How is air humidity measured in an apartment? Air humidity in the apartment: how it is measured at home. Using a regular thermometer

If you do not want to encounter troubles associated with humidity in the house, then you need to constantly monitor its level. The air, which is dusty and dry, contains a huge number of antigens (causing allergic reactions), which have negative consequences. Air that is damp can become a source of chronic diseases in humans. How to measure air humidity in an apartment? Which moisture meter is best to buy? This article will be able to answer this and other questions that may arise.

To carry out constant monitoring, it is necessary to measure humidity using a special device. And such a device exists today. This is a hygrometer. Today there are several varieties of this device, which will be discussed in detail.

Today there are several types of household devices for measuring air humidity in rooms or apartments. How is air humidity in rooms measured and determined? Let's take a closer look at all types of hygrometers.


Air humidity can be measured using a thermohygrometer. Let's look at his work. He has complex system, so it determines not only the moisture level, but also the temperature inside the room. Also, in addition, this device records the values ​​of the moisture state and temperature values ​​in various points. That is, he compares the state of two indicators in the place where he is at this moment and in the previous room.

A device for determining air humidity synchronizes the values ​​it received at different points in the building. According to these readings, the thermohygrometer gives overall result humidity and temperature values. What technical characteristics does it have?

Let's consider specifications thermohygrometer. The length of the wire is 150 centimeters. Indicators are displayed as percentages, the range of which is from 0 to 90. You can also purchase thermohygrometer models in stores that are wireless.

These models have an additional function: when the moisture level in the room is critical, the measuring device gives a signal that notifies the owner about the poor air condition. It is convenient to use this device(s) or meter when measuring humidity in an apartment.

With this hygrometer you can measure temperature and humidity. You will literally be involved in changing the “weather” at home.


This room apparatus is called in full - a psychrometric hygrometer. How to determine the air humidity in an apartment using a psychrometer? They have two thermometers. One thermometer is called “dry”, which performs standard work– measurement of room temperature.

The other thermometer is a wet thermometer because it is inside a water vessel and is wrapped with a cloth wick. It gives an indication of the temperature of the wick, which is wet. The value of this temperature is obtained due to the evaporation of moisture. If the humidity level is low, then evaporation occurs much faster. And vice versa.

Thanks to a psychrometer, you can get the necessary information about the state of your room, that is, determine the air humidity. Today, a psychrometer is often used to control moisture content.

A hair device for measuring indoor air humidity is quite easy to construct. Why is it called that? This type of hygrometer works on the basis of synthetic hair, which is fat-free. How to find out the air humidity on it? How to measure air humidity in an apartment using a hair device?

Due to changes in the air condition, this synthetic low-fat hair also changes its length. It is stretched between the spring and the pointer end. Due to the oscillation of synthetic hair, the arrow moves along the plate with divisions (dial), which gives general values moisture level in the room. Let's discuss the “insides” of the device.

This device for measuring air humidity has a wide range of values ​​- from 0 to 100. Therefore, status information air flow will be the most accurate. main feature his is the simplicity of his work. They are easy to handle so you won't struggle with it while using it. This meter can be placed on the wall in the room - it is quite convenient. Measure and find out information about the condition of the apartment, which will always be before your eyes.

There is another type of hygrometer - a film one. How to check the air humidity in an apartment using it? The film hygrometer is constructed differently, and therefore the operating principle is different from the hair hygrometer. home distinctive feature A film hygrometer is the presence of an element that is sensitive. This component in the device is an organic film. The principle of operation is that the organic film can stretch, or vice versa, shrink - this depends on the state of air humidity in the house. The humidity value is also displayed on the dial.

If there are relatively low temperatures in a certain humid room, then it is recommended to use hair or film hygrometers. Other devices are simply not suitable for determining the level of humidity in a room; they are practically not used.

