Harry Potter's Elder Wand. How to make a real magic wand with your own hands? New owner - Harry

The idea is not about a children's “toy” wand, which little mummered “princesses” carry with them to all kinds of New Year’s parties. We will talk about a real, real magic wand, which has the power to protect its owner from any danger emanating from all sorts of invisible entities that fill our world.

The wand can become the fulfiller of your deepest desires. However, you should not abuse the power with which you charge your wand. A magic wand, no matter how powerful it may be, is a tool in the hands of a person. Therefore, if it falls into the wrong and inept hands, it can harm even its owner!

If you still make up your mind and think that life is not life for you without a magic wand, then know that it will take you a whole year to make it. Doesn't stop this long term? Then - forward to your dream, show all your diligence and perseverance. In the process of creating a wand, you will have to teach it a lot, and also learn a lot yourself. You will study together with your wand throughout your entire life - it is during this period that your wand, endowed with your energies, will exhibit “magical” properties and will be able to cast spells.

In order to correctly make your wand with your own hands (there are also not quite correct ones, we will talk about them later), you need to find YOUR tree, which will voluntarily agree (yes, yes, it will agree, you read that right!) to become your friend and assistant on for the rest of my life.

In search suitable tree, you should turn off all extraneous thoughts, focus on the task, listen to your intuition.

Please note - a tree is also a living creature! You can also talk and communicate with him. Some people have very well developed abilities with which they communicate with the surrounding nature! But if you do not have such abilities, do not despair! Intuition and perseverance have not been canceled!

So, for the CORRECT magic wand, a young tree is best suited. If a powerful tree responds to your call, then ask it for a twig.
Just “ask”! In order to “hear” YOUR tree, you need to wander in the park, in the forest, or take a walk in the garden for more than one day.

You can start looking for material for a stick at any time of the year; even winter and autumn are not an obstacle to communicating with wood. Yes, the Tree is sleeping, but it continues to hear, which means it can answer you.

When approaching each tree, address it respectfully with your request, ask the tree for a twig as your faithful friend and helper.
Listen to yourself, perhaps you will be drawn like a magnet to the tree you need.
Having chosen a suitable clearing, sit down among the trees, put all your thoughts in order, start meditation - it will help you concentrate, remove all unnecessary things and enter into harmony with nature.
When pre-selecting a tree, you can also be guided by the Celtic horoscope, in which you will find out which tree matches your character. But, again, I remind you that the tree must agree and voluntarily give you its branch.

By showing your imagination, you can find many more ways to unite with nature, which will be very useful to you in the future - you also need to communicate with a magic wand, mentally merge...

Some experts advise choosing sound tree species for a magic wand. Young plants have a softer core, while older plants have a harder, stronger base.
Sticks made from oak, pine, and bamboo will have interesting properties.

If your choice fell on bamboo wood, then you will simply need to go to the places where this tree grows. More the best option there will be bamboo grown with your own hands in a pot - it is already half energetically connected with you.

Do you know that even in our time, priests of Ganesh and even some Indian Yogis use magic wands with great success! They certainly will not reveal to us their centuries-old secrets and methods of making sticks!

So, you set off for a walk in the forest (park, garden). While meditating, you felt that some tree was “calling” you. Another moment and you are already standing under it. Try to start a dialogue with the tree, listen... If you have the ability to communicate with nature, it will be easier for you to establish contact with the right tree. If not, use your intuition.

Listen to your feelings carefully and don’t think about cutting off the first branch you come across. When you clearly hear the tree's response, explain to it why you need the stick. Explain that you will make a magical thing out of it that will be your friend and helper. Only after receiving consent from the tree to give you a branch, you can proceed to the next stage!

We received consent. Now you need to correctly cut off the desired branch. To do this, hit the base of the branch sharply, but not hard. Proof that you heard everything correctly and correctly understood the tree’s answer will be a branch that easily falls off.

And now begins the second important part of turning an ordinary branch into a magical tool of witchcraft.

Related video: How to make magic wand at home?!

