do you need to know?

Before starting work, it is advisable to practice so as not to spoil the already laid tiles. You should find pieces of cable that are no longer usable and make the necessary holes on it first. Once the actions are rehearsed, you can perform the work on the required surface.

Important Special attention pay attention to correct markings. You can mark points for later hole formation using a marker or felt-tip pen. Sometimes there are problems with this aspect. It is very difficult to mark tiles in a way that will last long.

It is especially difficult to work in this way with glazed tiles. It is easier to mark holes by placing a piece of masking tape over the area to be marked. It is applied to it symbol. Then all the markings will be perfectly marked.

Scotch tape can also be used for other purposes. On the surface on which this material is glued, drilling is carried out with increased ease. The drill will definitely not slip off the area it is pointed at.

This method of holding the drill in the correct position is safer for the integrity of the tile than trying to core the base, since when using a sharp dowel and nail there is always a risk of chipping and unnecessary scratches.

Sometimes it is necessary to drill holes in tiles that are not yet bonded to the surface. In this case, you should prepare a comfortable and reliable surface in advance. It is necessary to check in advance that there is no vibration in the structure.

A material is placed under the tile that does not block the work of the drill. Often these are unnecessary wood sheets, plywood or drywall. The tile should be in tight contact with the surface. It is impossible to allow the presence of devices that can make it unstable, which will lead to deformation and irreversible damage to the material.

When used for a long time, the drill often becomes red-hot. If you allow the hole to be made to overheat, there is a risk of cracks forming. To avoid this, you should not put a lot of effort when working.

You need to spend more time creating the hole. When a drill bit overheats quickly, steps should be taken to cool it down. You can dip it in machine oil for a few minutes.

If work is carried out on horizontal surfaces, local cooling is undertaken. To do this, drill a hole in a separate block, which is filled ice water. If necessary, a drill is lowered there.

If standard means of cooling the drill do not help, more automated methods can be used. Some craftsmen purchase a special tool. A supercharger vessel is often used. It causes excess pressure when used hand pump. With the help of an equipped conductor, the liquid reaches the drill and quickly cools it.

Often craftsmen prefer to use drills that have a hammer function. When working with tiles, this function must be disabled. The drill is always directed towards the tile in a perpendicular position. If special supporting devices are not provided for this, the master must independently control the maintenance of the optimal level.

When drilling ceramic tiles, in particular, when making the widest holes, very small but sharp remains of material often fly away. To avoid running into these elements, you need to wear protective elements for your hands and eyes, that is, use thick gloves and goggles.

Required tools and materials

Step-by-step instruction

The location of the hole is selected. It is advisable to make all lines symmetrical and retreat as far as possible from the edge of the tile, avoiding cracking. Next is executed step by step order works:

  • Step 1. After completing the complete marking plan, you should select a drill of the appropriate size and install it in the drill chuck according to the instructions for the specific device model. You need to focus on the parameters of the dowels, the installation of which is planned first. It is necessary to evaluate the size of the dowel plug and select a drill with which a hole is formed 1-2 mm larger.
  • Step 2. The drill is installed in a predetermined central part of the future hole. Tape or a similar device prevents it from slipping. Drilling should begin at minimum speed. You need to be careful when removing the top layer of tiles. Further drilling takes place in a more convenient and safe mode.
  • Step 3. If a diamond or other expensive drill is used, it is recommended to remove it immediately after reaching the wall, that is, after completely perforating the tile. A standard drill suitable for working with walls is prepared. It must have a diameter that is no larger than the previous element.
  • Step 4. After bringing the drill to the wall, the further distance is passed very carefully. Pay special attention to the work when using a long drill. It is capable of swinging, which can damage the integrity of the tiles. If you constantly hold the device at the proper level or use special clamps, the risk of cracks, chips and scratches on the surface is reduced.
  • Step 5. A dowel is inserted into the created hole. This device hammered into the wall carefully so as not to create excessive vibration. If the craftsman accidentally hits the tile or misdirects the impact force, the success of creating the hole may be leveled out due to the appearance of cracks. After carefully installing the dowel, you can bury a nail, hook or similar element into the prepared hole.

How can you not do it?

When selecting best place To create holes in the tile, you must follow the rule that prohibits working with a drill near the edge of the tile. You should maintain a distance of 1.5 cm or more from the edge.

When drilling tiles, you should not set the device to the highest speed. The use of a range of 100-400 revolutions per 60 seconds is allowed. To determine the required speed, you should first practice making holes on a sample of the material, assessing the power and thickness of the drill, as well as the density of the tile itself.

