The future according to tarot cards. Fortune telling online for free. fortune telling with tarot cards. Collection of free fortune telling

Location and date of origin tarot cards shrouded in legends, fables and speculation. Someone says that Tarot originated in ancient times in Egypt, others consider it their homeland Tarot India, and still others claim that it was the Arab East. One legend even says that great cards Tarot this is not just a playing and fortune-telling instrument, it is a kind of way of exploring and understanding the world for people living and inhabiting the Earth, left as a gift by an more ancient race that long ago disappeared from our planet. Many scientists agree that most likely Tarot originated in the era of the mystical and cruel Middle Ages, and got their name from the flowing not far from Italian city Palemo River Tarot. At the same time, traditional symbolism tarot cards has its roots in much more ancient cultures, namely it was borrowed by the authors of maps in ancient religions and sources. Standard Tarot deck presented in the form of 78 cards, divided into two groups:

    Major Arcana- trump cards, consists of 22 cards

  • Minor Arcana- four suits, 56 cards, 14 cards of each suit: Wands, Pentacles, Cups and Swords.

Each suit begins with an Ace, followed by a two, three, four, and so on up to ten. Of course, there are also figure cards, which include the King, Queen, Knight and Page. Major Arcana- these are 22 images, at first glance in no way suitable friend to a friend in meaning. In this scenario beautiful pictures Each time they draw us a unique and interesting story that has an interpretation and tells us the past, present and future in a person’s life. Experts in fortune telling by cards Tarot they write that the Major Arcana indicate a person’s long life journey from the moment of his birth until old age. Images on Tarot cards take into account the features human life with its joys, discoveries, grief, problems, flights and sharp falls. Specialists thanks Major Arcana not only talk about specific future events, but also model all sorts of changes in human life. Minor Arcana- these are 56 cards divided into four suits: cups, pentacles, swords and wands. Each suit of the Minor Arcana is divided into 10 number cards and 4 figure cards. Number cards for fortune telling allow you to display various events in a person’s life, relationships with others, the state of feelings and spirit. Figure cards - also known as Knight, Queen, King and Page - contain a set of various human character traits. Figure cards in certain combinations are interpreted by fortune tellers as a person’s moral experiences or manifestations of his feelings. Sometimes a Knight, Lady, King or Page will be able to point to a person they have identified and tell about his intentions towards the fortuneteller. Each suit tarot cards also has its own symbolic meaning. The suit of Wands (aka Staves) symbolizes the passionate, unshakable element of Fire. Fourteen cards of the suit of Wands in fortune telling characterize the level of creative abilities and the ability to use them to solve life's confusions and problems. Cards of the Wands suit indicate that the person is very purposeful, and also full of optimism and enthusiasm. However, common sense at this moment may refuse him.

The suit of Cups (aka Cups) symbolizes the fickle element of Water. During fortune telling, cards of this suit tell about a person’s emotionality and interpersonal relationships. The Suit of Swords symbolizes the element of invisible, fast, but quite perceptible by the soul and body of Air. This suit reveals the characteristics of the intellect, and a sword, sharp on both sides, is an excellent confirmation of the duality of the human mind: a sharply sharpened blade of the mind is capable of solving the most complex problems posed by life, but inflexible steel can inflict a wound. Fourteen cards of the suit of Swords characterize mental abilities, the ability to think logically and construct situations. The suit of Pentacles (Coins) personifies the element of the ancestor of the Earth. The Pentacles cards show the connection of all five senses with the body and spirit. They are related to work and money. When fortune telling, fourteen cards of the suit of Pentacles reveal a person’s ability to sense perception and indicate future problems. This suit also indicates whether a person has a penchant for farming.

The best fortune telling in the world

Collection of free fortune telling

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Hello, Nadezhda
Will I get this job: 10 den., Ace den., 7 of Wands (Chariot, 9 den.)
What awaits my competitor with this job?
10 of Swords (King of Swords), Lovers (8 Cups), Hanged Man (7 den.)
What contract does he have now?
10 cc, 3 wands (Jester), Hermit (Lovers)
The situation is this: I was given a job, but one person intervened and placed his man there. Imposed. I know that not everything is so smooth with this competitor. Problems with people who wanted to take me. Therefore, it will be interesting to see how the situation will end in the end. Thank you.

