Burnout paradise city all cars. Burnout paradise: the ultimate box: guides and walkthroughs. online battles Burnout

Paradise City... All of America, compressed into one small town. Skyscrapers, stadiums, suburbs, piers, Downtown - it has it all. Pastoral landscapes majestic mountains and sunny beaches, the industrial beauty of an actively developing city, a calm, leisurely life. But who said that an idyll is boring? Not at all, especially if you add a little adrenaline. Or a lot. Or maybe a lot!

The other side of a seemingly quiet town is bright, fast, nervous, tough, roaring. Another life is momentary, enchanting, knocking down (usually wheels) knocking, crushing, uncompromising, cheerful. Want to get to know this amazing place better? Burn rubber - we're entering Paradise City!

PS 3, Xbox 360... the main thing is PC!

Burnout, an icon of console arcade racing, is coming out this year in a mouse and keyboard version after years of console reclusion. An extremely interesting event, especially considering that many projects are doing the exact opposite: they are leaving their native PC camp and going to consoles. Are we happy? Not that word!

As a person quite far from ideologically alien consoles, the author of these lines imagined console racing as a kind of mixture of NASCAR ( slot machine in the children's pavilion, lower three tokens) and thermonuclear tunnel races on platforms (also an automatic machine, standing next to it, but already four tokens). On the other hand, yours truly has long been irrevocably spoiled by computer racing. The stronger the culture shock from the first acquaintance with Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box.

It all starts quite ordinary for this type of entertainment: by creating a racer profile. But here’s an interesting point - instead of dry lines of statistics, it turns out that we fill in Burnout’s driver’s license data. The final touch: If you have a webcam, you can leave your photo on your documents. And even if you are orthodox to the core and fundamentally do not participate in online battles, this moment evokes only positive emotions.

That's right, in Paradise City you won't have to play as an unknown detective or the guy next door. You are just you, even the rights are written out in your name and proudly sparkle with your photograph.

A couple of moments - and the essence of what is happening is explained to us. Paradise City is a paradise for racers of all stripes and breeds, where you can organize any competition to suit your taste. At each intersection of more than fifty roads there is a new entry. Think about it - on everyone. And absolutely no restrictions.

Along with the new rights, the player is also given a new... no, a very old and “collapsed” car.

This is interesting: and they give it not just anywhere, but at Junk Yard, a car junkyard. Interesting move, isn't it? From the very beginning, the game makes it clear what usually happens to cars in this “paradise” town.

You can safely continue the race.

Instead of a licensed car with a sparkling thirty-three-toothed smile with smooth contours and a charming design, the player is offered a completely “killed” car, as if from under a steamroller, with a strange name and dubious driving characteristics.

But no need to guess, just check. The car started up and very briskly drove to the repair shop... where in an instant it turned from an old wreck into a brand new, shiny, glossy beauty.

It is important: This convention is specifically for racing, so that players can, even during a fierce confrontation, on occasion, turn off the road and instantly repair their car, completely changing the outcome of the fight.

But only for a moment: while leaving the workshop, she inadvertently touched a pole. Oh! It was awkward: the windshield was cracked, the hood was dented, the right wing was torn off and...

...at the same time the roof. And to everyone.

These are the words of Gennady, who in the next few hours was the only one of the two of us who left pieces of reason somewhere deep within himself. That is, he also really wanted to lose these pieces - and completely dissolve in the wild and crazy drive! But Gena, like a true scientist, tried not to succumb to the temptation that completely seized the second reviewer and record all events. He partially succeeded - and here are his somewhat scattered (looking at what is happening on the roads of Paradise City, it is difficult to assess the whole picture) comments.

Night rides in Paradise City
attractive in their own way.

Imagine, players are given a whole city! All! Straightaway! No “sorry, but you can’t go there yet” signs or boring invisible barriers. The only condition: you must open repair shops, paint shops and gas stations yourself. But this is an element of research, without which it would be boring.

This is interesting: in the menu statistics you can always see how many objects remain unfound - so that players don’t go crazy, combing the city for the hundredth time in search of them.

Paradise City happily opens its arms, without fooling us with any conventions and restrictions. Do you want to go to the mountains? Yes, easily! Do you like the tangled anthill of the business center? What could be simpler, here it is! Or maybe something extremely rollicking? And we have this, and a lot of it! Need for Speed ​​and others like them smoke nervously, whisper quietly and periodically glance in the direction of Burnout.

This is a bold move, and a strong one at that. You can talk for a long time about the topic of freedom in games and still not come to clear conclusions. But in Burnout Paradise, the developers did everything to ensure that this freedom does not remain useless to anyone. Yes, there is a fairly expansive city, and the plot of simply getting promoted by winning various races is more than straightforward. But that's how it should be.


After all, Burnout Paradise is a port from consoles, so the controls here are a little specific. This is how the main values ​​are set by default.

Button Action
Esc go to menu
F1, F2 switch between menu tabs
Backspace cancel
^ lean forward
v tilt back
< turn left
> turn right
A gas
Z brake
Shift acceleration
Ctrl back view
M map
C change review
S start mayhem
Num 0 switch song

Of course, it's not very convenient. It’s good that you can change them in the menu, and we advise you to do this at the first opportunity.

The game supports various controllers: joysticks and steering wheels. But gamepads do not always allow you to accurately perform one or another turn or enter a controlled skid. And the steering wheels simply cannot keep up with the rapidly changing picture of racing: while you turn the steering wheel, your rivals will rush ahead. To avoid swallowing the dust of defeat, reviewers recommend: use a keyboard.

This is interesting: In the console versions of the original Burnout Paradise, there was no option to replay the race again. Of course, you can give up and try your hand at any other race nearby, fortunately there are a lot of them. But if excitement appeared, then the unfortunate players had to drag themselves to the start again. But in the computer version, everything is simple: press button 6 on the numeric keypad and you find yourself in the quick menu. Where, among other things, there is what you are looking for: replay the last race.

The formal meaning of a single-player game is to obtain a higher level driver's license. Documents are issued first lower level. After several easy victories in any races, the player receives a license for more than high category. And at the same time a new car. Have you won a dozen more times? Well, you're right. On a Burnout class license, the game will show the credits, but not the final ones: we will be asked to complete absolutely all the races in the city in order to earn “elite” Burnout rights. Call? What a great one!

Will I be third? Certainly!