Do not set the hammer drill mode. If you neglect this rule, the tile structure will quickly crack, which will lead to the need to replace it. The device can be switched to this mode only after the hole is made in the wall structure. This makes the work easier and faster.

It is not recommended to use a mechanical drill. With its help, making holes is quite difficult and takes a long time. Even creating one of them takes a lot of time and effort, which is why the work is unnecessarily delayed. Also, during the work, the most difficult thing is to keep the drill exactly perpendicular to the tile.

Rocking and unnecessary turns of the drill are strictly prohibited, as this will inevitably lead to excess space being affected and damage to the structure, which will make the final result insufficiently aesthetic. To avoid damaging the tiles, you should use a tripod for the drill.

When drilling a hole between the tiles in the area of ​​the seam connecting this element, you must not go to the edge of the tile. If you touch a piece of the structure, it will crack and break off from the base, which will lead to damage to the result of the work.

Sometimes used for drilling particularly fragile varieties of tiles. special drills, which are not capable of creating a hole in the base of the wall. During the work you have to use two drills.

The first is necessary only to create a hole in the tile, and the second for its further formation. For the second stage, you cannot select a drill that is larger in diameter than the previous one, otherwise there is a risk of destruction of the tile.

To successfully drill through tiles, you should use suitable drill. If slight slipping is noticed, it is advisable to use a template and drill along it, guiding the centralized drill.

Often the master is given the task of drilling into already laid tiles, so the responsibility increases, since damage to the entire masonry cannot be allowed. When the correct drill is selected, all precautions are taken and the work is carried out carefully, a positive result is guaranteed.

Any owner may have a question: how to drill correctly without damaging it? Such a need may arise both when carrying out repairs and laying new material, or when it is necessary to install a shelf, hang a lamp, a boiler, or in other cases.

It is very easy to damage a tile if you make a hole in it incorrectly. If this happened during installation, it is not so scary, since the material is always purchased with a reserve.

In the case where you drilled into an already laid tile and damaged it, it will be difficult to replace it; this is a long and labor-intensive process. In addition, you may not find an element of the same shade and after installation, it will stand out unattractively from the main background.

If you need to drill through already laid tiles, first determine the location and mark it with a marker. Many craftsmen recommend that before drilling tiles in the bathroom, seal the work area with transparent paper tape, its presence will prevent the tool from slipping. You can do without adhesive tape, then you need to blacken it.

In order to prevent the drill from walking on the tile while working, the drilling site must be marked, that is, the enamel must be carefully beaten off.

The work can be done using a drill, but do not forget to disable the shock function in it or using a screwdriver. First you need to turn on the drill at low speeds, then you can switch to medium speeds.

The drill will heat up, so it must be periodically cooled and sharpened. When you pass the slab and reach the base, turn on the impact mode and make a hole to the required depth.

If you've never drilled into a slab before, it's best to practice on old tiles first.

It is much easier to drill into the tiles while they are loose. To make the work easier, it should be soaked in water for a couple of hours, after which it should be level and solid foundation and then the work is performed according to the already described algorithm.

If you have wide seams and need to make a hole, then It’s better not to drill into the tiles, but to do it in the seam. This will be much easier to do and the likelihood of damaging the material will be minimized.

Required Tools

To perform this work, you must have a certain set of tools and materials:

  • electric drill;
  • special drill for tiles;
  • base tool;
  • paper tape;
  • pencil.

To do hole large diameter , you will need carbide cutter or it can be drilled ballerina drill(the drill is centered, and the required diameter is set using cutters, which are adjusted with a key).

The cost of a ballerina drill is small; there are many varieties of this tool. How comfortable it will be for you to work can only be determined by experience.

A carbide cutter is much more expensive; it can be used to work not only with tiles, but also with concrete or stone. Disadvantage of this instrument is that it has a fixed diameter, so it is only used by professionals.

If the tiles have already been laid, then first, using a tile drill, make a hole in it, and then, using a hammer drill and a drill, make a hole in the base.

What types of drills are there for tiles and tiles?

For ceramic tiles, you cannot use drills for wood or metal; for this, there are special tools that can drill through the durable surface of the tile:

  • a drill for tiles or glass, a must have for every home craftsman;
  • Although a tool with a diamond tip is expensive, it can be used to make a hole quickly and accurately;
  • a drill with a pobedit tip, cheaper, but with its help you can also get the job done efficiently;
  • for large diameter holes it is necessary to purchase a diamond-coated crown;
  • carbide tools with a spear-shaped tip are affordable;
  • “ballerina” drill, it has the ability to adjust the diameter, so with its help you can make holes of various diameters.