How to make a magic wand to cast magic

It's coming very important point! The branch has been obtained, now you need to correctly make the stick itself from it.

To begin with, the resulting branch must be rid of side shoots and buds, cleared of bark, given the intended shape and cleaned until smooth.

Take your branch in your hands, align the cut, trim the other end of the branch, defining desired length for your wand;
Cut off all shoots on the branch;
Now put down the knife! In the future, when making a wand, you won’t need it anymore! All processes will need to be done manually!
Clean the workpiece from the bark using your nails and teeth. When the workpiece becomes completely white, you can stop - the bark has been successfully removed;
The cleaned stick must dry well within 10-15 days so that we can move on to the next operation. I draw your attention to the fact that the wand must be in constant contact with the owner;

The next stage is ironing. To do this, you need to take only natural tools, namely fine-grained pumice or stone. With their help, slowly and with all your heart, you should carefully process the wand. If desired, you can sharpen one end of the stick. Having sanded the stick in this way, achieve complete smoothness and level it along its entire length;
For convenience and for the purpose of constantly carrying the stick with you, make a small hole in it (again using your nails!) and thread a loop of braid into it.
Don’t be afraid that soon the smooth stick will become covered with small cracks - this is a normal and natural process. We continue to grind and ensure that the stick dries completely - then it will no longer crack, but will remain smooth forever. When such a result is achieved, know that it is yours. wand for witchcraft completely ready!

A prerequisite is the owner's constant contact with his future magic wand (from the moment of cutting)! Whether it’s in the shower, whether it’s in bed, at work, or on the street – the “candidate” stick preparation should be with you constantly and every second! Contacting the owner, she gains his energy and is born like a WAND! Being with the owner in various life situations, she, together with him, feels the emotions experienced by the owner, which allows the wand to tune in to the owner and come into contact with him. The most interesting thing is that over time, the owner will also feel the emotions that the wand experiences - the connection is two-way. Try to pick up the wand at every opportunity, talk to it, tell it about your desires, pass your thoughts through it. Committing magical rituals, the main participant in the action should be your magic wand.

Do not leave your “sorceress” even for a moment for a whole year - it is during this time that the wand will be saturated with YOUR energy. The contact will be so powerful that any of your desires, any of your slipped thoughts will be known to the magic wand. She will become a formidable weapon in your hands, protection and friend. You will never want to part with her!

At the very beginning, we mentioned that there is another type of sticks that is easier to make, simpler, but such a stick will not have a long-lasting effect.

A wand - a craft will turn out half magical if you do not have contact with it every second, if the time for its production is significantly reduced, if when processing it you used instead natural stones sandpaper or a nail file.

Such a wand will also contain some magical properties, but it will not last long at all.

Video on how to make a Harry Potter wand

Weren't you scared by everything you read? Aren't you afraid of being the owner of a Force of such power? Then search and create, but do not forget that you must be guided primarily by justice, objectivity and mercy. Otherwise, your own weapon in the wrong hands will be directed at you! Easing people's suffering, healing incurable diseases, getting rid of harmful entities - this is a worthy use for a magic wand!