If all the competitions, the entire city and all the entertainment are available at launch, it is difficult to come up with something original in terms of plot. And it’s not necessary - that’s not what the players are here for. And, most likely, for destruction. Crushing, ramming, cutting, evading pursuit! Racing at simply unrealistic speeds. For the opportunity to destroy any participant in the race... or be destroyed yourself. For adrenaline, after all!

To give this spicy dish a special taste, Burnout provided a damage model. According to the developers, each car has about 100 (one hundred!) fully transformable and destructible parts. Looking at the moments of accidents, you do not find this figure too high.

And there is something to see! If your car barely touches another car at speed, then nothing will happen. But as soon as you try harder... the action stops completely, the camera captures the most spectacular moments and, in stunningly beautiful slo-mo, demonstrates all stages of destruction: from an intact sports car to a pile of twisted metal, from which it is impossible to identify anything. These frames are some of the most striking in the game, they never get boring, they can be viewed hundreds of times. And even if it was the player who crashed, not the opponent, and even if the game has already been completed in thousands of different ways. This spectacular, juicy, brutal part of the project cannot be expressed in words. This is a must see. And do it.

It is important: At such moments, the race stops, and you don’t have to worry about the time spent: not so much of it has passed. But if an accident occurs with an opponent’s car, then while you are savoring the beautiful flight of someone else’s car with elements of a striptease, your car will be in the most advantageous position, taxiing to the center of the road on its own. So you don’t have to be afraid and destroy your opponents’ cars a second before your own collision, the game forgives this.

A car shortened by a third as a result of a collision is normal.

This is the second important feature of Burnout Paradise after absolute freedom: thoughtful physics. Let's start with cars. The game features three classes of cars: racers, aggressors and stunts. And they all differ significantly in driving style. Each car is unique, and on the track you can instantly feel it. Skidding, braking distance, acceleration speed - behavior on the track is completely different, and each player will be able to find suitable option for every type of racing.

Next, in fact, the interaction of cars with each other and various objects. Each such case (and this happens all the time) is unique. The game shows collisions taking into account the trajectory and type of materials of all participants. This means that no two accidents are the same. Tell me, do you like watching crash test recordings when testing cars? And the reviewers really enjoyed coming up with these very crash tests! All parts of Flatout with their realistic, but much less spectacular damage system also moved to the side, closer to the crowd of envious people.

But a couple of days passed, and finally we managed to tear Denis away from the keyboard, who was tightly clinging to it, who all this time was a little out of our world, participating in...

...online battles Burnout.

This is where the philosopher's stone of Paradise City is buried! It’s not about seventy-five cars, not about a big city ready to give in to any inquisitive racer, and not even about crazy, adrenaline-filled “survival” races. The elusive substance “fascination” is the sum of all of the above. Developers provide the foundation, players build from it interesting game.

In addition to conquering roads, you can also search for secrets: for example, by finding and breaking all the noticeable red billboards, the player will receive a prize. Or by making fifty super jumps. There are many such elements in the game, and you can always see full statistics in the menu. By the way, the entire passage to the credits is only 50% of the entire game. The remaining half are unfinished races and similar secrets. We casually remember the GTA series.

It is important: for real naturalists - the percentages depend on open cars (75), road records (64), races (120), open establishments (35), knocked down barriers (400) and billboards (120) and unique super jumps (50). For each fully completed item, the player receives an exclusive car.

He didn’t have time to push his opponent to the wall on the left - and both found themselves in an awkward position.

But real freedom awaits the player in the vastness of the Burnout servers. You can grumble a little and find fault with some aspects of the single-player mode. For example, in races to destroy (escape or hunt), artificially intelligent opponents will always circle next to you. Whatever happens and wherever you go. This is a small price to pay for a huge city. Otherwise, all the time allotted for fun will be spent searching for the victim and interest will be lost.

So, in multiplayer races this becomes a plus! Before you destroy your opponent, you must first find him. The frantic heap of single-player campaign turns into a kind of multiplayer duel, where there is a place for tactics. Both these races look and play much more exciting than races with “non-living” adversaries.

Even if in single player mode Burnout Paradise: Opposing cars often try to get to the finish line in different ways, so what can we say about a race of eight people, where everyone drives as they see fit? If you have a sports car, then you can choose a longer, but less winding path (and reduce the time due to a continuous series of accelerations), and on some stunt car, on the contrary, it is easier to go through serpentine roads in drifts (also constantly replenishing the supply of nitro). Or maybe you lose a little time at the beginning by making a small detour, but then get out onto the railway track - and there without the interference of traffic and rivals... The game allows you to unfold to the fullest.

This is interesting: There are no speedometers in Burnout Paradise, and you simply don’t have time to remember your opponents’ cars at the start (in order to roughly imagine their capabilities). Or you forget. So you have to navigate solely by distance, measuring road segments on the map with your eye.

Moreover, the developers are simply pushing players to explore the city, its secret loopholes and non-obvious routes. If there is no one to show the route, and the finish line is located several kilometers behind the interweaving of a dense web of roads, you learn to navigate the terrain from memory. And the surroundings around all eight finish points (in a single-player game, almost all races end in the same places) should generally fly off the teeth. It’s like the endgame of a complex and long game: without firm knowledge of how and where, you simply won’t be able to win.

One of the three of us will now temporarily leave the race.
But who?

This is interesting: While creating the game, the developers had a lot of fun, organizing a small championship among themselves. And on the sections of roads between each intersection, various records were set - both in terms of speed and in the amount of destruction in the mode of lawlessness. And if breaking these records in single-player mode is not difficult, then online they are broken every minute, constantly raising the level of difficulty. And fun!

But the real treasure of multiplayer Burnout was the series of missions for groups of players. Yes, yes, you heard right - a full-fledged cooperative mode! Is it weak, for example, to perform a series of mind-blowing stunts together and not make a mistake? Four of us? Eight participants? Very, very catchy stuff! We hope that the developers will expand this mode in future additions.

And how interesting it is for the whole honest company to replace four-wheeled horses with two-wheeled ones! In single player mode, motorcycles are nothing more than a tribute to fashion and a response to competitors. But on Burnout servers, about a third of the races are on two-wheeled torpedoes. And no wonder: eight roaring engines and motorcycles constantly leaving the track - this is a wonderful way to spend time!

