Brooders for raising chickens. How to make a reliable brooder for chickens? Installation of feeders and drinkers

If you are planning to breed poultry, in particular chickens, it is necessary to foresee in advance where the chicks will be kept from the first days of life. Having made a suitable box or rack, called a brooder, it is quite possible to provide them with the necessary heating and care on their own. The chicks placed in it will gain strength and grow up in fairly comfortable conditions. You can make a similar structure for raising chickens yourself with minimal carpentry skills.

IN last days hatching birds from eggs in an incubator or before purchasing one-day-old chicks on the market, the question arises of where to place them for further rearing. Chicks that are still immature must be kept dry and warm - thus, it will be necessary to ensure a suitable temperature regime for them without drafts.

The name of the design for raising chickens “brooder” comes from the word brood, which translated from English means “mother hen” - thus, this device in the form of a specially equipped box for chicks, it is intended to replace their mother. A brooder is a small structure - a “house” for chickens in the first few weeks of their existence.

  • non-slip and always dry floor, otherwise the chicks may get sick. It is advisable to equip the brooder with a retractable tray underneath for collecting litter, which allows you to maintain cleanliness without unnecessary effort;
  • absence high humidity, as well as the presence of draft-free ventilation;
  • a source of moderate heating - it is advisable that the chickens do not have direct access to it. It should be noted that for chickens in the first days of life, the optimal temperature is about 35 ° C; after a few days it can be reduced to 30.

Chick brooder sizes vary. For example, a design with bottom dimensions of 100 x 50 cm and a height of 50 cm can easily accommodate about 50 chickens, and slightly less - broilers. In addition to them, ducklings, goslings, and quail chicks can be mixed in the brooder. If necessary, in the future it will be possible to build an additional brooder (or several) and stack the boxes on top of each other. In a similar way, a significant number of chicks can be placed in one room.

Types of Brooders

Build a solid and easy-to-use structure from scrap materials, ensuring with your own efforts the most suitable conditions for housing chickens, quite realistic. For this you can use available materials. Perhaps you have an old bedside table or wooden boxes. When making a brooder for raising chickens, you do not need special equipment, suitable tools Perhaps every home craftsman has them.

If you are interested in the question of how to make a brooder for chickens, you should consider the following information:

  • Experienced poultry farmers note that structures for keeping chicks from OSB boards it is difficult to wash, since this material has an uneven, rough surface;
  • Plywood is more suitable for making a brooder - it is smooth, easy to wash and disinfect by wiping with alcohol. However, it is worth considering that this material is noticeably fragile and can break under weight. Therefore, having made several brooders from thin plywood, it is unlikely that they can be installed on top of each other in four tiers; it will be necessary to build a special frame. Thick plywood sheets are quite expensive; manufacturing such a structure can be expensive;
  • designs from polymer materials like polycarbonate, it is easy to clean and disinfect. However, it is worth noting that polycarbonate practically does not breathe, so it will be very difficult to ensure optimal temperature and humidity conditions inside such a structure.

Available for sale various designs for raising small chicks - you can buy brooders for chickens with a body made of pressed foam, moisture-resistant plywood, as well as models insulated with sandwich panels.

How can I temporarily replace a brooder?

Some owners use various simple devices to house small chickens, like houses equipped with plastic container, unnecessary chest of drawers, shelving and even boxes made of multi-layer cardboard. Sometimes the thought of using a brooder arises when the chicks are already in hand. While a more substantial structure is being built, a spacious box can be used to house a small number of chicks. household appliances. It should be taken into account that its bottom will need to be insulated and made non-slip by covering it with several layers of gauze or corrugated cardboard. It is necessary to cut a viewing window in the wall of the box at a convenient height and cover it with transparent plastic film - it will be convenient to look into it without opening the box over and over again.

