Buguruslan Oil College. Charter of Gapou "Buguruslan Petroleum College" Buguruslan Buguruslan Petroleum College correspondence department

Today the college is widely known not only in the Ural-Volga region, but also beyond its borders. This is a prestigious multidisciplinary educational institution of secondary vocational education, providing training in leading oil specialties.

Over 66 years, the educational institution has trained 19,568 specialists. Our graduates have become major leaders, scientists, and public figures. This is Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences A.T. Gorbunov, Doctor of Sciences G.E. Molofeev and Ya.M. Kogan, Hero of Socialist Labor, State Prize laureate, drilling master A.A. Zhukov, Minister of Taxes and Duties of Russia G.I. Bukaev, President of NK (JSC) Rosneft S.M. Bogdanchikov and many others. College graduates have solid knowledge, key and professional competencies, and a strong civic and moral position. Over the past five years, out of 2,477 college graduates, 233 students received diplomas with honors. Our graduates work effectively in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Since 2012, the director of the college is A.F. Makeev. With his arrival, work on developing and improving the material, technical and production base of the college intensified, and the information and technical support for the educational process improved. Under the leadership of Makeev A.F. There is a highly qualified teaching team of like-minded people.

Today, the college has 900 students in two full-time departments, 545 students in the part-time department and 88 students in the Abdulinsky branch.

Education at the college is carried out in Russian, in accordance with Article 14 of the Federal Law "On Education" dated December 29, 2013 No. 273-FZ.

Specialists are trained in the following specialties:

  • 131003 “Drilling of oil and gas wells”
  • 131018 “Development and operation of oil and gas fields”
  • 151031 “Installation and technical operation of industrial equipment” (by industry)
  • 080114 “Economics and accounting” (by industry)
  • 230115 “Programming in computer systems”
  • 240100.02 “Laboratory assistant-ecologist”
  • 150709.02 “Welder (electric welding and gas welding work)”
  • 151902.01 “Operator of machines and equipment in mechanical processing”
  • 220703.01 “Instrumentation and automation adjuster”
  • 131003.02 “Well repair operator”
  • 261701.02 “Electronic typing and layout operator”
  • 260807.01 “Cook, confectioner”
  • 100116.01 “Hairdresser”
  • 034700.01 "Secretary"
  • 140446.03 “Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment” (by industry)
  • 151902.03 “Machine operator (metalworking)”
  • 262019.03 “Tailor”
  • 260807.01 “Cook”
  • 100701.01 “Seller, controller-cashier”
  • 110800.02 “Tractor driver for agricultural production”
  • 230103.04 “Hardware and software adjuster”
  • 080110.02 “Bank controller”
  • 190623.01 “Locomotive driver”
The training of specialists at the college is carried out by a qualified teaching staff of 68 people, including 1 Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation V.N. Kuzmina, 30 teachers have the highest qualification category, such as L.F. Vasyanina, N.K. Savilov, L. Stankevich. V., Yuryeva G.P., Ignatova N.N., Rudenko V.I., Gritsenko T.N. and others; seven teachers bear the title “Honorary Oilman”; teacher Vorobyova N.V. is an Excellence in the Petroleum Industry.

The general goal of the work of the college teaching staff is: “Improving the efficiency and quality of the educational process.” To achieve this goal, modern achievements of pedagogical science, best practices in teaching and education, and improving the professional competence of teachers are actively being introduced into the educational process.

The team’s work on finding new approaches to organizing scientific and methodological work, implementing State Educational Standards for secondary vocational education and introducing the latest technologies into the educational process is carried out under the leadership of Deputy Director for Academic Affairs E.M. Nigmatullina. The priority for the college is personality-oriented and information technologies.

Four P(C)Ks have been formed and are working fruitfully in the college, chaired by Kistanova T.V., Vasyanina L.F., Logacheva M.Yu., Gorokhova V.M., each subject-cycle commission has its own pedagogical findings, its own style relationships with students.

Daily, painstaking work on organizing the educational activities of students is carried out by the heads of daytime departments T.N. Gritsenko, T.F. Borisova, and the head of the correspondence department A.P. Dobrotvorskaya. They are distinguished by professional competence, high efficiency, exactingness, and a sense of responsibility.

The college library provides the educational process with educational, educational, methodological, scientific, reference, fiction, periodicals and information materials. The library's collection consists of more than 35 thousand books. Innovative technological processes are widely introduced in the library: the use of computer technologies, Internet access, and the work of readers with the electronic catalogue. The reading room is one of students' favorite places for independent study and intellectual relaxation.

Research activities are of particular importance in the preparation of competent specialists. So in 2005, the NSO “Iskatel” was created, headed by V.A. Gromova. The result of the effective work of the NSO “Iskatel” is the active participation of students and their victories in all-Russian and regional research and creative competitions and conferences. Students annually become laureates of all-Russian competitions for the achievements of talented youth: “National Treasure of Russia”, “My Legislative Initiative”, the All-Russian competition of scientific research and creative works of youth “I am appreciated in the 21st century”.

The college has a creative laboratory of teachers under the leadership of E.I. Derevyashkina, in which creative groups of teachers are engaged in scientific and methodological research on a specific pedagogical problem.

Teachers actively participate in scientific and practical conferences of the college, city, region, give open lessons and master classes, develop teaching aids, create high-quality didactic material, and use traditional and innovative teaching technologies.

Information and communication technologies occupy an increasingly important place in the educational activities of the college. There are 6 computer classes, 26 classes are equipped with multimedia equipment.

Deputy Director for Educational Work L.N. Savilova A student education system has been created and is constantly being improved, which is an integral part of the educational process.

Interest clubs have been created and operate: “I have the honor”, ​​“Russian”, the meeting club “Our Countrymen”, “Themis”, “Manager”, “Ecologist”, “Lyra”, “Your Universe”. Festivals of student creativity are held annually under the motto “I call you Russia, I call you alone”; Traditionally, Conscript Days, the military sports competition “Strong, Brave, Agile,” and “Memory Day,” dedicated to Afghan soldiers (college graduates), are organized annually; patriotic song festivals; exhibitions of technical creativity “Russia - My Motherland” and others.

Through the work of student government bodies, through a network of clubs and circles, the creative abilities of students develop. The college's propaganda team and amateur art groups constantly take prizes in city, regional and regional competitions and festivals. Sports life is active and involves the bulk of students in mass sports competitions in volleyball, football, and basketball. Sports teams have repeatedly been winners of city and regional sports and athletics competitions. The college staff is in constant creative search for ways to improve the training of specialists. Currently, it faces the following tasks: to preserve the college as an independent, multi-level educational institution; provide the educational process with everything necessary in accordance with modern requirements. The college operates in the system of continuous education.