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Hello! You shouldn’t let everything go, you need to actively get involved in the struggle and defend your place in the sun, proving your superiority precisely from the point of view of greater material gain, for leadership and increased well-being if you are employed there. That is, don't be shy. Cast aside all doubts and act in such a way that everyone understands that you are not an amoeba and are better than your competitor in everything. Moreover, nothing good awaits him there. He will lose this place, but not immediately and not as quickly as he could due to the fact that although the boss does not want to see him in this place, he is not able to influence this now, because... V this issue, most likely, family ties of your competitor are involved. Regarding the contract, I didn’t understand what it was about. Are you expecting me to tell you its number, or its name, or what this contract is about?

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As for the contract, I’m not sure that they gave him what he wanted - for 2-3 years. I think more than a couple of months. He had had such contracts before and was hoping for this more serious one. But I’m not sure that he succeeded, although he works there, hoping for more

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What do I need to do to get this job: Hermit (9 den.), Ace of den., Star (Queen of Cups)
Should I talk to the employer: Page of Cups (Knight Den.), 4 Cube (Queen Den.), 5 Cube (Strength)
It seems to me that they really can’t, they were under a lot of pressure. Plus, the person who put pressure on a competitor can’t stand me. And so I don’t know how to prove that I’m better. They already know if they took me. I have their contacts, and they have mine. And we didn’t communicate so closely, I don’t know people personally.

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Hello, Nadezhda!
Please help me fight.
What are R.'s true feelings? For me?
Either a ladies' man on a walk, or a caring man, or an irritated tyrant boss. Even if he shows interest in me, it feels like he immediately regrets it. With such swings, I decided that it was better to just watch and not get involved in his strange games.

5 of Wands, Queen of Cups (my element), Sun.

And what will his behavior towards me be like for the next week and a half? (I’m running out of probation, I’m interested in his reaction to its result. I’m afraid that he’ll start wiping his feet on me)

Abstinence, Magician, Star.

In my opinion, he doesn’t care what they write. He’ll also be surprised: are we having an inspection?

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Dolphin, it’s not easy for me to fight in the stream of your consciousness. What kind of checks, who will write what??? I didn’t understand anything, but it was very interesting...
He is raising you. He wants to forge you into the one he needs. During this period, you are unlikely to be with him. Most likely, he will be removed from you, if not geographically, then mentally, for sure...

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Nadezhda, thank you for answering my chaotic questions)).. Now “horses and people” are mixed up in my head.

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Hello, dear Nadezhda, I beg you to help me with the schedule, I will be very grateful to you for your help. The situation is this: one client at my work began to show signs of attention, he began to notice that he liked me as a girl. But he hasn’t asked me out on a date yet, I really want to find out if our relationship will begin.
1) What does he think of me: Hermit.
2) How does Valet Zhezlov feel about me?
3) Is he going to somehow show himself towards me in the near future: 3 Denarievs.
4) Will we start a relationship with him in the next month: 9 Denariev)

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Hello, Alyonka! He wants to somehow develop his acquaintance with you, offer you friendship, or something joint, some kind of event, for starters, but the fact is that he, internally, is on a completely different wavelength and this state does not contribute to your acquaintance , nor its development. Therefore, you will have to take full responsibility in this situation. It will depend on you what and how will happen between you at this stage...

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Hello, Nadezhda! I'm looking for a job. I sent my resume to the vacancy, the employer responded. They suggested doing a test. I tried very hard, spent a lot of time and effort. I was almost sure that I did well. Let me clarify right away: the test was large in volume ( different types translations into different languages), so checking the task would have to take at least some time. They informed me that they were sending the test for evaluation, but literally half an hour later they refused. I was shocked. She asked why I didn’t apply for the vacancy. The answer of the cards is ten of swords. Please explain what the reason was, using the cards. It's very hard on my soul. Thank you.

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Hello Emma! Someone decided that you are not suitable, that you have no place in this matter. That is, it’s someone’s decision. Who, why and what exactly is the reason for this decision, I cannot say. For this, more information is needed...

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Good day! Help me understand. Will I receive an offer to return to my old place of work (a project with which I previously worked is being launched) Horseman of Wands, ext. - force. And will justice + court be of economic interest to me? What I'll end up with if I agree is 4 swords + tower. By the way, I left because I didn’t see anything good there and, judging by the maps, it looks like it’s not worth returning. Just wondering if they need me, will they try to lure me back? What will you tell me? Thank you.