You can assemble a homemade heater for chicks yourself in short terms from a liter jar with a screw top metal lid. A small ceramic cartridge will need to be secured to the inner surface of the lid bolted connection. It is advisable to place a non-flammable gasket (for example, textolite) between them. About a dozen holes should be drilled in the lid to ensure air exchange inside the jar. About a third of the jar will need to be filled with fine sand. You will need to wrap the bottom of the jar with a cloth (you can put a thick sock on it) so that the chickens do not get burned. By raising and lowering the fabric, it will be convenient to adjust the level of illumination in the box. It is worth considering that the amount of heat generated by this device will depend on the power of the light bulb used. If you have a large box, you may need to fit two mini heaters into it. The older the chicks get, the less they will need heating.

To set up such a “chicken house” from a cardboard box, you don’t need any special equipment. financial costs, it can be built quickly and placed in any room, including the living room. It is worth considering that cardboard wears out quickly after the chicks are settled, and besides, it is difficult to achieve optimal results using this method. temperature regime, necessary for keeping small chickens.

How to make a chicken brooder yourself

To make at home reliable design, which can be used for more than one season, you will need to build a durable frame from wooden planks and bars, and then fix OSB boards or plywood sheets on it. These materials heat up efficiently, so they are quite suitable for constructing a brooder, in which it is necessary to ensure dryness and warmth. You can find it on the Internet various schemes and drawings of brooders for chickens.

In the process of making a brooder, you may need these materials, tools and equipment:

  • electric jigsaw or saw;
  • hammer, wire cutters, pliers, hacksaw;
  • tape measure, pencil;
  • drill;
  • screws, nails, furniture hinges, latches;
  • plaster mesh for covering doors;
  • galvanized metal mesh with small cells (about 1 cm) - a piece measuring 1x0.5 m;
  • infrared or regular incandescent lamp with a power of 40-60 W, socket, plug, reflector;
  • light controller (dimmer), a piece of cable of suitable length.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare a sheet of moisture-resistant plywood 1.5 x 1.5 m thick, 1-2 cm, wooden blocks or slats, as well as metal corners. To avoid cracking of the plywood when fixing it with screws, it is recommended to drill small holes in it before starting assembly.

Stages of work execution

The sequence of steps for making a brooder for chickens with your own hands will look like this:

Next, all that remains is to place the chicks in the brooder. This design will greatly simplify the care of chicks. Having assembled a suitable frame and made two or three brooders of suitable dimensions, they can be installed on it, obtaining appropriate place to accommodate chickens of different ages.

Every poultry farmer who decides to start breeding birds sooner or later is faced with certain nuances of keeping them. It is clear that the hen will always provide the chicken with warmth and proper nutrition, but what if you raise chicks using the incubation method? In such cases, many bird owners choose a chick brooder. We invite you to familiarize yourself with basic information about these devices, videos and how to build such a brooder with your own hands with drawings and photos.

Many people, when they hear this word, imagine some device of very complex technology and design. However, in fact, the brooder is essentially a simple box from the outside, if you do not go into detail about what is inside it. A chick brooder is designed specifically for keeping chicks inside - the chicks must live in it for the first few weeks after they are hatched. As a rule, chicks stay in such brooders until the first 50 days.

This device allows you to replace the mother hen for the chicks, which will allow them to develop correctly. Typically, a chick brooder is equipped with a lighting and heating system. And this, you see, is simply necessary for a young body to correct height during the first period of his life. It’s not for nothing that many people leave chickens to live in such devices for the first 50 days.

Features of choosing a brooder before purchasing

Many novice poultry farmers sooner or later face the need to purchase or manufacture such devices. Purchasing a design is important for those who can afford it, since the cost of brooders is usually not low. However, there is nothing wrong with making your own brooder.

However, if you decide to purchase a design, then it will be useful for you to learn about some nuances that will allow you to choose it correctly.

