Buts Mikhail Anatolyevich Department of Presidential Affairs. An important department in the UDP was headed by a combat security officer. Aircraft carrier Vikramaditya went to sea for the first time

DECREE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATIONOn the assignment of class ranks to the state civil service Russian Federation federal state civil employees 1. Assign classy rank state civil service of the Russian Federation - actual state adviser of the Russian Federation 3rd class to Vladimir Vladimirovich Katasonov - head of the department in the administration of the Federation Council Apparatus Federal Assembly Russian Federation.2. To assign the class rank of the state civil service of the Russian Federation - active state adviser of the Russian Federation 3rd class to the federal state civil servant of the Apparatus State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation: Arapov - Advisor to the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Alexander YuryevichFederation Belanov - head of the department in the department Alexander Sergeevich Ivliev - head of the committee apparatus Dmitry Borisovich of the State Duma Kovin - head of the department in the department Alexey Anatolyevich Kulikova - head of the department in the department Valentina Viktorovna Lapitsky - head of the department in the department Oleg Gennadievich Mordasova - head of the department in the department Elena Vasilievna Raitskaya - head of department in the department. Elena Valerievna3. Assign the class ranks of the state civil service of the Russian Federation to federal state civil servants of federal executive bodies:Russian Federation 1st class to Abroskin - First Deputy Manager of the Affairs of the President of the Russian Federation Nikolai Pavlovichactual state councilorRussian Federation 2nd class Verbovoy - Deputy Head of the Chief Directorate of the Administrative Office Dmitry NikolaevichPresident of the Russian Federation Zabozlaev - Deputy Head of the Chief Administration Office Vladimir OlegovichPresident of the Russian Federation Mirzoev - Head of the Main Directorate Vladimir Vladimirovich of the Presidential AdministrationRussian Federationactual state councilorRussian Federation 3rd class Amosova - Deputy Head of the Chief Directorate of the Administration of Affairs Natalya AleksandrovnaPresident of the Russian Federation Bigwava - Deputy Head of the Department Georgy Demurovich Federal agency specialconstruction Butsu - Deputy Head of the Directorate Mikhail Anatolyevich of the Presidential AdministrationRussian Federation Viktorov - head of the department of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation Viktor Anatolyevich Grinev - deputy head of the department Anatoly Vladimirovich of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian FederationFederation Gusche - Deputy Head of Department Sergei Arkadyevich Federal service on technical andexport control Dushkova - Deputy Director of the Department Anna Alexandrovna of the Ministry of Foreign AffairsRussian Federation Evplov - Deputy Director of the Department Nikolai Nikolaevich of the Russian Ministry of DefenseFederation Korchazhkina - Deputy Head of the Chief Directorate of Administration, Natalya BorisovnaPresident of the Russian Federation Lebedeva - Deputy Director of the Department Evgenia Evgenievna of the Russian Ministry of DefenseFederation Loginov - Deputy Director of the Department Igor Yuryevich of the Ministry of Foreign AffairsRussian Federation Martinets - Head of the Federal Technical and Export Service Nikolai Mikhailovichcontrol Mikishchenko - Deputy Director of the Department Sergei Georgievich of the Russian Ministry of DefenseFederation Mikhailov - Deputy Director of the Department Sergei Vyacheslavovich of the Russian Ministry of DefenseFederation Nadrage - Deputy Head of the Directorate Vitaly Vladimirovich of the Presidential AdministrationRussian Federation Olyushin - Deputy Director of the Department Pavel Arkadyevich of the Russian Ministry of DefenseFederation Osaulenko - Director of the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Olga Vitalievna Petiforova - Deputy Director of the Department Elena Valerievna of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian FederationFederation Sakovich - Deputy Head of the Directorate Andrei Vladimirovich of the Presidential AdministrationRussian Federation Spiridonov - Deputy Director of the Department Stanislav Viktorovich of the Russian Ministry of DefenseFederation Sukhanov - Deputy Head of the Department Vladimir Stanislavovich of the Federal Agency for Special construction. 4. To assign the class rank of the state civil service of the Russian Federation - active state adviser of the Russian Federation 3rd class to Vilen Yuryevich Akopyan - deputy business manager Constitutional Court Russian Federation - to the head of the department.5. To assign the class ranks of the state civil service of the Russian Federation to federal state civil servants of the apparatus of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation:actual state councilorRussian Federation 2nd class Orlovskaya - head of department Elena Viktorovnaactual state councilorRussian Federation 3rd class Voronin - deputy head of department - Dmitry Yuryevich head of department Kazarin - head of department Alexander Aleksandrovich Kalinin - deputy head of department - Igor Vladimirovich head of department Simonova - head of department. Svetlana ValentinovnaPresident of the Russian Federation V. Putin Moscow, Kremlin May 17, 2016 No. 231