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Hello Julia! Judging by the result, then yes, you shouldn’t go there, and the situation itself is now quite controversial. There is something for this work, there is also something against it, and you are not recommended to make any sudden, rash decisions about returning, because... the contradictions that existed before will only grow. You can only get and achieve what you rightfully can, or should have, through the courts, with the involvement of official structures, such as the police, the prosecutor's office, etc.

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Does a man want a personal relationship with me? King of Cups 3 of Wands 7 Denarii
Will we have a relationship? King of Cups 7 of Swords Ace of Denarii
Somehow everything is not romantic at all. Apparently he is only interested in working relationships.
Nadezhda, help with interpretation, please!

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She also asked what kind of relationship she wants with me? 10 of wands jack of cups 4 denarii

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Elena, let's switch places. I will ask you whatever questions I want, without explaining what’s what, and you will explain them to me. What if you manage, on some tenth or hundredth attempt, to guess at least something and give me the correct answers to them. It will be interesting to watch this...

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If I knew the right answers myself, I wouldn't ask for cards

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Hello, Nadezhda!
I am on the verge of changes in life - a change of place of residence, work, improvement of my financial situation.
Will I meet my man in this regard?
5 denarii. 2 swords. Chariot. 8 denarii. 10 denarii. 4 wands
Thank you

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Hello, Christina! It’s very possible if you stop conflicting with yourself and thinking that nothing will work out for you. What for you, there is no person who suits your needs and what your soul asks for. Your move will change a lot in your life and, with your diligence and due effort, the chances of achieving excellent results in everything are very high. So, don’t close yourself off from the World. Try to solve your psycho-emotional problems and go ahead to your happiness.

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Yes, as you saw! There are such thoughts... Thank you very much, Nadezhda!

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Good afternoon, Nadezhda,
In the last two weeks, some strange things have been happening in my life - minor troubles, expenses, conflicts, nervousness and irritability, health problems, everything is falling apart. I absolutely don’t understand what’s happening and what to do about it. I just do what I can and try to control myself as much as possible.
What's going on is the chariot.
How should I behave, Empress.
What I need to take away from this is justice.

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Hello Alice! I think that the cards indicate that what is happening to you is connected with decisive and, one might say, global changes in your life. You are on your journey, you have reached the point where the past no longer satisfies you. Do you need Fresh air, new spaces to conquer and you no longer want to put up with what was fine with you just yesterday. You know you can do more and deserve more. You see and clearly understand your goal. At the same time, the situation is not simple and requires your constant and precise control and management. If this is the case, don’t be afraid of anything! You have everything to achieve your goal. You just need to show activity, courage and a sufficient degree of care to achieve your goal. Everything that will be done honestly, without “negotiations,” with yourself and your conscience, as well as in relation to people. Will be rewarded according to conscience. So overall, you have great cards. Take action and you will achieve it.

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Nadezhda, thank you very much! Inspired to act.
Very clearly, everything is as it is.

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Nadezhda, hello! Strange events are happening in my life. The man from the past is again observing me. Quite persistent. I asked why? 3 denarii, Queen of denarii, 6 denarii, what goals does it serve? Tower, Mage, 10 of Wands, what could happen next between us? Ace of Wands, Horseman of Swords, Ace of Swords, please help me understand. I don’t trust him because he is a manipulator, a “slippery”, secretive man.

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Yes, that seems to be the case. You shouldn't trust him. He has lost control over you and it is very difficult for him because of this, because... he eats at your expense. This can concern anything, from your vital energy (like an energy vampire), and even elementary - material resources and other practical help, to him. You need to be prepared to reflect his actions, because... there is nothing good for you in them. Most likely, there will be a scandal, a sharp clarification of relations and activation on his part, in terms of further surveillance on the network, through mutual friends, etc., at a distance. In addition, you should know that sexual energies are involved in this issue on his part. They fuel his interest in you and push him to take action, but the goal is not only and not so much sex, but to control you in order to obtain practical benefits from you...

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Thank you, Nadezhda! You saw everything correctly. He lost control, there is no energy replenishment. I just want to express everything that I think about him. That, apart from surveillance, he can’t do anything normally on the sly. Surveillance, not through social networks, but from the car watching through my windows. I wouldn’t be surprised, he’s probably sitting with binoculars. Sexual energy, anything is possible. Nothing happened to us in the past.

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Thank you, Nadezhda! I re-read your comment again and again... The situation is really confusing. Perhaps the real situation is not at all the way I see it or the assumptions I make.

