Botanical characteristics and biological characteristics of onions. Onion Onion taxonomy

Today we will tell you a little about the main characteristics of onions. Below you can see how to properly grow onions in the photo, as well as a detailed description of onions along with its composition.

What is the classification of onions? According to taste, all varieties of onions are divided into three large groups: spicy, semi-sharp and sweet.

Spicy varieties contain a lot of volatile essential oil. They also contain a fixed oil that causes a strong burning sensation in the mouth.

Semi-sharp varieties contain 6–7 times less volatile fraction of essential oils, while sweet varieties contain practically no such oils.

In the composition of onions, there is also a direct relationship between the pungency of the onion and the sugar content in it: the spicier the onion, the more sugars it contains. Thus, in spicy varieties the sugar content is 14–15%, in semi-sharp varieties – 7.5–8% sugar, and in sweet varieties – only 5–6% sugar.

The sharper the onion, the better it will be stored. Sweet onions don't last long.

The shape of the bulbs can be flat, rounded-flat, rounded and cubed.

The color of the outer dry scales can vary from white to purple. It has been noticed that bulbs of varieties that have a flat shape and darker color of the scales are stored better.

According to their nesting capacity, onion varieties are divided into small-nest (1-2 bulbs), medium-nest (3-4 bulbs) and multi-nest (5 or more bulbs). Northern varieties are usually multi-primed and multi-lobed. They are fast-growing and more suitable for forcing into green feathers.

Annual onion crop in the photo

In the middle zone, turnip onions can be obtained from seeds in one year only on garden soils well seasoned with organic and mineral fertilizers. Not all varieties are suitable for this. For onions in an annual crop, sharp and semi-sharp varieties are recommended.

Of the spicy varieties, the most suitable for this purpose are:

Growing onions from seeds

The technology for growing onions from seeds is the same as for sets, but here they are sown more sparsely. The distance between the rows should be 20–25 cm, as when growing onions. The seeding rate for nigella is from 0.5 to 1 g/m2. In order to increase the number of ripened bulbs, the seeding rate can be increased to 1.5 g/m2. If there are dense shoots, thinning is carried out, leaving 4–5 cm between plants. Caring for plants is the same as for sets or onions.

Department of Commodity Research and Expertise of Goods

on merchandising of foodstuffs

Topic: Commodity characteristics of onion vegetables (using the example of onions).

Saint Petersburg

1) Onion vegetables

2) Chemical composition

3) Types of onion vegetables

4) Commercial varieties of onions


1) Onion vegetables

Onion vegetables include fresh green onions, onions, leeks, spring onions, garlic, wild garlic, etc. Onion vegetables are valued due to the presence of a large amount of nutritional, flavoring and aromatic substances in them. The pungent taste and specific smell of onion vegetables is given by essential oil, which has phytoncidal properties.

Onions are the most common onion vegetable. Onion (lat. ALLIUM CEPA L) is a perennial plant of the lily family, up to 1 m high with edible leaves (feathers) and bulbs up to 15 cm in diameter, covered with dry yellowish-orange or reddish shells. The bulb consists of a bottom, from which roots extend downwards, and thickened fleshy scales upward - modified leaves in which nutrients are deposited. In ripe bulbs, the outer scales dry out, forming a shirt that turns into a dried neck at the top. Dry scales (shirt) protect the bulb from moisture evaporation and from penetration of microorganisms. The leaves are tubular, basal. Small whitish flowers are collected in umbels at the ends of hollow flower-bearing arrows. The perianth consists of six leaflets, six stamens, and a pistil with an upper ovary. The fruits are capsules containing up to six black triangular seeds. All parts of the plant have a specific pungent taste and smell, which are determined by the presence of essential oils. Onions bloom in July - August, the fruits ripen in August - September. Not found in the wild. Onions are one of the most common vegetable plants and are cultivated everywhere. Homeland - Asia, the plateau of Iran, according to some authors - Afghanistan.

Bulb structure: 1 - dry scales; 2 - general fleshy scales; 3 - closed scales of primordia; 4 - heel; 5 – bottom.

2) Chemical composition

Onion vegetables have high nutritional value. They contain many essential oils (thiosulfate, allicin), which provide phytoncidal properties, vitamin C, carbohydrates, as well as protecatechinic acid, which has antibiotic properties. Also contains enzymes (inulin, phytin), glycosides, phytoncides, protein, carotene, flavonoids; contain calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

Carbohydrates are represented by sugars (up to 9% in total) - sucrose, maltose, manose, fructose-rafinose, xylose, arabinose, ribose; pentosans (up to 0.5%): hemicellulose (up to 0.6%) and pectin substances (up to 0.6%).