Device selection

Before purchasing a particular hygrometer, you need to find out information about it. There are measuring instruments for determining air humidity. There are also varieties. Let's consider measuring instruments (hygrometers):

  • wall mounted appliance;
  • benchtop moisture meter;
  • mechanical device;
  • digital device.

Which devices to choose? The choice of one type of device or another depends on the consumer himself. First, you need to familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of the device and some nuances. Let's take a closer look at them:

  • Decide how important measurement accuracy is to you. Because different devices give different meanings. Some hygrometers will give exact values, and others are close. But this does not mean that these are “bad” devices. Most buyers are content to purchase hygrometers that provide “inaccurate” readings.
  • Next, you need to immediately decide on the future location of the device, since not all types and types of devices used can be installed anywhere in your home. For example, not all devices can be located on walls. Although it is recommended to purchase wall hygrometers, using them for monitoring.
  • We check that the measuring device has the required configuration. Indicators and a psychrometric table must be available. If this is the case, then you are purchasing a high quality moisture level meter. It will measure the relative humidity of the air accurately.

These are the main three points to which you need to pay attention. Before purchasing, it is best to find out the information from the product seller, who will help you choose the right device, subject to all requests and conditions.

Increased moisture

The air humidity in the apartment is measured so as not to encounter the difficulties of dry air and increased moisture levels. Some people think it's not that big of a deal serious problem, so installing a hygrometer is pointless. But this attitude needs to be changed, since there will be negative consequences if the level of humidity in the apartment is not controlled.

Relatively increased level air moisture at home is a source of microscopic fungi on surfaces. Also, such conditions are a favorable environment for the development of fungus, which can adversely affect human health. Mold can cause a person to develop allergies.

Dampness that appears due to humid air, will increase the growth of mold.

But do not forget that allergies are just one of the diseases that mold can cause in humans. The fungus can become a source of a variety of infectious diseases.

Mold spores may end up in your food. A person and his entire body may begin to suffer from foodborne illnesses. This is dangerous for all the people who live in this house.

To avoid all these problems, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room. Ventilation should take place regardless of the temperature outside the window and at any time of the year.

Ventilation should be carried out at least twice a day. This is the minimum amount, preferably more. Thanks to this, you will be able to make much less moisture. Protect your apartment or indoor spaces(rooms) that have high moisture and enjoy the air!

You will be able to enjoy favorable home conditions due to the fact that the moisture will always be normal.

Bottom line

By controlling the level of humidity in the room, you will help eliminate the likelihood of mold or mildew developing on various surfaces. It will also keep your body healthy. That's why a hygrometer was created that will make your task easier. There is a fairly wide range of these devices in stores, which allows you to choose the right hygrometer for yourself.

When choosing, look at the accuracy of the device's values. Not everyone needs instruments (meters) that display ultra-precise readings of relative air humidity levels. Most buyers are satisfied with approximate values ​​when determining. The air humidity in the room and the accuracy of the readings depend on the technical component of the meter.

First, compare the technical characteristics of a particular type of moisture detector. A device that is chosen at random will cause a lot of frustration during use and will not meet all the requirements. You will only ruin your nerves and mood and waste your cash wasted.

Therefore, after purchasing a determinant, keep the receipt for it so as not to encounter future troubles. Thanks to the receipt, the hygrometer can be returned to the store if it does not meet your requirements. Buy a quality determinant to protect your room! You will be able to support home comfort and comfort.

Air humidity affects a person’s well-being, and its deviation from optimal values ​​in long term leads to deterioration of health: the immune system and its protective functions, there is a feeling chronic fatigue, the appearance of the skin changes. Negative consequences appear only after a fairly long period of time, so it is important to know how and with what to measure air humidity at home and adjust it in the right direction.

Lack of moisture in the apartment (below 40%) leads to irritation of the nasal mucosa and other cavities, as well as to the appearance of a large amount of dust. It contains harmful microorganisms, such as dust mites, which provoke the development of allergies. High humidity (more than 60%) is fraught with the appearance of black spots on the walls formed by fungus. This mold reduces the body's protective functions and even accelerates the aging process.