The educational institution has its own production base; educational practice takes place in metalworking and mechanical workshops, where young men receive initial professional skills. Technological and pre-graduation internships are organized at fuel and energy complex enterprises by V.A. Burov, Deputy Director for Management and Development. The implementation of a system of interaction between the college and social partners allows us to successfully solve the problems of quality training of specialists, ensure continuity of education, ultimately increasing the competitiveness of our graduates.

In recent years, a strong material and technical base has been created. The college has 3 educational buildings, which are equipped with 60 classrooms in all studied disciplines, 6 computer classes, a TSO room, career guidance, a methodological room, an information and computer center, a youth center, a museum, fully equipped laboratories, mechanical workshops, sports and assembly halls, a hockey court, sports town, library, reading room.

The college pays great attention to solving social issues: a paramedic’s office has been organized for medical care of students and teachers, and a dentist’s office is being prepared for opening; to provide students with hot meals there is a canteen and 3 buffets; non-resident students are provided with a dormitory for accommodation; Academic scholarships are systematically paid to students, financial assistance is provided, and incentive payments are made to teachers.

Today the college is widely known not only in the Ural-Volga region, but also beyond its borders. This is a prestigious multidisciplinary educational institution of secondary vocational education, providing training in leading oil specialties.

Over 66 years, the educational institution has trained 19,568 specialists. Our graduates have become major leaders, scientists, and public figures. This is Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences A.T. Gorbunov, Doctor of Sciences G.E. Molofeev and Ya.M. Kogan, Hero of Socialist Labor, State Prize laureate, drilling master A.A. Zhukov, Minister of Taxes and Duties of Russia G.I. Bukaev, President of NK (JSC) Rosneft S.M. Bogdanchikov and many others. College graduates have solid knowledge, key and professional competencies, and a strong civic and moral position. Over the past five years, out of 2,477 college graduates, 233 students received diplomas with honors. Our graduates work effectively in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Since 2012, the director of the college is A.F. Makeev. With his arrival, work on developing and improving the material, technical and production base of the college intensified, and the information and technical support for the educational process improved. Under the leadership of Makeev A.F. There is a highly qualified teaching team of like-minded people.

Today, the college has 900 students in two full-time departments, 545 students in the part-time department and 88 students in the Abdulinsky branch.

Education at the college is carried out in Russian, in accordance with Article 14 of the Federal Law "On Education" dated December 29, 2013 No. 273-FZ.

Specialists are trained in the following specialties:

  • 131003 “Drilling of oil and gas wells”
  • 131018 “Development and operation of oil and gas fields”
  • 151031 “Installation and technical operation of industrial equipment” (by industry)
  • 080114 “Economics and accounting” (by industry)
  • 230115 “Programming in computer systems”
  • 240100.02 “Laboratory assistant-ecologist”
  • 150709.02 “Welder (electric welding and gas welding work)”
  • 151902.01 “Operator of machines and equipment in mechanical processing”
  • 220703.01 “Instrumentation and automation adjuster”
  • 131003.02 “Well repair operator”
  • 261701.02 “Electronic typing and layout operator”
  • 260807.01 “Cook, confectioner”
  • 100116.01 “Hairdresser”
  • 034700.01 "Secretary"
  • 140446.03 “Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment” (by industry)
  • 151902.03 “Machine operator (metalworking)”
  • 262019.03 “Tailor”
  • 260807.01 “Cook”
  • 100701.01 “Seller, controller-cashier”
  • 110800.02 “Tractor driver for agricultural production”
  • 230103.04 “Hardware and software adjuster”
  • 080110.02 “Bank controller”
  • 190623.01 “Locomotive driver”

The training of specialists at the college is carried out by a qualified teaching staff of 68 people, including 1 Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation V.N. Kuzmina, 30 teachers have the highest qualification category, such as L.F. Vasyanina, N.K. Savilov, L. Stankevich. V., Yuryeva G.P., Ignatova N.N., Rudenko V.I., Gritsenko T.N. and others; seven teachers bear the title “Honorary Oilman”; teacher Vorobyova N.V. is an Excellence in the Petroleum Industry.

The general goal of the work of the college teaching staff is: “Improving the efficiency and quality of the educational process.” To achieve this goal, modern achievements of pedagogical science, best practices in teaching and education, and improving the professional competence of teachers are actively being introduced into the educational process.

The team’s work on finding new approaches to organizing scientific and methodological work, implementing State Educational Standards for secondary vocational education and introducing the latest technologies into the educational process is carried out under the leadership of Deputy Director for Academic Affairs E.M. Nigmatullina. The priority for the college is personality-oriented and information technologies.

Four P(C)Ks have been formed and are working fruitfully in the college, chaired by Kistanova T.V., Vasyanina L.F., Logacheva M.Yu., Gorokhova V.M., each subject-cycle commission has its own pedagogical findings, its own style relationships with students.

Daily, painstaking work on organizing the educational activities of students is carried out by the heads of daytime departments T.N. Gritsenko, T.F. Borisova, and the head of the correspondence department A.P. Dobrotvorskaya. They are distinguished by professional competence, high efficiency, exactingness, and a sense of responsibility.

The college library provides the educational process with educational, educational, methodological, scientific, reference, fiction, periodicals and information materials. The library's collection consists of more than 35 thousand books. Innovative technological processes are widely introduced in the library: the use of computer technologies, Internet access, and the work of readers with the electronic catalogue. The reading room is one of students’ favorite places for independent study and intellectual relaxation.

Research activities are of particular importance in the preparation of competent specialists. So in 2005, the NSO “Iskatel” was created, headed by V.A. Gromova. The result of the effective work of the NSO “Iskatel” is the active participation of students and their victories in all-Russian and regional research and creative competitions and conferences. Students annually become laureates of all-Russian competitions for the achievements of talented youth: “National Treasure of Russia”, “My Legislative Initiative”, the All-Russian competition of scientific research and creative works of youth “I am appreciated in the 21st century”.

The college has a creative laboratory of teachers under the leadership of E.I. Derevyashkina, in which creative groups of teachers are engaged in scientific and methodological research on a specific pedagogical problem.

Teachers actively participate in scientific and practical conferences of the college, city, region, give open lessons and master classes, develop teaching aids, create high-quality didactic material, and use traditional and innovative teaching technologies.

Information and communication technologies occupy an increasingly important place in the educational activities of the college. There are 6 computer classes, 26 classes are equipped with multimedia equipment.

Deputy Director for Educational Work L.N. Savilova A student education system has been created and is constantly being improved, which is an integral part of the educational process.