Onion proteins make up 50% nitrogen-containing substances and contain 18 amino acids. In small quantities there are vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, PP, E, H, folic and pantothenic acids; the share of minerals accounts for up to 1.5%.

An alcoholic extract is prepared from onions to stimulate cardiac activity and improve the secretory activity of the glands of the digestive tract. Onions have a calming effect on the nervous system. For spring vitamin deficiency, green onions are very useful, they can satisfy the human body’s need for vitamin C.

Chemical composition of onion vegetables

Types of onion vegetables Content (average)
% mg/100g
Water Sahara Squirrels Vitamin C Essential oils

Bulb onions:


Onion (green) 91-93 1,5-2,5 2,5-3,0 13-23 5-21
Leek 87-90 0,4-0,8 2,1-2,8 16-24 15-20
Onion 91-93 2,4-3,9 1,5-1,9 42-74 5-8
Chives 87-89 2,3-3,7 4,1-4,5 80-98 21-26
Slime Bow 90-92 2,4-5,1 1,7-1,9 19-77 2-11
Garlic 57-64 0,3-0,7 6,0-8,0 7-16 40-140
3) Types of onion vegetables

In total, there are about 30 genera and 650 species of onions in the world. Onions grow wild all over the world. And only in Australia they are not. No matter how a plant of this family looks, one property will always set it apart from others - a special onion smell. The most common and well-known types of bows are:

Onions are the most common in this group. According to its chemical composition, it is conventionally divided into spicy, semi-sharp and sweet. Acute is distinguished by a high (up to 15%) content of dry substances, including sugars (up to 12-15%), essential oils (up to 155 mg/100 g) and glycosides. The less pronounced sensation of sweetness of onion varieties with a high sugar content is explained by the lower amount of water and significant amount of glycosides in them, the bitter taste of which reduces the sensation of sweetness.

The spicy varieties include Mstersky, Rostovsky, Strigunovsky, Bessonovsky and others. Semi-sharp onions occupy a middle position between spicy and sweet. Common varieties are Krasnodar, Samarkand, Danilovsky, Kaba, etc. Sweet onions contain more water and significantly less glycosides, so the sensation of sweetness is more pronounced even with a small amount of sugars. Varieties - Spanish, Yalta, etc.

The chemical composition of onion vegetables depends on the variety, place of growth, conditions and shelf life.

Onion forms a false stem and succulent leaves richer in vitamin C, carotene, potassium, magnesium and iron than onion. Onion has all the properties of onions, because it contains carotene, vitamins B1, B2, D, and more vitamin C than onions. Since ancient times, its properties associated with the presence of essential oils have been known. It serves as a disinfectant. In folk medicine it is used for influenza and dysentery. Onion is good for health, as it contains many other useful substances: potassium, calcium, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, iodine. This is a good diaphoretic, hemostatic agent. Onion is recommended for hypertension, it stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and affects the nervous system; Boiled with sugar, soothes cough. Nasal drops are prepared from it for a runny nose.

Chives (chives) are perennial and produce tubular, tender leaves. The main nutritional value is represented by young green leaves, which contain vitamin C, B1, B2, and carotene. The presence of many mineral salts, sugars, and phytoncidal properties make it not only a nutritious product, but also a medicinal plant. It improves the secretory function of the intestines, stimulates appetite, is useful for the prevention of colds, is used for progressive atherosclerosis, and has an anthelmintic effect.

Leeks are perennial, forming a long, juicy stalk and leaves that become coarser as they age. Leeks are a valuable food product, containing protein, carbohydrates, vitamins C, carotene, E, B1, B2, PP and others. The characteristic smell is due to the presence of essential oils, which include sulfur. Among mineral salts, potassium salts predominate. Leek contains sugar, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, magnesium. The presence of many beneficial substances makes leeks a very nutritious and medicinal product. It is used as a diuretic and choleretic agent. The presence of essential oils helps improve appetite, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, and at the same time does not irritate the digestive organs. Useful for atherosclerosis and metabolic disorders. It has the ability to purify the blood, therefore it is useful from a preventive point of view for many diseases. Recommended for use for rheumatism, gout, obesity, kidney stones, liver stones, etc.

A multi-tiered bow forms a rosette of narrow leaves and arrows. Rosettes of leaves also grow on the arrows, and so on in several tiers. Multi-tiered onions are rich in vitamin C, the largest amount of which is found in the leaves. There is also carotene, vitamins B1, B2, PP. Puffed bulbs contain a lot of sugars, up to 14%. Like all types of onions, multi-tiered onions contain essential oils. It has high phytoncidal properties and is used as an anti-inflammatory agent for colds and other diseases. It disinfects the gastrointestinal tract well and treats hypertension. Used as a multivitamin plant.