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Are they having an affair?
How he treats me? Jester, Star, 8 of Wands

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In a couple of months, she and her department will move to another building, far from ours. How will my relationship with him develop after she moves? 10 Cups, Queen of Denariev, 10 Denariev. I would like to establish at least friendly relations with him...

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Hello, Alena! I will answer you this way - no matter how the situation develops and no matter what happens in this period, before moving, you need to control yourself and try to control the course of events, without particularly interfering in their course. Between them. there really is (or rather was) a connection, which, as I understand it, was broken on her initiative. This man, in my opinion, may have some problems with the psyche, or with development as a person. I’m telling you about this so that you understand that he is NOT PREDICTABLE and what can be expected from him? So that you are prepared for suddenly changing circumstances. Because, despite what is happening now, after she moved, you and him can develop a very good relationship.

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Hello, Nadezhda! Help me please. I would like to get my ex back young man, who has this moment Looks like there's a girl. We recently talked, he was very vague in his statements, so I am in uncertainty.
1. How does the relationship between K and new girl Now? 5 of Cups, Ace of Swords, 6 of Swords.
2. How will their relationship develop if I enter into a “fight”? 6 of Cups, Strength, Emperor.
3. How will our relationship develop if I take the initiative? 7 of Wands, 3 of Wands, Priest.
4. What if I remain inactive? Knight of Cups, 8 of Swords, Ace of Denarii.
5. Will I agree if I invite you to meet? 6 denarii, 5 denarii, 7 denarii.
6. Will we meet this week? 8 cups, 2 denarii, Ace of Wands.
Apparently not

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Hello, Valeria! I think that you should help him determine who he will feel good and better with. There is a very difficult moment between them, most likely indicating a break in relations, but he does not want to accept it. If you take measures to return him, I think that everything will work out for you, but not right away. because at the moment, he is not ready for a sharp change in the situation and state of affairs. You need to show him the prospects of his relationship with her and with you and so that he understands that returning to you, from all sides, is the right and correct decision. Like that...

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Thanks a lot!

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Hope, help me understand the answer!
Will I have a man in the next six months? King of Cups 10 Denarii Horseman of Wands.
Now I am alone. Thank you.

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It is very likely that such a man already exists and it is also possible that he may be married, maybe even older than you, but I cannot say that you will become a stable and strong couple. Rather, it will be a stormy and vibrant connection between people for whom everything is wonderful, except for one thing - the opportunity to be together all the time.

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I laid out the cards for 3 men who are present more or less in life.
What kind of relationship will there be with the first one in the next six months - 8 denarii world sun
With the second - Ace of Swords 5 of Wands 6 of Cups
With the third (ex-husband, there is a reb) - 4 of wands lovers 5 of wands I don’t consider him, but you never know if he fell out.
Help with interpretation!

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Lena, despite the fact that ex-husband you, as it were, are not ready to seriously talk about your happiness, I must inform you - upon successful resolution of actually trivial issues with who is the boss of the house and all kinds of empty opposition to each other, as well as the cessation of exaltation one over the other and the realization that family comes first and only then personal things, you can achieve everything that is dear and valuable to you, that you want to have, to feel YOUR happiness...
The first option should also be considered good, but to achieve results you will need a lot of effort, time and skill.

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At the same time, all this may have the opposite result, because there is a high probability of separation after reaching a certain point in the relationship. The second option should not be considered. That is, with your husband, and with the first one on the list, you have good opportunities but, with the first entry, success and failure = between each other and both will require a lot of attention, skills, strength and time, and with your husband, you just need to erase pride, extend your hands to each other and accept each other as you are at this point, your possible path. As you continue to improve your efforts to accept and grow closer to each other, you will be happy...

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Thank you, Nadezhda! In general, in the end, apparently, it will not appear.

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Hello, Nadezhda.
Can you advise me.
I didn’t exactly quarrel with the man, but it so happened that I set him up a little. I didn’t do it on purpose, I didn’t think at all that it would turn out this way. I explained to him, I don’t know if he believed me. But he was very angry and told me never to call again. That he will call someday, but he doesn’t even promise that.
What's next in the relationship? Priest, 6 swords, jack of cups, 9 wands, emperor.
How does he feel about me now? 10 of swords, 9 of cups, lovers.
Is 10 swords the end of everything?

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Hello, Albina! In general, he really doesn’t mind restoring the relationship, but only on the condition that you, for your part, show and prove to him that you really understood everything and moreover, do not allow such a situation to happen again. And, of course, you will try to find the right way out of their current situation. Regarding what is happening in him now, you are close to breaking up the relationship, but the final verdict has not been made and much will depend on your behavior and the correctness of your steps.