Interest clubs have been created and operate: “I have the honor”, ​​“Russian”, the meeting club “Our Countrymen”, “Themis”, “Manager”, “Ecologist”, “Lyra”, “Your Universe”. Festivals of student creativity are held annually under the motto “I call you Russia, I call you alone”; Traditionally, Conscript Days, the military sports competition “Strong, Brave, Agile,” and “Memory Day,” dedicated to Afghan soldiers (college graduates), are organized annually; patriotic song festivals; exhibitions of technical creativity “Russia – My Motherland” and others.

Through the work of student government bodies, through a network of clubs and circles, the creative abilities of students develop. The college's propaganda team and amateur art groups constantly take prizes in city, regional and regional competitions and festivals. Sports life is active and involves the bulk of students in mass sports competitions in volleyball, football, and basketball. Sports teams have repeatedly been winners of city and regional sports and athletics competitions. The college staff is in constant creative search for ways to improve the training of specialists. Currently, it faces the following tasks: to preserve the college as an independent, multi-level educational institution; provide the educational process with everything necessary in accordance with modern requirements. The college operates in the system of continuous education.

The educational institution has its own production base; educational practice takes place in metalworking and mechanical workshops, where young men receive initial professional skills. Technological and pre-graduation internships are organized at fuel and energy complex enterprises by V.A. Burov, Deputy Director for Management and Development. The implementation of a system of interaction between the college and social partners allows us to successfully solve the problems of quality training of specialists, ensure continuity of education, ultimately increasing the competitiveness of our graduates.

In recent years, a strong material and technical base has been created. The college has 3 educational buildings, which are equipped with 60 classrooms in all studied disciplines, 6 computer classes, a TSO room, career guidance, a methodological room, an information and computer center, a youth center, a museum, fully equipped laboratories, mechanical workshops, sports and assembly halls, a hockey court, sports town, library, reading room.

The college pays great attention to solving social issues: a paramedic’s office has been organized for medical care of students and teachers, and a dentist’s office is being prepared for opening; to provide students with hot meals there is a canteen and 3 buffets; non-resident students are provided with a dormitory for accommodation; Academic scholarships are systematically paid to students, financial assistance is provided, and incentive payments are made to teachers.

Many of our graduates continue their studies at higher educational institutions, where they demonstrate a high level of knowledge and skills. In all corners of our vast country, graduates work who are proud to have graduated from the Buguruslan Petroleum College, remember and honor its traditions.

Charter of GAPOU "Buguruslan Oil College" of Buguruslan


1.1. State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution "Buguruslan Oil College" of Buguruslan, Orenburg Region(hereinafter referred to as an autonomous institution) is a non-profit organization created on the basis of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law dated November 3, 2006 No. 174-FZ “On Autonomous Institutions” for the purpose of implementing:

a) educational programs of secondary vocational education – training programs for qualified workers, employees, training programs for mid-level specialists;

b) basic vocational training programs - vocational training programs for blue-collar professions, white-collar positions, retraining programs for blue-collar workers, white-collar workers, advanced training programs for blue-collar workers, white-collar workers;

c) additional professional programs - programs for advanced training, retraining of the unemployed population.

The organizational and legal form of an autonomous institution is a state institution. Type of government institution – autonomous institution. Type of educational institution – professional educational organization.

1.2. The autonomous institution is the legal successor of:

State Autonomous Educational Institution "Buguruslan Petroleum College" in the city of Buguruslan, Orenburg Region.

Based on the Decree of the Government of the Orenburg Region dated 06/04/2013 No. 445-p “On the creation of the state autonomous educational institution of secondary vocational education “Buguruslan Petroleum College” in the city of Buguruslan, Orenburg Region” and the reorganization of the state autonomous educational institution of secondary vocational education “Buguruslan Petroleum College” Buguruslan, Orenburg region.

Based Decree of the Government of the Orenburg Region dated December 29, 2014 No. 1029-p “On renamingstate autonomous educational institution of secondary vocational education "Buguruslan Petroleum College" in the city of Buguruslan, Orenburg region; state autonomous educational institution of secondary vocational education "Buguruslan Petroleum College" in the city of Buguruslan, Orenburg region has been renamed into the state autonomous vocational educational institution "Buguruslan Petroleum College" in Buguruslan Orenburg region.

Based on Decree of the Government of the Orenburg Region dated 01.02.2012 No. 101-the federal state budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education "Buguruslan Petroleum College" was renamed into the state budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education "Buguruslan Petroleum College" in the city of Buguruslan, Orenburg Region.

Based on Order No. 2569 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2011, the Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education Buguruslan Petroleum College was renamed into the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education “Buguruslan Petroleum College”.

Based on Order No. 423 of the Federal Education Agency dated February 28, 2007, the State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education Buguruslan Petroleum College was renamed the Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education Buguruslan Petroleum College.

Based on the Administration Decision dated October 30, 2001 No. 1513-r of the city of Buguruslan, Orenburg region, registration No. 110, the State educational institution "Buguruslan Petroleum College" was renamed into the State educational institution of secondary vocational education "Buguruslan Petroleum College".

Based on the Order of the Administration of the city of Buguruslan, Orenburg region dated 05/06/1997 No. 470-r, the Buguruslan Petroleum College was renamed into the State Educational Institution “Buguruslan Petroleum College”.

Based on the Order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 1994 No. 311, the Buguruslan Oil College was renamed the Buguruslan Oil College.

State autonomous educational institution of primary vocational education "Vocational Lyceum No. 8" in Buguruslan, Orenburg region.

Based on the Decree of the Government of the Orenburg Region dated 06/04/2013 No. 445-p “On the creation of the state autonomous educational institution of secondary vocational education “Buguruslan Petroleum College” in the city of Buguruslan, Orenburg Region” and the reorganization of the state autonomous educational institution of secondary vocational education “Buguruslan Petroleum College” Buguruslan, Orenburg region"state autonomous educational institution of primary vocational education "Vocational Lyceum No. 8" in Buguruslan, Orenburg region attached to secondary vocational education"Buguruslan Oil College" in the city of Buguruslan, Orenburg region.

On the basis of Decree of the Government of the Orenburg Region dated July 15, 2011 No. 607-p, the state educational institution of primary vocational education, professional lyceum No. 8, was renamed into the state autonomous educational institution of primary vocational education “Vocational Lyceum No. 8” in Buguruslan, Orenburg region.

Based on the OrderDepartment of Vocational Educationdated January 30, 2003 No. 01/11-49 Vocational Lyceum No. 8 was renamed into the state educational institution of primary vocational education Vocational Lyceum No. 8.

Based on the Order of the Department of Vocational Education dated 03.02. 1997 No. 166/22 Vocational School No. 8 - renamed Vocational Lyceum No. 8.