  1. First of all, you should pay attention to the size of the structure. Since broilers grow quite quickly up to 50 days and become not only heavier, but also bulky, the brooder must be spacious. If the design is too small, then the broilers may become weaker, in some cases even get sick, and sometimes do not live to see 50 days.
  2. The next aspect is gender. It is best if it is two-tiered. The surface on which 50-day-old broilers will walk should not be slippery, since their paws will constantly move apart, which can cause injuries. It would be best if the lower tier can be pulled out, since this will make it easier for the poultry farmer to change the litter and wash the floor itself. In addition, the floor will have to be washed quite often, so it is better not to disturb the broilers again, especially if they are still small and under 50 days old.
  3. If you have the funds to purchase a device, then it is advisable to buy a brooder with an automatic drinker and feeder. If your broiler knocks over the drinker and you try to put it back in place by sticking your hand into their cage, this can cause stress. Therefore, it will be better if the brooder has an automatic waterer and feeder.
  4. The last nuance will be to ensure the proper level of ventilation in the broiler house and its heating. Many of today's brooders are equipped with air conditioning and heating systems.

Making a homemade brooder with your own hands

Many poultry farmers reject the purchase option and decide to make a device for 50 day-old chicks with their own hands. We will tell you how to make a brooder yourself later. Instructions with dimensions and drawings are presented below.

Materials and tools

What you will need to make a brooder with your own hands:

  • plywood (1.5 x 3 m);
  • set of self-tapping screws;
  • set of corners;
  • mesh with a small gap;
  • rail;
  • 4 door hinges;
  • a piece of wire, a light bulb socket, the lamp itself and a plug;
  • Phillips and slotted screwdrivers;
  • saw.

Option one

  1. First you need to make a frame. Cut the plywood so that you get 2 pieces of 1.5 m each. Next, both parts need to be sawn in half. We divide one of the resulting parts in two. Thus, you will get 2 parts measuring 0.75 x 0.75 m, which will serve as side walls, and the remaining three parts will serve as the roof, floor and back wall.
  2. The frame must be assembled; this is done using metal corners.
  3. The floor itself is made of mesh. You need to make a frame of slats around the perimeter of the entire floor, on which the mesh is installed. Remember that between the mesh and the floor itself there must still be a tray installed in which the droppings will be collected.
  4. The doors are made of slats. A slatted frame is made along the perimeter of the front side of the device, to which the doors are installed. The doors are a regular frame with a mesh, which are attached using self-tapping screws. You can additionally install a limiter to prevent the doors from closing inward.
  5. The final touch is the conduction of light. This is done easily - the cable is connected to the plug and the cartridge, and the cartridge itself is directly installed on the lid of the future broiler house. Accordingly, the length of the cable will depend on how much footage is needed to reach the outlet. Some poultry farmers use infrared bulbs as a lighting lamp, but in principle a regular 60-watt lamp will do. More detailed drawings with dimensions are presented in the photo below. That's it, the do-it-yourself brooder is ready.

Option two

In addition to the materials above, also prepare washers, staples and timber.

The second option for making a structure with your own hands:

  1. The frame is made of timber. First, a base is made for the top and bottom, after which these elements are attached to each other using perpendicular beams. When making a structure with your own hands, you should focus on dimensions of 1.5 meters in length and half a meter in width and height.
  2. Jumpers made of timber are installed on the upper and lower frames.
  3. From plywood you need to cut out parts that will serve as walls and floors. all this is attached to the frame using screws or nails. As for the front wall, it will be made of mesh - cut the required length to size and attach it to the frame.
  4. Next, you need to make legs from the same timber, which will be attached on the sides to the frame itself.
  5. The upper doors are made of plywood. Cut out the required length and attach the door to the frame using the hinges. You can also install additional protection - latches so that the door does not open arbitrarily.
  6. The final stage of making a structure with your own hands is installing the light bulb. In this case, it is better to attach it to the side wall. This completes the brooder manufacturing procedure. More information about the manufacture of the structure - in the video.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Making the frame

A device called a brooder is a kind of nursery for raising chicken chicks. It is a box or a fenced off part of the room. Conditions have been created inside that allow day-old chicks to replace their mother hen and help the chicks survive the stress of the first days of life. A brooder can be made with my own hands at home. In terms of its parameters, it will not be inferior to factory analogues. Poultry farmers share their experiences and step by step instructions with photos and videos on how to implement it.