Anyone who has carefully read the original saga knows about the Deathly Hallows. According to The Tale of the Three Brothers, these are three magical objects that Death gave to the wizard brothers Antiochus, Cadmus and Ignotus Peverell as a reward for passing the test. These are the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone and the Eternal Invisibility Cloak. Let's focus on the Elder Wand, since sometimes Potter fans don't understand what it is and how it works. Meanwhile, this is the most interesting Gift from the point of view of its properties, but at the same time the most dangerous and unpredictable if you do not understand the principles of the wand’s operation. At the same time, the Elder Wand is widely known; even those who do not know about the other Gifts want to possess it, and for good reason. It has more advanced properties compared to other wands and a dark, rich and bloody history, about which you can endlessly fantasize. But now we are not talking about this, but about what this wand actually is, being made of elderberry with a core of thestral hair and having a length of 15 inches. As any wizard knows from the first days of learning witchcraft, a magic wand is a conductor magical power sorcerer and, according to Garrick Ollivander's theory, reflects inner essence its owner, being an individual instrument. Master Ollivander believed that a wand chooses its owner, and any other wand in the hands of the same wizard would work noticeably worse or not work at all. This fact is proven by the fact that the same Neville Longbottom, for example, was not good at spells until he received his own wand to replace the one he used as an inheritance from his father. On the other hand, Master Ollivander, who serves English wizards as a monopolist, made almost all of his wands exclusively for personal use, and it was this circumstance that played a role in the manifestation of Neville’s abilities. For other masters the situation could have been different. But from Ollivander’s point of view, the Elder Wand was completely unique - it could serve any owner equally well, i.e., it was, in his opinion, “universal.” But the main thing is not even this, but the fact that this wand, with its versatility, is an ideal conductor of magical power. Any other wand, even if selected most precisely or made by the most the best master according to a detailed order, somewhat limited the conductivity of the sorcerer’s power. It required maximum concentration, but at the same time it did not work at full strength, creating interference, getting confused, working with some delay, requiring a break between casting spells, and successfully working with some types of enchantments to the detriment of others. And Elderberry is completely devoid of any conductivity distortions, theoretically allowing one to cast magic quickly and without stopping, as long as the owner is skilled enough. Another important property The elder wand is its ability to recognize one or another owner, and it is this that most often remains misunderstood. Any other wand, according to the same Ollivander theory, recognizes the owner once and for all, remaining “loyal” even when the owner loses it due to his own stupidity or in battle. It is not for nothing that the identity of the wizard who cast this or that spell is most often determined by the wand, and it is almost impossible to prove the opposite if there are no witnesses for “illegal” witchcraft. Moreover, it is not for nothing that the destruction of a wand is considered the most terrible punishment for a wizard, since without it he becomes practically powerless and helpless if he has not developed the ability for wandless witchcraft, that is, almost a squib. But with the Elder Wand, everything is different; it is fickle and can change its owner. Let's figure out how and why this happens. There are eight actual or alleged owners of the Elder Wand mentioned in Potter. These are Antioch Peverell, Mikey Gregorovich, Gellert Grindelwald, Albus Dumbledore, Tom Riddle (Lord Voldemort), Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape and Harry Potter. Everyone received and lost it in different ways. Antiochus received a gift from Death itself and lost it by being killed in his sleep. The way in which Gregorovich received it is unknown, but he lost it very stupidly: he talked about it to his clients and to strangers and became a victim of theft. Grindelwald stole it from Gregorovich and lost it, losing in a duel with Dumbledore. Dumbledore lost his wand, being disarmed by Draco Malfoy, but he did not even touch it; instead, Voldemort took it into his hands, plundering Dumbledore's crypt. After this, the Dark Lord considered Snape to be the next owner of the wand and killed him, while in fact the wand belonged to Draco Malfoy. Malfoy lost it when he was disarmed by Harry Potter, and he, in turn, returned the wand back to Dumbledore's crypt, thus voluntarily giving up ownership of it. Let's take a closer look at this process; it contains interesting details that explain the principles for recognizing the next owner of the Elder Wand. Antioch Peverell was probably the true owner, since he received it as a reward from its manufacturer, Death. It is unknown whether the wand recognized its next owner, who treacherously killed Antiochus in his sleep, but the fact is that the wand was owned for centuries different people, serves as proof that there were still genuine owners, otherwise the wand would have been completely lost or returned to Death. We can conclude that the “fair” acquisition and disposal of the wand overrides the previous “unfair” one. But just with this further it is very interesting. Gregorovich could have obtained the wand in any way (stealed, taken away in battle, ransomed, etc.), but he clearly treated it with disdain, conducting experiments with it, leaving it gathering dust in the workshop window and chatting about it with strangers. The result is logical - she is lost. It turns out that how the owner treats the wand is also important. It turns out that she does not tolerate “disrespectful” attitude towards herself. Grindelwald stole the wand, took possession of it in a clearly dubious manner, but if we take into account the fact that he owned it before the fight with Dumbledore (this is a long time, about twenty-odd years), then we can confidently