Yesterday it became known that the transport department of the presidential administration (UDP) was headed by FSB general Anatoly Tyukov, who served in hot spots and has experience in negotiations with terrorists. Over the past ten years, he has worked both in the central office of the FSB and at defense enterprises as a seconded employee. According to Kommersant's information, in the transport department of the UDP he will have to organize the work of the special flight squad "Russia", which found itself at the center of a high-profile scandal with theft of funds.

Two federal officials close to the department's leadership told Kommersant about personnel changes in the UDP. According to them, on March 30, the head of the UDP, Alexander Kolpakov, by order N128LS, appointed FSB Major General Anatoly Tyukov as head of the transport department. The UDP officially confirmed this information to Kommersant, emphasizing that before this appointment... O. head of the department was Mikhail Buts. Now he is the only deputy of the new head of the department.

According to Kommersant's information, the appointment of Anatoly Tyukov was unexpected both for the UDP employees themselves and for the companies cooperating with the transport department. The latter note that until the last moment Mr. Tyukov had no relation to transport issues (in Soviet time He, however, graduated from the Bryansk Institute transport engineering, and then worked as a researcher at the branch of the Moscow Research Institute of Carriage Manufacturing in Kalinin), and worked “primarily along the KGB line as a seconded employee.” He is an active FSB general, and his transfer to the UDP, according to Kommersant, was authorized at the level of the intelligence service leadership. General Tyukov has already held several meetings, one of which was devoted to special aircraft from the Rossiya flight detachment, says one of Kommersant’s interlocutors. "He is meticulous and meticulous, but so far his best qualities I didn’t have time to show it. Kolpakov installed for him probation in three months," the interlocutor added. Let us remind you that the department oversees the work of the special flight detachment (SLO) "Russia", motor transport and transport plants, as well as the N2 motor depot (organizing the transportation of the president and prime minister).

Anatoly Tyukov is an active FSB general and his transfer to the UDP, according to Kommersant, was sanctioned at the level of the intelligence service leadership

Most of Anatoly Tyukov’s career is connected with state security agencies: he served in the Bryansk and Amur regions, and in 1998 he was appointed first deputy head of the FSB Directorate for Ingushetia. There he participated several times in negotiations for the release of hostages (among them, according to Rosbalt, were a citizen of Slovenia, his wife former head Gosstandart, the son of an official from Tatarstan, officers of the 137th border detachment and others). He negotiated the release from captivity of the head of the FSB of Ingushetia, Yuri Gribov, with the Chechen militant Shamil Basayev. Following his service in the North Caucasus, Colonel Tyukov was awarded the Order of Courage, and in 2001 he received the rank of Major General and was transferred to the post of head of the FSB Directorate for Novgorod region. He retained this post even after terrorists blew up the Nevsky Express train in August 2007.

In 2008, Mr. Tyukov was transferred to the central office of the FSB, and from there he was seconded to the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC), where he became vice president for security. According to Kommersant, there he was responsible for interaction with the security forces, carried out inspections and audits of the most problematic enterprises (in particular, he served as head of the board of directors of Severnaya Verf, which was pledged to the Central Bank for loans worth 32 billion rubles, along with others shipbuilding assets of ex-senator Sergei Pugachev). After voluntary resignation the head of USC Roman Trotsenko in June 2012, General Tyukov was considered a candidate for the post of president of Sevmash, but the government and the Ministry of Industry and Trade made a choice in favor of the general director of the corporation Andrei Dyachkov. In return, Anatoly Tyukov received the post of head of the “M” department of the FSB for supervision of the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Justice, the Prosecutor General’s Office and other federal bodies. In 2016, he was replaced in this position by FSB General Sergei Alpatov.