Among the specialized instruments for measuring humidity levels, the most famous are the following:

  1. Hygrometer is one of the easiest to use. This tool has a small screen that displays the percentage of moisture contained in the air. The cost of such a device can be quite high.
  2. Psychrometer- a device for determining air humidity, consisting of two thermometers. Its operation is based on recording indicators of the temperature difference between dry and wet sensors. The operation of this device can be emulated at home using just one thermometer.

To determine air humidity using the psychrometer principle, we need one thermometer and gauze cloth. The first step is to record the current room temperature, and then wrap the base of the thermometer with a cloth soaked in water. After waiting about 10 minutes, you need to subtract the second value from the first value and refer to the psychometric table.

Here the first column corresponds to the readings of a “dry” thermometer, and the top row of numbers corresponds to the readings of a thermometer wrapped in wet gauze. The intersection of these values ​​will be the percentage indicator of air humidity in the apartment.

Instruments that measure air humidity make it possible to quickly obtain accurate information.

Traditional methods

When there are no specialized tools at hand, various tricks invented just under such circumstances will help determine the humidity level. Despite the noticeable bias in the results of such workarounds, The data obtained will allow us to assess the situation as a whole.

The main advantage of improvised means is their wide availability and almost complete absence financial costs. Their disadvantage is the time required to obtain results. Thus, a choice must be made between cost and efficiency.

Glass with cold water

For getting necessary information you only need a glass of cold water. It must be placed in the refrigerator for several hours, then the water temperature will be at 3-5 degrees Celsius. After which you need to place the glass closer to the center of the room, away from heat sources.

Conclusions are drawn based on three possible options total:

  1. Lack of moisture. At first the glass fogged up, like windows in winter, but within 5 minutes it became transparent again - the moisture quickly evaporated, which means there is not enough of it and the air is dry.
  2. Norm. If after the above time the glass remains opaque as before, then the humidity level in the tested room is optimal.
  3. High humidity. When drops of water form on a glass and flow down its walls, then we can say that the moisture content in the air exceeds normal levels.

Measuring humidity using a spruce branch

Air humidity measurement is available using spruce branch, which should reach at least 20 cm in length, and preferably 30 cm. One end of it must be fixed on the board, and the other end left unfastened.

The fact is that at high humidity spruce branch becomes heavier, which means it sinks down. Over the course of several days, you need to check the humidity level using precise instruments and make appropriate notes on the board based on changes in the position of the branch. After just a week of such observations, you can get a fairly accurate homemade instrument.

Determining the humidity in an apartment without a device is relatively easy with the right approach.

Determining humidity using a fir cone

A fir cone will also be a good informant. The indicator of humidity will be the position of its scales:

  • excess moisture in the air causes the scales to close;
  • its deficiency causes the lump to open.

For example, if you bring it home, it may close in the evening and return to its previous appearance in the morning. This is due to the fact that In the evening, the lack of heat leads to an increase in humidity levels.

How to increase the humidity level in an apartment?

We figured out how to determine the air humidity in an apartment. Now it would be useful to find out how to correct it if its indicators deviate from the norm. The simplest solution to the problem of dry air is to purchase humidifier. It is filled with water, which turns into gaseous form during operation.

There are three types of humidifiers:

  1. Traditional humidifier passes air through a tank filled with water. Here it is not only moistened, but also gets rid of and cleansed of dust. The downside of this solution is that the limit is at 60%. In addition, traditional humidifiers are quite noisy and can distract from everyday tasks.
  2. Steam humidifier. The advantage of such a device is the ability to use any water, even contaminated water. The device is capable of increasing the humidity level by more than 60%. However, boiling water evaporates accompanied by a lot of noise and excessive power consumption.
  3. Ultrasonic humidifier distinguishes it from other devices by its relatively quiet operation. A noticeable disadvantage is the need to use exclusively purified water.