Based on the Order of the Department of Vocational Education dated November 10, 1994 No. 27/09-101, Vocational School No. 8 was renamed Vocational School No. 8.

Based on the Order of the Ministry of Public Education of the RSFSR dated April 17, 1989 No. 137 “On the reorganization of secondary vocational schools into vocational schools,” the Secondary City Vocational School No. 8 of the Orenburg Region was renamed Vocational School No. 8.

Based on Order No. 3 of October 20, 1977, City Vocational School No. 8 was renamed Secondary City Vocational School No. 8.

Based on Order No. 7 of September 1, 1963, Vocational School No. 2 of the city of Buguruslan, Orenburg Region, was renamed City Vocational School No. 8.

state autonomous educational institution of primary vocational education “Vocational School No. 17” in the city of Abdulino, Orenburg region.

Based on the Decree of the Government of the Orenburg Region dated 06/04/2013 No. 445-p “On the creation of the state autonomous educational institution of secondary vocational education “Buguruslan Petroleum College” in the city of Buguruslan, Orenburg Region” and the reorganization of the state autonomous educational institution of secondary vocational education “Buguruslan Petroleum College” Buguruslan, Orenburg Region" state autonomous educational institution of primary vocational education "Vocational School No. 17" in the city of Abdulino, Orenburg Region, is annexed tostate autonomous educational institutionsecondary vocational education"Buguruslan Oil College" in Buguruslan, Orenburg region.

Based on the Decree of the Government of the Orenburg Region dated December 8, 2010 No. 887-p “On the creation of a state autonomous educational institution of primary vocational education, a vocational school,” the state educational institution of primary vocational education Vocational School No. 17 of Abdulino, Orenburg Region, was renamed into a state autonomous educational institution of primary vocational education education "Vocational School No. 17" in Abdulino, Orenburg region.

Based on Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 22, 1999 No. 1067, Vocational School No. 17 was renamed into the state educational institution of primary vocational education Vocational School No. 17 in Abdulino, Orenburg Region.

Based on the Order of the Department of Vocational Education dated November 10, 1994 No. 27/09-101 “On the renaming of vocational schools (lyceums) into vocational schools (lyceums),” Vocational School No. 17 was renamed Vocational School No. 17.

Based on the Order of the Ministry of Public Education of the RSFSR dated April 17, 1989 No. 137 “On the reorganization of secondary vocational schools into vocational schools,” Secondary Vocational School No. 17 was renamed Vocational School No. 17.

Based on the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSO dated August 1, 1984 No. 386 “On the reorganization of vocational educational institutions into a single type - secondary vocational schools,” City Vocational School No. 17 was renamed Secondary Vocational School No. 17.

Based on the Order of the Main Directorate of Vocational Education under the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated April 22, 1963 No. 161 “On the transformation of technical, craft, railway, construction schools, FZO and FZU schools, schools of agricultural mechanization and other educational institutions into urban and rural vocational -technical schools" was renamed City Vocational School No. 17.

1.3 Full name of the autonomous institution:

State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution "Buguruslan Petroleum College" in Buguruslan, Orenburg Region.

Abbreviated name of the Autonomous Institution: GAPOU.

Coordination and control over the activities of the autonomous institution is carried out by the Founder.

The owner of the property of the autonomous institution is the Orenburg Region represented by the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Property Relations of the Orenburg Region (hereinafter referred to as the Owner).

1.5. An autonomous institution is a legal entity and, on its own behalf, acquires and exercises property and personal non-property rights, bears responsibilities, and acts as a plaintiff and defendant in court.

1.6. An autonomous institution has an independent balance sheet, forms, seal, corner stamp and, in accordance with the established procedure, has the right to open accounts with credit institutions.

1.7. An autonomous institution is liable for its obligations with the property assigned to it, with the exception of real estate and especially valuable movable property assigned to it by the Owner or acquired by the autonomous institution at the expense of funds allocated to it by the Founder for the acquisition of this property.

1.8. The owner of the property is not liable for the obligations of the autonomous institution.

The autonomous institution is not responsible for the obligations of the Owner.

1.9. An autonomous institution annually publishes reports on its statutory activities and the use of property assigned to iton the official website of the educational organization on the Internet.

1.10. An autonomous institution provides information about its activities to state statistics bodies, tax authorities, other bodies and persons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Orenburg region and this Charter.

1.11. An autonomous institution ensures openness and accessibility

1) information:

a) on the date of creation of the educational organization, on the founder, founders of the educational organization, on the location of the educational organization and its branches (if any), mode, work schedule, contact numbers and email addresses;

b) about the structure and governing bodies of the educational organization;

c) about the educational programs being implemented, indicating the academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), practices provided for by the relevant educational program;

d) on the number of students in educational programs being implemented at the expense of budgetary allocations from the budget of the Orenburg region and under educational agreements at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities;

e) about languages ​​of education;

f) on federal state educational standards, on educational standards (if any);

g) about the head of the educational organization, his deputies, heads of branches of the educational organization (if any);

h) on the personnel of teaching staff, indicating the level of education, qualifications and work experience;

i) on the material and technical support of educational activities;

j) on the results of admission for each profession, specialty of secondary vocational education (if there are entrance tests), indicating the average amount of points scored for all entrance tests, as well as the results of transfer, reinstatement and expulsion;

k) on the number of vacant places for admission (transfer) for each educational program, by profession, specialty, area of ​​training;

l) on the availability and conditions for providing students with scholarships and social support measures;

m) on the availability of a dormitory, the number of residential premises in the dormitory, boarding school for non-resident students, the formation of fees for accommodation in the dormitory;

o) on the volume of educational activities, the financial support of which is carried out at the expense of budgetary allocations from the budget of the Orenburg region, under educational agreements at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities;

o) on the receipt of financial and material resources and their expenditure at the end of the financial year;

p) on the employment of graduates;

2) copies:

a) the charter of the educational organization;

b) licenses to carry out educational activities (with attachments);

c) certificates of state accreditation (with attachments);

d) a plan for the financial and economic activities of an educational organization, approved in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or the budget estimate of an educational organization;

e) local regulations provided for part 2 of article 30 Federal Law No. 273 of 12/02/12 “On Education in the Russian Federation”, internal regulations for students, internal labor regulations, collective agreement;

3) report on the results of self-examination;

4) a document on the procedure for the provision of paid educational services, including a sample agreement on the provision of paid educational services, a document on approval of the cost of training for each educational program;

5) instructions from bodies exercising state control (supervision) in the field of education, reports on the implementation of such instructions;

6) other information that is posted, published by decision of the educational organization and (or) placement, publication of which is mandatory in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.12. All changes and additions to this Charter are approved by the Founder in agreement with the Owner.

