Drilling water wells with your own hands at the dacha. For the home handyman: drilling water wells with your own hands Drilling a water well by hand

Of course, you can drill a well yourself. Just to begin with, you need to have an idea of ​​how this is done and what kind of water you want to get in the end.

Some people think whether it can be done in a well. Theoretically, of course it is possible, but it is not necessary. It will simply incur additional costs. It is better to install it near the well.

Let's look at the process of doing this work step by step. You will be offered instructions, and you will also be able to see everything from photos and videos and understand how it is done. After all, the issue price here is quite high, this quality water in the house.

Types of wells

Drilling a well at your dacha is not that difficult. Its price will depend on the depth of the water. A well for sand will be much cheaper and this should also be taken into account.

Well on sand It is done to a small depth. Therefore, it is quite possible to do all the work yourself and this will significantly reduce the cost of your undertaking. Before starting work, you should find out what quality the water is at shallow depths. To do this, it is best to take a sample from your neighbors and take it for examination and check the quality. We will provide the parameters below.
Artesian well Suitable for the premises where you live permanently. This water is of higher quality. But the work will cost more. Here it would be better to hire a specialized organization. Moreover, it will be necessary to immediately provide for its cleaning. It is found in calcareous layers and therefore has a high iron content. Immediately provide for proper filtration.
Abyssinian well The Abyssinian well or tube well has a depth of about 8-12 meters. Its difference is that the water in it is much cleaner. Here the perched water does not get in, and neither can dirt and dust;

Attention: If you do not live permanently in the country and you only need water for irrigation, then you can safely make such a design.

Determining water quality

Water in a well or borehole is considered potable in the following cases:

  • When the water is clear thirty centimeters deep;
  • When nitrate impurities do not exceed 10 mg/l;
  • When one liter of water contains no more than 10 E. coli;
  • When the taste and smell on a five-point scale, water is rated at least three points.

To determine these indicators, water must be subjected to laboratory analysis by the sanitary and epidemiological service.

How to drill a well

Let's sort it out this process from a theoretical point of view:

  • The work begins with digging a pit, whose depth and diameter must be at least two meters, or sides one and a half meters. This measure prevents further shedding of the top layer of soil.
  • The pit is strengthened with plank boards. Next, a well is drilled using a core and a drilling rig. The drill string is suspended on a tower at the central point of the future well.
  • The drill string consists of several rods, which are extended during the drilling process using adapter couplings. The drill head is mounted at the end of the column.
  • The tower is assembled from logs, steel pipes, channel or corner, which form a tripod, at the top of which a winch is attached.

Attention: If the water is shallow, drilling can be done without a tower. In this case, they use special shortened rods one and a half meters long. If you cannot do without a tower when drilling, the length of the rods in this case should be at least three meters.

What to drill with

The equipment and drilling method are selected based on the type of soil. The tool used must be made of carbon steel.

Drilling is carried out using the following drill heads:

  • For drilling in clay soils, a spiral-shaped drill with a base of 45-85 mm and a blade 258-290 mm long is used.
  • When percussion drilling, a drill bit is used. The drill can have a flat, cross-shaped and other shapes.
  • Drilling in loams, sandy clay or clayey sand is carried out using a spoon drill made in the form of a spoon and having a spiral or longitudinal slot. This drill has a diameter of 70-200 mm and a length of 700 mm and deepens 30-40 cm per pass.
  • Extraction loose soil made using a bailer drill using the impact method. The bailers are made from a three-meter pipe and have a piston and normal look. The inside of the bailer should have a diameter of 25-96 mm, the outside 95-219 mm, its weight should be 89-225 kg.

Drilling is a cyclic process, periodically accompanied by cleaning the drilling tool from soil. Cleaning is carried out when the drill is completely removed from the ground. Accordingly, the difficulty of removing them from the well depends on the length of the hose.

Well drilling

A well on the site can be drilled using one of the drilling methods:

  • Shnekov.
  • Rotary.
  • Shock-rope.

Drilling technologies differ in the methods of destruction of rock inside the well and the option of extracting soil from the wellbore. The use of different equipment affects the quality and cost of constructing devices.

What is auger drilling

The cheapest and simple method well installation is considered. The technology for carrying out the work is that the soil is excavated using a classic Archimedean screw, called an auger.

The process is reminiscent of drilling a hole for fishing under the ice by winter fishing enthusiasts. This method is used to drill a well no more than 10 meters deep. No drilling fluid or water is used to flush the structure.