This is interesting: in the entire game you will not meet a single person, both passerby and driver. Yes, the fireballs flying into pieces are absolutely empty. It looks surreal. And only when driving a motorcycle do you observe the figures of the drivers. But in the event of a collision, the game does not show any slo-mo - you simply find yourself in the place of the fall. Not so interesting, but the totality of all of the above allowed Burnout Paradise to receive a rating of 7+.

...the benefits of Burnout Paradise.

Even in the static picture, you can feel the enormous forces crushing the car like a matchbox.

Most console guests often suffer from shortcomings in terms of debugging. Burnout Paradise, on the contrary, holds up well, with enviable consistency delivering the 60-70 frames per second necessary for such a dynamic game, even at high graphics settings. Which with the ease of an athlete bypasses most competitors in all respects.

The sound is not far behind: the way it should be in a game about destroying cars - capacious, rich, holistic. By closing your eyes, you can imagine a mind-blowing collision of cars by the sound, and vice versa. And it’s unlikely to deviate much from the original. Isn't this praise?

There is only one radio in the game - Crash FM with a constant set of songs. The playlist is sometimes interrupted by the voice of DJ Atomic, who, in addition to all sorts of useful information about the city and other extremely optimistic chatter, often supports and praises the player. Depending on winning or losing. And the music is simply catchy, matching what is happening on the other side of the monitor. Less fashionable electronics in racing lately, more rock and drive!

This is interesting: the song list includes its fair share of classics. There is something alluringly unnatural about this: to the magical music of Vivaldi, with a terrible grin and an animal roar, smearing the cars of your rivals against the walls of buildings.

And - constantly interrupting each other - surprises and discoveries. How do you like, for example, a photograph of your worst competitor at the moment of defeat? Owners of webcams are delighted: at any interesting moments - defeat or victory, leaving the track or “killing” another player - small electronic eyes capture the faces of the players, and then send them to others. For fun or for envy. Do you know how nice it is after a long confrontation to see the distorted face of a losing opponent? Shots of breaking keyboards and bulging eyes are normal.

This unlucky driver was incapacitated for at least half a minute.

What about locations completely unmarked on the map? It would seem that here it is, the city, in full view. However, there are some. Sudden discoveries of this kind only add advantages to the game's treasury.

An interesting point: it happens that you are driving in Freeburn mode - free travel around the city - and suddenly another racer appears out of nowhere! Without competition, also walking for fun. What to do? That’s right, catch up and “make it”! As soon as you push the car off the road, it will immediately become available to you at the junkyard. These racers are usually reported on the radio, so keep your ears open!

And what about the ability to instantly repaint the car, which is completely unnecessary for the actual action? Anytime, even during the race. If you can drive into the right building at breakneck speed, of course.

The ancient passion for pure destruction has not been forgotten. “Mayhem mode” can be turned on at any time by pressing one key. In the allotted time, you need to destroy as many cars as possible.

This is interesting: If normal game rarely shows lively traffic (otherwise, at such speeds, the races would turn into continuous footage of accidents!), then in the destruction mode, cars appear as if from nowhere, exposing the player to defenseless roofs.

At first, one of the authors was constantly perplexed: why does twilight not stop in the game? And then I accidentally launched Burnout Paradise not at the usual time when it is free. And I saw the bright summer sun flooding everything around. Then I checked. It turns out that Paradise City can boast of changing the time of day. That is, starting the game at the same time, say, in the evenings, the player may not be aware of such an interesting phenomenon as morning in Paradise City. The default is a 24-hour cycle, and if desired, you can synchronize the race time with your real one. Or you can make a day half an hour long. As you please.

And there are also such significant little things - the composition and a couple of trailers. Well, how can you not love a game like this?

spectacular damage system, crazy speeds, all sorts of additional entertainment not related to the actual racingNo
Graphic arts
perfectly detailed cars, multi-polygonal colorful picture without any terrain loading, authentic special effectsNo
very rich and holistic sound of cars and accidents, strong soundtrackthe only one
DJ unity
military radio
Game world
city ​​fully accessible from the very beginning of the gameplot like this
nope, complete absence of people
excellent, not overloaded interface, the behavior of opponents pretends to be reliable, serious debugging and the absence of bugsconvenient to play only with the keyboard

Another pile of debris flew past, two seconds ago in assembled form roaring along the highway. A magnificent sports car turned into scrap metal due to one wrong move. Well, this is no place for suckers.

The cars in the game are unlicensed. This is understandable: who would allow their brand to be mocked like this? But this 500 GT reminds me of something...

There is still a minute to disable three rival cars. Like this truck, for example.

Outside the window, poles and lanterns, signs and billboards flash. Faster and faster and faster. Just hold out a little more, just a little - and here it is, victory! But no, a van suddenly emerges from around the corner, and this appearance does not bode well. War paint, the roar of the engine and a clearly aggressive attitude - damn, it's time to get lost! I accelerate, accelerate, pass through an intersection, then another, a turn, a jump... Why doesn’t he lag behind?! Okay, let's try another method...

At full speed I brake sharply, the van flies forward and crashes into a pole. Sparks, scraping metal, broken glass - that's it, one less problem. And there are only five seconds left until the end of the race...

Damn, what is this?! Where did you come from?! Well, the reckoning didn’t take long to arrive - my car was flying into the lake. And along with it, an excellent chance of winning will go down.

Paradise City greeted Gennady not only with bright lights, but also with a huge number of destructive and spectacular races. Actually, this was, is and will be the beauty of the Burnout series. They rarely slow down here and almost never leave their opponents on the track. Only in a flattened form.

The city itself consists of five districts with total area thirty square kilometers: Downtown Paradise, Palm Bay Heights, Harbor Town, Silver Lake And White Mountain. The architecture varies, but cardinal differences are visible only between the left part (Silver Lake and White Mountain), where slopes, sharp turns and abandoned terrain predominate, and the right part (Downtown Paradise and Palm Bay Heights), where noisy streets and central highways are located. Harbor Town is a kind of transit point that combines the features of both types of terrain.

All this beauty is uninhabited: there are no people in Paradise City. At all. This is the kingdom of machines, which means that everyone chooses for themselves one of two ways of life: to eke out a miserable existence and obey the rules - or to find out what adrenaline is and why it is needed in practice. Naturally, we choose the second. And, in order not to remain unfounded, we go to one of five types of competitions:

    Race (race) - 40 pieces

    Marked Man (chase) - 15 pieces

    Road Rage (hunting) - 16 pieces

    Stunt Run (Extreme race) - 14 pieces

    Burning Route (time trial) — 35 pieces

It is important: There are 120 races in total, but not all of them are open initially. You'll have to work hard and travel around the map to find them.