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Hello, how will things be for me at work after my boss leaves? maternity leave, Temperance, Ace of Swords, Eight of Wands. Thank you

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Hello! I think there will be a lot of small fuss. Perhaps, “sorting out the rubble,” finding out the true state of affairs and, if there is stagnation in work, the reasons for its formation, as well as making decisions and measures to get out of this situation. In the same time, asked question, is very generalized and the answer of the cards may have the same, generalized meaning, or maybe a warning about removal from work. This needs to be clarified in more detail...

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Will we have a marriage?
Ace of Wands, 2 Denarii, Queen of Cups.
Will we have children?
Peace, Ace of Denarii, 6 of Cups
What does it mean?
They say before that 2 denarii meant 2 rings, marriage. This is true?

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Nadezhda, hello!

Please help me understand the situation. I am dating a man, in a past relationship the woman betrayed him, so he has a very big problems with trust, it’s hard to let someone close to you. I don’t know if we can overcome this problem, or if I’m powerless here and it’s better to break off the relationship.

How does he feel about me? Horseman of Wands, King of Cups, Seven of Swords

What is the future of our relationship? Nine of Swords, Nine of Cups, Six of Denarii

How should I behave so that he understands that he can trust me? Star, King of Swords, Seven of Wands

What is his relationship with A (he says that they are friends, but there are suspicions that there may be betrayal on his part; he knows that I really don’t like her)? Tower, 5 cups, 2 swords

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Hello, Lida! You don't have to worry about "A". Nothing threatens you from this direction, but as for him... In general, the situation with his attitude towards you is not exactly the same as you see it. because he himself broadcasts something that is not quite what it really is. He loves women and, due to his character traits or views on relationships, cannot get hooked for a long time with just one. He is tossed from side to side, like a sailboat, without an anchor, in a storm. It is also likely that he is one of the breed of people to whom everything needs to be brought and served, courted and pleased. Heightened feeling and the desire for a comfortable life arranged for oneself is a predominant feature in it.

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Hence the rest of the resulting aspirations and actions. That is, with a tale about the trauma he received, he masks his inability to be with one woman and his weakness for pleasure, including excesses in sex, alcohol, doing nothing, etc. You should know about this and be clearly aware of it, because... if you decide to “hang his head over your fireplace,” you will have to fight for this trophy for a very long time. Gradually, with hard work, overcoming his severity, coldness and harshness in relationships with you. In short, you will be like Gerda and Kai, from the Snow Queen...

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Good evening! Help me understand the reason for the misunderstanding in my relationship with my friend. We work at the same company, she is the head of another department. We communicate mainly about work, sometimes I come to her for advice (she is older, wiser), sometimes we gossip about employees. In relationships, I try to maintain subordination. There were no conflicts, but lately the relationship has been somewhat strained... Maybe I’m pushing myself too hard?..
What does she think of me? Moon, 6 Denariev, 6 Wands
How does it relate? King of Denarii, Tower, Knight of Cups
Why did you change your attitude towards me? Lovers, Queen of Wands, Death
Maybe I'm too frank with her (sometimes I share my personal problems)? Magician, 6 Denariev, Wheel of Fortune.

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She and I have a mutual friend whom we helped in difficult situation. She behaves somehow strangely: either she’s trying to find out (not directly) how I feel about him, or she’s trying to bring us together, periodically pushing us together... Maybe because of him, her attitude towards me has changed? 7 of Wands, Ace of Denariev, 9 Denariev
Wants to set me up with him? Horseman of Swords, World, Moon
Or maybe she herself is not indifferent to him? Ace of Swords, World, Tower.
Advice on how to behave with her? Horseman of Cups, Ace of Cups, Hanged Man.
Thanks for the help.

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Hello! Yes! It seems that the root of your sudden problems lies in matters of the heart. But the situation is too confusing and I don’t see from the maps that clear correspondence between the real situation and your explanations of the situation. You should understand that his movements towards you have no prospects and you should not expect a happy ending from this situation. It is also likely that she viewed you as a person who has great potential to achieve high performance in the profession. activity but, now, your chances of achieving this are in big question and the root of this, again, is in this triangle: you - he - she... She understands that she has no chance of getting it but also giving it you don't want to. Rather, she will be happy about your quarrel or open conflict. Don't talk to her about your relationships with men...