At the beginning of the renovation, it seems that the most difficult thing is laying tiles on the walls and floor in the bathroom. Therefore, when the installation of the decorative coating is completed, you think that the problematic moments are already behind you. However, the bathroom will have to be equipped with plumbing fixtures, cabinets, shelves, and sockets made. To put each of the listed items in place, you need to make a hole, or even more than one, in the wall.

The craftsman is faced with the question of how to drill tiles on the wall without damaging or spoiling appearance. In this situation, there are only two options: trust the professionals or learn how to drill tiles yourself.

Difficulty drilling tiles

Ceramic tiles are considered ideal option wall decoration, because it can withstand decades of merciless use in the humid microclimate of the bathroom. These same qualities make it difficult to make holes in tiles. First of all, the difficulty is presented by the following features of this type of finishing::

  • Hardness. Ceramic tiles have a dense, hard structure, as they are produced by extrusion or pressing. Therefore, drilling a hole in it is not at all easy; you need a special tool, drills, the hardness of which is greater than the tile itself.
  • Smooth surface. The outer surface of the tile is covered with glaze so that it is less porous, does not absorb moisture and has a beautiful shine. So when you try to make a hole in tiled wall, the drill bit will slip, which may damage the tiles.
  • Fragility. Despite its high hardness, it is quite easy to damage the tiles during drilling. Especially if the glue was distributed unevenly during the installation process and there are air cavities under the tiles. If it hits such an air pocket, the drill will almost certainly split the tile.

Without knowing how to drill through tiles correctly, you can make many annoying mistakes that will lead to the need to replace one or more tiles, increase repair costs, and simply fray the master’s nerves.

Tool selection

To make a hole in a tiled wall you will need quality tool. You can rent what you need, borrow it from friends, or purchase it, because it will come in handy many times during the renovation process. One way or another, you need to get a good drill and hammer drill. They must meet the following requirements:

  1. The drill must support various drilling modes, be able to operate at low speeds, and have sufficient power. Pay attention to battery-powered models, which are easy to use due to their light weight; they are not “tied” to an outlet.
  2. It is not advisable to use a hammer drill to process tiles, as this impact tool creates vibration, which can lead to cracks on the surface of the tile. It is useful for drilling into the wall under the tiles.
  3. The master must be able to control the force of pressing and the speed of rotation of the drill. It is advisable to start work at low speeds, gradually increasing the rotation to 200 rpm.

Worth paying attention! A little trick: if you have an old hand drill lying around, don’t rush to get rid of it, because hand tool Ideal for drilling tiles as it is muscle driven and therefore does not vibrate.

Selecting a drill and auger

You need to take care of purchasing a special drill and a drill suitable for working with tiles. They must be very hard and sharp, usually professional finishers, to make a hole in ceramic tiles, use:

Very important! The diameter of the drill is selected to match the size of the dowel, and the diameter of the drill for the hammer drill should be several mm smaller so as not to touch the edge of the tile during operation, otherwise vibration will damage it.

Purchasing a low-quality, unsuitable drill is a dubious saving that can come back to haunt you with chips, cracks and much higher costs.

Tile drilling technique

In addition to a power tool, to drill a hole, you will need a building level, masking tape, a marker, a tape measure or a ruler. Having prepared everything you need, follow the steps in the following order:

Be careful! The drill should not overheat during operation; smoke that appears is a sure sign that you need to stop and cool it.

Large diameter holes

Sometimes it becomes necessary to drill a large hole in the tile. For example, to install an outlet or connect plumbing. Other attachments are used to perform this task:

If you have planned in advance the locations for installing sockets and connecting communications, it is easier to drill the tiles before laying them on the wall, as they say, on the shore. Since it is more difficult to work with large diameter holes.

Knowing how to drill through tiles on a wall will help you avoid being intimidated when asked to hang a mirror or shelf in the bathroom. After all main secret success - a quality tool, accuracy and consistency!

Video instruction

After finishing the bathroom or kitchen with tiles, the problem that may arise is how to drill ceramic tiles to complement the room wall cabinet, towel rack, mirror or other accessories.

In addition, during the repair process there is often a need to “embed” an outlet or make a hole for plumbing pipe or cable.