In addition to the main races, there are also two types of additional ones, but let's talk about everything in more detail.

Types of "disciplines"


This is what the car looks like after a typical Burnout race - it's a very complete car.

There are rivals on the left and right, an accident ahead. What to do? Ram the enemy on the right and take his place!

A classic race from point A to point B. The goal is to come first: we are not interested in silver, let alone bronze. This is perhaps the easiest type of competition in the game. Absolutely any car will do here, no matter if it’s a truck or a sports car. The latter, of course, is preferable, but, as practice shows, it does not always live up to expectations.

The main difficulty in Race is traffic. It is extremely rare that races are held over short distances, and even more rarely on deserted roads. Most often you have to drive along busy highways with a huge number of cars. Not crashing at least once during the race is almost impossible. And the point is not only that you can gape or fit into a bus that has come from nowhere. Oh no, the problem is completely different: the fact is that opponents really like to push each other. And even more - crash into something yourself. As a result, a kind of dump is formed on the highway, and if it happens on a narrow street, then you certainly won’t be able to get around the piles of scrap metal. And all this happens too quickly, you don’t always have time to react in time.

What to do, what to do?

    Even if you crashed, it doesn’t matter, in a couple of seconds your iron horse will appear on the road again.

    Don’t despair: even if you are a couple of kilometers behind, this does not mean that your chances of winning have disappeared. On the contrary, when rivals get ahead, they begin to fiercely fight for the lead and end up tearing each other apart, leaving you with a cleared but still smoking track. The main thing here is not to make a mistake and not count the pillars.

    Remember, you always have an ace up your sleeve. And this is not a crowbar at all - we're talking about about various jumps and shortcuts. If you want to win, you should definitely use them. Sometimes, when you take a shortcut, you are several minutes ahead of your opponents. For example, White Mountain is full of such saving places. In general, good knowledge of the route is the key to victory; fortunately, you can see the route on the map.

    If you want to become a leader from the first seconds, then take your time. Another ancient wisdom says: “The slower you go, the further you will go.” This is exactly the case when caution is welcome. Take your time to accelerate and burn the asphalt, so as not to miss a turn or make friends with a concrete wall. It is much better to drive at medium speed, periodically pushing away the overtaking enemies. But when it comes to a short ride of one or two kilometers, forget everything we talked about in this paragraph and rush forward!

Marked Man (chase)

Who? Where? Where?


Almost the same as Race, but with one amendment: instead of rivals, you will face several aggressive drivers whose only goal is to crash your car and not allow you to reach the finish line. We have to admit, they succeed, and quite often.

Nice guys in black race cars appear out of nowhere. It doesn’t matter at all whether you manage to break one of them: the place of a fallen comrade is instantly taken by another, and sometimes by a couple of drivers. Overtaking them is also not an easy task: the hunters are always hanging on their tail, emerging from around turns, attacking both one by one and in groups. They do not spare themselves and periodically perform kamikaze work - they fly into the pole themselves, but at the same time they drag you along with them. In general, an “optimistic” picture emerges. And although Marked Man is probably the most difficult race, it is still possible to win here.

    Beware of recklessness. If your car gets wrecked a couple of times, it should at least not be ordinary Paradise City drivers. At high speeds, the risk of crashing somewhere is too great, and the number of accidents is strictly limited by the strength of the car. Therefore, by the way, it is better to go through this mode on heavyweights, but more on that later.

    Never make sharp turns - you will instantly be smashed against the nearest wall. In this race you need to turn carefully and slowly, slowing down about two hundred meters before changing course. And yes, slowing down and standing still is absolutely not recommended, unless you are eager to lose. For the same reason, we do not recommend turning 180 degrees, although, let’s face it, sometimes it helps.

    If you happen to crash a couple of times, then no one forbids you to go to a car repair shop and patch up your iron friend. The main thing is to get to the mechanics without unnecessary incidents.

    Short and detour routes are our everything. It’s not very clear why, but pursuers rarely use such shortcuts. They drive around them for ten kilometers, and if they get inside, then literally within five seconds they find themselves in a coma.

    It is worth remembering one simple thing: hunters are not living opponents, which means they are stupid by definition. That is why there is one simple but effective trick with them: when there are enemies on both sides of your car who are about to make a cake out of you, brake sharply. We must say that the pursuers are leaving the distance very impressively.

    It is important: Beware of such tactics! It is very difficult to withstand without loss under a series of blows from different sides during a fast ride.

Road Rage (hunting)

My heart sank: now the car will start spinning...

Who said that multi-ton jeeps don't fly?

It's competitions like this that we love Burnout for. The roar of engines, the grinding of metal, mesmerizing accidents, breakneck speed, heavy music and adrenaline in the blood - what else is needed for happiness? Here are the Paradise City racers supporting us!

The meaning of Road Rage is extremely simple: destroy as many opponents on the road as possible. Do whatever you want with them - ram them, hit them sideways, crash them into walls and pillars, throw them off cliffs, cause them to crash with other racers or with oncoming traffic, fall on top of them after jumping from a springboard, cut them off... In general, you can mock the unfortunate as much as the imagination allows. And even a little more!

These competitions are not anything complicated, but we will still give a couple of tips.

    Do not participate in Road Rage in sports cars. They are too light and break quickly, and the number of accidents, as in the previous type of racing, is limited. Of course, you can always stop by the workshop, but it takes time, and it’s not a fact that you won’t be knocked out along the way. It’s better to go into battle on some thick-skinned “tank”, then half the victory is in your pocket.

    Hunting rivals within the city is pure masochism, and the reason for this is the congestion of the roads. It is best to organize battles in White Mountain and Silver Lake - the roads are narrow, there are few cars, and there are even fewer obstacles. A real haven for a maniac!

    Check-in time is limited. Typically the timer starts backwards from 1 minute 30 seconds. But this does not mean at all that only one and a half minutes are allotted for the race. For each enemy shot down, ten additional seconds are awarded. Therefore, if time is running out, there is no need to panic and stop (or replay) the race - just smear someone on the asphalt and be done with it!