According to Kommersant, one of the main tasks of General Tyukov in the UDP will be “debriefing” and eliminating the consequences of the loud scandal surrounding the Rossiya SLO. As Kommersant reported, the Investigative Committee accused the general director of the airline, Yaroslav Odintsev, of abuse of office (Part 1 of Article 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), and several other people of particularly large-scale fraud (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The investigation believes that they stole more than 30 million rubles during the execution of a government contract for the repair of air conditioning systems for Tu-204, Tu-214 and Il-96 aircraft by inflating the cost of equipment from 50 million rubles indicated by the final contractor JSC NPO Nauka to 96, 1 million rubles. The money, according to investigators, was stolen with the help of shell companies. On March 6, the Moscow City Court extended the house arrest of seven defendants in the theft case in the Rossiya SLO until June 10.

Ivan Safronov, Alexandra Djordjevic

Head of the transport department in the presidential administration. FSB General


Graduated from the Bryansk Institute of Transport Engineering, the Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia.


Media: FSB General headed the transport department in the presidential administration

The Transport Department of the Presidential Administration (UDP) was headed by FSB General Anatoly Tyukov, who served in hot spots and has experience in negotiations with terrorists; he will have to organize the work of the special flight squad "Russia", which found itself at the center of a loud scandal with the theft of funds, Russian media write. The appointment of Anatoly Tyukov came as a surprise both to the UDP employees themselves and to the companies cooperating with the transport department, writes Kommersant, noting that until recently Tyukov had nothing to do with transport issues, although at one time he graduated from the Bryansk Institute of Transport Engineering, and then worked as a researcher at the branch of the Moscow Research Institute of Car Building in Kalinin.

The presidential transport will be driven by the general

Yesterday it became known that the transport department of the presidential administration (UDP) was headed by FSB general Anatoly Tyukov, who served in hot spots and has experience in negotiations with terrorists. Over the past ten years, he has worked both in the central office of the FSB and at defense enterprises as a seconded employee. According to Kommersant's information, in the transport department of the UDP he will have to organize the work of the special flight squad "Russia", which found itself at the center of a high-profile scandal with the theft of funds.

USC President resigned

R. Trotsenko recommended two candidates for his post: general director of the Sevmash production association (part of USC) Andrei Dyachkov and vice-president of USC Anatoly Tyukov.
link: http://top.rbc.ru/economics/ 18/06/2012/655466.shtml

The situation with mass layoffs at the Zvezda plant in Primorye has been brought under control

Anatoly Tyukov, vice-president of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC), which includes OJSC Far Eastern plant“Zvezda” assured the trade union of this enterprise that it will monitor the situation with attempts by local management to carry out mass layoffs.

“It is premature to talk about the dismissal of 200 engineers of the enterprise. The general line of the corporation is to increase production and develop the Zvezda plant,” Tyukov said during a meeting at the enterprise.
link: http://www.unionstoday.ru/news/russian/2011/02/04/13252

Media: The United Shipbuilding Corporation will have a new president

Roman Trotsenko submitted his resignation from the post of president of JSC United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) effective July 1, 2012. According to Portnews, contenders for Trotsenko’s place could be the current vice-president of the corporation, Anatoly Tyukov, and the chairman of the board of directors of Sovcomflot, Ilya Klebanov. According to unofficial data, Trotsenko may join the Council for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia.
link: http://regnum.su/news/1542447. html

Izvestia learned the details of the contracts signed in Severodvinsk in the presence of the prime minister.

However, the bargaining between the military and industrialists continues - so far the exact cost of the work is specified only in the contract with Malachite. USC Vice President Anatoly Tyukov told Izvestia that the development of Yasen will cost the budget 13.3 billion rubles. This amount was reduced during negotiations. According to Tyukov, the cost of the Boreev is still being discussed - negotiations are underway with equipment suppliers.

Tentatively, the boat project alone will cost the budget 10 billion rubles, Tyukov calculated. As for the construction of the Yasen-class submarine, the exact price will be discussed after the contract is signed. Tyukov clarified that we're talking about about the construction of one submarine.