The instructions indicate that this method can be used without problems in dry and soft soils. Rocky, hard rocks encountered during drilling and quicksand cannot be drilled with an auger.

Advice: When punching, the length of the hole in the ground must be strictly maintained so that it reaches the required aquifer and protects the aquifer from Wastewater and water ingress.

How to make a drill from a combine auger

To drill a well under water, augers from old combines can be used as a drilling tool. After a little modernization, the auger from an agricultural machine turns into a fairly useful drill.

You will also need rod pipes with thread cutting to increase the height of the drilling column.

Then you need to:

  • Convert the lower tubular end into something like a screw. To do this, at a distance of approximately 80 cm from the helical end, two knives are welded with an angle to the horizontal direction equal to 25º.
  • A threaded coupling is installed at the upper end of the drill. They weld it so that the rods can be screwed on.
  • A transverse handle is welded onto one of them. With the help of which the auger will be screwed into the ground. All subsequent rods are built up between this rod and the auger.

Tip: Increasing the length of the cross handle, which is welded to the guide rod, makes it easier to rotate.

What is rotary drilling method?

For deep well drilling rotary method A special drill pipe is used. In its cavity, a rotating shaft is immersed into the well, the end of which is equipped with a tip - a chisel.

A load is created on the bit by the action of a hydraulic installation. Using this method you can reach water of any depth. Most of these structures are carried out using the rotary drilling method.

Washing out rock or soil from a well is carried out with a special drilling fluid fed into the pipe in one of two ways:

  • By pumping a pump into the drill pipe and then releasing the solution by gravity with the rock out through the annulus - direct flushing.
  • By entering the annulus by gravity, and then pumping a solution with rock out of the drill pipe with a pump - backwashing.

Washing out the rock in the second case makes it possible to obtain a higher well flow rate. In this case, it is possible to better uncover the desired aquifer.

The disadvantage of this technology is the use of sophisticated equipment, which greatly increases the cost of work. With direct flushing, the construction of a well is cheaper, so owners of private houses most often order it for the construction of a structure on their site.

Tip: Artesian wells are drilled using drilling machines available from specialized companies.

What is the percussion-rope drilling method?

The oldest, most labor-intensive and very slow drilling method is the percussion-rope drilling method (see). But with its help you can get a high-quality well that is ready to last up to half a century.

The technology is as follows:

  • Rock or soil is broken by the action of a heavy projectile, which rises to a certain height and then falls down with force.
  • Using a bailer, the destroyed rock is removed from the borehole.

The advantage of the drilling method is that there is no need to use water or a special drilling fluid during operation, which allows you to more accurately penetrate the aquifer, and thereby ensure the maximum flow rate of the well and increase its service life.

The disadvantages of the method include:

  • Great labor intensity.
  • High cost of drilling.
  • To reach the second and subsequent aquifers, isolation of the aquifers located above is required. For this, additional casing strings are used, which increases the cost of purchasing pipes of a different larger diameter.
  • The volume of work that specialists must perform is also increasing.

Well pumping

Shaking is the process of cleaning a well from dirt. It requires the use of a powerful centrifugal pump. It is also possible to use, but this type pump will prolong the process time.


  • To clean the well as quickly as possible with a vibration pump, it must be raised several times so that the water loosens and the solid sediment does not have the opportunity to sink to the bottom.
  • The rocking of the well will affect the shrinkage of the gravel screenings located between the well and the pipe; for this reason, gravel should be added periodically. Typically, pumping takes a lot of time, and since this process releases a large amount of water, it should be drained into the ditch in advance.

After the pumping process is completed, the well can be equipped with a pump that is suitable for its daily use. Now you know whether you can do this work yourself. The video in this article will help you not to miss the details of this work.

We design the well

Of course, you need to refine your design. You can do this according to your idea.

There are several options for doing this job:

  • Build small house made of wood or another structure above the well, varnish it or paint it;
  • Around the well you can lay out an unusual pattern of bricks, stones, pebbles, concrete, create an ornament or build something;
  • You can close the well using planted plants, for example, plant a willow and build a flower garden nearby.

What are the features of well operation?