It is possible to achieve an increase in humidity without resorting to specialized devices. Widespread a damp towel left on the radiator. Due to heating, moisture changes from liquid to gaseous form. When the towel is dry (cloth is also allowed), it needs to be replaced.

A similar method is to use small basins of water installed on the radiator. Naturally, they hold much more moisture than a piece of fabric, which means they will have to be changed much less often. You can place them on a chest of drawers or on a closet. In this case, you will have to refill the containers with liquid even less often, but the humidity will not increase significantly.

Some household little things also help to achieve higher air humidity. This is facilitated a large number of house plants in pots or breeding fish in an aquarium.

How to reduce humidity?

Just as there are , there are also dehumidifiers. This device drives air currents through itself and condenses it. Thus, the moisture settles in the dehumidifier as a liquid, and the air is directed back into the room. This result is achieved due to the lower temperature in the dehumidifier than in the room.

When purchasing a device, consumers are usually guided by its power, which is measured in liters of water produced per unit of time. The numbers here can be completely different - from 12 to 300 liters per day.

The devices come in two forms:

  • portable– placed in any convenient location with the possibility of subsequent movement without any difficulties;
  • stationary– are attached to the wall, have higher powers.

In rooms such as the bathroom, kitchen and restroom, hoods are installed that cope not only with moisture intake, but also neutralize unpleasant odors.

To achieve drier air, it is also not necessary to use devices. The simplest way to achieve the desired result is to systematic ventilation of the home.


The level of air humidity affects a person's well-being in the short term and health in the long term. It is advisable to maintain it in the range of 40-60%, which is . Air humidity is measured using instruments such as a hygrometer and a psychrometer, the latter of which can be recreated at home. There are also traditional methods, allowing you to determine the percentage of humidity, but their disadvantage is the low efficiency of obtaining information.

Technological progress makes it possible to control the humidity in the apartment both by dehumidifying and humidifying the air. You can achieve the desired result both by special devices, and using handy means.

Buying a dehumidifier or is the simplest and in a convenient way. Many modern air conditioners are also able to control moisture content.

The well-being and health of its owners depends on the state of the microclimate in the apartment. The level of humidity is one of the main indicators characterizing the parameters of the air that people in the room breathe. Therefore, it must be periodically monitored. This indicator must remain at the level established by sanitary and hygienic standards.

Therefore, the residents of the house are faced with the question: how to determine in an apartment. For this purpose they use various ways. Even without special instruments, anyone can measure the humidity level in a room. Existing methods will be discussed in detail below.

Why humidity?

When studying the question, it is necessary to consider first of all what this indicator affects. This will allow you to assess the importance of carrying out such a procedure.

The indoor air humidity should not be higher or lower than the specified range. While indoors, a person may not immediately notice that the surrounding conditions do not meet the requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards. But over time, such violations can affect the health of the owners.

Due to increased humidity, asthma and allergies develop. A reduced value of this indicator leads to disorders of the mucous membranes, decreased immunity, and skin aging. Children are especially sensitive to unfavorable living conditions. Therefore, parents are simply obliged to monitor the level of humidity in their apartment.

Permissible value

Studying the question How can you determine the air humidity in an apartment?, acceptable values ​​of this indicator should be considered. It should be noted that humidity is measured as a percentage. This is a fraction of the primary mass volume of moisture.

Experts say that optimal value the indicator for the premises is 45%. In this case, its deviation in both directions is allowed. Thus, the humidity in the apartment should not fall outside the range of 30 to 60%.

There are standards that determine air parameters depending on the purpose of the room. In a living room or dining room the range is 45-60%, and for an adult bedroom it is 40-50%. In the children's room the humidity should be higher. Normally it is at the level of 45-60%.

But for a library or office it is important to maintain this figure at the level of 30-40%. This will protect documents and books from premature destruction. In a kitchen or bathroom, humidity can range from 40 to 60%.