Stunt Run (Extreme race)

Another thing for which you simply can’t help but love Burnout Paradise. The name speaks for itself: your task is to perform tricks, a lot and quickly. At the beginning of the race, it is indicated how many points need to be scored and how much time is allocated for this. Points are awarded for flying, ski jumping, breaking billboards, drifting, handbrake turns, using acceleration (only in racing cars) and for “barrels” (flips around an axis in the air). Let's give some recommendations:

A series of jumps led to this result: another moment - and a hard and enchanting landing awaits us.

    At first, you can do stunts in the city, fortunately there is little demand from us, and there are plenty of objects of attention. But by the middle of the game, when you need to score about 150,000 points in 1 minute 15 seconds, tumbling around the metropolis becomes an extremely difficult task. Therefore, we advise you to move closer to the mountains and lake, where there are many places suitable for stunts. For example, an abandoned airport in Silver Lake or a quarry near the bridge in White Mountain. In principle, with proper skill, one such place is enough to score at least 200,000 points. If it takes too long to get there, use any nearby railway line - it provides a lot of opportunities to earn points.

    The timer is a categorical thing, but it can also be deceived. When the mark has reached zero, you have a chance to perform the last series of tricks. A watch face appears at the top of the screen and begins to fill in red as you remain inactive. As soon as it is completely painted over, the race is over, and if you did not score the required number of points, you lose. How to prevent this? It’s elementary - just turn on the acceleration periodically, and the invisible judge will take it for a trick. This means the dial will turn white again.

    It is important: As soon as an impressive amount of points appears in your piggy bank, the clock will begin to “red” much faster, so in no case forget about acceleration.

Burning Route (time trial)

This beauty is given to us after completing the single-player campaign.

This race is unique for each individual car. More precisely, the rules are the same (get from point A to point B in a certain time), but the routes are constantly changing. And the time allotted each time is less and less. If at the beginning of the game you are offered about two minutes for a route three kilometers long, then at the end the same time is allocated for a route eight kilometers long - and spin as you want. But the reward for victory is also high: a brand new car, or rather, an updated version of the one you are racing in.

It is important: To avoid any balance gaps, the developers allowed each car to be upgraded only once. Therefore, we advise you to do the following: as soon as a new car appears in the junkyard, immediately participate in the Burning Route. Thus, you will immediately have a slightly improved version of the car, and other races will become a little easier.

Yes, changes for the better are, of course, noticeable, but passing the race in exactly the required car is not an easy task, since among the iron horses there are simply terrible individuals with terrible behavior on the road. Clinical cases are especially common among racing cars. There is nothing to recommend here - there are no specifics in Burning Route. Unless, again, you shouldn’t be reckless: one or two accidents, and you no longer fit into the schedule.

Additional competitions

Paradise City has prepared two types of optional races for us: Road Run And Showtime (mayhem). The first one starts on its own as soon as you drive into the beginning of a street and accelerate. The goal is to break the speed record on the track. If we win, it’s great, if we win, it’s okay, it’s not fatal.

But Showtime is much more interesting. In this mode, your goal is to smash the cars into as many a large amount money. Above each car, its value is displayed, and therefore the number of points you will earn. If you succeed in completing a combination, the points earned increase. The amount can be multiplied: each blown up bus gives a multiplier to the number of points.

Showtime's only rule is to keep going. If you break it even once, you risk losing. At the end of the "race" to total figure the distance estimate is added, then all this is multiplied by the number of downed buses - and you get your result.

There are six types of driver's licenses in Burnout Paradise. To obtain the rights of each class, you must complete a certain number of races:

    D License (class D rights)— victory in two competitions is required.

    C License (class C rights)- win 7 races.

    B License (class B rights)- Win 16 times.

    A License (class A rights)- win 26 competitions.

    Burnout Paradise License (key for Burnout Paradise)- win 45 races.

    Burnout Elite License (Burnout elite rights)— victory in all 120 races is required.

It is important: 120 races have a target of 35 (the total number of Burning Route races), and if you've already competed in a time trial, your final elite qualifying number will be less.

After the next reward earned, the results of the competition are reset, and you replay everything again. The difficulty here is this: Stunt Run and Road Rage gradually increase the requirements. For example, in the first race you had to score 90,000 points in 1 minute 30 seconds, and in the other you had to defeat 15 enemies.

But requests grow along with the rank: now, if you please, show a result of 110,000 points in 1 minute 15 seconds and knock out 16 opponents. We recommend leaving the Stunt Run and Road Rage for last, because it will make it much easier to complete. It's one thing when you complete these tasks on the starter cars, but another thing on their more advanced brothers.

Car types

Driving around Paradise City wouldn't be so much fun if it weren't for three radically different types of cars: Stunt, Speed ​​(racer) And Aggressor (aggressor). And although outwardly the inter-class difference is clearly visible, the division depends on the type of acceleration (Boost Standard) installed on the car.

    Filling the acceleration scale on Stunt is directly proportional to the tricks performed. Hitting vehicles and everything that comes along the road will bring you nothing but scratches and dents on your car. But jumping from springboards, knocking down billboards, barrels, drifting and handbrake turns are just what the doctor ordered.

    No, this is not Mafia. This is a handsome heavy aggressor from Paradise City.

    The acceleration scale in Speed ​​class cars increases on its own if you drive along the track without crashing into anything. Various turns on the road are also assessed, for example, driving a few centimeters from another car and driving in the oncoming lane. Until the scale is completely filled, acceleration will not turn on. But if you have already turned it on, then do not release the button even when the acceleration level reaches zero: you can activate the Burnout mode, and the car will fly at even greater speed. If you hold down the button, you can do a whole Burnout chain. And this, by the way, is highly valued in Stunt Run racing.

    With Agressor, everything is much simpler - to replenish the supply of nitrogen oxide you need to destroy everything: poles, lamps, other people's cars, barriers and the like. If you manage to blow up an opponent, the scale will increase by an order of magnitude (you will immediately see the multiplier) and will remain so until you crash a couple of times. But after four or five accidents you will have to say goodbye to it and build it up again.

Each car has three main parameters.

    Speed ​​(racer) — car speed. The highest indicator is in the class of the same name.

    Boost (overclocking) - how well a car can accelerate using acceleration. It maintains an equally good level on both Speed ​​and Stunt class cars.

    Strength - How many accidents will your iron horse endure before it kicks off? The maximum level of the indicator is for cars of the Aggressor class.

Something is missing...