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Thank you, Nadezhda!
She also asked: how does he feel about her? Empress, Queen of Swords, Strength.
What's going on in their relationship now? Empress, 9 Denariev, Tower.
Are they having an affair?
How he treats me? Jester, Star, 8 of Wands.

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I re-read your comment again and again... The situation is really confusing. Perhaps the real situation is not at all the way I see it or the assumptions I make.
Only on his part there are no movements towards me. He reacted extremely sharply and negatively to my help. I try to stay away from him, although I still worry about him. Perhaps he changed his attitude towards me...
A few months ago there were three vacancies in her department, just during this period I had problems at work, I applied for one of these vacancies. But she offered me others, not the one I wanted. I got the impression that I didn’t want to refuse, and was offering positions, knowing that I wouldn’t agree to them...
I don’t know how to behave with her, with him?..

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An acquaintance whom I had not seen for a long time called after exchanging messages, I could not answer, and he stopped answering messages.
I want to clarify the situation.
What did you want when Justice called?
Why doesn't he answer? Horseman of Swords.
What behavior does he want from me? Lady
How should I behave 6 cups
How will the Ace of Swords behave towards me?
That he has 9 denarii in his personal life
Plans for me World

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Nata! If you want to get some kind of loving emotions with him, you should answer him and let him know that you are ready to restore your relationship with him. It is unlikely that he wants to see you as his wife. More like a mistress.

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Thank you very much, Nadezhda.
This person evokes a lot of emotions and interest in me, but is difficult to understand. Our breakup happened after he said he wanted to get married and I wasn't ready.
He wants to see me as the Mistress of the Empress, the wife of the Jack of Cups.

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Hello Nadezhda. Tell me what you see in my layout. The man has been attractive to me for a long time, and so have I. But he is one step forward, 3 steps back. He says that he is free (well, it’s clear that sex has not been canceled). I have a friendly relationship with flirting, help, etc. I'm currently in the process of divorcing my husband and I'm spying on this man. I would like to understand what feelings, intentions and actions he has.
Is he free from a relationship? Wheel of fortune, magician, 3 of pentacles
What's going on in his personal life now? 8 of swords, king of cups, 2 of cups
What is his relationship with me? 6 of Pentacles, 6 of Cups, 7 of Pentacles
What kind of relationship would he like with me? Devil, King of Pentacles, 3 of Pentacles
What emotions do you have for me? 3 of Pentacles, 7 of Cups, King of Pentacles
What will he do next for me? Ace of Swords, 5 of Wands, 6 of Pentacles
How will relations develop further in March? 2 cups, knight of swords(3 cups), 6 cups

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Hello Katrin! He is in a difficult situation when he is strongly attached to a woman, but she does not accept him. He waits and hopes, tries to return, develop a relationship with her, but for now, everything has frozen. He doesn't know what to do in this situation. He sees and understands your emotions towards him, but is in no hurry to accept them, because... in the heart, another. It is likely that you will be able to switch it to yourself and you will receive it, but this is not certain and for such an outcome, it is necessary that he himself decides that you better than that one along which it dries. Do you have a 100% guarantee for this, I don’t know how and what you need to do for this, if you need it...

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Good afternoon Please explain the meaning of the cards in my case: 2 cups, additional: hanged man and 4 denarii
My friend really struck a chord with me, probably everyone here is already tired of the different scenarios. I asked the cards how he should treat me. Casual acquaintance, we met in a common company quite a long time ago, but we don’t communicate at all outside of it. Last week we crossed paths again at a party and now he just doesn’t suit me at all. I decided to organize another party, well, so that there would be a reason to meet again, since it’s easy to write something to him, etc. We didn’t communicate so closely at those parties. And I was already racking my brain about whether I like it or not. And I still regret that I didn’t make it clear that I still liked him. Thanks for the answer!

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Hello, Nastya! I understand you well. The more unattainable a goal is, the more desirable it is. You have driven yourself into a situation that may have Negative consequences for you.
Most likely, he likes you, but in the current circumstances, he is not free to choose and, for some reason, must restrain his sympathies and desires. What it is. and what exactly are the reasons for this state, according to these cards, I will not say. Perhaps problems with work and money, perhaps simply the awareness that you are at different potentials and understanding this does not give him an incentive (a kick in the ass) to manifest his thoughts towards you. I can't tell from your cards. In any case, without this understanding of the reasons, this state and behavior, the rest is useless...