1.13. Legal address of the autonomous institution:.

Location of the autonomous institution:461636, Orenburg region, Buguruslan, st. Chelyuskina, 41.

1.14. Licensing and state accreditation of an autonomous institution are carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. An autonomous institution receives the right to conduct educational activities, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, from the day a license is issued to it. Based on a certificate of state accreditation, an autonomous institution has the right to issue to its graduates a document on the appropriate level of education and (or) a certificate of training.

1.15. The autonomous institution has in its structure laboratories, educational and training workshops,library, hostel and other.

An autonomous institution independently forms its structure.

Structural divisions are not legal entities. The legal status and functions of the structural unit are determined by the regulations and other local acts approved by the director of the autonomous institution.

1.16. An autonomous institution has a branch within its structure.

An autonomous institution has the right to create branches in accordance with the established procedure. Branches of an Autonomous Institution are separate divisions that are not legal entities, endowed with the property of the Autonomous Institution and act on the basis of the Regulations approved by the Autonomous Institution.

The heads of branches are appointed and dismissed by the head of the Autonomous institution and act on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the head of the autonomous institution. Branches carry out their activities on behalf of the Autonomous Institution, which is responsible for their activities.

1.17. Full name of the branch:Abdulinsky branch of the State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution "Buguruslan Petroleum College" in the city of Buguruslan, Orenburg Region.

1.18. Abbreviated name of the branch: AF GAPOU "BNK" Buguruslan, Orenburg region.

1.19. Branch location:

461744, Orenburg region, Abdulino, st. Kommunisticheskaya, no. 85.


2.1. The subject and purpose of the activities of an autonomous institution is the implementation of:

a) educational programs of secondary vocational education - training programs for qualified workers, employees, training programs for mid-level specialists;

b) basic vocational training programs - vocational training programs for blue-collar professions, white-collar positions, retraining programs for blue-collar workers, white-collar workers, advanced training programs for blue-collar workers, white-collar workers;

c) additional professional programs - advanced training programs.

2.2. An autonomous institution provides services to the consumer free of charge in the manner prescribed by federal laws, in accordance with the tasks of the Founder and obligations to the insurer for compulsory social insurance. The conditions and procedure for forming the founder’s assignment and the procedure for financial support for the implementation of this assignment are determined by the Government of the Orenburg Region.

In addition to the Founder’s tasks and obligations, an autonomous institution, at its discretion, has the right to perform work and provide services related to its core activities for citizens and legal entities for a fee and on the same conditions for the provision of homogeneous services in the manner established by federal laws.

2.3. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, it carries out the following main activities:

2.3.1. implements educational programs for secondary vocational education - training programs for qualified workers and employees, training programs for mid-level specialists; implements basic vocational training programs - vocational training programs for blue-collar professions, white-collar positions, retraining programs for blue-collar workers, white-collar workers, advanced training programs for blue-collar workers, white-collar workers;

2.3.2. implements educational programs of secondary general education within the framework of the main educational programs of secondary vocational education;

2.3.3. implements additional professional programs – advanced training programs;

2.3.4. implements basic general education programs.

2.4. An autonomous institution has the right to carry out other types of activities only insofar as it serves the achievement of the goals for which it was created and corresponds to these goals, provided that such activities are specified in the Charter.

2.5. Types of income-generating activities carried out by the Autonomous Institution:

  1. additional education for children;

80.22.1 primary vocational education;

  1. training in educational institutions of secondary vocational education;
  2. training in educational institutions of additional professional education (advanced training) for specialists with secondary vocational education;
  3. training of vehicle drivers;

80.42 adult education and other types of education not included in other categories;

55.23.5 activities of other places for temporary residence not included V other groups;

55.51 activities of canteens at enterprises and institutions;

60.24.2 activities of road freight non-specialized transport;

60.24.3 rental of freight vehicles with a driver;

  1. organization of cargo transportation;
  2. car rental;

71.21 rental of other land vehicles and equipment;

71.21.1 rental of other motor vehicles and equipment;

71.34 rental of other machinery and equipment not included in other categories;

71.31. rental of agricultural machinery and equipment;

  1. consulting on computer hardware;

72.20 software development and consulting in this area;

72.30 data processing;

  1. activities to create and use databases and information resources;

72.50 maintenance and repair of office machines and computer equipment;

72.60 other activities related to the use of computer technology and information technology.

2.6. An autonomous institution has no right to carry out activities not provided for by this Charter.

2.7. The right of an autonomous institution to carry out activities for which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, requires a special permit - a license, arises for the autonomous institution from the moment it is received.


3.1. Employees of an autonomous institution include management and teaching staff, administrative, economic, educational and support personnel and other personnel.

3.2. The appointment, dismissal, and regulation of labor relations of employees of an autonomous institution are carried out in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” and other regulatory legal acts.

3.3. The legal status of auxiliary (administrative and economic, educational and auxiliary, engineering, technical, production) personnel is established by Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Internal Labor Regulations, job descriptions, employment contracts with employees.

3.4. The right to occupy positions provided for in Part 3.3 of this article are granted to persons who meet the qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books and (or) professional standards.


4.1. The property is the property of the Orenburg region and is assigned to an autonomous institution with the right of operational management by the Owner in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Other real estate and especially valuable movable property, subsequently acquired by an autonomous institution at the expense of funds allocated to it by the Founder for the acquisition of such property, are also the property of the Orenburg region and are assigned to it by the Owner with the right of operational management in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

4.2. An autonomous institution owns, uses and disposes of the property assigned to it with the right of operational management in accordance with the purpose of the property, the statutory goals of its activities, and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. An autonomous institution, without the consent of the Founder and the Owner, has no right to dispose of real estate and especially valuable movable property assigned to it by the Founder, or acquired by the autonomous institution at the expense of funds allocated to it by the Founder for the acquisition of this property. The autonomous institution has the right to dispose of the remaining property, including real estate, independently, except for property that requires the consent of the Owner.

4.4. Real estate assigned to an autonomous institution with the right of operational management or acquired by an autonomous institution at the expense of funds allocated to it by the Founder for the acquisition of this property, as well as especially valuable movable property, is subject to separate accounting in the prescribed manner.

4.5. An autonomous institution, with the consent of the Founder and Owner, has the right to contribute the property specified in clause 4.4 to the authorized (share) capital of other legal entities or otherwise transfer this property to other legal entities as their founder or participant.

4.6. The land plot necessary for the autonomous institution to fulfill its statutory tasks is provided to it on the right of permanent (indefinite) use.