There are several rules for using wells, which, when followed, reduce the cost of its operation:

  • Regardless of the type of structure, cleaning should be carried out regularly.
  • Signs of system contamination are: the presence of air pockets when opening the water; the presence of other impurities in the water.
  • If cleaning is not carried out in a timely manner, such contaminants can cause damage that cannot be repaired, which means a complete replacement will be needed.
  • To restore the functionality of the system, it is enough to perform a purge.
  • A radical cleaning method is to use acid or electricity. But this should only be carried out by highly qualified specialists.

A country house or dacha cannot do without water. Without moisture, plants will not bloom luxuriantly and bear fruit well, pleasing the eyes of the owner. The lack of a centralized water supply or scheduled water supply is an inconvenience that can be corrected by drilling a well on your site. The cheapest thing is to do it yourself and it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. You can verify the simplicity by watching the video.

Types of wells

Before you start creating a well with your own hands, you need to understand what types of such hydraulic structures exist. Depending on the depth groundwater There are 3 main types of wells.

"Abyssinian Well"

"Abyssinian well" is a well, the depth of which is usually no more than 10 - 12 meters. to his The technology owes its name to the Abyssinian region in Ethiopia, where in the 19th century the English military learned to extract water using this method in semi-desert conditions. The average daily consumption is no more than 25 cubic meters.

The advantages of such a well include:

  • simplicity of design and installation;
  • low cost of work and materials;
  • lack of special permits for drilling;
  • low hardness of pumped water;
  • possibility of placing a well inside the house.

Disadvantages of this type of well:

  • high probability of various pollutants entering the water from nearby landfills or toilets due to the shallow depth of the well;
  • Such drilling is not suitable for all types of soil.

Sand well

A sand well is used in areas with groundwater depths from 10 to 50 meters depending on the location of the aquifer sandstone layer, from which water will flow into the system. On average, about 20 cubic meters of water can be pumped out of such a well per day.

The advantages of a sand well are as follows:

  • ease of project implementation;
  • low costs for drilling and components;
  • lack of permits government agencies;
  • the ability to do all the work with your own hands without the use of expensive special equipment.

Well disadvantages:

  • the need for constant pumping of water;
  • sometimes it is necessary to install additional filters when the concentration of some chemical elements;
  • low average daily consumption.

Artesian well

An artesian well provides water from deep rocks that lie much deeper than 50 meters. Due to the great depth and high pressure, it is best to carry out all work on drilling and commissioning a well with the help of specially trained personnel and equipment designed for this, despite the recommendations of videos from the network.

Such a well has a number of advantages:

  • water supply several households at once due to high average daily productivity;
  • possibility of refusal deep well pumps thanks to high blood pressure in system;
  • high quality water.


After familiarizing yourself with the types of wells, their advantages and disadvantages, you can choose for yourself best option and get to work.

How to drill an “Abyssinian well” with your own hands?

After the location for the well has been selected, a hole of 1x1x0.5 m is dug. Then they begin drilling using conventional garden borer, the diameter of which is 50 or 80 mm. As the auger deepens into the soil, the drill is built up with pipe sections.

Work continues until the aquifer begins, which can be determined by the wet sand coming out of the shaft. Typically, such a layer begins at a depth of 5–7 meters, but it can be deeper. It is not recommended to drill below 10 - 12 meters, since lifting water from such a depth will be problematic - a pump located on the surface will not cope with the rise of moisture, and pumping with your own hands is a very tedious and irrational task.

At the next stage, the drill is disassembled and they proceed directly to driving the needle, which you can do yourself. She represents a piece of pipe with a filter and a steel conical tip, with the help of which the structure enters the ground. The filter is made as follows: 2.5 cm slots are made in the pipe walls and in increments of 2 cm (in an area of ​​80 cm), this area is wrapped with wire and covered on top with a stainless mesh measuring 16x100 cm. The mesh and tip are fixed to the pipe with tin solder. You should pay attention to the fact that all components of the needle and the wellbore are made of the same material - this will prevent corrosion.

The needle, along with pipes (1 - 1.5 m long) and fastening threaded couplings, can be purchased in specialized stores.

At the beginning of driving, a needle is inserted into the hole made by the drill and buried into the soil until about 20 cm of the pipe remains above the ground surface. Then to her the next section is screwed on and the process is repeated until the entire structure is completely driven in. During work free space around the pipe it is filled with soil and compacted.

As for the beating tool, you can choose one of the approaches.