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Thank you very much for your answer and participation!

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Hello, Nadezhda! Please help me understand the cards. I communicated with the person for a long time, including on social networks, without adding each other as friends. He proposed marriage, I did not take him seriously, although I am not indifferent to him. Over time, communication stopped...Recently on social media. networks, seeing that during this time I had a child, he rated my photos with the child and made a friend request. I want to know what a person's intentions are.
Should I add him as a friend? Ace of Denariev.
Does he have feelings for me? Three Denarii.
Does he have good intentions? Ace of Wands.
Jealous? Jack of Wands.
Should I write to him? Horseman of Wands.
Just want some friendly communication? 9 Cups.

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Hello, Lisa! You will forgive me for my “out-of-dateness” but... Are you sure that you are aware of what is happening to you???
To all your questions, the answer is yes...

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Hello, Nadezhda!
I am very grateful to you for your answer 02.03.
Yes, we really are not married.
I asked more additional questions, please take a look.
He misses? 7 of Cups, Star, Queen of Cups
Should I do something? abstinence. peace, ace of swords
What will happen if I write an SMS asking to talk? 9 of Cups, Peace, King of Wands
I thought that he provoked a quarrel simply to have a reason to break up, but in your answer you write that he considers himself offended.
I can’t understand what happened, and my intuition doesn’t tell me how to behave in this situation. But he doesn't call (((

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It all depends on who you want to be in a given situation - a winner or a loser. As I wrote to you earlier, you should not meet him and show your weakness. He is waiting for this, so that later he can appear before you, the macho hero. In this case, you will find yourself in the role of a controlled and a follower. He will have the opportunity to manipulate and control you at his discretion. Perhaps justify your unseemly actions. If you want him to understand that he can’t behave like that with you, don’t give in...

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And tell me what will happen if I don’t call? 10 denarii, 6 swords, again 10 denarii, judgment
I almost always call first and I think he already perfectly understood that I can be manipulated.

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Well, again, it all depends on your desires and aspirations in a relationship with and without him. If you are committed to strong, strong, long-lasting and prosperous family relationships, the cards promise you that you will receive them by following their instructions. Perhaps, having cooled down a little, you will decide that he is not a match for you and you will begin to look for exactly the kind of relationship that will bring you happiness in a traditional family, with its traditional way of life. But if we are still talking about him, then, of course, he will wander a little, but he has something to lose and, good decision exit from conflict situation, there will be reconciliation with the possible creation of what I wrote about. So don't be afraid. But don’t go too far if he reaches out to you with reconciliation.

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Thank you, Nadezhda!
Excuse my stupidity, but what cards give instructions for “happiness in a traditional family”?
I definitely love this person, but I’m already tired of such relationships and want a real family (

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Sorry Julia, but why do you need this? If you understood them, there would be no questions. You would have determined and understood everything yourself. And in this situation, what difference does it make which cards speak about it?

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Hope, I didn't ask the question correctly. What do the cards advise I wanted to ask

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Julia, Try to re-read my answers to you again. It’s all written there - don’t run on his lead. Just make it clear that your goal and priority in life is a strong, prosperous and harmonious family and the way out of problems, both for him and for you, may lie in such a turn of events. He is ready for such a step - the doors are open, and if not, no one is holding...

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Fate, carefully guarding its secrets, hides future events from a person. But sometimes she, lifting the veil of the future, sends us her signs in the form of intuitive hints and tips. The main thing is to pay attention to them, notice them in the thick of things and interpret them correctly.

One of the ways to get such a hint from Fate is fortune-telling, which since ancient times has helped people not only receive forecasts for the future, but also mentally return to the past to find there the causes and prerequisites for events that are happening in the present. Man has been turning to predictions for many centuries, and, probably, fortune telling and forecasts will always be popular and in demand - even years later people will tell fortunes on cards, throw dice and interpret symbols in a cup with coffee grounds, trying to look into the future and learn secret wisdom.

will become a good helper in answers to questions about romantic relationships, about a loved one, about what awaits in love and what to do in a difficult situation, about the development of relationships in the future.

They will give a forecast for the near and distant future, tell you what is best to do to avoid problems and troubles, and help you analyze the situation in the present in order to improve your life.

Can be used to get answers to questions about love and relationships, about the future, about money and work, about luck, about a difficult situation.

They will give truthful and accurate answers to any questions, give advice in difficult situations, predict the future, and help you find out hidden information.