4.7. The owner of the property exercises control over ensuring the safety and effective use of the property assigned to the autonomous institution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Orenburg region.

4.8. When exercising the right of operational management of property, an autonomous institution is obliged to:

4.8.1. use property effectively;

4.8.2. ensure the safety and use of property strictly for its intended purpose;

4.8.3. prevent deterioration of the technical condition of the property;

4.8.4. carry out current and major repairs of property;

4.8.5. charge depreciation charges on the worn-out part of the property.

4.9. An autonomous institution is prohibited from making transactions, the possible consequences of which are the alienation or encumbrance of property assigned to the autonomous institution, or property acquired with funds allocated to this autonomous institution from the regional budget.


5.1. Financial support for the implementation of the state task of an autonomous institution is carried out at the expense of the regional budget by providing subventions and subsidies for the financing of public services and the maintenance of real estate and especially valuable movable property assigned to the autonomous institution or acquired by it from funds allocated for these purposes by the Founder.

5.2. The sources of formation of the property of an autonomous institution are in the form of:

5.2.1. subsidies and subventions from the regional budget;

5.2.2. income in the form of donations;

5.2.3. revenues received from the provision of additional paid educational services;

5.2.4. income from income-generating activities;

5.2.5. property assigned by the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Property Relations of the Orenburg Region;

5.2.6. property acquired at the expense of budgetary funds and extra-budgetary funds;

5.2.7. other sources not prohibited by Russian legislation.

5.3. The founder provides financial support to the autonomous institution:

5.3.1. to fulfill state tasks of the Founder, taking into account the costs of maintaining real estate and especially valuable movable property assigned to an autonomous institution with the right of operational management or acquired by an autonomous institution at the expense of funds allocated to it by the Founder for the acquisition of such property;

5.3.2. for expenses for paying taxes, as an object of taxation, for which the corresponding property is recognized, including land plots;

5.3.3. for the development of an autonomous institution within the framework of programs approved in the prescribed manner.

5.4. In the case of an autonomous institution leasing, with the consent of the Founder and the Owner, real estate or especially valuable movable property assigned to the autonomous institution with the right of operational management or acquired by the autonomous institution at the expense of funds allocated to it by the Founder for the acquisition of such property, financial support for the maintenance of such property by the Founder is not implemented.


6.1. The structure, competence of the bodies of an autonomous institution, the procedure for their formation, terms of office and the procedure for the activities of such bodies are determined by this Charter in accordance with the Federal Law of November 3, 2006 No. 174-FZ “On Autonomous Institutions”.

6.2. The governing bodies of an autonomous institution are the Supervisory Board, the director of the autonomous institution, as well as the Pedagogical Council, Methodological Council, and Student Council.

6.3. An autonomous institution can have only one Founder.

6.4. Founder of the autonomous institution:

6.4.1. approves, in agreement with the Owner, the Charter of the autonomous institution, as well as changes made to it;

6.4.2. establishes the state task for the autonomous institution in accordance with the main activities provided for by its Charter;

6.4.3. submits proposals to the supervisory board of the autonomous institution for consideration:

b) on the creation or liquidation of branches of an autonomous institution, the opening or closing of its representative offices;

c) on the reorganization or liquidation of an autonomous institution;

d) on the seizure of property assigned to an autonomous institution with the right of operational management;

6.4.4. makes decisions:

a) on the early termination of powers of members of the Supervisory Board and on the appointment of a representative of employees of an autonomous institution as a member of the Supervisory Board or early termination of his powers;

b) in agreement with the Owner on amendments to the Charter of the autonomous institution;

c) on the creation or liquidation of branches of an autonomous institution, the opening or closing of its representative offices;

d) on the reorganization or liquidation of an autonomous institution, as well as a change in its type.

6.4.5. makes proposals to the Owner regarding the assignment of real estate to an autonomous institution and the seizure of this property;

6.4.6. determines a list of especially valuable movable property assigned to an autonomous institution or acquired by an autonomous institution at the expense of funds allocated by the Founder for the acquisition of such property, and also makes changes to it;

6.4.7. approves the transfer act or separation balance sheet, appoints a liquidation commission and approves the interim and final liquidation balance sheets;

6.4.8. appoints the director of the autonomous institution and terminates his powers;

6.4.9. concludes and terminates an employment contract with the director of an autonomous institution;

6.4.10. appoints members of the Supervisory Board of the autonomous institution;

6.4.11. considers and approves proposals from the director of an autonomous institution to carry out transactions with the property of an autonomous institution in cases where, in accordance with the law, the consent of the Founder of the autonomous institution is required for such transactions;

6.4.12. resolves other issues provided for by the Federal Law of November 3, 2006 No. 174-FZ “On Autonomous Institutions”.

6.5. The founder of an autonomous institution communicates his decisions to the autonomous institution in writing within 7 days from the date of their adoption.

6.6. Property owner:

6.6.1. in agreement with the Founder, gives the autonomous institution consent to the disposal of real estate assigned to it under the right of operational management or acquired using funds allocated by the Founder for the acquisition of this property, as well as to the disposal of especially valuable movable property assigned to it under the right of operational management or acquired using funds allocated by the Founder for the acquisition of this property;

6.6.2. gives consent to the autonomous institution contributing the property specified in clause 6.6.1 to the authorized (share) capital of other legal entities or otherwise transferring this property to other legal entities as their founder or participant;

6.6.3. assigns property to the autonomous institution with the right of operational management in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

6.6.4. coordinates lists of especially valuable movable property of an autonomous institution approved by the Founder;

6.6.5. accepts from the liquidation commission of the autonomous institution the property remaining after satisfying the claims of creditors, as well as property that, in accordance with federal laws, cannot be foreclosed upon for the obligations of the autonomous institution;

6.6.6. resolves other issues provided for by the Federal Law of November 3, 2006 No. 174-FZ “On Autonomous Institutions”.

6.7. In an autonomous institution, a supervisory board consisting of 8 to 11 members is formed for a period of five years. The number of members of the supervisory board is approved by order of the Founder.

6.8. The Supervisory Board of an autonomous institution includes representatives of the Founder of the autonomous institution, representatives of executive bodies of state power entrusted with the management of state property, and representatives of the public, including persons with merits and achievements in the relevant field of activity. The Supervisory Board of an autonomous institution may include representatives of other state bodies, local government bodies, and representatives of employees of the autonomous institution. The number of representatives of state bodies and local government bodies on the Supervisory Board should not exceed one third of the total number of members of the Supervisory Board of the autonomous institution. At least half of the representatives of state bodies and local self-government bodies are representatives of the body exercising the functions and powers of the Founder of the autonomous institution. The number of representatives of employees of an autonomous institution cannot exceed one third of the total number of members of the Supervisory Board of the autonomous institution. The term of office of the Supervisory Board is 5 years. The director of an autonomous institution and his deputies cannot be members of the Supervisory Board. The director participates in meetings with the right of an advisory vote.