Brooder: device and principle of operation

To ensure that chickens develop normally and do not get sick in the first days of life, the poultry industry came up with the idea of ​​using a brooder - the first home for the little inhabitants of the chicken coop. Typically it consists of:

  • feeders;
  • lighting systems;
  • drinking bowls;
  • devices that will control the level of humidity and heating;
  • bedding;
  • ventilation.

The chicks live in the brooder until they are one month old. As a basis for such a device on a quick fix A cardboard box or other similar containers will also work - this is the cheapest option. But behind the apparent savings lies impracticality. Therefore, if such containers are used, it is only for one generation of chickens:

  • boxes tear quickly;
  • they do not fully protect against drafts;
  • it is difficult to disinfect cardboard without losing its durability;
  • cleaning of droppings and debris is made difficult by the design.

A good reusable brooder meets the following requirements:

  1. The floor covering always remains dry and non-slippery.
  2. It is advisable to equip the structure with a tray for collecting and disposing of excrement.
  3. There should be free flow inside the brooder. Fresh air. But drafts are contraindicated.
  4. Increasing humidity is not advisable.
  5. The heat source should not overheat the chicks. It is better to place it in a place inaccessible to birds.

Attention! If you strictly follow the drawings and step-by-step algorithm, then even a novice master will take 2-3 days to assemble the structure.

Do-it-yourself brooder: what material will be needed

For the base homemade device You need a durable, wear-resistant material that will retain its properties under the influence of moisture, heat and light. Fiberboard and chipboard - not the best the best option for this. Plywood good quality- exactly what is needed. You will need sheets 25 mm thick and a bar 30x30 mm.

The bottom of the brooder should be made of a fine-mesh grid. It does not have to be made of metal. Just check the strength of the mesh. The width is suitable for 10 mm cells. They are wide enough to allow droppings to fall through and are comfortable for the chicks. Take the gratings for future use. They will also come in handy on box doors.

Excrement should not fall onto the floor of the room, but into a prepared tray. It is better to make it from plastic or metal - it will be easier to clean and wash. Of the most simple options pay attention to PVC ceiling or wall panels. Also, before work, prepare:

  • infrared lamps of any type;
  • thermostat;
  • two hinges for the door;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • lamp socket, wiring.

Assembling a home brooder: technology features

The dimensions of the future structure directly depend on the number of chicks. The norm is approximately 200x100x50 cm (length-width-height). Make a design drawing, taking into account the placement of all elements. On inside Before assembling the side and rear walls, it would be a good idea to make guide strips for free movement of the grille:

  1. The slats will be located at the bottom and top. The length is 2 cm shorter than the length of the side wall itself.
  2. Secure the bottom strips at a suitable height, 1 cm away from the side cuts. These are the grooves for the tray.
  3. The upper stripes are located 3 cm higher. These are the grooves for the grating.

Attention! Keep the distance between the brooder parts exactly. This is the key to the normal functioning of the moving elements of the box.

The next step is to attach plywood blocks to the sides. They will perform the function of stiffening ribs. The top edge of the element should be at the level of the cut side walls, the bottom should be 3 cm higher than the top rail. After you assemble the plywood sides, lattice and tray together, all the parts should form an even and stable structure.

The front opening must be covered with a plywood door. Cut out a suitable piece of material and attach it to the hinges. You need to make a window in the panel for a third of the area for ventilation. It can be located in the center or adjacent to the edge, be square or have rounded corners. Use a jigsaw for this. Close the window plastic mesh and watch the brood.

Advice. You can install a latch on the door.