say that the Elder Wand recognized Gellert and served him faithfully until his defeat in the battle with Albus. It turns out that minus for minus gave a plus, but here, most likely, a more attentive attitude to the wand on the part of Grindelwald himself, who understood perfectly well what kind of treasure he had fallen into his hands, played a role. It is possible that the wand “felt” the next worthy owner in advance and “went” to him from Gregorovich. What about Dumbledore? With him everything is much more complicated, but let’s try to figure it out here too. Somehow he defeated Grindelwald and became the owner of the Elder Wand. It is not known for certain what exactly happened between the two former friends; one can only guess or fantasize. Was there a grand duel as Elphias Doge claimed? Or was it a farce, as Rita Skeeter believed? Or did Dumbledore force Grindelwald to surrender, using cunning, and maybe even deception or a dishonest method of fighting? All three points of view have the right to life. The following facts speak in favor of the first: both were strong magicians, and only Dumbledore himself dared to openly speak out against Grindelwald, challenging him to a duel, while other wizards in Europe did not even seriously try to stop him from achieving his goals. The second version can be supported by the assumption that Gellert remembered friendship and succumbed to the pressure of Dumbledore, who brilliantly speaks oratory . In the end, Nurmengard's jailers testified that Grindelwald repented of his crimes, and this could have begun even then, when he met Dumbledore. Finally, the third point of view is justified by the fact that Dumbledore himself was afraid either of Grindelwald himself, or of the fact that a collision with him could reveal the secret of Ariana’s death, in which both magicians were involved, so he postponed going to the meeting until the last moment . Moreover, in this case, Dumbledore would not be able to adequately prepare for the clash itself, and victory could only be won by cunning or meanness, while being much weaker than the opponent. As a result, there are as many as three options for acquiring the Elder Wand, and only the first one is probably fair. The second can be considered as such only on the condition that Gellert actually voluntarily surrendered and gave up the wand. Well, cunning or meanness, as can be seen in the example of the murderer of Antiochus, is not by definition a legitimate method of acquisition. But regardless of the method of acquiring the Elder Wand, Albus retained the ability to dispose of it until death; the wand itself did not “go away” to anyone, as could have happened in the case of Gregorovich. But there is a double bottom here too. On the one hand, Dumbledore did not allow the wand to lie in one place and used it, albeit not too actively, all the while holding the post of director of Hogwarts, which does not require the regular use of strong magic. On the other hand, Dumbledore surrounded himself with people much inferior and weaker than himself, so that the Elder Wand had “nowhere to go.” This assumption is confirmed by the fact that during Harry Potter’s studies there, Dumbledore deliberately pursued a frankly disastrous personnel policy, inviting to the posts of teachers people who did not know how to interest students (Trelawney), who mocked them (Snape) or even outright swindlers (Lokons). As a result, the quality of education is steadily declining, Dumbledore remains the only strong wizard and retains the Elder Wand, while using it not nearly as actively as Grindelwald. From this we can draw the following conclusion: The Elder Wand is looking for the most powerful owner, and if he is not there, then he can remain in the same hands until he appears. Judging by Dumbledore's behavior, he knew this for sure, having taken advice from the history of the wand, and deliberately belittled the magicians around him, while exalting himself. As for Voldemort, there is elementary ignorance and narrow-mindedness, because of which the Dark Lord was unable to subjugate the Elder Wand. Dumbledore guessed that Tom Riddle would think in terms of brute force and believe that the next owner must certainly kill the previous one. Therefore, he agreed with Snape about his death, and it turned out that Snape in no way defeated Dumbledore; Albus himself wanted to die with the help of Severus. But at the same time, Dumbledore guessed that Voldemort’s will had originally designated Draco Malfoy as the killer, and Snape “insured” him. As a result, the agreement was fulfilled, the director of Hogwarts fell at the hands of his double agent. And Malfoy only disarmed Albus, but did not pick up the Elder Wand, leaving his own with him. The wand considered this a "disrespect" to itself, which was an additional reason why it passed on to Harry Potter when he in turn defeated Draco in battle. And Voldemort stole the wand from Dumbledore's crypt and killed Snape, but did not actually take possession of the relic. Unfortunately, he did not realize this, and the wand repaid his stupidity by refusing to hit its real owner and reflecting Voldemort's killing spell back at him. Harry, after all the events with the Elder Wand, voluntarily returned it to Dumbledore’s crypt; the only action he limited himself to was repairing his own wand. And then a paradox occurred. The wand usually goes to a living owner, but here it ended up with a dead one. In addition, there were no cases of voluntary abandonment of a wand before Harry Potter. And if you consider that Dumbledore himself ceased to be the owner of the wand during his lifetime, then Harry Potter closed the chain of owners of the relic on himself. Whether he did this deliberately or not is unclear. But the fact is obvious: now the Elder Wand either will not be able to find the next owner, or will go to the first one that comes along, since its “program” is broken. From all of the above, three things can be deduced: simple principles behavior of the Elder Wand, which was the purpose of this article: 1) The Elder Wand changes its owner from unworthy to worthy; 2) The dignity of the owner of the wand determines his behavior with it (priority to gain through open confrontation, active use, careful attitude and retention in battles with other wizards); 3) The Elder Wand does not obey weak wizards.