Altai (mountain) onion forms a large bulb of thick, juicy scales; As it ages, it becomes tough and is only suitable for boiled, fried or canning.

Garlic is a complex bulb consisting of cloves that have individual and common shells. The high content of allicin, protocatechinic and pantothenic acids, vitamins, and minerals determines the phytoncidal and antibiotic properties of garlic and its widespread use in fresh form, in cooking, the canning industry, and in medicine.

Garlic is distinguished as non-shooting (spring) - the cloves are small, there are many of them; bolting - there are fewer cloves (5-10 pieces), but they are larger. Varieties of bolting - Gribovsky, Yubileiny, Poleti, etc.; spring - Bryansk, Vitebsk, etc.

Wild garlic - young tender leaves and onion are eaten. The smell is garlicky. Used fresh and canned.

4) Commercial varieties of onions

M.V. Alekseeva (1960) proposed a classification of onions, according to which the species includes four varieties: southern, central Russian, northern and shallots. Within the Southern and Central Russian subgroups, Central Asian and Caucasian, Ukrainian and Central Russian subgroups are distinguished.

The basis for the classification of onion varieties proposed by F.A. Tkachenko (1967), a complex of morphological, biological and economic characteristics is established, according to which they are divided into spicy, semi-sharp, sweet and shallots.

Hot onions include earlier ripening and less productive varieties. The bulbs of these varieties have a long dormant period, are shelf-stable, and are characterized by a high content of dry matter, sugars and essential oil. The threshold for the sensation of the smell of spicy onions corresponds to a juice concentration in water of 5 mg/l and a content of 0.16% pyruvic acid in onion juice. The bulbs of pungent varieties are covered with several dense, dry outer scales. This makes them suitable for mechanized harvesting. The most common varieties are Arzamassky, Bessonovsky, Strigunovsky, Rostovsky, Spassky, etc.

Semi-sharp onion varieties have a longer growing season and higher yields. Their bulbs are less dense, with thick and medium juicy scales. They produce little external dry scale. In terms of chemical composition, semi-sharp varieties are inferior to acute ones. The rest period is relatively short. Keeping quality is average. Onions are obtained mainly from seeds in one year. The varieties of this group are mid- and late-ripening with medium-dense juicy bulbs that have loosely adjacent dry outer scales. During mechanized harvesting and post-harvest processing, bulbs are easily exposed and injured. Regardless of the type of harvesting, manual or mechanized, bulbs of semi-sharp varieties are characterized by poor keeping quality and transportability. They are intended mainly for fresh consumption and processing in food processing plants in the first half of the autumn-winter period. The most common onion varieties are Danilovsky, Kaba, Samarkandsky, Red, Zolotoy Shar, Dnestrovsky.

Sweet onions include varieties with high taste qualities. They have the longest growing season and high yield. Their bulbs consist of thick internal juicy scales (about 3-5 mm), not tightly covered with dry external scales. The rest period is very short, keeping quality is poor. The threshold for smelling sweet onions corresponds to a juice concentration in water of 20 mg/l and a content of 0.04% pyruvic acid in onion juice. Sweet varieties are grown mainly in the south. In Ukraine and the northern part of Russia, they are grown less, since it takes 140-160 warm days to obtain a marketable bulb. In addition, sweet bulbs are very difficult to harvest and process mechanically. Of the sweet varieties of onions, the most important are Yalta, Spanish, Lungansky and others.

The State Register of the Russian Federation includes the following varieties of onions:

spicy, early ripening - Apogee, Bessonovsky local, Voronezhsky 86, F1 Zolotisty Semko, Zolotnichok, Penza, Pogarsky local improved, Strigunovsky local, Sheldaissky, Stuttgarter Riesen, Yukont; mid-early - Borodkovsky; mid-season - Aleko, Arzamas local, Danilovsky 301, Moldavsky, Spassky local improved, Chalcedony, Eldorado;

semi-sharp, early ripening - Karatalsky, Kasatik, Myachnikovsky 300, Annual Siberian, Annual Khavsky 74, F1 Early pink, Ellan; mid-early - Volgogradets, F1 Daytona; mid-season - Azelros, Krasnodar G 35, Odintsovets, Stimul; mid-late - Kaba, Lugansk;

sweet - Spanish 313.