The game turned out beyond all praise, although, of course, it was not without its rough edges. But they are almost invisible against the backdrop of adrenaline paradise and great music. And if we also take into account the multiplayer mode... In general, Burnout Paradise is what we have all been waiting for for a long time, although we did not suspect it. This game knocked out the latest installments of the Need for Speed ​​series with one blow and looked at FlatOut with a fatherly love. It looks like a new star has been lit in the genre of computer racing games, and we are very glad that we were able to reach out and even hold it in our hands. But other developers are unlikely to be able to get it out of the sky - the quality bar has been raised very high.

That the coming year?

Criterion Games is busy working on add-ons for Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box, which will be released in 2009.

    They'll let us ride on four brand new iron horses in Legendary Cars Pack. There is a flying car, a car from Ghostbusters, and two aggressive and very fast cars “for real men.” By the way, all this can already be purchased.

    In addition Toy Cars Pack we will drive... toy cars! Surely, this will be a pleasure for true gourmets.

    Boost Special Pack will bring us a couple of fast and very unusual cars, unlike anything we have ever seen.

    Well, finally, we will be able to load a new location called Big Surf Island, which means there are still a lot of spectacular races and a great time ahead!

[ ! ]To activate the codes below, you must have a profile with an A-class license:

B179 8M20 XA09 80FF - PAL Gamestop machine
Z891 4K88 IN25 79AA - PAL Steel Wheels machine
Q83E 3H1S BI3B 40P4 - steel wheels
bestbuy Unlocks - Best Buy car
gamestop - Gamestop machine
walmart - Wal-mart car

Sponsored cars:

B179 8M20 XA09 80FF - GameStop machine
E60J 8Z7T MS8L 51U6 - Steel Wheels GT
G23X 5K8Q GX2V 04B1 - Steel Wheels concept car
bestbuy - Best Buy car
circuitcity - Circuit City machine
gamestop - Gamestop machine
H211 1Z99 LZ00 00BB - Micromania machine
Z891 4K88 IN25 79AA - PAL "Steel Wheels" GT car
walmart - Walmart car

Some codes have been duplicated in order to add them to the "Sponsored Cars" section.

After 1.5GB of traffic. I realized. That. These. Codes. For. CONSOLES: "c

Super jumps

Fences (Fences)

1. Newcomers to Burnout Paradise often have a problem: which route to take?
- Firstly, the name of the street you are currently driving on is indicated at the top. When you approach a desired turn, depending on whether you need to turn right or left, the name of the desired street will flash above. If nothing happens, then you need to go straight. For example: you need to turn left. To the left of the name of the street you are currently driving on, the name of the desired street appears. Secondly, pay attention to the car’s turn signals.

2. Parking is very simple: you need to pull the handbrake and smoothly position yourself between the cars standing on the side of the road.

3. To complete the Extreme race on First Street the fastest, ride on nitro towards the Wildcats Baseball Stadium, then slow down and line up against the wall. Then accelerate and start drifting.

4.In the game you can find an abandoned dirt road. Go to the map, scroll down to the very left corner and put a mark on the track there - just ride along it and look to the left side!

5.When a new car drives around the city, you can easily recognize its class: red - aggressor, green - stunt driver, yellow - racer.

6.When you play in the "Race" mode, then if you get confused in the route - Just follow the bots, and then overtake them and voila:)

* [Screenshots of maps] with locations were taken from the playground
** [Codes] were taken from gameguru
*** [Tips] were taken from games mail

And also, maybe someone needs it: D

To see all the beauty of the city, just stop and don't press anything.
The car will stall, and after ~15-20 seconds you will be presented with a “city tour”

If you read this guide and liked it, please rate it ✫✫✫✫✫ (5 stars)


Addition of information.

Soon I will add here what I found in the game:3
Maybe someone will like it.

1.If you crash (Just in free mode), then you will be repaired.

2. If you “fly” into a restricted area (over a fence, a map, into a ravine, etc.), then simply press back or forward (You have 0.8 seconds for all this, I hope you have time) *Does not work everywhere.

3.To make a colorful screen when you finish, press SPACEBAR and LEFT\RIGHT. You will do it like this - There is a meter left to the finish line, you press the handbrake and turn: 3 - The car turns 85-170 degrees, and the game thinks that you have still turned at that moment. beautiful..... :3

4.In PARTY mode (You need to register in the game itself to play in multiplayer) you can play with friends on ONE PC! Or online using the FRIENDS item.

5. ALWAYS, if you are cut off - Press "GAS BACK" and turn slightly to the side to reduce the speed and if something happens, just move sideways and continue driving. ***It helps a lot in the CHASE mode, just hit the wall and roll at low speed. The bots will just drive next to you, almost without crashing into you.

6. On some sites with “Secrets and Easter eggs” they write that you can put a mark on the map - FALSE. At least on the PC version I don’t see this.

7.To start DRIFT, simply hold down "GAS FORWARD" and "GAS BACK" and turn in the direction you want, then release "GAS FORWARD" and voila)). - [When standing still]
**To enter DRIFT, simply drive and then in a turn press "GAS BACK" and to the side. On some machines this is difficult to achieve......this is exactly what I have: "c .

I will be very pleased to read them and add them to this list.

Entertainment spot #1

Here in this place there are hangars with a large number of HANGARS, JUMPBOARDS, etc. .
By the way, there is even a ring there that you have to jump through.
And you can also make a BARREL there:3

*Screenshots take a long time to load, every 2 seconds Steam goes to [NOT RESPONDING]

Some call it the best racing game, while others call it a failure of the series. So what is it and what is it eaten with?

The most important thing, undoubtedly, is the gameplay itself. In the city of racers, Paradise City, fun is more important than accuracy. Are you planning to drive carefully on the track? Ha! Do it better than a barrel! Speaking of “smash”: iron monsters in the game break very effectively during accidents. Upon impact, the floor of the hood may be crushed, a wheel may fly off, and spare parts and glass crumbles are realistically scattered throughout the accident scene.

The cars in the game are fictitious, although features of well-known models from the real automobile industry are often noticeable. There are only three classes of cars:
Stuntman - created for the "Extreme" mode. They are best used for jumping, barreling and other tricks.
Racer - fast, high-speed, but fragile cars.
The aggressor is real tanks. Such machines are the most durable, heaviest and slowest. Ideally suited for smashing opponents' jalopies.

Tuning in the game is only available in the form of repainting, although there are quite a lot of color combination options for each car.