Effects of high humidity

Delving deeper into the topic, how to determine air humidity in an apartment, you should clearly understand the consequences of deviation of this indicator in both one and the other direction. Inconsistencies are a warning sign.

The first sign in an apartment is condensation on the windows. At the same time, all things and furniture in the room are exposed to dampness. Next appears a specific musty smell, and in the corners, on interior items, fungus begins to develop. Mold is an unsafe neighbor for humans. It causes serious deviations in well-being, causes whole line ailments.

The consequences of high humidity can be allergies or even asthma, and a decrease in the functions of the immune system. Diathesis sometimes occurs in children. Headache, diseases of the cardiovascular system are also a consequence of an unsuitable microclimate. Bronchitis and otitis media also develop in similar conditions. Cancer cells also develop faster in high humidity conditions.

Effects of dry air

From the above it follows that everyone should understand how to find out the air humidity in an apartment. A low value of this indicator is also dangerous. This situation occurs especially often during the hot season.

First of all, all dust, wool and other particles begin to freely rise and move with air masses. They do not settle on interior items and freely enter the human body.

Moisture from the skin begins to evaporate rapidly. This causes the body to quickly cool down. Also, the mucous membranes of the body begin to dry out. The protection of organs from harmful microorganisms is reduced. Fatigue and drowsiness appear.

Dry air has a particularly negative effect on children's bodies. Such an indoor microclimate leads to kidney problems and also contributes to the development of dysbacteriosis. Moreover, even an adult organism is susceptible to such effects.


A hygrometer is the most reliable device for measuring indoor humidity. Its error should not be more than 1%. Multifunctional devices are on sale that also display room temperature, pressure, etc.

However, many owners are interested in the question, how to determine air humidity in an apartment without a hygrometer. After all, this device is not always at hand. Buying a hygrometer is still worth it over time. But other methods can be used to assess indoor air humidity. This will make it possible to quickly take action to eliminate serious deviations.

Measuring humidity with a thermometer

One way to measure indoor humidity without a hygrometer is to use a thermometer. This is a simple procedure. How to determine the air humidity in an apartment using a thermometer should be considered in more detail.

There is a certain procedure. You will need a regular mercury thermometer. With its help, you must first measure the temperature environment. It is better to write down the readings so as not to forget.

Next, wrap the thermometer nose with damp gauze or cotton wool. After 10 minutes, the device readings should also be recorded. The second value is subtracted from the first indicator. Next, using Assmann's psychometric table, you need to find the level of humidity in the room.

Glass of water

One more in a simple way is the technique with a glass of water. This approach is not very accurate, but it will help determine significant deviations in the microclimate of the room. , discussed below.

There will always be the necessary items for research in the house. Glass glass needs to be filled cold water. The contents should have a temperature of 3-5 °C. The glass must be placed in the room. Shouldn't be nearby heating devices.

If the walls of the glass fog up, but after 10 minutes. dried out, the humidity level in the room is very low. If, after this period of time, drops of the fogged glass flow from its surface, the indicator is very high. If the humidity is within permissible norm, condensation does not collect in drops and does not flow off the glass.


Having considered how to determine air humidity in an apartment without instruments, you should learn methods of dealing with microclimate non-compliance with standards. When the indicator value is low, special humidifiers are used. They are presented in a wide range on sale. You can also place a damp towel or container of water on the battery. You should also pay attention to growing a sufficient number of indoor plants.

If the humidity is high, you can purchase special devices. They are using various methods remove excess water from the air. Experts also advise regular ventilation. This must be done even in rainy weather. Some rooms may require installation of a hood.

Having become familiar with the methods, how to determine air humidity in an apartment, you can quickly and accurately assess the state of the indoor microclimate. This will allow you to take appropriate measures in a timely manner and return the indicator to within the standards. The health and well-being of people living in a house or apartment depends on this. Therefore, special attention should be paid to moisture measurement issues.