The color of the bulb depends on the variety and can be yellow with various shades, white and blue-violet. Hot varieties of onions are preserved better than sweet ones, since the latter contain more moisture and less essential oils. Onions are harvested after the bulb is well formed and covered with one or two shirts (covering scales), and the tops (green feather) have withered. The edible part of onions are the expanded bases of the leaves, where nutrients are concentrated.

Onions removed from the ground are dried in air and sorted. There are two commercial grades: 1st and 2nd. The 1st grade includes well-ripened onions. Onions are transported in bags or tied into wreaths weighing 2-4 kg. The weight of one onion is 25-400 g. Onions are stored in vegetable stores on racks or hanging (wreaths) at a temperature of 10°. For long-term storage, onions are prepared by drying. With this harvesting method, it loses some of the essential oils and vitamins.

Also, onion varieties are divided according to the length of the growing season into early 90-100 days, average 100-120 days, late more than 120 days. The size of the bulbs is small - less than 50 g, medium - 50-100 g, large - more than 100 g. According to the number of bulbs in the nest - small-nest 1-2, medium-nest 3-4 and multi-nest - more than 4 bulbs.

Onions are eaten fresh, boiled, fried, canned and dried, and are also used for medicinal purposes. It has been known in culture for over 5 thousand years. Many varieties have been bred, differing in taste and number of bulbs, as well as early ripening. Onions are very popular in Russia. The average consumption of onions per person per year in our country is about 10 kg.

5) Requirements for the quality of onion vegetables. Features of storing onion vegetables

Requirements for the quality of onion vegetables.

The main requirements for the quality of onions are the size of the largest transverse diameter and the appearance that the bulbs must meet. They must be well ripened, without diseases, undamaged, with well-dried upper scales and a neck 2 to 5 cm long. Bulbs with cracks in the outer scales, as well as forked ones, are allowed. The standard provides for tolerances for bulbs with a neck length of 5-10 cm of no more than 5% of the mass, less than the established dimensions, with deviations in color, bare, with minor dry contamination, mechanically damaged - in total no more than 5%. In a batch of garlic, the standard allows for the content of no more than 4% of the mass of bulbs without 3-5 cloves and no more than 1% of healthy, fallen cloves.


The onion storage mode is differentiated into: preparatory period (drying, warming), cooling, main and spring. Several technology options for harvesting, drying and storing onions have been developed:

Onions are harvested with leaves manually or by a harvesting machine, dried in the field or at a stationary point, dry leaves are trimmed by hand or crushed on a kneading machine, sorted and loaded into storage;

The onions are removed with their leaves, placed in a storage dryer, dried and stored here. Thinning of the leaves and commercial processing of the bulbs is carried out after storage before sale or planting in the field;

The onions are harvested with simultaneous removal of leaves, sorted and placed in a storage dryer for drying and storage.

The results of onion storage are influenced by many factors, including natural shelf life. Acute and semi-acute varieties with a long dormant period, having denser, well-fitting integumentary scales and characterized by a higher content of dry matter, sugars, and essential oils have high natural and genetic keeping quality. In addition, onions grown from sets are better stored than onions grown from nigella seeds. Therefore, it is better to use such bulbs for fresh food or for canning in the fall first.

Onions stored for storage must comply with GOST. During long-term storage, the optimal harvesting period and preliminary preparation of products for storage, which consists of drying, sorting, trimming, and packaging, are of particular importance. Optimal harvesting times must be observed. Delay in harvesting onions leads to the formation of a secondary root system, which increases the number of diseased bulbs and sharply reduces its keeping quality.

It is very important to dry the onions before storing them at a temperature of +25... +35°C and then heat them for 10-12 hours at a temperature of +42... +45°C and bring the humidity of the outer scales to 14-16%. Bulbs dried and disinfected in this way have a high shelf life and produce minimal waste during storage.

The ripening of onions is essential. For long-term storage, well-ripened onions are placed, with a thin closed neck, with a typical “shirt” formed for the variety, not affected by diseases. Onions damaged by onion fly larvae, nematodes and affected by downy mildew, bottom and neck rot are not suitable for long-term storage.

Before storing onions, the onions are sorted, discarding bulbs with thick necks, moldy ones, those with mechanical damage and those affected by diseases. They should be covered with dry, tight-fitting scales. When cutting leaves, the neck is left 3-6 cm long. Bulbs with an uncovered neck are not suitable for long-term storage. When onions are stored in braids or wreaths, the leaves are not trimmed.

At home, any dry heated or unheated premises are used to store onions. You cannot store it in the same room with other vegetables that require higher air humidity. The room (basement, insulated shed, warm attic, etc.) intended for storing mother onions is whitewashed with a lime solution with the addition of copper oxychloride (2.5 kg of slaked lime and 100 g of copper oxychloride per 10 liters of water).