There are many modes: from a simple race to performing stunt tricks or escaping from the mafia. The developers showed originality here too: to take part in a race or any other competition, you just need to drive up to a traffic light and burn out your tires.

One of those “highlights” is that the world is completely open for exploration: you don’t need to open or unlock anything. You can choose your route during the race, and there won't be any blocking walls or anything in the game. Even drive around the entire map and finish in reverse - no one will stop you!

At the beginning of the game you are given the first rights. To get a higher class of license, you need to win a certain number of races. The most prestigious “crusts” are the main goal of the game.

The opponents seem weak at first, but the further you go, the more difficult it is to get first place. And he doesn’t recognize everyone else at all. Only a victory!

There is no currency in the game. But how to get new car models? After you have successfully won several races, a new racer drives into the city in a new car. This is what you can appropriate: just find it and break it. Sounds easy? It’s not like that! Even just meeting a racer in a huge city is not so easy. Not to mention catching up and ramming, as expected. Sometimes this game of cat and mouse drags on for a long time.

But, unfortunately, even such a seemingly ideal arcade game is not without its drawbacks. The gameplay is quite monotonous. He still gets boring after a while. Riding around the city and participating in competitions becomes boring. At some point you want to switch and play something else.

Another thing is online! This is where all the fun and sometimes even madness is revealed.

The re-release recalls a forgotten genre and determines the fate of the series.

Burnout Paradise is an amazing race. She turned ten years old this January, but she still plays great. In addition, now its influence on the entire genre is felt even more strongly. The re-release rejuvenated the game in appearance, gave it modern look, well, everything is fine inside anyway. Let's see why she's so good.

The world of Burnout Paradise is a paradise for car enthusiasts. Here you can do crazy things in cars: drive in oncoming traffic, drift, jump from springboards, smash cars into smithereens and cause massive accidents. In a word, engage in fun, which is unacceptable in life.

Therefore, “paradise” is a symbolic word for the game. Every entrance into the city begins with the song Paradise City. The Guns N "Roses composition itself is a dream of an ideal world, “where the grass is green and the girls are beautiful,” and there are no worries. So Burnout is a kind of automotive utopia.

There are no rules in this playground. The whole city is open from the very beginning: go wherever you want, do whatever you want. Complete competitions or crash cars to add to your garage, set records for speed and damage from accidents, or just explore the city.

The game has a global goal - to win all the races and get a professional driver's license - but there is no hand-holding approach to it. Typically, an open world involves a main mission and side activities. But the local open world is all about entertainment.

There's nothing more fun in Burnout Paradise than smashing cars. Ram opponents so that they do not break through to the first place, take revenge for rudeness. But even when your car crashes, you don’t get angry. Because crashes are beautiful, the game simply worships them: it shows a replay of every collision. She even pauses the races to savor the crashes in slow motion replay.

Like this And also like this Cars crash so beautifully that you can watch it endlessly. They simply crumble into trash: wheels and doors fly off, windows break.

But the game knows its limits. In the same Wreckfest, any car eventually turns into a lump of metal, but here at least the rigidity of the body is taken into account: an SUV is much stronger than a sports car.

But massive accidents have been simplified compared to previous parts. On the one hand, in Burnout Paradise you can turn a car into a kind of upside-down toy, and then, using boost, push it off the road over and over again, trying to catch as many vehicles from the traffic as possible. But on the other hand, filigree calculations disappeared from accidents. Previously, the most fun was to accelerate the car, direct it into traffic and cause as massive a dump as possible. Like in the movie "The Blues Brothers".

Cars in the world of Paradise behave like toys rather than vehicles that need to be nurtured and maintained. Local cars slide in turns, they spin “barrels” and “spirals” in the air, they crash, and then recover and move on as if nothing had happened.

The developers themselves confirmed how cars are presented in Paradise when they released an add-on with toy cars

This frivolous attitude towards cars is the exact opposite of the cult of luxury sports cars. It's simpler and therefore more fun. You don't value the polished body of the car and the amount of horsepower, but rather how fast the car goes, how it drifts, how far it will jump from a springboard, how much its body crumples in collisions, and so on.

Local multiplayer shows the competitive side of the game. It seems that in a multi-user session you are left to your own devices. There are no races on the map until the host starts them. But traveling around the world turns into a constant series of competitions. Either you are trying to break speed and accident records, then you are trying to perform as many stunts as possible, including, for example, parking in a skid, or you are trying to break as many more cars rivals.

At a certain point, the fight with one of the opponents turns into hostility: you chase each other all over the map, and everyone tries to get even for the offensive accident. This is what online mode is all about.

In addition, Burnout Parasise is a rare arcade racer with local co-op. A race where you can gather friends and have fun in the company. Launch Party mode and see who is sober enough to drive through a subway tunnel without touching the walls or drift around a monument when the directions on the stick are reversed.

When you first drive into Paradise City, it feels like you're playing a modern racing game. Having switched from Forza Horizon 3, which I still continue to play with a friend, I did not notice a significant difference in the graphics. It’s as if these ten years never happened.

The re-release immediately includes the Big Surf Island location and all the cars from the DLC. Including the A-Team truck and the Ghostbusters car. And here the DeLorean actually flies over the roads

Why this is so was well explained by Digital Foundy in their analysis of the technical side of the game. Stellar Entertainment, who were responsible for the re-release, still worked on the textures, but to a greater extent the picture was drawn out by updated shadows and particles. The Xbox 360 version of the game I ran for comparison left Burnout Paradise Remastered looking dull and dull.

The Burnout series has shaped modern arcade racing in many ways. In the latest releases of Need for Speed, cars drift in the same way and gain nitro in a similar way - for driving in oncoming traffic, jumping and other risky actions. The open world in the Forza Horizon series is designed like Paradise.

At one time, Burnout Paradise rethought the ideas of the series, but not everyone appreciated it. The developers moved the racing with accidents to the city, open for exploration. A significant part of the fans did not accept the changes then: they assured everyone that compared to Takedown it was a failure. They still insist.

Burnout Paradise still sold out better than any part of the series, but, paradoxically, there were no continuations. The reasons are simple: publishers then placed more emphasis on Need for Speed, and Criterion, the authors of the game, wanted to take a break from racing and fled to different studios.

Burnout Paradise Remastered is a test of strength. If the modern generation of players accepts the re-release, then we will have hope that there will be more such games and Burnout will return.