“The construction of such submarines in America costs $4 billion, but ours will cost 2-3 times less,” Tyukov explained to Izvestia.
link: http://premier.gov.ru/premier/press/ru/5810/print/


Anatoly Tyukov, vice-president of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, which includes the Admiralty Shipyards, congratulated the factory workers and sailors “on the significant event - the laying of the first production submarine of Project 636 “B-237”. He recalled that in August 2010, the lead submarine “Novorossiysk” of this project was laid down here, at the oldest domestic shipyard. Next, Tyukov especially congratulated the sailors of the Black Sea Fleet, “to increase the combat potential of which a group of six Project 636 submarines is being created.”
link: http://bastion-karpenko.narod. ru/636_RF_01.html

Shipbuilding, mechanical engineering

link: http://polpred.com/?ns=1&ns_ id=559956

A. Ushakov became the General Director of the Severnaya Verf Shipyard

Vice President of JSC USC Anatoly Tyukov became the Chairman of the Board of Directors. This was reported by the press service of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC).
link: http://www.mprss.ru/notes/220

The Central Bank entrusted Severnaya Verf to USC

75.8% of the shares of Severnaya Verf were pledged by the Central Bank for an unpaid loan from Mezhprombank - both shipyards, like the bank, were part of the United industrial corporation(OPK) Sergei Pugachev. Another 20% of the shipyard's shares already belong to USC. On the board of directors of the enterprise, USC is represented by the vice-president of the corporation, Anatoly Tyukov. OSK Kommersant explained that they had already demanded to convene an extraordinary meeting of Severnaya Verf shareholders and it could take place in February 2012. “But it is not a fact that before this, the board of directors, friendly to the military-industrial complex, will decide to change the management of Severnaya Verf, which is necessary for USC to gain real, rather than formal control over it,” says a Kommersant source in the industry. Legally, USC management can only be replaced by next year. By this time, the corporation hopes, the Central Bank will have completed its litigation with the structures of Sergei Pugachev.
link: http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/ 1798914

Aircraft carrier Vikramaditya went to sea for the first time

“Today is truly a holiday for us - for the first time in history modern Russia“, for the first time in the 21st century, an aircraft carrier is being tested,” said Anatoly Tyukov, vice-president of the United Shipbuilding Corporation. “The intelligence, experience, and efforts of thousands of people—designers, shipbuilders, equipment suppliers, regulatory organizations—have been put into this ship. “We all together proved that Russian industry is capable of building such ships.”
link: http://www.severinform.ru/? page=newsfull&date=08-06-2012& newsid=163144

USC decided to sue the management of the Northern Shipyard

“On October 20, we sent an appeal to member of the board of directors Tyukov (USC vice-president Anatoly Tyukov represents the interests of the corporation in the Northern Shipyard) about convening an extraordinary general meeting shareholders and a meeting of the board of directors, at which we wanted to consider two issues: including the appointment of a new deputy general director for finance and chief accountant,” Kravchenko explained. These decisions were agreed upon with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak.
link: http://www.vz.ru/news/2011/11/25/541668.html

The volume of USC orders increased by 30% in 2011

The volume of orders from the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) increased in 2011 by 30 percent, to 191 billion rubles compared to 2010. This was announced at a press conference within the framework of the international forum “Marine Industry of Russia” by the vice-president of the company Anatoly Tyukov.
link: http://www.oilru.com/news/319158/oilru.com

Severnaya Verf asks the Federal Tax Service not to register the general director of the enterprise elected by USC

USC reported on April 4 that the extraordinary meeting of shareholders of Severnaya Verf, at which he was elected new advice directors, took place. According to the state-owned company, it included USC vice-president Anatoly Tyukov, USC department heads Grigory Menshikh, Ilya Novoselsky, Sergei Svertilov and Anatoly Shlemov, USC deputy department head Vladimir Kutikov, and deputy department head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Andrey Kurasov.
link: http://nw.ria.ru/economy/ 20120418/82113675.html

USC took patronage over the cadet school of Severodvinsk

USC President Roman Trotsenko proposed including the vice-president of the USC corporation, Anatoly Tyukov, on the school’s governing council. As the director of the naval cadet school, reserve captain 1st rank Sergei Levadny, noted, patronage will be useful for both the school and the shipbuilding corporation. A new generation of shipbuilders and sailors is studying at the school - the future Navy countries. Sergei Levadny also expressed confidence that USC’s support will help the educational institution become one of the best in the Arkhangelsk region.