Fortune telling online using Lenormand cards - the French fortune teller Maria Lenormand can be used to answer any questions, to predict Fate and the future, to clarify relationships.

Fortune telling online using runes will help you understand the past, clarify the present, and get a forecast for the future. Ancient runic symbols will answer questions truthfully and accurately.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards online is one of the most common methods of fortune telling. With the help of Tarot layouts you can learn everything about love and finance, about the future and Destiny. Online Tarot fortune telling will give truthful answers to any questions, help solve a problem, and find a way out of a difficult situation.

Online fortune telling on the Manara tarot - virtual layouts on cards created by the artist Milo Manara for fortune telling on love and relationships. Manara Tarot cards and fortune telling on this deck perfectly reveal all the subtleties love relationship between man and woman.

- these are all kinds of rare methods of divination: with cubes, with candles and a mirror, online fortune telling using a book, using numbers and cards, online fortune telling on coins, rings, on the Wheel of Fortune and other free methods. All online fortune telling with interpretation of meanings is accessible to everyone and easy to use.

On our website you can tell fortunes online for free using dark Tarot cards, symbolizing the night and the Moon, and light ones, representing the day and the Sun.

Fortune telling online using light Tarot cards of Angels

The well-known and popular online fortune-telling using the Tarot of Angels, the Card of the Day, will describe upcoming events and the direction of the day with one card.

Free online fortune telling for the year using the Major Arcana Tarot cards will give a long-term annual forecast and describe events in the distant future.

By turning to this online fortune telling, you will receive a prediction for the near future and find out what will happen in your life over the next seven days.

This Tarot card layout is suitable for those who want to get a general forecast for the near future, a hint of what they need to pay special attention to in life.

This online schedule on the Tarot of Angels deck is suitable if you want to get a general forecast for the future and find out what awaits you in the coming four weeks.

This online love fortune telling will predict how your life will turn out in the near future. personal life, relationship with a loved one.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards is gaining popularity in modern world, and quite deservedly so; after all, it is Tarot fortune telling that is the most accurate. What is Tarot? How did this predictive system come about? And why exactly are Tarot cards so popular? Let's try to figure it out.

Tarot cards have been used since the mid-15th century as a deck of cards for games; however, already at the beginning of the 18th century they began to be used to predict the future and find answers to various important questions. According to one of the many versions of the origin of the Tarot, the first Visconti-Sforza Tarot deck appeared in Milan in 1450. It was a very beautiful, artistically executed deck for the game in the amount of 78 sheets, which served as the prototype for all modern, classic Tarot decks. Unfortunately, we do not know anything about where the first deck actually appeared and what it was originally intended to be. There are a huge number of myths and legends about the origin of these unusual fortune telling cards. One of the most beautiful legends states that in old times In Egypt, there was an unusual temple in which there were 22 rooms, on the walls of each of which were painted images corresponding to the major arcana of the Tarot. This legend gives us confirmation that the origin of the Tarot deck goes back to ancient Egypt, - to ancient Egyptian vignettes Books of the Dead, drawings of which were painted on the walls of the tombs of famous personalities of that time.

There is also a version of the Kabbalistic origin of the Tarot deck; Twenty-two letters and ten sephirot are the very basis of the Tarot predictive system, which is embedded in every classic deck, including the Rider Waite Tarot.

You can tell fortunes using Tarot cards different ways; the accuracy and reliability of any fortune telling depends on the correct formulation of the question and your concentration during the fortune telling process. You can guess using paper decks, or you can use online fortune telling - this does not affect the result in any way. You send your question to the egregor and he answers you, regardless of whether you are telling fortunes on paper Tarot or online. Online fortune telling on our website is created in such a way that the choice of card occurs exactly at the moment when you are telling fortunes, and not in advance, as on other online fortune telling sites. We did this so that online fortune telling would be as close as possible to real fortune telling.

All online fortune telling is equipped with a button that allows you to choose whether to tell fortunes on a full deck or only on the major arcana. You can also select one card at a time from the deck or use the “select automatically” button. During any online Tarot reading, you can choose your favorite deck from those presented in the list: Tarot Rider Waite, 78 Doors, Tarot of the Dwarves, Eternity of Ramses, Durer, Leonardo da Vinci, Gothic Vargo, Guardian Angels, Black Tarot of Luis Royo, Russian Tarot St. Petersburg, the Labyrinth of Luis Royo, the old English Tarot and many others - the list is constantly updated with new decks.