6.9. The first meeting of the Supervisory Board after its creation, as well as the first meeting of the new composition of the Supervisory Board, is convened at the request of the Founder of the autonomous institution. Until the election of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, it is chaired by the oldest member of the Supervisory Board, with the exception of the representative of the employees of the autonomous institution.

6.10. The Supervisory Board is managed by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, who is elected for the term of office of the Supervisory Board by members of the Supervisory Board by a simple majority of votes of the total number of members of the Supervisory Board.

6.11. Meetings of the Supervisory Board are held as necessary, but at least once a quarter. A meeting of the Supervisory Board is valid if all members of the Supervisory Board of the autonomous institution have been notified of the time and place of its holding, and more than half of the members of the Supervisory Board of the autonomous institution are present at the meeting. Decisions are made by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting, and in the event of a tie, the vote of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board is decisive. A member of the Supervisory Board is prohibited from transferring his vote to any of the members of the Supervisory Board.

6.12. A meeting of the Supervisory Board of an autonomous institution is convened by its Chairman on his own initiative, at the request of the Founder, member of the Supervisory Board or director of the autonomous institution. The initiator of the meeting of the Supervisory Board prepares the issue that has arisen within three days and within five days notifies all members of the Supervisory Board about the need to resolve this issue. A member of the Supervisory Board who cannot, for good reason, attend a meeting of the Supervisory Board, expresses his opinion in writing. The written form cannot be taken into account when discussing issues specified in clauses 6.21.9 and 6.21.10. of this Charter.

6.13. Persons invited by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board may participate in the meeting if more than one third of the total number of members of the Supervisory Board does not object to their presence.

6.14. The supervisory board of an autonomous institution has the right to re-elect its Chairman at any time.

6.15. In the absence of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the autonomous institution, his functions are performed by the senior member of the Supervisory Board of the autonomous institution.

6.16. It is prohibited for a representative of employees of an autonomous institution to be the chairman of the Supervisory Board of an autonomous institution.

a) the director of the autonomous institution and his deputies;

b) persons who have an unexpunged or unexpunged criminal record.

6.18. It is prohibited for an autonomous institution to pay remuneration to members of the Supervisory Board for the performance of their duties, with the exception of compensation for documented expenses directly related to participation in the work of the Supervisory Board of an autonomous institution.

6.19. Members of the Supervisory Board of an autonomous institution are obliged to use the services of an autonomous institution only on equal terms with other citizens.

6.20. The powers of a member of the Supervisory Board of an autonomous institution may be terminated early:

a) at the request of a member of the Supervisory Board of an autonomous institution;

b) if a member of the Supervisory Board of an autonomous institution is unable to perform his duties due to health reasons or due to his absence from the location of the autonomous institution for four months;

c) if a member of the Supervisory Board of an autonomous institution is brought to criminal liability;

d) in case of termination of labor relations of a member of the Supervisory Board with a state body or local government body, from which he was a representative in the Supervisory Board of an autonomous institution.

6.21. The supervisory board of the autonomous institution considers:

6.21.1. proposals from the Founder or director of an autonomous institution to amend the Charter of the autonomous institution;

6.21.2. proposals of the Founder or director of an autonomous institution on the creation and liquidation of branches of an autonomous institution, on the opening and closing of its representative offices;

6.21.3. proposals of the Founder or director of an autonomous institution on the reorganization of an autonomous institution or on its liquidation;

6.21.4. proposals from the Founder or director of an autonomous institution to seize property assigned to the autonomous institution with the right of operational management;

6.21.5. proposals from the director of an autonomous institution on the participation of an autonomous institution in other legal entities, including the contribution of funds and other property to the authorized (share) capital of other legal entities or the transfer of such property in another way to other legal entities, as a Founder or participant;

6.21.6. a draft plan for the financial and economic activities of an autonomous institution;

6.21.7. upon the proposal of the director of an autonomous institution, draft reports on the activities of the autonomous institution and on the use of its property, on the implementation of the plan for its financial and economic activities, the annual financial statements of the autonomous institution;

6.21.8. proposals from the director of an autonomous institution to carry out transactions for the disposal of property that the autonomous institution does not have the right to dispose of independently;

6.21.9. proposals from the director of an autonomous institution to carry out major transactions;

6.21.10. proposals from the director of an autonomous institution to carry out transactions in which there is an interest;

6.21.11. proposals from the director of an autonomous institution on the selection of credit institutions in which the autonomous institution can open bank accounts;

6.21.12. issues of conducting an audit of the annual financial statements of an autonomous institution and approval of the audit organization.

6.22. On the issues specified in clauses 6.21.1.- 6.21.4. and 6.21.8., the supervisory board of the autonomous institution makes recommendations. Following the recommendations of the Supervisory Board, the Founder makes decisions on the issues specified in clauses 6.21.1 - 6.21.3, the Owner, in agreement with the Founder, on the issues specified in clauses 6.21.4, 6.21.8.

6.23. On the issue specified in clause 6.21.6., the Supervisory Board of the autonomous institution gives an opinion, a copy of which is sent to the Founder of the autonomous institution. On the issue specified in clauses 6.21.5., 6.21.11., the Supervisory Board of the autonomous institution gives an opinion. The director of the autonomous institution makes decisions on these issues after considering the conclusions of the Supervisory Board of the autonomous institution.

6.24. Documents submitted in accordance with clause 6.21.7. are approved by the supervisory board of the autonomous institution. Copies of these documents are sent to the Founder.

6.25. On the issues specified in clauses 6.21.9., 6.21.10. and 6.21.12., the supervisory board of the autonomous institution makes decisions that are binding on the director of the autonomous institution.

6.27. Decisions on issues specified in clauses 6.21.9. and 6.21.12., are adopted by the Supervisory Board of the autonomous institution by a two-thirds majority vote of the total number of votes of the members of the Supervisory Board of the autonomous institution.

6.28. The decision on the issue specified in clause 6.21.10 is made by the Supervisory Board of the autonomous institution in accordance with Federal Law No. 174-FZ dated November 3, 2006 “On Autonomous Institutions”.

6.29. Issues within the competence of the Supervisory Board of an autonomous institution provided for by this Charter cannot be transferred to other bodies of the autonomous institution.

6.30. At the request of the Supervisory Board of an autonomous institution or any of its members, other bodies of the autonomous institution are obliged to provide information on issues within the competence of the Supervisory Board of the autonomous institution.