The main difficulty is that tile is a hard, but at the same time fragile material, and easily cracks if handled carelessly. Therefore, the question of how to drill ceramic tiles so that cracks and chips do not form is very relevant.

If you need to do not big hole in ceramic tiles, we use hand drill. When working with this tool, it is possible to fully control the rotation speed and pressing force.

An electric drill with a function that allows you to smoothly adjust the rotation speed, or a screwdriver with a low speed, is also suitable. The absence of vibration and sudden jerks during operation will allow you to drill ceramic tiles without cracking, chipping or breaking.

Because the upper layer Since ceramic tiles are very brittle and crack easily, impact tools are not suitable for drilling.

Hammer or impact drill You can only use it after you have drilled through the ceramic tiles all the way and you need to make a hole in the wall for the dowel.

Drill bits for ceramic tiles

Drills with a spear-shaped tip are used if you need to make a small hole.

When choosing a drill for ceramic tiles, you need to consider that cutting edge The tool must be harder than the surface of the tile.

The best option is a diamond-coated drill. He is also the most expensive. If there is a large amount of work to be done, then buying a diamond drill makes sense.

But in order to make several holes, you should not go to such expense. For household needs, you can get by with an inexpensive drill with a pobedit tip, sharpened on a diamond wheel.

Making a large diameter circular hole

When choosing which drills to drill into ceramic tiles, you need to take into account the diameter of the intended hole. Often in the bathroom or kitchen it is necessary to make a fairly large hole for a pipe, faucet or socket.

In this case, a so-called “crown” is used - a tubular drill with diamond coating. It would be ideal to have a set on your household that includes crowns for ceramic tiles of various diameters.

The high cost of tools is compensated by saving time and effort, as well as excellent results. Using a tubular drill, you can make quite large holes– up to 150 mm in diameter.
The tool is effective, but to extend its service life, you must follow these rules:

  • The drill should be set to the minimum number of revolutions to prevent rapid wear of the cutting part of the drill.
  • The crown must not be allowed to overheat. To do this, you need to lower its cutting part into water more often.

How to drill tiles that have not yet been laid? Ballerina!

When it is known exactly where the communications will go, all the holes necessary for them are drilled even before the tiles are laid. To do this, you can use the diamond crowns mentioned above for ceramic tiles. If it is not possible to acquire a rather expensive tool, then for such purposes a special drill is used - the so-called. "ballerina"

“Ballerina” is a circular drill resembling a compass. Its tip is installed in the center, and the distance to the cutter is adjusted depending on the planned diameter of the hole. The tool cutter is made of hard alloys. The drill in the middle is for centering.

The advantage of the “ballerina” is the ability to set the size of your choice, which allows you to make holes in ceramic tiles of the desired diameter. The disadvantages include the fact that when drilling large holes it is difficult to hold the drill strictly in a vertical position. And also the need for manual processing of uneven edges that remain after using this tool.

The rest is all positives. The drill is inexpensive, lasts a long time and is an excellent answer to the question: how to drill tiles in the bathroom if you need to install pipes, connect plumbing or a washing machine.

Before drilling, soak the tiles in water for half an hour to prevent them from breaking. Cut at low speeds, from the unglazed side. Hold firmly while working. Be sure to use safety glasses to protect your eyes from splinters.

Drilling ceramic tiles according to the rules

After you have selected a tool and decided which drill to use to drill ceramic tiles in a particular case, you need to carefully study the technology for this type of work.

When drilling, the pressure on the tool should be minimal so as not to break the tile. Work at low speeds - the lower the rotation speed, the less vibration and play of the drill will be.

Excessive heat at the drilling site can cause the tile to crack. Therefore, you need to periodically spray the surface of the tile with water and wet the drill (of course, after turning off the drill).

The main difficulty in drilling ceramic tiles is getting through the top layer covered with glaze. Due to the smoothness of the coating, the drill often moves out.

To secure it at the desired point, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Scratch a small conical groove in the place where the hole is planned, using a hardened self-tapping screw or the sharp edge of a file.
  • Apply masking tape or fabric adhesive tape to the tile. This will prevent the drill from slipping while working.
  • Mark the desired point with a stationery correction pencil. The surface of the tile in this place will become rough, making it easier to hold the drill in place.

Making a neat hole in a tile without the appropriate skills is difficult, because it is quite hard and not elastic. But if available special tools and complete information on how to drill tiles in the bathroom and kitchen so as not to damage them, you can successfully work with this material.