Reality differs in many ways from the magical worlds into which we are immersed thanks to books and films. We don’t know how to create miracles with one wave of our hand, but we still want to believe in magic and dream of acquiring its attributes. For example, the elder wand is an object of desire for many Harry Potter fans. Let's figure out how to make it yourself.

Any fantasy fan will indicate their reason why they want to have this souvenir. But in fact, everyone agrees that they are, first of all, attracted by the elegance, beauty, style and pleasant sensations of touching this artifact. The elder wand, created with your own hands, combines all these qualities.

In addition, in the magical world of Harry Potter, it is considered the most powerful magical implement that has ever existed. And its owner is endowed with the power to do great things. The characters in Joanne Rowling's books did terrible things to get this "deathly gift."

Wooden base

Unlike the famous plot, in the real world you won’t have to kill anyone to get the elder wand. There are several options for creating it. The classic method requires using an ordinary branch as the basis for the craft. To make your dream come true, you need to follow these steps.

First, find a few twigs that have recently broken off from a suitable tree. If there is no elderberry growing nearby, you can use a willow tree, an apple tree, or just your own favorite plant of such a type. Remove the bark from the most suitable branch in shape and size. Then leave it on the windowsill for a couple of days so that it dries thoroughly.

After this, lightly sharpen the area near the tip and coat the workpiece with varnish. This will be the basis for your future craft. Dumbledore's Elder Wand has characteristic bulges and depressions on its surface. We'll figure out how to create them a little later. In the meantime, let's talk about another option for preparing the body.

We work with cardboard

This method is very fast and easy to perform. To work you need to prepare following materials and tools:

  • A4 cardboard (its color does not matter);
  • silicone;
  • stationery scissors and glue.

Start by folding the sheet diagonally from one corner to the opposite. Bend it halfway and cover the rest with glue. To better understand how to make an elderberry wand, roll the cardboard into a tube, and then straighten it and wait until it dries.

Silicone - to the rescue

Your base material should become hard and strong. When you see that it is ready for the next stage of work, use silicone. It can be found at any building materials store.

This filler is sold in tubes of different sizes. If you choose a large one, you will need a special pistol to go with it. But for this work, a standard container is quite enough small size. No additional tools are used when working with it.

Silicone is needed so that the elderberry stick, made with your own hands at home, becomes more massive and weighty. Open the tube and pour its contents into the wide end of the blank. If you are worried that one package may not be enough, use the material sparingly and do not fill the entire space inside the case with it. In this case, your creation will be lighter.

“Solder” in the same way and the opposite side. Wait for the filler to dry. Packages containing silicone always indicate how long it will take to harden. After the inside of the workpiece has completely hardened, you can proceed to decoration, thanks to which your craft will look exactly like a real elderberry stick.