Next, assemble all the remaining parts: install the removable tray and grid floor, then the ceiling. There should be no gaps between the floor and the tray along the outer walls. They can be covered with wide strips that are attached to self-tapping screws. They will prevent drafts and the spread of unpleasant odors.

Brooder Electrical System Installation

The comfort of the chicks inside the brooder is ensured by a system of infrared lamps that illuminate and warm the brood:

  1. Cut a hole in the ceiling of the structure.
  2. Pass the cable through it. Secure the cartridge.
  3. U outside the wiring should be secured.
  4. Attach a plug and a dimmer to the opposite end of the wire.

Advice. Full-fledged brooder equipment requires the installation of thermometry.

Screw in the lamp. It is very important to choose the right power. The norm is 0.28 kW per 1 sq. m. Whether you made the right choice can be assessed by the behavior of the chicks:

  • low temperature - babies gather in groups;
  • too warm - a lot of droppings and difficulty breathing;
  • optimal heating - chickens eat and drink well.

Advice. A reflector attached to a lamp works effectively in a brooder. This allows you to create two thermal zones inside. The chickens will be able to choose for themselves: to bask under the mirror or cool off in another place.

In the first 3 days of the chicks’ life, it is important to create a climate for them with a humidity level of about 60-70%. During the same period, the light bulb in their home should not be turned off for 23 hours a day. The work is completed by securing the drinkers and feeders. Proper assembly of the brooder will help you repeatedly raise full-fledged bird offspring.

Do-it-yourself chicken brooder: video

The first drawing (top view) shows that the width of the brooder is 60 cm and the length is one and a half meters. On the sides, feeders designed to be 140 mm wide extend beyond the structure. A nipple drinking cup runs across the entire length of the brooder: along the edges of the drinking cup there are clamps by which it is held.

The second drawing is a rear view. Here you can see the ventilation gap running along the top. interior space.

The next drawing is a front view. The height of the brooder itself (both tiers) in accordance with the drawing is 180 cm, 13 cm is the height of each garbage tray. There is a viewing window at the front.

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Manufacturing instructions

First option

The most common version of a brooder, one and a half meters long, is done like this:

  1. The bars for the frame are being sawn. 6 142 cm long, 6 44 cm long, 4 vertical racks legs 60 cm.
  2. All the bars are knocked together into a frame. The lower horizontal level of the bars should be located at floor level, the second horizontal level should be at a distance of about 15 cm from the lower bars (the distance remains for the installation of the tray).
  3. The mesh is attached to the second level of bars with self-tapping screws. If in some place it becomes necessary to join 2 pieces of mesh, another supporting bar is installed below in this place so that it does not sag under the chickens. Wire strings can be placed under the mesh at a distance of every 50 cm for support.
  4. We cut out the bottom, ceiling and side walls from plywood or OSB board.
  5. We fasten the ceiling to the frame with self-tapping screws.
  6. The bottom can be made in two layers. The first plane is made of polycarbonate. Polycarbonate is a very convenient material, easy to cut, easy to attach, and quickly wiped clean if debris spills from the tray. Polycarbonate must be mounted on top of the bars in such a way that it is stretched as much as possible. If the polycarbonate bottom becomes wavy, it may be difficult to pull out the tray. You can replace polycarbonate with plastic panels.
  7. We fill the bottom of the bars under the polycarbonate with plywood or OSB boards (you can even make walls plastic panel– they will be more convenient to wipe) just like the ceiling.
  8. The back and side walls are sutured.
  9. We make a door from bars and completely sew it up with mesh. The mesh must be attached to the outside of the door.
  10. The front side of the brooder can be sewn up with any available material: either plywood, or plastic, or the same mesh as the door.
  11. We hang the door on vertical bars made of bars on hinges and attach a handle to it.
  12. We make a tray for manure removal.
  13. We connect the heaters and lights.