  1. Using a special headstock, which is made in the shape of a heavy cylinder (up to 30 kg). It has a through channel and thanks to it it can move freely up and down the pipe, while striking the headstock fixed to the pipe wall. The channel can be plugged on one side, then the blows will be applied to the upper part of the pipe onto which the coupling is screwed, but this can damage the threaded connection.
  2. Using a durable metal rod, which is located inside the tube and transmits the shock impulse directly to the conical tip of the needle. Along with extending the pipe, it is also necessary to lengthen this rod; upon completion of the work, it is removed from the pipe.

After the entire structure is driven into the ground, the well needs to be pumped until clean, clear water appears. This is best done using hand pump(regular manual column) or an electric self-priming pump. When using an electric pump, the well must be filled with water from above before pumping, otherwise the pump will not pump water.

If all the work is done correctly and efficiently, then the “Abyssinian” can work for several decades, without requiring special care. Occasionally, if necessary, you can clean the filter by pumping water under pressure into the well.

You can learn more about drilling of this type from a video on the Internet.

Drilling a sand well with your own hands

In preparation for drilling, the site where they will be working is cleared of foreign objects. Here a hole is dug to a depth of 1 m; it will prevent the top layer of earth from collapsing into the mine.

A tripod or similar is installed on the prepared site frame structure, which you can also assemble with your own hands. A winch is attached to the tripod tower, which will remove the drill from the soil during drilling.

For penetration into soil layers an auger is used, which is usually operated by two people using handles. Before starting work, it is very important to align the drill strictly vertically with minimal deviation.

During drilling operations the drill must be periodically removed from the wellbore to clear the rock, preventing it from being pulled into the ground, in which case removing the auger to the surface will become a very difficult or impossible task.

As the auger plunges deeper into the shaft, the rod transmitting torque to the working element must be extended in corresponding sections using threads or some other connection.

When working at a sufficient depth, water can be supplied into the barrel to facilitate rotation of the tool.

The peculiarity of drilling such wells is the need to install casing pipes in the process of extracting soil from the mine, which, like the drill, grow as the well deepens. As long as the upper layers of the soil do not crumble, casing can be neglected, but as soon as the structure becomes unstable, the pipe installation process must begin immediately.

Casing is needed to prevent:

  • collapsing of the mine walls;
  • ingress of poor quality water from upper layers;
  • clogging during further operation of the well.

For the manufacture of casing pipes it is usually used polymer material. The pipes are connected to each other using threads or special couplings. On the lower section of the casing pipe there are holes or slots for drawing water from the aquifer. Such holes are made at a distance of 0.5 m from its end.

When the aquifer is reached, the mine deepens another 300 - 400 mm, after which drilling stops. Space around the casing filled with fine crushed stone, everything is pumped out of the trunk dirty water and the well is prepared for operation: a submersible electric pump is lowered ( minimum distance from the pump to the bottom of the well - 1 m) and all work related to connecting to the water supply is carried out.

The most important thing is to correctly determine the depth of the aquifer and, accordingly, the type of well before starting work. This is easy to do - all the necessary information can be obtained from neighbors in the area.

Due to the extreme complexity of drilling an artesian well, it is best to entrust it to professionals.

When working with heavy and dangerous work tools, safety precautions must be observed to avoid accidents.

The installation of an expensive submersible pump should be entrusted to specialists to prevent its breakdown.

After commissioning a well (Abyssinian or sandy) It is recommended to conduct an examination of the produced water which is carried out in special laboratories.

All incomprehensible aspects of drilling various wells with your own hands, without using expensive special equipment, can be clarified by watching a video from the network.

Everyone knows the benefits autonomous water supply in private homes, however, many refuse such options due to their high cost. A do-it-yourself water well can be made using several technologies, but before starting the work process, we suggest you understand the types of sources and determine which of them will fit ideally into your conditions and depend on financial and other possibilities.

All sources for autonomous water supply are considered economical, since they do not require waste during use, however, if you do not install it yourself, you will have to pay a lot of money for the creation of sources by qualified labor.

Drilling water wells with your own hands is not a simple process, so first let’s look at existing types well structures.

  1. Artesian well - perfect solution for a stable and harmless water supply at home. The depth of such an installation can reach up to 200 meters, depending on its purpose. To use water on the farm, 50 meters is enough. The advantages of such a source are that there is no need to further purify the water, and the water also does not contain large quantity gland.
  2. Abyssinian needle well - used in difficult conditions soil or when there is no need for perfectly clean water. If you use this option as the main source of water supply to the house, additional filtration is required.
  3. Sand well. Its depth reaches 30 meters, drilling occurs using an auger method. Typically, such water supply is carried out for summer cottages, but even for such cases, it is recommended to install a filter at a depth where coarse sand is found. This will save the well from damage.