Decoration materials

This powerful artifact has a very interesting shape. At first glance, it may seem quite difficult to recreate it. But in fact it is quite possible. To begin, prepare everything you will need for your work:

  • strong wire from which we will make a frame;
  • aluminum foil;
  • sculpture or ceramic clay;
  • stack (modeling tool);
  • ocher;
  • black, brown, white and golden and tassels for them.

To make a real elderberry stick, you can use a special frame as its base. Cover the wire with foil in three or four layers. At the same time, carefully smooth it out so that after this it will be more convenient to apply a layer of clay on it.


Prepare small cylindrical strips of plastic material and attach them around the frame. You need to make 5 such thickenings, each of which will be slightly smaller in size than the neighboring one (if you arrange them in the direction from the handle to the tip). The distance between them also needs to be different.

Make small depressions in them using wire or a pen rod. Separately, make a relief tip in the shape of a cone from clay and fix it on the thick end of the body. Now let's move on to painting.

Cover the entire piece completely with black base. Since the elderberry stick should have brown bumps, paint them this color. Please note: the holes on the spheres should remain dark.

Rub down the thin part of the frame a little with ocher and draw a white Deathly Hallows symbol on the handle (a circle and a vertical stripe inscribed in a triangle).

You now have the most powerful magical tool from the Harry Potter series of books and films. The elder wand is actually ready to use. Now all that remains is to perform a small final ritual, after which you can begin to cast magic.

Let's start doing magic

Some magic lovers advise going into the forest at night and performing a whole ritual with spells and placing candles in a circle. But since not every parent will allow their child to go into the thicket alone, you can limit yourself to more in a simple way dedication.

A magic wand is a tool that increases the likelihood of wishes coming true. And if you turn to magic, it means you want a certain event to happen in your life.

When you crave it with all your heart, a magical attribute significantly increases the chances of that. That is, the key to the effectiveness of any artifact and spells is faith. The stronger it is, the more powerful your wizard gift becomes.

Perhaps every child and many adults now know the story of Harry Potter - the boy who lived. The adventures of a little wizard, brought up in a family of Muggles (ordinary people), are so fascinating that each episode of the film is reviewed by viewers more than once. Spells receive no less attention magic items and legends from this story. Let's remember one of these items. What is the Elder Wand, where did it come from and who is its owner? First things first...

Where did the wand come from?

The elder wand was created many centuries ago. According to legend, Death himself made it when he broke off a twig from an elderberry bush. This is why the wand is periodically called the Wand of Death. This was one of the three Gifts of Death itself known in the world of magic to the legendary Perevell brothers, the ancestors of Harry Potter, the Glooms and other families.

It was the eldest of the brothers, who was a very warlike man, who asked Death for such unusual gift. He wished to own the most powerful magic wand, which would give its owner the opportunity to always win fights. And so it happened.

After his wanderings, the elder Perevell, Antiochus, ended up in a village, where he met a wizard with whom he had once quarreled. Immediately challenged him to a duel. Of course he won. True, very soon his own life was cut short: in one tavern he boasted of a gift and how strong he was. And later, when, having drunk, he fell asleep, one of the visitors to the inn cut his throat in order to get a magic wand for his personal use.

Since then, the question of who owned the Elder Wand has been constantly asked by people interested in it.

Deathly Hallow and a regular wand

What does the history of the wizarding world say? There are many legends and tales. The photo of the Elder Wand shows a completely ordinary-looking magic wand, similar to those used by all wizards. But she has many advantages hidden from prying eyes.

She is the most ruthless and fearless of all existing magic wands, giving her loyalty only to those who have the power. Every wizard has the right to count on the enormous devotion of his own wand. Even if the mage was disarmed or lost in battle, she would retain a close bond with the owner. But if it becomes a trophy that was won in a real duel, the wand will lose allegiance to the previous owner.

What is known about her?