6.31. The head of the autonomous institution is a director who has passed the appropriate certification and is appointed to the position by the Founder under an employment contract. The competence of the director includes the current management of the activities of the autonomous institution, with the exception of issues falling within the competence of the Founder of the autonomous institution and the Supervisory Board of the autonomous institution.

6.32. The director manages the activities of the autonomous institution in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Orenburg region, orders of the Founder and decisions of the Supervisory Board of the autonomous institution, this Charter, and the terms of the employment contract.

6.33. Director of an autonomous institution:

6.33.1. carries out recruitment and placement of personnel, distribution of job responsibilities between employees.

6.33.2. acts without a power of attorney on behalf of an autonomous institution, including representing its interests and making transactions on its behalf, and issuing powers of attorney.

6.33.3. bears personal responsibility for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the autonomous institution, as well as responsibility for the safety, efficiency and use of state property of the Orenburg region for its intended purpose.

6.33.4. represents and defends the rights of an autonomous institution in all judicial and state bodies, local governments, organizations, as well as abroad.

6.33.5. carries out, within its competence, moral and material encouragement of employees of the autonomous institution and imposes disciplinary sanctions on them.

6.33.6. determines the directions in accordance with the statutory activities and the procedure for the use and disposal of net profit received by the autonomous institution as a result of income-generating activities.

6.33.7. ensures the safety of the property transferred to it under the right of operational management, effectively uses material and monetary resources, develops the material, technical and training base within the limits of available funds.

6.33.8. states:

a) staffing schedule of the autonomous institution;

b) a plan for the financial and economic activities of the autonomous institution;

c) annual financial statements of the autonomous institution and internal documents regulating the activities of the autonomous institution;

d) issues orders and gives instructions that are binding on all employees of the autonomous institution.

6.33.9. makes a proposal to the Supervisory Board:

a) on amendments to the Charter of an autonomous institution;

b) on the creation and liquidation of branches of an autonomous institution, on the opening and closing of its representative offices;

c) on the reorganization of an autonomous institution or on its liquidation;

d) on the seizure of property assigned to an autonomous institution with the right of operational management;

e) on the participation of an autonomous institution in other legal entities, including the contribution of funds and other property to the authorized (share) capital of other legal entities or the transfer of such property in another way to other legal entities, as a founder or participant;

f) on the completion of transactions for the disposal of real estate or especially valuable movable property assigned to an autonomous institution or acquired by an autonomous institution at the expense of funds allocated to it by the Founder for the acquisition of this property;

g) on ​​the selection of credit institutions in which an autonomous institution can open bank accounts;

h) on making major transactions;

j) on the execution of transactions in which there is an interest.

6.33.10. after the conclusions of the Supervisory Board, makes decisions:

a) on the choice of credit institutions in which an autonomous institution can open bank accounts;

6.33.11. submits to the Supervisory Board:

a) draft reports on the activities of the autonomous institution and on the use of its property, on the implementation of the plan for its financial and economic activities, the annual financial statements of the autonomous institution.

6.33.12. resolves other issues provided for by the Federal Law of November 3, 2006 No. 174-FZ “On Autonomous Institutions”.

6.34. To ensure collegiality in resolving issues of educational, methodological and educational work, physical education of students, a Pedagogical Council is created, the composition and activities of which are determined by the regulations approved by order of the director of the autonomous institution. The Chairman of the Pedagogical Council is the director of the autonomous institution.

The competence of the Pedagogical Council includes:

a) issues of analysis, assessment and planning:

The volume and quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students;

Theoretical and industrial training, practical training, educational and methodological work;

Inspection and internal control of the educational process;

Educational programs and curricula, as well as changes and additions to them.

b) issues of development, testing, examination and application by teaching staff:

New pedagogical and educational technologies;

Methods and means of professional selection and orientation;

New forms and teaching materials, manuals, training and control tools;

New forms and methods of theoretical and industrial training, practical training for students.

The Pedagogical Council is competent to make decisions if at least half of the payroll of the Pedagogical Council of the autonomous institution participates in its work. The pedagogical council makes decisions by open voting with a simple majority of votes.

The Methodological Council is a public body that unites teaching staff of an autonomous institution, and is created for the purpose of coordinating various services aimed at developing scientific and methodological support for the educational process. The main activity of the Methodological Council is to plan innovation and research activities, to develop recommendations and proposals for its improvement. The legal status of the Methodological Council is enshrined in the Charter and Regulations on the Methodological Council.

The Student Council is the main body of student self-government, which is voluntary, self-governing, created on the initiative of students, based on their common interests for the implementation of common goals and objectives.

The main goals of the student self-government system are: protection and representation of the rights and interests of students, assistance to students in solving educational, social and other problems affecting the interests of students, formation of an active civic position among students. The legal status of the Student Council is enshrined in the Charter and Regulations on the Student Council.

Other self-government bodies may also be created in an autonomous institution.



7.1. An autonomous institution may be reorganized (in the form of merger, accession, division, spin-off) in cases and in the manner provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of November 3, 2006 No. 174-FZ “On Autonomous Institutions” and other federal laws.

7.2. An autonomous institution may be liquidated on the grounds and in the manner provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

7.3. The claims of creditors of a liquidated autonomous institution are satisfied at the expense of property, which, in accordance with Federal Law dated November 3, 2006 No. 174-FZ “On Autonomous Institutions,” can be foreclosed upon.

7.4. The real estate of the autonomous institution of the Orenburg region, remaining after satisfying the claims of creditors, as well as real estate, which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, cannot be foreclosed on under the obligations of the autonomous institution being liquidated, is transferred by the liquidation commission to the Property Owner.

The movable property of the autonomous institution of the Orenburg region, remaining after satisfaction of the creditors' claims, as well as movable property, which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, cannot be foreclosed on under the obligations of the autonomous institution being liquidated, is transferred by the liquidation commission to the owner of the property.


8.1. An autonomous institution adopts local regulations containing norms regulating educational relations, within its competence in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the manner established by its charter.

8.2. Local regulations of an autonomous institution are approved by the director of the autonomous institution.

  1. the opinion of student councils, parent councils, representative bodies of students,as well as in the manner and in cases provided for by labor legislation, representative bodies of employees of an autonomous institution (if there are such representative bodies).

8.4. The provision of information by an autonomous institution, its placement on the official website on the Internet and the maintenance of this website are carried out in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.5. The autonomous institution, in accordance with the established procedure, conducts office work and stores documents in all areas of its activities, including financial and economic documents and documents on the personnel of students and employees.

An autonomous institution is obliged to ensure the safety of confidential information and its media by developing and implementing a system of measures for information protection, security and fire safety.