Important! Before making a well, you should decide which drilling rig will perform this process. Rotary, auger and shock-rope equipment are usually used.

How to drill a well with your own hands: stages of work

Work on the production of wells for home water supply are divided into several main stages:

Attention! A filter pipe must be placed at the bottom of the well, it must be equipped with metal mesh to trap foreign particles.

  • To swing the source, you need to install a centrifugal type pump, having previously placed its pipe to the entire depth of the well. It is advisable to build a stand for the pump, and connect an outlet pipe on its reverse side, which will power the entire house;
  • Next, we prepare trenches for the pipelines; when everything is done, we lay them at the same level so as not to create a pressure failure. At the end, we bring pipes into the house, and from there we make branching structures into the necessary rooms. At this stage, installing a well and providing water supply to the house with your own hands is considered complete.

Please note, only when proper arrangement, taking into account all the characteristics, the autonomous source will provide good clean water.

Types of water well drilling

Of all the options used for drilling wells in the private sector, there are combined drilling, support drilling, hydraulic drilling, core drilling, shot drilling and rotary drilling. Each of the proposed types has its own characteristics and is used for specific conditions.

Combined drilling

This method involves using various suitable techniques alternately or in combination. This method is considered more rational as it is suitable for various geological conditions. Often combined drilling is used in places where the ground is rich in minerals and minerals.

Core drilling

Often this type of drilling is used to study the geological structure of the earth's layers. By creating wells using support technology, it is possible to achieve good result and durability of the water source in difficult soil conditions.

This technique involves drilling a source using the maximum pressure of a special fluid. This method is most often used by professional drillers. However, it is not always possible to guess whether it will fit this method for specific conditions. To avoid complications, it is important to prepare more liquid in advance, as some layers of soil absorb water too quickly.

Core drilling type

It is a rotational technique. When creating a well by rotation, the soil rocks do not lose their structure and do not crumble during the operation of the source. A well of this type is constructed simultaneously with special drilling rigs. Such wells are often used for mining.

Shot drilling

It is rotary drilling using shot. Typically, such a device is used in conditions of difficult soil passage. To clean the well from foreign material, a special cleaning fluid is used.

Rotary method

The drilling option is designed for industrial wells. For home use they are used quite rarely in cases where the use of other types is unacceptable.

Choosing a season to install a water well

A lot depends on the choice of the season when it is best to install a well, and first of all, the cost of the procedure, of course, if you do not practice independently installing an autonomous source of water supply. Each time of year has its own advantages of installing a well:

Attention! At each time, you can choose a suitable period for installing a water supply source, depending on weather conditions.

How to clean a well without involving a professional?

Sooner or later, any well, even a well-made one, requires cleaning, since pipelines often become silted and corrode. Today, there are three techniques that are used to clean up the source without the help of specialists or the person working on this project. For home wells, compression, pumping and chemical cleaning are used.

The first cleaning option is carried out on initial stage, immediately after the well depth is finally prepared for further installation. This will require a special pipe of smaller diameter than the pipe in the well. It is lowered inside the well, a vacuum tip is put on top, to which the compressor hose is connected. The structure is securely fixed, and only then the compression pump is connected to the network. All dirty water must exit the well through the gap between the two pipes. If this approach does not produce results, we resort to the next method.

The pumping method is considered very neat. For this purpose they are used submersible pumps sufficient power. Ideally, such a device is designed to pump out contaminated water and at the same time sucks in sand and foreign particles up to 5 mm in diameter.

Important! Using the pumping option for cleaning wells, you will achieve maximum well cleaning by removing silt, dirt and crumbling soil particles.

The chemical method is the purification of sources by treating water with battery fluid. To do this, it is enough to pour it directly into the wellhead. However, it is worth noting that it will not be possible to use water from the source for domestic purposes for a sufficiently long period, and before using it, an examination must be carried out and the safe composition of the water must be proven.

Common mistakes and tips for correcting them when installing a water well

Unfortunately, all professionals sometimes make mistakes, and when drilling wells they can lead to consequences, including source failure.

Try not to trust the construction of an autonomous water supply to beginners, and if self-installation Read all the details in detail.