The saturation of moisture in the air a person inhales directly affects his well-being and general state health. Even minor deviations up or down over time can lead to a number of very unpleasant diseases. To avoid them, you need to prevent both drying out and excessive moisture concentration in the room. To do this, it is important to determine the air humidity in the apartment in time, and, if necessary, take measures to normalize it.

Normal indoor air humidity for humans is on average 45%. Naturally, this indicator cannot be constantly at the same level and there are deviations that will not cause negative consequences. The level of humidity in the house varies for rooms depending on their purpose:

  • In the hallway, living room, bathroom, kitchen or dining room, humidity should be between 45-60%;
  • In bedrooms for adult family members - 40-50%;
  • In children's rooms, humidity should be maintained in the range of 45-60%;
  • In the office and library, the lowest level is required - 30-40%. Printed paper and dampness can cause substances harmful to human health to appear in the air, not to mention the negative effect of damp air on books and documents.

Constantly maintaining a fixed level of humidity at home is quite difficult, because it is extremely sensitive to many factors, the most common of which are:

  • Seasonal climate change;
  • Changes in weather conditions;
  • Working in a room with heating or air conditioning systems;
  • Materials used for the construction of walls, their external and internal decoration.

In addition, the number and size of windows in the room, the presence of indoor plants and the way the household is run affect the moisture level.

Consequences of deviations from the norm

The main signs of high moisture concentration in a room are the formation of condensation on window glass, a tactile sensation of dampness on the upholstery and things, darkening and accumulations bloomed in the corners of the rooms. After some short time, a musty smell characteristic of mold formations appears, which permeates all things and is subsequently quite difficult to remove.

But the smell of dampness is far from the most serious problem. Being in a room with mold fungus on the walls is dangerous to health. This can cause a number of diseases:

  • Fungal formations irritate the human respiratory tract, and a significant concentration of them over time provokes the occurrence of allergies. Together, these two factors lead to the appearance of a pathology such as asthma, complicated by allergic reactions.
  • High relative humidity promotes more intensive growth of cancer cells in cancer patients, which makes treatment difficult even in the early stages.
  • Exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases. It is especially difficult for hypertensive patients, who are already severely affected by climate change.

Dry microclimates are less dangerous, but can also cause a number of negative health effects. What is harmful is not that the body does not receive enough moisture from the inhaled air. Dry dust particles, which do not settle on the surface of objects, are more harmful, but are located around and easily enter the human body through the respiratory system. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that the mucous membranes also dry out and do a poor job of catching dust, which has become even more abundant. In addition, immunity decreases, kidney dysfunction may occur, and dysbacteriosis develops.

Methods for measuring indoor humidity

There are a number of ways to find out the moisture level in a room. Some of them involve the use of special devices, others allow this to be done using items that are found in almost every home.

Several ways to measure air humidity - video:


This device is specially designed to determine air humidity. With its help you can high accuracy measure this climatic parameter with an accuracy of 1%. Modern models are multifunctional and, in addition to humidity, will also determine Atmosphere pressure, air temperature, exact zone time and some other parameters.

But what to do if you don’t have a hygrometer at hand, and you need to find out the humidity immediately. There are ways to do this using more common devices and tools.

Any attempts to determine the humidity level without a device will have a significantly greater error than the 1% for a quality hygrometer. Nevertheless, they will allow you to get at least an approximate idea of ​​the level of humidity in the room.

To take measurements, you will need a regular mercury or alcohol thermometer to measure the temperature in the premises. With its help you need to do the following:

  • Measure the temperature in each room (in order not to confuse the data obtained, it is better to write them down);
  • Soak a piece of cloth or cotton wool in water room temperature and wrap it around that part of the device that contains the bulk of the working fluid.
  • Re-take measurements in the rooms and record the measurement results.

Glass of water

The most affordable and easiest way to find out humidity without a hygrometer. It does not require any calculations, lengthy measurements with recordings, or special equipment. Unfortunately, the accuracy of the readings obtained using a glass may differ significantly from the actual level of measured data. But if you follow the instructions exactly, critical deviations from the norm will be recorded.