Storing onions in containers is effective. Onion sets are placed in tray boxes, which are installed in stacks 2 m or more high. In such a container, the onions are well ventilated.

When storing queen onions, it is more convenient to use large-capacity containers - boxes with slots for 20-25 kg. 20 boxes are placed on a standard pallet and cargo packages weighing 400-500 kg are formed. Using an electric forklift, a stack of packages is formed into 3-4 tiers.

Dried onions for food purposes are stored in containers of 180-200 kg, installed in the refrigerator chambers in a stack of 4-5 in height.

Onions are stored well in 35-40 kg thick polyethylene bags. Open bags are placed vertically on rack-mounted pallets, which are placed using an electric forklift in storage rooms in 4-5 tiers.

In the southern regions, onions are stored in trenches 0.7 m deep and wide, up to 10 m long. With this storage, onions can be layered with chaff and light soil.

Sometimes food onions and mother onions are stored in piles 1.2-1.4 m wide, 10-15 m long, pit depth 0.2-0.3 m. The bottom is lined with straw, and the onions are layered with it.

In the spring and summer, onions are reloaded into refrigerators or stored in snow. Snowmaking is carried out in dense boxes of 10-15 kg. If at the end of storage a root lobe forms, the onion must be dried.

Onions (food onions) are stored at a temperature of -1.-3°C. The breathing intensity and total losses under such conditions are the lowest.

If onions are stored at production sites and sold directly to the consumer, then the products are placed in a storage facility equipped with refrigeration units. Hot varieties of onions are stored at a temperature of - 1... - 3°C, semi-sharp and sweet varieties 0...1°C and a relative air humidity of 80 - 90%. Place onions in containers (semi-containers, mesh and open plastic bags installed on rack-mounted pallets, slatted boxes and trays arranged in stacks) or loosely (in bulk) in a layer of 2.5-4 m with active ventilation.

With the warm method, onions are stored during the main period at a temperature of 18...22°C and air humidity of 60...70% (at room conditions).

A combined cold-warm method is also used: in the fall, until the onset of stable cold weather, the temperature in the storage is maintained at 18...22°C, then the onions are cooled and stored at a temperature of - 1... - 3°C. During the thaw and spring, onions are transferred to a warm storage method. The combined method is more economical than the warm one.

Mother onions planted for seed purposes are stored at a temperature of 2...5°C. When storing such onions at low positive temperatures, losses are reduced and conditions are created for timely preparation for generative development. Temperatures below 0°C and above 18°C ​​are unsuitable for storing queen onions, as they delay the processes of bud differentiation. 2 weeks before planting in the field, the temperature in the onion mass is raised to 18-20°C.

The warm method of storing mother onions of spicy varieties ensures good preservation of the product, early bolting, flowering and seed ripening. Pre-planting warming of mother onions of acute varieties at a temperature of 18...25°C for 15 - 25 days is effective, which also accelerates the growth and formation of generative organs in the bulbs, and, consequently, flowering and seed ripening.

Onion sets intended for growing marketable bulbs and onion picks for feathers are stored at such a temperature that they do not sprout, that is, they exclude the differentiation of buds, and prepare them for generative development. Such conditions are created at temperatures below 0°C (-1,-3°C; cold method) or above 18°C ​​(18-25°C, warm method). Cold storage is possible in the refrigerator, warm - in a heated room. These methods are expensive.

Costs can be reduced if you use a cold-warm method of storing the sets. It lies in the fact that after harvesting, during the first storage period, onion sets are stored warmly at a temperature of 18-20°C. In winter, the storage is quickly cooled down and the seedlings are stored in a cold way - at a temperature of - 1.-3°C. In the spring, when warming comes, they switch to a warm storage method: the temperature is raised to 25-35°C, and after 2-5 days, when the onions warm up, they lower it to 18-25°C and store it like that until planting.

Relative air humidity at positive temperatures is 50 - 70%, at negative temperatures - 80...90%. As a result of such storage, less waste of onion sets is obtained, fuel consumption and operating costs are reduced. Deviation from the optimal regime contributes to an increase in waste due to the spread of diseases and an increase in natural weight loss.

The processes of bud differentiation depend not only on temperature, but also on the size of the bulb and, consequently, on the supply of plastic substances in it. The smaller the size of the onion set, the fewer shoots it forms and the greater the loss from drying out.