There are prerequisites for everything to go well: after all, accidents are the most understandable topic in racing. Simply because smashing cars in the virtual world is fun. In addition, some of the Burnout authors still remain at Criterion, the studio has recruited about eighty more employees, and the other part of the team works at Ghost Games, responsible for the latest NFS. So there is hope.

Thanks to Burnout Paradise Remastered, a little more people will know about the best and most important arcade game about highway mayhem, and fans can return to a carefully restored Paradise City. It is also good.

#opinions #burnout #games #reviews

Title: Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box - Russian Vanity
Released: 2009
Genre: Arcade, Racing (Cars), 3D
Developer: Criterion Games
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Interface language: Russian
Medicine: not required

Welcome to Paradise City - a paradise for car maniacs and crazy racers. A huge city with hundreds of streets and dozens of highways, a capital of sparkling skyscrapers, filled with unsuspecting motorists - this is where the new Burnout competitions will take place! Only those who are ready to destroy their opponents for fun are worthy of participating in them. Get ready to unleash all your rage and destroy the metropolis into small pieces. Prove that total destruction is your element!

> You will be able to drive online cars in offline mode, civilian cars and DLC cars.
> Lots of new vinyls for cars.
> 33 Police cars (CnR).
> 42 Traffic cars.
> 94 Standard cars (instead of 76).
> 15 DLC cars (Toy Cars, Legendary Cars, Boost Specials).
> And many small changes.

Vinyl list:
Oval Champ 69 - Hunter mod by ouerbacker
SI-7 - Hardstyle mod by Shickcompworld
Vegas Carnivale - +100500 mod by PASHOK_M_OVE
Ikusa GT - B"z Ikusa GT mod by Criterion Games
Ikusa Samurai - HKS mod by kaese88
Hydros Custom - Yodobashi Custom mod by Criterion Games
Hydros Custom - Subaru mod by Mr_bingley
Hydros Techno - Drivers Ed mod by LeMansRacer
Reliable Custom - No Vinyl mod by Rich0G007
Reliable Special - Tilly's Custom mod by Criterion Games
Burnout Roadster - Burnout Hints Roadster mod by Mr_bingley
Fastback Special - Sporty mod by ouerbacker
HotSpur - S.C.W Girls mod by Shickcompworld
P12 - UDream mod by udreamibuild
P12 - All Your P12 Are Belong To Us mod by slashcammas
P12 Track Package - OUTATIME mod by Criterion Games
Inferno Van - DHL Van mod by Mr_bingley
Inferno Van - Joker mod by shickcompworld
Inferno BRT Van - Online Pirat mod by Shickcompworld
Inferno BRT Van - A-Team Van mod by Mr_bingley
Tempesta - noname mod by Mr_bingley
Tempesta GT - Tempesta Dream GT mod by S-J
Annihilator - Demo Car mod by eLOs
Annihilator Phoenix - Street Rod mod by Criterion Games
Annihilator Phoenix - General Lee mod by ouerbacker
Touge Sport - Gamestop Sport mod by Criterion Games
Touge Criterion - Playground mod by Shickcompworld
Racing 500 GT - Hello Kitty mod by Serrmix
Racing Oval Champ - Party mod by Mr_bingley
Racing Oval Champ - BestBuy Oval Champ mod by Criterion Games/PASHOK_M_OVE
GT Concept - Punisher mod by RichOG007
GT Concept - "Steel Wheels" GT mod by Criterion Games
Citizen - Dutch Police mod by Mr_bingley
Citizen - FBI mod by LeMansRacer
Civilian - Microsoft mod by hazard96
Civilian - Ubuntu mod by Jordanwb
Hawker - Old School Paradise mod by F@STER
Hawker Solo - CoastGuard mod by Designer94
Hawker Solo - Paradise City mod by EA Games/PASHOK_M_OVE
Uberschall 8 - Target Uberschall 8 mod by Criterion Games
Hot Rod Coupe - Circuit City Hot Rod mod by Criterion Games
Racing WTR - Walmart WTR mod by Criterion Games
PCPD Special - Carbon mod by PASHOK_M_OVE
PCPD Special - S.C.W mod by Shickcompworld
Olympus - Extreme Olympus mod by Shickcompworld/PASHOK_M_OVE
Rai-Jin Turbo - S.C.W mod by Shickcompworld
Rai-Jin Turbo - Rai-Jin SuperTurbo mod by PASHOK_M_OVE
Firehawk GP Competition - Russia mod by Shickcompworld
Toy GT Concept - Toy ""Steel Wheels"" GT mod by Criterion Games
Toy WTR - Toy Walmart mod by Criterion Games
P12 88 Special - P12 88 Diamond mod by Criterion Games
Hawker Mech - Black mod by ChaZcaTriX

Change in version 1.4:
* DLC cars are open;
* Changed the appearance of:
-B"z Ikusa GT,
-Hydros Custom - Subaru mod,
-HotSpur - S.C.W Girls mod,
-P12 - All Your P12 Are Belong To Us mod,
-Inferno Van - DHL Van mod,
-Annihilator - Demo Car mod,
-Touge Criterion - Playground mod,
-Citizen - Dutch Police mod,
-Civilian - Ubuntu mod,
-PCPD Special - Carbon mod,
-Toy Cavalry,
-Toy ""Steel Wheels"" GT,
-Toy P12,
-Extreme Hot Rod;
* Added a second trim for Extreme Olympus;
* Changed description of Rai-Jin SuperTurbo;
* Corrected the names of new cars in the leaderboards;
* Added flight mode for:
-Toy Nighthawk,
-Toy 88 Special;
* Support for new machines:
-PSPWAL (Walmart WTR),
-PSDGL01 (Toy Bootlegger),
-PSDGB (Toy Spirit),
-PSDNR01 (Toy Nighthawk),
-PSD88S (Toy 88 Special),
-PBTEA1B (Toy Extrme Olympus),
-PBTEA1C (Toy Mech),
-PDDK0A (Toy City Bus),
-PDDK0C (Toy Extreme Hot Rod);
*Added new vinyls:
-Racing 500 GT - Hello Kitty mod by Serrmix,
-Inferno Van - Joker mod by shickcompworld.

System requirements:
> operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7
> Processor: Pentium IV 2.8 GHz
> RAM: 1 Gb
> Video card: 128 Mb NVIDIA GeForce 6600, ATI Radeon 9800 with support for pixel shaders 3.0
> Sound card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound device
> Free hard disk space: 3.2 Gb