This completes the production of the brooder box. All that remains is to equip the room with lighting and a system. It is necessary to select the power of the lamps in accordance with the size of the brooder and its location: outdoors or indoors. In the finished brooder you need to install a thermometer, a feeder and a drinker. For newborn chicks, the bottom of the brooder should be covered with newspaper in the first days.

For one-day-old babies, a temperature of 29–30 degrees is required. After a week, it is recommended to reduce it to 26, and month-old young animals feel great already at 18. For broiler chickens, the temperature should be 2-3 degrees higher.

Excessive heating for chicks is unacceptable, therefore useful device there will be an automatic thermostat. Heating is usually carried out by one or two ceramic infrared lamps. If they are missing, they can be replaced with ordinary incandescent lamps. Don't forget to attach a reflector on top to prevent heat from dissipating to the sides.

In the first 2 weeks of life, chickens need 24/7 light mode. Then the duration of daylight hours is gradually reduced to 14–17 hours for broilers and to 8 for laying hens. If there is not enough light, the young animals will develop more slowly, if there is too much light - . To illuminate a brooder with the specified standard sizes, one 60 W incandescent lamp or its energy-saving equivalent is sufficient. During cool periods, you can cover the outside of the mesh door with a sheet of plywood.

Feeders are placed in regular or bunker type, to pull them out you will have to cut an additional slot in the wall. The advantage of such feeders is the ability not to disturb the chicks while feeding. To water chicks, it is better to buy drinking bowls with a sensitive nipple and a drip eliminator. In an ordinary plate or container, chicks can drown.

Nipple drinkers with drip eliminators will also help to keep indoors optimal level humidity. Chickens need air humidity of 60-70%. To prevent it from increasing, you need to pour out the water from the drip catchers in a timely manner, remove droppings, and the remains of wet food. The room must be ventilated.

Brooder from the drawing

To make a long-lasting brooder, you can make metal carcass from an equal angle corner measuring 25x25x4 mm, welded together. Make the floor from frames and mesh with a cell size of 10x10 mm. The mesh can be secured between the frames with a screw connection. Cut and bend the pallet from stainless steel sheet. Cut the walls from 10 mm moisture-resistant plywood and cover the frame with metal screws. IR lamps are mounted on the top wall, the thermostat is on the front. A polycarbonate viewing window needs to be embedded into the front wall. Feeders and drinkers are placed inside the cage or hung on the side walls.

The word brooder is unusual for the ear of an uninitiated person. Having heard it, our brain begins to draw different pictures, trying to guess its meaning for ourselves.

People in the know will say that this is just a box for a chicken or turkey. That is, the place where they grow. The box should be heated, since the chicks should spend the first time only in it.

In natural natural conditions the chicken raises and warms its chicks. But in modern conditions chickens became unable to look after their offspring. Therefore, when breeding poultry in industrial scale or for your own needs, you should get ahead of the problem and create an incubator. The incubator is the first stage in the life of chickens; then their life proceeds in the brooder, where they are fed, maintained at a constant temperature, necessary care. This device is used by all poultry farmers to maintain numbers and grow required amount adult birds.

If at poultry farms chicken corners are made to order or bought at enterprises, then at our own personal plot you can build a brooder with your own hands.

Requirements for brooders

The younger generation of chickens need more than just a place to sleep and food. There is a whole list of essentials, including:

  • a house for a certain number of heads;
  • bedding such as ottomans where the chicks sleep;
  • a place for walking, fenced with a net (cage);
  • small carrying cages;
  • specially designed food and drink utensils;
  • a bedding of hay, where the chick can sharpen its claws and simply rummage;
  • heating and ventilation equipment.

The bulk of the necessary things are purchased. With the rest, you need to decide: make them yourself or buy ready-made ones. Based on this, some requirements apply to the houses:

After a couple of months, broilers will no longer need a brooder. Until that time, they should have their own insulated, heated and ventilated corner.

What kind of brooders can be?