1. Shevchenko V.V.; "Commodity research and examination of consumer goods"; SPb.: INFRA, 2001.

Gross (g) Net weight (g) Yogurt 750 750 Apple cider vinegar 150 150 Garlic 25 20 Honey 50 50 Spices 30 30 Salt 30 30 Yield 1 liter 4. Development of an assortment and technological process for preparing vegetable salads A salad is a cold dish consisting of one a type or mixture of various vegetables, usually without beets, dressed with mayonnaise sauce, dressing or...

A certain combination of food products, seasonality, national characteristics, cost of dishes, labor intensity of their preparation. The menu is compiled taking into account regulatory, technical and methodological documentation (Collection of recipes for dishes for schoolchildren, price lists for school meals developed in the Union republics, etc.). When developing a diet, the following standards are provided...

...: Salty feta is used in salads, halloumi is often grilled, and amari, a mild, mild cheese like ricotta, is used in sweet and savory dishes. The unusual aroma of Greek cuisine is also achieved by using rosemary, basil, parsley, coriander, oregano and mint. Greek cuisine is based on simplicity of tastes, high-quality fresh products, transformed with the help of aromatic, ...

Department of Commodity Research and Expertise of Goods

on merchandising of foodstuffs

Topic: Commodity characteristics of onion vegetables (using the example of onions).

Saint Petersburg

1) Onion vegetables

2) Chemical composition

3) Types of onion vegetables

4) Commercial varieties of onions

5) Requirements for the quality of onion vegetables. Features of storing onion vegetables


1) Onion vegetables

Onion vegetables include fresh green onion , bulb onions , leek , onion , garlic, wild garlic etc. Onion vegetables are valued due to the presence of a large amount of nutritional, flavoring and aromatic substances in them. The pungent taste and specific smell of onion vegetables is given by essential oil, which has phytoncidal properties.

Bulb onions is the most common among onion vegetables. Onion (lat. ALLIUM CEPA L)- a perennial plant of the lily family, up to 1 m high with edible leaves (feathers) and bulbs up to 15 cm in diameter, covered with dry yellowish-orange or reddish shells. The bulb consists of a bottom, from which roots extend downwards, and thickened fleshy scales upward - modified leaves in which nutrients are deposited. In ripe bulbs, the outer scales dry out, forming a shirt that turns into a dried neck at the top. Dry scales (shirt) protect the bulb from moisture evaporation and from penetration of microorganisms. The leaves are tubular, basal. Small whitish flowers are collected in umbels at the ends of hollow flower-bearing arrows. The perianth consists of six leaflets, six stamens, and a pistil with an upper ovary. The fruits are capsules containing up to six black triangular seeds. All parts of the plant have a specific pungent taste and smell, which are determined by the presence of essential oils. Bulb onions blooms in July - August, fruits ripen in August - September. Not found in the wild. Bulb onions- one of the most common vegetable plants, cultivated everywhere. Homeland - Asia, the plateau of Iran, according to some authors - Afghanistan.

Bulb structure: 1 - dry scales; 2 - general fleshy scales; 3 - closed scales of primordia; 4 - heel; 5 – bottom.

2) Chemical composition

Onion vegetables have high nutritional value. They contain many essential oils (thiosulfate, allicin), which provide phytoncidal properties, vitamin C, carbohydrates, as well as protecatechinic acid, which has antibiotic properties. Also contains enzymes (inulin, phytin), glycosides, phytoncides, protein, carotene, flavonoids; contain calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

Carbohydrates are represented by sugars (up to 9% in total) - sucrose, maltose, manose, fructose-rafinose, xylose, arabinose, ribose; pentosans (up to 0.5%): hemicellulose (up to 0.6%) and pectin substances (up to 0.6%).

Onion proteins make up 50% nitrogen-containing substances and contain 18 amino acids. In small quantities there are vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, PP, E, H, folic and pantothenic acids; the share of minerals accounts for up to 1.5%.

An alcoholic extract is prepared from onions to stimulate cardiac activity and improve the secretory activity of the glands of the digestive tract. Onions have a calming effect on the nervous system. For spring vitamin deficiency, green onions are very useful, they can satisfy the human body’s need for vitamin C.