In a country house, water is used constantly, so it is impossible to live without it. It happens that organizing a public water supply is quite difficult. Centralized water supply can be an expensive pleasure due to the remoteness of summer cottages from each other.

The easiest way is to use your own water source. However, the first step is to make it. Own well can help the owner of the site to satisfy economic needs. In this case, the owner will not need to pay for the water supply, counting how many cubic meters of water were spent. Digging wells is costly in terms of money and time, which is why many owners of summer cottages are interested in knowing how to drill a well by hand. Making this design yourself is quite simple if you know the manufacturing technology and the principle of constructing a well.

Before manufacturing, you will need to examine the area to determine the level of occurrence groundwater. The amount of work that needs to be done to ensure there is water in the well will depend on this parameter. The type of well is selected based on the depth of the soil that contains water.

If the water is at a depth of 4-10 m, then it is possible to make “ Abyssinian well" If water is available at a depth of up to 50 m, a sand well should be used. If the water is in the ground at a depth of up to 200 m, then you will need to make an artesian well. Almost every owner can do the first two types independently. summer cottage, but to make an artesian well you will need a drilling device and drillers with experience.

Features of the work

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This type of source involves pumping water from a depth of 50 m. A sand well has this name because the water from it will come from a layer of sand that lies at a depth of 50 m.

This will not be able to provide clean water, so after some time it will be necessary to check the contents of the well at the sanitation station.

To organize a sand well, you should use a scheme with a pump. The water will be cleared of suspended matter and debris thanks to a filter that is installed at the appropriate depth. The filter must be cleaned constantly. The service life of a sand well is approximately 15 years.

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"Abyssinian Well"

This well is quite simple to make. It has a small depth, so you will need to take care in choosing suitable place for her. There should be no septic tanks, various debris or pits near the well.

The well will be of shallow depth, and therefore harmful substances may fall into it, resulting in water pollution.

If the ground does not contain pebbles or any hard rocks, the well can be drilled in basement at home or near it. A similar source of water in the basement can be used even in frosty weather. A well of this type in a private house can be equipped with a manual column and pump, so that it is possible to use water even without electricity.

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Artesian well

If there are already similar wells in areas located nearby, then there is a high probability that water lies in a limestone layer in this area. If there are no similar areas nearby, then drillers need to order an experimental water source so that they can determine the depth of groundwater. Artesian wells can provide water to several summer cottages at the same time. In some cases, several land owners drill one well in order to save some money. Money.

The choice of well type will depend not only on the type of soil, but also on how much water is planned to be used. A sand well and an Abyssinian well can easily provide a small flow rate. If you need more than 10 m³/hour of water, you will have to make an artesian well. It is recommended to drill any structure away from various pollutants and closer to private or country house so that it is possible to lay the water supply without any problems.

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Specialists use drilling rigs to make artesian wells. To make shallow wells, you can use an ordinary tripod with a winch. She will be able to lower and raise tools for making a well, which consist of special pipes, rods, columns and a drill.

Special equipment will require a drilling tool, with which it is possible to go deeper into the ground, as well as a tripod and a winch. In order to drill a well yourself, you need to use a metal auger. In this case, an ice screw, which is used for winter fishing. The drill must be made exclusively from high strength steel. Using these tools, you can make a well with minimal expenditure of money. In addition to the tripod, you will need:

  1. Pipes of various diameters.
  2. Valves.
  3. Filter elements.
  4. Caisson.
  5. Special pump.

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First of all, you will need to dig a hole measuring 150x150 cm. To prevent the recess from starting to crumble, its walls will need to be lined with plywood sheets, boards or pieces of chipboard. To secure the structure, you can also dig a hole with a diameter of 20 cm and a depth of 1 m with an ordinary drill. This must be done so that the pipe is securely fixed in a vertical position.

Above the recess you need to install a strong tripod made of metal or wood, securing a winch at the location of its supports. In most cases, tripods are made of wood. You need to hang a drilling column with 1.5 m rods on the tower. The rods are threaded into a pipe and then secured with a clamp. This device can be used to lower and raise tools.

The pump should be selected in advance so that it is possible to determine the diameter of the well being manufactured and the column pipe. The pump should fit easily into the pipe.

Drilling such a water source involves lowering and raising equipment.