But with the gift of Death everything is different. This wand does not understand the word "loyalty" because it recognizes only strength and nothing more. There is no sentimentality inherent in her. It is always found where there is great power. And if some wizard wins, then it is he who takes possession of the Elder Wand. But it is not at all necessary (as most people think) to commit the murder of the previous owner. True, it is this seemingly all-powerful wand that is capable of attracting wizards who are ready to commit murder. It attracts people like Voldemort, who quite often believe that the ability to kill is real power.

Fairytale artifacts

Of course, those who have read all parts of the Harry Potter story will remember that Professor Dumbledore had all three artifacts - the Cloak of Invisibility, the Resurrection Stone and the Elder Wand, which, according to legend, were given by the incarnation of Death to Antiochus, Cadmus and Ignotus Perevell.

Many wizards sought these Gifts, confident that whoever possessed all three would be able to command Death itself. They did not even realize that its master would only be the one who realized its inevitability, who would not be afraid of death, but would accept it as part of his life.

Dumbledore and one of the Hallows

Since we are interested in the most important artifact, according to wizards, we will talk about it. So, the Elder Wand changed its owners more than once. It once belonged to Gellert Grindelwald, then to Albus Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy and, of course, Harry Potter.

So where did Dumbledore get the elder wand? Everything is very simple. History does not know a duel of wizards that could be even remotely comparable to the one that took place in 1945 between Grindelwald and Professor Dumbledore. Everyone who was present truly historical event, then they talked about the awe and horror that gripped them while they watched this duel.

The professor himself, who, as you know, never lied, but only kept things quiet, said that he was only fit to wield this wand, and not to show off or take a life using it. After all, Albus took her not in order to benefit, but to save others from her.

Confusion with owners

If we turn again to the legend, then the artifact wand obeys only the one who was able to defeat its previous owner. Its first owner (as mentioned earlier) was Antiochus Perevell. From him the wand passed to Emeric the Notorious. It changed hands several more times until it ended up in the hands of Albus Dumbledore. He was a very wise owner. And he never used it for selfish, let alone evil, purposes.

Readers often ask the question of why the elder wand belongs to Harry, why did it obey him? It turns out that everything is quite simple. Let's return to the legend, according to which the strongest wand was obedient to the one who defeated its previous owner.

The Dark Lord always remembered that she could pass to a new owner by killing the previous one. That is why he took the life of Severus Snape - the one who was responsible for the death of Professor Dumbledore. However, the One whose name cannot be spoken aloud was fatally mistaken. After all, Dumbledore received the Elder Wand in a duel with Grindelwald, and the latter remained alive. That is, the artifact was an honestly won trophy.

Yes, it was Professor Snape who killed Dumbdore. But here we must also take into account the fact that this was not exactly a murder: Albus knew that the curse that he accidentally took upon himself would sooner or later end his days, and did not want a painful departure. That's why he insisted that it was Snape, whom he trusted, who unleashed Avada Kedavra on him. Therefore, Severus was only fulfilling his promise in this case. And here another “but” arises.

The new owner is Harry?

It was not Snape, but Draco Malfoy who defeated the headmaster that last evening. It was he who managed to disarm the old experienced wizard with a spell. In general, Albus did not particularly resist. He didn't want the teenager to become a killer.

That is why the mistake occurred that cost the Dark Lord his life: he believed that the new owner was Snape, but no. It was the younger Malfoy who became it.

A little later, an event occurred, as a result of which the friends of the Boy Who Lived began to say that the Elder Wand was Harry Potter. The photos that were taken during the filming of the last parts of the film served as involuntary confirmation of this.

Having sent Nagini to Snape, the evil wizard (he was afraid to use Avada Kedavra on Severus) did not become the true owner of the artifact. His wand would not obey him, no matter what he did. Its real owner was Harry, who disarmed Draco in a duel. In addition, it was Potter who became the owner of Malfoy's other wand. Harry took Draco's wand because his (with the phoenix feather) was broken. And Elderberry, who recognizes strength, recognized Harry as her master, despite the fact that she herself was at that moment in the hands of Voldemort. This was one of the reasons for Potter's victory over the powerful Dark Lord. Which, of course, does not exclude the boy’s strength and sincere desire to sacrifice his life for the sake of others.