Chemical composition of onion vegetables

Types of onion vegetables Content (average)
% mg/100g
Water Sahara Squirrels Vitamin C Essential oils
Onions: spicy semi-sharp sweet 79-85 82-87 87-92 12-15 8-12 6-9 1,3-2,8 1,0-2,0 1,3-1,5 7-10 6-11 5-10 18-155 15-40 10-20
Onion (green) 91-93 1,5-2,5 2,5-3,0 13-23 5-21
Leek 87-90 0,4-0,8 2,1-2,8 16-24 15-20
Onion 91-93 2,4-3,9 1,5-1,9 42-74 5-8
Chives 87-89 2,3-3,7 4,1-4,5 80-98 21-26
Slime Bow 90-92 2,4-5,1 1,7-1,9 19-77 2-11
Garlic 57-64 0,3-0,7 6,0-8,0 7-16 40-140

3) Types of onion vegetables

In total, there are about 30 genera and 650 species of onions in the world. Onions grow wild all over the world. And only in Australia they are not. No matter how a plant of this family looks, one property will always set it apart from others - a special onion smell. The most common and well-known types of bows are:

Bulb onions - the most common in this group. According to its chemical composition, it is conventionally divided into spicy, semi-sharp and sweet. Acute is distinguished by a high (up to 15%) content of dry substances, including sugars (up to 12-15%), essential oils (up to 155 mg/100 g) and glycosides. The less pronounced sensation of sweetness of onion varieties with a high sugar content is explained by the lower amount of water and significant amount of glycosides in them, the bitter taste of which reduces the sensation of sweetness.

The spicy varieties include Mstersky, Rostovsky, Strigunovsky, Bessonovsky and others. Semi-sharp onions occupy a middle position between spicy and sweet. Common varieties are Krasnodar, Samarkand, Danilovsky, Kaba, etc. Sweet onions contain more water and significantly less glycosides, so the sensation of sweetness is more pronounced even with a small amount of sugars. Varieties - Spanish, Yalta, etc.

The chemical composition of onion vegetables depends on the variety, place of growth, conditions and shelf life.

Onion onions produce a false stem and succulent leaves richer in vitamin C, carotene, potassium, magnesium and iron than onions. Onion has all the properties of onions, because it contains carotene, vitamins B1, B2, D, and more vitamin C than onions. Since ancient times, its properties associated with the presence of essential oils have been known. It serves as a disinfectant. In folk medicine it is used for influenza and dysentery. Onion is good for health, as it contains many other useful substances: potassium, calcium, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, iodine. This is a good diaphoretic, hemostatic agent. Onion is recommended for hypertension, it stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and affects the nervous system; Boiled with sugar, soothes cough. Nasal drops are prepared from it for a runny nose.

Chives ( cutter) - perennial, forms tubular tender leaves. The main nutritional value is represented by young green leaves, which contain vitamin C, B1, B2, and carotene. The presence of many mineral salts, sugars, and phytoncidal properties make it not only a nutritious product, but also a medicinal plant. It improves the secretory function of the intestines, stimulates appetite, is useful for the prevention of colds, is used for progressive atherosclerosis, and has an anthelmintic effect.

Leek - perennial, forms a long, succulent stem and leaves that become coarser as they age. Leeks are a valuable food product, containing protein, carbohydrates, vitamins C, carotene, E, B1, B2, PP and others. The characteristic smell is due to the presence of essential oils, which include sulfur. Among mineral salts, potassium salts predominate. Leek contains sugar, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, magnesium. The presence of many beneficial substances makes leeks a very nutritious and medicinal product. It is used as a diuretic and choleretic agent. The presence of essential oils helps improve appetite, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, and at the same time does not irritate the digestive organs. Useful for atherosclerosis and metabolic disorders. It has the ability to purify the blood, therefore it is useful from a preventive point of view for many diseases. Recommended for use for rheumatism, gout, obesity, kidney stones, liver stones, etc.

A multi-tiered onion forms a rosette of narrow leaves and arrows. Rosettes of leaves also grow on the arrows, and so on in several tiers. Multi-tiered onions are rich in vitamin C, the largest amount of which is found in the leaves. There is also carotene, vitamins B1, B2, PP. Puffed bulbs contain a lot of sugars, up to 14%. Like all types of onions, multi-tiered onions contain essential oils. It has high phytoncidal properties and is used as an anti-inflammatory agent for colds and other diseases. It disinfects the gastrointestinal tract well and treats hypertension. Used as a multivitamin plant.

Altai onion ( mountain) forms a large bulb of thick juicy scales; As it ages, it becomes tough and is only suitable for boiled, fried or canning.

Garlic - a complex bulb consisting of cloves that have individual and common shells. The high content of allicin, protocatechinic and pantothenic acids, vitamins, and minerals determines the phytoncidal and antibiotic properties of garlic and its widespread use in fresh form, in cooking, the canning industry, and in medicine.

Garlic is distinguished as non-shooting (spring) - the cloves are small, there are many of them; bolting - there are fewer cloves (5-10 pieces), but they are larger. Varieties of bolting - Gribovsky, Yubileiny, Poleti, etc.; spring - Bryansk, Vitebsk, etc.