The rod rotates and is immediately struck from above by the chisel. This work It’s most convenient to do it with two people: one person will turn the gas wrench, and the second will hit the bar from above to break through the rock. Using a winch can simplify the process because it makes it much easier to lift and lower equipment into the well. The rod must be marked when drilling. Markings will be needed in order to be able to navigate freely. The markings help you determine when to pull out the rod and clean the drill. Most often this needs to be done every 0.5 m.

Using a chisel, it is necessary to loosen hard layers of soil.

To be able to easily overcome existing soil layers, you need to use the following drills:

  1. Coil. Recommended for use on clay layers.
  2. Bit. Used to loosen hard soils.
  3. Sand spoons.
  4. Bailer. This device will help lift the soil to the surface.

It is best to go through the sand layer with a spoon, adding the required amount of water. If the ground is hard, a chisel should be used. This tool can be cross or flat. Quicksand sands can be overcome using the impact method.

In case of clay soil You will need to use a coil and a bailer. The coil is able to easily pass through soils with clay because its design is similar to a spiral. Pebble layers containing gravel can be broken through with a bailer and chisel. In some cases, you will need to pour water into the hole. This way it will be possible to simplify the process of drilling a well.

If the rock that is delivered to the surface is wet, this means that an aquifer is nearby. In this case, you will need to go a little deeper to overcome the aquifer. It will be much easier to drill, but you can’t stop. Using a drill, you will need to find the waterproof layer.

There is no central water supply in your area and there never will be. Or it is just being planned. Construction of a well is very labor-intensive; it is necessary to turn over a lot of soil, buy, deliver and dig heavy concrete rings. Having your own well is an excellent solution, but the services of geologists are very expensive. Especially for those who cannot afford big expenses and know how to work with their hands, we will tell you how to drill a well with your own hands.

Let’s make it clear right away that drilling water wells with your hands is literally impossible, man is not a mole, and his hands are not shovels. You will need certain devices and mechanisms. The savings are that drilling can be done on our own, and rent necessary equipment will cost much less than the services of a drilling rig on a platform truck. However, it should be understood that in 99.9% of cases the answer to the question of how to drill a well with your own hands to artesian water will sound like this: nothing. The fact is that reserves of high-quality groundwater, with rare exceptions, are located at a depth much greater than can be done without the use of complex and expensive mechanisms. In addition, artesian waters lie in layers of fairly hard rocks, which only powerful installations can handle. What types of groundwater are potentially available for independent device water intake?


Perchal water (soil water) is located close to the surface above fragmentary water-resistant lenses, often clays. You can’t find it everywhere; perennial water is often seasonal and can disappear altogether during the dry period of the year. It is usually of low quality and not suitable for drinking. Often it can only be used for economic purposes, mainly watering the garden. In the case of perched water, due to its shallow depth, the question of how to drill a well under water with your own hands can be solved in simple and cheap methods.


Groundwater lies in a sandy layer above the upper extensive impermeable layer; the depth can vary from 5 to 50 m. In wooded areas, groundwater can be found quite close to the surface, but in the steppe they are often located deep or absent altogether. Groundwater quality varies widely and rarely meets standards drinking water, installation of a filtration system is required. Wells that are drilled for groundwater are called sand wells; due to their moderate cost, they are most common among owners of private estates with their own water intake.

Interformational waters

Interstratal water, as the name suggests, lies between waterproof layers of soil. The layer (or several) located on top serves as an effective filter, so such waters, as a rule, have high qualitative indicators. If you are lucky, under certain conditions (low occurrence, soils without rocky inclusions), interstratal waters may be available for independent drilling. However, more often they are located at a distance of over 40 m from the surface; drilling a well manually to such a depth is problematic.

How to drill a water well yourself

So, how to drill a well yourself? Let us remind you that it is possible to drill a well using manual and low-power mechanisms only over a short distance and provided that the soil does not contain rocky inclusions and boulders. Before starting work, it would be a good idea to find out the potential depth of groundwater; for this, it is worth talking with neighbors who have already equipped their own water intake. A map of the drilling depths of wells in your area will also tell you about the level of interstratal and groundwater. Work can be carried out using manual mechanisms or small-sized installation. Let's take a closer look at how to properly drill a water well on your own.

How to drill a water well manually

There are several options for manual drilling, differing in labor intensity, the tools and mechanisms involved and, of course, the result.