  • We fill a large glass glass (or any other glass vessel) with water. For greater clarity, it is better to fill the container completely, but so as not to splash the water during further movements.
  • Cool the measuring instrument to a temperature of approximately 5˚ (for example, in the main chamber of a refrigerator for half an hour).
  • To measure humidity, take out a container and place it in any place in the room that is not exposed to heating devices or air conditioners.

Condensation immediately forms on the walls of the vessel. Subsequent analysis of the result comes down to studying what happens to it.

  • If the condensation dries out after 10–15 minutes, this indicates that the air in the room is dry and needs to be humidified.
  • If there is an excessive concentration of water in the air of the apartment, the condensation on the walls of the glass will not dry in 10–15 minutes, it will collect in drops and flow down.
  • At normal humidity the condensation will not form droplets and will not evaporate quickly.

How to normalize humidity

If you were able to correctly check the humidity level, in case of deviations from the norm, you must immediately begin measures to normalize it.

Several ways to normalize humidity - video:

Humidify the air in the room

I exist ready-made solutions- so-called humidifiers. If you do not want to purchase such a device, you can use improvised means. IN winter period time on the radiator in a dry room, you can put a container of water or a damp towel. Deciduous houseplants in addition to oxygen, they produce a considerable amount of moisture, which will also help in eliminating an overly dry climate. Well, as a last resort, you can periodically turn on the electric kettle in a humidified room (many factory humidifiers work on the same principle).

Making a drier microclimate in the apartment

If the check showed high humidity, everything is somewhat more complicated. With available and available means household appliances It is not always possible to correct the situation.

The simplest, but unfortunately not the cheapest and affordable way– purchase a special dehumidifier. These devices do not heat or burn the air, and some are capable of maintaining humidity according to specified parameters. If there is no device, it is recommended to ventilate the room more often. This must be done regardless of the weather outside and the time of year. For rooms where it is difficult natural ventilation hoods should be used.

Determining the level of air humidity in the apartment is half the battle. It is necessary to constantly monitor it, and if non-compliances with standards are detected, immediate measures must be taken to eliminate these non-compliances.

In order to avoid unpleasant health problems associated with suboptimal humidity in the house, you should constantly monitor its level in the room. Dry, dusty air can contain a large number of allergens, which can have consequences. Damp indoor air can lead to various chronic diseases. So how do you measure air humidity? A very detailed answer can be given to this answer.

To carry out such control, indoor air humidity should be measured regularly. On this moment there is very useful device, which will allow you to measure the humidity level in the house. Such a device is a hygrometer. There are several types of hygrometers, which you should learn more about.

Device for determining air humidity

Thermohygrometer is a very complex device that measures not only air humidity, but also room temperature. Among other things, the thermohygrometer records readings about the state of temperature and humidity recorded from different points. That is, directly from the place where the thermohygrometer itself is installed and from the point where the sensor was previously installed.

The device synchronizes readings received from different points in the room, and based on this, it already provides results for checking humidity levels and measuring temperature.

A few words can be said about the technical characteristics of the thermohygrometer. The cable of this device is one and a half meters long, and the indicators are displayed in the range from 0 to 90%. There is also wireless models thermohygrometers. These devices are equipped with another useful function, which is that when the humidity in the room is critical, an alarm is triggered, notifying about an unfavorable change in the air condition.


A psychrometer is also called a psychrometric hygrometer. It consists of two thermometers. One is called “dry” and measures air temperature. The second is called moistened because it is wrapped in a cloth wick and immersed in a vessel of water. This thermometer shows wet wick temperature. Humidity indicators are derived from the evaporation of moisture. The lower the air humidity in the room, the more intensely the moisture evaporates. And as a result of these processes, it is possible to obtain the necessary data on both air temperature and humidity.