Since we are talking about raising chickens on our own, it is possible various options. Summer residents, for example, start raising chickens in the spring when it’s cool outside. Therefore, in apartments they create the most simple houses. One of them is regular cardboard box . For two dozen chickens, the box should be like washing machine or refrigerator.

Ordinary light bulbs in a three-liter glass jar or a photo lamp with a reflector are used as heaters.

Ventilation is also the simplest - not tight covered with lid the box will provide sufficient air flow.

You can also do plywood box and, if the room allows, place it in the bathroom. What's good about this house is that in the bathroom constant temperature, and if there are heated floors, then even better. Plus, such a room must have separate ventilation.

Brooders with built-in heating and ventilation mechanisms are available for sale. But here, depending on the bells and whistles, the price immediately increases.

Under no circumstances should you take it two-story houses . They look good to everyone, but are suitable for solitary birds, such as quails. Chickens with the herd instinct, when released into the same cage, will treat each other as strangers.

So it turns out that there is not enough space in the apartment; store-bought ones are not always convenient and expensive. There remains one possibility - to make a brooder for chickens right away in your country house and equip it as expected and for the required number of chicks.

Do-it-yourself brooders for raising chickens

When starting work on building a bird house, you should prepare the right tool. The tools are the same as for any construction: hammer, screwdrivers (Phillips and flathead), tape measure and pencil, pliers and hacksaw.

The next step will be selection of materials for construction. You decide for yourself what to build a poultry house from, but some tips still won’t hurt:

Now let’s look at two ways to make a brooder for chickens with your own hands. In the first case, it will be a box measuring up to one and a half meters, the height and width of which will be half a meter each. We select the simplest materials.

  1. We draw drawings of a brooder for chickens with exact dimensions on paper. You can compose them yourself. Those who do not know how to draw can always find it on the Internet.
  2. The box is made of moisture-resistant plywood 10 mm thick. Three strips 1.5 m long and 0.5 m wide are cut out of plywood. These will be the upper and lower parts, as well as back wall. Next we will need two side walls measuring 0.5 x 0.5 m.
  3. There is a dung tray at the bottom of the structure. We make a double pallet. These will be two frames made of slats. One of them has a plastic bottom, and the second has a stretched mesh. Such frames are installed one above the other under the floor. As the chicks grow, the mesh floor is replaced with something similar only with larger cells and stronger.
  4. The doors at the front of the drawer are attached to a frame made around the perimeter of the drawer. The door frame is covered with mesh.
  5. An infrared lamp is attached to the ceiling inside. Such a lamp provides heating for the chickens and illuminates the inside of the house. If you don’t have one, two 60-watt ones will do.

The second method of producing a house is somewhat different from the first. We keep the same parameters.

  1. According to the drawing, we make a frame from bars. We place jumpers in the middle between the long bars.
  2. We cover the frame with plywood on all sides except the front and top. We screw the plywood to the bars. We staple the mesh in front with a stapler.
  3. We cut out four legs of the same length from the bars. The legs are attached to assembled house.
  4. A door is made at the top and attached to the brooder on hinges. There can be either one or two doors. The doors are secured with a latch.
  5. The pallet is exactly the same as the first house.
  6. In this case, the heating lamp is attached to the inside of the sidewall. The power is set experimentally until the desired temperature is achieved.

Brooder for turkey poults

The principle of making a brooder for raising turkey chicks is similar to that described above, although there are some differences. The size directly depends on the number of chicks. Exactly the same as for broilers: than more goals, the larger the structure should be. On one square meter There should not be more than 25 chicks.

To prevent any turkey from getting sick, the inside of the box regularly disinfected and litter changed.

  • Disinfection is carried out with a manganese solution.
  • The temperature during cultivation is maintained at 27 degrees Celsius.
  • The conditions for keeping a turkey poult are similar to those for chickens: dampness, dirt, and drafts are not allowed.
  • Lighting must be constant. The same lamp can provide both heat and light.

Advice: when making a brooder, try to use only new materials, since making it from old boards can bring an infection into the chicks’ house.

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