  • Using a hand-held garden auger, with a set of attachments, two people soft ground It’s realistic to make a well up to 10 m deep for the high water. A large hole diameter is not needed; it is enough to use 70-80 mm nozzles, which will allow you to install casing pipe 50-60 mm. Since the height is minimal, a hand column or surface pump is used to lift water.

To drill a well with your own hands, you need to have a set of tools: a collar, a drill, rod attachments, open-end wrenches. The work is hard and unproductive. A stone the size of a fist or more that gets in the way will nullify all efforts

It is difficult not only to rotate the gate, but also to lift the drill to install additional rods. This task can be made easier by hanging the drill on a cable through a block to a tripod.

A simple combination of a tripod and a lifting block will help to lift the drill on a cable, which will at least partially facilitate the work

  • A manual soil drill will allow you to achieve similar results, only faster and with less labor. You can rent a motor drill; you should choose a two-handed model with an engine with a power of at least 1 kW; you will also need a set of extension attachments. You need two people to work with such a device; it is difficult to hold it level alone.

How to drill a well under water using a small-sized drilling rig

The main disadvantage of manual drilling is the inability to go to significant depths. The reasons for this are the inability to develop significant force and keep the drill level, without distortions. The problem is solved by installing more powerful engine on a durable frame that is not subject to displacement. The engine can be gasoline or electric; the more powerful, the higher the capabilities of the device. Frame - have a mechanism for lifting the drill and installing attachments, this will allow you to reach depths much greater than if the work was done manually. Eat craftsmen who make similar equipment with your own hands, fortunately the design is simple.

The simplest homemade drilling rig: a frame with a support platform, a movable platform with an engine is attached to it

But there are also quite productive factory-made small-sized drilling rigs (MDRs) that can be rented.

An MDR with a powerful electric motor and a stable frame allows drilling to a fairly large depth. Of course, this is already quite complex equipment, but renting it is still much cheaper than hiring a full-fledged installation based on a truck

The passport indicates the maximum drilling depth depending on the type of soil and the diameter of the drill. How to drill a water well using a drilling rig? One operator monitors the operation of the device; assistants are needed only to bring it to the construction site and install it. In soils that do not contain rocky inclusions, using a small-sized installation, depending on its model, you can drill a well with a depth of 20 to 50 m. Most likely, this will make it possible to arrange a water intake for sand groundwater, and if you are lucky, high-quality interstratal water.

How to drill a well with your own hands without drilling

There is also a method of percussion-rope drilling, when a heavy pointed bit is dropped into the well, breaking the rock. It is secured to a steel cable, which, in turn, is wound on a shaft with a stopper or secured to a block. This entire structure must be mounted on a fairly high tower; its dimensions are larger than those of the MBU. The reciprocating movements of the bit can be provided by a motor or the cable is wound and released manually. Of the advantages shock-rope method can be called the possibility of constructing wells large diameter and the ability to work in fairly hard rocks. However, the shallow drilling depth and very low pace of work make this method of little demand.

How to drill a well with your own hands using the shock-rope method? You will need a tripod with a block or shaft, a cable, a chisel and lifting mechanism. The deeper the water intake is planned to be dug, the greater the installation height

  1. Equipment manufacturers and craftsmen who are contracted to carry out work often use the hydrodrilling method. The video below shows how a well is drilled for water, liquid is pumped into it and removed along with soil particles. Water acts as a lubricant, thereby almost doubling the drilling depth. However, along with liquid from the surface, harmful microflora is inevitably introduced into the aquifer, which can lead to contamination of clean groundwater. If water intake is done to obtain drinking water, it is advisable not to use the hydromethod, but to drill “dry”. When this cannot be avoided, it is necessary to immediately after completion of the work install a casing pipe with a filter, lower a vibration pump into the well and continuously pump the water intake for at least a week. If this is not done, the source will have to be “treated” for a long time.
  1. When installing attachments on the drill, strictly follow safety precautions, otherwise you risk losing your fingers.

Video: how to drill a water well

A fairly powerful semi-automatic small-sized installation “Mole”, it is shown step by step how to drill a well for water.

It is clearly shown how to drill a well with your own hands using a motor drill with attachments.

You can try to drill and equip a well for water supply on your own if you have certain skills, time and desire. If there are none, entrust the task to professional geologists; competent specialists will first determine the approximate depth of occurrence various types water, will offer options for water intake installation, will perform high-quality well drilling and installation of a production casing. They will pump the source, determine the characteristics, issue a passport and give a guarantee for the work performed.