Hair and film hygrometers

The operating principle of a hair hygrometer is quite simple and at the same time very interesting. It consists in the presence in the mechanism of the device of synthetic fat-free hair, which tends to change length depending on the air condition. The hair is stretched between the spring and the end of the arrow. If there is hair vibration the arrow moves across the dial, showing air condition data.

This device for determining humidity has a fairly wide range of values ​​(from 0 to 100%), which indicates the accuracy of the hair hygrometer readings. One of the biggest advantages of such devices is its simplicity. Hair hygrometers are very easy to use, which will avoid unnecessary headaches during its operation. We can also mention once again the accuracy of his testimony. Hair hygrometers can be hung on the wall.

Except hair hygrometers, there are film hygrometers. Their devices are different, and therefore the principle of operation of film hygrometers is somewhat different. Such devices have a sensitive element that is made from organic film. This material has the property of stretching or shrinking depending on the state of air humidity. The indicators are displayed on the dial when the position of the center of the film sensitive element changes.

If the conditions in which the device will be used to determine air humidity will include the presence of relatively low temperatures, then the two types of hygrometers described above will be the only devices that will be able to measure the level of air humidity in the room.

How to choose a hygrometer

Before choosing a hygrometer, you should familiarize yourself with information about what types of such devices exist. There are several of them:

  • wall-mounted
  • desktop
  • mechanical
  • digital

The buyer will decide for himself which hygrometer to choose from those presented in the list above. In order to decide on the choice of such a device, you should pay attention to its specifications and draw a couple of important conclusions for yourself that will guide you when choosing a device.

  • First, you should decide for yourself what the accuracy of the hygrometer should be. It sounds rude, but in fact it can help in choosing a device. The fact is that various devices give different results. This suggests that some devices will provide very accurate readings of air humidity, while others will provide only relative data. This does not mean that “bad” devices exist. It’s just that many buyers are content with relative data, since there is no need for ultra-precise data.
  • Next, you need to decide where the hygrometer will be installed. This can help in choosing, since not all hygrometer models can be installed at every point in the room. For example, not all hygrometers can be wall-mounted.
  • When choosing a hygrometer, you should very carefully check that the device has the appropriate equipment. It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of indicators and a psychrometric table. A high-quality device will definitely have this included.

High humidity in the apartment

Measurement of indoor air humidity is carried out to avoid problems associated with dry air or high humidity. Many people may think that this is not a good reason to control air humidity. In order to change your attitude towards this issue, you should pay more attention to the possible consequences.

Humid indoor air influences the development of mold. Wet environment is an ideal environment for the reproduction and spread of spores of this dangerous fungus. Mold spores flying in the air can lead to the development of various allergic diseases. Dampness in the room will allow the fungus to grow many times over and increase the number of spores released into the air. The presence of mold has a detrimental effect on health. Allergies are not the only dangerous consequence of indoor mold. The fungus can cause other infections.

It can also lead to dangerous consequences mold spores getting into food. This will lead to foodborne illnesses that tend to spread throughout the body. This poses a danger to all family members.

To avoid such dangerous consequences for the body, you should regularly ventilate the room. Despite the air temperature outside the window, it is imperative to carry out such activities at least twice a day. This will help reduce the risks of air humidification and mold to a minimum.


Awareness of the state of air humidity allows you to avoid many unpleasant and even dangerous consequences for health. This is precisely why devices such as hygrometers exist. The range of such devices is very diverse, which will allow the buyer to choose a hygrometer that will meet all requirements.

When choosing a hygrometer from the various existing models, you should pay attention to the accuracy of the air humidity indicators provided by the device. Not every buyer needs ultra-precise hygrometer readings, being content with relative ones.

Also, when choosing a hygrometer, you should very carefully check all its technical characteristics. A hygrometer chosen spontaneously can do not perform all declared functions, which will affect both the nerves and the mood. Money spent in vain will certainly not add joy. To avoid such troubles, be sure to take a receipt when purchasing. It should always be possible to return low-quality goods back to the store.