Another chapter in the history of the wand

One point that remains unclear until the end: who stole the Elder Wand? After all, in the world of magic there is a case where theft occurred. From the very beginning, the history of this Stick of Fate, as it is sometimes called, has been a complicated one. After all, its first owner, Antiochus, was killed. Then traces of her are lost for some time. It is known that she belonged to Emeric the Notorious, Godelot, Loxius... The following rumors about her arose completely unexpectedly. One of the wand makers boasted that in his work he uses the knowledge gained from this wand. Most likely, he simply attracted attention to his products by advertising them in this way. It was Maykyu Grigorovich. His words attracted not only new customers, but also the thief, who turned out to be Gellert Grindelwald. True, he was not an ordinary thief in the generally accepted sense. He, in tandem with Dumbledore, tried to put all three artifacts together.

After receiving the wand, Gellert began to gather supporters and like-minded people to take over the Ministry of Magic. But... Here the same duel took place, as a result of which the wand switched to legally to Albus. And Gellert was placed in a prison that was created especially for him.

A magic wand is an attribute fairy-tale creatures and heroes, various wizards, magicians, fairies and elves. They kept the answer to the question “how to make a magic wand” and where to find it a strict and deep secret. But an ordinary person also managed to make a magic wand at home, completely free of charge, whose secret is also unique and magical.

Let's open the curtain and try the most secret way to make a beautiful magic wand at home, yourself. I'll tell you a quick and reliable method, step by step.

How to make a real magic wand at home:

1. Finding a blank for making a stick and where to find it:

— You need to look for a stick in a forest swamp.
- Don’t pick the stick from the trees, it must be dry, only a fairy can have a fresh magic wand.
- When you look for a wand, lower both hands down, as if scanning the ground.
Important! The wand will also look for you and you will feel connected to it not with your hands, but with your head.
— Pay attention to these trees: hazelnut, elderberry, forest rowan.
- When the undeniable feeling of taking the wand finally comes, it means that you have found it.

2. Spells for a magic witchcraft wand:

- Say the spell out loud and quietly, with your eyes closed:
« Great spirits of the enchanted world, magicians, wizards, as well as fairies, I urge you to help me and endow my magic cane with supernatural power. I undertake to remain faithful to her and use her for good intentions. She becomes a part of me ».« She becomes part of my soul ».« She becomes me and I become her ».
- After this, open your eyes and you will feel a little dry mouth and dizziness.

3. DIY unique magic wand and how to make it:

- The method of how to make a real magic strong wand at home is very simple, take the shelf that you found and place it in cold water(the spirits of the times temper her).
“Then we bury it in the ground for a day (the spirits endow it with obedience).
“Then you clean it of unnecessary knots and peel, then grind it and make it smooth at the end.

4. How to dedicate a magic wand at your own home:

— Initiation rites are always performed on the full moon.
- You need to go to the Lake, take five candles and place them in a circle.
— At 12-00 at night you need to cast a spell:
« I call on powerful forces to hear me and allow me to use a magic wand in reality. The magical power of the four elements submit to me and be mine forever. The magic wand that I made will be my eternal assistant ».
- So repeat twice.
- Next, leave the candles to burn out and go to sleep, the power will not pass to you and the wand right away, it needs to be developed and improved.

5. How to use a magic wand at home:

- Don't even think about how to use the wand.
“Strength will come on its own, just sometimes try to concentrate and want something very badly.”
- When casting a spell, pronounce it clearly, concentrate, and quickly wave the wand, leading it from the shoulder.

In principle, this is the entire recipe, according to which you can make a magic and spell wand directly in ordinary home conditions and create various spells. You can also buy a simple magic wand, but this will have a completely different effect.

What you can do with a spell wand:

In ancient and mysterious times, when not everyone knew how to make a magic wand, it was kept a closely guarded secret. With the help of such a wand they could make completely extraordinary spells, they could turn a person into some kind of animal, create and fulfill various desires. We discussed above how you can make a magic cane at home. I hope these tips help you and you do some crazy things.