Cheremsha - Young tender leaves and onions are eaten. The smell is garlicky. Used fresh and canned.

4) Commercial varieties of onions

M.V. Alekseeva (1960) proposed a classification of onions, according to which the species includes four varieties: southern, central Russian, northern and shallots. Within the Southern and Central Russian subgroups, Central Asian and Caucasian, Ukrainian and Central Russian subgroups are distinguished.

The world varietal diversity of onions, available in the VIR collection (more than 2000 samples imported from 53 countries), was studied in various geographical conditions of our country - in the Arctic, in the Non-Black Earth Zone of the RSFSR, in the Urals, Ukraine, Krasnodar Territory, Uzbekistan, Abkhazia and in the Far East.

In addition, the samples were studied under different conditions of the same geographical location, for example at different altitudes, at different sowing dates, methods of culture, or different irrigation rates and timing of planting seeds, in protected and open ground, on different soils, etc. .

Onions are a long-day plant. In this regard, the study of varietal diversity was carried out not only under natural conditions at different day lengths (from the Arctic to Tashkent), but also under artificial conditions, where photoperiods of different lengths were additionally created.

All this, undoubtedly, allowed us to give a broader characterization of the collection under study not only by morphological, but also by biological, physiological and biochemical characteristics.

The classification of onion varieties proposed to us is certainly not a complete system. In some cases, we combined into one variety type varieties that were similar to each other in some important characteristics. This applies mainly to varieties bred in recent years, the characteristics of which vary to a greater extent under the influence of changing growing conditions. With the comprehensive study of newly created varieties, the need to identify new varieties will arise.

Modern classification. The study of an extensive collection of onions in various geographical locations showed the polymorphism of the species, which made it possible to place all the available varieties of the world into a certain system. We divide the varietal diversity of onions into 3 subspecies: typical (western) - subsp. sulfur, southern - subsp. australe Trof. and eastern - subsp. orientate Kaz. Within each subspecies, we have identified varieties that were formed in a variety of geographical conditions. This determined the multifaceted ecological adaptability of the subspecies and the species as a whole, due to which the obtained material represents a most valuable object for research.

On the vast territory of the Soviet Union, with its varied climatic and soil conditions, varieties of all three subspecies and varieties are cultivated.

Within each subspecies, varieties are clearly distinguished, uniting groups of varieties that are similar to each other in general biological and physiological properties and also in a set of economically useful traits. The study of a large number of samples from various places of origin, localized in certain climatic zones of the globe, showed that within the subspecies of the southern, western (typical) and eastern, well-defined groups have emerged that have common biological, hereditarily fixed properties and characteristics determined by the habitat.

There is not a single gardener who would not grow onions in his beds.

And not only because not a single culinary dish can do without it - onions have a wide range of healing properties.

It also has significant benefits for vegetable beds - onions repel many pests with their smell.

Varietal classification of onions

Before growing onions, you should understand its varieties - the quality of the harvest will depend on this.

After all, some varieties are suitable for winter storage, while others should be consumed only fresh.

Some subspecies of onions are grown from seeds (they are annuals), while others need 2 years to obtain a full-fledged onion (they go through the stages of “nigella” and “set”).

And any of the varieties of onions is characterized by its taste: spicy, semi-sharp and sweet.

Another characteristic by which onion varieties are classified is thermophilicity:

  • Southern onion varieties in the northern regions they lose their advantages (and sometimes do not even take root). Their bulbs are usually large, elongated or round in shape, with a semi-sharp or sweet taste. These varieties are classified as salad varieties and are not suitable for winter storage.
  • “Northern” onion variety has a lighter bulb of an original shape (multi-locular or flattened). This subspecies of onions has only a pungent taste, but the vegetable stores well.

To grow onions, one should also take into account its regional characteristics, because most varieties were created by breeders for specific territories (as evidenced by some names).

Common varieties of onions

So, when purchasing onions for planting, choose varieties based on your place of residence.

Southern regions

  • "Rostov local"- applies to biennials. Ripens within 2.5-3 months. Despite the fact that this is a southern variety, it has a pungent taste and has good shelf life.
  • "Krasnodar"- annual plant with a ripening period of 4 months. This variety has a pinkish bulb with a semi-sharp flavor.

Non-Black Earth Region

  • "Strigunovsky"- biennial with pinkish bulb and pungent taste. The variety is very good for storage. The ripening period is 3 months.
  • "Kaba"- grown by seedlings from seeds. The large, cast-iron-shaped bulb has slightly brown scales and has a semi-sharp taste. The maximum growing period is 4.5 months.

Universal varieties of onions (for many regions)